Nishiki Nishio - Tumblr Posts

Startling lack of nishiki fanart here (that I could find) so naturally I had to remedy that. Have a man who loves his girlfriend very much.

30-Day Tokyo Ghoul Challenge
↳ Day 5: A character you feel the need to defend: Nishiki Nishio

My finger slipped (thank you, @rozemaryblaze for editing this for me)
Nishitou hcs (requested by @catsoul2)
It’s late and nishiki and touka had only just finished closing up the cafe, both of them just sitting side by side on the floor with coffees in their hands. They’ve been talking for a while now, about the people they love and how they’ve been missing them during the years they’ve been separated. They both saw a new side to each other as they spoke that night, the more raw and hidden emotions that they usually repress during their daily lives finally being released. Touka, however, seemed to be hurting the most, an underlying guilt laced in her words as she described what happened between her and kaneki on the bridge and in a moment of vulnerability, she rested her head against his shoulder, wrapping her arm around his and hesitatingly, he turned to kiss her head lightly. She then looked up to him and leaned up to brush her lips against his and it doesn’t take long for the kiss to deepen.
Their relationship was like a slow burn - it’s started off slow and awkward, but as soon as they accepted one another, it erupted into a firey passion. It got to the point where neither could keep each others hands off from one another and most days, it was a competition on who could tease each other the most. However, they relieved all this teasing once they got home to their shared apartment. Even if they were now a couple (well, more like friends with benefits at this point,) their usual snark and sass still remained, nishiki usually mocking touka for being tiny and how annoyingly loud she was in both conversations and in bed (though we all know he loves it) and touka constantly calling him a sex obsessed pervert who can never make a decent coffee.
Despite being in a relationship for a good few months, it took a while for either to confess their love - neither could find the courage to say it and they usually brushed away the topic instead of facing it head on. Nishiki was the first to say it though. It was late and he had been stressed lately, the rumours of the increase of Doves in the ward worrying his mind, especially for touka and her cafe. Touka noticed this, reassuring him that they’d be fine and even if things go wrong, they’d still be together. Of course, he’s still worried, so touka takes his face into her hands and kisses him firmly, telling him sternly that no matter what, they’re not losing one another. And it just escapes his mouth, those three simple yet heavy words - ‘I love you.’ Touka is startled at first, blushing intensely but nishiki said it again, leaning down to kiss her deeply and once they parted again, touka tells him that she loved him too.
If it wasn’t clear enough already, nishiki was enthralled with touka’s presence whenever she was near and the one to notice this was of course yomo. Every time touka walked past or if her back was turned to nishiki, he couldn’t help but gaze at her so lovingly and at times, he would just stop whatever he was doing and smiled a little. He was so lovestruck and yomo could tell instantly. At this point, nishiki and touka had only been friends with benefits until they confessed to one another, and so yomo finally asked nishiki one day if they were moving onto something more. For a while, nishiki was silent but he looked up and with a faint smile and he simply said ‘I hope so.’ Little did he know was that touka overheard this and though she still felt conflicted with her feelings between him and kaneki, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with overflowing emotions and later that day, she asked nishiki the same question as yomo had. Nishiki took her hands into his and pressed his lips against the back of her hand and with new confidence, he finally said he wanted to: 'as long as I’m with you, I’ll always be the happiest man here. So I you want to, maybe we could…be something more?“ And she pulled him into an embrace and gladly said yes.

