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4 years ago

#Repost @profgustavofisica também é @negociosnobairro • • • • • • Não deixe para depois! Comece a sua preparação para o ENEM já! Planos com Descontos Promocionais. #profgustavofisica #enem2021 #exatas #Física #cursinho #preparatório #tutor #aulasonline (em São Carlos, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKmGP4gr1S/?igshid=n8m8wishfqbi

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1 year ago

Being a teacher described in a single dialogue:

Me: *hints to a key word transformation phrase using polish* think about "powodować".

Student: *intense thinking*

Me: "powodować coś, być przyczyną czegoś", does it ring any bells?

Student: *replies in polish* it does, but I don't know in which church ahaha

Me: Well, think about the church of Saint "Cause"

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10 months ago

Hi. So, I really love your posts and you give really good advice. I need your help. I know it's just my nerves. I am going to tutor this girl tomorrow. She is around 8. I am going to teach her computer. I'm just really scared. I have never done this before. I have only taught a friend. I am really nervous and I start stuttering when I am about to talk. And this is my first tutoring thing so I don't want to mess it up.

hii! welcome to my blog 💕 so I never tutored such a young kid but my suggestions are:

do not stress too much, take the first day as an opportunity to get to know your student and start to get an idea of what strategies might work better in order to optimise learning. for examples I tutored some kids who would understand things so much better if I showed them how to do them first, but also kids that needed examples and metaphors in order to understand some concept and so on...

try not to be a "professor". kids get bored when you give them plain frontal lessons, try to interact as much as possible. the goal is to help them learning things, not putting directly the information into their brain, it's useless.

focus on comprehension, especially if this girl is just 8 years old. it doesn't matter if she isn't good at it at first, prioritize improvement and try to achieve a small goal every lesson.

I hope you find it helpful. I have only tutored teenagers and I have always had a good time. try to act like a friend rather than a teacher, they will learn much more.

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1 year ago

Finals is gonna be the end of me.

Finals week or final week? 🤨

But the main message of this post is: send as many requests and in February you shall be served. Pls be patient with meeeee

Finals Is Gonna Be The End Of Me.

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