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Little series (what if)
Lost sibling
What if lost sibling was a nameless

The beauty about your dark truth (argenti x f.knigh!treader)
01-darling-01 liked this · 7 months ago
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Finished the prologue of the story for the argenti x f reader. So be alert. Probably i will post it in the following days 😃.

🌹The beauty about your dark truth 🪻


I have seen many scenarios with argenti x reader I even have seen one with a reader being a knight of beauty but i have never seen one with reader being a knight but not the kind that argenti is.
So this was born 😃
Also this is my first time writing something soo big.
(also this is based in my hsr oc that i ship argenti with, but i had the vision to also turn it into x reader ,so i have replaced my oc with reader 😃)
Find more from me here!

In a few words:
Imagine a knight!reader who is aloso a knight but not of beauty but the opposite. Of the negative feelings. And they go by a name Knights of Dark Truth.
Who fed those inside people to show them how rude and unfair life is. And that the "beauty" they all think is nothing but a lie.
All of this only because in their planet many centuries ago someone got so injured that changed everything about those people. And lead to make everyone like him, a full mess full of ugly "things" likescars, burns, bandages, stitches.
And with all of them being full in scars, burns, bandages, stitches, and only know how to show these motions: disgust, anger, and madness. But they still fell the rest of them but don't know how to express them to people they care.
Since they only have been show how to fight since they were a little kid. And with no empathy towards others.
Warnings: murder, poison, violence, maniac, depression, burns, bandages, stitches. Probably spelling mistakes, kinda of yandare?, ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO PLS DON'T ATTACH ME!
No warnings: our little knight Argenti doesn't show up for long but still (🤡 sorry but he doesn't play sooo much role in this one here but in the following yes) reader is called princess.
So keep going and enjoy your meal

