Staff - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

Tumblr... what did you just do?

Tumblr... What Did You Just Do?

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10 years ago
I'm Not Sure What Tumblr Just Did But It Messed The Tags Up, Once Again. So If Yer Having This Problem

I'm not sure what Tumblr just did but it messed the tags up, once again. So if yer having this problem too, here's an easy fix. If you need anything specific, just ask me. *THIS USERSTYLE WERKS ON ANY BACKGROUND COLOR, IT MAKES THE BG OF THE SOURCE TRANSPARENT.


Customization Library

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9 years ago
Three Massive Improvements To The Way You Search For Posts On A Blog:

Three massive improvements to the way you search for posts on a blog:

You can do it from your dashboard. Click a blog’s name or avatar to open it up, then click the magnifying glass at the top of the blog. Now type. Type like you mean it. Get your results. Yum. 

You can filter and sort the results. Click the abacus-looking thing for all your favorite filters. New bonus filter: Limit your search to original posts.

It’s full text. And that goes for searches from the dashboard as well as those directly from a blog’s theme. Used to be we just searched tags. Now we peruse every word.

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9 years ago
cammerel - Cammerel
Hey Tumblr, Welcome To Your Better Blocking System. So Much Better That We Changed Its Name From Ignore

Hey Tumblr, welcome to your better blocking system. So much better that we changed its name from “Ignore” to “Block.” A proper, muscular name. Solid as a block.

Someone acting like a tool? Go ahead, block them. Here’s what they won’t be able to do:

Follow you

Message you

Like your posts

Reblog your posts

Reply to your posts

See your posts in search results

See your blog in search results

As far as their dashboard is concerned, you don’t exist. 

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9 years ago

Okay.... so Tumblr made it so that you can’t edit a caption, but they still gave you the ability to completely remove the ORIGINAL caption. Sry Tumblr Staff, yer still failing miserably. Nice try. Try again.

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9 years ago

It took me this long to realize that you can now change the order of yer tags as yer tagging st. You can’t edit them, but you can write a correct version of an old tag, move the new one in it’s place and the bad one to the end of them to delete it.

It’s not bad, honestly. It IS an improvement...

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9 years ago

Is anyone else having issues with the posts they see on their dash being funky looking? 

Finding words with apostrophes becoming: “"Death doesn’t “”

Raw code being shown on other’s posts:  <ol><li><strike><i><b>

Yet everything looks peachy keen like on your blog when you visit the actual page, not preview it on the side. 

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9 years ago
Pure Mother Fuckin Gold

pure mother fuckin gold

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9 years ago

Oh, yeah, that’s an ugggggggllly update.

Oh, Yeah, Thats An Ugggggggllly Update.

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9 years ago

things tumblr should update

message system

block feature so the person you have blocked can’t look at your blog

this mess  “ â&#128;&#156 ″

editing your tags without deleting them all

things tumblr did update

a useless ugly ass feature no one ever needed

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9 years ago

staff can you please make it possible to make a secondary blog the main blog on the account? thanks.

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9 years ago

This isn’t news.

But here’s something that is:

Tumblr has made it so that if you change urls, they hold onto yer old url fer 24 hours, just in case you want to pick it back up again.

This Isnt News.

I don’t like standing up fer Tumblr, because there’s a lot they do wrong, but get yer facts right. It’s a werk in progress and they need to change it, but it’s not like someone can just snag it the moment you change.


If you change your URL with the new tumblr update(that happened September 2015) be aware that any post you made as the old URL will stay as the old URL on all reblogs and not automatically change to your new URL. For example, if you post a gif as ilovechocolate and change your URL to ilovevanilla… that gif’s username will stay ilovechocolate on all the reblogs done before the URL change, which means if they want to find that gif maker… they can’t just click on the URL because it will bring you to the blog ilovechocolate and not your new one ilovevanilla

So…. that means if someone changes their URL and doesn’t save the old one and someone takes your old one… all the reblogs of your original posts done before your URL change are gonna link to that person’s blog and look like they posted it

ARE YOU KIDDING ME staff!?!?!?!

Please pass this on to save a life and let people know!

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9 years ago
cammerel - Cammerel

Pardon our dust

Hey, you know the reply feature? That little speech bubble icon at the bottom of some posts?


That’s going away for a little while. We’re making room for something bigger and better coming down the pike. Stay tuned.

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9 years ago

Just checked and, yeah, the 5 tag rule DOES still apply. I checked numerous tags of mine after five and none of them werked. Everything before did. Don’t spread lies.

Okay, so I’ve done some testing. The 5 tag rule no longer applies for this new tumblr search (it used to be that after 5 tags, everything after wasn’t tagged into the search). Also, if you tag something:

#i’m super happy about roosterteeth

It will now appear in the ‘roosterteeth’ tag (or the ‘happy’ tag, or the ‘super’ tag, you get the idea). This is actually really bad news for trigger warnings, because it means that if you write ‘tw blah’ or ‘blah tw’, it will still appear in the ‘blah’ search.

Tracked tags (as long as you click them and don’t type them in) still seem to function the same as before.

Also the tags still work the same as before if you search as follows (rather than using the search box):

EDIT: Also, apparently if you use a hashtag in the search (i.e. #roosterteeth) then ONLY posts that use that specific hash tag will show (the same way as old search worked). If you search without the hashtag (i.e. roosterteeth) then any post with a tag containing the word ‘roosterteeth’ will show.

It’s also explained by staff here.

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9 years ago

staff: we're replacing the reply feature with something that will blow y'all's worthless minds!!

me: okay.... so what are you replacing it with??

staff: the *lack* of the reply feature

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9 years ago
You Asked For It. Here It Comes. Messaging. Real, Threaded, Instant Messaging. Its In The Latest Android

You asked for it. Here it comes. Messaging. Real, threaded, instant messaging. It’s in the latest Android and iOS apps, and on the web.

Yep: Now you can talk to a Tumblr.

This is a big launch, and it’s going to take a few weeks to get it out to everyone (we need to make sure our servers can handle the weight of your discourse). If you don’t have it now, you’ll have it soon.

Q: So, how can I tell if I have messaging?

A: Great question. If you see this smiley balloon hanging out on your screen…


…you’ve got messaging. If you message someone, they’ll get messaging. Eventually, messaging will cover the earth.

Q: What if I have other Q’s? What if I have A’s, even?

A: Well dang, we’d love to hear any feedback or questions you have about this thing. What works well? What kind of doesn’t? What kind of features do you want to see? Those are some of the Q’s that could use your A’s. Our support team is listening (and they’ve already put together an FAQ).  

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9 years ago
cammerel - Cammerel

Send a post to someone that’ll love it.

Messaging news! Three things are happening! All of them are good:

There’s a new button on every post. It’s a paper airplane.

That paper airplane lets you send any post as a message.

And messaging is out to everyone. We flipped the switch.

So now 100% of you can talk to a Tumblr using posts instead of words. Or in addition to. Whichever. Have fun!

The paper plane is on iOS and the web right now, and it’ll be flung out to Android users over the next 24 hours.

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