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412 posts

Not Your Fault, Part One. Cobra Kai X Reader

Not Your Fault, Part One. Cobra Kai X Reader

not your fault, part one. cobra kai x reader

summary 📣: in which reader can solve basically every problem handed her, but not this time.

warnings đŸš«: sad reader, swearing, very unedited because i just got tired of staring at it

slater’s note 🗯: eventual miguel diaz x reader but for now eli moskowitz x reader


it was like all slow motion, walking in at the wrong time to see it all happen clear as day, but make a double take, trying to process if it was all real.

you had a lot of things to take care of that morning, including going to the doctors appointment to see when the best time for you to get your cast off would be.

you had broken your wrist in the all valley competion and you hadn’t even realized it until your second match when you had made one move to make a jab at your competition.

it was a whole mess after that and still continued to be one, especially after you found out that morning you’d have to wait at least another month until you could get it off.

you had to miss your biology class just to hear that. so no, it wasn’t a good morning especially when you walked through the front doors, being met with one large crowd of high schoolers yelling and shouting with glee as they watched multiple fights take place.

but it all seemed to stop at once, seeing him.

you felt your heart in your throat, just barely breathing as you saw him take a long fall from the balcony up above, his arms reaching and grabbing for some hope of support that’d pull him back up, but it was too late.

and then his back hit the staircase bar, the loud sound of cracking ripping throughout the air, silencing everyone. your eyes widen, rushing immediately to the boys side realizing who it was.

tory’s distinct voice calling ‘miguel’ echoed through the air and for the longest time it was the only thing you could hear as it bounced around the crowd.

“robby what’d you do?”

you didn’t even look up as you now hovered over the boy in his unconscious state. you held your breath, lightly pressing your hand on his forehead, pulling back the hair that edged over his eyes.

“miguel,” your voice was soft but broke halfway through, making it come out all strangled and watery.

you felt presence file around you, but you still didn’t bother to look around you as you seemed to be hyponized his peaceful yet very very broken state.

“what do we do?” sam spoke, looking to you as if you’d have all the answers she was looking for right in that moment, and if you were hung honest, you wished you could have been that person for her because you were completely at a lost yourself.

you were barely keeping ahold of yourself, feeling the tears rushing to your eyes while eli (hawk) held your shoulder tightly, looking over his best friend with the same sadden expression.

“i... i don’t know.”

“no, y/n,” she said quickly, “what do we do? you always know what to do, you can always solve things.”

you looked up from miguel right as a police officer rushed over, pushing you and eli away from the boy, checking for his pulse.

“y/n, you always know what to do,” sam’s eyes began to brim with tears as she looked to you, staring deeply into your soul, begging, “always, you always do the right thing.”

more officers began to file around, grabbing onto each of you individually, and while they were pulling you away from the scene, sam kept speaking to you, begging, hopping you would know what to do.


the word that finally broke you as your eye whelled up, your mouth opening before closing and then opening again, “i-i don’t know.”


you couldn’t help but feel that it was your fault no matter how many times you were told it wasn’t.

that had been on sam, but no matter how many times eli told you it was truly her fault for you feeling that way, you didn’t believe it.

after miguel had fallen, putting him in a coma everything had seemed to have fallen apart all around you so fast.

you lost contact with anybody and everybody. that day had in fact been the last day you had ever saw sam or tory or anyone you had been remote friends with in the past year, besides eli.

he held on.

he always did and you never understood why. even as everyone had looked up to you as leader as did sam, someone who could solve every problem that came her way, eli knew the real you.

the truth was, you could solve everyone else’s problems but your own.

that always put you into a horrible mindset that eli always had to pull you from, reminding you that everyone was like that, everyone had problems they couldn’t fix and that was okay.

“you can’t blame yourself for something you had nothing to do with in the first place,” he grasped your upper arm, pressing his chin on the top of your head as you stared on aimlessly and tiredly.

