Several worms with mild brain damageShe/They
38 posts
Roseatex - Tumblr Blog
💻🖊🖼Drawfee Fun🖼🖊💻

The standard @drawfee experience ❤️
Saw that meme going around from Myszka on Twitter and knew that I had to render the gremlin crew. Original under the cut

New Root!!!New Root!!
BUCKET!!! I LOVE YOU!!! Mwah!!
Your gambling addiction though man.

Made a DnD character! Bucket is a Kenku rogue and I love him

Trying to study lights and shadows of different textures with the help of this very silly pug in armor. Love Grumley.
If someone could teach me how metal works that would be great cause ??? and I can't find the picture of the random pug I used as reference for the face but that's fine I'll look later if I remember

Peggy casts nuclear fallout!
I can't stop thinking about these goobers. There isn't enough fanart of them so I made whatever this was

rubber ducky isopod leftover stimboard!
🩶-💛-🩶 / 💛-🩶-💛 / 🩶-💛-🩶

Puerto Rican velvet worm, Peripatus juanensis, Peripatidae
Photographed in Puerto Rico by wesgapp

Collection of le fishe memes from an aspiring marine biologist 🦈