Tory Nichols - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
DANIEL LARUSSO AND TORY NICHOLSparallel Of Their Cobra Kai Training - Requested By Anonymous.
DANIEL LARUSSO AND TORY NICHOLSparallel Of Their Cobra Kai Training - Requested By Anonymous.
DANIEL LARUSSO AND TORY NICHOLSparallel Of Their Cobra Kai Training - Requested By Anonymous.
DANIEL LARUSSO AND TORY NICHOLSparallel Of Their Cobra Kai Training - Requested By Anonymous.
DANIEL LARUSSO AND TORY NICHOLSparallel Of Their Cobra Kai Training - Requested By Anonymous.
DANIEL LARUSSO AND TORY NICHOLSparallel Of Their Cobra Kai Training - Requested By Anonymous.

DANIEL LARUSSO AND TORY NICHOLS parallel of their cobra kai training - requested by anonymous.

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2 years ago

History repeats itself...I'M SCARED-

(But Terry is a manical, tactical badass. I'm not wrong😎😎)



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2 years ago

Therapist: What do you do when you are deeply emotional?

Johnny: Drink my life away and dig a hole...

Daniel: Sit in a pile of frustration and sadness as I lament how horrible I am compared to Miyagi

Miguel: Leave, go on an angry spree

Sam: Go through a crisis and put myself in this box

Robby: Blame myself and reflect on my wrongdoings while suffering

Demetri: Try not to wallow in depression and self pity

Eli/Hawk: Lose Confidence and become weak

Tory: Go on an angry spree mad at the world

Cameron:...Bottle it up and hold it in...

Therapist: Just how dark is everyone😹

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2 years ago

Do you think that Terry is particularly impressed by any of the Cobra Kai teens? Not just the kids in Cobra Kai, but the Miyagi Do kids as well?

Eh, no, not really? Maybe? No?

I don't think the current generation of Cobra Kai teens is raw enough for Terry. Juxtapose them all with Mike Barnes in the 80's, who was also a teen. Now that was Terry's cup of tea, more like. Mike Barnes never needed to be reminded, told or reprimanded to hurt Daniel, for example, like Tory needed to be with Sam during the tournament, also as an example. Mike Barnes was here winning and losing points, prolonging the agony, scaring Daniel to the point of petrified trauma and where he couldn't even contemplate fighting (even though he very much had the skill), he was throwing him and Jessica off of cliffs and being way too much into it at all, busting into Miyagi's Little Trees and vandalizing the place with Snake and Dennis, stealing the actual little trees that nearly bankrupted both Mr. Miyagi and Daniel, wreaking havoc, wreaking mayhem for a paycheck like the mercenary that he proudly is, busting up things and being a true agent of chaos the likes of which tickles Terry's sadistic appetites just fine. In Terry's own words, he was perfect. Or in Margaret's words, he was obnoxious. Either ways, meanwhile ---

Tory feels too much obvious sympathy for the enemy (Sam).

Tory is also visibly displeased at the referee being bribed.

In Terry's opinion, only a special type of backstabber snitches on themselves.

Robby is on the verge of reconciliating with his neglectful father. Who is also the enemy (Johnny).

Kenny is a bit too young.

Stingray is literally begging and pleading to be let into Cobra Kai.

Who's left? Kyler?

Thing is, from Terry's point of view and based on Terry's tastes and philosophy (and probably an overall generational disconnect), Cobra Kai lacks that bit of 'unf' incarnated in a perfect fighter who has both the skill and the innate mercilessness and downright Machiavellian ruthlessness needed to actually be a star in every sense. I don't think anyone specifically qualifies or stands out in that regard. His standards are quite high. As for the Miyagi Do's? The Miyagi Do's are Miyagi Do's. They're children and he views them like children. Don't think he has an opinion on the Eagle Fangs other than seeing them as lowbrow and a bit of a joke, cruel as that may sound --- Terry is Terry. Which is why him reconnecting with Mike Barnes (in case it does happen in Season 5) seems so valid. Mike Barnes would've been the most rabid, opportunistic dog Terry was ever in possession of where students were concerned and he would've missed and found immense convenience in such violence and tenacity because the kids of today he's surrounded with simply lack it.

Well, in the amounts he prefers it, anyway.

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2 years ago

@quirkyrogue I'm mesmerized by this entire article and the details for Robby's character and his relationships with the other characters. But it also shows 3 characters who want to go good for Robby who were Daniel, Shannon, and Tory. Each of his interactions (despite Daniel's mistake and guilt of putting Robby in Juvie) were pure genuine and kindness. Shannon's will to make a change for Robby contrasts Johnny's inability to make a change for Robby. While both parents know they've neglected Robby, Shannon was the one who made the change for Robby, while Johnny lamented and decided to drink away his problems as if they would disappear.

The description of how Robby's presence has a positive affect on others, regarding Sam, Tory, Kenny, and Daniel. He has a positive influence on other characters in contrast to Miguel who is only Sam's boyfriend to Daniel, while Tory didn't really care for Miguel nor did she find him attractive or the special connection she has for Robby.

Robby's genuine influence and his treatment to others make him have a strong bond with others that when he turns his back on Daniel and Johnny to Kreese after being hurt, traumatized, neglected and betrayed it forced the dojos to come together since Robby's skills are excellent and superior. How he had built these relationships with Daniel and his family, Kenny, and Tory is what makes him a central character of the show.