“when he wakes up, you won’t be the one to blame.”

johnny lawrence for some reason had taken all the heat for the large fight even as he wasn’t even there, he had no idea about it until he got the call every parent got.

the call that sent you into an place of tears and thoughts that wrapped you up into a cocoon even eli couldn’t tear ïżŒyou out of.

“that’s if he wakes up.”


the day started blatantly dull just as all the others did.

your head hurt, your body hurt, and your mind was blank.

you had stopped going to school after the accident and nobody had blamed you for the descion.

everything had just felt wrong without miguel there.

“i should’ve been there.”

“y/n, you couldn’t have done anything,” he tightly gripped your forearm, “it’s not your fault, okay?”

not your fault.

you had a hard time believing that. with a lot of people depending on you for so many things and at so many times, it hurt when you couldn’t actually help.

“we need to get you out of the house,” eli had hauled you into his car, driving you in foreign roads where less and less homes and buildings began to show within ten minutes.

you didn’t bother asking where you were or where you were going. the less talking the better, you were starting to slowly relax, the grassy scenery getting to your head.

it was about another twenty minutes before he stopped the car, parked in a very old and crumbling parking lot.

the two of you had just sat there, the silence staying settled, only more awkward because you had nothing to no longer look at but a concrete wall with a bunch of maintenance signs.

that’s what spiked your curiosity.

you sat up, your head perking up, observing the rest of the land the surrounded you.

“let’s go.”


“just follow.”

it was very obvious you were far from the valley as you hadn’t seen any people until you got behind the cinder block wall, where there it was filled with teens.

it was then you realized you were at the juvenile detention center.

you got weird stares as a guard escorted you throughout the high secure building. it was cold and dull and then it got even more strange as you were sat at a metal table where more juvenile teens were sat around you.

ïżŒâ€why are you here?” you finally asked, glancing up at eli who hadn’t sat down on the chair next to you.

“i want you to meet the person who’s actually responsible for miguel.”

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More Posts from S1ater

4 years ago

i absolutely love all of your writing! will you be continuing friends with benefits and not your fault? you're amazing :)

hi! yes ofc i’ll get on it, thank you love!

4 years ago

If you aren’t busy, could you write the cobra Kai boy’s reaction to their s/o singing

If You Arent Busy, Could You Write The Cobra Kai Boys Reaction To Their S/o Singing

cobra kai boys reaction to their s/o singing.

summary 📣: cobra kai boys had no idea you could sing, taking them by absolute shock when you do

warning/s đŸš«: swearing

slater’s note 🗯: please send me more of these, absolutely love making them :) this is also a little short so i’m sorry about it

If You Arent Busy, Could You Write The Cobra Kai Boys Reaction To Their S/o Singing

robby keene:

âžȘ a big grin fills his face when he hears you singing in the shower

âžȘ you guys had planned on going on a double date with sam and miguel (which yes, an odd choice) and he had decided to show up early to pick you up

âžȘ he had had heard the shower running so he just took a seat on your bed, scrolling through his phone until he heard your voice

âžȘ it took him by surprise and at first he didn’t realize it was you until he focused, realizing it was coming from your bathroom

âžȘ and when your done showering and come out of your bathroom to find him sitting on your bed staring right at you, you jump a little by surprise

âžȘ you had never seen him smile so widely as he got up and played with a string of your wet hair

âžȘ “your voice is so pretty”

If You Arent Busy, Could You Write The Cobra Kai Boys Reaction To Their S/o Singing

miguel diaz:

âžȘ he literally falls in love with you even more than before

âžȘ at first your just humming to the song on the radio as you guys are driving around until it turns into persistent low singing

âžȘ he can’t keep his eyes on the road, glancing at you non-stop until you ask ‘what’

âžȘ “your voice is so pretty, y/n”

âžȘ you cheeks glow red not really realizing you were singing loud enough for him to hear it

âžȘ “i mean it, it’s so good, i didn’t you could do that.”

