Azusa Mukami X Reader - Tumblr Posts
jo darling. i am writing this request again because i did a mistake and you didn't get my request you said. you pleaded me to write it again because it was azusa x male reader, so i will.
like i said, my request is from the Anime diabolik lovers ; azusa x male reader.
plot :
azusa was outside of his and his brothers estate. he wanted to try something new. he never was outside without his brothers around and when he realized he had gone to far away from home, it was to late to return.
he didn't know where he was and how he should find his way back.
he looked around, he fou d himself in a place he never has been in. he was in a big looking city, everywhere humans. many people going around, bumbing into each other, being in a hurry he thought.
just like how we know azusa, he got a headache. he started hearing so many noises and the bumbing didn't make it better. he didn't even know where he was going because of the crowd gathering.
azusa crawled in a sitting position and buried his face into his arms.
reader and his friends wanted to go to the arcade after a long day with their math teacher, they didn't like.
reader laughed and joked with his comrades before he saw someone on the ground. everyone keeled going and minded their own business. but reader wasn't like that.
he looked concerned and sitting in front of him, laying his hand on his shoulder asking if he was okay. the smaller guy (azusa) got his head up looking at him tiredly. the first thing reader noticed from him was his big eyebags.
readers friends, who just standed waiting for their friend, the reader to catch up came back to him confused. then they noticed azusa aswell and looked at him weirdly.
azusa felt discomfort and looked everywhere else other than them. reader took notice of that and told them that they should go ahead and that he will take care of the stranger.
the friends leaved hesitately and so did reader help azusa up.
azusa thanked him quietly and reader just smiled and told him that his friends really aren't bad people and that he didn't need to thank him.
azusa nodded shortly and lokked around again. reader thought to himself that he really looks like a lost puppy, also because of his height. he found it oddly cute.
reader realized that azusa has still not told him if he was okay. but reader could think for himself without that he answers it that he is not okay and that is lost obviously.
he patted his head to make is clear for him that it's fine now and just like how he told his friends before they left, that he will help him out.
the rest is up to you, i guess? hehe. when I wrote this the first time it was waaay better written, sorry for that :(
also it can be platonic or romantic
whatever you think is better for your storytelling! :)
We believe in Azusa supremacy. If you don't, :) you better change your mind dfihgdihgfiehgih
No, seriously, Azusa is best boi, Azusa is just- sdkfjsoihdfshd
I love him so much- He's no doubt my all time favorite ever
So thank you, Mom qwq I love you
Diabolik Lovers Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Azusa Mukami x male! reader
I always go by the anime design which means Azusa's hair is teal and not grey
(Y/NN) = Your nickname

