Greetings, fellow creatures! I'm Robin (they/them), 20 y.o. Welcome to my blog! All requests are CLOSED. Side blog: @ihaveadesiretoshitpost
586 posts
Hello! Can I Get A Diabolik Lovers Matchup? And Would It Be Possible To Get A Match For Both The Sakamakis
Hello! Can I get a Diabolik Lovers matchup? And would it be possible to get a match for both the Sakamaki’s and the Mukami’s? If not then either is fine!
I’m a 21 y/o female, demibisexual though I lean more towards guys. I’m 5’5 and curvy/thicc, so I’m kinda pudgy. I’m goth with snakebites and 3 decently big tattoos. Right now my hair is dyed red, and my right side of my head is half shaved. The length is just past my shoulder blades. It’s not as drastic as it sounds lol. My eyes are brown, and my hair is naturally brown.
Personality wise, I am an INFP/INTP and a Slytherin. I am known to always look angry, even when I’m very happy. Major RBF, and a lot of the time I am angry or just irritated :”). I do have adhd, so sometimes I’m all over with my personality. Though most of the time I am quiet and mean looking to make people leave me alone. With family and friends I’m a total crackhead, sassy, and more caring, though it’s difficult to be empathetic. Very protective of the people I care for.
Big gamer and cosplayer as well, I also hunt and fish and know how to use quite a few firearms and weapons. I’ve been hunting/fishing since I was 2 years old. I think that’s it? Thanks!
No problem! Hope you like this!
I match you with:
Yuma Mukami

Yuma to me seems like someone who'd be intrigued by your looks and would try to get close to you to see what you're all about.
Even if you act a bit cold at first, unless you send him away he doesn't mind.
He'll try and spark up conversations or ask you to hang out with him in his garden, I mean, how can you not warm up to such a bro like him?
Will complement you on your looks, from your figure and your makeup (he'd be blown away by goth makeup, trust me), to your tattoos, clothes etc. He loves how loud and unapologetic and so...you it is.
He's absolutely elated when he gets to see your energetic crackhead side.
Even if you get in the state where you're kinda everywhere at once, he really doesn't mind. Honestly he just vibes with it. Like he won't match your level of energy, he might just watch from the sidelines, so to say.
He very much appreciates your protectivness over him. And if you get close with his brothers as well, especially Azusa, because he is very...magnetic when it comes to trouble/danger, and get protective over them as well, he'll appreciate you even more!
Please come up with sassy comebacks to his remarks, he loves it.
Also, long hair gang? He'd love it if you let him take care of your hair or you his. Quality bonding time, we love to see it <3
He would love to see you cosplay, he finds it as interesting as your usual style.
Your other hobbies however, don't really sit with him. I mean, he'll play with you from time to time, but he's much rather outside.
He also doesn't like hurting animals, don't get me wrong, he knows how to hunt, just doesn't like to.
He would go fishing with you, either to catch some for dinner or to just admire there beauty and dirpness and then let them out.
He likes that you're able to protect yourself however and may ask you to show him how to handle some weapons.
Ayato Sakamaki

He's a pain in the ass, but if you're able to survive that, he's kinda a cool guy!
Also one that will love your aesthetic, but unlike Yuma, he's more interested in trying it out himself. He's an eboy, you can't change my mind, and while that isn't even remotely close to goth, he still wants you to put eyeliner on him, it makes him feel cool and dangerous.
You two would probably have a rough start, but after that I think you'd be a power duo!
I mean, you two share quite a few traits, for example: the S A S S.
Like Yuma, he gets a kick out of it, if you are able to not only put up, but counter his sassy remarks ad playful jabs.
Then, the energy. You're probably more of a crackhead than he is, but the potential is there!
The protectiveness! If you grow close to him, he becomes protective of you, nobody is allowed to mess with you, because they're automatically messing with him as well. Although his protectiveness stems from a different reason than yours, the outcome is the same.
He loves to see you cosplay and would do a couple cosplay if you asked him! Also loves to play with you (but he's definitely a sore loser and a cheat, even though he won't admit it. That's what years of being told he needs to be the best does with you.)
Also is not much into hunting and does not have the patience for fishing, but thinks it's cool you know how to handle weapons and firearms. That is very sexy of you.
I can also see you with: Azusa Mukami - This boy is very calm and will not get into your hair. He is very interested about your looks, because, let's be honest, if you're not used to seeing goth fashion or people and don't know what it is, it can look quite intimidating or tough looking. And he is very attracted to that. But please don't actually be mean to him. He might be a bit annoying with how much he asks you why you won't hurt him when you look like that, but teach him people can show affection differently than through pain and he'll get addicted. Also doesn't understand why you'd be protective over him, but it warms his heart <3
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More Posts from Robin-the-enby
Here it is folks:
My definitive ranking of my least favorite bodies of water! These are ranked from least to most scary (1/10 is okay, 10/10 gives me nightmares). I’m sorry this post is long, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this.
The Great Blue Hole, Belize

