romanovasnat - take your goddamn epipen and get out of my house!
take your goddamn epipen and get out of my house!

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Romanovasnat - Take Your Goddamn Epipen And Get Out Of My House! - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

makes me sick to see people dedicating their lives to their careers and families. what about phone in bed

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9 months ago

One day you think: I want to die. And then you think, very quietly, actually I want a coffee. I want a nap. A sandwich. A book. And I want to die turns day by day into I want to go home, I want to walk in the woods, I want to see my friends, I want to sit in the sun. I want a cleaner room, I want a better job, I want to live somewhere else, I want to live.

10 months ago

kitten i'll be honest daddy isn't sure he's cut out for full time employment

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11 months ago
Thats It Thats The Whole Movie
Thats It Thats The Whole Movie

that’s it that’s the whole movie

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1 year ago
"Ethnic Cleansing Is Not Self-defence"

"Ethnic cleansing is not self-defence"

Pasteups in Paris

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1 year ago

Self improvement is great but ultimately? you have to accept your self. Yes you can eat better, exercise more, read more, set boundaries, love your self, but it all comes down to this. Some days you won’t have the energy to do any of these things. And you’ll look in the mirror and think that this is not enough. That’s a lie. The biggest love for self is to live slowly. To rest. To really rest. Have a nap. Eat what makes you feel good. Read if you want to. Embrace yourself and accept that you cannot and will not be ever be perfect. Accept that you are good enough. You don’t need to keep busy all the time. you don’t need to go out all the time and post on instagram. You don’t need to journal if you don’t want to. You don’t need to make art if you don’t want to. Breathe, give yourself grace and compassion. Give yourself the love and tenderness you so badly need. Be gentle with yourself. You are trying and it is good enough. You are good enough.

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

#24 on ur spotify wrapped describes how 2024 will go, how screwed r u

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1 year ago

being a fan of something with like 30 total fans on tumblr is funny bc you get like 12 notes on a post and you're like wow the gang's all here

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1 year ago

there are so many people who are waiting to love you. keep going

1 year ago

you still would’ve been mine<3

it’s canon now- they met on a crowded street in 1944

You Still Wouldve Been Mine

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1 year ago

the infinity war prequel comic consistently makes me ill to my stomach whenever I remember it exists

The Infinity War Prequel Comic Consistently Makes Me Ill To My Stomach Whenever I Remember It Exists

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2 years ago

endgame is so funny to me bc they were like ‘a ten year culmination! a proper sendoff to the avengers! the perfect ending!’ and then it proceeded to give the og avengers the actual worst possible endings. thor spends five years locked in a shack and then leaves his people to become a space pirate, despite asgard being his number one concern. tony spent five years out of the public eye, did very little inventing, and then dies. bruce (who hates the spotlight) became a celebrity and has a “catch phrase”. natasha’s found family abandoned her for five years and then she dies at the bottom of a cliff. clint became a ruthless killer with no morality, killing hundreds of people. steve spends five years doing nothing except mourning someone who died of old age, then chooses a white picket fence instead of the picket line. like HELLO? 

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2 years ago
Haven't Seen Anyone Mentioning This Iconic Moon Knight Panel Yet.

Haven't seen anyone mentioning this iconic Moon Knight panel yet.

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2 years ago

who remembers this one

this is the funniest thing skfjskf

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