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4 years ago
Not Your Fault, Part One. Cobra Kai X Reader

not your fault, part one. cobra kai x reader

summary 📣: in which reader can solve basically every problem handed her, but not this time.

warnings 🚫: sad reader, swearing, very unedited because i just got tired of staring at it

slater’s note 🗯: eventual miguel diaz x reader but for now eli moskowitz x reader


it was like all slow motion, walking in at the wrong time to see it all happen clear as day, but make a double take, trying to process if it was all real.

you had a lot of things to take care of that morning, including going to the doctors appointment to see when the best time for you to get your cast off would be.

you had broken your wrist in the all valley competion and you hadn’t even realized it until your second match when you had made one move to make a jab at your competition.

it was a whole mess after that and still continued to be one, especially after you found out that morning you’d have to wait at least another month until you could get it off.

you had to miss your biology class just to hear that. so no, it wasn’t a good morning especially when you walked through the front doors, being met with one large crowd of high schoolers yelling and shouting with glee as they watched multiple fights take place.

but it all seemed to stop at once, seeing him.

you felt your heart in your throat, just barely breathing as you saw him take a long fall from the balcony up above, his arms reaching and grabbing for some hope of support that’d pull him back up, but it was too late.

and then his back hit the staircase bar, the loud sound of cracking ripping throughout the air, silencing everyone. your eyes widen, rushing immediately to the boys side realizing who it was.

tory’s distinct voice calling ‘miguel’ echoed through the air and for the longest time it was the only thing you could hear as it bounced around the crowd.

“robby what’d you do?”

you didn’t even look up as you now hovered over the boy in his unconscious state. you held your breath, lightly pressing your hand on his forehead, pulling back the hair that edged over his eyes.

“miguel,” your voice was soft but broke halfway through, making it come out all strangled and watery.

you felt presence file around you, but you still didn’t bother to look around you as you seemed to be hyponized his peaceful yet very very broken state.

“what do we do?” sam spoke, looking to you as if you’d have all the answers she was looking for right in that moment, and if you were hung honest, you wished you could have been that person for her because you were completely at a lost yourself.

you were barely keeping ahold of yourself, feeling the tears rushing to your eyes while eli (hawk) held your shoulder tightly, looking over his best friend with the same sadden expression.

“i... i don’t know.”

“no, y/n,” she said quickly, “what do we do? you always know what to do, you can always solve things.”

you looked up from miguel right as a police officer rushed over, pushing you and eli away from the boy, checking for his pulse.

“y/n, you always know what to do,” sam’s eyes began to brim with tears as she looked to you, staring deeply into your soul, begging, “always, you always do the right thing.”

more officers began to file around, grabbing onto each of you individually, and while they were pulling you away from the scene, sam kept speaking to you, begging, hopping you would know what to do.


the word that finally broke you as your eye whelled up, your mouth opening before closing and then opening again, “i-i don’t know.”


you couldn’t help but feel that it was your fault no matter how many times you were told it wasn’t.

that had been on sam, but no matter how many times eli told you it was truly her fault for you feeling that way, you didn’t believe it.

after miguel had fallen, putting him in a coma everything had seemed to have fallen apart all around you so fast.

you lost contact with anybody and everybody. that day had in fact been the last day you had ever saw sam or tory or anyone you had been remote friends with in the past year, besides eli.

he held on.

he always did and you never understood why. even as everyone had looked up to you as leader as did sam, someone who could solve every problem that came her way, eli knew the real you.

the truth was, you could solve everyone else’s problems but your own.

that always put you into a horrible mindset that eli always had to pull you from, reminding you that everyone was like that, everyone had problems they couldn’t fix and that was okay.

“you can’t blame yourself for something you had nothing to do with in the first place,” he grasped your upper arm, pressing his chin on the top of your head as you stared on aimlessly and tiredly.

“when he wakes up, you won’t be the one to blame.”

johnny lawrence for some reason had taken all the heat for the large fight even as he wasn’t even there, he had no idea about it until he got the call every parent got.

the call that sent you into an place of tears and thoughts that wrapped you up into a cocoon even eli couldn’t tear you out of.

“that’s if he wakes up.”


the day started blatantly dull just as all the others did.

your head hurt, your body hurt, and your mind was blank.

you had stopped going to school after the accident and nobody had blamed you for the descion.

everything had just felt wrong without miguel there.

“i should’ve been there.”

“y/n, you couldn’t have done anything,” he tightly gripped your forearm, “it’s not your fault, okay?”

not your fault.

you had a hard time believing that. with a lot of people depending on you for so many things and at so many times, it hurt when you couldn’t actually help.

“we need to get you out of the house,” eli had hauled you into his car, driving you in foreign roads where less and less homes and buildings began to show within ten minutes.

you didn’t bother asking where you were or where you were going. the less talking the better, you were starting to slowly relax, the grassy scenery getting to your head.

it was about another twenty minutes before he stopped the car, parked in a very old and crumbling parking lot.

the two of you had just sat there, the silence staying settled, only more awkward because you had nothing to no longer look at but a concrete wall with a bunch of maintenance signs.

that’s what spiked your curiosity.

you sat up, your head perking up, observing the rest of the land the surrounded you.

“let’s go.”


“just follow.”

it was very obvious you were far from the valley as you hadn’t seen any people until you got behind the cinder block wall, where there it was filled with teens.

it was then you realized you were at the juvenile detention center.

you got weird stares as a guard escorted you throughout the high secure building. it was cold and dull and then it got even more strange as you were sat at a metal table where more juvenile teens were sat around you.

”why are you here?” you finally asked, glancing up at eli who hadn’t sat down on the chair next to you.

“i want you to meet the person who’s actually responsible for miguel.”

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4 years ago
What Cobra Kai Boys Do For Valentines Day.

what cobra kai boys do for valentine’s day.

summary 📣: what the boys and you do for on valentine’s day headcanon

warning/s 🚫: mentions of sex, otherwise none

slater’s note 🗯: short and sweet in honor of valentine’s day here you go :) MY INBOX IS EMPTY AND OPEN, PLEASE FILL IT!!

What Cobra Kai Boys Do For Valentines Day.

robby keene:

➪ robby isn’t very pda, all touchy and personal unless he really gets to know you/gets comfortable with you

➪ in the beginning of the relationship he doesn’t show how much he cares about you even though you both know very well he’d take a bullet for you

➪ so when little holidays like valentine’s day comes around, he gets nervous, doesn’t know if he’ll be able to show exactly how much he loves you

➪ as embarrassing as he finds it, he’ll ask advice from daniel and even his father... which as you may have guessed, the advice opposite from one another

➪ daniel says to surprise you with gifts, johnny advises him to surprise you with... sex

➪ it’s just all a mess

➪ “or you know, take her in a date?”

➪ tory ends up saving the day and telling him to listen to daniel larusso and get you gifts then take you in a date, and the whole sex thing is optional

➪ consent is key

➪ be buys you flowers and takes you out on date. he’s very sweet to you, kissing you on the cheek when picking you up, holding your hand, etc

➪ showing more pda than he usually does and it’s all great, you guys have your meal, the go back to your place, where you decide whether the night ends or continues on...

What Cobra Kai Boys Do For Valentines Day.

miguel diaz:

➪ absolute sweetheart, will 100% spoil you but he also asks johnny for some advice on what to do

➪ and of course the man gives the same talk he gave to robby, to miguel

➪ johnny is honestly proud of himself because no one ever asks for his input, not that many people anyway

➪ johnny’s whole “sex talk” makes miguel nervous and for a day he thought he had completely under control, flipped upside down

➪ the whole entire date he is absolutely nervous and doesn’t know if you’ll expect sex from him

➪ but besides that he’s absolutely infatuated with you, he calls in the morning, wishing you happy valentine’s day and makes basic small talk before saying he’ll see you soon

➪ he takes you to breakfast to ihop or some big breakfast place

➪ he would then drop you off at your friends’ house or sam’s just to hang out for galentine’s day but then pick you up once again for dinner

➪ he gets you flowers, balloons, chocolates, and a heart felt card

➪ miguel is just so big on pda, that he’ll literally smother you in kisses all over your face

➪ and when at dinner he’ll say the most random things like “i’m gonna marry you some day” or “i literally love you so much”

➪ he cares about you so much and he doesn’t care to hide it

What Cobra Kai Boys Do For Valentines Day.

eli moskowitz:

➪ eli is very bipolar when it comes to pda, he’s either full on loving, holding your hand, giving you kisses or not lovey dovey at all

➪ but in private he’s crazy about it, having to have some touch on you

➪ eli is more relaxed when it comes to these type of situations/celebrations

➪ yes, you guys do share kisses and he even buys you a rose, he still isn’t all big about it, finding it cheesy or just overall overrated

➪ but even as he’s more laid back about it, he plans your guys’ night out, creating a whole movie list to watch, including some romance movies even as he doesn’t like them that much

➪ you guys cuddle the whole time, him having a hand on your thigh as you two are completely wrapped up in eachother

➪ arms around eachother, legs tangled up

➪ it’s probably around one in the morning when you both call it quits and make the “spontaneous” descion to have “valentine’s day breakfast” even though it’s the very next day

➪ you both are in sweats at denny’s eating breakfast, just enjoying eachothers quality time

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4 years ago
Not Your Fault, Part Two. Cobra Kai X Reader

not your fault, part two. cobra kai x reader

summary 📣: eli hopes to make reader realize it’s not her fault by introducing a rather curious boy.

warnings 🚫: swearing, slight mental breakdown but not really

slater’s note 🗯: i’m beginning to think there will be more then three parts to this and there maybe robby keene x reader near future, lmk if you guys would be down for that


part one, part two,

you didn’t know robby keene. you had heard a lot about him, especially after he was taken in by daniel larusso, but you hadn’t exactly realized he was the one.

yes, it was practically everywhere, on the news, in your highschool, everywhere. this was the kid on the run after pushing a kid off a balcony only to break his back.

it just never occurred to you.

he sat before you with his arms crossed, analyzing you, “you look like shit.”

you furrowed your brows, confused as to how random and straight forward he was. this had been the first words spoken between the two of you, silence consuming the both of your atmospheres while calm talking surrounded you.

“why are you here?” he mumbled, “i don’t know you. do you know my dad or something?”

“who’s your dad?”

“nevermind,” he licked the inside of his cheek, diverting his attention toward the cement floor, “why are you here?”

he knew why.

your faced screwed up, feeling a heavy set of blame sink into your shoulders with the nasty tone he was using in you, “i don’t know.”