âžȘ you’ll laugh more an embarrassed one saying ‘it’s no big deal’ but he’ll continue to praise you, squeezing your hand in reassurance and that he really do mean it

If You Arent Busy, Could You Write The Cobra Kai Boys Reaction To Their S/o Singing

eli moskowitz:

âžȘ he’s so surprised that he ends up being a little rude about it

âžȘ you guys will be doing homework, sitting across from eachother and you’ll be sing a song that’s been stuck in your head all day

âžȘ and he’ll look up as, his eyebrows narrowing just staring at you for awhile before saying, “since when can you sing?”

âžȘ it comes out rude when he means it as a genuine question, staring at you intensely and you kind of shy way shrugging

âžȘ “oh, nothing, it’s just this song has been stuck in my head all day”

âžȘ and you’ll go back to your homework, embarrassed, your singing stopped while he just continues to stare at you, confused, not knowing why he didn’t know you could sing good

âžȘ “you should sing more often”

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4 years ago
Way Too Early. Roommate!louis Partridge X Reader

way too early. roommate!louis partridge x reader

summary 📣: you’re a deeper sleeper than louis, creating conflict when you are not awoken from your alarm and he is.

warnings đŸš«: unedited, swearing, asshole louis, and slight tension? idk 

slater’s note 🗯: i got the writing prompt from here, inbox is open, enjoy :)


the loud blaring of your alarm set for 6:30 could be very easily heard through the paper thin walls of the apartment you and louis shared.

he stared awake at the ceiling, his eyes tracing the cracks as the very annoying sound repeated and repeated in the background. he was having a good dream, one that didn’t involve living in the crappy apartment he was in now in new york on the edge of a college campus. 

he had been laying there awake for five minutes, motionless, hoping as each passing second went by you would finally be disturbed from your very apparent deep sleep and into reality.

louis knew it wouldn’t happen anytime soon and you would have to wake up in your own way.

in the short amount of time of sharing an apartment with you, louis had learned a lot about you, picking things up fast. he learned that you had very unhealthy habits. he learned that you only showered in the late hours of the night or in the very early hours of the morning. he learned you hated a dirty kitchen but were always the one making the messes. he learned you hated the campus coffee but for some reason always had a cup every other morning, hoping it would be better from the time before. and he learned that you always slept through your alarm. 

every morning. every morning he had to deal with this. and every morning he had never bothered to say anything and just put up with a noise, shoving a pillow over his face hoping he’d either suffocate to death or just something to make that irritating noise go away.

louis groaned, sliding onto his feet where the cold wooden floor pressed against the bottom of his feet. he shook the sleep from his head as he exited his room, walking into your own, deciding today he would finally do something. 

his eyes immediately landed on your phone, the screen screaming away on the nightstand right next to you, where you were peacefully unbothered.

he pressed the orange ‘stop’ button, the sound finally ceasing, a very quiet aroma taking over, causing him to sigh, his head dipping back, eyes meeting the ceiling in relief. 

“you fucking-“ he looked to you before cutting himself off from saying something rude, his lips pressing into a thin line as he decided to take more of an observation of you sleeping instead. 

so peaceful, so calm, so fragile...

so annoying that you were sleeping and he wasn’t.

louis flicked your nose causing you to flinch up from your sleep.

he rolled his eyes, mumbling, “so that’s what wakes you.”

you groaned, rolling over onto your stomach, shying away from his presence.

“y/n, get up,” he pressed his hand on your back, nudging you more from the current state you were in, that being between dreamland and consciousness.

you pushed so hard to stay in dreamland, brushing off louis’ light pushes that you hadn’t really processed to be him until you felt his hand wrap around your ankle tightly, yanking you from your bed.

you yelp, flinching up before settling into the cold hard wooden floor, your body soon aching.

“you have class, get up,” his voice was ïżŒstern as he stared down at you and the way you practically cowered away, looking for something of warmth to cover yourself from the cold apartment air that ate away at anything that gave off remote heat. 

“no, louis,” you groaned, doing a half crunch as he began dragging you out to the living roomÂ ïżŒof your apartment, “please, just let me sleep, class doesn't matter that much anyways.” 

“i’ve been up for a ten solid minutes due to your stupid alarm, i’m not letting you sleep,” he harshly explained to you causing you to groan again as he walked away towards the kitchen, filling a clear glass he got from one of the grey cabinets full of faucet water. 

