He/they/it • artist • 18 • furry & therian • ASD • 🍂Commissions:OPEN!!🍂
1868 posts
Rummageraccoon - Rummage - Tumblr Blog
Made a new mask, he’s a Chinese crested dog!! Too hungry to take photos rn so here’s a video I made earlier to show it off :P
Some of you are literally watching the right wing continuously try to expand the definition of "pedophilia" to include "existing around a child while queer," and then agreeing with them when they say pedophiles deserve to be summarily executed.
Not only does this place innocent people in danger of political executions, it also puts children in danger, as most children who are sexually abused have this done by someone close to them, and feelings that they would be responsible for the death of their abuser if they reported leads to lower rates of reporting. It also leads to higher rates of abusers murdering their victims when they're found out because the punishment will be the same anyway.
Part of being on the left is realizing that it's better to let 100 guilty men go free than to wrongly convict one. Another part of being on the left is realizing that one's life is never something others have the right to take away- even the most evil people alive. Yes, that includes mass murderers and rapists and pedophiles. Once you make one group acceptable to kill, you give others a vested interest in defining groups they have prejudice against into that group.
You have to start dealing with the fact that no crime makes one's life forfeit. Not even the worst most depraved and sadistic acts. The worst people alive have rights, and if you can't accept that they deserve them, at least try to accept that it is to your benefit that they retain rights no matter what they're accused of. And if you can't do even that, well... you just might be the kind of person who would cut off your nose to spite your face.
If you want to protect victims, if you want to protect minority groups, you have to realize that sex crimes, or any crimes at all, do not deserve the death penalty. Period.

@/imperfectidealist on TikTok

I have been meaning to explain the physical nature of my nonhumanity for a while! overall it can be explained by me having the nervous system of multiple animals, and it is doing its best to interpret stimuli. i didnt have room to add a few things, so i will list them here:
it is difficult for me to form thought processes, even short ones. much of the time, my brain is silent - even when i need otherwise. i usually rely on intuition and scattered words to form strings of thought. i attribute this to the less complex parts of my brain.
my best coping mechanisms involve indulgence in species activies, meditation intended for relaxation (to distract from bad nerve sensations), smoking weed, and allowing my needs to be fluid.
i have full control over my extra appendages, and their sensation is strongest at the base. these can change over time, and will infrequently mix species.
btw this was vaguely textbook inspired :3
This is your friendly reminder that herbs aren't inherently safe.
Natural doesn't mean Safe.
Lightning is natural. Opium, therefore heroin and opiate drugs are derived from poppies. Cinnamon oil will burn your skin. Lilies are toxic to cats and will cause organ failure. Activated charcoal will neutralize your prescription medications and literally anything else in your system. St. John's Wort will destroy your serotonin production and mess with your happiness threshold if it DOESNT KILL YOU FIRST.
So anyway.
Do some damn good research every time you go to eat, breathe, bring around your pets, bathe in, or smoke something. Be safe please.
it's been one year of horrifying genocide, on top of over seven decades of occupation and violence. please donate to palestinian families to help them survive. if you don't know where to look, or are anxious about making a choice about who to help, head to gazafunds.com. please do what you can to help.
My account and the accounts of a group of my friends who organize donation campaigns to help their families have been blocked for no known reason
It is clear that the Tumblr platform is against the Palestinians’ livelihood and achieving a better future
Everyone is against the Palestinians from living
But despite this, we will try to live and achieve a better future

@ibtisams @tododeku-or-bust @turian

🧡🤍💗 Happy International Lesbian Day! 💗🤍🧡
saw this on Twitter, so... here's a reminder to keep boycotting or start doing so if you were unaware of the boycotts!

also, remember to do your daily clicks here (it's 100% free to do; how it works is that it generates ad revenue that goes towards aiding Palestinians), spread word about what's going on, and donate to vetted fundraisers if you're able to!
it’s genuinely wild how hawaii’s independence isn’t like, a huge and widely recognized issue. that’s one of the US’s biggest and most glaringly memorable crimes and it just continues on and on instead of being righted in any way. like holy shit how is hawaii still a state. it’s downright fucked that people just casually live there and visit there to this day in 2024 knowing full well that, at the very least, it was a sovereign nation that the US conquered by force in the late 1950’s. there are people alive now who are older than hawaii’s statehood. idk it’s one of those things that just baffles me. stop going to hawaii, leave them alone

choose your fav flower friend