I’M A CHAOTIC DISASTER. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNEDfandoms change depending on my mood, but currently obsessing over 9-1-1i'm shit at remembering to tag things, so if you're trying to avoid spoilers you might want to stay away

785 posts

Seriously @staff You're Adult Content Ban Isn't Working.

Seriously @staff you're adult content ban isn't working.

I have been followed by 2 pornbots in the last 2 days.

I haven't even used my Tumblr in weeks.

More Posts from Redvelvetcoffeeandkisses

For Sentence Prompt September.

“Do you know who I am?”

Bond hesitates, assessing the question. Waking Q up when he’s crashed for an unintended nap at his own desk at work is always a tricky (and sometimes hazardous) business. He gets breathtakingly irritable and close to biting.

Right now though, despite the dark circles under his glaring eyes, Q’s tone seems to be genuinely pleading, so Bond risks a literal answer.

“Yes, you’re Q.”

“Ah, shit,” Q says with deep distaste. “That’s what I thought. Fucking fuck.”

Bond bites the inside of his cheek hard enough to almost make it bleed; he knows from experience that laughing at Q when he’s in this grouchy, sleep-deprived state is more dangerous than disarming a temperamental bomb of a certain age. It’s just past 1am, and Q’s had a hellish 12 hours of intense work, leaving Bond no choice but to gently wake him up so he can take him home.

Q groans and then goes limp so suddenly that Bond fails to stop him from hitting his forehead against the desk. He buries his face in his arms and emits more muffled sounds of anguish and hatred combined.

“I hate my job,” he groans.

“Of course, darling,” replies Bond, because he’s long since learned not to contradict Q when he’s just had his exhaustion-induced nap cut short.

Q sits upright again; his hair is a nest of madness, sticking out at all angles, his spectacles crooked, eyes glaring and bleary with sleep and insufficient consciousness.

“I hate 002. I hate this office. I hate people. I hate this desk.” He pauses, searching for more objects to hate. “I hate… things,” he finishes in a tone of seething hatred.

He’s grouchy, half-asleep, destined to remember little of what he’s currently saying, and the irritation is practically buzzing about him like static; Bond wants to carry him to bed in his arms. Still, he knows that grouchy Q is a Q that requires a carefully calibrated approach. Fortunately, Bond has quite a bit of practice at this point.

“Then let’s get out of here,” he says. “Let’s go home. The car is ready; I’ll turn the heating on.”

“You’re nice,” Q says with an accusing squint. “Why are you being nice?”

Bond bites the inside of his cheek and distantly wishes for a camera.

“Because I’m hoping it’ll get me laid tomorrow when you’re well-rested and willing to thank me for whisking you away from here and taking you home,” he says with just enough of a teasing smirk to get Q going.

“Hmmh. Fine. Take me home and I’ll shag your brains out tomorrow.”

Bond grins and takes Q’s offered hand, pulling him up from the chair. He really, really wants to pick him up, but he knows Q will literally bite him if that happens in front of his minions, so he saves it for when they’re tucked away in the privacy of their own home. He gently stops Q from trying to cram his Scrabble mug and a handful of random pens into his messenger bag, and packs Q’s laptop for him.

He does turn on the heating in the car, as promised, to save Q from the biting November chill. Q dozes in the car and produces only a marginal amount of grumbling when it’s time to get out. At home, Bond smiles as he helps Q out of his anorak, and finally gets to pick Q up and carry him to bed. Undressing a mostly-asleep grown man is not the easiest task, but afterwards Bond gets to shed his own clothes and crawl into the bed and gather Q in his arms.

Q makes a sound and his nose twitches.

“Hate,” he mumbles decisively in his sleep.

Bond buries his smile in the crook of Q’s neck and already starts embellishing the story he’ll tell Q tomorrow.

@MelvinSmarty: A (teen) Wolf In Sheeps Clothing?or, Not Much Clothing. @TylerL_Hoechlin On Set In #MELVINSMARTY

@MelvinSmarty: A (teen) wolf in sheep’s clothing?…or, not much clothing. @TylerL_Hoechlin on set in #MELVINSMARTY

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you and your friend always sit at the table a couple down from mine and gossip in [insert language here], which happens to be a language i’m currently learning. i’ve been eavesdropping to try and improve my listening comprehension and oh my god are you actually talking about how hot i am??? AU

- (@authorkurikuri)

Tumblr Exodus

Hi All,  I don’t have a huge following of my own, so will be enlisting the help of some of my favourite blogs and users, see if this can’t spread a little further.

With the absolute shitshow that is Tumblr this week and the impression that I am getting in relation to the decision to move to a more welcoming home, I was hoping that we might be able to get a post going for everyone to reblog.

This should allow anyone who wants to make sure their followers can find them if the worst happens and blogs start getting deleted can easily track them down. 

I think the best way to go about this would be to add your pseudonyms for the various different sites you are happy for people to follow you on in your reblog. 

Now to enlist some help: @inell @benaya-trash @thisdiscontentedwinter @pale-silver-comb @bellaarke @cobrilee @drgrlfriend @ladydrace @spider999now @theofficialstereklibrary @thesparkandthewolf @there-are-wolves-in-my-head @wheredidhiseyebrowsgo  @always-the-little-spoon @dragon-temeraire @epicstuckyficrecs @gryvon

I am sure there are more who can help out with this, so please tag, reblog and send this on it’s way.

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