"Once upon a time. Long time ago far far away there was a planet. Full with the most beautiful things in the whole universe. Even though that almost everything was rotten and black.
Everything started when a man fully of armour finally got engaged with the woman of his life... She was the princess daughter of the emperor of this planet... the emperor of the planet that goes until now by the name Mávri Alítheia
Many people though that the name was weird and didn't make sense. But in reality it had a dark meaning. With the word mávri meaning black or in our situation dark. And the word Alítheia meaning truth
But there was a issue. A issue the royals could not dare to ignore. The man was from the poor. And even though that he was a knight they couldn't afford it. So they tried to break them up. By making the princess marry someone else.
And because the princess and he were deadly in love they couldn't make the princess marry someone else.
They were now in their 14 try to attend to get the princess marry some other prince. Also since shewas tried she said that if they try another time with this she will kill herself so they could leave her alone with the love of her life.
Her father was in his limits. Then an Idea come across his mind. He agree to marry his daughter to the poor knight. But only if he come back with the heads of the dragons emperor. The king's and the queen's head so he could prove he was worthto became a member of the royal family.
But why the heads? The answer was simple. So the people would have the dragons under their control. To make tham part of their army. All because the king's selfish personalitie to not let his daughter marry who she wants. He put the knight in this mission because he knew that he wouldn't come back again. The land of the dragons were a dangerous place. And if a human dare to step in he would die in seconds.
So you can't imagine his reaction when that knight comes after two weeks with what he asked him. Then he became amazed and asked him his name.
-What is your name young knight?- the emperor said in a strict tone to seem dangerous
-My name isn't important to you..But I will make sure you know it when you leave your last breath.... Father in law..heh- he said to him.
So the days became weeks then months and the day that they would get married comes.
The princess and he were happy that they will finally get their happy ending.
But fate had other plans... When the moment of their kiss come to make their marriage official the princess collapse in the floor. The knight panic and fast sit down next to his princess now wife.
Everyone was in shock. Even more when it comes out that the princess had a heart attack and die. That day becomes the day that all the planet will be mourns her death for the entirety that comes to this planet. Everyone was mourns her death everyone except from one ... Her father he had a grin that didn't show sadness of anything that everyone had.
------------ ------------
Two years had passed it was that day again for our dear knight that lost his darling two years ago. Hw was on his way yo the castle. Angry and mad was in his face in his way in the throne. He had discover something.. something that would change everything.
When the doors slap open the emperor jump out of suprise with the unwanted visitor in that hour _it was almost time for dinner_. Then the knight started yelling at the emperor
-HOW COULD YOU EVEN TO THIS TO YOUR OWN DAUGHTER?! TO US?! WE COULD BE HAPPY BUT YOU CHOOSE TO NOT! WHY!?- the knight said with his sword show now to the emperor. The emperor had to put a relax and clam face so he wouldn't be read by him.
-I have no idea what you are talking about kni-.- he was cut by the sword now next to his face. Gace now that draws fear with what he sees. The now knight was up from him. Only a few breaths away.
-I know everything..that cake the wine before the ceremony! HOW COULD YOU! HOW COULD YOU EVEN CHOOSE TO POISON YOU OWN DAUGHTER ONLY BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO BE WITH ME!... But it doesn't matter anymore because if you remember correctly my king, I tell you my king you will learn my name when you leave your last breath.- now the knight had a sadistic smile almost maniac to his face that leave the emperor breathless. The he talks again. - Arthur~-
Then a sound appeared. The sound of the emperor's head in the floor.
Then all the guards in the room started to clap. They all knew Arthur's plan. They were all with him. They wanted him to become the next person to rule. No he wasn't violent..he was just broken. So with that he walks to the head and takes the corona and put's it in his head with a sign of relief leaving his mouth and walks back to the throne and push the body away so he could sit on the throne.
When he did he make his first order as the new king -"Take this thing away from me..but don't clean it's blood from the floor..it will be there to show what i do to those you don't listen ~"-..when the guards take the body away and he was left with only two of them he said - now we can leave in peace my darling.. -
He had found out about the poison cake and wine the ex emperor had give his daughter two years ago but he didn't know that the princess never died..
-You can come in my darling and sit with me ,my dear Amelia ~-
Then the princess came in from the doors...but something was not the same about her . It was like she was rotten and beaten up by something.
Well since in the wedding day the princess never really died. She had passed away and after weeks she was awake and her beauty "gone". The poison didn't work. And had only damage her body inside out. But she had her dear Arthur by her side. He hide her from her father for teo years. He was supporting her to accept her new her. And that he could change the meaning of beauty just for her. And he did in fact.
That lead to the following army to be trained with dragons which was by itself dangerous. Tgat were not enough. The must difficult and dangerous training was put in the knights. Which was chosen by the age 5 to train so they could follow the moto.
"The more you know how to fight the more easily you will share the truth about this galaxy to everyone. Everyone who is blind by the knight of beauty and their aeon Idrila!"
They were kids training to become "saviours". But at one cost they weren't allowed to show emotions to anyone.
And to make sure his bloodline will always be treat right by anyone. He make all the following descent of his family to be generals and emperors.
So they could always share the true around.
And with that he cast a spell so his bloodline would always be strong and brave. But at the cost that they will not fell the opposite feelings until they meet the one.. the one that faith has braw the lines for them.
And that spell will cast at the pregnant woman that carries that future heir ,that will leave a small symbol in parts of their body but usually in their upper body especially the neck and face. So they could be recognised by everyone.
And this was the end of our dear saviour and his darling ~"
Then the maid end the story that she was saying to the girl. Who was in the other side of the room. That she turn to look at whene she closed the book.
"hmmm...Is something wrong princess? You didn't like the story? I thought that was your favourite one?" said the maid to the little girl.
In the other side of the room there was a little girl, no older than 7,who looked out of her giant window to the stars in the night sky.
She was related to the person everyone called their "saviour". So technically she was the "princess" of this planet.
"It's not that nana Rita ... it's just ...*sign* i have heard this story many times. I know her by heart. But tonight the stars are ... Beautiful and it feels warm and cosy to just look at them" said the princess. She was laying in the window and her hair was slipping in the side and you could see her mark in her forehead. A little small simple symbol. The symbol was mostly like a "eye" someone would say but no. It was more like a star with something in the centre that looked like the called "eye". The same symbol that runs in her family for so many many many years.
The called nana Rita joined the girl that she had looked after her birth. Since she was orphan. Her father died two months before she came to this world, and her not so dear mother was killed because of not caring for her and husband's heir and wanted to get married again and put someone else in the throne.
The little girl didn't had the childhood nana think she deserves. Since she was something like the new ruler since she closed 6 the last year. And with the training she was put in.
She sat next to the little girl.
"Yes princess (y/n) . They are in fact... much like how you tell.. your always so wise and smart to describe things. And always right "
"Nana .. may i ask something?"
"Of course my princess" nana rita said and put her hand in
(y/n) haid to start petting her. She had a feeling what she was going to ask so she was somehow prepared.
"That .. tonight is the last time that we..we will spend... Master William said that tomorrow will be ...your..."
"Yes my princess this is the sad dark truth.. it's my time now to go...but don't mind your little young mind yet."
"Will ..you miss me?" Said (y/n)
"Every single moment.. and i will ask you my dear yo stay strong you will be there and i would like to see you stay strong while my time has come... and i will try to watch you from there"
"I know... I will miss you too nana Rita! I WILL STAY STRONG LIKE YOU SAID!...even when they will cut your head off..."
The both of them knew this time would come. It was a tradition for the future heir to kill the woman that looks after them.. and to (y/n) , nana Rita had only lived because she was a mother . She had watched her father grow. She had tell the princess storys from her father's mission until he leaved his last breath. She was like her grandmother. But because of their faith she was only allowed to call her nana Rita according to her grandfather, her teacher in fighting, to be a good leader and ruler, the only person that gives her advice to her from since she toke the throne last year, her grandfather, Master William.
Master William had made it clear to them to not get close to each other. But Nana and the princess couldn't. They had the bont of grandma and granddaughter.
"Come on my dear. It's time for bed. We don't want you to be tried tomorrow. It's your special day. You will get the spear of the legacy! " Nana said with a warm smile when she noticed that (y/n) started to falling asleep.
"Yeah...*yawn*.we should ho to bed.." she got picked by nana Rita and she put it er in her bed and cover her with her covers.
"Sweet dreams my dear sweet brave princess..." Said and plase a good night kiss in her forehead where her symbol was.
"Good night nana..." Said before she gets in Dreamworld.
Nana Rita started getting in her way out of the room and when she was about to close the door she whispered
"I know you will be the perfect empress our kind has ever seen...may the aeons give you their blessings... and you may find your one soon after you be set as general when you get 15..wise, and kindness my dear (y/n)... Good bye~"
Somewhere far far away. In a different planet, there was a little boy in a garden, he was admiring the rose that was growing. The rose that match his hair. His rose red hair that were put in a little ponytail and with one white hair stride in ther front of his bags. He was older than 7. And he was called-
"ARGENTI ARGENTI IT'S TIME FOR LUNCH!! COME ON!" his friend called him
"In a moment ...but first come over here! You gotta see this beauty"..he said to turn once again his attention where once was before his friend show up.
So his friend listen to him and walk until he stop behind him. And stand in confusion.
"Emmm Argenti... This is emmm a rose that has started to rot...?"
"Exactly!" He smiled with eyes closed "but is also beautiful in it's own way..you see even like this ... it's truly a beauty , right!?"
"...emmm how about we go inside, everyone is waiting for us."
"Oh right!" He grabbed his friend's hand and started to run inside the mansion. "Lunch is one of the most important things in someone's day! Especially when later they have training! We are the future knights that will speak the truth about beauty! And to find the only true beauty being, Idrila!"
".. Argenti....we are still under training!.. don't look sooooo far into the future!"
The two little boys ran inside laughing.
The two young boys were in mansion that belonged to the knights of beauty.
Even though they were learnt to be gentle and kind to everyone they had an enemy they despise with all their ego.
The Knights of Dark Truth. Tgey believe they speak lies to people around the universe. So tgey learn to hate them without even realising it .
Knights of beauty...the most hated enemy of her planet...the army.. and most of all her people believes. The princess has read many books about them. About the battles between the two armys had in the past. They hated this community.. only because they were speaking and manipulated people around the universe about that everything is beautiful and there is nothing ugly... only because they were doing the opposite that the Knights of Dark Truth.
So different...the princess and the little boy. The princess with a rough future and the boy with a maybe more light who always carries a rose with him.
They were learnt to hate each other, even though they never met face to face.
So different , but at the same time so similar.
But...who knows? Maybe fate was some plans for those two in their future.

