allow me some chaotic mess - mainly Hannibal and TW3
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Redrabbitkay - Redrabbit - Tumblr Blog
Hunger is obviously a major theme in Hannibal—it’s literally the cannibal show—but the difference in how that’s portrayed with Hannigram is intriguing.
Hannibal was starving for connection before he had Will, and then everything changed for him. As Bedelia tells Will, “Did he daily feel a stab of hunger, and find nourishment at the very sight of you? Yes.” Hannibal’s hunger is sated by so much as the sight of Will. A mere look at him is enough to satisfy him.
But Will is different. Rather than being sated by his connection with Hannibal, it is the very thing that makes him hungry. There’s a frame in the Italy chapter that makes it look like he’s trapped in a starvation cage. In the script for his sailing scene, he’s literally described to look hungry:

Both Hannibal and Will have a possessive, obsessive, all-consuming love for one another, but it affects them quite differently. Hannibal is nourished by the very sight of Will, but for Will, no amount of the profound attention he experiences from Hannibal can fully sate his hunger—it’s a high he can’t help but chase. It fuels his pathological need to return to Hannibal again and again, no matter how self-destructive it is. I think this is why Will is more outwardly possessive of Hannibal than Hannibal is of Will. Hannibal wants Will to be his; Will wants Hannibal to be no one else’s. Both forms of possession, but Will’s is more jealous because of the way he experiences Hannibal’s attention. It’s a high, it’s a hunger—it’s a need, not a want.
I once made a little comic about Lambert's childhood and wanted to name it "OI LAZARE"

“There’s a succubus tormenting the men of Toussaint, they’re having sex to the point of death from exhaustion! Is there anyone who could possibly take care of this beast?”

regis on the way to tesham mutna: you’re starting to smell quite tasty

Hannibal (2013-2015)
1x08 - “Fromage”

I could only wish Bedelia answered like this lmao

I strive to live like a person, and it means that I have ceased to feel good among people as well as among my own.
Maybe I made a big mistake.

“I must find Dettlaff. Help him. I certainly owe him that much.”

Some scribbles from last week.

found here.
( for @starwrittenfates. )

He didn't bite hard enough the first time 😞

Still think this is the funniest Hannibal post I’ve ever seen

a study.. zz

I have a feeling my friend Dettlaff will die. I am sad.
Witcher: *doesn't want a vampire in the Hansa*
Witcher and the vampire a week later:

the honda odyssey, huh?

sometimes life is just about a hardened warrior with a troubled past, complex morality, and regenerative abilities delivering cold insults to a personification of undiagnosed ADHD who won't leave them alone (2)

This smile was insane! He finally found someone who could take his cat-like temperament. Someone he can scratch as hard as he likes, and he won't be hurt. Someone who will take all the hits and never leave. Someone who will give him back as hard as he gives. Someone who won't die on him.
Dettlaff: Fuck the witcher
Dettlaff: But also… fuck the witcher, you know?
Regis: Dettlaff no


hand study but make it regis