“tell her what you did,” eli walked up behind you, glaring straight at robby who shared the same expression of hatred, his arms crossed, leaned back.

“fuck you-“

“no fuck you,” eli spat back, his body practically fully leaned over your shoulder, like you were the only thing stopping him from strangling robby, “you tell her your the problem, tell her she wasn’t the one.”

robby sighed, eyes breaking off from eli’s, shaking his head lightly before meeting your own eyes, filled with curiosity and general exhaust.

he had no idea who you were and getting a call about a girl who felt like it was all her fault for miguel’s hospitalization even though she wasn’t even there for half of it didn’t help.

he didn’t understand why he was even still sitting before you, preparing to tell you that this wasn’t your fault. he didn’t know you, he had never met you, and he was about to go to an extent he would never go to for anyone.

making someone feel better about themselves.

he exhaled, sitting up from his relaxed position, “look, it’s not your fault miguel’s in a coma, alright? it’s mine, okay?”

“i could’ve help-“

“no you couldn’t have,” he said fast, trying to end things quickly, giving you a look of reassurance, the type of look that made you feel as if you had history with him, like he knew you inside and out, “you can’t save everybody.”

you cant save everybody.

why’d he have to say it like that? phrase it like that?

saying it as if miguel was already dead and he was sentenced to life in the juvenile detention center and that you’d have to let it go.

the reassurance and sympathy he was offering suddenly made you feel sick to your stomach, tying up in knots of pain, swimming up to your throat making you choke up.

you got up quickly, the sound of the metal chair scraping against the concrete floor making a loud, annoying noise causing both boys to cringe, clenching their jaws.

robby watched you walk off quickly, shoulders hunched up in heaving sadness. you felt like you’d breakdown any second, it couldn’t be over with, it just couldn’t, miguel would pull through, he would just have to.

“never was good with those sort of things,” he whispered to himself almost jokingly, but he allowed your grief to hit his head to realize it wasn’t funny.

“wait to go, asshole.”

“hey, it’s not my job to make her feel better about herself,” robby scoffed, leaning back into his chair, crossing his arms.

“yeah, but it isn’t her fault in the first place.”

“yeah, no shit, she’s not the one in juvie,” he snapped, making eli glare at him even harder, eyes crinkling at the sides, eyes filled with fire of spite and rage.

and then a long silence took over as eli looked back to where you had run off, his lip finding its way between his teeth as he tried to think of what to next.

robby did the same, only staring straight forward at the plain white cinder block walls.

maybe he should’ve been more sympathetic and thoughtful about his words, maybe, because then again you weren’t his problem.

yes but if you hadn’t done what you did, she wouldn’t feel this way.

fuck, he didn’t even know you, why was he trying to find excuse as to why it was his fault you felt this way? it was all stupid, he only wished he could be back in a peaceful mindset like he was before all this, back to not knowing you even existed, before knowing miguel existed, and sam, and when he would steal and lie and his only worry would be where his mom was.

“do you think he’ll wake up?” the words slipped past robby’s lips unintentionally, as if he was meaning to ask more of himself rather then eli who turned to him quickly, slightly shocked.

“what do you mean,” he mumbled, “of course he will.”

but the truth was, eli only said that because he hoped it was true. he was rather doubtful in his answer and robby could tell by the tone of his voice and how fast he said it.

he truely didn’t know what to think, but he hoped there was more truth in eli’s statement then what they both thought for both their sake.

analyzing your state previous moments before, he knew nothing good could come from your end if miguel did anything but wake up. it’d send you off a cliff and it didn’t take a genius to see that.

he assumed many people would end up in the same boat as you, but the thing was, he wouldn’t even be in that boat, you’d be in the water, wasting away, just like miguel.

“you better hope he does, otherwise that’s murder on your end.”

taglist 🗞:

comment for a tag on future works :)

@alilmercy @drikawinchester @cobra-kaii @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @fandomobsessedbitch

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4 years ago
The Older Boy, Part One. Eli Moskowitz X Reader

the older boy, part one. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which reader’s friends warn her about the older boy with the red mohawk but she doesn’t listen

warnings 🚫: swearing, talk of sexual stuff/nudes

slater’s note 🗯: wait because i’m actually kind of excited for this one 😃


incoming freshman were always preyed on by upperclassmen, giving them rides home, snap chatting them inquiring things, building up debt, doing just about anything to get them in their bed.

but once sophomore year was reached, the older boys had pretty much picked out and scavenged every hot and remotely “bad” female there was.

your sophomore year had gone differently.

see you hadn’t been scavenged out in the first place your first year of highschool since you were deemed “brace-face” and “double eyed y/n” since the seventh grade.

but once you had came back with perfectly straight teeth and contact lenses, you were official sophomore prey for all boys.

it was fun... at first, boys you didn’t know adding you out of nowhere and seemingly at the same time, saying ‘hey’ and asking if you went to the same high school as they did, just to make stupid small talk that always lead to the same thing.

‘do you send’

or ‘what’s that ass look like’

or ‘pics?’


‘send nudes’

anything to get you undressed and facing a mirror with your phone. it was all the same thing, meant the same thing, implied the same thing, was the same thing.

it was exhausting and annoying and made you feel like a small animal. it caused you to grow a progressive hatred to 99.99% of the male population at your school. they were never creative and always used the same words, sometimes phrased differently but always meant the same thing, causing a thick case of de ja vu each time. 

you never sent, usually left the said boy on open once that question came around, but by doing that, it created a school wide game just to get some remote “naked” picture of you.

it was insanely disgusting. an open competition, for everyone and anyone, all welcomed, everyone given a fair chance, each thriving for the end prize which was... you. 

and you should’ve known that when he added you, it’d be the same like all the other times, with all the other boys. 

it was a nice nice day in the valley, the weather cool but hot, perfect for the outdoor gym activities teachers had been planning for awhile for when it wasn’t fuming hot.

being on the cheer team meant you practiced during the time a junior gym class took place of the wide field meant for soccer. west valley high was well known for its winning championships in wrestling as well as soccer.

you began stretching, throwing an arm over your head, bending your hips side to side, before stretching your legs, bringing them up to your butt with your hand and leaning forward.

you exhaled, shaking it off as more and more kids filled the field, excitement popping off their exterior as they jumped onto the field, shaking their limbs and mimicking the stretching you had done seconds ago.

you watched mindlessly, your hands clasped behind your back when your eyes met his.

he walked onto the field with a group of his friends following from behind, a smirk filling his lips as he looked at you, nodding, as if in approval, for what though?

you felt your stomach tie up in knots. they were never confrontational, boys at your school who asked you for nudes, especially after you denied them of their desire, but the thing was hawk hadn’t asked for nudes, just straight up teased you for being in the cheer team, being an innocent little naïve sophomore. saying things that made your cheeks glow red even though it was just words typed out on screen, words that weren’t supposed to be effective, but 100% was. 

you looked away quickly, continue to stretch as if he wasn’t the real reason your cheeks were red, and it was only just the sun, that no boy had an effect like that on you. 


“ready for practice, y/n?” moon bounced her way over to you, a big smile on her face sporting her perfect white teeth.

“yeah,” you said quietly, your eyes finding there way back to hawk as he began to get ready for one the soccer games. he wore grey sweatpants and a random white graphic tee that fit his frame tightly, which was different from his usual style, bright, and color coordinated to his hair.

“who you lookin’ at,” she grinned in a sing-songy voice, coming closer to you, peaking over your shoulder before her face dropped into a frown, something very rare. 

“oh no, y/n.”


“not hawk.”

“what about him?” you hummed, being pulled back into reality, glancing over to her as she was still hung over your shoulder, staring at the boy with a slight disgusted, shocked expression.

“not a good idea,” she shook her head, “he’s nasty, y/n, doesn’t care about anyone but himself.”

“who are we talking about?” another one of your cheer friends, gia, threw her bag to the ground, slumping over to the two of you, gazing out into the field, trying to find the boy in question. 


she immediately cringed, “oh no,” she shook her head, moving back to her duffel bag full of cheer stuff, “boys got a problem, major problems, one involving anger.”

you could hear the cringe in her voice and it made you wonder how she would know, with moon she was his ex girlfriend, so it made sense, especially after all the puppy dog following he did after they broke up, trying to win her back but finally giving up after he met her girlfriend. 

you bit your lip, trying to ignore how much more enticing he had suddenly become.

“c’mon guys, he can’t be that bad,” you forced it past your lips knowing it was a damn lie. you had heard many things about him, a high percentage of them not being good things. 

he was perceived as violent, crazy, angry, psychotic, all huge red flags that would make anyone with common sense back away from the situation, but right in that moment, it had seemed all of yours had flew out the window. 


comment to be tagged in future works :)

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4 years ago
Highschool Rivals, Part One. Eli Moskowitz X Reader

highschool rivals, part one. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which reader believes hawk is fucking with her when saying he does karate, but he won’t prove otherwise, no matter how much she begs.

warning/s 🚫: swearing, UNEDITED, MAJOR CRINGE

slater’s note 🗯: au where robby and miguel and hawk are all friends. this is kind of a crack fic because reader really just wants to get punched in the face and it doesn’t make sense


part one, part two

hawk is a pussy.

that’s all you could think as you walked down the west valley high school halls, searching.

for what? hawk.

where? you didn’t know.

you didn’t even go to the high school but rather the private one on the richer side of LA, east high private school for exceptional girls. you had your school uniform still on, the blue plaid skirt they made you wear swished around your waist as you marched down the blue tiled halls.

the idea of finding hawk seemed to be a lot easier in your head then when it was put into motion, it was like you had completely dismissed the fact that you had never been in west valley high, and you had only met this boy two weeks ago.

you had been parked up on the north carige hills, looking over the city lights with your friends when a silver beamer with tinted windows pulled up and parked right next to you, three boys and their siloettes inhabiting the inside of the new looking car.

it wasn’t long till they rolled down the passenger side window causing a chain reaction of you and your friend who sat in the backseat to do the same.

it revealed a teenaged boy with spiky red hair and a loud looking smirk on his face, an angry red scar that resembled lightning struck up the tip of his top lip.

“how’re we doing this evening, ladies?”

“oh dear god,” your friend harper mumbled under her breath from the passenger seat, the only one without her window down.

you chuckled lightly, glancing at the already annoyed brunette, before drawing your attention back to the boy and his friends.

“fine,” you nodded in a more upbeat tone then your friend, “and you?”