How Cobra Kai Fails Robby Keene


Yes, this is about both the show and the characters in it. And no, this is not meant to hate on the show or any character whatsoever. What I will point out is something the show is showing us through its framing, writing, and narrative choices. These are the 3 keywords I will be using a lot in this essay. Please make sure that you fully understand their meaning to understand what I say better.

[Word count - 3.8k words. I got carried away. What’s new?]

With the disclaimers out of the way, let’s go, baby!


Robby Keene is easily the most intriguing character in Cobra Kai to me. Mostly because I couldn’t slot him in any archetype when I started watching. 

He isn’t the protagonist – he is billed 5th and introduced all the way in the 4th episode. He is not the quintessential hero or good guy because he is introduced as running scams. That should mean that he is the antagonist? Well, stealing some money so you can have food and having remorse while doing it really disqualifies you for that. He is neither the a-hole with the heart of gold because my guy is so quiet in nature.

The closest I could come up with was him being someone like Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist of the Hunger Games series. She doesn’t have a distinct personality because all her energy goes into survival. Similarly, Robby doesn’t fit in any clear archetype because all his energy goes into survival as well. He regularly chucks his self-esteem down the drain and does what he needs to to survive – from running scams to allowing being bullied.

Robby’s story has been fascinating all through S1 to S4. I’m amused at how much prominence he holds in the narrative while simultaneously being treated unfairly than other characters. He is the 4th main character and is directly in competition with Miguel. And things are pretty bleak for the guy

Keep reading

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2 years ago

Does anyone also feel how rushed season 5 was? The Mexico plot should have been longer with Miguel going through traumatic endeavors with his father. Giving him bigger character development.

Miguel's and Robby's relationship should've had alot more build up and for them to have alot of awkwardness, with Miguel apologizing to him for his actions from season 1 as Robby apologizes to him for the accident at school. (Not that I'm not happy that they're on better terms and friends, but there should have been a bigger progress and build up to being comfortable with each other and Miguel being the one to admit he shouldn't antagonize Robby)

Another thing is Tory's arc should've been with more detail and how her redemption making a bigger impact on the heroes and Cobra Kai students with Terry's nefarious plans. Plus this would've been better for Tory's growth with making amends with Sam

The writers should have added more backstories to the other senseis of Cobra Kai and how each of them became what they are. Along with Kim Sung Yang's legacy and what made him to be a fierce and brutal karate master that led him to indoctrinate Kreese, Silver, Kim Da-Eun and the OG Cobra Kais.

Season 5 was a literal mess with detail and super rushed

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7 months ago

hey guys, i know i haven’t posted i forever but how would you guys feel if i wrote for cobra kai? since the new season is coming out ive been reading some old fanfics and stuff and it making me want to write for cobra kai. if your interested in cobra kai give me some ideas for some upcoming one shots? ill write really anything like poly and stuff like that :)

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4 years ago
Friends With Benefits, Part Two. Robby Keene X Reader

friends with benefits, part two. robby keene x reader

summary 📣: in which reader asks robby for an unbelievable favor with the promise of benifits, just what kind?

warning/s đŸš«: swearing and mentions of sex and drugs

slater’s note 🗯: this is literally only an introduction, so comment to be added for the series tags!


prologue, part one,

“you’re going on a date with me.”

and like clock work, he says, “i certainly am not.”

“you certainly are,” you retaliate back sitting across from him, but then pause, your eyes reaching the ceiling as you try to think, “because I may have lied to my grandma about being engaged and she will most definitely write me out of her will if she catches me lying about things again.”

you made stupid, impulsive desicions, robby knew this, but everytime you approached him with something new, he was always taken back, just like the first time.

he shouldn’t have been surprised, but he still furrowed his brows, trying to process all the things that had just came out of your mouth. and the more he thought about it, the more he realized it all went through one ear and out the other.

“y/n, what?”


“you told her you were engaged?” he dumbfounded leaning forward on his elbows, now processing some of your words that came out of your mouth even as half of them seemed to have blended together, “how?- you’re seventeen dumbass.”

“young.. love?” you gritted you’re teeth, just making it up as you went, hoping it would somewhat convince him.

and if you were to guess, you were at a fifty-fifty chance of him saying yes. his face was blank, but you could just see how hard he was trying to comprehend.

robby sighed, closing the book he had previously been reading before being interrupted by your nonsense. everytime he talked to you, it was a fever dream and everything took him longer to comprehend then a usual conversation with normal people.

“what type of date is this?” his shoulders rose up and down, slightly caving into your somewhat realistic story.

a smile spread across your face real quick, eyes lighting up as he looked up to you with a such tired expression. not what you were expecting, but you would take it.

“just with my family.”

“just with your family?”


“will your dad be there?”

the silence seemed to answer itself as you slightly cringed, your lips rubbing together while gripping the table cloth looking up at him, thinking for a moment.


“robby, c’mon-“

“y/n, no, not your dad,” he shook his head, scooting back from the chair he sat in and you quickly followed, standing up from the wooden bench that was on the other side of the table.

he walked into the large larusso kitchen, beginning to look around as away to look busy, and distract himself from you presence behind.

“that’s weird.”


“this isn’t a good idea.”

“shut up, it’s perfect.”

he turned around, giving you a pointed look, his eyebrows raised as if asking if you were serious, and you weren’t, but he could never be too sure with you.

“my dad likes you.”