Azusa didn't know the exact reason why he suddenly wanted to go out alone, to try something new. Up until a few minutes earlier, he had been staring out of the window of his room, looking into the distance. Maybe he just got curious about what laid in that certain direction, he wasn't sure.
And he didn't really ask himself about the reason why. He just kept on walking.
Azusa hasn't been out in the sun like that in a long time, the warmth of the sun and the light breezes felt so good, it was like getting a hug. A little smile appeared on the teal-haired's lips as he breathed in the fresh summer air.
He might just take strolls like this more often.
The vampire never stopped walking, only taking in the sight of the plants and nearby animals as he walked past them. Though, he was slowly spacing out and didn't register much anymore.
He was just bathing in the comforting feeling of the outside world. Something he was never sure could be real, especially without any of his brothers by his side.
Oh, how wrong he was.
Azusa hasn't felt this calm in a long while, if he ever had at all.
His mind was blank, in a positive way. The only things he really registered were the singing of the birds and the feeling of the sun. Needless to say, it was pure bliss. Enough to make the vampire not notice how long he's been walking, not realize where he had arrived at.
The loud noises of the city streets brutally snapped Azusa back to reality, "Ah...!?", his head snapped back and forth. When did he get there? He turned his head to look back to where he came from, there was a bifurcation, though, none of the paths looked familiar to the male, making him frown.
A man in a suit suddenly bumped into Azusa, making the vampire turn around with a flinch and look after him.
The teal-haired didn't like this.
He wanted to go out of the way to prevent being bumped in again, but more people followed soon, speedwalking past the pink-eyed and angrily shouting back at him about going out of the way. Azusa stumbled back against the wall of a building, his vision starting to go blurry as panic rose in his body.
No, Azusa didn't like this at all.
The people running around in front of him made him feel dizzy, the loud noises increased his upcoming headache and the weird and downlooking gazes of some passerby made him feel anxious.
His breath and legs got shaky, his fingers began to twitch. "Hahh...hahh...hahh...", he held his head in one hand, leaning against the wall with his other as he slowly sat down on the ground. As soon as he sat, he pulled his knees to his chest and buried his head into his arms, attempting to block out all the things that was feeding his headache and making him shake.
Azusa's mood just did a 180, from calm and dreamy to panicked and shaky.
There was nothing left of that relaxation he felt just a few minutes ago, not a single drop. His head pounded like a heartbeat, he almost regretted coming out all alone now, but he couldn't really think about that in that moment since his mind was overflowing with the same word, repeating it in his mind over and over again like a prayer. "Help...!"
"Hey, how about we put a picture of that shitty math teacher on one of these boxing games to let out some anger, huh!?", Dakota suggested with an evil grin on his face as he turned his head to look back at his friends. (Y/N) rolled his eyes, "You're so brutal."
Akito nodded in agreement, "Besides, where do you want to get a picture of them anyway? And print it out as well."
Dakota clicked his tongue as he put his hands behind his head and faced ahead of him again after bumping into a few people, "You guys are no fun. I thought you hated them too."
The other two males picked up speed to walk next to their friend. "Trust me, we do.", (Y/N) sighed out, "But that's no reason to do something like that.", the (Y/HC)-haired poked Dakota's side, making the other flinch and swat his hand away.
"Ew, stop being mature. That's gross. And you, Akito, stop being logical. I'm allergic to that shit.", Dakota said with a digusted look on his face, making the other two chuckle.
The small friend group quieted down and continued to walk to the arcade in silence, until (Y/N) spotted a person sitting on the floor, hugging themself.
Being the empathetic and caring person he is, he decided to check up on the person. He walked past his friends, dodging a few people as he was making his way over to the teal-haired.
"Where are you going, (Y/NN)?", Akito asked as he and Dakota stopped walking, ignoring the complaints of the people around.
"Be right back!", the other replied over his shoulder, not answering the question. Dakota frowned, "Alrighty then? Let's wait for him over there."
Akito nodded and together they walked to the side of the streets, just a few meters away from (Y/N) and the stranger.
(Y/N) sat down on his knees infront of Azusa and gently put a hand on his shoulder, making Azusa flinch at the sudden sensation, "Are you okay...?", he asked in a soft voice.
"...Eh...?", the vampire slowly lifted his head to look at whoever was trying to talk to him, confusion, but also horror, clear in his face. His pink eyes widened in shock as he saw the concerned look in (Y/N)'s face.
The (Y/HC)-haired inspected Azusa's face, immediately noticing the big dark circles under his pretty eyes. It made him frown out of concern, but he quickly wiped that out of his face to replace it with a reassuring smile. Azusa really didn't know how to respond to that, his mind was still running wild, only slowing down a tiny bit through the warmth of (Y/N)'s hand.
Akito and Dakota both pulled their brows together, confused as to why (Y/N) was sitting on the ground, since some kind of vending machine blocked their view to Azusa. "Should we get closer?", Dakota asked, leaning his head foward a bit, a weak attempt of getting a closer look without stepping closer.
Akito pondered for a moment, putting his hands on his hip, "Yeah, let's."
The teens walked up to their friend who was still sitting infront of the stranger. "Whazzup, (Y/NN)?", Dakota asked as he eyed Azusa closely, now understanding the situation better, tilting his head to the side when he noticed the scars on his face. Akito did the same, but crouched down a bit as well.
The gazes of (Y/N)'s friends made Azusa extremely uncomfortable, however. They made him hug his knees to his chest a little tighter and lower his head again, trying to hide. It was obvious he tried to prevent eye contact out of discomfort which his why (Y/N) quickly gestured them away, "You guys can go ahead without me, I'll catch up to you later."