“good,” he nodded his head before looking between his friends, “say, you up for some car hoping?”

the answer was obviously yes and as soon as it was offered, mia, your other friend, practically hoped out of the backseat and into their own.

“depends,” harper shouted over your shoulder before anyone made a move, “how much weed do you got in that nice car of yours?”

he rolled his eyes, looking back to the boy in the drivers seat, a boy with tan skin and hair gelled up like all teen boys. he was smiling, and then shrugged when the boy with the mohawk looked to him.

“just get in.”

the night felt like a fever dream. immediately after your exited your own car, locking the door, you were shoved into the lap of the mohawk boy, not literally but it all felt quick enough to be a shove in the situation.

there had seemed to be no space in the back, another boy and your two friends already seated and buckled.

harper smiled up at you innocently after rolling down the window, “oh no, whatever will we do?”

“you can sit on my lap, princess.”

you rolled your eyes, thinking about if you had never gotten into that car or sat on mohawk boys lap, you wouldn’t be in the stupid situation you were in now. and it wasn’t really a situation, but more of a problem.

the sound of your ringtone echoed from the inside of your skirt pocket, you grasped the rectangle shaped devise before sighing, seeing the contact name ‘mia’.


“are you actually here?”

you exhaled while pinching the bridge of your nose, “yes.”

“no way, y/n, you’re fucking crazy.”

mia went to west valley high unlike you and harper, she was considered ‘the public school trash’ of your friend group, a long going joke ever since freshman year for the three of you.

she had never met hawk or miguel or robby, the boys you had acquainted in the silver beamer. which wouldn’t make sense until you actually got to meet her and how antisocial she was until she was around you and harper.

she was ditsy, clumsy, but could never put herself in very confrontational situations unless you or harper were there.

“he’s a pussy, mia.”

“so you just showed up?” she cried as you nodded even though she couldn’t see you, her own head shaking back and forth in disbelief at how impulsive you could be with your decisions, “and now you’re going to kick his ass... just because he wouldn’t kick yours?”

“c’mon mia, there is no way this boy actually knows karate, and if he did, why wouldn’t he at least try me?”

“y/n, you’re crazy!” she yelled in your ear but then it’s real silent causing you to frown, narrowing your brows.

“mia, he’s a pussy.”

“y/n, you’re crazy,” she repeated, but this time in a whisper, “and you’re also a female... who he made out with.”

your cheeks redden and you pressed your phone closer to the side of your face out of consciousness. it made you roll your eyes at how easily self conscious and embarrassed you got just at the thought of him and his body pressed against yours.

“female, mia, female. it’s 2021, how sexist could he be?” you said after a long pause, completely skipping over the part of ‘who he made out with’.

“where are you-“ the sound of the bell made her stop mid sentence, her eyes tracing the clock, “wait, y/n, wait for me before you make anymore crazy decisions.”

you rolled your eyes, hanging up the phone without any hesitation.

people begun to fill the hallway, squishing you tighter and tighter until you felt like you were in an impact box.

and even in that tight impact box, you could make out hawk’s stupid red mohawk bouncing through the air as he walked the opposite way you did, completely oblivious to the path he was about to cross, and the large storm heading his way.

you grabbed onto his arm, yanking him into the flow of your river, surprising him as well as miguel, who was previously by hawk’s side... until he wasn’t. his head stuck out from the opposite side of the hall, shock and confusion written in his face as he kept walking, there would be no stopping in a high school hallway.

“what the fuck man- y/n?” he looked like he was about to swing and you almost wished he did, but he recognized you way too fast, “what’re you doing here, princess?”

“don’t ‘princess’ me,” you taunted, “punch me in the face.”


“punch me in the face.”

“y/n, we’ve been over this,” he rolled his eyes, not even bothering to look at you, now knowing how ridiculous the conversation you were about to have would be.

“yeah a week ago,” you said, falling into step with him, and he looks over to you with a look of unbelievability, scoffing before looking away from you again.


“you’re fucking crazy.”

“you’re the one lying about doing karate,” you say, looking up to him causing him to scoff again.

“why would i lie about that?”

“you tell me mohawk boy.”

“shut up, i’m not punching you in the face.”

“who even does karate anymore anyways?” you mumbled more to yourself then him as the two of you continued to hustle down the hallway.

“shut up, babe,” he mumble right back, “you’re just mad i won’t touch you.”

“shut up, you couldn’t get enough of me last week,” you shot back, almost wanting to look at him and glare, but you kept looking forward, keeping your composure.

“please, you were the one-“


before hawk could finish his sentence, mia appeared from around the corner, her hands out lifted in the air as if to question why you were actually standing five feet away from her.

you rolled your eyes while hawk raised his brows in question.

“you’re actually crazy!”

“that’s what i’m saying.”

“y/n, i thought i saw your face,” miguel rounded the corner out of no where, his hands stuffed in his pockets while a small smile was printed on his face.

you look to all three of the teenagers that stood before you, your mind whirling around as you tried to comprehend the words that came spitting from their mouths.

“slow down,” you raised your both your hands, giving each of them pointed looks, “one, i’m not crazy, two, you’re the one crazy because you’re most definitely lying about doing karate, and three,” your face softened as you turned to miguel, giving him a smile, “hi miguel.”

he smiled back before laughing, his chest vibrating up and down, looking to hawk, “yeah, hawk, why you gotta lie like that?”

“shut up.”

“just punch me in the face.”

“no,” he practically yelled, glaring at you, “shut up.”

“why not?”

“because it’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard and if you don’t want to believe me, you don’t have to,” he rolled his eyes, waving you off, starting to walk down the hall again, only this time with miguel. 

you could tell that he was increasingly getting annoyed, which could only be good for you. maybe he’d finally cave. 

“so, are we hanging out this weekend?” miguel called back to you and mia, trying to break the awkward silence that settled over all four of you once you guys existed the high school and out into the parking lot. 

“i don’t know, i might be busy,” you lied, and they all rolled their eyes to the obvious snark in the back of your throat, key to your lying.

“c’mon princess,” hawk began to mumble, “we all know you have no other friends.”

“shut up,” you stopped along with mia for you had reached her car, “at least i don’t lie about doing karate.”

miguel laughed to himself, leaning against a neighboring car as hawk looked at you with annoyance, shaking his head.

“bye, guys,” miguel nodded off to you and mia as he began to walk to his car, cuing hawk to walk with him, no longer feeling like entertaining a conversation about lies and karate and all the teasing that flew out of your mouth.

you waved goodbye, your lips pursed as you watch the red dyed hair boy walk off, your mind swirling at all the stupid things you had said in the past ten minutes.

“oh one more thing,” you watched hawk stopped short, turning back around and jogging back to you and then closer and closer then before, his mouth touching the crest of your ear, “you look really hot in your school uniform.”


comment to be tagged to future works :)

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4 years ago

If you aren’t busy, could you write the cobra Kai boy’s reaction to their s/o singing

If You Arent Busy, Could You Write The Cobra Kai Boys Reaction To Their S/o Singing

cobra kai boys reaction to their s/o singing.

summary 📣: cobra kai boys had no idea you could sing, taking them by absolute shock when you do

warning/s 🚫: swearing

slater’s note 🗯: please send me more of these, absolutely love making them :) this is also a little short so i’m sorry about it

If You Arent Busy, Could You Write The Cobra Kai Boys Reaction To Their S/o Singing

robby keene:

➪ a big grin fills his face when he hears you singing in the shower

➪ you guys had planned on going on a double date with sam and miguel (which yes, an odd choice) and he had decided to show up early to pick you up

➪ he had had heard the shower running so he just took a seat on your bed, scrolling through his phone until he heard your voice

➪ it took him by surprise and at first he didn’t realize it was you until he focused, realizing it was coming from your bathroom

➪ and when your done showering and come out of your bathroom to find him sitting on your bed staring right at you, you jump a little by surprise

➪ you had never seen him smile so widely as he got up and played with a string of your wet hair

➪ “your voice is so pretty”

If You Arent Busy, Could You Write The Cobra Kai Boys Reaction To Their S/o Singing

miguel diaz:

➪ he literally falls in love with you even more than before

➪ at first your just humming to the song on the radio as you guys are driving around until it turns into persistent low singing

➪ he can’t keep his eyes on the road, glancing at you non-stop until you ask ‘what’

➪ “your voice is so pretty, y/n”

➪ you cheeks glow red not really realizing you were singing loud enough for him to hear it

➪ “i mean it, it’s so good, i didn’t you could do that.”

➪ you’ll laugh more an embarrassed one saying ‘it’s no big deal’ but he’ll continue to praise you, squeezing your hand in reassurance and that he really do mean it

If You Arent Busy, Could You Write The Cobra Kai Boys Reaction To Their S/o Singing

eli moskowitz:

➪ he’s so surprised that he ends up being a little rude about it

➪ you guys will be doing homework, sitting across from eachother and you’ll be sing a song that’s been stuck in your head all day

➪ and he’ll look up as, his eyebrows narrowing just staring at you for awhile before saying, “since when can you sing?”

➪ it comes out rude when he means it as a genuine question, staring at you intensely and you kind of shy way shrugging

➪ “oh, nothing, it’s just this song has been stuck in my head all day”

➪ and you’ll go back to your homework, embarrassed, your singing stopped while he just continues to stare at you, confused, not knowing why he didn’t know you could sing good

➪ “you should sing more often”

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4 years ago

can i request number 2/6 (comedic) for miguel diaz? i'm so obsessed with your writing 😭

Can I Request Number 2/6 (comedic) For Miguel Diaz? I'm So Obsessed With Your Writing

calm down. miguel diaz x reader

summary 📣: in which miguel show’s up to reader’s home drunk 

warnings 🚫: swearing? and drinking

slater’s note 🗯: hi dovey, thank you ily! also i hope you meant 2 (my pulse is erratic) and 6 (it’s three in the morning) and not 26 but if you did, inbox me again, again thank you :)


first off, join my taglist!

the loud sound of your ringer echoed throughout your dark, quiet, subtle bedroom. 

it had taken you awhile to process what was happening. all strange, just the general atmosphere gave you an off-putting mind space until you really sobered up to realize that the ringing noise was your phone. 

you hopped up quickly, skipping over the piles of dirty clothes that littered your room just to reach your phone, hoping that it wouldn’t disturb the rest of the silent, sleeping house as it did you. 


you squinted in the dark, your throat stinging of morning breath and general sound coming from your hoarse throat. 

