rex-rp - Rex's RP hub
Rex's RP hub

| A mainblog for my growing collection of muses | Mun is 21+ | Check pinned post for info.

601 posts

//sorry I'm Not Around Much And For The Unreplied Threads And Messages. Life Is Kicking My Ass Right

//sorry I'm not around much and for the unreplied threads and messages. Life is kicking my ass right now.


More Posts from Rex-rp

8 months ago

Can’t believe im adult now. Sometimes I feel like a teletubbie with a credit card.

6 months ago

Just because someone slows down doesn't mean they are not interested anymore!

Just Because Someone Slows Down Doesn't Mean They Are Not Interested Anymore!

I have seen anxiety-inducing posts about partners drifting apart and having lost interest when not interacting, but real life happens fam. Yes, when we are low on brain juice, we choose to reply to threads that appeal the most to us at that time to not get swamped in threads too much.

But we REALLY need to stop assuming the worst about our partner right away when our thread is not among the few chosen ones and takes longer to get replied to.

Maybe your partner wants to tend to your reply when they feel less tired, to give you the best they can do? Work and private stress can also take a while to subdue, so please be patient with your partner and don't just softblock because your brain assumes only bad things.

Sometimes we are in a bad place ourselves and need to step back a bit instead of projecting our own insecurities onto our partners in these moments. And taking time for yourself is perfectly okay. Being chronically online is not healthy in the long run.

7 months ago
rex-rp - Rex's RP hub
8 months ago

will there ever be more birds of a feather?

Hey anon thanks for going out of your way to find me here and ask 😊

The short answer is yes. It's not abandoned. It's just a case of when. Got a few things going against me at the moment but I still have plans to continue it.

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6 months ago

Normalize seeing someone's lack of effort as their lack of interest in you regardless of what they tell you. Giving you all of the right words, but none of the right actions is called manipulation. If a person wants to be with you, they prove it. Period.