Dakota turned his gaze to (Y/N), "Huh? And what are ya gonna do with him?"
"What do you think, dumbass?", Akito nudged Dakota with his elbow, "That boy obviously isn't feeling good", Akito took another look at said boy who's still hugging himself tightly. The (Y/HC)-haired nodded, "Exactly. I'll call you when I'm done."
Dakota pursed his lips, "Ya sure?"
"Just come already.", Akito sighed out and grabbed the other's arm and dragged him away, "See you later, (Y/NN)."
(Y/N) slightly shook his head before he turned to Azusa again, "They may seem a lil rough, but their actually very kind people.", he said in a soft chuckle, watching Azusa lift his head once again.
Azusa stared into the (Y/EC) eyes of the young man infront of him, still unsure about what was happening. But he seemed to be a nice guy, so maybe he could help him out.
"Can you stand?", (Y/N) asked and held out a hand for Azusa to grab.
Azusa nodded, "I think...", he hesitantly laid his pale hand into (Y/N)'s and let the taller male pull him to his feet. The sudden movement, however, made his head pound especially hard, making Azusa feel dizzy for a moment.
He fell against the (Y/HC)-haired's chest as he weakly held his head in one of his hands.
The taller male instinctively put his hands on the other's shoulders to support him, "Here, drink some water.", he wrapped one of his arms around Azusa's back to carefully slip his bag to his elbow before fishing out his water bottle.
Azusa watched (Y/N) open the bottle with one hand, "But it's your...water..."
"Nah, you need it more than me.", (Y/N) handed the vampire the bottle.
Azusa ended up taking a few sips, muttering out a small 'thank you' as he handed the bottle back to its owner.
(Y/N) shook his head, "You don't have to thank me. I couldn't just let you sit there all by yourself. Can you stand by yourself now?"
Azusa nodded, hesitantly increasing the distance between him and the other, kind of missing the warmth of his body pressed up against his own.
The vampire started to look around a bit, it seemed like the crowd was slowly getting smaller, decreasing his headache and making him feel much better. But that may also be because of the taller male's presence, he must say, it was quite comforting how gentle he seemed to be.
//He looks like a lost puppy...How cute.//, (Y/N) thought to himself, smiling at how Azusa's pink orbs took in the area around them.
"Don't worry, I'll help you out. You're lost, right?", (Y/N) tilted his head to the side and rose a hand to pat the shorter male on the head.
Azusa's gaze immediately darted to (Y/N)'s (Y/EC) eyes, his own pink ones wide in surprise, not only because of the head pat, but also because (Y/N) could tell he was lost.
The teal-haired nodded, "Will you me?"
"Of course! If you don't mind sharing your adress, I can put on Google Maps and walk with you and if you do min-"
(Y/N) was cut of by Azusa taking one of his hands in both of his, he only now realized how cold they were which concerned the male even more. But Azusa didn't seem that miserable anymore, not with that small smile on his lips as he looked up at (Y/N), "It's fine Thank you."
Needless to say, (Y/N) was taken aback, he thought Azusa was shy and wouldn't trust him that easily, but looks like he thought wrong. Letting out a small nervous chuckle, the (Y/HC)-haired took out his phone, "Alright then."
Azusa's eyes softened a bit. The sun reflecting in the windows behind (Y/N) made him look like he was glowing, like an angel. And to Azusa, he really was one.
An angel who heard his pleas and came down to earth to help him.
As soon as (Y/N) sent a text in the groupchat to tell his friends he was going to walk the young man home and typed in Azusa's adress in Google Maps, the two of them started walking.
"Ah, I'm (Y/N) by the way.", (Y/N) sheepishly scratched the back of his head, "I should've said that earlier, huh?"
The vampire held his arm in his hand as he turned his head to look at (Y/N), "Azusa...", was all he replied, before turning his head back to the path infront of him.
(Y/N) made a mental note, //So he's not shy, just doesn't talk much.//
Soon, Azusa felt like he could breath normally again, his headache was gone completely and he wasn't shaking anymore.
He felt like himself again and (Y/N) could clearly tell he was feeling better.
Still, the (Y/HC)-haired tried not to talk too much to not accidentally overwhelm the other, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable.
After about halfway of the way to the Mukami's mansion, he realized Azusa didn't mind him talking at all, he was actually enjoying listening.
There wasn't really something particulary interesting about what (Y/N) had to say, it was just the thought of (Y/N) being his guardian angel that made him want to listen closely to every word. He was just so grateful for being rescued like that and maybe a bit of possesiveness played a role there too.
He just knew he liked the human's company.
"Whoa, you live in that huge mansion?", (Y/N) asked with widened eyes when the house came into view, double checking on his phone if that really was the place. "I live here brothers."
(Y/N)'s eyes filled with excitement, "That's so cool, dude! Mind if I walk you to the door? I've never seen a mansion in real life before."
Azusa smiled softly at the taller one's excitement, "I don't mind..."
Grinning widely, (Y/N) took in every detail of the building, every color, every window.
They stood still at the big front door, "Well then, Azusa, have nice evening.", (Y/N) waved, making Azusa frown slightly, "Maybe we'll meet again."
The vampire didn't respond, only rose his hand to wave back at the human.
This goodbye seemed a bit unsatisfactory to both of them, but they were certain they'd meet again someday.
Azusa let his hand fall again, wondering if he could do something to make (Y/N) stay just a little longer, but nothing came to mind.
And so he watched his angel go back home, to heaven.
Azusa Mukami x male! reader
This is part 2 of "Angel"...and not so platonic anymore
And also not so innocent hsfgishfgdio
There you go
TW: implied kidnapping (Yuma&Ruki hints at doing it in a conversation), mentions of selfharm (imagining (Y/N) does it to him), possessiveness?
Diabolik Lovers Masterlist