“y/n?” you heard the voice of miguel say your name as if he was surprised, but by what you wondered since he was the one that called you, “you just wake up?”

you narrowed your brows, looking around the room as if checking whether if were actually supposed to be up, but considered the moon still highlighted the very much dark sky and no sun shone through your open open curtain windows, there’d be no reason for you to be up. 

well, unless your very psychotic boyfriend called you at a very unreasonable time. 

“it’s three in the morning,” you groaned, “did you just wake up?”

“no, of course not, i’ve been up for hours.”

you shifted on your feet, making your way to your desk to turn on your lamp, mumbling, “of course you have.”

“look, i’m at your house right now.”

“what?” you paused, your hand still on the switch of your small desk lamp before rushing over to one of your windows, searching the lighten streets before meeting his slender figure, waving at you from below. 

“miguel, are you crazy?”

“hey, no, this’ll be great,” you watched him press the phone between his shoulder and cheek, beginning to go through a brown paper bag he had in his other hand, “i brought booze and-and before you interrupt me, i brought water, because- incase we need to sober up.” you watched him pull out a six pack of cheap light tiered beer as he rambled on, struggling to keep his phone between his cheek and shoulder. 

“miguel, how much have you drank already?”

“i-i-i,” he struggled even more, now looking up to you in the window, pausing and then saying, “you know what, doesn't matter, what does matter is you pull me up into your window because uh-i-uh don’t remember how.” 

you exhaled, allowing a soft laugh to be thrown out your throat, “miguel, this is such a bad idea.”

“yeah-yeah, but y’know i just- i just-” his sentence ends up dying into him blowing a raspberry, shaking his head. 

you hung up your phone, shaking your head while a knowing soft smile played out on your lips. you could get into so much trouble, especially knowing your dad and the way he took thing way out of proportion.

but despite all the scenarios of how this situation could play out and them all getting caught and in trouble with miguel banned from your house, you still slid up your window, peering down at the smiling boy. 

“ah, my lady awaits,” he grinned harder, lifting up his arm swiftly before hurrying over to the tree that was planted by your window. 

you watched him quickly climb up to the end where it split up higher, one of his hands still holding the bag of alcohol and water, staring over to you. you smiled, shaking your head at the stupid, ridiculous smile that filled his before reaching out your arm for his. 

miguel hopped onto the side slanting roof before holding onto your forearm, but before you pulled him into your room, he dropped the bag, both of your necks craning quickly to see it tumble down the roof and onto the grass with a loud ‘thump’. 

it sounded as if the tin cans had exploded, the sounds of violent fizzing filling your ears, making you cringe. the chances of being caught were increasing just by the minute. 

he giggled as you pulled him into your room, your jaw clenched as you tried to shush him. 

“calm down, cowgirl,” he grinned, grabbing onto your waist before hoisting you up over his shoulder. 

“miguel!” you whispered loudly, trying not to break into any higher tone, “miguel, stop, put me down!”

“if you say so,” he threw you on your bed before jumping on top of you, his elbows reaching both sides of your face. 

your face burned as his hot, alcohol smelling breath fanned on to the surface of your face. you tried to study his face as a way to calm down, your eyes flicking from his cheeks to eyes to jaw to anything and everything that layered out as his face. 

it didn’t help, you could only feel your heart rate increase as you begun to realize more and more of what position you were in, his chest pushed against yours, his nose almost touching your nose, his legs tangled with your legs. and heat, piling up on top of every inch of your body. 

“calm down,” he whispered. 

“my pulse is erratic,” you said flatly, eyes wide staring into his own. he was calmer now, eyes no longer crinkled with happiness and amusement, but relaxed upon the comfort of his body pressed against yours. 

but he shook it off quickly, grinning, shaking his head before rolling off of you, “you really need to live more, y/n.”

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4 years ago

Eli Moskowitz/ Hawk x dancer reader or maybe just all of the boys? They’re all so hot 🥵 ( love your writings btw 💕)

Eli Moskowitz/ Hawk X Dancer Reader Or Maybe Just All Of The Boys? Theyre All So Hot ( Love Your Writings

cobra kai boys with a dancer girlfriend

summary 📣: cobra kai boys dating a dancer includes...

warning/s 🚫: none

slater’s note 🗯: if you want me to do something different for this prompt lmk ( i also kinda didn’t know what to do for this one.. but i liked it) 


stop! join my taglist.

robby keene:

➪ this man absolutely loves it

➪ he’s an absolute softie for you and loves going to all your recitals

➪ he’ll buy you flowers but then he’ll get bored like ten minutes into the recital and like pull out a bunch a candy he had bought for you after but he just ends up eating it

➪ he’s shushed multiple times

➪ he’ll post you up on his instagram/snapchat story captioning it “my baby’s so good”

➪ he’ll high five you after a performance (idk why i just feel like he would)

➪ also low key acts like a mom

➪ will drop you off at practice with a water and then ask if you want snacks?? or like literally anything??

➪ and you’re just like “no i’m good bae...”

➪ he’ll be recording because he’s just like that

➪ just generally loves being involved 

➪ he makes you teach him how to salsa and he’s actually good at it 

➪ like it just *shocks* you 


miguel diaz:

➪ like miguel he is so supportive

➪ he’ll tell all his friends to come down and support you as well and they’ll actually do it because everyone loves you and miguel

➪ this man will literally be standing in the crowd at the end of the show clapping and cheering so loud to the paint you can hear him

➪ he’s also the type to be throwing roses at the stage like in the movies but then gets kicked out because it’s literally only in the movies (unless this actually happens idk)

➪ he’ll be waiting outside holding a large bouquet of flowers ready to hug you tightly 

➪ he’ll drive you to your practices and pick you up afterwords and then maybe take you out to get something to eat

➪ he’ll make a personalized bumper sticker as a joke that says “my girlfriends a hot dancer” but then actually put it on his car and like loves it

➪ you teach try to teach him salsa dancing but he ends up tripping over your feet/his own feet

➪ you lead the whole time but he still gets lost with it

➪ you guys just stick with the mockerana 


eli moskowitz:

➪ eli also seems to be the type to get shushed in a crowd while watching a recital and maybe because of eating but also because he’ll literally be cheering for you and anything but quiet

➪ stuff like “that’s my girl” and “yeah get it” and shit like that

➪ but i also feel like he could be quiet simply because he’s on his phone, bored or also because he’s just entertained by your pretty movement lol

➪ will also drive you to practice but smack your ass when you get out of the car

➪ “go get ‘em tiger” lmfao

➪ won’t make all of his friends go to your recital but ask miguel to come because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of his dojo “friends” 

➪ they will wear matching tee-shirts that says your name or something just to embarrass you 

➪ then after the performance you guys will go out to eat and he’ll compliment you the whole time saying how good you did and how he watched the whole time even though he probably didn’t 

➪ on downtime you’ll try to teach him moves but he’s just so awkward and doesn't know how to move his body like that even though you would expect he would since he literally does karate 

➪ he ends up like falling and taking you down with him 

➪ it’s just a whole mess

Tags :
4 years ago
The End Of Us. Eli Moskowitz X Reader

the end of us. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which a couple of months after reader and hawk’s messy breakup, they meet again up at a party for another eventful interaction

warning/s 🚫: angst, swearing, no good ending, unrealistic high school party, toxic relationship

slater’s note 🗯: honestly not my best work but i’ll be checking my messages and inbox again to start writing for those, also join my taglist :)


you had heard it from other people before you heard it from him.

and it was like a kick in the ass, to be told “i told you so” by all your friends and all of his friends and basically everyone in the goddamn high school because they really did all know. 

he kissed another girl, maybe even slept with her, you weren’t sure but it all got swept up into a wind of rumors to the point you didn’t know what to think or what to believe but by the way he ended things, you knew something unfaithful was done. 

you didn’t remember how it begun either, when he broke up with you. you didn't remember his first words or his last or your own but he remembered them, he remembered the painful, bitter words that you uttered before leaving, ‘how was i such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me’.

it hurt him, watching you walk away, getting into your car and driving away with tears running down your face. he hadn’t intended it to be like that, to end it so roughly out into a shaky cliff, but it had just slipped out from his hands. 

it was months later, you healed slowly with late nights of no sleep and peps talks from your friends with many buckets of ice cream and fast food taking over half your diet, but you had slowly fell back into your schedule before eli. 

it was hard, but it happened. 

and months later, miguel had offered you a ride. a ride you knew you shouldn’t have accepted.

“y/n, party, friday night? i’ll give you a ride?” “miguel,” you had turned, your hand on the handle of your car door, giving him a slightly amused, pointed look, “i don’t party.”

“yeah, i know,” he returned the expression, his eyebrows raised but lips slightly turned up into a smile, “eli wouldn't come to parties for weeks just to prove his loyalties to you-”  you had gotten into the car so fast, rolling your eyes at the mention of eli, it was like poison, setting your mind off into hurt as well as annoyance. all those moments for nothing, just a complete waste. 

“no- y/n, come on,” he plead, quickly stopping your car door from closing, “i didn’t mean to, i just- it just slipped out, okay? you should still come with.”

you frowned, narrowing your brows up at him, “who’s going to be there?”

“anyone you want.”

it took a lot of convincing before the two of you reached an agreement, you’d be the one driving and he’d have to bring robby just so you would go to the party. and once friday arrived you found yourself in a car full of two boys who were already pregaming. 

the party took place at some upperclassman’s house that did karate with them. you weren’t so sure it was a good idea to pull up, especially to a seniors house, who knows what could go down, but miguel had to remind you that half the school basically worshipped him, including the seniors, so if anything bad happened, he wouldn’t be one to mess with.

the house was booming with loud music that you could hear outside, even through the car as you put it in park across the street. you weren’t sure how it wasn’t shut down already from how easy it was to hear the loud ridiculous rap music blaring from the considerably big house.

you glanced over to robby and miguel who stumbled out of the car already giggling for no reason making you roll your eyes despite the amusement you found in the situation.

it was going to be a long night.

once you entered through the front door a waft of booze found it’s way up your nose making you wince, taking a minute to process what was going on.

kegs were noticeably everywhere in sight, red solo cups littered the whole room if not in someone’s hand, and a “bar” was set up onto the kitchen island along with boxes of pizza and half full bowls of chips.

you blinked a couple of times before nodding in content, yeah, it looked like a classic senior party. bright flashing lights from those cheap LED fans you could buy at the dollar store with teenage girls dancing ridiculously trying to draw some attention or just having genuine fun, people yelling from the backyard where there was pool like in every LA home, just genuine loudness. 