“yeah, and i’d like to keep it that way,” he turned back around, facing the kitchen cabinets filled with boxes of cereal.

you rolled your eyes, huffing, your arms going slack at your sides as you slightly dropped your shoulders in disappointment.

“robby, you did fucking molly your sophomore year, i think going on a fake date with me is an improvement.”

his back went tense, jaw clenching, trying to think of a good way to reply without trying to sound.. rude and right as it flew out of your mouth, you felt bad.

“yeah, but your parents don’t know that.”

he didn’t like talking about his past, it wasn’t necessarily something he was proud of. he was really messed up then and the both of you knew it.

he had hated his dad, he stole, he barely showed up at school, he had sex 24/7, he did drugs, his mother was in a bad place, and he had no basic content in his life whatsoever.

and he’d probably still be like that if it weren’t for you and your... psychotic self...

“just come,” you begged, “please.”

and he rolled his eyes turning back around to face you. his arms droop at his sides before moving closer to you, placing his hands on the opposite sides of your head, slightly smooshing your features together, exhaling.



comment to be added to future works :)

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4 years ago
Friends With Benefits, Part One. Robby Keene X Reader

friends with benefits, part one. robby keene x reader

summary 📣: ïżŒin which reader asks robby for an unbelievable favor with the promise of benifits, just what kind? this so called date? turns out to be a week long vacation and reader has no idea how to tell robby.

warning/s đŸš«: swearing i think

slater’s note 🗯: this is an au where robby and johnny have a healthy father-son relationship and this is a little after their senior year, or like maybe they’re still seniors, i haven’t decided. all the cobra kai/myagi ïżŒdoe feud stuff is way in the past. anyways i’m so excited for this series :)


prologue, part one,

“there is no way i’m wearing that.”

you frowned, glancing down at the very colorful and flowery shirt, not exactly seeing the problem johnny had with it.

“c’mon, my parents will eat this stuff up,” you whined causing him to shake his head, looking back down at the clearance rack full of nice dress shirts.

“yeah, well i’m not the one you’re engaged to,” you could hear miguel’s light laugher a couple racks down from the two of you as johnny eyed you with a look of deception.

you scowled at him, putting the shirt back onto the silver metal rack, your eyes not breaking from his.

he shrugged you off, pulling out a green short sleeved button up with white patterns going up the front. he examined it very thoughtfully before nodding in approval, lifting it up to show you.

“you think your parents would approve of this?”

you glanced at the very tacky shirt, suppressing a grin.

“sure,” you shrugged, “if you were going bowling with them.”

johnny mumbled a ‘whatever’ before shoving the fabric back in with the rest of many just like it. he leant against the clothes rack then, crossing his arms, giving a few things some thoughts.

it was silent, the only thing to be heard were the shuffling between clothes, metal scratching against metal as you would pull the hanger from the bar.

you hadn’t really acknowledged nor noticed the thoughtful staring johnny had on you before he cleared his throat while rubbing his chin.

“would you actually get engaged to my son?” he asked, genuine curiosity in his voice, “like marry him and do all that committed crap?”

you smiled lightly at his words, shaking your head mindlessly while still shuffling through the clothes.

“of course she would,” miguel smiled, throwing a couple of shirts and shorts into the cart by you, “she’s in love with robby, sensi.”

you rolled your eyes, smacking his arm as he grinned at you innocently.

miguel had been your best friend ever since he had started at west valley high. he wasn’t someone hard to make friends with, a big dork with a huge heart and surprisingly good karate skills.

he had roped you into cobra kai, strengthening not only your relationship but as well as with many other kids that went to west valley high.

and then johnny lawerence, as inappropriate as it was, you could consider him one of your best friends, hence why he was shopping for clothes in one of the thrift stores in down town L.A. called salamander’s second hand store, preparing for an oncoming vacation. the vacation where you were to introduce your fiancĂ©e to the rest of your family, or more importantly, your grandmother.

robby wasn’t exactly aware of the date you had asked him on was actually a yearly week family vacation at the bahamas... and that his father was coming.. and so was miguel.

miguel had always came on the y/l/n family vacations ever since your mother fell in love with his sweet persona and protective manner on you.

however johnny lawrence was never a regular, the only reason he was coming was due to your parents have never met your former sensi and new father-in-law.

it was a whole scheme, one that took a lot of convincing, but once the simple word free was mentioned, he was all 100% invested.

“you’re really in love with my son?”

“no,” you sneered quickly with red cheeks that said otherwise.

a smile soon consumed johnny’s face, a sly smile that came with his accusing pointer finger, “i knew it.”

“no you didn’t.”

“yes i did,” he said, “i knew you two were more then just friends, especially after you invited him over miguel to that stupid concert.”

miguel’s eyes went wide, turning to your direction fast, “that’s who you took?” he practically yelled, his cheeks flush with no longer amusement but slight anger.

“i thought you said your dad was a die hard fan of them, so you just had to take him instead of me,” johnny gave you a yikes face, as if not knowing miguel hadn’t known.

you glared at johnny before giving miguel a sympathetic look, “i’m sorry, i had to score robby points, he wrapped his arm around me, man.”

miguel rolled his eyes after letting out a loud huff, deciding that was it.

“robby points, psh,” johnny rolled his eyes, “just feed him and give him a little attention and you’ll be set for life.”

“whatever, i just need to figure out how to tell him this date is actually a week vacation with not only my family but his father,” you brushed off the robby points talk, licking your bottom lip in thought, “he’ll kill me.”