TG:re chp 151 || Kimi and Nishiki
Nishiki Nishio headcanons because i need him WHATTT who saaid thattt :0
Includes: Fluff, angst, NO SMUT, neutral
o Found it really hard to adjust to living as a 'normal' member of society after living on the streets most of his life, especially then having to navigate a humans world as a ghoul.
o MAAAAJOR trust issues - grew up with 'every ghoul for themselves' and is struggling to get past it - but he is improving slowly
o will and has jumped at every and any sudden noise - especially to electrical/technology caused ones as he wasn't exposed to anything like that growing up
o doesn't celebrate his birthday because it was the same date his sister was killed, he doesn't see a reason to celebrate anything that day
o the dove who killed his parents is the same who killed his sister, and is hoping to get four for four.
o always stands where he can see everyone in the room and at least two possible exits - nervous habit he can't seem to shake
o always loots the bodies of people he kills, which was at first something he did when he was on the streets but now does subconsciously
o panic attacks.
o has sensory issues - bright lights, loud noises, busy places ect - wireless headphones are his best friend
o after he had fed from Kimi, he apologised for days over and over and over and over and over and had been expecting her to break up with him. He had been distancing himself from her until she confronted him and was genuinely confused when she didn't want to turn him over to the doves
o both craves the familiarity of the environments he lived in on the streets and avoids them as best he can as he can't healthily cope with the overwhelming emotion the memories cause him
o gets nightmares regularly
o sometimes scared to sleep and avoids it as long as he can just to avoid the nightmares when they get super bad
o has insomnia but if you get him to sleep when he’s comfortable mans is OUT
o bisexual (look me in the eyes and tell me his gayass is not a boy kisser)
o dyslexic (idk i just get vibes from him)
o Autistic (self projectionssss)
o always referred to as Ginger and has been compared to Ed Sheeran on multiple occasions (almost every day) (only by Touka) found it funny once. Now is ready to murder.
o lovess spiders. will pick them up and show them to people solely to scare them. he grew up where there was loads of bugs so he just isn't fazed anymore
o he tries his best to learn to cook for Kimi but holy fuck please do not let him
o do not let this man in a kitchen, ever. has accidentally burnt water and will do it again
o he isn’t the kind of person to yap, but if you get him to infodump, clear your whole afternoon he will spare no detail
o there's this one specific spot on the nape of his neck that if you fuss over when cuddling - oh goodness he melts! like purring/purring much louder instantly and body just completely relaxes
o was SO embarrassed when he first purred in front of Kimi, meanwhile she might have just fallen in love with this lanky idiot all over again
o he’s so touch starved
o if he falls asleep near/on you, then congratulations he trusts you a lot (especially if on)
o quality time (!!!!!)
oh cool! A character from a show i like that I kin that resembles me in some aspects!
*proceeds to write the most stomach jerking, gut wrenching, skin crawling fanfiction with an ungodly level of angst and trauma and self projection*
Could you please make a one shot having to do with angst turned fluff for Nishio Nishki? I'm really in love with his character and I'm watching Tokyo Ghoul at the moment
Make it better
Pairing: Nishio Nishki x reader
Summary: When you have nothing to focus on but work for a long while, it gets overwhelming. But your lover has a busy schedule as well, so you try to power through it. But when he finally notices the state your chores leave you in, you can rest assured he won't just leave it be.
Warnings: stress, crying, slight anxiety, being overwhelmed with life
A/N: I am so so so sorry for taking so long. I am graduating this year from high school and completing the previous piece was a hussle, leaving me with a writer's block a few times. But here it is! (I might be projecting here a lot little bit, but since the type of issue wasn't specified, I hope it's alright) Also, this is my first time writing for this fandom, feel free to send in requests! (Just check in my bio if they are open, thanks :) )