“have a drink!” robby slung his arm around your shoulders, holding a red solo cup close to your face, alcohol flaring up your nostrils, causing you to slightly wince, shying away before tuning back to grab the plastic cup. 

“have fun, y/n, you never have fun,” he pushes off of you after a final nob. you watched him waddle off into the crowd of sweaty bodies. 

you smiled lightly, taking another sip from the cheap cup, nodding off the drink that was slowly making its way down your throat despite how fast you tried to swallow, “yeah, i’ll try.”

it wasn’t long before moon found you, a grim smile on her face for she was already five shot of vodka deep into drunkenness. she shoved you onto the dance floor after getting a couple shots down into your own gut, becoming tipsy and giddy, your body practically vibrating in excitement. 

you felt on top of the world till a hand gripped your slender shoulder, pulling you away from the practical mosh pit of teen bodies. you couldn’t exactly process the movement taken over your body until you became face to face with the infamous boy you used to be in love with. 

“didn't exactly expect to see you here, y/n.”

you were absolutely dumbfounded to see a boy who had ignored you for months after a messy break up (not that you weren’t ignoring him as well) now confront you face to face. 

“fuck,” you groaned, “not really surprised to see you.”

he scoffed, “kind of hurt you say that.”

“since when are you affected by anything i say?”


“you heard me.”

and then silence as he stared deeply to your core. you could see the rage and hurt that slowly built up in his eyes. his stare intensified, like he could just go off on you, like you were the one in the wrong, but he held it all in, allowing it to build up in his chest. 

“you promised,” you stuttered, voice wispy and caught up in the back of your throat like you were about to break down from all the memories that had begun to fill your mind like balloons, “you broke me and you promised... so much, you promised me that i was anything but like those others girls, that it would be different, and i believed you because you said it over and over.”

“y/n, i-”

“fuck you,” you reached over to smack his chest but he caught your arm quickly. 

“y/n,” he said in a stern tone, practically begging you to listen, “i would have done anything for you.”

your facial features dropped even further into despair. it was absolutely ridiculous to have to hear the words that had just came from his mouth. 

you scowled, trying to hide the hurt that was swirled in your pupils, but it wasn’t successful with how his faced dropped, trying to figure out why that would hurt you. 

“you asshole,” you yanked your wrist from grip, “you didn't do anything but fuck jessica karol and half the other girls in our grade not even seconds after we broke up.”

hurt. silence. shock. 

“why’re you even talking to me?” “y/n, i-” he paused, trying to find words to form, but he couldn’t with the lump forming in his throat from all your words that stung him hard, “i just- i just miss you.” “you miss me?” “yes.”

“what gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all the pain you’ve caused me? after all that you did-”

“y/n, i got scared,” he said quickly, “y/n, baby, please, i love you, you know i love you, i didn’t want to do anything to hurt you.”

he took a stop closer, making you sway on your feet, hesitant whether you should stay in place or move backwards. 

“i got scared. i got scared because you know that i don’t make promises, and i didn’t want to break any of mine to you.”

“so you fucked another girl?” “baby,” he whispered, his hands reaching both sides of your face, his palms warm as he pushed your cheeks together, “i love you, i never want to hurt you, please.”

it was overwhelming. everything. with how close he stood and the heavy amounts of liquor coating the inside of his mouth and his hands clutching you carefully and tightly, wanting to pull you closer into something you knew you wouldn’t be able to get out of. 

overwhelming, yes, that’s what it all was, but pulling away was hard, making your heat freeze up in cold and pain, but you knew if he was able to hurt you once, he’d be able to do it again, just as easy.



join my taglist babe!

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss

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4 years ago

ugh im so stupid sorry i just left a request for hawk with prompts 22,24, and 30 but i forgot to say from the fluff section:) sorry im a dumbass

Ugh Im So Stupid Sorry I Just Left A Request For Hawk With Prompts 22,24, And 30 But I Forgot To Say

it never snowed in new york. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which eli has had a crush on reader since their freshman year and can’t seem to suppress those feelings anymore when they bubble up after a day of you slightly “pulling at his heart strings”

warning/s 🚫: swearing and fluff (and low key rushed)

slater’s note 🦎: i forgot to post this oops

Ugh Im So Stupid Sorry I Just Left A Request For Hawk With Prompts 22,24, And 30 But I Forgot To Say

“are you wearing my sweatshirt?”

you turned around abruptly, slightly shocked at the sudden interruption of the silence. eli wore a confused look, his eyebrows slightly knitted together as he analyzed the familiar red hoodie hugged around your body. 

you slightly laughed nervously, confused by his reaction and facial features that seemed as if he was mad, but confused. his eyes wouldn’t leave the fabric, like he was also stunned. 

“yeah,” you laughed lightly again, “it is, i was hoping you wouldn’t have minded-”

“no, no, not at all,” he said quickly, his eyes finally meeting yours, shaking himself for whatever trance he was stuck in at that moment, a smirk soon filling his face, “looks good on you.” 

you smiled in return, now fully turning around from the homework you had been doing before eli had entered the room, fresh out of the showered with blow dried hair, the mohawk no longer tainting his hair like usual, but now more relaxed as it was laying flatly on his head. 

this was a rare occurrence, seeing eli without the mohawk, and when it happened, you made sure to always soak it up, usually going out of your way to twirl your fingers through the soft strands, and although at first he was against it, swatting your hands away or glaring, he now gave into the relaxing and comforting patterns of your fingers that swung around strands of his red hair. 

“you finish your homework yet?” he broke away from the doorway, making his way through his room while you turned back to your chem book, shaking your head. 

“no.” “i said you could’ve just copied off of mine.”

“yeah, but that’s cheating.”

“so?” “i wanna understand this shit, not just copy and move along.”

“y/n, you’re stupid,” he turned to face you, dumbfounded, “you used to copy off me and demetri all the time freshman year.”

“yeah, but that’s when i understood but was just too lazy to do the work.”

he squinted at you, “sure,” and then turned back to do whatever he was doing. 

you bit your lip, listening to him rummage through his drawers while you also had your back to him, trying to continue on with your chem homework, but couldn’t find any motivation to do so. 

he had finally stopped before tossing something your way, landing onto the spot right next to you on his bed, you glanced over to object, a snow globe, the white plastic snow flowing over to the bottom of it’s side. 

you narrowed your brows, looking up at him with a quirked brow. he made his way over to you before hopping onto the bed across from you, grabbing onto the rather large object. 

“from my trip to new york last summer, forgot to give it to you,” he mumbled, examining it, his eyes tracing over the round glass that held in all the water and fake snow and replicas of famous building in new york, “my mom thought you’d like it.” 

you smiled, taking the object from his hands before shaking it, watching the white glitter and spect of white plastic fly and swirl around the globe, slowly falling back to the bottom.

“you know it never snowed it the city while we were there, kind of disappointed about it still but-“

“thank you,” you leaned forward, pressing your lips on the side of his face, interrupting his low rambles.

eli’s cheeks grew red and eyes slightly expanded in surprise. he tried his best to keep his emotions under control, trying to not let freshman eli who had a major crush on your freak out too much, but he couldn’t suppress the color in his face that slightly began to match his hair.

you leaned back, calmly examining the snow globe and watching it with fascination and admiration as eli stared straight forward, slightly still shocked and taken back.



“what are we?”

you looked up from the snow globe, taken back by the sudden abruptness, his tone was dull and straightforward will his eyes were landed on his bedsheets, cheeks still red.


“i mean,” he licked his lips, looking up to you, “y/n i like you, i’ve liked you for a long time, but i don’t know if you know that because you’ve talking to jack but now...”

you smiled lightly, trying to suppress it as he still held a serious expression.

“now i don’t know.”



“eli,” you repeated, leaning forward once again, your hand reaching to grip the back of his neck, your smile now letting loose, “it’s you.”


you lightly scoffed in a playful, sweet way, like he should’ve known this, “it always has been, eli.” 


you laughed lightly, pressing your lips onto his. you still smiled as you kissed him, finding the whole situation amusing for some odd reason and he didn’t understand but he wrapped his arm around your waist, his hand gripping the material of his sweatshirt that you still had on.

you pulled away, a smile still on your face as he was still lost as could be.

“i like you, dumbass,” you whispered, lips still close to his. “i’ve always liked you, not jack eisenba, you.”

his lips formed into a opened mouth smile, as if slightly shocked that you were uttering those words right in front of him, and it wasn’t just a dream.

“well, that’s good to know...”

you rolled your eyes, pulling him deeper onto his bed so you were closer and more comfortable, your chest pressed against his as you now layed atop of him, your hands reaching for his hair, tangling fingers within the red mess.

“your hair is really soft.” 

he hummed, his arms reaching around you, tightly wrapping you closer to him, his chin was pressed on the top of your head while your hands were looped around his neck, one fiddling with the long strands of hair that fell low.

“so, you wanna copy my chem homework now?”


join my taglist mf

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107

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3 years ago




summary 📣: cobra kai boys dating a musical theater girlfriend (or boyfriend i don’t think there are any female pronouns, i’m sorry if there are)

warnings 🚫: none i think

slater’s note 🗯: i’m sorry for being so absent lately, also i’ve set most of my fics their jr. year bc i have no idea what grade they are in in high school 🤷‍♀️


robby keene:

➪ low-key loves the shit out of you for being a music dork

➪ you sing/hum a lot of your songs a lot of the time when you’re studying with him or just hanging out randomly

➪ at first he low key found it annoying and would tell you to stop for awhile while you guys were studying but as it continues on he doesn’t care

➪ the tune gets stuck in his head and he will end up humming along

➪ at your shows he’ll sing along there too because he basically has it memorized unintentionally

➪ will watch your rehearsals unintentionally

➪ like he’ll come in to pick you up and he’s a little early so he just watches from the audience seats on his phone before he hears you sing and he just becomes enchanted (lmao)

➪ praises you all the time

➪ will feel like your musical director is being harsh and want to step in and want them to lay off but you have to tell him it’s fine

➪ admires you for the amount of pressure you undergo even though he’s literally a karate student and literally fights people in front of other people in competitions

➪ he’ll take you out to eat after your performances

➪ like you guys will go to a diner or something and share a basket of fries

➪ it’s all cute


miguel diaz:

➪ man would low key wanted to join musical theater his freshman year

➪ but now that he has a girlfriend that’s in musical theater, he’s pretty fulfilled

➪ he’s SO PROUD

➪ like overhyped you type of proud and tells anyone and everyone that you’re in theater

➪ he’ll help your glee club hang up poster and flyers about your show around the halls and even rope eli into helping him

➪ miguel is like a manger for the theater just so he can spend time with you

➪ he’ll bring his mom and grandma to your shows

➪ but the best thing is he’ll also rope johnny into one of them, like saying you wanna go to a concert and he gets there and he’s all like, “this isn’t ozzy osborne” or whatever

➪ he’ll help you memorize songs and moves (idk anything about musical theater so pardon me on this)

➪ he’s genuinely there for you on this and won’t give up if you guys mess up steps/lyrics and will be like “let’s try that one more time, you got this”

➪ like i can imagine you guys holding hands, moving side to side as you sing along to a recording of the background music

➪ literally the sweetest and will take you out to dinner after one of your performances


eli moskowitz:

➪ okay so i feel like eli would low key keep you a secret

➪ he would have known you before he was hawk and you guys were decent friends and you’d be one of the only people that brought a smile to his face at that time

➪ you guys would start dating like at the edge of his transformation to hawk

➪ and no one really knew about it and y’all didn’t really find the need to tell anyone since a high percentage of your musical theater group are just a bunch of people who hate people like hawk (aka “bullies”)

➪ so you didn’t find a point in telling them

➪ but anyways miguel would be one of the first people to find out and he would just be *stunned*

➪ like he hangs out with you guys all the time and he never had a clue till he saw eli give you kiss after you dropped him off at practice

➪ “you’re dating y/n?!”