“nah, you’re the main source of his food,” johnny mumbled, “you can’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

miguel glanced at you, sharing the same look you had on your face of confusion at all the feeding talk, but the two of you shrugged it off just as soon as johnny did.

“anyways, i need a shirt if i want to impress your parents, and the only ones i’ve found so far are too fruity,” he patted the cart full of the clothes you and miguel had found for yourselves, “let’s ring this shit up and head to a different store, preferably one that doesn’t have the word ‘salamander’ in it.”


“hey, where’ve you been?”

you froze in the kitchen doorway, completely oblivious to robby’s presence, until then with a spoon between his lips, melted ice cream slightly dribbling down his lip.

your eyes went back to normal from their widened expression seconds before, setting the shopping bags down on the large counter of your parents kitchen.

“uh, shopping?”

“shopping? with who?”

“... miguel...”

he nodded, setting the spoon down, still eyeing you curiously yet steadily.

“when’d you come over?”

“half an hour ago,” he said, “your mom just said to relax.”

you nodded, still tense in your spine as you were slightly trying to ignore his eye contact.

awkward silence seemed to have settled over the two of you faster than you had planned for, his curious stare began to interrogating you, his eyes squinting, staring at you harder.

“what’s in the bags?” robby said calmly, the words coming out of his mouth smoothly, something that was all too familiar.

he was about to trap you. first he would start out with a planned question, then hit you with the big stuff if you hadn’t revealed what he wanted to know by then.


“for what.”

“a vacation.”

“there it is.”

he hummed, nodding his head with a slight smirk which had caused you to meet his eyes in curiosity as to what he met.

“what vacation, y/n?”

he was going to keep playing into it.

detective robby.

“the one next week.”

“this wouldn’t happen to be the one where my father’s coming, is it?”

“how’d you know,” your brows were furrowed in slight confusion.

“your mom.”

“of course.”

“why didn’t you tell me?”

“which part?”

“either one would have worked.”

you nodded, hopping onto the counter next to the thrift store paper bags, your legs beginning to swing back and forth as he leaned on the opposite counter.

“thought you would have cancelled on me if you would have figured out this date is actually a vacation,” you mumbled, not meeting his eyes.

“when were you planning on telling me?”

“probably when we were actually on the plane, taking off.”

“that’s pretty solid.”

“it was either that or when we would’ve actually landed.”

he nodded, his arms crossed making his muscles bulge from underneath the grey workout shirt he wore.

“how’d you convince my dad?”

“i said ‘all costs covered’ and suddenly he was all for us getting married.”

robby chuckled, nodding, “of course, good ole’ johnny lawrence loves the sound of free beer and babes.”

you laughed lightly along with him, tapping your fingers against the marble counter top, any nerve racking feeling vanished from the center of your brain.

you should’ve known he wouldn’t have been as bothered as you predicted. in all honestly robby would do anything for you, he loved and cared about you, so if he had to take it to a whole other level where the love meant something else, he would do it, just so you were happy.

“you’re my best friend, you know that right?” he mumbled, glancing up at you, just almost shying away from your stare.

he didn’t do that.

he didn’t get all sentimental, showing he cared, showing pda. sure he put his arm around you at that concert but that was it, nothing else. he barely let you hug him, let alone speak the words ‘i love you’.

this was big, but you tried your best not to let the surprisal feeling take over your facial features, only allowing a small smile to overcome your lips.

“i know, robby.”



comment a tag for future works :)

@ifilwtmfc @torynicholsgf @idkkbaleighh

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4 years ago

could you do a tory x robby fic. don't worry if you don't have time:)

Could You Do A Tory X Robby Fic. Don't Worry If You Don't Have Time:)

our roots. robby keene x tory nichols

summary 📣: in which tory is convinced her and robby are more similar than he thinks, so what happens when they’re thrown into a situation that brings him back to his roots?

warning/s đŸš«: swearing, mentions of drinking and drugs, sexual themes but not smut

slater’s note 🗯: i got so excited for this request, thank you for sending this in anon! anyways my inbox is open and if you prefer something else for them, shoot :)


"we know eachother robby," tory shrugged, "we know eachother a lot better than we think."

robby glanced over to tory for a short moment before looking away, his tongue poking the side of his cheek as he thought. he picked away at his fingers, his foot tapping at the ground. 

it had been awhile since robby was stuck in the kind of situation he was in right then, and he didn't know how to feel. 

he had only known tory for a couple of months. it was on and off at certain times, her showing up at random. he'd see her at parties, in the hallways at school, sometimes just around in public but never had he ever approached her, it was always her.

and that was how it had all started.

she had showed up at his dad's apartment at randomly, two forties in hand with a smug smirk on her face. he had stared at her absolutely dumbfounded, blinking a couple of time before she broke his surprised train of thought. 

“so, you gonna let me in?”

he blinked again before moving rather fast. 

"you're lucky my dad didn't answer the door," he had mumbled quietly, quickly closing the door after sliding out of the small apartment.

"what do you mean?" she faked pout, "i'm sure sensi lawerence would love to go on a bender with us."

"what're you doing here?"

he felt like he was on a personal attack, like she was blackmailing him for some odd reason by just showing up randomly on his front door. 

robby hadn't gotten along with tory in the beginning, her constant unreasonable attacks on sam for no reason while also shitting on him for practically making an attempt to kill her ex boyfriend, miguel. 

