Road Rage - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Imagine being an Amish person with road rage. Hold on tight to the reins, Amos, we’re ramming this Maserati with nothing but our faith in God and our steeds.

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6 years ago

Interview with a Douchebag

So driving down the street today, I come upon a traffic light. At this particular intersection my lane turns right, and the lane next to me going the same direction turns left. I stop as it is a red light, and begin to make my turn, only to have the Lexus in the lane next to me, come flying around me and cut me off in the middle of the intersection before driving off.

Irritated I continued driving, and upon coming up to the next light, am directly behind the Lexus again. The light turns green, and he continues to sit there unaware; I can only assume playing on his phone. I honk at him, and he speeds off, going 60 down a 40 MPH street.

As I’m continuing my way, watching this asshole of a driver cut and weave through traffic, a Chevy truck suddenly swerves in front of me, slams on his brakes, and speeds off down the road.

At this point I’m ready to fight.

I floor it, following both vehicles, when they slow down and both turn down the same dead end street. Curious I follow them.

I slowly pass the house they pulled into, a sizable two-story, and watch them slowly get out of their respective vehicles, eyeing me up and down. I can tell they are both college boys, living their white privileged lives, and giving zero fucks about anyone else in the universe.

I continue down the street, turn around and begin heading home, uninterested in wasting my time on these pricks, when the white truck comes backing out of the driveway, turning straight towards me. Right before he hits me, I honk on the horn to let him know that I am in fact there, because Lord knows he didn’t look. He glances in the rearview, sees me, and then continues to keep coming right at me, before shiting into drive and driving away again.

Two boys are in the yard staring. I’m irritated beyond hell, but not so much as my roommate who is in the front seat. He rolls down his window, and this beautiful conversation ensues:

Roommate: “Just how many fucking douchebags live here?!”

Douchebag: “What do you mean?!”

Roommate: “What I mean, is that YOU cut us off in traffic, HE cut us off in traffic, and now HE almost backed into us! So how many douchebags fucking live here?!!”

Douchebag: “Ah… A LOT!!!”


I drove away laughing my ass off.

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1 year ago
Hey Everyone And Happy Holidays, I Was Part Of The @secretsolenoid-revived, And I'm Excited To Present

Hey everyone and happy holidays, i was part of the @secretsolenoid-revived, and I'm excited to present my gift to @thesharmat it's ya girl Road Rage, your entire list was great, and I had a hard time picking, but I love her

I really hope you like it!

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1 year ago
Hey Everyone And Happy Holidays, I Was Part Of The @secretsolenoid-revived, And I'm Excited To Present

Hey everyone and happy holidays, i was part of the @secretsolenoid-revived, and I'm excited to present my gift to @thesharmat it's ya girl Road Rage, your entire list was great, and I had a hard time picking, but I love her

I really hope you like it!

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1 year ago
Hey Everyone And Happy Holidays, I Was Part Of The @secretsolenoid-revived, And I'm Excited To Present

Hey everyone and happy holidays, i was part of the @secretsolenoid-revived, and I'm excited to present my gift to @thesharmat it's ya girl Road Rage, your entire list was great, and I had a hard time picking, but I love her

I really hope you like it!

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1 year ago
Hey Everyone And Happy Holidays, I Was Part Of The @secretsolenoid-revived, And I'm Excited To Present

Hey everyone and happy holidays, i was part of the @secretsolenoid-revived, and I'm excited to present my gift to @thesharmat it's ya girl Road Rage, your entire list was great, and I had a hard time picking, but I love her

I really hope you like it!

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Watch "I'VE GOT PLACES TO BE!" on YouTube

I always see Donnie talking in his mind like: "You know what!? Fuck Patience for this!" and starts losing it from a huge line of school children honking the horn like a mad man, as his brothers sit there in shock not expecting it. 😂😂😅

Watch "I'VE GOT PLACES TO BE!" On YouTube

@the-second-circle-of-shell @kokokatsworld @tia-hauser-tmnt @nittleboo @tmntspidergirl @tmnt-fangirl101 @cowabunga-doll @angelcatlowyn @donniesgirl4eva @donnie-lover-fics

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2 years ago

Today I had an epiphany: Hannibal must mince drivers with road rage.

