My Finger Slipped (thank You, @rozemaryblaze For Editing This For Me)

My finger slipped (thank you, @rozemaryblaze for editing this for me)
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More Posts from Rozemaryblaze

sometimes I have nights where I’ll completely ignore that anatomy exists and shit doodle for hours
this is clearly one of those nights
urie x touka

(I felt the need to relate how I woke up to touken)
Some touken parent drabble of kaneki realising the pain of being forced to wake up by the hands of the devilish creatures of children.
It was quiet and peaceful, the room warm with kaneki wrapped comfortably in his bed. Touka had gotten up a few minutes ago to make some coffee and to sort out mai, who had also woken up not too long ago.
Kaneki took this opportunity to rest some more, relishing at the comfort of the large bed to himself for once. He was so at peace that he didn’t even notice the bedroom door open…
“Hi, daddy!” Mai squealed into his ear as the tiny two year old crawled onto the bed. Kaneki winced and frowned, a long, bothered groan escaping him before he turned to his daughter.
“What are you doing here?” Kaneki mumbled, still only half awake.
“Mummy told me!” Mai giggled, crawling under the sheets to join her dad. Unfortunately for him, her hands and feet were still cold.
“Please, mai, go away. I’m sleeping.” Kaneki complained, burying his face into the pillow.
“You ok?” Mai asked curiously, turning her head to try to look at his. “You sick?”
Kaneki only responded with a tired grunt and mai shuffled closer before deciding to sit on his back.
“I was so warm…” Kaneki sighed and lifted his head. “Alright, I’m awak-”
“Get up! Get up! Get up!” She started to bounce on his back, knocking the air out of kaneki as she started to laugh sadistically.
“You’re horrible.”
Kaneki landed defeated against the bed whilst mai continued to laugh some more. He finally decided to listen to the girl’s demands and dragged himself out of his bed and turned to carry mai out the room. However, she found herself snuggled in the covers where kaneki had been sleeping, lifting the covers up to her nose and closing her eyes, making fake snoring sounds to somehow try to convince her dad that she was asleep.
“Come on, mai.” Kaneki chuckled. “Let’s go get you some breakfast.”
Her snoring grew louder and she lowered herself beneath the duvet until kaneki was left no choice but to pull them all off, scooping the exposed mai into his arms. She didn’t make it easy though, as she started to lean back with annoying reluctance.
Eventually, kaneki was finally able to carry a deadweight mai out of his room to the living room, where touka stood with a smug smile and two coffees.
“Morning, sleepy.” Touka giggled, watching mai drop from his arms and run off to the table to eat. “I hope she didn’t cause you any inconvenience. All I asked was for her to check if you were still asleep.”
Kaneki turned to mai, who started laughing again but he couldn’t seem to find himself hating her and started to smile with the others. He shrugged and walked over to touka to give her a quick peck on the lips and took a sip of her delicious coffee.
“Surely there’s better ways to wake me up.” Kaneki mumbled into his cup. “You would know.”
“Excuse me, I had to make her breakfast alone. Human food smells bad enough as it is. I don’t know what you do.”
“But whenever we cook together, we never get anything done.” Touka couldn’t help but smirk at the memory.
“That’s true.” She leaned in close, a new look in her eyes as she opened her lips. “I’ll make sure I’ll give you a better wake up call tomorrow, ok?”
“I’ll look forward to it.” Kaneki chuckled and pressed his lips against hers.
Little did he know, they had very different ideas in mind and he only realised this when the first thing he saw waking up was Mai’s giggling face. Again.
A painful price
Summary: A angst fic. That’s all I’m saying. Requested by @bhion-chan
Notes: …o.o
Everything was hectic, everyone in a panicked frenzy as touka, the Queen and my loving wife, went into labour. It started two hours ago and yet it already felt like days have passed by. My heart wouldn’t stop racing ever since this started and a sickening fear ate away at my mind at the thought that anything horrible could happen at any moment.
The pregnancy hadn’t been easy on touka these past nine months and saying that would be an understatement. The child had drained all her energy, every meal she ate, whether that be human food or meat, would only be threw up moments later. She was weak and showed no improvement.
In a moment of sheer desperation, I had went as far as to suggest that perhaps…It would have been better if we didn’t have the baby at this moment of time. Touka, of course, refused such a proposal, despite my desperate pleads for her safety. This child meant everything to her, so how could I have refused her of this precious gift?
I don’t know what to think anymore.
We had urgently called for doctors from the Great Wheel act and hoped that they could help with delivering the baby. They came soon enough and took touka into the next room where they were already prepared for the delivery. I, on the other hand, stayed in the next room with the others and paced back and forth constantly, my lip sore from the amount of times I bit it out of nervousness. My hands wouldn’t stop shaking either, my whole body tensed with a persistent voice inside me that fed me words of fear and bitterness. She won’t make it, it told me, she won’t survive.
Forcibly, I pushed back this voice and decided to focus on what’s important. It was a miracle that the baby made it this far to begin with, everyone seemingly convinced that it would have been consumed by touka, considering the mixture of genes within the child. But touka, that wonderful woman, refused to lose hope. It amazed me, in a way, that she held so strong to her faith that it would live on, that we could finally have a family to call our own. With her persistent positivity, I also began to look forward to seeing the baby. Our baby.
Keep reading

「 東京喰種 」 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ❞ Moon Trace ❞
Okay, I know, this is a very, very long Tokyo Ghoul post, but it is necessary to the whole idea. Sorry for causing any inconvenience; every time, I’m working on a “Touken”; it’s gonna be deep, haha. Finally I have my precious babies back on my blog. ♥
■ Explanation
❶ The whole post is build around parallelism, same perspective and posing. ❷ In the middle of the post when Touka and Kaneki are looking at each other, you switch between the perspective and parallel representations of Kaneki or Touka. (It took me forever, lol.) ❸ I guess, I cleaned, edited and rearranged almost 100 images for the whole concept. This is so crazy. ❹ The song was my inspiration.