I’ve been here! I have snorkeled over this thing! It is terrifying! The water around the hole is so shallow you can’t even swim over the coral without bumping it, and then there’s a little slope down, and then it just fucking drops off into the abyss! When you’re over the hole the water temperature drops like 10 degrees and it’s midnight blue even when you’re right by the surface. Anyway. The Great Blue Hole is a massive underwater cave, and its roughly 410 feet deep. Overall, it’s a relatively safe area to swim. It’s a popular tourist attraction and recreational divers can even go down and explore some of the caves. People do die at the Blue Hole, but it is generally from a lack of diving experience rather than anything sinister going on down in the depths. My rating for this one is 1/10 because I’ve been here and although it’s kinda freaky it’s really not that bad.
Lake Baikal, Russia

When I want to give myself a scare I look at the depth diagram of this lake. It’s so deep because it’s not a regular lake, it’s a Rift Valley, A massive crack in the earth’s crust where the continental plates are pulling apart. It’s over 5,000 feet deep and contains one-fifth of all freshwater on Earth. Luckily, its not any more deadly than a normal lake. It just happens to be very, very, freakishly deep. My rating for this lake is a 2/10 because I really hate looking at the depth charts but just looking at the lake itself isn’t that scary.
Jacob’s Well, Texas

This “well” is actually the opening to an underwater cave system. It’s roughly 120 feet deep, surrounded by very shallow water. This area is safe to swim in, but diving into the well can be deadly. The cave system below has false exits and narrow passages, resulting in multiple divers getting trapped and dying. My rating is a 3/10, because although I hate seeing that drop into the abyss it’s a pretty safe place to swim as long as you don’t go down into the cave (which I sure as shit won’t).
The Devil’s Kettle, Minnesota

This is an area in the Brule River where half the river just disappears. It literally falls into a hole and is never seen again. Scientists have dropped in dye, ping pong balls, and other things to try and figure out where it goes, and the things they drop in never resurface. Rating is 4/10 because Sometimes I worry I’m going to fall into it.
Flathead Lake, Montana

Everyone has probably seen this picture accompanied by a description about how this lake is actually hundreds of feet deep but just looks shallow because the water is so clear. If that were the case, this would definitely rank higher, but that claim is mostly bull. Look at the shadow of the raft. If it were hundreds of feet deep, the shadow would look like a tiny speck. Flathead lake does get very deep, but the spot the picture was taken in is fairly shallow. You can’t see the bottom in the deep parts. However, having freakishly clear water means you can see exactly where the sandy bottom drops off into blackness, so this still ranks a 5/10.
The Lower Congo River, multiple countries

Most of the Congo is a pretty normal, if large, River. In the lower section of it, however, lurks a disturbing surprise: massive underwater canyons that plunge down to 720 feet. The fish that live down there resemble cave fish, having no color, no eyes, and special sensory organs to find their way in the dark. These canyons are so sheer that they create massive rapids, wild currents and vortexes that can very easily kill you if you fall in. A solid 6/10, would not go there.
Little Crater Lake, Oregon

On first glance this lake doesn’t look too scary. It ranks this high because I really don’t like the sheer drop off and how clear it is (because it shows you exactly how deep it goes). This lake is about 100 feet across and 45 feet deep, and I strongly feel that this is too deep for such a small lake. Also, the water is freezing, and if you fall into the lake your muscles will seize up and you’ll sink and drown. I don’t like that either. 7/10.
Grand Turk 7,000 ft drop off

No. 8/10. I hate it.
Gulf of Corryvreckan, Scotland

Due to a quirk in the sea floor, there is a permanent whirlpool here. This isn’t one of those things that looks scary but actually won’t hurt you, either. It absolutely will suck you down if you get too close. Scientists threw a mannequin with a depth gauge into it and when it was recovered the gauge showed it went down to over 600 feet. If you fall into this whirlpool you will die. 9/10 because this seems like something that should only be in movies.
The Bolton Strid, England