“you know i don’t drink.”

and yet she had somehow convinced him to go out on the northern heights to drink since no one she remotely liked was free or just hadn't wanted to drink with her at four in the afternoon.

that four in the afternoon had reached ten p.m. painfully fast, causing robby a great big headache as the forties went down fast and the other bottles of alcohol were pulled out from tory’s backseat, going down just as easy. 

and now there they were in the middle of the LAPD police station sitting before the empty head of security desk.  

he couldn’t help but have regretted everything he had done that night, all the drinking, the laughing, and the reckless driving, and then the destruction property, the reason they got caught in the first place. 

he had tory hop on his shoulders in attempt to pull off the “towing after hours” sign screwed to a wooden pole. they were unsuccessful, ending in fits of giggles before hearing the familiar sound of the police sirens, causing them to sober up real fast. 

robby hadn't felt that nervous in awhile, but it was like another saturday night for tory. she was relaxed, leaned back in the old rough plastic chairs she had sat in many many times.

"we're more alike than you think."

that rung through his ears, causing him to stop moving all his anxious limbs, his mouth slight agape as he chewed on the inside of his cheek. 

he hated that she said that, he also hated the fact that it was true. tory reminded him a lot of his old self. the old self that used to do molly at school, used to drink a lot, get high, steal, scam, do drugs, anything that involved with social rebellion. you know, the “basic teen actions”.

he used to be tory, so used to the chair that she now sat in to the point he was comfortable in it. 

"yeah, but not anymore," he mumbled, glancing over to her, causing her to clench her jaw. she was hoping he would agree, she was hoping he'd reassure her that they were both unstable, that they were on the same level of impulsive and bold. 

that they both had nothing to lose because they had already lost so much and they really were just living day by day. 

but he denied her of all of that.

every since she had joined the cobra kai dojo, she had heard a lot about robby and how he was some cool asshole who took the term “rebellious teen” to a whole other level. even through high school he was always somebody everyone talked about, whether it being about his shitty father or how much of a good fuck he was.

she found comfort in robby, like he was some super hero she read about in comics and saw in movies, someone she could look up to just because he had the same sob story as her.

but now tory rolled her eyes, sinking deeper into the plastic chair. apparently he isn’t her superhero anymore.

the head of LAPD had let them go with a warning and robby had no idea how or why but by the way tory was silently smirking he knew she had to have had some connections.

they pair was escorted out to the lot where they held tory’s car, giving her the keys after driving it out into the main parking lot, leaving them alone in the cold crisp night air.

they both stared up at the sky for a decent amount of time, the stars shinning especially bright that night making tory slightly smile. 

“you can’t leave your roots, robby,” tory said in truth, her head tilted back in competence, “you always seem to end up back to where you’ve began.”

she nodded to him in content, her lips pressed into a thin line as if that were to be the last time she’d see him in awhile.

robby watched her walk off towards her old crappy car, his mind racing, “tory wait.”

and she stopped, not turning until she heard his footfalls get nearer to her. he was looking at the black tar filling in the crack of the old parking lot, steadily strolling towards her.

her watched him carefully, anticipating his next move, her skin rolling up and down into anxiousness. ïżŒ

he looked up, and it went fast, his hands reaching up to each side of her face, pressing his lips against hers.

she suppressed the gasp that wavered out in the back of her throat, her hands reaching out to grasp air before she settled for his arm, her fingers wrapping around his forearm, leaning into him.

his lips move in sync hers slowly as they fell into a cloud of lust that began to take over the both of their minds.

he pushed her back, tory’s back hitting up against the back of someone’s car, her head tilting up in a gasp, diverting them both into a different position.

robby’s lips reached down to her fair colored neck, his mouth beginning to press kisses and pull skin lightly between his teeth as he sucked onto her neck and along her collarbone.

her stomach began to tighten, causing her to gasp for air, chest sinking up and down as he continued on, his hands roaming all over her body, gripping, grasping, and pulling against her clothes and body.

“robby,” her voice came out in a low whine, different from the usual tone, stern, hard, and snarky, but now weak and desperate, making him groan, his lips going back to hers.

“you want to do this?” his voice rough, waving onto her lips making her stomach tie up even more, “right now?”

and tory grinned, her face ducking away from his, making sure she could see the smirk on her face, “you know i do.”

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4 years ago

Eli Moskowitz/ Hawk x dancer reader or maybe just all of the boys? They’re all so hot đŸ„” ( love your writings btw 💕)

Eli Moskowitz/ Hawk X Dancer Reader Or Maybe Just All Of The Boys? Theyre All So Hot ( Love Your Writings

cobra kai boys with a dancer girlfriend

summary 📣: cobra kai boys dating a dancer includes...

warning/s đŸš«: none

slater’s note 🗯: if you want me to do something different for this prompt lmk ( i also kinda didn’t know what to do for this one.. but i liked it) 


stop! join my taglist.

robby keene:

âžȘ this man absolutely loves it

âžȘ he’s an absolute softie for you and loves going to all your recitals

âžȘ he’ll buy you flowers but then he’ll get bored like ten minutes into the recital and like pull out a bunch a candy he had bought for you after but he just ends up eating it

âžȘ he’s shushed multiple times

âžȘ he’ll post you up on his instagram/snapchat story captioning it “my baby’s so good”

âžȘ he’ll high five you after a performance (idk why i just feel like he would)

âžȘ also low key acts like a mom

âžȘ will drop you off at practice with a water and then ask if you want snacks?? or like literally anything??