“louis, please.”

he didn’t answer, knowing you weren't going to move anytime soon nor would you try to wake yourself up. you just needed some motivation to get up and get ready. 

the boy walked back over to you, holding the glass over your now calm body, slowly falling back into sleep with your eyes shut and chest falling up and down steadily. 

with one more thought, louis dipped the glass down, the water pouring out fast and landing on top of your body. you immediately sat up, another yelp coming from the back of your throat, cold faucet water pouring nonstop until you were entirely soaked from head to waist. 

“you fucking prick!” you smacked the back of his clothed leg. 

you hoped up to your feet, your body fuming as you tried your best to size up to louis despite him being a bit taller without trying. he looked down at you lazily and slightly unbothered, eyes dull, not worried about what you would do next, because you really couldn't do anything. 

“what’s your problem?”

“my problem is that you set your alarm too early for an eight o’clock class,” he mumbled, eyeing you carefully as you glared at him with pure annoyance mixed with the slightest hatred for not only disturbing your sleep but soaking you with freezing cold water. 

“i would clock you in the face right now-”

“yeah, right, i bet you would,” you barely got your sentence out before he spoke, nodding in a mocking sense, knowing you wouldn't hit him. you were too fragile to do anything to inflict physical harm on anyone, especially him. 

not that you cared about him too much to hit him, but you knew if you tried, you would fail in a very painful way. 

“fucking take a shower,” he mumbled, tossing the glass on one of the chairs that filled the living room before giving you one last look with your white tee-shirt sticking to your skin and water droplets swimming down your thighs slowly. 

he walked back to his room, slamming the door shut, leaving you in a very pissy mood. you would have ignored his command, matching his actions and just go back to your room but you were already soaked in water, you might as well have gotten it over before he came back out and did any worse. 

taglist 🗞:

comment to be added to future works :)

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4 years ago
Not Your Fault, Part Two. Cobra Kai X Reader

not your fault, part two. cobra kai x reader

summary 📣: eli hopes to make reader realize it’s not her fault by introducing a rather curious boy.

warnings đŸš«: swearing, slight mental breakdown but not really

slater’s note 🗯: i’m beginning to think there will be more then three parts to this and there maybe robby keene x reader near future, lmk if you guys would be down for that


part one, part two,

you didn’t know robby keene. you had heard a lot about him, especially after he was taken in by daniel larusso, but you hadn’t exactly realized he was the one.

yes, it was practically everywhere, on the news, in your highschool, everywhere. this was the kid on the run after pushing a kid off a balcony only to break his back.

it just never occurred to you.

he sat before you with his arms crossed, analyzing you, “you look like shit.”

you furrowed your brows, confused as to how random and straight forward he was. this had been the first words spoken between the two of you, silence consuming the both of your atmospheres while calm talking surrounded you.

“why are you here?” he mumbled, “i don’t know you. do you know my dad or something?”

“who’s your dad?”

“nevermind,” he licked the inside of his cheek, diverting his attention toward the cement floor, “why are you here?”

he knew why.

your faced screwed up, feeling a heavy set of blame sink into your shoulders with the nasty tone he was using in you, “i don’t know.”

“tell her what you did,” eli walked up behind you, glaring straight at robby who shared the same expression of hatred, his arms crossed, leaned back.

“fuck you-“

“no fuck you,” eli spat back, his body practically fully leaned over your shoulder, like you were the only thing stopping him from strangling robby, “you tell her your the problem, tell her she wasn’t the one.”

robby sighed, eyes breaking off from eli’s, shaking his head lightly before meeting your own eyes, filled with curiosity and general exhaust.

he had no idea who you were and getting a call about a girl who felt like it was all her fault for miguel’s hospitalization even though she wasn’t even there for half of it didn’t help.

he didn’t understand why he was even still sitting before you, preparing to tell you that this wasn’t your fault. he didn’t know you, he had never met you, and he was about to go to an extent he would never go to for anyone.

making someone feel better about themselves.

he exhaled, sitting up from his relaxed position, “look, it’s not your fault miguel’s in a coma, alright? it’s mine, okay?”