This looks like an adorable little creek in the English countryside but it’s not. Its really not. Statistically speaking, this is the most deadly body of water in the world. It has a 100% mortality rate. There is no recorded case of anyone falling into this river and coming out alive. This is because, a little ways upstream, this isn’t a cute little creek. It’s the River Wharfe, a river approximately 30 feet wide. This river is forced through a tiny crack in the earth, essentially turning it on its side. Now, instead of being 30 feet wide and 6 feet deep, it’s 6 feet wide and 30 feet deep (estimated, because no one actually knows how deep the Strid is). The currents are deadly fast. The banks are extremely undercut and the river has created caves, tunnels and holes for things (like bodies) to get trapped in. The innocent appearance of the Strid makes this place a death trap, because people assume it’s only knee-deep and step in to never be seen again. I hate this river. I have nightmares about it. I will never go to England just because I don’t want to be in the same country as this people-swallowing stream. 10/10, I live in constant fear of this place.
Honorable mention: The Quarry, Pennsylvania
I don’t know if that’s it’s actual name. This lake gets an honorable mention not because it’s particularly deep or dangerous, but it’s where I almost drowned during a scuba diving accident.
Edit: I’ve looked up the name of the quarry, it’s called Crusty’s Quarry and is privately owned and only used for training purposes, not recreational diving.
I guess angst master (if hurt/comfort fics count?), with omw to be a writing mom, seasoned with *facepalm*

tag yourself
Thanks for tagging me!

I actually cut dr. Cockroach out of paper and claimed him my husband and took him everywhere, until my best friend made me bury him, because I was spending too much time with him.

I think 2D would win in a fistfight, but give dr. Cockroach the right stuff and he'll blast blue boy to the moon.
I'd really like to see your @softheartedsnake
imagine ur first fictional crush fighting ur most recent fictional crush : a tag game <3
omg y’all robin is a goner 🤕🤕🤕

@mixijima @insanidae @zekesexual @blueberryhitoshi @xiaoli-i @bertlebear @pockou @cryoqi @cybergoo @characterswithtrauma
Aww, these were so sweet, thank you so much! You did well with captioning how tics feel (at least from my experience) and I really enjoyed reading this <3
Hi! Could I please request headcanons with the Durins, Bofur, Dwalin, Legolas, Elrond and anyone you'd like to add (or take out, sorry if that's too many characters) with a reader that tics? Like sometimes, random sounds slip out of them and they repeat them periodically for like a minute or so? Or sometimes hand movements or little gestures? I feel kinda embarassed of mine, so it would really help me. Thank you (also I read the nail polish headcanons and I loved them, you're amazing!)!
Absolutely!! And don't ever feel embarrassed! You are amazing, beautiful and perfect just the way you are!! Hope this meets up to your expectations! I'm not very familiar with tics and such, (I did a bit of research) so let me know how I did with the writing!
Tics (Thorin's Company x reader)

At first, our king under the mountain doesn't know what to think
Surely he didn't hear you squeak...
To be honest, he thought you were doing it to annoy him, since your first interaction, you might have gotten off on the wrong foot 😅
And it wasn't the easiest to explain to Thorin, knowing he can be a tad thick-headed sometimes
It took a while to help him comprehend and had never seen it in your light
He understands now though, and has the most patience you have ever seen
He's never been more understanding to one person, even with his stubborn and sometimes grumpy demeanor
Thorin knows you can't help it, which is why he's instantly overprotective of you
If anyone dares make one comment, he's on their case like CRAZY
"Y/N can not help it, gilthock!"
"If you improperly console with her/him/them again, you'll face the wrath of my kin."
When the company was being chased down by Beorn, your tics were triggered and the great skin-changer could hear you from inside, clawing at the door with fury
You felt terrible, not able to contain the short exclamations and noises slipping from your mouth
But Thorin sent an icy glare to anyone who tried to hush you or tell you to keep it down
He's constantly reminding you that it's not your fault, and has become like a fatherly figure to you... Or perhaps, something more 😉
Fili and Kili

Unsurprisingly, both are also very confused little princes
Fili seems to have a bit more understanding of the seriousness of the situation, or at least maturity
(He is next in line to be king after all)
It took a while for them to adjust, since they'd never met anyone with tics before
One night, as you all sat down by the fire, the company grew a bit rowdy, which became stressful for our poor Y/N
Your tics were triggered easily by then with short yelps, and lines of curses that even made bofur blush
Ofc, you couldn't control it, but since the company had little idea of what was going on
the two brothers were quick to rush to your aid, rubbing a hand on your back as you let out a frustrated groan
"What's wrong with her, Oin?"
"I'm not sure. Is it a curse?"
"Probably dark magic!" Dori gasped
You just shook your head and managed to explain your predicament through tics that annoyed the absolute shit out of you
and embarrassed you as well >:(
After that, the princes were stuck to you like flies to honey
They would always ride their ponies by yours, offer to carry your bags, spend all day cheering you up
And more often than not, you would become less stressed and the thought of your tics would float away in the wind 😌✨
Hell, they even stood up to their own uncle after he continued to press some stressful questions about your unfortunate condition
Even if Fili and Kili are both very aware of the randomness of your outbursts, they still treat you as a normal part of the company
They'd hate for you to feel "out-of-place" as Kili put it, in their traveling party
You are so important to them both, and they'd never let you get hurt

