Percabeth - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Annabeth (when Percy met Rachel) :

Annabeth (when Percy Met Rachel) :

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3 years ago

Percy and Annabeth we're trying to have the most informal date ever so they went to a McDonald's but froze in the doorway when they saw a familiar figure. Nico looked up from playing with the toy a miniscule model of Zeus that he was making fly. Seeing them he hurriedly yelled "I can explain!"

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7 months ago

Annabeth's fatal flaw is hubris until Percy is in danger and she takes a knife for him out of loyalty. Percy's fatal flaw is loyalty until he has to relent his pride to reject Godhood and let Luke defeat Kronos to become the true hero of Olympus. A young Annabeth didn't need loyalty, because people never stuck around for her. A young Percy had his pride of self beaten out of him in every rejection from teachers and classmates.

Annabeth learns loyalty from the boy that sticks around for her, that sneaks onto a deadly quest just to find her. Percy learns pride from the girl that believes in him and trusts his judgement, unlike every other person who deems him too unintelligent to be a leader. Even when Percy seems to draw closer to Rachel, Annabeth has learnt not to give up on those who drift away from her. When Percy believes he will be killed by Kronos, he has learnt to still fight because he--"troubled, useless" Percy--can make a difference. They taught each other this.

They are always unknowingly synchronised, following the same journey of growth and borrowing from each other, the good and the bad. They are each other's fatal flaw and greatest strength.

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5 months ago

actually just cried because i realized i’m catching up to percy and annabeth’s ages

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6 months ago

everybody out here either a. getting hyped for wottg, b. tearing the three chapters we have to shreds, or c. chanting the names of characters they want to appear (mostly alabaster). i don't feel it's right to build up or tear down a book when we only have a small snippet of it, but i can name my major hope for wottg: i want a percabeth fight.

it doesn't have to be super big, it doesn't have to last all that long, and it doesn't have to be over something significant. i just want them to argue. i want them to disagree on something. i want them to be snappy. i want them to raise their voices at each other, if only a little bit. i want to see percy's inner thoughts before, during, and after. i want them to be petty afterwards.

again, i don't care if it's just something as simple as bickering. i just want it to happen. percabeth may be a near-perfect relationship, but nothing is truly flawless. humans are complicated, relationships are complicated, and i feel like it'd make the two that much more human to see that reflected in the book.

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1 year ago

I love Percabeth

Hey there! Hope you are having a great day!🙂 could u please write a Percabeth fic with badgirl!Annabeth and kind of Nerdy!Percy? Perhaps in 🛏 Percy flips the tables where he is SUPER dominant and he uses Annabeth’s kinks against her? Sorry if that’s 2 specific!

ooo an au and a smut? i'll do my best!

sidenote- i'm such a sucker for pet names so 'doll', 'darlin'' and 'babygirl' are gonna make frequent appearances

i don't think there are any warning needed


"Annabeth, please, I need to concentrate." Percy frowned at the papers in front of him, puzzling over the maths. Annabeth sighed, flopping on the bed, her black leather jacket creaking as she threw her hands behind her head.

"I'm bored, Seaweed Brain," she lightly kicked the back of his chair with a boot. "And you've been staring at the same problem for twenty minutes so clearly you are too." Annabeth leaned up on her forearms, blonde twists tucked behind her ear. "What, I'm not as interesting as marine biology?"

Percy chuckled, but his eyes stayed fixed on the paper. "You're plenty interesting, but right now I really need to figure this out, okay?"

Annabeth sat up properly. "Can I help?"

"You're a genius at architecture and ancient Greek, babe, but marine biology has unfortunately never been a hyperfixation of yours." Percy noted something down on the paper and Annabeth's heart fluttered at the petname. It wasn't often that her boyfriend called her anything other than 'Annabeth', 'Annie', 'Beth' or 'Wise Girl'.

The leather jacket was shrugged off and Annabeth was left in black ripped jeans and a tank top, sleeves dipping to her hipbones. "Perce, you gotta relax," she stood behind his chair and rested her hands on his shoulders. Her lips touched his ear as she leant down. "I know, for a fact, I can help with that."