➪ his eyes would widen and he’d be like “keep it down” and it’s not like he’s embarrassed about you, you’re just not the type of person he wants to expose around his friend group

➪ anyways the kids completely in love with you aside from the fact that he unintentionally keeps you a secret

➪ he comes to any of your productions and will be standing in the crowd when it’s over, clapping like crazy

➪ he’ll buy you like flowers and shit

➪ pick you up after your after school practices in

➪ i know this is the bare minimum but he actually genuinely cares (even though he likes to act like he doesn’t) and will ask you questions like how practice was and what you’re working on and what you are doing at the moment, it’s sweet

Tags :
3 years ago
Different Type Of Game, Part One. Eli Moskowitz X Reader

different type of game, part one. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which eli moskowitz is a popular hockey player, but to reader he was just a boy tory nichols had history with. but eli’s trying to erase that history, and what better way then trying to get with her best friend?

warnings 🚫: mentions of sex, swearing, vulgar language, drinking, tory and reader have a “funny” relationship, no mohawk eli‼️

slater’s note 🗯: i saw a video of hockey jacob, so this kind of inspired this fic. also is it wrong that i lowkey ship tory and hawk?


part one, part two

“hockey boys are fun, always a good fuck.”

“jesus, tory.”

“what?” she out called innocently, leaning back from the boarder separating the two of you from the ice, “it’s true.”

“oh yeah?” you quirked a brow to tory, leaning away from the boarder as well and making your way to the entrance onto the ice.

you really wondered if tory thought about the words that came out of her mouth before they actually came out of her mouth.

the two of you had been watching the high school hockey team practice with the rest of your figure skating team when her words just popped into the air.


“who have you fucked?”

it’s silent, meaning either tory hadn’t followed you onto the ice and didn’t hear you or she was stumped.

she never got stumped, only with you really, and it was because you knew how to contradict her without fear, unlike others who would rather keep their mouths shut then receive a blade to the face from the stupid spike bracelet she kept around her wrist at all times.

you slightly glanced back, trying to see if she was following you, “tory? who’d you fuck?”

the skating rink smelt of sweat and blood, making scrunch up your nose slightly as you got farther to the center. it hadn’t ever mattered how early you got to the rink, it always smelled like that, even before the hockey practices.

“no one.”

“shut up,” you rolled your eyes, turning the heal off your skate to face her. you knew she was lying then.


“tory,” you dumbfounded, “who’d you have sex with?”

it was like she was cowering away from you, as if you were about to hit her or something and you didn’t get it.


“fine,” she nipped at her lip, eyes sliding along the ice, “miguel diaz.”

and you almost gasped, eyes widening, “tory,” but you kept it in, your hand reaching for her, almost asking her if she was serious, “no way, the kids a dork.”

“shut up, no he’s not.”

“yes he is!” you almost laughed, “he’s friends with those other dweebs, y’know? the lip kid and uh-“



“y/n, you’re stupid,” it was her turn dead stare you in the eyes with a disappointed glare in her irises, “that was freshman year, two years ago, a lot happens in two years- god haven’t you ever seen eli shotgun? he does it at almost every party.”


“lip kid.”

“oh.. huh?”

tory rolled her eyes as if she was done with your shit, “he has the rough red hair, almost looks pink... uh, hot, number 20 on the hockey-“

you gasped, it all suddenly clicking in your head, “that’s him?”

“yes, that’s him.”

tory looked at you as if you were stupid, her face blank but harsh, it almost made you laugh, but you held it in, allowing a small snide smile slide across your lips, “how was he?”


“no, eli,” you rolled your eyes, “yes, tory, the one you had sex with.”

“oh...” her teeth sunk into her bottom lip once again. her cool and rude exterior seemed to have disappeared real quick in replace of nervousness, “what if i told you i fucked the both of them?”


it was a late friday night, ten minutes after practice when you felt rushed by tory’s phone call.

“y/n, where are you?”

“tory, where are you?” you were struggling with the phone pressed up to your ear as you tried your best to pull off skates and balance yourself up.

it was nine thirty at night, practice had just gotten over and there was no sign of tory at all throughout the night.

it always seemed as though tory was a slacker, didn’t show up for school, but always showed up to figure skating practice. she always said it was her ticket to a better life, especially with finals coming up. so it was weird for her to ditch out.

“y/n, it’s larusso’s party tonight, it started half an hour ago,” you could hear an annoyance in her tone, “you said you would meet me here.”

you closed your eyes tightly, it suddenly all coming back to you. you had promised her to be her safety buddy for the night just in case any weirdos came around harassing up on her.

“fuck, tory, i forgot,” you lightly slapped your forehead as if scolding yourself, sitting down in one of the arena seats, “i’ll be there soon, practice just ended.”

“you better be,” her voice erupted through your phone speaker, “i’ve been talking to stingray for the half hour, i’m gonna shoot myself before i have another drink.”

you rolled your eyes at the exaggeration that came from her mouth, “shut up.”

and you hung up the phone.


you squinted up at the large larusso home. everyone knew daniel larusso as the ex-hockey-player-valley-championship-winner-now-super-rich-car-salesman. the people of LA worshiped the man.

trekking up the front lawn you could already smell the booze that was practically leaking past the front door.

“finally, you made it,” tory’s arm slung over your shoulder the moment you walked in, her hand shoving a red solo cup in your own, “drink up, long night ahead.”

you narrowed your brows, looking to her a bit confused at her tense posture. she should have been loosened up more, especially with how much alcohol she probably drunk.

“you alright?” you quirked a brow while taking a drink of the sour tasting liquid that you found hard forcing down your throat.

you winced, slightly tilting your head before throwing back some more into your mouth.

“nothing, just kinda... bored.”

“shut up, no you’re not.”

“can we go sit down?”

she was moving before you could say ‘yes’ and moving pretty fast as she swerved herself around the clumps of people littering the living room.

she sat down on a couch in the corner, her hands sitting gently on her lap making your brows close in on each other even more. it didn’t make sense as to why she was being so... awkward.

it was like her heart was racing and her eyes were moving fast, looking from one place to another, like she was paranoid, looking for someone.

“tory, are you on drugs?” you asked, placing your hand close to her as you took a seat next to her on the nice leather couch.

you could barely see her face by the way the only thing illuminating her features were the cheap tacky disco lights set in all the corners of the room.

“no, y/n,” she shook her head, eyes squinting slightly, “fuck you, no, i just need something to drink.”



“okay,” you nodded slightly, leaning away from her and standing up, “i’ll get you some.”

she stayed silent, not even watching you walk away but her attention being drawn toward the group of kids beginning to dance in the center of the room.

it was unsettling seeing her so on edge, so strange, it made you uncomfortable due to tory being the usual life of a party. it was so unlike her.

you grabbed one of the solo cups stacked on the counter, biting on your lip as you thought more and more about why tory would be in the mood that she was in.

you couldn’t think of anything as you leaned up on the counter, your hand reaching for the ice as you shoveled it into the red plastic cup.

maybe she was mad you were late or maybe something had happened to her while you were at practice or maybe-

“you’re tory’s friend, right?”

you looked up, pausing your actions of pouring ice into the cup. your eyes met a pair of blue ones, studying you.

“uh, yeah,” your eyebrows were furrowed again, slightly confused as to who you were looking at...

red hair, rough red hair fading into pink...


your face dropped from its confusion and you were then trying your best to bite back a wave of amusement that begun filling your stomach.

“you’re on the figure skating team too, aren’t you.”

“yeah, are you?”

he scoffed, slight amused taking a drink of the solo cup he held in his hand, “no, hockey team. don’t think i’m nimble enough to do figure skating.”

your eyes raked his body, “hm, i think you could probably pull it off.”

you now leaned away from the counter, sliding further down to the other side where the bottle of waters were. eli followed you slightly on the other end of the marble counter.

“you’re flattering, really.”

“i try to be,” you begun dumping the contents of one of bottles you picked up into the cup, your eyes not meeting his but rather focused on what you were doing.

“y/n? that’s your name, right?”

“yeah, how’d you know?” you still didn’t look up, not really interested in the fact that he knew your name.

“not hard to know about something when you really wanna know about it.”

you looked up then, watching him drink the contents of his drink as he slightly analyzed you, wanting to see your reaction.

“you’re funny...” you mumbled, as if what he said was a joke, but you knew it was a joke, you were just confused, your eyebrows slightly raised.


you didn’t know what to say, but you really wanted to say something as you stared at him and he stared back, waiting.

you didn’t know what to say.

and you wanted to think that he didn’t know what to say either but you knew better than to think that a boy like him didn’t have a million things to say, all things that could stump you even more, make you flustered, make you embarrassed, make you red in the cheeks. 

a million things to say, but yet he stood silent, as if waiting for you to say the first words to allow him to pounce. 


taglist 🗞:

join my taglist mf

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk

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3 years ago

Could you do headcannons of dating haw??