Meet Mr. Comedic relief
Whenever Bofur had first met you, he giggled at your little tics
Of course, he'd never meant to make you feel bad, he just thought they were absolutely adorable
Sometimes he playfully teased you about it, and that certainly didn't make you feel better
One night, he had gotten the others in the company to join him in his seemingly harmless jesting,
You just forced out laughter, hoping to convince them that you too, thought it hilarious
But after everyone had fallen asleep by the dying fire, your quiet sobs and tics were what stirred bofur
He came over and asked what was wrong, apparent worry shining in his deep brown eyes
So, reluctantly, you explained why you had little outbursts
Bofur felt awful
"Oh...oh. Oh I'm so sorry lass/laddie/leddie! I never meant any harm!"
He wrapped his huge arms around you in a big bear hug
Bofur never wanted to make anyone feel bad about themselves, especially you (his favorite member of the company 🥺)
"It's okay Bo. It's not your fault that they happen."
It takes a while for you to convince him he's not at fault, and once you do, he's never reluctant to approach you and spark up a silly conversation 😊
He has THE BEST stories
Is very good at keeping your thoughts away from your tics and cheering you up during stressful or upsetting situations
You call him "Bofur-Bear" 🥺
And he adores you so much
He doesn't really know how to react when you have ongoing outbursts, that go on for a minute or two
So he makes really corny jokes and stupidly hilarious innuendos that extract giggles from you while your having an episode
He will never let you go 🥴👉👈

(This Gif is so GOD DAMN FUNNY 💀)
Dwalin is, in some ways, like Thorin
Except 10x more grumpy 🙄
That's okay though, because we still love him 🥰
SUPER confused
At first, he was kinda rude :/
Said it was "disturbing to his duties"
But one night, in the quiet of Rivendell, after everyone else had fallen asleep, you walked around the kingdom to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the elvish land
Dwalin had followed you, and when he called your name, you jumped in surprise, and it sparked a string of swearing
His eyes widened in shock in first, and then some incredible happened
He smiled :)
Just a tiny little grin, that was hardly noticeable under his thick mustache, but a smile nonetheless
"I didn't know ya' could use yer mouth like that."
You grumbled and turned back to the balcony, trying to rid yourself of his company
Regardless, he took heavy steps next to you, and slapped a thick hand against your back, as a friendly gesture
"Why are being so nice to me all of a sudden?" You asked incredulously
Dwalin sighed, but before he could answer, you yelled and slapped your hands against the marble railing
"I hadn't meant ta upset ya' that much."
You just shook your head, and proceeded to describe to him what was really going on
After that, Dwalin was silent, but gave a quick nod
He still needed time to really let the information seep through his thick head
You thought you had scared him off at first, but as your journey continued on, Dwalin actually grew closer than before
Whenever an enemy was nearby, he would look for you first, and place you behind h, out of harms way
Extra dinner? Dwalin made sure you were the first to get second portions, despite your humble protests
He gets teased by the rest of the company, and though he'll never openly admit it, he's grown very fond of you 🥴
He's not really the best at picking up on your social cues, like if he's being way overprotective
Though he tries his best, he also won't can't treat you like a regular person, more like someone who's physically injured
"Come on, Y/N let me carry ya'"
"Dwalin, seriously, I'm fine, I know how to walk-"
*picks you up anyways*
Overall, very sweet, just a bit excessive sometimes 😅❤
I just decided to stick with these few characters if you don't mind, since I have a lot of other requests to fill out, but I hope these are okay!! Thank you for your request, and I hope these were accurate enough 😅🥰
You're amazing, beautiful and never feel ashamed or embarrassed for something you can't control!! Stay strong!! ❤
Thank you so much @essenceofotome for tagging me!
Lady Kon:



And Lynn:

I tag: @softheartedsnake (do you even have aany ocs? If not, sorry😅), @ikevamp-shrine (since we're discussing ikevamp ocs rn 😊, again if you don't have one, sorry😅) and @a-napoleon-lover-at-17 (haven't heard from you in a while, are you alive??)
What's your OC’s Themed Cocktail?
Amelie Bierwitch:

Volpe Smoothail:

Gatto Calico:

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