Like imagine this man cruising on the highway, jamming out to Bach’s Goldberg Variations, having a grand old time as Hannibal is bound to do and then some truck decides to drive up his ass.

Rude doesn’t even begin to describe it when the trucker flips Hannibal the bird. You can bet that license plate is already committed to memory. Soon thereafter, the truck driver’s name will be catalogued within Hannibal’s rolodex, alongside the business cards of pigs to be served…

The driver would make a splendid sorbet.

Not to mention, the dog in the truck driver’s passenger seat, would make an excellent contribution to Will’s pack of furry friends.

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1 year ago
These People Seem To Share The Mental Fortitude And Driving Wherewithal Of Those Slow Drivers Who Clog

“These people seem to share the mental fortitude and driving wherewithal of those slow drivers who clog up the left lane. Ludacris told you H03$ back in ‘01…Move b!t¢h, get out the way!”

- Master Knox

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1 year ago

This is it. The intersection of all I am.

Hatred of the square ugly dude

Tech garbage


Road rage


It me 🥰

whiskrs - Hello 🦖

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5 years ago

Unpopular opinion, but: If you don't understand that a Mandatory Left Turn lane is NOT a through... Maybe you shouldn't be driving.

NOR is it a "wait until the end then try and merge by pushing me out of the way" access...

The rest of us got over 800 meters ago. Get the fuck out of here with your entitled shit. Waiting in a line is kindergarten level manners.

Just because I'm a little motorcycle you can bull me around? Bring it.

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5 years ago


So I just finished ranting about an unattended camp fire I found Tuesday night this week. And on the Monday I came across a six foot A-frame ladder in the left lane of Highway 406.

Two lanes each way with a broad ditch in between. Country, no street lights. Just half an hour before sunset.

How long had it been there?

Traffic was light, so cars were just drifting aside to pass it, but what about when the sun set? One distracted driver not processing what the weird rectangle ahead of them was?

So I pull over, spin the bike, drive back, and chuck it off into the grass.

Did I save a life? Or at least a damaged vehicle? Maybe? But who left it? Who was like "oh well I can't back up so I guess I'll just go buy a new ladder"? Did they even notice it fell off? How could they NOT?


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8 years ago
Road Rage Is A Pretty Swell Thing. Transformations A Bit Clunky (those Leg Panels Are Terrifying) But
Road Rage Is A Pretty Swell Thing. Transformations A Bit Clunky (those Leg Panels Are Terrifying) But
Road Rage Is A Pretty Swell Thing. Transformations A Bit Clunky (those Leg Panels Are Terrifying) But
Road Rage Is A Pretty Swell Thing. Transformations A Bit Clunky (those Leg Panels Are Terrifying) But

Road Rage is a pretty swell thing. transformation’s a bit clunky (those leg panels are terrifying) but i still think this figure’s great.

no one else seems to though, which is good, because now you can get her for like 40 bucks. yay!

 is it illegal to take mp’s outdoors i forgot to read the manual

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8 years ago
Got My Second-ever Masterpiece On Friday, Blue Bluestreak
Got My Second-ever Masterpiece On Friday, Blue Bluestreak
Got My Second-ever Masterpiece On Friday, Blue Bluestreak
Got My Second-ever Masterpiece On Friday, Blue Bluestreak

got my second-ever masterpiece on friday, blue bluestreak

neither words or photos can possibly describe how in love i am with this toy

like i don’t think i’ve been this infatuated with a transformer since friggin brainstorm

(i’ve also never had such a hard time trying to get good photos of a toy, these were taken over three days so please excuse the fluctuating quality and various degrees of mistransformation)

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