riderdrauggrim - Rider DraugGrim
Rider DraugGrim

Motorcycle Riding Adventures, Road Safety Rants, Theatre Technician Stories, Random Likes

556 posts



So I just finished ranting about an unattended camp fire I found Tuesday night this week. And on the Monday I came across a six foot A-frame ladder in the left lane of Highway 406.

Two lanes each way with a broad ditch in between. Country, no street lights. Just half an hour before sunset.

How long had it been there?

Traffic was light, so cars were just drifting aside to pass it, but what about when the sun set? One distracted driver not processing what the weird rectangle ahead of them was?

So I pull over, spin the bike, drive back, and chuck it off into the grass.

Did I save a life? Or at least a damaged vehicle? Maybe? But who left it? Who was like "oh well I can't back up so I guess I'll just go buy a new ladder"? Did they even notice it fell off? How could they NOT?


More Posts from Riderdrauggrim

5 years ago
Sometimes Making Notes In The Dark Be Like That.

Sometimes making notes in the dark be like that.

I'm resisting adding a :3

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5 years ago

Sconce Troubles

Practical wall fixture doesn't come on in lamp check.

Step one: Check plugged in to right circuit.

Step two: Unplug and replug.

Step three: Track along power cord for damage.

Step four: Jiggle it.

Step five: Jiggle it more.

It works!

Nope, now it's off again.

And crackling?

That's usually not good.

Give it a tentative poke.

Now it's on again and there's an interesting smell...

-Kills power-.

Alert Technical Director standing nearby.

Notify construction electrics.

Pry the thing apart in case it's an easy fix.

Sconce Troubles

Oh look! It was on fire! Awesome.

This is now sufficiently a safety hazard and beyond my skillset.

Show it to Lighting Designer, stick it back on the wall, but not plugged in, for Aesthetics.

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5 years ago
Just A Little Taste Of Whats Going On At My Workplace Right Now.We Have Been Fighting For A Raise Because

Just a little taste of what’s going on at my workplace right now. We have been fighting for a raise because a lot of people who work at Disney have to work 60+ hours a week just to get by. What was their response? “Ok, everyone gets a bonus. $1000. But not all at once. $500 now and $500 at the end of the year.” (in case some people get fired or quit, so they don’t have to pay the full amount to those people). Of course, we were like “No, that’s not what we said we wanted. We want a PERMANENT RAISE.” So Disney was like OK, fine, whoever is NOT part of the union fighting for a raise gets the $1000 bonus :) Meanwhile, we are still fighting for a raise…

5 years ago
So I Ordered A Collector's Edition Of A Video Game, And The ETA Was Monday.

So I ordered a collector's edition of a video game, and the ETA was Monday.

I was out and about yesterday, and decided to give Garwik a call on his lunch to check if it had been dropped off. They're replacing the fences at our townhouses so he's in the back yard with the dog.

"Not yet," he responds.

I check my email.

"That's really weird... it says they attempted to deliver."

"What? There was no sticker."

"It says they attempted to deliver ... One minute ago?"

"Give me a second... Son of a bitch!"

So in true courier fashion, in the one minute Garwik was out back, the Purolator van had pulled up, jumped out, pushed the doorbell, slapped the prepared "sorry we missed you!" sticker on the door, and took off.

And of course you have to wait a day to go get it from the centre.

So I pull up outside the building today, on my motorcycle, in the rain, and the lady has the cleverness to giggle "Oh! I hope youre not picking up a BIG package!"

"Actually, I am..." I respond wearily, handing her the slip.

She vanishes in the back and returns with a torso sized brown box. "You weren't kidding!"

"Eugh," I grunt noncommittaly, finding my ID.

"You sure you'll be able to manage this?" she asks, making conversation, I guess?

I sigh, and glance up at her. "Well since company policy is 'Ding-Dong-Ditch' and we couldn't get to the door in the forty-five seconds it took to slap the sticker on our mailbox and run back to the truck, I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

She didn't know how to respond to that.

Thanks, Susan, for pointing out that lugging around big boxes on a motorcycle, in the rain, is less than ideal. I'm glad I paid extra to get it delivered Monday and instead had to get it myself Tuesday.

I parked on the lane right in front of their doors, because that's what their trucks always do, so it seemed appropriate.

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5 years ago
And When They Cut Your Pay/hours/benefits For No Reason Maybe You Can Get Your XBOX To Collectively Bargain

And when they cut your pay/hours/benefits for no reason maybe you can get your XBOX to collectively bargain your employer for you with the help of your PlayStation. Wow! Thanks XBOX!