| A mainblog for my growing collection of muses | Mun is 21+ | Check pinned post for info.
601 posts
Rex-rp - Rex's RP Hub - Tumblr Blog
burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
You are allowed to send antagonizing anons about my muse
(i was gonna put this on my rp blog last night, but i decided to make it a post on here so anyone else who likes antagonistic anons can reblog it as well without borking my notifs)
people are allowed to send anons about what goes on on my blog and the circle of blogs that interact with me, this includes trying to get under my muses skin or tell them the hard truths about what is happening, or even about their fellow friends and enemies!
berate them for putting up with something dumb, point out flaws in someone's story, mention how something they believe is not the truth, do it, have fun!
just be sure that the antagonistic anon you sent is directed at the muse, not the mun, and make sure to read the rules of the blog you wish to send anons to, some antagonizing might be seen as godmodding and will go unanswered or blocked.
Imagine my shock as a neurodivergent teen when I first realized that using large vocabulary and eloquent speech doesn't make you less likely to be misinterpreted, rather it adds an entirely new layer of misinterpretation I had never even realized existed in the form of people thinking you're being snobbish or condescending when you're just trying to be specific
Just because someone slows down doesn't mean they are not interested anymore!

I have seen anxiety-inducing posts about partners drifting apart and having lost interest when not interacting, but real life happens fam. Yes, when we are low on brain juice, we choose to reply to threads that appeal the most to us at that time to not get swamped in threads too much.
But we REALLY need to stop assuming the worst about our partner right away when our thread is not among the few chosen ones and takes longer to get replied to.
Maybe your partner wants to tend to your reply when they feel less tired, to give you the best they can do? Work and private stress can also take a while to subdue, so please be patient with your partner and don't just softblock because your brain assumes only bad things.
Sometimes we are in a bad place ourselves and need to step back a bit instead of projecting our own insecurities onto our partners in these moments. And taking time for yourself is perfectly okay. Being chronically online is not healthy in the long run.

Stop letting people consume you. they didn’t call? go to sleep. they didn’t message you? put your phone down and have a better day. they left you on read? delete the conversation. they didn’t make an effort? match their energy. never let your happiness depend on anyone
Normalize seeing someone's lack of effort as their lack of interest in you regardless of what they tell you. Giving you all of the right words, but none of the right actions is called manipulation. If a person wants to be with you, they prove it. Period.

idc how hard you try you will NOT get me to stop using snorted in my dialogue. i will always use growled and choked and hissed and huffed and grunted and breathed and frowned and sniffed and scoffed and spluttered and purred and snickered and exhaled and whimpered and smiled and laughed and sneered and frowned
i love you words that indicate sound and tone i love you poetics i love you dialogue tags they will never take you away from me i love you i love you i love you
current fan creation landscape is kinda like if you went to a party with a homemade cake and everyone takes a slice and silently thumbs up at you with no attempt to start a conversation except for occasionally some guy sits in the corner with a tape recorder critiquing the cake as though he was a restaurant critic and another guy is handing the cake to an uber driver like "yeah i need you to find a restaurant that makes cake like this so i can have more of it" and the only person that's talked to you in 30 minutes is a very sweet little guy who was like "hey i liked your cake" and then ran away apologizing for bothering you the moment you said thank you.

//really sorry for all the unanswered messaged and asks. I'm still here but my battery is super low. Not ignoring anyone on purpose. Will hopefully engage more soon
Even if you’re not writing together right now…let your RP mutuals know that you see them and appreciate them. Liking a HC or OOC post takes zero effort…but it can greatly uplift your partner’s experience on the dash to see their friends and partners taking an interest. It takes next to no time to pick out a meme option to drop into a your partner’s inbox, but will surely make them happy and may kindle unexpected interactions between your muses.
Little gestures sustain the hobby by making folks feel wanted and appreciated. And people who show frequent, small kindnesses to their mutuals will usually see it returned to them in equal measure.

will there ever be more birds of a feather?
Hey anon thanks for going out of your way to find me here and ask 😊
The short answer is yes. It's not abandoned. It's just a case of when. Got a few things going against me at the moment but I still have plans to continue it.
Can’t believe im adult now. Sometimes I feel like a teletubbie with a credit card.
Yes it's race week in Britain this week but it's also ELECTION WEEK!! Please remember to vote on 4th July! You will need a valid form of Photo ID and polling stations will be open between 7am and 10pm.
//sorry I'm not around much and for the unreplied threads and messages. Life is kicking my ass right now.
crazy how fanfic authors drop the most beautiful and gorgeous pieces of work ever, leaving you speechless and sobbing at three in the morning as you quietly contemplate the masterpiece you just read
and they don’t get paid for it they just do it because they’re having fun and they want to share their joy with you
like I would literally die for all of you fanfic authors out there reblog to swear your allegiance to fanfic authors
The thing about ADHD is that the "lack of reward chemicals in your brain" doesn't just mean that you don't want to do any tasks that don't feel particularly yummy :(, it means that your brain will look at chores and tasks that need to be done like "doing this would be painful and tedious for absolutely nothing to gain from it, Do Not Do That." The same thing that your brain tells you about everything else that would feel really bad and hurt the entire time that you're dying. The part of your brain that stops you from doing the thing is the same part that keeps you from shoving your arm into a wood chipper.
With unmedicated, unmanaged ADHD, "I have to do this assignment or I fail and my life will be ruined and I die" feels like a SAW trap, every single time.
I don’t WANT a career. I want to cuddle and sleep and eat and read and create and love and be loved.
if you’re a bisexual woman you are de-facto lying. You have a hard time finding a girlfriend? You’re lying. You’re scared of talking to women? Yeah sorry we’re gonna have the worst possible faith interpretation of that either, because you are not capable of love. Oh you prefer women? You’re lying. You’re not allowed to talk about it. You’re lying if you prefer women, and you’re lying if you prefer men, and you are forced into a self-fulfilling prophecy from the day you’re born and judged for it, and if you end up with a man that’s always been your destiny and it retroactively makes all your relationships with women not count, if you express sexual attraction to a woman it is for the male gaze and it’s proof you’re lying, your sexual history is public property, your whole life is a performance anyway, and everything you say is proof of how much of a liar you are