Tahiri Veila - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I was looking for Anahiri fanart (because I am a huge fan of SW Legends), and I found one of the top results tagged as Percabeth fanart. I love both fandoms, and I know that at this point the old EU is less well known than what is being pushed by Disney now, but PJO fans could’ve noticed that neither Percy nor Annabeth would wear orange flight suits, and that Anakin Solo’s hair is different from Percy Jackson’s (admittedly, Annabeth and Tahiri resemble each other, though eye color is different).

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1 year ago

Hypothetically, if I were to write a Star Wars EU/PJO crossover fic, would anyone read it? I need motivation! I have lots of ideas but chapter 1 is the hard part, and I haven't managed to get my hands on any Fate of the Jedi books, so I need someone to help me kill off Tahiri in a heroic way (I was planning on when she and Boba are fighting Abeloth, but I have zero context, and a much better understanding of her early characterization than when she's older and kinda darkside). Please comment/offer advice.

The plot bit is going to be a reincarnation AU where Anahiri becomes Percabeth. I thought of it when discussing PJO with friends and remembering how someone tagged Anahiri fanart as Percabeth. Like PJO second chance at life as a reward for a horrible SW one and for helping banish Abeloth?

I want to make sure it's not too niche before really committing.

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1 year ago

Haha, yes! I'm still a diehard fan of the line "I know something about pain you don't. Pain drowns other people. I just swim in it." from NJO. My top 5 characters don't end up on most people's radar because they're from the EU books.

the WORST part about enjoying star wars is that one movie or tv show or comic or book or video game could objectively be the most terrible thing you've ever consumed or it's just not really anything special to you but it'll have like 1 scene or character or quote or shot or piece of music that is one of your FAVORITES in all of star wars. you walk up to any star wars fan and ask them what their favorite moment in their least favorite part of star wars is and they will have an answer ON HAND. and the answer is always something usually HUGE they'll be like "this movie made me wish star wars had never been made but this one scene changed who i am as a person" or like "this narrative decision was probably the worst ever put on film but it's the reason i met my spouse" and it never stops. something new will come out and you'll be like "oh that disney+ series number 10 thousand wasnt that great or necessary tbh but there was one moment that legitimately moved me and i hate that" and you just have to live with that. enjoying star wars is a fucking curse

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1 year ago

I would like there to be a fic where the "three solobrats" and early love interests (YJK, JJK era, so A/T, J/TK, J/Z) end up time-travelling to the prequel era (probably shortly after Geonosis), and the Organa-Solo kids are excited to meet their not-evil-yet granddad.

This goes off the rails when Tahiri freaks out as soon as Anakin 1.0 enters because that is the monster of folklore who slaughtered a whole tribe of Tuskens, down to the youngest baby.

Because you can't convince me that in this AU a) Anakin doesn't go down as some sort of ghost/horror story in Tusken culture, and b) curious baby force-sensitive Tahiri didn't wander off at some point and end up seeing the echo of the slaughter.

The prequel-era council obviously freaks out about 1. the time travel, 2. some of the time travelers are Anakin 1.0's descendants, 3. Anakin 1.0 apparently committed genocide (note: the fandom doesn't view this with the right amount of horror, even in light of his second genocide--the Jedi), and decides to temporarily suspend his duties until they can perform an investigation of sorts into his decision-making capabilities.

Anakin 1.0 is initially thrilled because OMG GRANDKIDS and one of them is named after him (wahoo!!), but quickly becomes pissy because the friend of his mini-me (EW, she was raised by Tusken Raiders [careful Ani1, your racism is showing] even though she's human) gets him in trouble with the council.

Anakin 2.0 now has even more issues/worries about his namesake, and turning out like him [note: this was a big plot point in his early appearances].

Jaina & Jacen are kinda worried about this because now their granddad was bad from an earlier point??? and they don't know what to do with that. (Jacen is jumping from joy because a bunch of animals that went extinct during the Empire's rule are still alive; Jaina finds out there were apparently seven lightsaber forms before Knightfall, and decides to crash all the basic training classes. This is hilarious because she's older than the enrolled students for the more basic forms like Shii-cho.)