Art is mine!
The Angel's Return
It's been a few weeks since the first time Azusa and (Y/N) met. Way too long in Azusa's opinion.
Numerous times has he walked that same path again, catious of where he ends up this time. Only when he could see the city buildings in the distance he stood still. Usually he'd just look around to see if he could spot his favorite human somewhere, but to no avail.
Everytime, he returned home with a disappointed expression on his face, if only he could look deeper. His anxiety prevented him to do so, sadly.
The thought of (Y/N) being the one looking for him made him feel less bad about it though.
Just imagine...His angel returning to him with a bright smile, talking about how much he missed him, how bad and lonely he felt without him...
Azusa can't help, but smile at that thought.
And that was one of the signs that made Kou curious about what his little brother has been doing the past few weeks.
The teal-haired never responded. Kou being Kou though, he quickly guessed what it was, exclaiming it loud and proud during dinner one day, "Our Azusa found himself a human!"
The vampire in question only responded with, "He's an angel.", ignoring most of the questions his brothers threw at him.
"Why not bring him here then?", is pretty much the only thing Ruki asked.
Azusa stared at his plate, sadness clear in his eyes, "I can't find him..." "Huh? Then we'll look for him! You remember his face and name right?", Yuma suggested.
"Yes, but..."
"But what?"
"I know he'll come to see me...He said it himself."
The brothers were a bit skeptical about that, but this was Azusa's human, so it was Azusa's desicion.
Yuma clicked his tongue, "Fine then. But when he doesn't show up soon, we're ready to get him here."
And at the same time, at another place...
"You sure you want to go? Alone?", Akito asked, frowning at his friend who was just talking exactly about what Azusa hoped for.
"Yeah, why not? I mean, I don't have to go inside. We could just take a stroll around.", (Y/N) responded, while scrolling through his Google Maps history to find the vampire's address.
"...", Dakota stared at the (Y/HC)-haired, "You know...being the dumb and naive one is my job in this friend group."
Akito nodded wildly, "He's absolutely right! When did you turn into such a dumbass, dumbass!?"
(Y/N) pursed his lips, "He's cute, alright??"
Akito and Dakota froze.
They froze for a long while.
"SIMP!!! SIMP!!! SIMP!!!", they chanted simultaneously, while pointing their fingers at (Y/N).
"Shut up, would ya!?"
And they did.
But that didn't stop them from following their friend to the mansion, though.
They were really suspicious of that Azusa guy. Sure, he seemed like having his own problems and such, but what happened exactly to make (Y/N) so fond of him??
He can't possibly be that cute right?
Dakota, a bisexual, wanted to find out, 'vibe check' him as he called it.
They ended up agreeing to take that as an excuse to stalk (Y/N) all the way out there. Not because they were scared something might happen to their dear friend, no-
If (Y/N) found out about that, he'd be pretty mad. He hates it when people think he couldn't stand his own.
Yeah, he might seem like a nice and gentle guy, and he is don't get me wrong, but he can bite when he has to.
That's why he wasn't scared to pay his acquaintance a visit by himself. It was just meant as a friendly gesture anyway, he told himself while pushing other thoughts about Azusa to the very back of his mind. He was kind of embarrassed he had thoughts in that direction, honestly
The (Y/HC)-haired made himself ready to knock on the big front door. It didn't feel like a long time since he stood infront of it for the first time, eyes gleaming with interest and amazement.
He's still amazed about the fact he met someone who lived in a dang mansion. And that he never came across it before.
After taking a long breath, he finally knocked, stepping a few steps back as he waited for an answer.
He was hoping for Azusa to open the door, honestly.
If he remembered correctly, Azusa said he lived with his brothers. So there was a chance of one of them answering the door instead of him.
And well, (Y/N) wanted to dodge that awkward feeling he'd feel while introducing himself and asking for the teal-haired.
Because there was no guarantee Azusa told his brothers about him and well...Wouldn't it be weird to open the door to a stranger who claims to have helped their little brother find his way home, which is also the reason he has their address-
Now that (Y/N) started overthinking, he began to think this was quite the bad idea.
But well, he already knocked so-
His train of thought was interrupted by a black-haired man opening the door.
It's not Azusa...great.
Ruki's cold blue eyes looked the human up and down in slight interest. He certainly didn't expect a random human at his it might be-
"U-uh, hello! I'm (Y/N) and- uh- I was wondering if Azusa was home?", that alone was enough to confirm Ruki's suspicion.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N), his friends hid behind a tree and watched him from afar. They were too far away to be able to hear anything, but close enough to see their movements clearly.
Ruki, however, noticed them staring intensely at the two of them.
"Did you come here by yourself?", he asked, without even introducing himself before.
"Yeah, why?"
The vampire kept looking at the male infront of him, staring him down for a few seconds before accepting his answer as not a lie.
(Y/N) grew nervous under his cold gaze, but he stood his ground. This wasn't his first staring contest.
"Wait here."
Ruki went back inside, closing the door behind him as he did so.
The moment the door made a click sound, the (Y/HC)-haired exhaled a breath he didn't notice he was holding in.
"Holy shit...", he muttered to himself, "That was intense."
A few moments later, the door reopened. But instead of revealing that scary looking black-haired, it was a bashfully smiling Azusa who peecked his head through the door.
"(Y/N)...", he greeted with a voice full of longing. It made (Y/N) feel like the two of them had a much deeper connection than they actually had for a second. Why else would the shorter one be so happy to see him again?
Anyhow, the human smiled brightly at him, "Hi, Azusa!", he went to scratch the back of his head nervously, "I hope you don't mind me showing up at your door so suddenly."