âžȘ and you’re just like “no i’m good bae...”

âžȘ he’ll be recording because he’s just like that

âžȘ just generally loves being involved 

âžȘ he makes you teach him how to salsa and he’s actually good at it 

âžȘ like it just *shocks* you 


miguel diaz:

âžȘ like miguel he is so supportive

âžȘ he’ll tell all his friends to come down and support you as well and they’ll actually do it because everyone loves you and miguel

âžȘ this man will literally be standing in the crowd at the end of the show clapping and cheering so loud to the paint you can hear him

âžȘ he’s also the type to be throwing roses at the stage like in the movies but then gets kicked out because it’s literally only in the movies (unless this actually happens idk)

âžȘ he’ll be waiting outside holding a large bouquet of flowers ready to hug you tightly 

âžȘ he’ll drive you to your practices and pick you up afterwords and then maybe take you out to get something to eat

âžȘ he’ll make a personalized bumper sticker as a joke that says “my girlfriends a hot dancer” but then actually put it on his car and like loves it

âžȘ you teach try to teach him salsa dancing but he ends up tripping over your feet/his own feet

âžȘ you lead the whole time but he still gets lost with it

âžȘ you guys just stick with the mockerana 


eli moskowitz:

âžȘ eli also seems to be the type to get shushed in a crowd while watching a recital and maybe because of eating but also because he’ll literally be cheering for you and anything but quiet

âžȘ stuff like “that’s my girl” and “yeah get it” and shit like that

âžȘ but i also feel like he could be quiet simply because he’s on his phone, bored or also because he’s just entertained by your pretty movement lol

âžȘ will also drive you to practice but smack your ass when you get out of the car

âžȘ “go get ‘em tiger” lmfao

âžȘ won’t make all of his friends go to your recital but ask miguel to come because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of his dojo “friends” 

âžȘ they will wear matching tee-shirts that says your name or something just to embarrass you 

âžȘ then after the performance you guys will go out to eat and he’ll compliment you the whole time saying how good you did and how he watched the whole time even though he probably didn’t 

âžȘ on downtime you’ll try to teach him moves but he’s just so awkward and doesn't know how to move his body like that even though you would expect he would since he literally does karate 

âžȘ he ends up like falling and taking you down with him 

âžȘ it’s just a whole mess

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4 years ago
The End Of Us. Eli Moskowitz X Reader

the end of us. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which a couple of months after reader and hawk’s messy breakup, they meet again up at a party for another eventful interaction

warning/s đŸš«: angst, swearing, no good ending, unrealistic high school party, toxic relationship

slater’s note 🗯: honestly not my best work but i’ll be checking my messages and inbox again to start writing for those, also join my taglist :)


you had heard it from other people before you heard it from him.

and it was like a kick in the ass, to be told “i told you so” by all your friends and all of his friends and basically everyone in the goddamn high school because they really did all know. 

he kissed another girl, maybe even slept with her, you weren’t sure but it all got swept up into a wind of rumors to the point you didn’t know what to think or what to believe but by the way he ended things, you knew something unfaithful was done. 

you didn’t remember how it begun either, when he broke up with you. you didn't remember his first words or his last or your own but he remembered them, he remembered the painful, bitter words that you uttered before leaving, ‘how was i such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me’.

it hurt him, watching you walk away, getting into your car and driving away with tears running down your face. he hadn’t intended it to be like that, to end it so roughly out into a shaky cliff, but it had just slipped out from his hands. 

it was months later, you healed slowly with late nights of no sleep and peps talks from your friends with many buckets of ice cream and fast food taking over half your diet, but you had slowly fell back into your schedule before eli. 

it was hard, but it happened. 

and months later, miguel had offered you a ride. a ride you knew you shouldn’t have accepted.

“y/n, party, friday night? i’ll give you a ride?” “miguel,” you had turned, your hand on the handle of your car door, giving him a slightly amused, pointed look, “i don’t party.”

“yeah, i know,” he returned the expression, his eyebrows raised but lips slightly turned up into a smile, “eli wouldn't come to parties for weeks just to prove his loyalties to you-”  you had gotten into the car so fast, rolling your eyes at the mention of eli, it was like poison, setting your mind off into hurt as well as annoyance. all those moments for nothing, just a complete waste. 

“no- y/n, come on,” he plead, quickly stopping your car door from closing, “i didn’t mean to, i just- it just slipped out, okay? you should still come with.”

you frowned, narrowing your brows up at him, “who’s going to be there?”

“anyone you want.”

it took a lot of convincing before the two of you reached an agreement, you’d be the one driving and he’d have to bring robby just so you would go to the party. and once friday arrived you found yourself in a car full of two boys who were already pregaming. 

the party took place at some upperclassman’s house that did karate with them. you weren’t so sure it was a good idea to pull up, especially to a seniors house, who knows what could go down, but miguel had to remind you that half the school basically worshipped him, including the seniors, so if anything bad happened, he wouldn’t be one to mess with.

the house was booming with loud music that you could hear outside, even through the car as you put it in park across the street. you weren’t sure how it wasn’t shut down already from how easy it was to hear the loud ridiculous rap music blaring from the considerably big house.

you glanced over to robby and miguel who stumbled out of the car already giggling for no reason making you roll your eyes despite the amusement you found in the situation.

it was going to be a long night.

once you entered through the front door a waft of booze found it’s way up your nose making you wince, taking a minute to process what was going on.

kegs were noticeably everywhere in sight, red solo cups littered the whole room if not in someone’s hand, and a “bar” was set up onto the kitchen island along with boxes of pizza and half full bowls of chips.

you blinked a couple of times before nodding in content, yeah, it looked like a classic senior party. bright flashing lights from those cheap LED fans you could buy at the dollar store with teenage girls dancing ridiculously trying to draw some attention or just having genuine fun, people yelling from the backyard where there was pool like in every LA home, just genuine loudness. 

