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6 months ago

Although I play gen4 mostly, this is the first time I beat Diamond ever~
The Team, from left to right: Chitchat the Monferno✨, Midnight the Roselia✨, Noise the Electivire✨, Mori the player, Gumbo the Grotle, Finito the Lumineon & Ms. Magent the Honchkrow✨.
I originally made this file to hunt Murkrow in Eternal Forest (that as you can see, I got in the second phase after Budew), then I decided to finish the playthrough as I've never done it before. I hunted some other teammates, a Chimchar with masuda method and Elekid with PokéRadar, but I was lazy to make a full shiny team, so I grabbed a Lumineon (that I've also never used before) and kept my starter Grotle.
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