Pornbots - Tumblr Posts
Okay I have a lot of followers who I think are porn bots and I shock they haven't been taken down but whatever.

i like to think that our blogs are just our own little personal museums of all the things we like, and we can visit each other’s museums and leave nice notes at the reception.

Me fighting for my life when I open Tumblr and see 5+ pornbots following me
Me after I've reported, blocked and spammed them.

Banned Spambots And Banned Pornbots And Blocked And Reported Spambots And Pornbots But Beware Of Spambots And Pornbots Tho That I Exposed Them Tho!

I’m Getting Sick And Tired All These Stupid Idiot Dumb Ugly All Females Spambots Pornbots Because Tumblr Needs Help And Gets A Better Updated Away From Those Pervy Perverts Pedos Pedophiles Pedophilias Females Fetish Fetishized Hentai Porn Cum Spambots Pornbots To Banned And Terminated And Deactivated And Suspended And Eliminated And Deleted And Removed And Erased And Disappeared All Of Them!,I Hope The Spambots Pornbots Gets Banned And Terminated And Deactivated And Suspended And Eliminated And Deleted And Removed And Erased And Disappeared Already Tho!,But Except For The Good Users That I Blocked And Reported Them Tho!
Goodbye to all the weird
So long porn bots.
Hate to see you leave.
I'll miss your tits and dicks,
And all the strange your brang.
You have been with me since the beginning.
A constant presence.
Your are my number one supporters,
And my most faithful of followers.
Who will love me now?
Now that you are being stripped away?
The quiet emptiness.
Of a pristine world.
- By me Andrew
What happens when you don't report pornbots

What you can see here are among the most popular posts for the convin (Connor/Gavin Detroit Become Human) tag for the last month. And presumably lollipop, cityscape, rick day, eva long, dostoyevsky, and all the other random, unrelated tags added to these posts.
You can see two identical posts made by separate bots that feature a (so, disguised, you don't know whether the address is safe/where you're going) link to a website that contains an image of a pretty young woman (but who knows what else).
Each post is liked by about a dozen other bots, and only bots. (I reported them all, so can confirm their profiles were obviously those of bots/porn bots.) Some of them even use the same image in the pfp. Some are developed blogs full of porn images, some are clearly newer and don't even have a pfp yet. They are all gaining legitimacy from each other by the likes which act as links to their Tumblrs, and adding legitimacy to the post they have liked, which links to their ultimate goal: the site where they make money in undoubtedly dodgy ways.
They are doing this to legitimise their websites for search engines like Google, but if you don't care about that, it has the same effect in your Tumblr tags.
If we don't stop them, ALL your favourite hashtags are going to be full of meaningless posts like this, and probably porn you don't want to see (very different from porn you DO want to see).
This is why we report and block, lads. Not just because they are annoying and irrelevant to us, but because if we don't stop them they will take over this hellsite, and they very clearly do not understand the nature of the hell in which we live.

Same here. I just block you, guys
Periodic Reminder
If you're new to Tumblr, welcome! It's a lot of fun here.
But, I implore you to do a few things.
Put up something as an avatar / icon / pfp / whatever you call it. It's wise for this NOT to just be a photo of person; but if you want it to be a photo of your favorite movie character or something, move on to the other steps.
Either reblog a few things that you're interested in, or make your Likes public and like some things you're interested in. (Note: making your Likes public is a choice, and most people do NOT make their Likes public, and that is fine! I think a lot of the pornbots have their likes public because, well, they're pornbots so a bot is just automatically picking options that most human beings don't pick. If you really really want your likes to be public, though, that's okay too.)
Give your blog a little title, or use the subtitle. (Note: lol I haven't done this either, my blog title is the same as my name; but my blog is also customized.)
The whole point is, we're in the middle of another wave of porn-bots. And some of the hallmarks of a porn-bot blog are:
An avatar that is a photo of a person, usually a young woman, usually trying to look sexy in some way. OR, one of the generic avatars that Tumblr gives you if you don't choose one. (The problem with that is that there ARE real people who use those because they're fond of them, so it's not always a giveaway.)
A username that is often a combo of firstname-lastname-numbers; but they're also starting to just be kind of randomly generated.
A blog title/subtitle that makes it pretty clear they are trying to solicit interest from people who want porn sites (the easiest to spot will mention their onlyfans rating or something).
A blank blog, with no reblogs or likes.
(Or sometimes there will be a few reblogs or likes, but they'll have no coherence to them; or, the porn-bot will make it sporting and they'll have reblogs of soft-porn or actual porn and then that makes it easy. Likes or reblogs done by a real person just tend to have a sense of coherence that bots can't match.)
I'm really sorry, but if you follow me, and your avatar is just the face of a pretty young woman, AND there is nothing at all on your blog... I'm reporting and blocking you.
What happens when you don't report pornbots

What you can see here are among the most popular posts for the convin (Connor/Gavin Detroit Become Human) tag for the last month. And presumably lollipop, cityscape, rick day, eva long, dostoyevsky, and all the other random, unrelated tags added to these posts.
You can see two identical posts made by separate bots that feature a (so, disguised, you don't know whether the address is safe/where you're going) link to a website that contains an image of a pretty young woman (but who knows what else).
Each post is liked by about a dozen other bots, and only bots. (I reported them all, so can confirm their profiles were obviously those of bots/porn bots.) Some of them even use the same image in the pfp. Some are developed blogs full of porn images, some are clearly newer and don't even have a pfp yet. They are all gaining legitimacy from each other by the likes which act as links to their Tumblrs, and adding legitimacy to the post they have liked, which links to their ultimate goal: the site where they make money in undoubtedly dodgy ways.
They are doing this to legitimise their websites for search engines like Google, but if you don't care about that, it has the same effect in your Tumblr tags.
If we don't stop them, ALL your favourite hashtags are going to be full of meaningless posts like this, and probably porn you don't want to see (very different from porn you DO want to see).
This is why we report and block, lads. Not just because they are annoying and irrelevant to us, but because if we don't stop them they will take over this hellsite, and they very clearly do not understand the nature of the hell in which we live.

The joy and satisfaction I feel when I see I have a new follower, only to find out it’s a porn bot, but then I remember I get to block them. 😁😑🤪
I’m sad that the Ai generated porn spammed by some of the bots here is starting to look okay. In a strange way, it’s an improvement. The previous hand-drawn stuff was clearly made by boys with no concept of physics or anatomy. That stuff was just sloppy and embarrassing. Now that the AI “art” generators have stopped adding extra fingers, nipples and/or straps it’s starting to look good. (From a pornography perspective.) My issues is, if that trend continues, it will start to look great, and then photorealistic. I *like* being able to easily tell the difference between AI generated stuff, and the smut Humans make. The other problem is that whomever’s making it still lacks imagination and taste. It feels like the same dozen women from Pop Culture over and over again, all conforming to the same boring “Waifu” standards as before. It’s just as cheap and soulless as the grey market toys coming out of China and Taiwan during my childhood.
has anyone thought about the real people the porn bots take for their profile pictures?? Like imagine the horror of getting a friend request, clicking it and then seeing yourself staring back at you with '😶 cute 👾 student 💤 i will curse your dad' as the bio