“have a drink!” robby slung his arm around your shoulders, holding a red solo cup close to your face, alcohol flaring up your nostrils, causing you to slightly wince, shying away before tuning back to grab the plastic cup. 

“have fun, y/n, you never have fun,” he pushes off of you after a final nob. you watched him waddle off into the crowd of sweaty bodies. 

you smiled lightly, taking another sip from the cheap cup, nodding off the drink that was slowly making its way down your throat despite how fast you tried to swallow, “yeah, i’ll try.”

it wasn’t long before moon found you, a grim smile on her face for she was already five shot of vodka deep into drunkenness. she shoved you onto the dance floor after getting a couple shots down into your own gut, becoming tipsy and giddy, your body practically vibrating in excitement. 

you felt on top of the world till a hand gripped your slender shoulder, pulling you away from the practical mosh pit of teen bodies. you couldn’t exactly process the movement taken over your body until you became face to face with the infamous boy you used to be in love with. 

“didn't exactly expect to see you here, y/n.”

you were absolutely dumbfounded to see a boy who had ignored you for months after a messy break up (not that you weren’t ignoring him as well) now confront you face to face. 

“fuck,” you groaned, “not really surprised to see you.”

he scoffed, “kind of hurt you say that.”

“since when are you affected by anything i say?”


“you heard me.”

and then silence as he stared deeply to your core. you could see the rage and hurt that slowly built up in his eyes. his stare intensified, like he could just go off on you, like you were the one in the wrong, but he held it all in, allowing it to build up in his chest. 

“you promised,” you stuttered, voice wispy and caught up in the back of your throat like you were about to break down from all the memories that had begun to fill your mind like balloons, “you broke me and you promised... so much, you promised me that i was anything but like those others girls, that it would be different, and i believed you because you said it over and over.”

“y/n, i-”

“fuck you,” you reached over to smack his chest but he caught your arm quickly. 

“y/n,” he said in a stern tone, practically begging you to listen, “i would have done anything for you.”

your facial features dropped even further into despair. it was absolutely ridiculous to have to hear the words that had just came from his mouth. 

you scowled, trying to hide the hurt that was swirled in your pupils, but it wasn’t successful with how his faced dropped, trying to figure out why that would hurt you. 

“you asshole,” you yanked your wrist from grip, “you didn't do anything but fuck jessica karol and half the other girls in our grade not even seconds after we broke up.”

hurt. silence. shock. 

“why’re you even talking to me?” “y/n, i-” he paused, trying to find words to form, but he couldn’t with the lump forming in his throat from all your words that stung him hard, “i just- i just miss you.” “you miss me?” “yes.”

“what gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all the pain you’ve caused me? after all that you did-”

“y/n, i got scared,” he said quickly, “y/n, baby, please, i love you, you know i love you, i didn’t want to do anything to hurt you.”

he took a stop closer, making you sway on your feet, hesitant whether you should stay in place or move backwards. 

“i got scared. i got scared because you know that i don’t make promises, and i didn’t want to break any of mine to you.”

“so you fucked another girl?” “baby,” he whispered, his hands reaching both sides of your face, his palms warm as he pushed your cheeks together, “i love you, i never want to hurt you, please.”

it was overwhelming. everything. with how close he stood and the heavy amounts of liquor coating the inside of his mouth and his hands clutching you carefully and tightly, wanting to pull you closer into something you knew you wouldn’t be able to get out of. 

overwhelming, yes, that’s what it all was, but pulling away was hard, making your heat freeze up in cold and pain, but you knew if he was able to hurt you once, he’d be able to do it again, just as easy.



join my taglist babe!

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss

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3 years ago

hey queen i’m gonna ask politely for a part two of “high school rivals” i just need it in my life that was one of the best hawk fics i’ve read so mrs gorl do me a solid and write a part two! i will forever be in your debt!!!! anyways love you and all the stuff you’ve written!â€ïžâ€ïžïżŒ

Hey Queen Im Gonna Ask Politely For A Part Two Of High School Rivals I Just Need It In My Life That Was

highschool rivals, part two. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which reader believes hawk is fucking with her when saying he does karate, but he won’t prove otherwise, no matter how much she begs.

warnings đŸš«: swearing, drinking , also reader and miguel are only friends (i swear it’s not flirting), uhh

slater’s note 🗯: yuh, finally updated, sorry it took so long i’ve literally had no MOTIVATION but hey(love you bae thank you for giving me motivation to update)


part one, part two

the weekend reached faster than you thought it would, giving you no time to think out a plan on how to set hawk off.

maybe you should’ve just gotten over it, but the urge to egg him on, to watch him snap kept a provoking feeling in the inside of your stomach to keep planning.

you didn’t understand why, but something about hawk just fascinated you, made you obsessed with thoughts of him and what he could do to you.

and maybe the thought setting him off into a rage set you off into excitement of what he would do to you.

pinning you down, overpowering your strength just so he could win, anything and everything to show the dominance he had over you.