"I don't mind...", he looked up at (Y/N), who was talking about how he was starting to overthink all this. As the vampire did so, he ran his fingers up and down his new scars on his left arm.
(Y/N) didn't see it since everything, but Azusa's head, was covered by the thick wooden door.
Azusa blushed slightly as he thought back to what he was doing earlier. He started to wonder if the human would really do what he imagined him doing to him if he asked nicely.
Does (Y/N) like pain too?
Either way, he didn't want to cut straight to the chase, as much as he actually wanted to, since he liked the thought of his angel keep coming back to see him. So he pulled down his sleeves and pushed back the urges to ask the taller one if he wanted to see his knife collection or anything of that sorts.
This was the first time he was so obssessed with the thought of being together with a human, having that human all to himself.
The vampire didn't want to ruin his chances and risk (Y/N) saying that he hated him before saying that he loved him. Not that Azusa would ever want (Y/N) to hate him.
Yes, his mind already went that far and he didn't mind it at all.
After pulling at his sleeves a bit more, he opened the door further, revealing the rest of his petite body. "I'm so happy you'", Azusa reached out and grabbed one of (Y/N) hands in both of his.
The other was taken aback by that, both by his words and the physical touch, but he said nothing about it. He just chuckled, "I'm happy seeing you doing better, bud."
"Hmm...", Azusa wasn't really fond of that nickname, but he let it be for now.
Meanwhile behind that tree...
Akito frowned, "Alright, that's sus."
Dakota nodded in agreement, "Yes, very sus."
And back to the other two...
"So...uhm...Do ya wanna join me on my stroll?", (Y/N) tilted his head to the side, waiting for a response. And he didn't have to wait long since Azusa immediately stepped outside and closed the door behind him, "I'd love to..."
"Great!", (Y/N) responded back a bit stiffly. He certainly wasn't expecting Azusa to jump in on it so quickly. Almost as if he knew this was coming.
Or maybe he was hoping for it. Longing even.
Either way. the two of them started to walk, leaving Akito and Dakota behind them.
(Y/N) has yet to notice them, unlike Azusa who got the info from his brother. Azusa really hoped they would just go away and leave them be.
But the two teens acted against his unspoken wishes as they continued to follow their friend and his soon to be lover acquaintance crush.
Azusa was getting a little fidgety, feeling their gazes on his back. He couldn't even listen to what (Y/N) was saying properly. It was clear to him that they didn't trust him completely. He wasn't mad about it or anything, he was actually kind of glad (Y/N) got friends who cared for him like this.
But he didn't like it in that moment.
Azusa wanted to be alone with his angel and just enjoy these moments with him. He missed that certain feeling of being watched over and being taken care of by the (Y/HC)-haired.
And he really didn't want them to interrupt and ruin it by making him feel judged or anything of that sorts.
(Y/N), of course, noticed the pink-eyed starting to fidget with his fingers and lowering his head, "Hey, you okay?"
"Hmm...", Azusa stood still, making the other halt as well, "I feel like...someone is following us..."
The two of them turned their heads to look behind them, startling Akito and Dakota which caused them to trip before they could hide again.
" that...?", (Y/N) narrowed his eyes at the two teens in the near distance, "You gotta be kidding- I- Imma be right back-"
(Y/N) speedwalked over to the two idiots, getting ready to scold the shit out of them.
Meanwhile, Azusa watched the scene, starting to feel a bit better if he's being honest. He knew (Y/N) was trying his best to make him feel comfortable. And (Y/N) damn well remembered how uncomfortable Azusa was when Akito and Dakota came over to check out what happened.
It was basically watching someone you like remove some kind of insect from your wall.
Or tell some bullies to fuck off.
And Azusa liked that very much. He was really grateful as well since there were only a few people who actually cared about his well being before. Three to be excact. And that being his brothers.
He watched with his pink eyes how the two teens left and how his angel returned to his side. Azusa was carrying a small smile on his face.
"Sorry about that...I swear they really don't mean any harm.", the taller one apologized as he bowed down infront of the vampire.
Azusa, again, took one of (Y/N)'s hands in his own. This seemed like a gesture he will recieve quite a lot, is what the (Y/HC)-haired thought.
"Thank you...", the vampire's voice was full of gratefullness and adoration. (Y/N) was starting to think he didn't deserve to recieve anything like that.
The human didn't do anything that noteworthy to make anyone feel so thankful towards him. Or maybe he did and just didn't realize it.
"Hey, no need to thank me, okay?", (Y/N) chuckled nervously, giving the male infront of him a bright smile, "That's what lovers friends do right?"
The moment these words left his mouth he widened his eyes in horror and began to stutter while a blush slowly crept onto his face, "I'm sorry, I didn't- I mean- I- uhm- It's just a way of saying-", he just kept on triping over his own words and it made him more and more embarrassed.
It wasn't quite the word he had in mind himself, but...
Azusa looked up in (Y/N)'s flushed face, right before (Y/N) covered it up with his hands to hide it away. was enough for now.
"I'm be your friend."
(Y/N) slowly parted his fingers to be able to see through them, "Huh?"
He didn't get an answer, just a sweet little smile and a tuck on his hand, urging him to keep walking.
I swear, saying (Y/N) was confused about absolutely everything would be an understatement-
Azusa, anyhow, knew he wasn't going to let his angel leave anytime soon.
Diabolik lover character with a musician s/o mainly marimba,piano,violin,etc pls thank youš
Pls be more specific with which characters you want shdfshfi I wasn't too sure about what you meant so I wrote something for every character I write for from DL
Diabolik Lovers Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
X gn! reader
Headcanon: Shu Sakamaki, Reiji Sakamaki, Ayato Sakamaki, Kanato Sakamaki, Laito Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki, Ruki Mukami, Kou Mukami, Yuma Mukami, Azusa Mukami with a s/o who's a musician (classical)