Tenel Ka and Zekk are along for the ride:

("Wait, she's the heir to the Hapes Consortium?" "yes" "and they're letting her be a Jedi too?" "yep" "politically is that allowed?!?" "I mean her mom's from Dathomir?" **jedi padawan noises of imploded worldview**)

("so Zekk what about you" "oh, I'm a Coruscanti street rat :)" "ah ok, so the order found you easily!" "I guess your version would, but the Jedi got massacred, so I didn't start training until I was a teenager :)" **choking noises** "oh yeah, Emperor Palpatine was a total hardass, I'm so glad my friend's parents got rid of him, I'd probably be dead or totally evil if he was still in power" --at this point the padawan(s?) they're chatting to [maybe Barriss; she seems politically aware enough to worry about the heir of a major political power also being a Jedi--she's probably also read about Xanatos] decides to bring them to the council)

It goes something like "Didn't they mention, Darth Vader & the clones slaughtered pretty much the entire Order. Some of the younger padawans escaped (their masters died for them (and oh, doesn't that hit hard)) and ran until dark siders who served the Emperor hunted them down (this can be vaguely compliant with some Rebels content; assume the Rebellion-era is more fusion with new canon, except Thrawn doesn't engage as much with the Lothal cell, and thus is around for the Thrawn trilogy on to proceed (thus inquisitors exist and so too do the Hands--maybe Mara is Palpy's spy in the inquisorius's ranks; Starkiller can be Vader's; Death Star plan theft follows TFU more than R1) it hits hard that some of their own (their children, their future) work to destroy the vestiges of what they were).

Then they find out that Darth Vader, the Sith Apprentice--the emperor's attack dog, his right hand--is Anakin (1.0), the boy they took in, the one they protected, the one some viewed as their savior, the boy winning battle after battle, the one shining bright, the Hero With No Fear, the boy whose fear of losing everything, everyone he cares about is slowly tearing him to shreds, the foolish, foolish boy who will doom the galaxy to save one person and fail at that, the buy who burned and burned, scorching those around him until he was alone, and still burning, until he burned himself to save another foolish boy, the younger burning like a candle, steadily, warmly, rather than like the sun, and Anakin (they can't bring themselves to hate him, even knowing what he will do--they see the sweet child who loved his mother, who wanted to free all the slaves in the galaxy), seeing the warm, kind candlelight of the other boy, the brave, foolish child, his child, his son, and knowing he will burn him, sees the vacuum of space (the cold, cold man who made him burn everyone, who made him lose everyone, until only the vacuum was left behind, the only one he could not burn away), sure to take the air around the lone, kind candle, and the sun (Anakin) burns itself (himself) out, becomes a supernova to push the vacuum (empty, cold, always hungry) away from the candle (the son), and saves the brave, foolish boy who came to help him, but he feared burning most of all (the burning sun of Tatooine burns himself out, after burning with hatred for the better part of two decades, for another desert child, one who burns with warmth, like a hearthfire, and asks for the girl who burns (with the passion of justice, with compassion, the girl who is like him but not for instead of burning the world for those she loves, she who would burn herself out, the girl who would burn her enemies (those who seek the harm the world) for any who deserve kindness, who burns internally, but is willing to burn others as well) to forgive him, and she does, eventually, she names her steady hearthfire of a son after him, and hopes against hope that he (her son, one of her three suns) will have a happy ending, that he will not burn himself out like his grandfather, his namesake [Anakin, her son, he burns too: for his siblings (they will burn as well, his brother like his grandfather--maybe he should have been Anakin instead--and his sister, burning, the one to put out her twin's light, twin suns of Tatooine, one snuffed out the other), his friends (they break apart, the group splintering, fragmented after the war is won; even before), his love (she breaks, in a way not even being shaped by the black holes, put under pressure in the hope of her becoming one, can do; for a while she fades away to almost nothing, invisible, until the brother, seeing the broken, invisible girl takes her, and tries to make the broken puppet of a girl dance for him; it works for a time, building more cracks in her skin until she shatters, and the people who loved him, Anakin the second, the bright boy who burned himself away too soon, see the girl again, no longer invisible, and try to help her [pray they are not too late to put her (shattered, porcelain, crushed spirit, a shell of her former bright self) together again]), for the galaxy; but at this part of the story we don't know his fate, to burn and burn until there is nothing left, until the force takes him away, to burn so hot, so bright, so light, that his enemies (true voids in the force--black holes--not like the cold, hungry vacuum that desired, took the sun of his grandfather) burned away as well; he burns away, but as a hero. This does not stop his mother from her agony; it is all his father can do to hold himself together to stop her shattering like the girl everyone forgot, the invisible girl who loved his son, who would (and does) do anything for the memory of a boy who left the galaxy too soon].

