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Rose-of-redwall - Sable Rose - Tumblr Blog

Today’s mouse is Mariel from Redwall!
The books that have wildcats - Mossflower, Lord Brocktree, and High Rhulain (and a bit of Redwall itself), LB and MSF take place before the abbey is founded.
Redwall takes place after those two and there's only Julian left.
So they died out on the mainland, but Green Isle is so isolated, it still has a loch ness monster expy - something from the dinosaur age and wildcats who didn't get killed because they didn't go anywhere.
So Green Isle is an island stuck centuries in the past but we can't really tell outside of it's residents bc the world as a whole isn't technologically advanced. It also ties into the fact that there's a direct mention of Kaltag's family being domesticated cats 'by something'.
It's basically this series’ version of a prehistoric setting untouched by time.
That's clever!

I literally would have KILLED for just one mention in Mossflower or Legend of Luke that Martin wore a rose on his attire somewhere, like WOULDN'T THAT BE SO SAD.

(original tweet)
I would like a million dollars so I can give it to this man to carve whatever he wants in wood surfaces all over my dream house and also any public buildings he feels like, please.
They're adorable!! This is great!

Marteoin and gongf

Been wanting to draw something related to Redwall for agesss. I haven't actually read the books, but I've seen the Nelvana TV series and heard some of the audiobook. Also aware Netflix was making a new show (Please please please don't cancel it Netflix please I'm begging you)
Redwall means a lot to many people, and it's really influenced my art, so I'll consider this piece a sort of love letter to it! Hope you like this painting! Enjoy enjoy!!

Long-tailed Weasel (Neogale frenata), family Mustelidae, CA, USA
photographs by guyincognito
Bisky: Alright, I talked to Brother Torilis. I got the scoop. Bosie: What did he say? Bisky: “Hates you with the power of a thousand suns”. That’s a direct quote.
Badrang, being dragged out of bed at dawn by Clogg: Ow! Ow! Fucking fucking fuck! Clogg: Sorry, chummer! Methinks ye've got Talk Like a Pirate Day mixed up with Swear Like a Sailor Day.
What about Outcast of Redwall?

Here it is. However, we simply call this book "Outcast".

Here's a wip.
This is what happens when you're stressed as shit about your last course of your masters degree.
You end up opening a bottle of wine, watch SEVERAL HOURS of talking animal media and the Uprooted campaign and well.....
You begin to get these.....IDEAS.

Luke drawing I did at school!!

Commission for @KelchanFerret
Aaron and Ilona spend their day off of ranger duty to enjoy each other’s company in Cavern Hole at Redwall Abbey.
Art © me.
Characters © @KelchanFerret
= = =
Commission guidelines and prices
had a dream that i was rewatching martin the warrior and so much random shit was changed like, there was a dalmatian character, clogg had a goat as part of his crew, and the music was changed to, what i can only describe as nightmare music.
there was also something about a cancelled movie that would have been funded by arby's.

little luke doodle!! and awesome new sketchbook off redbubble‼️❤️

Here’s to Brian Jacques mouth-watering forest food 🤤 (seriously doesn’t it sound so tasty??)
Martin: Watcha doin? Gonff: Stealing Stormfin. Martin: Scandalous. Martin: Can I help?
sawney rath calls tagg 'son' as a way to assert power, not out of any kind of familial fondness or paternal feelings. he calls tagg son to remind the juska that he is the one who trained the taggerung, he is the one who the taggerung looks to. hes not taggs father and tagg doesn't consider him a parental figure. its explicitly stated. family isnt taggs motivation, or sawney's approval- predicated on tagg's compliance- would have mattered more.

Go My Rottweiler Go