Shu really enjoys listening to you play which is why he never misses the opportunity to do so
So whenever he sees you walk into the music room, he follows you, getting comfortable somewhere in the room as he waits for you to start
He especially enjoys when you play the violin
And if you ask nicely, and he feels like it, he grabs his violin and joins you

Reiji pays your hobby, or whatever you might call it, not too much attention actually
He makes a mental note, but he isn't all about it
Still appreciates it if you want to play something for him
And he will totally talk about how much better you play than Laito and Shu
But don't let that go to your head

Ayato find it pretty boring
Why not try something more lively? Something that makes you want to tap your feet along with the music
Really, he doesn't care
He likes watching you get in your zone when you play though. It's really cute

Kanato makes you play for him to sing along all the time
There is no escape
You don't feel like playing? Stfu, it's what you do best so do it
It's always kind of worth it cause Kanato's singing is nice
And he compliments you about it sometimes as well

Laito makes you sit on his lap while he sits on the piano chair, wanting to play together, but in a more "intimate" way as he calls it
He do be kissing your neck while you two play which makes you mess up sometimes- and he loves it
Cause then he has a reason to start all over again

Subaru pretends not to care much, he did express his shock that you play those instruments though
He just didn't expect you to like stuff like that
And even tho he pretends not to care, it actually calms him a lot when he gets to listen to you play
The marimba is his favorite since he rarely hears people play it, so it's kind of new to him

Ruki asks you to play for him whenever he's exhausted. With that I mean emotionally exhausted
He loves sitting in an armchair and closing his eyes while you play the violin
Sometimes he'd lean his head against you thigh when you stand next to him while playing

Kou isn't really interested, he's more into pop and all that
So he tries to convince you to learn an instrument from another music genre, something with a catchy beat
Whether he succeeds or not is up to you, but he do be really consistent, pushy even

Yuma isn't really into classical music
He prefers something like rock and similar genres
So if you ask for him to listen to you play he's like "meh", give into your wishes anyways
He focuses more on your movements and expressions than listening to your playing. You're just so captivating while in your zone
Even though he's not really into the music, he does give you a compliment every now and then

Azusa doesn't really have a music preference, he'd enjoy pretty much everything you have him listen to
You often notice him standing in the doorway while you're either playing or getting ready to play
He only steps into the room when you invite him to do so
He fell asleep standing up, listening to you playing once or twice before
Sakamaki+Mukami x gn! reader
Self-indulgent shit for the sake of my mental health
Diabolik Lovers Masterlist
Headcanon: does he like PDA?

Let's just say: Shu doesn't mind it
It's rather amusing to him whenever you reach for his hand, hug him, try to kiss him and so on
It really is just an opening for teasing you about it
He rarely anitiates PDA himself, maybe when you're feeling down or it's a special occasion
Shu prefers laying down to cuddle, but since that's not that possible when you're out he has to wait until you're home
And in 8/10 times, you won't be able to escape your boyfriend's grasp

Reiji isn't really a fan of PDA
He doesn't mind touching you while others can see it, he actually finds it exciting in a way, but he finds it rather inaproppriate in many cases
Hooking arms and holding hands is absolutely okay tho
But for everything else, you better wait for him to initiate it or ask him. He doesn't like being touched out of a sudden

Ayato will get pissed if you push him away, PDA is a way of showing off who you belong to. So pushing him away is a way of saying you don't want others to know or worse- not wanting to be with him
Either way, Ayato will make sure he gets what he wants, so you better change your mind about PDA quick if you don't like it
He doesn't mind any form of affection in public. Bruh, he'd do anything with you in public, as long as he's the only one who sees you- that being your body and expression

Kanato doesn't mind PDA, he ignores everyone around
So there is no difference in his way of showing you his love when you're in public or not
And that means he doesn't care who sees or hears you, if you fuck up in any type of way everyone will know
But really, as long as you don't make him jealous or something, you'll be fine
He really likes holding onto your arm

Oh, boy, Laito doesn't give a shit
If anything, being out in public while getting handsy or kissing makes it even more exciting for him
He'll be blushing while looking at you with half lidded eyes before diving in for a smooch or hug
Will not care if your uncomfortable or embarrassed, would kind of love it if you don't mind people watching. But in any case, he actively seeks out a blush on your face or a stutter in your words

Subaru is kind of okay with it
Will never initiate PDA though, only exception is when he's emotional or protective. But even in that case, he'd be a flustered mess, so don't point it out and just roll with it
Otherwise, or if anyone else says something about it, he'll get mad and let go of you or stop giving you kisses for the rest of the day
Unless you ask nicely and not in a teasing way
He'd still be grumpy though