Percy reached up and lightly stroked her cheek, but returned his attention to his damn work. "I'm serious, Beth, I have to finish this by tomorrow."

Eyes rolling, Annabeth threw herself back on the bed. Clearly, being subtle wasn't working. Well, desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Honey, I'm bored, and I want attention. Specifically your attention." She fixed her eyes on the back of his head. "I want it now, Percy. Get over here."

There was a tense pause. Percy's pencil stopped scratching across the page.

He sighed.

"You're so demanding."

...that was a different tone than Annabeth was used to.

It didn't matter, she was ready to be in control. Percy silently got up from the desk and neatly tucked his chair in, picking up Annabeth's leather jacket from the bed and placing it on the back of the chair. Annabeth made to stand up from the bed, but Percy's hand pushed her back down.

"No, you wanted my attention, right?"

Annabeth paused. This was different. "...yes"

"Then strip."

Percy's voice was deep, commanding, and Annabeth shifted slightly on the bed. "What?"

He placed his hands either side of her thighs, eyes focused on hers. "I don't think I need to repeat myself, baby, do you?"

Oh fuck. Annabeth was so screwed.

Percy backed away, arms folded and giving her space. She stood, uncomfortably aware of her slightly shaky legs, and somewhat inelegantly kicked off her boots. No reaction. She shimmied out of her jeans and tossed them on the floor. No reaction. She pulled off her shirt and tossed that too. About to pull off her bralette, Percy held up his hand to stop her.

"Sit up on the bed."

Annabeth raised her eyebrows. "Since when did you start giving me orders?" She loved this new side, but oh boy was she gonna make him work for it.

The dark smile on Percy's face sent electricity through Annabeth's body. "Since when did you start obeying them, darlin'?"

He moved forward, so close they were almost chest to chest. "Now, be a doll, and sit on the bed. Leaning against the headboard, if you'd be so kind."

Annabeth moved onto the bed almost before realising it. Her breath caught in her throat as Percy grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, revealing toned, lean muscles.

Percy's eyes were dark, a shadowy green that pierced into Annabeth's smoky greys as he knelt on the bed, lowering his head to press kisses down Annabeth's thighs.

Shaky breaths left Annabeth as he kissed closer and closer to the line of her underwear. He winked as he nipped at her skin, pulling a gasp from her. "What, no retort? No witty comeback, Wise Girl?"

"Fuck o-" Annabeth choked on her words as Percy licked a stripe up her clothed pussy.

"That's what I thought," he whispered and leaned up, taking the material between his teeth and dragging it down, lifting her hips to pull the underwear down her legs and throw them across the floor.

Annabeth's head was whirling. Her sweet nerd had a whole other side to him and she felt out of her depth in the best way.

She slapped a hand across her mouth as Percy flicked and writhed his tongue, stifling the moans that threatened to spill out. A sharp slap to the outside of her thigh jolted her body, and she looked down to see Percy glaring at her.

"Don't you dare."

He dove back in and Annabeth's back arched, hands fisted in the sheets as her eyes squeezed shut and moans filled the room. Percy trailed his fingers so slowly across her skin she almost screamed when he plunged them into her, the new sensation lighting her on fire.

"Perce, fuck, more!"

Immediately, Percy pulled away, leaving his girlfriend panting and whining. "I don't think you're in the position to make demands, babygirl."

Annabeth pouted. "What? You just stopped, why?"

"You demanded attention like a brat," Percy shrugged, sitting back on his heels. "And now I'm giving it to you, you think you deserve more?"

A shiver ran down her spine as Annabeth registered the tone and the fact that her sweet, usually submissive boyfriend just called her a brat.

"Tell you what," Percy trailed a finger down her stomach. "If you ask nicely, and be a good girl for me, I'll give you what you want." He smirked. "Sound good?"

Annabeth tried her hardest to not instantly say yes, to retain some of her dignity. She was the tough one, the one everyone knew not to fuck with, and now she was on the verge of begging her boyfriend to fuck her.

She nodded.