oh it was wrong, but so so fun to think about.

saturday morning hit you hard from a rough hangover resonating from the night before with mia and harper, a lot of drinking taking place due to it being harper’s birthday and all she wanted to do was watch old movies and drink till she blacked out.

and oh boy did she really black out.

and so did mia, leaving you up and alone with edward scissor hands playing in the background as your newly drunken mind searched through your phone for something entertaining.

someone entertaining.

your first choice, miguel, him being the first one to pop up on your recently snapped on snap chat.

y/n: i’m bored, come hang out w me

miguel: u drinking yet?

y/n: ye

miguel: i’d come but i’m w people

y/n: uh fuk yow

miguel: aren’t we hanging out tomorrow anyways

y/n: yeh but everyone’s aslep now

miguel: oh facts

eli wants to talk to you

your drunken self had rolled your eyes, sliding out of the chat and into hawk’s snap user who was already typing.

hawk: can i come over?

y/n: no

hawk: awh, why not princess

y/n: shut up

people who lie about being in karate don’t get to come to drinking parties

hawk: oh?

y/n: yeah now leve me alone


hawk: miss me yet?

it was like he knew how to play the game perfectly, a game that wasn’t even really a game. just teasing being held between two hormonal teens who made out a couple of times.

he knew exactly how to get into your mind which is why it didn’t take long before he had convinced you to allow him to sneak over to harper’s house, wearing a black hoodie that was draped over his head with miguel following right behind with glasses you had never seen on him before.

“you said you were with people,” you had narrowed your brows, looking over hawk’s shoulder at miguel who was still outside due to you blocking the way in through the sliding door.

his eyes connected to yours after slowly analyzing his surroundings as if something would pop out of the dark at any moment.

“yeah,” he jerked his head a bit, “i’m with lover boy here who convinced me to drive him five miles to a drunk birthday party at two in the morning.”

you studied miguel a bit more better, realizing he had slightly smears of acne cream on his cheeks and forehead, pulling together the glasses and pajama pants look. he seemed annoyed and tired, which made sense since it actually was two in the morning.

“hi,” your eyes drew away from miguel to hawk who smiled smoothly, his red hair peaking out from underneath his hood, dipping down into a form you had never seen it; flat.

“hi,” you replied, slightly shocked before being pulled in closer to him, his cold hands rubbing up and down your waist before peaking underneath your own hoodie.

his cool finger tips pressed into your hipbones, his fingernails slightly curving and breaking into your skin as he tried to get an even tighter hold on you. the pads of his thumbs rubbed up and down against the dips of your stomach as he continued to stare straight into your eyes, calmly.

“so, can we get this train moving or are we gonna stand in the doorway for the rest of the night?”

you couldn’t recall if you had gone anywhere farther than rubbing skin against skin with the boy or his lips pressing against your forehead biding you sweet dreams as he left before the rest of the morning could catch him. the alcohol eating away at all memories and events that had happened between two and five.

y/n: hey, can i head over?

miguel: yeah, eli should be there to let you in

the weekend had entailed a lot of hanging out, saturday implying drinking and just general talking in miguel’s apartment with robby, hawk, harper, and mia.

you weren’t exactly sure if it was a good idea to be drinking day after day but it was your teenage years, whats the worst that could happen?

“you’re early.”

you frowned watching the door open to only see hawk, his expression dead, almost like he was annoyed but he still let you in, leaving the apartment door wide open.

“where’s miguel?” you asked, stepping into the cool apartment from the roasting air, a feeling of relief settling on your skin as you were no longer cooking into a chicken in the hot sun.

“what do you mean?”

“well this is his apartment... right?” you looked around analyzing the small space. it was neat but there was some kind of atmosphere filling the air making the whole area dark.

you sat on the couch watching eli as he seemed to be rummaging around the kitchen, seemingly ignoring you by not answering your question.

“what’re you doing?”


“wanna spar?”

he looks up, his eyes meeting dead in yours, “shut up.”


the apartment soon seems to fill with a silence quickly and rather awkwardly as you sat there, patting your lap with your hands, switching between each thigh as your mind raced.

do something.

but you didn’t think it was a good idea to do something, it had only been a minute into your arrival and he already seemed snappy.

it was then did you really wish you could remember everything that had happened the night before and as to why it was so suddenly awkward.

it didn’t make sense, he would always find something to talk about, that was one of the first things you had picked up on about him.

“you mad at me?”

“no,” he said it slowly, glancing over to you as you were already looking at him, how shifting your position on the couch.

“why’re you being weird.”

he laughed.

and then... ignored your question.

“what happened last night?”

he looked up from the counter again, you had noticed he was writing something down, making you guess he was doing his homework or something.

he also seemed annoyed, looking over once again to your doubtful state.

“you were drunk.”

“yeah, the killer headache i had this morning told me.”


“why’re you being to fucking weird?”

“i’m not, jesus,” he snapped at you, his face screwing up with annoyance as well as slight confusion as to wondering why you were being so anxious.

“you seem mad, man.”

“well maybe if you shut-“

“i got the alc!” the sudden noise of the apartment door opened caused eli to cut himself off, looking over to the white chipped door open, revealing miguel and robby.

you clenched your jaw, looking away from the two boys and to the floor, thinking about the sentence hawk was about to spat in front of your face before interrupted.

shut up.

“you two good?”


taglist 🗞:

join my taglist for good luck

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @amongtheweepingwillows @write-from-the-heart

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