Ruki doesn't mind it as long as it's not getting in his way of doing things
It's unlikely he initiates it though, it's not like he doesn't want people to see it, he just doesn't think about holding your hand or anything along those lines
Would gladly do it if that's what you want though
He actually really likes it when you wrap your arms around him or give him a kiss in public

Your hands exist for Kou to hold, your waist exists for Kou to wrap his arm around
He really doesn't want any paparazi or fangirls to stress about your relationship if they ever found out, but at the same time he doesn't want to cut off his affection for you
You don't like it? :( Awe, now he's all pouty, maybe even a bit irritated. Now he wants kisses as an apology

Yuma is pretty casual when it comes to PDA
When he initiates it, then he initiates it
If you initiate it, then you initiate it
And that's about it
Sometimes it's chill and he just wraps an arm around you or dips down for a peck, but sometimes it's not so chill and he throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes while laughing at your squirming
One of the more sweet guys, if I may say so, but is still not above making out with you out in the open just to embarrass you

Precious boy Azusa loves PDA, not because it's PDA, but because it's affection
He doesn't know when or how to initiate it, and really, he prefers you taking the lead in that regard either way
Every little touch of you is enough to make him the happiest vamp in the world, honestly
There is no preffered form of PDA because, again, he loves everything
He might get emotional at the end of the day, just overflowed with the little hints of love you showed him throughout the day, but damn, please don't stop doing it, give him one more kiss, please?
Hello! Can I get a Diabolik Lovers matchup? And would it be possible to get a match for both the Sakamakiās and the Mukamiās? If not then either is fine!
Iām a 21 y/o female, demibisexual though I lean more towards guys. Iām 5ā5 and curvy/thicc, so Iām kinda pudgy. Iām goth with snakebites and 3 decently big tattoos. Right now my hair is dyed red, and my right side of my head is half shaved. The length is just past my shoulder blades. Itās not as drastic as it sounds lol. My eyes are brown, and my hair is naturally brown.
Personality wise, I am an INFP/INTP and a Slytherin. I am known to always look angry, even when Iām very happy. Major RBF, and a lot of the time I am angry or just irritated :ā). I do have adhd, so sometimes Iām all over with my personality. Though most of the time I am quiet and mean looking to make people leave me alone. With family and friends Iām a total crackhead, sassy, and more caring, though itās difficult to be empathetic. Very protective of the people I care for.
Big gamer and cosplayer as well, I also hunt and fish and know how to use quite a few firearms and weapons. Iāve been hunting/fishing since I was 2 years old. I think thatās it? Thanks!
No problem! Hope you like this!
I match you with:
Yuma Mukami

Yuma to me seems like someone who'd be intrigued by your looks and would try to get close to you to see what you're all about.
Even if you act a bit cold at first, unless you send him away he doesn't mind.
He'll try and spark up conversations or ask you to hang out with him in his garden, I mean, how can you not warm up to such a bro like him?
Will complement you on your looks, from your figure and your makeup (he'd be blown away by goth makeup, trust me), to your tattoos, clothes etc. He loves how loud and unapologetic and it is.
He's absolutely elated when he gets to see your energetic crackhead side.
Even if you get in the state where you're kinda everywhere at once, he really doesn't mind. Honestly he just vibes with it. Like he won't match your level of energy, he might just watch from the sidelines, so to say.
He very much appreciates your protectivness over him. And if you get close with his brothers as well, especially Azusa, because he is very...magnetic when it comes to trouble/danger, and get protective over them as well, he'll appreciate you even more!
Please come up with sassy comebacks to his remarks, he loves it.
Also, long hair gang? He'd love it if you let him take care of your hair or you his. Quality bonding time, we love to see it <3
He would love to see you cosplay, he finds it as interesting as your usual style.
Your other hobbies however, don't really sit with him. I mean, he'll play with you from time to time, but he's much rather outside.
He also doesn't like hurting animals, don't get me wrong, he knows how to hunt, just doesn't like to.
He would go fishing with you, either to catch some for dinner or to just admire there beauty and dirpness and then let them out.
He likes that you're able to protect yourself however and may ask you to show him how to handle some weapons.
Ayato Sakamaki