"That's my girl." Percy beckoned her to sit up and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her into a fierce kiss. His lips were a soft contrast to his behaviour, and she smiled into the kiss.

All too soon, Percy pulled away, but kept his hand on her neck. "Now, darlin', ask me for what you want."

She swallowed any uncertainty. "I want you... I want you to fuck me."

Percy shook his head. "That sounds like a demand, babygirl. Try again."

The fucker wanted her to beg.

"...please, Percy, please fuck me, I'll be good, I promise!"

The dark smile that spread over his face settled a pleasantly tight feeling in Annabeth's lower stomach. Percy pushed her back so she laid on the bed, and he kicked off his jeans and underwear. "That's much better, darlin'." He reached into the drawer by the bed and withdrew a condom, tearing open the packet and rolling the latex onto his cock. He slid back in between her legs, head dipping into the crook of her neck. Annabeth pushed against Percy's hips as his lips made contact with her skin, and both moaned at the friction.

"You're so gorgeous, baby." Percy nipped at her skin, leaving a trail of red marks in his wake.

"Perce, please, stop teasing me," Annabeth looped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a sloppy kiss, pressing her body up against his. "I asked nicely, please, plea-"

Annabeth cried out and threw her head back as Percy thrust into her. He kept an unrelenting pace, and it was all she could do to hold onto him.

"This what you wanted, huh?" Percy's heavy breath was on her neck, his voice directly in her ear. "You wanted my attention, you finally got it, right?" Annabeth didn't answer, eyes closed and mind clouded with lust and pleasure. Percy slapped her thigh, snapping his hips into her hard. "Answer me, babygirl."

Annabeth shrieked. "Yes! Yes, this is what I wanted, Percy, thank you baby, I got what I wanted!"

Percy chuckled lowly into her neck. "That's my girl."

He sped up the pace, hitting that spot inside her that had her toes curling, stomach clenching, nails digging into his shoulders. "I-I'm so close Perce, don't stop, please please please don't stop-"

"Wouldn't dream of it, Wise Girl." Percy kept his movements consistent, only dragging a hand down Annabeth's body to rub circles in her clit.

Annabeth came with a scream, eyes squeezed shut and legs wrapped around her boyfriend's hips. Percy groaned deeply, reverberating in his chest as he spilled inside the condom, stilling his motions inside of her.

His arms shook with the effort to not collapse on top of her, and he gently pulled out of her. Shifting to the side of the bed, he let himself fall on the bed next to her. Removing the condom and tying off the end, he threw it expertly in the bin.

"Baby, that was just a whole new side of you, huh?" Annabeth smiled.

Percy blushed red, a stark contrast to just a few minutes ago. "Did you like it?"

She brushed his hair behind his ear. "It was new, but I did like it." She poked his shoulder. "My cute nerd has a dominant side, who knew?"

Percy grinned, and pecked her cheek. "Can I go back to my paper now, brat?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, but smiled and shoved him off the bed. "Get back to it, Seaweed Brain."


i very much hope you enjoyed! this took me forever to write bc executive dysfunction is a bitch but thank you so much for requesting!

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1 year ago

No a dwts percabeth au isn't an option anymore. Its a fuckin NEED

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11 months ago
I Miss You, I'm Sorry

i miss you, I'm sorry

part 1/? | 350 words | rated G

He loves her.

That’s the first thing Percy thinks about when he opens his eyes, adjusting to the bright beam of light coming from outside. He wishes he could say he slept.

Read more on ao3.

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11 months ago
I Miss You, I'm Sorry

i miss you, I'm sorry

part 1/? | 350 words | rated G

He loves her.

That’s the first thing Percy thinks about when he opens his eyes, adjusting to the bright beam of light coming from outside. He wishes he could say he slept.

Read more on ao3.

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10 months ago

I was re-reading the books (pjo,hoo) and the one parallel that I haven't been able to shake off is when during tlo, after rachel kisses Percy she tells him go be a hero for her and what not. And then in hoh when they're in tartarus annabeth tells Percy not to be a hero and wake her up.