“i could’ve help-“

“no you couldn’t have,” he said fast, trying to end things quickly, giving you a look of reassurance, the type of look that made you feel as if you had history with him, like he knew you inside and out, “you can’t save everybody.”

you cant save everybody.

why’d he have to say it like that? phrase it like that?

saying it as if miguel was already dead and he was sentenced to life in the juvenile detention center and that you’d have to let it go.

the reassurance and sympathy he was offering suddenly made you feel sick to your stomach, tying up in knots of pain, swimming up to your throat making you choke up.

you got up quickly, the sound of the metal chair scraping against the concrete floor making a loud, annoying noise causing both boys to cringe, clenching their jaws.

robby watched you walk off quickly, shoulders hunched up in heaving sadness. you felt like you’d breakdown any second, it couldn’t be over with, it just couldn’t, miguel would pull through, he would just have to.

“never was good with those sort of things,” he whispered to himself almost jokingly, but he allowed your grief to hit his head to realize it wasn’t funny.

“wait to go, asshole.”

“hey, it’s not my job to make her feel better about herself,” robby scoffed, leaning back into his chair, crossing his arms.

“yeah, but it isn’t her fault in the first place.”

“yeah, no shit, she’s not the one in juvie,” he snapped, making eli glare at him even harder, eyes crinkling at the sides, eyes filled with fire of spite and rage.

and then a long silence took over as eli looked back to where you had run off, his lip finding its way between his teeth as he tried to think of what to next.

robby did the same, only staring straight forward at the plain white cinder block walls.

maybe he should’ve been more sympathetic and thoughtful about his words, maybe, because then again you weren’t his problem.

yes but if you hadn’t done what you did, she wouldn’t feel this way.

fuck, he didn’t even know you, why was he trying to find excuse as to why it was his fault you felt this way? it was all stupid, he only wished he could be back in a peaceful mindset like he was before all this, back to not knowing you even existed, before knowing miguel existed, and sam, and when he would steal and lie and his only worry would be where his mom was.

“do you think he’ll wake up?” the words slipped past robby’s lips unintentionally, as if he was meaning to ask more of himself rather then eli who turned to him quickly, slightly shocked.

“what do you mean,” he mumbled, “of course he will.”

but the truth was, eli only said that because he hoped it was true. he was rather doubtful in his answer and robby could tell by the tone of his voice and how fast he said it.

he truely didn’t know what to think, but he hoped there was more truth in eli’s statement then what they both thought for both their sake.

analyzing your state previous moments before, he knew nothing good could come from your end if miguel did anything but wake up. it’d send you off a cliff and it didn’t take a genius to see that.

he assumed many people would end up in the same boat as you, but the thing was, he wouldn’t even be in that boat, you’d be in the water, wasting away, just like miguel.

“you better hope he does, otherwise that’s murder on your end.”

taglist 🗞:

comment for a tag on future works :)

@alilmercy @drikawinchester @cobra-kaii @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @fandomobsessedbitch

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4 years ago
Old Friends, Part One. Eli Moskowitz X Reader

old friends, part one. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which two old friends reunite but it doesn’t end the way the reader had hoped.

warning/s đŸš«: swearing, maybe some cringey parts idk

slater’s note 🗯: hi, this is only part one! i’ll link part two when i finish it :) inbox open !


part one, part two, part three, part four

you were done.

being ignored was one thing, but being forgotten was a different kind of hurt. especially by the one person in the world you wish would notice you again.

after he he changed his hair and got that stupid tattoo on his back everything seemed to change. his lip no longer mattered to him, and you were happy for him, you were glad he finally overcame the one thing that seemed to be stopping him from living his life.

but he wasn’t the same, and it hurt to see how fast he changed into someone you couldn’t recognize. just a boy who wore the same face your old best friend used to wear, nothing left to show of him but the red scar than ran along his upper lip.  