Could You Do Headcannons Of Dating Haw??

dating hawk includes.

summary 📣: above!

warnings 🚫: uhh idk

slater’s note 🗯: hi bae ily


➪ you’d be one of the only people to see him without his mohawk up

➪ he loves it when you play with his hair, it relaxes him

➪ you’re also one of the only people able to calm him down and prevent him from making any irrational decisions

➪ you’re literally his safe space and anytime he needs someone you’re the one he goes to

➪ miguel makes fun of him with how obsessed he is with you

➪ like eli will cancel plans with miguel just to hang out with you or even bring you along

➪ and miguel adores you but sometimes he needs his boy time with eli LMAO

➪ i feel like you guys would rough house a lot or just play fight

➪ more or so if he accidentally hits/kicks you harder then he means to he low key overreacts and will like apologize 100 times

➪ “fuck! kinda forgot you were a girl for a second.”

➪ i’m gonna be honest, you guys honestly would have some ups and downs, a lot having to do with cobra kai when kreese took over and influenced him to do stupid things, such ass breaking demetri’s arm

➪ mean to everyone but you

➪ fr has a soft spot for you and he knows he doesn’t have to have his guard up around you

➪ protective ASF

➪ will make a situation a bigger then it actually is

➪ like if a guy accidentally bumps into you he’ll make the guy go apologized

➪ “eli, i’m fine, he barely touched me”

“yeah, well he should still watch where he’s going”

➪ will also start fights and throw punches FOR NO REASON

➪ he’s super soft for pet names and will literally call you by any of them any chance he gets

➪ princess (low key personally i find this cringe but when he says it-), baby (24/7 and sometimes babe), and low key sweetheart but like in a teasing way and he doesn’t say it often

➪ he also calls you “dude”, “dawg”, “bro”, etc because it’s just a habit

➪ and i feel like for your snapchat name he’d have something funny that doesn’t imply you guys are dating (lol) like my slimeee 🤮 or bestfriend 😋

➪ but for your phone the contact name it’d be pretty face or cowgirl or pretty babe

➪ man high key LOVES pda and won’t keep his hands off you no matter where you are

➪ has to have at least a hand on you and has a one foot rule where he doesn’t want to be any further than a foot away when you guys are around each other 😭

➪ he’s obsessed 🤚

➪ will take you on late night drives just to enjoy the silence and dark with each other’s presence

➪ i feel like you guys would also get matching rings, not like a promise ring, but just matching ones


➪ he likes to play with your hair and i feel like he’d want to try and braid your hair at least once but tell you not to tell anybody about it because he HIGH KEY struggles

➪ “y/n, babe- stop recording, help me out!”

➪ posts you on his social media stories

➪ will sneak into your room at night but he’s really loud and doesn’t even care about getting caught sometimes

➪ “let’s go get snacks!”

“eli no!”


“that’s all the way downstairs.”


➪ hungry 24/7 and will make you feed him

➪ made a playlist just for the two of you to listen together on drives you guys go on

➪ also listens to the playlist whenever he misses you

➪ teases you a whole lot

➪ he did it a lot too before you two start dating but it just kept going when you guys got together

➪ he’s an overall good boyfriend who can be overprotective sometimes



@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk

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3 years ago

hey queen i’m gonna ask politely for a part two of “high school rivals” i just need it in my life that was one of the best hawk fics i’ve read so mrs gorl do me a solid and write a part two! i will forever be in your debt!!!! anyways love you and all the stuff you’ve written!❤️❤️

Hey Queen Im Gonna Ask Politely For A Part Two Of High School Rivals I Just Need It In My Life That Was

highschool rivals, part two. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which reader believes hawk is fucking with her when saying he does karate, but he won’t prove otherwise, no matter how much she begs.

warnings 🚫: swearing, drinking , also reader and miguel are only friends (i swear it’s not flirting), uhh

slater’s note 🗯: yuh, finally updated, sorry it took so long i’ve literally had no MOTIVATION but hey(love you bae thank you for giving me motivation to update)


part one, part two

the weekend reached faster than you thought it would, giving you no time to think out a plan on how to set hawk off.

maybe you should’ve just gotten over it, but the urge to egg him on, to watch him snap kept a provoking feeling in the inside of your stomach to keep planning.

you didn’t understand why, but something about hawk just fascinated you, made you obsessed with thoughts of him and what he could do to you.

and maybe the thought setting him off into a rage set you off into excitement of what he would do to you.

pinning you down, overpowering your strength just so he could win, anything and everything to show the dominance he had over you.

oh it was wrong, but so so fun to think about.

saturday morning hit you hard from a rough hangover resonating from the night before with mia and harper, a lot of drinking taking place due to it being harper’s birthday and all she wanted to do was watch old movies and drink till she blacked out.

and oh boy did she really black out.

and so did mia, leaving you up and alone with edward scissor hands playing in the background as your newly drunken mind searched through your phone for something entertaining.

someone entertaining.

your first choice, miguel, him being the first one to pop up on your recently snapped on snap chat.

y/n: i’m bored, come hang out w me

miguel: u drinking yet?

y/n: ye

miguel: i’d come but i’m w people

y/n: uh fuk yow

miguel: aren’t we hanging out tomorrow anyways

y/n: yeh but everyone’s aslep now

miguel: oh facts

eli wants to talk to you

your drunken self had rolled your eyes, sliding out of the chat and into hawk’s snap user who was already typing.

hawk: can i come over?

y/n: no

hawk: awh, why not princess

y/n: shut up

people who lie about being in karate don’t get to come to drinking parties

hawk: oh?

y/n: yeah now leve me alone


hawk: miss me yet?

it was like he knew how to play the game perfectly, a game that wasn’t even really a game. just teasing being held between two hormonal teens who made out a couple of times.

he knew exactly how to get into your mind which is why it didn’t take long before he had convinced you to allow him to sneak over to harper’s house, wearing a black hoodie that was draped over his head with miguel following right behind with glasses you had never seen on him before.

“you said you were with people,” you had narrowed your brows, looking over hawk’s shoulder at miguel who was still outside due to you blocking the way in through the sliding door.

his eyes connected to yours after slowly analyzing his surroundings as if something would pop out of the dark at any moment.

“yeah,” he jerked his head a bit, “i’m with lover boy here who convinced me to drive him five miles to a drunk birthday party at two in the morning.”

you studied miguel a bit more better, realizing he had slightly smears of acne cream on his cheeks and forehead, pulling together the glasses and pajama pants look. he seemed annoyed and tired, which made sense since it actually was two in the morning.

“hi,” your eyes drew away from miguel to hawk who smiled smoothly, his red hair peaking out from underneath his hood, dipping down into a form you had never seen it; flat.

“hi,” you replied, slightly shocked before being pulled in closer to him, his cold hands rubbing up and down your waist before peaking underneath your own hoodie.

his cool finger tips pressed into your hipbones, his fingernails slightly curving and breaking into your skin as he tried to get an even tighter hold on you. the pads of his thumbs rubbed up and down against the dips of your stomach as he continued to stare straight into your eyes, calmly.

“so, can we get this train moving or are we gonna stand in the doorway for the rest of the night?”

you couldn’t recall if you had gone anywhere farther than rubbing skin against skin with the boy or his lips pressing against your forehead biding you sweet dreams as he left before the rest of the morning could catch him. the alcohol eating away at all memories and events that had happened between two and five.

y/n: hey, can i head over?

miguel: yeah, eli should be there to let you in

the weekend had entailed a lot of hanging out, saturday implying drinking and just general talking in miguel’s apartment with robby, hawk, harper, and mia.

you weren’t exactly sure if it was a good idea to be drinking day after day but it was your teenage years, whats the worst that could happen?

“you’re early.”

you frowned watching the door open to only see hawk, his expression dead, almost like he was annoyed but he still let you in, leaving the apartment door wide open.

“where’s miguel?” you asked, stepping into the cool apartment from the roasting air, a feeling of relief settling on your skin as you were no longer cooking into a chicken in the hot sun.

“what do you mean?”

“well this is his apartment... right?” you looked around analyzing the small space. it was neat but there was some kind of atmosphere filling the air making the whole area dark.

you sat on the couch watching eli as he seemed to be rummaging around the kitchen, seemingly ignoring you by not answering your question.

“what’re you doing?”


“wanna spar?”

he looks up, his eyes meeting dead in yours, “shut up.”


the apartment soon seems to fill with a silence quickly and rather awkwardly as you sat there, patting your lap with your hands, switching between each thigh as your mind raced.

do something.

but you didn’t think it was a good idea to do something, it had only been a minute into your arrival and he already seemed snappy.

it was then did you really wish you could remember everything that had happened the night before and as to why it was so suddenly awkward.

it didn’t make sense, he would always find something to talk about, that was one of the first things you had picked up on about him.

“you mad at me?”

“no,” he said it slowly, glancing over to you as you were already looking at him, how shifting your position on the couch.

“why’re you being weird.”

he laughed.

and then... ignored your question.

“what happened last night?”

he looked up from the counter again, you had noticed he was writing something down, making you guess he was doing his homework or something.

he also seemed annoyed, looking over once again to your doubtful state.

“you were drunk.”

“yeah, the killer headache i had this morning told me.”


“why’re you being to fucking weird?”

“i’m not, jesus,” he snapped at you, his face screwing up with annoyance as well as slight confusion as to wondering why you were being so anxious.

“you seem mad, man.”

“well maybe if you shut-“

“i got the alc!” the sudden noise of the apartment door opened caused eli to cut himself off, looking over to the white chipped door open, revealing miguel and robby.

you clenched your jaw, looking away from the two boys and to the floor, thinking about the sentence hawk was about to spat in front of your face before interrupted.

shut up.

“you two good?”


taglist 🗞:

join my taglist for good luck

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @amongtheweepingwillows @write-from-the-heart

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3 years ago
Different Type Of Game, Part Two. Eli Moskowitz X Reader

different type of game, part two. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which eli moskowitz is a popular hockey player, but to reader he was just a boy tory nichols had history with. but eli’s trying to erase that history, and what better way then trying to get with her best friend?

warning/s 🚫: gif not mine, swearing, aggression, and idk

slater’s note 🗯: a lot of you have been asking for the video of hockey jacob so i linked it by my tags below 😭 i also need to stop making series after series and not finishing them

Different Type Of Game, Part Two. Eli Moskowitz X Reader

part one, part two

“i smoked an unusual amount of weed last night.”

