23yo | Polish 🇵🇱 | amateur photography | art | random aesthetics I post all sorts of stuff that tickles my fancies *open to communication with anyone, even people with completely different kinds of worldview or system of beliefs
770 posts
Being A Teacher Described In A Single Dialogue:
Being a teacher described in a single dialogue:
Me: *hints to a key word transformation phrase using polish* think about "powodować".
Student: *intense thinking*
Me: "powodować coś, być przyczyną czegoś", does it ring any bells?
Student: *replies in polish* it does, but I don't know in which church ahaha
Me: Well, think about the church of Saint "Cause"
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Ahahaha, I use only three methods of alignment and all of them are chaotic

True neutral crew. 🔖
Give me back THAT, I don't need your winter

the season of golden trees & mystery
stores in Poland be like: 🌼🐸🐜🐝🐞
Today's aesthetic is film noir