This is the story they tell: of the angry sun who burns everyone (especially even those who offer him kindness), the boy-candle, the girl who burns with the heat of a thousand suns but never harms those undeserving of that fury, the scoundrel with the hard exterior who inside is kind, the brave wookie warrior who lives [and dies, though they will not know it for a time] to protect them, the saviors of the galaxy;

and others as well: the girl who was almost snuffed out by the vacuum, who burned as a quiet ember, whose flame was reawakened by the boy-candle; the boy who parallels her, who was trained by the angry sun to burn like him but refused, who burned out over and over again trying to prove himself, and, in the end, burned out to save the galaxy, who sent the message to the rebels that worked to end the war [the message, that, too late for some, still saved billions, perhaps trillions of lives, had it not been sent (how many worlds could have shared Alderaan's fate?)].

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1 year ago

I was reading stuff on theforce.net and now I want an incredibly dark Anahiri fanfic diverging at the Edge of Victory duology where they both get shaped and end up brainwashed (but still into each other) and end up as an unstoppable Yuuzhan Vong strike team that makes it so the Republic loses the war (this means we get to avoid the character assassination of later books, yay!)

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11 months ago

Tahiri is such an icon! She deserves more recognition :)

(no, this has nothing to do with my fictional crush, I have no idea what you're talking about)

Star Wars Legends: Tahiri Veila
Star Wars Legends: Tahiri Veila
Star Wars Legends: Tahiri Veila
Star Wars Legends: Tahiri Veila
Star Wars Legends: Tahiri Veila
Star Wars Legends: Tahiri Veila

Star Wars Legends: Tahiri Veila

“I’ve been broken. I was broken by the Yuuzhan Vong. I broke when Anakin died. And again when I learned that I could see him again, in little moments. Every time you break, outside forces can shape you, and you can’t do anything to stop them. No, I don’t think it matters when Jacen became a Sith. I think it matters when he broke.”

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9 months ago

As soon as I find time and inspiration

I would like there to be a fic where the "three solobrats" and early love interests (YJK, JJK era, so A/T, J/TK, J/Z) end up time-travelling to the prequel era (probably shortly after Geonosis), and the Organa-Solo kids are excited to meet their not-evil-yet granddad.

This goes off the rails when Tahiri freaks out as soon as Anakin 1.0 enters because that is the monster of folklore who slaughtered a whole tribe of Tuskens, down to the youngest baby.

Because you can't convince me that in this AU a) Anakin doesn't go down as some sort of ghost/horror story in Tusken culture, and b) curious baby force-sensitive Tahiri didn't wander off at some point and end up seeing the echo of the slaughter.

The prequel-era council obviously freaks out about 1. the time travel, 2. some of the time travelers are Anakin 1.0's descendants, 3. Anakin 1.0 apparently committed genocide (note: the fandom doesn't view this with the right amount of horror, even in light of his second genocide--the Jedi), and decides to temporarily suspend his duties until they can perform an investigation of sorts into his decision-making capabilities.

Anakin 1.0 is initially thrilled because OMG GRANDKIDS and one of them is named after him (wahoo!!), but quickly becomes pissy because the friend of his mini-me (EW, she was raised by Tusken Raiders [careful Ani1, your racism is showing] even though she's human) gets him in trouble with the council.

Anakin 2.0 now has even more issues/worries about his namesake, and turning out like him [note: this was a big plot point in his early appearances].

Jaina & Jacen are kinda worried about this because now their granddad was bad from an earlier point??? and they don't know what to do with that. (Jacen is jumping from joy because a bunch of animals that went extinct during the Empire's rule are still alive; Jaina finds out there were apparently seven lightsaber forms before Knightfall, and decides to crash all the basic training classes. This is hilarious because she's older than the enrolled students for the more basic forms like Shii-cho.)

Tenel Ka and Zekk are along for the ride:

("Wait, she's the heir to the Hapes Consortium?" "yes" "and they're letting her be a Jedi too?" "yep" "politically is that allowed?!?" "I mean her mom's from Dathomir?" **jedi padawan noises of imploded worldview**)

("so Zekk what about you" "oh, I'm a Coruscanti street rat :)" "ah ok, so the order found you easily!" "I guess your version would, but the Jedi got massacred, so I didn't start training until I was a teenager :)" **choking noises** "oh yeah, Emperor Palpatine was a total hardass, I'm so glad my friend's parents got rid of him, I'd probably be dead or totally evil if he was still in power" --at this point the padawan(s?) they're chatting to [maybe Barriss; she seems politically aware enough to worry about the heir of a major political power also being a Jedi--she's probably also read about Xanatos] decides to bring them to the council)

It goes something like "Didn't they mention, Darth Vader & the clones slaughtered pretty much the entire Order. Some of the younger padawans escaped (their masters died for them (and oh, doesn't that hit hard)) and ran until dark siders who served the Emperor hunted them down (this can be vaguely compliant with some Rebels content; assume the Rebellion-era is more fusion with new canon, except Thrawn doesn't engage as much with the Lothal cell, and thus is around for the Thrawn trilogy on to proceed (thus inquisitors exist and so too do the Hands--maybe Mara is Palpy's spy in the inquisorius's ranks; Starkiller can be Vader's; Death Star plan theft follows TFU more than R1) it hits hard that some of their own (their children, their future) work to destroy the vestiges of what they were).