Genshin impact th eory pt1
GOROU:What kind of yokai is he?

Since the day he came out. People have been trying to understand what he is.
Is he a shiba?

Is he a kitune or fox?

And with the time passing...well we don't get somehow the answer. And when people don't get their answers. Well... they stick to what they have. So they stick with the thought that he is a dog/ shiba .
Well even though there were still people who thought he was a fox. They were cut off from the most of the community saying he is a dig.
And since he is playable. You can see a little friend of his. Yes the little shiba .
So people started go thinking that he is in fact a shiba. Without trying to find any other information.
BUT .. BUT WHAT IF WHAT IF! HE is both at the same time?
Ok LISTEN ! Before you start to attack me. As i already have say i have done my research since he come out.
So take something to eat and drink and sit down and enjoy my theory 😉
First we go with the design. Many people don't give attention to it other do. Well if you look closely you will notice something.

Did you see it?
No?....welll let me give you a sign.

It's his cloves and his shoes resembles fox legs. They are dark.
While he shares the same colour palette as a shiba and even the ears. Small and and fluffy.
But if we go now to his tail

We can see that he has the darker colour at the end of his tail. Like a fox does. And he shares the white spot under his tail as a shiba does.
Now for the white spot in his hair i am not quite sure. But it may be from the shiba whites spots or maybe the lighter spot at the fox head.
But i think the white tips (idk what they called in English sorry) may be from the fox part

So listen carefully. I don't say he isn't either one of them. But what if he is a mix from both?!
That would be cool and nice.😃
Soo this is the end . Tell me what do you think in the comments 🤗. And i will try to answer if you want
The key is to have issues with miss life kid
Actually none has thought about it but!
There is always hope.
Maybe your right, maybe mot. Who knows. Only Hoyo😃.
But if you want to know more about the siblings thing i have post something with a little bit lore.
I hope you have a wonderful day 😊💓
-We all know his backstory. He had nany adopted siblings and one adopted daughter tgat all dies when the ipc explored the planet. But has anyone thought the chance that some/ one of his siblings wasn't in the planet in that moment? So they still alive while Boothill thinks everyone from his past are dead. And they are somewhere in the galaxy and have heard that he survived but they don't know where he is and people they ask say they don't know. Because even if they have seen Boothill they know him with that name while the sibling reference to him with his dead name.
So it's just two siblings with the one looking for the other and the other things they are dead .