☆ Mainly posting at @gametastic-photography☆ please credit me if you use any of my photos! thank you! ☆
206 posts
Red-dead-tastic - Back-up Blog For Gametastic-Photography - Tumblr Blog

I can't wait to read it!

Some NPC camps in the world of RDR2 if anyone is still interested
For week 3: making camp #17

Our love forever lives on
Charles decided to join me, not the other way around.
For week 3: pardners for life #12
I decided to post some of my yeehawgust posts early, as I plan to take another break from tumblr or move on to another platform. It's still all in the works and in my drafts, but I'll update yall when the time comes.

And it's on sale for 21% off!
It also has a audio book voiced by Roger clark!
I wanted to see how the book is and if there's pictures that you can't see in a audio book.
So excited 😊
I wanted to see what other people thought of this. In some lighting, he's light brown, some dirty blonde. I would LOVE to see your screenshots of different lighting that supports if you think he's dirty blonde or light brown haired. 😊
I mean, Sadie Adler is DEFINITELY a dirty blonde as I have been studying her like a hawk occasionally for cosplay. (I'd rather dye my hair than wear a wig. Wearing a wig in that style has problems of its own. I'd explain, but it's not the point of this post)

Old man Arthur Morgan. This is a lighting or texture glitch. It's usually just temporary. Although there are mods to change Arthur or Johns hair color.
I made something with pinterest's new app; shuffles

I'm not all that good at this type of thing, and I made this before going to bed. I still think it was worth a share.
Hope you enjoy it! 😊
I unfortunately couldn't credit most of the sources as their companies or a website that have nothing to do with the photo. The only credit I could find is for the amazing photo used as a background by Romeo in Viaggio on Pinterest.
Sadly, pinterest isn't a place of posting the original source 😕 because I could not find the wonderful creator of the vp of Arthur there.
Please source your work!
Even if the account is gone! I had someone use a charthur photo of mine on pinterest and didn't credit me because tumblr hid my darn account for no reason.
Especially since you can use the way back machine on google and find said account possibly.
"You're father is seduced with the man with the forked tounge" - Blind Man Cassidy
"Gotta take a break sometime, life's too short" - Arthur Morgan (while conversing with bath lady)
Video is poor quality because I edited it to share with a friend on discord.
Apparently, pee is the same element as gasoline in RDR2. I knew this before but wanted to record it properly.
It's my first time coming back to camp after like an in-game month, and I do this lmao.
Well, I hope you got a laugh out of it like I did!

so I make a camp with survival mechanics mod and realize there's a imposter in my tent!

what do I do to get him out? antagonize till he decides to beat me up of course! how else! I was hoping for him to run into the fire hilariously if I just went around it alot. that, sadly failed.
so, I beat him up!

so I sleep after the fight to keep up my mods cores, next morning he wakes up and walks off into the wilderness.
good luck, sir!🫡 (dont get mauled by a cougar)
"Got big mouths, do ya? I bet you wouldn't miss some teeth!" - Arthur Morgan (to kids in Saint denis)
He so cute!

puppy dog eyes
These are cool!
I wish they could be made into led light boxes

we're more ghosts than people.
check this out on twitter!
Never hung around the last camp too much. I guess I will be in the next playthrough.
I'm finally in Beaver's Hollow again, during my second play through.
Everyone is miserable, after Molly, John is still in jail but Abigail, Abigail sings.
Now I have a few theories why she does it
First of all, it warms my heart. Some of my favorite moments are when I'm just sitting in camp while the others sing or play instruments, but in this camp nobody else sings making it sadly quiet.
I also think it really helps Abigail. When you sing you need to focus on the lyrics on the tone especially if there is no music playing along, it distracts you from your negative thoughts. I know that because I do it myself.
And of course if it helps Abigail not to just constantly think and worry about their situation and about John, it also helps Jack have some sense of normality in all of this mess.
Too bad her story ended so tragically. She was loyal to a man, and he didn't even remember her😟
luisa fortuna

Great shots, op! Love em! I'm becoming a bit of a fan of John.

John Marston
Have alot of photos on my Nintendo switch of this game, so I’m just trying to clear em out for storage..
This is so beautiful! Keep up the good work op!

This is an excellent piece, op! It's one of my faves!

gunslinging 🫡
So beautiful!
I'd frame it like it's a classic painting!

photo study of john redemption or whatever his name is

Sorry for the horrible potato quality. My phone is sh*t.
I had to take a picture because they won't stay this size forever. ❤️
I wish they made miniature cats. They have Scottish fold, Bob tails, and the ones with short legs. But gosh knows that would cause so many health problems! Just look at chihuahuas.
Sorry, but since I don't have many pictures from rdr2, you will get harmless animal photos. I have warned you.
The last one almost seems like a joke! 😂
Red Dead Redemption : Undead Nightmare (2010)
In the Undead Nightmare expansion pack of Red Dead Redemption, the western world has become overrun with Zombies. It seems with them, however, came the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Or…at least their horses.
War :

Pestilence :

Famine :

And Death :

These horses are not the Easter Egg, however. After completing all of the Undead Hunter Challenges as well as catching the four previously mentioned horses, a new ‘horse’ will be available. In the Northwest part of Diez Coronas, a Unicorn can be found. There will be no indication that a mythical creature has become available, nor will there be a circle on the map indicating its whereabouts.

Requested By : Killervinx
A theory I totally believe in, I heard on reddit, is the whole time Molly had something to "say" to Arthur and the gang....
Is that she's pregnant.
I don't know much about skin tones AT ALL, so I would love to hear your side or pictures showing your side.
This would not include arthur in guarma or after the guarma chapter as his complextion changes due to being sick.
Also, I'm sure this depends on lighting. How much he's in the sun without a hat and gets cooked a little. And how the weather has had an effect on him. (This game is too advanced for its time, I swear, I still am finding new things at least every week)
Here's the chart I am looking at to make the answer choices.