Then they find out that Darth Vader, the Sith Apprentice--the emperor's attack dog, his right hand--is Anakin (1.0), the boy they took in, the one they protected, the one some viewed as their savior, the boy winning battle after battle, the one shining bright, the Hero With No Fear, the boy whose fear of losing everything, everyone he cares about is slowly tearing him to shreds, the foolish, foolish boy who will doom the galaxy to save one person and fail at that, the buy who burned and burned, scorching those around him until he was alone, and still burning, until he burned himself to save another foolish boy, the younger burning like a candle, steadily, warmly, rather than like the sun, and Anakin (they can't bring themselves to hate him, even knowing what he will do--they see the sweet child who loved his mother, who wanted to free all the slaves in the galaxy), seeing the warm, kind candlelight of the other boy, the brave, foolish child, his child, his son, and knowing he will burn him, sees the vacuum of space (the cold, cold man who made him burn everyone, who made him lose everyone, until only the vacuum was left behind, the only one he could not burn away), sure to take the air around the lone, kind candle, and the sun (Anakin) burns itself (himself) out, becomes a supernova to push the vacuum (empty, cold, always hungry) away from the candle (the son), and saves the brave, foolish boy who came to help him, but he feared burning most of all (the burning sun of Tatooine burns himself out, after burning with hatred for the better part of two decades, for another desert child, one who burns with warmth, like a hearthfire, and asks for the girl who burns (with the passion of justice, with compassion, the girl who is like him but not for instead of burning the world for those she loves, she who would burn herself out, the girl who would burn her enemies (those who seek the harm the world) for any who deserve kindness, who burns internally, but is willing to burn others as well) to forgive him, and she does, eventually, she names her steady hearthfire of a son after him, and hopes against hope that he (her son, one of her three suns) will have a happy ending, that he will not burn himself out like his grandfather, his namesake [Anakin, her son, he burns too: for his siblings (they will burn as well, his brother like his grandfather--maybe he should have been Anakin instead--and his sister, burning, the one to put out her twin's light, twin suns of Tatooine, one snuffed out the other), his friends (they break apart, the group splintering, fragmented after the war is won; even before), his love (she breaks, in a way not even being shaped by the black holes, put under pressure in the hope of her becoming one, can do; for a while she fades away to almost nothing, invisible, until the brother, seeing the broken, invisible girl takes her, and tries to make the broken puppet of a girl dance for him; it works for a time, building more cracks in her skin until she shatters, and the people who loved him, Anakin the second, the bright boy who burned himself away too soon, see the girl again, no longer invisible, and try to help her [pray they are not too late to put her (shattered, porcelain, crushed spirit, a shell of her former bright self) together again]), for the galaxy; but at this part of the story we don't know his fate, to burn and burn until there is nothing left, until the force takes him away, to burn so hot, so bright, so light, that his enemies (true voids in the force--black holes--not like the cold, hungry vacuum that desired, took the sun of his grandfather) burned away as well; he burns away, but as a hero. This does not stop his mother from her agony; it is all his father can do to hold himself together to stop her shattering like the girl everyone forgot, the invisible girl who loved his son, who would (and does) do anything for the memory of a boy who left the galaxy too soon].

This is the story they tell: of the angry sun who burns everyone (especially even those who offer him kindness), the boy-candle, the girl who burns with the heat of a thousand suns but never harms those undeserving of that fury, the scoundrel with the hard exterior who inside is kind, the brave wookie warrior who lives [and dies, though they will not know it for a time] to protect them, the saviors of the galaxy;

and others as well: the girl who was almost snuffed out by the vacuum, who burned as a quiet ember, whose flame was reawakened by the boy-candle; the boy who parallels her, who was trained by the angry sun to burn like him but refused, who burned out over and over again trying to prove himself, and, in the end, burned out to save the galaxy, who sent the message to the rebels that worked to end the war [the message, that, too late for some, still saved billions, perhaps trillions of lives, had it not been sent (how many worlds could have shared Alderaan's fate?)].

