room-of-ropi - ✨ROPI's corner✨
✨ROPI's corner✨

Gaming, art & other things I like~

11 posts

Room-of-ropi - ROPI's Corner - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
First Shiny Of The Fall, Some Golden Eggs I Was Hunting For Some Swarm Pokmon (mainly Yanma) In HGSS
First Shiny Of The Fall, Some Golden Eggs I Was Hunting For Some Swarm Pokmon (mainly Yanma) In HGSS

First shiny of the fall, some golden eggs ✨I was hunting for some swarm Pokémon (mainly Yanma) in HGSS as side hunts next to my Platinum Bidoof hunt, but today's swarms were Relicanth and Remoraid and I wasn't in mood for fishing. So I went for Taillow instead on the special trees in Cherrygrove City and after just 40 encounters today (1140 in total) these eggs appeared. Although I went for a different Pokémon, I don't mind Exeggcute, because it's a shiny a haven't got before, so it's something new and she was underodds as well 😊

I tried to use Hustle to make Taillow appear more, but I'm not sure it worked~

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6 months ago
Although I Play Gen4 Mostly, This Is The First Time I Beat Diamond Ever~

Although I play gen4 mostly, this is the first time I beat Diamond ever~

The Team, from left to right: Chitchat the Monferno✨, Midnight the Roselia✨, Noise the Electivire✨, Mori the player, Gumbo the Grotle, Finito the Lumineon & Ms. Magent the Honchkrow✨.

I originally made this file to hunt Murkrow in Eternal Forest (that as you can see, I got in the second phase after Budew), then I decided to finish the playthrough as I've never done it before. I hunted some other teammates, a Chimchar with masuda method and Elekid with PokéRadar, but I was lazy to make a full shiny team, so I grabbed a Lumineon (that I've also never used before) and kept my starter Grotle.

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6 months ago
Last Shiny Of This Summer, A Full-odds Shiny Shinx After 3228 Encounter. It's Phase 1 For Bidoof, Which

Last shiny of this summer, a full-odds shiny Shinx after 3228 encounter. It's phase 1 for Bidoof, which is kinda funny, considering how common Bidoof is xd

(found on August 30th)

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7 months ago
Today Is Rolf's Birthday! He's My Oldest Villager In My First Town Tulipi, He Was Actually One Of My

Today is Rolf's birthday! 🎂 He's my oldest villager in my first town Tulipi, he was actually one of my starters and he lives here since~ I don't intend to let him move out ever so hopefully we will celebrate many more birthdays together 😊

(also bestie Rudy was there too so it was perfect)

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7 months ago

Tadpole♪ Diary Pt.1

Some interesting things happened in the last few days so I thought I'll share them~

Tadpole Diary Pt.1

On August 9th, the Able Sisters had an Explorer Pants on display, so that's one clothing down on my goals list ~♪

Tadpole Diary Pt.1

On the 10th, Gracie was in town, and this time, he asked for the Flashy theme which I had some clothes for! (unlike last time 🥲 ) Two more passing fashion checks and he's gonna open up his store! I also caught a scorpion that night which I didn't have yet✨

Tadpole Diary Pt.1
Tadpole Diary Pt.1

Yesterday I could finally catch a tarantula after one bit me and two played kamikaze the other day. (One is actually merged with a tree and despawned and the other threw itself down from the cliff :'D ) With this catch, only one bug left to get, the dung beetle that I didn't catch last winter for some reason...

We also watched the fireworks show with Scoot and Lucha 🎆

Tadpole Diary Pt.1
Tadpole Diary Pt.1

Today, Re-Tail had a Cardboard Chair on display by Scoot. It's not a really interesting item, but for me it's special as I don't even have it on my other, 6 years old town! And actually I can use this one for my treehouse club room. Redd was also here and had a painting I didn't have yet.

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7 months ago
I Made This Goal List For My Second New Leaf Town, Tadpole. I Want To Post The Updates On Here~

I made this goal list for my second New Leaf town, Tadpole♪. I want to post the updates on here~

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7 months ago
Let This Be My First Post And Set The Tone Of This Whole Blog

Let this be my first post and set the tone of this whole blog ✨

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