Idk if this was intentional or not, but this just clearly shows why Percy and annabeth work. All Percy wanted was to not be the hero, to be normal. And even when he thought Rachel was giving him some semblance of normality during that part of his life, its Annabeth who's always known. She knew what he needed, what words he wanted to be told.

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9 months ago

Ok gays I feel like writing send me some prompts for percabeth if u want!!

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9 months ago

Hit me

25 "I'm in love with you and I'm scared to lose you" prompts!

(feel free to use!!! plsplspls tag me I'd love to readd. especially 3, 9, 11, 14, 19 and 24 ahhh<33 | @urfriendlywriter )

"can i.. hold your hand?"

"i trust you, [name]." ✿

"i come offering hugs :) a lott of hugs"

"i feel stupid, why do u make me grin like a spineless fool whenever i am around you?" >\\\<

them staring at you from across the room and getting flustered when u stare at them back <AAAAAH3

"I'll live for you, love."

"I'll love you right in all universe"

"... you trusted in me when everything else was pointed against me.."

them tenderly tucking a hair behind ur ear (my c. ai be like >\\\<)

listening to their heartbeat while laying on their chest. :')

a soothing, and tender "come here, sweetheart"

"you're not alone.. I.." they cup their lover's face in their hands, "I'm here for you, and I'll always be."

"what else do i need, when i have my world in my arms?"

leaning forehead against each other's [AAAHHH is my toaster waterproof-]

"what will i do without you? thank you-"

^ "no, thank YOU, [nickname]. thank you for coming into my life." *cries in me when??*

"you.. you're a dream." (rip my heart)

^ "no, my love. you are the dream and I the lucky one to be living this dream with you" imagine them saying this while their lips hover the other's, before giving in.

them taking your hand and placing it on their chest, "feel this heartbeat? this is how much effect you have over me."

"i don't have to search for truth when you say you love me, i can already see it all in ur eyes." [bawling into my pillows]

a sigh of release when they're finally in your arms like they longed for it all day !!!!!

laying with your back to their chest!!! their hands around your waist (the way I'd MELTT so fast)

"I am in love with you." ".... we've been together for the past several years." "that's what. What are you doing to me, darling?"

"i never stopped falling in love with you."

lazy kisses, softly sighing and gasping into each other's mouths.!! [me when yall. its ab time ffs.]

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11 months ago

i dont care if rick said that grey streaks wouldn’t be a permanent physical quality to percabeth. i dont care if logically it doesn’t—and yes it really doesn’t— make sense to have a grey streak in your hair permanently unless its genetic.

its my headcanon and im keeping it that way

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Percabeth is THAT ship. I'm sorry to all the ships in the world, ik you did your best but you cannot defeat her. She gives me drama, comedy, angst, fluff, she is the only one who cares for me because she's the only one that knows what I want and what I need without having to ask me. She always delivers. She always slays.

Also, “What is Love?” is definitely in the Percabeth Playlist, I don't make the rules.

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All ships are GREAT! There are some that I don't necessarily agree with, but you do you boo. It's all good. I won't hate. In fact, there are some ships I don't agree with that I have read fanfiction for (mostly because it was really well written).

It's all good, but I'm rereading the, Percy Jackson and The Olympians series, and I need someone to explain perachel to me. Don't get me wrong, I love Rachel, she's awesome. But she shows up for like a page in The Titians Curse, after percy had been absolutely obsessed with saving Annabeth. She plays a pretty big role in The Battle Of The Labyrinth, but the only relationship shift that occurs is Annabeth's jealousy. There's no romantic relationship between Percy and Rachel until The Last Olympian.

Maybe it's just not my cup of tea, but in my opinion it doesn't compare to the years of slow burn and angst of percy and Annabeth fumbling around each other.

Can we also talk about how well written these characters are, like... dang!

Do some people just not like Annabeth? (that's ok, but... fight me) I get the whole Annabeth being hung up on Luke (whether romantically or platonically) but that just makes the slow burn so much hotter.

I legit want to understand this ship, so if someone wants to explain it me, that would be awesome :)

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Random question:

We all know Annabeth wants to be an architect

But what's going to be Percy's job in the future?

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