He's a pain in the ass, but if you're able to survive that, he's kinda a cool guy!
Also one that will love your aesthetic, but unlike Yuma, he's more interested in trying it out himself. He's an eboy, you can't change my mind, and while that isn't even remotely close to goth, he still wants you to put eyeliner on him, it makes him feel cool and dangerous.
You two would probably have a rough start, but after that I think you'd be a power duo!
I mean, you two share quite a few traits, for example: the S A S S.
Like Yuma, he gets a kick out of it, if you are able to not only put up, but counter his sassy remarks ad playful jabs.
Then, the energy. You're probably more of a crackhead than he is, but the potential is there!
The protectiveness! If you grow close to him, he becomes protective of you, nobody is allowed to mess with you, because they're automatically messing with him as well. Although his protectiveness stems from a different reason than yours, the outcome is the same.
He loves to see you cosplay and would do a couple cosplay if you asked him! Also loves to play with you (but he's definitely a sore loser and a cheat, even though he won't admit it. That's what years of being told he needs to be the best does with you.)
Also is not much into hunting and does not have the patience for fishing, but thinks it's cool you know how to handle weapons and firearms. That is very sexy of you.
I can also see you with: Azusa Mukami - This boy is very calm and will not get into your hair. He is very interested about your looks, because, let's be honest, if you're not used to seeing goth fashion or people and don't know what it is, it can look quite intimidating or tough looking. And he is very attracted to that. But please don't actually be mean to him. He might be a bit annoying with how much he asks you why you won't hurt him when you look like that, but teach him people can show affection differently than through pain and he'll get addicted. Also doesn't understand why you'd be protective over him, but it warms his heart <3
hey, can I get a DiaLovers matchup? Iām an ENTP, aquarius sun with a sagittarius moon š Iām very extroverted, extremely energetic! I tend to talk a lot, like a lot a lot and really friendly. I think Iām pretty loyal, and Iām v. stubborn and persistent. I really like making new friends!! Iām a very open person. Itās rare that youāll catch me in a bad mood, and i kind of think of myself as a go getter. Kind of manic ig? I think Iām a fun personš¤©
I have a hard time picking up on social cues, and because of that I can come off as really obnoxious and annoying. Iām very liberal with my affection, sometimes i forget about personal space and stuff. Um, Iām kind of airhead I guess? Kinda scatterbrained. Also, I can be really reckless and headstrong in pursuit of my goals
my interests include all things STEM, more specifically chemistry, Iāve placed at ISEF three years in a row. I also really like robotics, although Iām less good at programming. I also have a special taste for internet memes and 80s pop culture. I also really like reading comics. Oh, and I do really well school, studying is another one of my passions! i like to tutor others who are struggling, I think itās a opportunity to make new friends.
Appearance wise, Iām pretty tall(?) Iām like 5ā7.5ā. I have a lot of lean muscle and have really long limbs. I could be described as curvy ig?? I look older than I actually am. Iām like, really tan! My hair is big and curly and it reaches my shoulder blades, bleached blonde (natural auburn) and my eyes are dark brown but i like to wear blue contacts. Iāve been told my appearance doesnāt really match my personality lol
Alrighty! I've always loved chemistry, but I don't understand it. I have respect for anyone who does though. Also, my computer froze when I had over a half written and I had to turn it off and on and lost all the progress, so I hope you'll enjoy this XD. That said, I match you with:
Ruki Mukami

Although Ruki is kind of reserved, he is a very soft guy imo.
So naturally he's drawn to your kind personality.
You're basically the most energetic person in the Mukami estate and Ruki often finds himself watching you go about your day with a soft smile.
During conversations, he would let you do the talking, only responding in short sentences and occasional questions when you stop to take your breath.
He is very interested in what you have to say, he's just a man of a few words.
Ruki's also immensely patient, since he has been taking care of his brothers from a pretty young age, so if you are too much to handle sometimes, he'll calmly tell you to tune it down.
Not that he doesn't find your affection and ever lasting energy cute, he's just not very used to it, you'll have to forgive him for that.
Please ramble away about science, mans will be absolutely in love. He wishes he could listen to you like a podcast before going to bed or when he does his portion of chores.
He already found you super pretty and loved your kind nature, to find out that you're so smart as well was so mind blowing for him, because he cannot come up with anything that would make you more perfect.
He doesn't really care about pop culture, but when he finds out you like to read? Oh boy.
Doesn't matter what you like to read, if you agree to read with him, he's over the moon! He with his (probably spell) book and you with a comic book = perfect date.
It really becomes his safe haven, these quiet moments with you, when he allows himself to let go all the stress and just enjoy himself.
He doesn't really get why are memes so funny, he's kind of like a dad when it comes to this, especially if you like the typical abstract, gen z humor.
However, if you persist you may find out he enjoys puns. So if you show him a picture of Shawn Mendes (after you explain who the heck that it) on a grass background with the caption Lawn Mendes, you'll get a nice chuckle out of him.
I can also see you with: Azusa Mukami - He's a sweetheart that would, after you take the time and show him what proper affection looks like, get addicted to your giving personality. He'd love how energetic and smart you are and how you're kind enough to wait for him, since he's a bit slow, literally. The thing is, Azusa has no sense of self worth, so even if he feels a bit choked by you sometimes, he wouldn't tell you anything, because old habits die hard, if you know what I'm saying, so that's something you two wouldhave to work on. Reiji Sakamaki - I almost wanted to include him in the main list, but there are just too many things aspects about your personalities that clash and not in the good way. Reiji would definitely be attracted to your intelligence, your understanding that knowledge and education is important and would love it if you could help him with his experiments (and not be just his guinea pig). However, he'd have the hardest time getting used to your loud, energetic personality. Reiji likes order and quiet and is not above punishing you when you don't quiet down after the stern looks he sends your way. However, I believe that after a lot of work on both of your parts, you could make some compromises and actually be in a healthy relationship.