Your feet were seriously killing you. Luckilly you were already at your door to your apartment. Finally you could let go of the stressful day you had. Kicking off your shoes, you tried not to think too much of the fact, that all your days lately have been the same and that they would likely continue to be this way for...a long time.
Throwing your bag by the door, like you tried throwing away all your worries, you bee lined to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of herbal tea, one that should ease stress, or that's what the pharmacist had claimed. So far, you didn't feel the results. But you know what they say...fake it till you make it.
And so you took your tea and with a smile you were half convinced you weren't entirely faking you grabbed a book from the coffee table in the living room. Burrowing yourself into the soft cushions of the sofa, with a nice book and a cup of tea was a pleasant escape from reality after all.
Page after page, minute after minute the time passed without you even noticing. Your tea was almost finished when you realised you've read roughly ten pages. You realized you couldn't quite concentrate on the plot, although the book was anything but boring. Why was it that your mind was preoccupied by boring thoughts then? The meeting you had to attend, the paperwork you had to hand in, errands after errands after errands. So bothersome...
And yet these responsibilities refused to stop haunting you even in the privacy of your own home. You sighed and grabbed your tea, marking your page, even though you knew you'd have to go back and reread everything again, and poured the rest of the now cold beverage in the kitchen sink.
You stood in the doorway to the living room for a while, pondering what to do next, before you retrieved your bag from the hall and settled in the living room with your laptop again. With a small frown etched onto your face, one you weren't even aware of, you pulled out some papers from your bag, unlocked your laptop and begrudgingly got to work.
When Nishiki got home, it was already dark out. He didn't like being away from you for so long, but some things absolutely required his attention and he couldn't leave them be. He didn't know what time it was, but judging by the lack of people and cars on the streets he assumed you would be already asleep.
Stepping as quietly as you could inside his home, a home that he shared with you, he was a bit surprised to still see the lights on inside the living room. Alarms went off in his head, ringing like bells. Although the possibility of an intruder being in his home was slim, given his...nature and dare some say reputation, it was still a possibility.
Walking as stealthily as a ghoul could, Nishiki crept through the room, peering from behind the corner. He immediately calmed down upon seeing you sitting at the table in the living room, your laptop opened in front of you, papers scattered around. It appeared your eyes were trying to follow the text on screen, but other than that, you weren't doing much else.
Now calm, Nishiki stepped into the room and glanced at the clock on the wall, reading eleven pm. It seemed you were so engrossed in your work that you didn't notice him, or maybe you were just exhausted, which, given by the haggard look on your face, was more probable.
"Baby?" he called out. Your eyes shot over to him, before a smile broke out on your face, your eyes closing in content. You sighed and greeted your boyfriend "Hi Nishiki. How was your day?" you smiled at him. Normally, Nishiki's head would be overcome by thoughts of how cute you were, but now he only nodded his head before carefully answering "Long. Tiring."
He wasn't lying, he would never lie to you, but he was a little concerned about why you were up at this hour. He knew very well how much work you had on your hands lately and how early you had to get up every morning. If you kept this up, the lack of sleep might lead to worse things and he wouldn't allow that. Right now, he was just trying to find a way to approach the subject as carefully as possible.
Stepping closer to you, he spoke again "And I can see I wasn't the only one." he put his hand on your shoulber, rubbing gently. "We should go to bed babe. I'm pretty tired, you must be exhausted." he smiled at you. His smile was reciprocated in an instant, but still you turned back momentarilly to your laptop and then to face him again, before you hung your head low. "You go ahead. I'll just finish this up and go right to bed."
Nishiki bent down and stared at your screen. "Do you need to have this done by tomorrow?" he asked. "Well, no. I'm just trying to get ahead so I don't have as much work tomorrow." Pressing a kiss to the side of your head, Nishiki replied "Then let it go. It's late. You need sleep."
He was right. You were exhausted. To work seemed endless and it was paralyzing. You worried that if you stopped now, you would never talk yourself into continuing. And if you didn't get ahead of your tasks, they would only pile on and it would take twice as long to get them all done.
While you were pondering what to do, Nishiki sensed your breaths quickening and saw the crease between your brows. Wrapping his arms arund you, he started rubbing your shoulders up and down and put his chin on top of your head. "It's alright sweetheart. You're working yourself to the bone, nobody will be mad if you take a little break." he started shushing you.
You didn't even register when tears started slipping from your eyes, one by one. But you couldn't stop them. "I- I just..." you tried to say between hiccups. ones that you were trying really hard to force back "I've been doing this for so long and I don't know if Ican continue..." You were tired. So, so tired. And yet the wheel of days seemed to never slow down. Everything was happening so fast and your only wish was to have a just a little more time to get yourself together, so you could function. But it seemed that wasn't possible and you were starting to lose your strength.
Nishiki hold you even tighter and stayed with you as you let it all out. It was obvious you needed it. His mind was already filled with different ideas on how to solve this problem. He also tried to shove the guilt he felt for not being with you enough and letting you go through this alone to the back of his mind, because rationally he knew it wasn't his fault. And yet seeing you like this broke something in that poor, already broken man.
You completed him. You were there for him all the time, through the good and bad times, you stood beside him when everybody thought he was a monster. You showed him a new meaning. You showed him that his life doesn't have to be just about surviving. That it is worth living.
When your cries calmed into quiet sniffles, he turned you around and let his forehead rest on yours "Don't worry baby. Everything will be alright. It's late. We'll make everything right tomorrow, how does that sound?" Your eyes met and you nodded slowly, although still not quite believing him. He smiled brightly and reassuringly at you "That's my darling." He then stood up and left the room.
You assumed he went to the bathroom, maybe to use the toilet and so you sighed again, before turning back to your now black laptop screen. You started collecting your papers and notebooks, not even allowing yourself to look at the text printed on them. When you gathered everything, you made a neat pile on the table and properly shut off your laptop. That's when you heard the water rushing. Was Nishiki drawing a bath? Before you could stand up to go investigate, your boyfriend returned to the living room, only a towel around his waist. Not caring about the blush on your face, he made his way to you, leaned down and whispered "You can get into the tub. I put some nice salts and oils in there, even those petals you love so much. I'm just going to grab some candles and chocolate and I'll be right with you." and with a kiss to your cheek he was gone.
A small smile bloomed on your face. And later, as you sunk into the hot water, your beautiful lover behind you and holding a piece of chocolate to your lips, you thought that yes, everything will be alright, as long as you have him by your side.

Ah, Nishio-senpai. A proud (?) staff of :re
Don’t repost without permission <3
ok nishio deserves more love so like can you do headcanons or a scenario whatever u want where nishio is dating kanekis younger sister(say that she is around 18-20) and she is also human and how would everyone react about this,, thanks if u do this!
((No problem anon!))
At first, NISHIKI had no idea that his S/O was Kaneki’s sister.(only that she was human) It wasn’t until she decided to visit anteiku and talk to her brother is when he found out. “Hey babe came to see me? Oh what the hell? You two are siblings?!” He had to get used to it for a few, but Kaneki was on board seeing how Nishio was a good person, but that doesnt mean he was any less protective.