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8 months ago

I don't disagree, but I feel the burning desire to assert that the Anahiri age gap is ONE YEAR. Tahiri is 14 and kisses Anakin 2.0 who is 15.

Edit: we're both wrong, it's 2-ish years, lol. It's 14 and 16, I think? Not sure when their "OMG we're gonna die" kiss happens, but I'm pretty sure Edge of Victory has Tahiri at 13? I know SbS has Anakin 2.0 around 16.

(he doesn't make it past 16 and she's still in love with him at 34, which is.... no comment)

(Don't get me started on her relationship with Jacen, though. It's heavily implied to be dubcon at BEST. He goes Sith and suddenly becomes a gigantic scumbag, even though he has an incredibly hot baby mamma RIGHT THERE, willing to take him back if he decided to not be evil anymore)

((yes I *might* have a *tiny* crush on Tenel Ka, however could you tell))

(((ok, all the HanLeia kids AND their originally intended SOs are hot, this is not my fault)))

And based on the actors' ages Kylo was a wholeass adult when Rey was like... 8, so don't just @ legends, canon has this shit too. (not to mention the incest undertones due to the fact that they're basically the Disney counterparts to the Solo twins...)

Age gap becomes less of an issue as characters age, as well. Think of it as fractions.

Anidala originally had a gap of 14/9, or 1.5555, and when they married, it was at 24/19, or 1.2632. At the time of ANH, they would've had a gap of 43/38, or 1.1316. The 5-year gap becomes progressively smaller as time passes. In general, if following the half plus six rule, they're fine to marry at their canon ages.

I think people's problems with Rexsoka is not only does he look like an adult, despite being younger, but also that the physical age gap is getting wider despite time passing. 22/14 = 1.5714, and 42/24 = 1.75, etc. I don't dislike the ship (I personally mildly ship them, mostly because I'm more of an old EU girlie, but they're one of the new!canon ships I actually like), but I can see why others might not choose to ship, especially since she's technically his boss?

(and there's the whole "clones aren't sentient" thing used to justify lack of rights in TCW, which might be considered a consent issue/power imbalance?)

In defense of rexsoka again.

Why do people get mad at rexsoka. Star Wars couldn’t make a normal relationship if they tried. Every relationship either has an age gap, a power imbalance, or both. Some age gaps are barely legal, some are not legal.

Here we go:

• Anakin and Padmé have a power imbalance; a 9 year old slave and 14 year old queen. And they get married at 19 and 24

•Han Solo is 32 and Leia is 19. And in legends, don’t get me started on their kids. Han and Leia have 3 kids in legends: Anakin Solo, Jacen Solo, and Jaina Solo.

•Jaina Solo’s Jedi master, Kyp Durron, has a weird dynamic with her. Kyp and Jaina like each other romantically and flirt with each other. When she’s 15-17 and he’s in his 30’s. age gap AND power imbalance. (Also, Kyp is friends with Han Solo. Both Han and Leia know about Kyp’s relationship with their daughter but are only upset because Kyp lied to Jaina and tried to bring her to the dark side. They’re fine with the 16 year age gap tho)

• Tahiri Veila is 13 and kisses Anakin Solo who’s 16, and Jacen Solo who’s 17.

•Hera Syndulla is 18 Kanan Jarrus is 22 (from a canon book called “A New Dawn”, takes place before rebels)

•Also in legends/EU, we got a clone, Darman, who married a Padawan named Etain Tur-Mukan. So the clone x padawan trope already exists.

• Jango Fett and Sheeka Tull have a relationship when she’s 18 and he’s 25.

• ALSO REVAN AND BASTILA SHAN ARE LIKE TWENTY YEARS APART. In KOTOR, Bastila is like 20 and Revan is like 38.

And these are just a few, from canon and legends/EU. I’m not saying two wrongs make a right. But I am saying that antishippers treat rexsoka shippers like criminals, but literally every relationship in Star Wars is just as bad. Not a single normal relationship in the entire galaxy.

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6 months ago

As I never viewed R2 as a Skywalker, I consider myself feeling completely justified in not really viewing Rey as one either.

(unless she's Jaina in the AU, lol)

((at this point, I think Jacen's lost his right to the name too; re: what happened to Mara))

(((the characters in-universe are much nicer than me, Tahiri's my favorite and I wouldn't have welcomed her back like HanLeia and the Order did)))

Might get cancelled for this one

Rey is a Skywalker. Star Wars is, at its core, about found family. Rey is part of the Skywalker found family, and if you ignore that, then technically speaking, you shouldn't view R2 as a Skywalker either

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