the day was cold causing you to wrap up with a sweater you had found in the back of your closet, it had made you pause in the moment, holding the blue fabric between your hands, rubbing it between your finger tips. 

you inhaled the scent, keeping your eyes closed at the old smell of his cologne.

eli had bought you the sweater for your birthday but stole and wore it on multiple occasions, leaving the thick scent of cheap cologne he had gotten at the mall on the rough blue knotted together fabric. 

now opening your eyes, you slid it over your head. being wrapped up in the warmth of the knit only reminded you of him, which was the exact reason why you had approached him in the first place. 

he may have been able to forget about you and moved on to his new life, but there was no way you could, not that easy anyway, not after all you two had been through. and maybe confrontation would help with that. 

what’s the worst that could happen?

“you’re actually going to do it today?”

“yeah, I was thinking of doing it during bio chem-”

“do what?” miguel kept a thin lipped smile barging in on the conversation you were beginning to keep with demetri, his arm looping around your neck making you slouch a bit. 

you drowned out demetri’s voice as he began to explain your plan after you had hesitated to answer, your eyes searching around the lunch room for him. 

it wasn't hard, lately eli, or hawk, seemed to be the center of attention at all times. his voice echoing out through the large dining hall, over powering most of the other quality talking being taken place between the other students. 

you made a lot of impulsive decisions, throwing out your common knowledge on situations and basic plans you created in order to be prepared for better or for worse. those plans were pointless.

you got up and before miguel could pull you back to sit down, you were already halfway there.

“y/n, stop, this is not a good idea,” miguel tried to grab your arm again, wanting to protect you from the oncoming hurt he knew would be coming your way.

even as you had known eli longer, miguel knew him better and the more current him, otherwise known as hawk. and he knew the eli you used to know, the one who would never even think about remotely hurting you, was gone and he now wouldn’t have a problem with making you cry.

and miguel didn’t want to see nor find out how dark of a place hawk could put you in.

“eli, i need to talk to you.”

his laughing stopped short, back being turned to you as he tried his best to process what was happening, who had said his name, because no one called him that besides demetri, and the last time he checked, demetri’s voice was deeper, not by much, but there was a difference. 

“it’s hawk to you, sweetheart,” you could hear the smirk in his voice as he shifted his body to slightly face you, but he stops short, face dropping, realizing he should have known it was you by the distinct sound of your voice he had known and learned to keep ahold of for years. 

he didn’t understand how he forgot it so fast. 

“i need to talk to you, eli,” you repeated, making him clench his jaw. 

the expression on his face made you want to cower away in embarrassment. they were all looking at you, all his friends, and somehow eli’s stare was more menacing than all theirs combined. 

he didn’t intend for it to be harsh, he was just tired, it was like seeing you had all suddenly drained all the energy from his body, drained all of hawks energy from his body. 

he suddenly felt like his old self again and it scared him. he saw his old self in you.

and that old sweater you wore, the one he bought at the old second hand store. oh that sweater, something he hadn’t thought about in a long time. 

“no can do babe, hawk doesn’t talk to girls who aren’t worth his time,” it took awhile for him to retaliate, but a smirk filled his face once he somewhat recovered, but you could see the caution and hesitanetness in his features, like he didn’t want use the words he had to say on you, like he didn’t want to use hawk’s words.

“don’t refer to yourself in the third person,” you mumbled, already exhausted with a conversation that had barely just begun. 

he frowned again as his friends around him cooed in amusement, practically taunting him on, wondering if he was going to let some girl treat him like that.

but you weren’t just some girl.

that’s what made it difficult.  

he clenched his jaw, glancing behind him before looking back to you, getting up from the red plastic lunch chair fast, over towering you quickly. 

all the dignity you had vanished, causing you to swallow roughly, looking up to the forced anger in his eyes. 

“look, i don’t know who you think you are, but don’t fuck with me,” he could have shoved you, spit on you, punched you, done anything to inflict physical pain, but nothing would hurt like the words he spat in your face. 

“you don’t know me and i don’t know you,” he warned, glaring down at you, “stay the fuck away from me.”

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