“oh really?”

the cold air of the state hockey rink nipped at the exposed skin of your neck as you entered the arena.

this skating rink was a lot nicer than the one your practiced at. there were more seats, much more room, a large scoring board with a large screen advertising companies sponsoring the team, and a snack bar.

tory had convinced you to join her at the all state game of the valley’s hockey team against another team in san francisco.

you hadn’t had any particular interest in hockey until that year after being forced by your figure skating coach to see a game with the team, and after seeing a fight, it created a lot of excitement.

seeing the flying of gear being pulled off their bodies just so they’d have a better chance to hit one another’s face while they were pressed against the boarder glass separating the fans from the players, it was a different type of thrill.

and you had a feeling another fight would be thrown especially with the fact that it was the state game.

“your mom catch you this time?”

“surprisingly not, she wasn’t even home until after robby left.”

“what so are you and robby best friends now?” you quirked a brow looking to her as the two of you filed down stairs looking for each others seats.

“well no, not exactly.”

“he just gets you weed?”

“he just gets me weed,” she agreed, nodding her head a bit as you began filing down an isle of front row seats.

you were practically stunned as you took in the glory of how close you felt to the ice, you almost couldn’t believe it.

“say, how’d you get these tickets?”

“miguel,” she shrugged as the two of you sunk into the cold red plastic, “apparently he two extra ones and said i could have them.”

you nodded, slightly shimmying in your seat as you tried your best to get comfortable. sure, the stadium was a lot nicer and a lot newer, but the seats were just the same.

it wasn’t long till players began filling out into the ice coming along with an announcement of their name and position.

you found yourself zoned out, looking around mindlessly and studying people’s faces before you heard a familiar name.

eli moskowitz.

your eyes twitched towards the ice as you saw the boy run circles around the ice before sliding in line along with his teammates.

it took you awhile as you tried to think more and more about how you knew him before it hit you hard and made you feel stupid.

“oh, yo,” you slightly sat up in your seat, extending your arm a bit to your left where tory sat next to you, grabbing her attention, “you know eli, right? the kid you slept with?”

“uh, yeah, i think i remember him rather well.”

you looked at her, making a funny face at the sarcasticness that flew out of her mouth, “yeah, well, he talked to me at the party the other night.”

it was then that you had really seemed to have caught her attention, her posture straightening out and readjusting as she seemed to look interested, hands grasping the arms of the plastic chair.

“oh really?”

“yeah, it was weird,” you shook it off, slightly satisfied with the answer she gave (with her body), now knowing you weren’t crazy for thinking about it a lot more then you probably should have. “i kind of feel bad, like i should’ve talked to him more.”

“oh don’t feel bad,” she said quickly, sifting herself to face away from you and rather the rink, “the kids annoying and probably only wants to fuck you, y/n.”

“i don’t think that’s it,” you slightly screwed up your face at the assumption, “he only asked if i was friends with you and if i was in figure skating.”

“he asked about me?” she seemed shocked but also flattered as she pressed the palm of her hand against her chest.

you nodded, pressing your lips together into a thin line, thinking she missed the whole entire point, “yeah, it wasn’t that big of a deal, he just asked if we were friends.”

it wasn’t that big of a deal and yet it had you thinking about him all weekend.

you also found yourself stalking a lot of his social media platforms. looking up his snap and contemplating whether or not to add it as well as whether or not you should follow him on instagram, but you denied yourself of both. it’d too look weird to be suddenly adding him everywhere after just one conversation.

but something told you he wouldn’t have minded, that that’s what he wanted.

not hard to know about something when you really wanna know about it.

what’d he mean by that?

his instagram account was public and was flooded with pictures of him and miguel during the hockey season, all obtaining at least a thousand likes. this man was worshipped by all valley teens and even adults.

“wait,” you paused, adjusting yourself in your seat so you could face her a bit better, “do you like him?”

tory struggled so hard to protect the obvious glow that began resonating all of her face, but you knew her better than anyone to not believe the struggled ‘no’ that came out of her mouth.

you almost gasped, hitting her arm playfully, “tory!”


“i thought you never caught feelings.”

her face dipped into a pout as she slightly realized how strange it was for her to like someone, it made her want to hurl.

“okay, but you can’t tell anyone.”

you held in your laugh, holding up your pinky, “deal.”


the game ended with a significant win for the valley high hockey team, ending with cheers with the boys all throwing their arms in the air seconds after the loud buzzer went off.

you smiled watching some of them throw off their masks and gloves hurling themselves at another while yelling in excitement.

you weren’t exactly sure what this did for them other than dubbing them winners of the all state championship.

you were ready to go, looping your coat between your arms while shuffling out of your row and up the stairs before noticing tory wasn’t with you.

“you coming?”

“yeah, just give me a second,” she was staring out in the ice with her body shifting away from you and pulling down deeper into the arena.

“okay,” you sighed climbing the rest of the stairs before making it out to the practically vacant lobby that only filled some parents waiting for their son.

you leaned on one of the walls close to the door, pulling your phone out of your back pocket expecting tory to be out soon for whatever reason she was out there in the first place.

you heard the sound of loud cheers and claps as boys upon boys hustled out into the lobby of the ice rink, carrying their duffle bags and hockey sticks while walking to their parents with grim smiles on their faces.

you analyzed some of the boys, recognizing come of the boys from your school but not enough to put names and a personality behind, although you were sure they probably all were the same, assholes.

but seeing the moment of naiveness of the them hurrying to their parents and straining them with hugs of proudness and happiness made you slightly smile.

you looked back down to your phone, scrolling through your instagram mindlessly till you felt a light kick on your shin. it made you look up real fast, looking for the culprit.

you didn’t have to look far till your eyes met a pair of icy blue ones, the same as from nights before, coming with faded dyed red hair.

“didn’t know you were a hockey fan.”

a sly surprised yet confused smile slowly crept up onto your mouth, pulling your lips up into curves, “yeah, biggest one here.”

“i’ll be honest, you didn’t really strike me as one,” he tilted his head a bit, shuffling closer to you.

you nodded, watching him carefully. it was then you noticed that it seemed that nobody was waiting for him, not even his parents as every other person in the room already had a child in their grasp.

it made you narrow your brows as you looked back at him directly, “your parents not come?”

“oh no,” he shook his, “never to the out of valley games, they usually just wait at the school when the bus drops us off.”

“yeah, congrats on your win though,” you nodded with a genuine tone, “you scored hella points.”

“yeah, all for you babe,” he playfully smirked, leaning even closer into you.

your cheeks red as you began to find it harder and harder to maintain eye contact with him, your eyes landing on the floor before glancing up to him where he now had his arm propped up above your head.

“that’s so- flattering,” you coughed awkwardly thinking about tory and how the man she liked was practically shamelessly press against you, “but yeah.”

“but yeah?” he quirked a brow staying up close and personal, “you don’t believe me?”

“i think-“

“y/n, what the fuck?”

you knew it would happen. you knew tory wouldn’t stay in the arena all day, and you knew with your luck, it would only make sense that she walked in on this.

eli leaned away once he realized who the girl stalking over was, anger twinned into her expressions as she glared at you. it looked as if she was about to clock you in the jaw by how tight she had her fists closed, keeping them tight by her sides.

“tory, i-“

she gave you no time to speak as she grabbed onto your wrist tightly, practically digging her nails into your skin, yanking you towards the exit.


taglist 🗞:

join my taglist cowboy

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory

hockey video 🏒:


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3 years ago

hiii i saw that you write cobra kai imagines and i was wondering if you could do a miguel imagine in which the reader is best friends with robby and has developed feelings for him while miguel still likes sam, so the reader and miguel start fake dating and emd up catching feelings for eachother?🥺💞

Hiii I Saw That You Write Cobra Kai Imagines And I Was Wondering If You Could Do A Miguel Imagine In

failure to plan, part one. miguel diaz x reader

summary 📣: above :)

warnings 🚫: gif not mine, swearing

slater’s note 🗯: also there will be A PART TWO I PROMISE


“i have a plan.”

you looked up from your textbooks, seeing a very hyper miguel, his hands pressed down onto the table, inches across from you. 

you press your lips into a thin line, narrowing your brows up to the boy, your head slightly quirked to the side, “what’s your plan?”

miguel pulled out the seat in front of you, causing you to begin to close your books and set them to the side, giving him your divided attention. 

“i need to be with same,” he said straight forward, folding his arms against the cold, blue plastic table, “i’m done constantly chasing after her.. wondering whether or not she likes me the way i like her still.” 

he paused giving you time to process his words as he tried to think of what to say next, how to form his words while your lips pressed back into a line. 

you didn’t know miguel that well... well you did but he was more or so an acquaintance than anything else. you had found yourself noticing him a lot more the moment him and robby had began to get along, causing your whole friend group to pull closer together, that being, sam, you, tory, robby, demetri, eli, and miguel. 

he was a funny kid, one you could put a lot of trust into if you needed to. 

“i know you like robby,” he paused, looking down at the table as if he was slightly ashamed for knowing this information, and you yourself were slightly shocked, but you stayed silent, resisting the urge to open your mouth. “i see the way you look at him, i know you like that kid just as much as i like sam.”

robby. that “kid” was your best friend and you had very valid reasons as to why you liked him, one being as to he was there for you since day one. robby didn’t have a lot of trust in people, nor did anyone seem to trust him... but you. 

you had met him at a skating rink where you had just about fallen on your ass if he hadn't swooped in and caught you by the arm, keeping you on your feet and away from falling into a deep pit of hurt and scratches. 

he taught you things, you kept him out of trouble, you kept each other alive and in your well beings. you couldn't have asked for a better friend nor would you ever think about replacing him. 

that’s why it was hard for you to realize that you thought of him more than just a friend. the thought of ruining what you had with for something that might not even be a possibility, that being; him liking you. 

“yeah, okay, so you know that, what about it?” 

“i have a proposition.”

“get to the point.”

you didn’t intend for anything that came out of your mouth to be rude, but the fact that he knew something so personal, something that you wouldn't even tell your mom or girl best friend about made you uncomfortable, on edge. what else did he know? 

it was ridiculous to feel so attacked by miguel diaz because really, the kid was sweet, he had no attentions in being harmful, but you just couldn't stop your mind from caving in on itself. 

“fake date,” he said it straight forward making you curve your head a bit in confusion and in thought, wondering whether or not your heard him right or if you were really going crazy faster than you thought. 

“huh?” “fake dating,” he repeated, “it’s the only way to tell whether or not if i’m wasting my time, but i don’t think i am, i just know she likes me back but i need to push her a bit.” “so you want to make her jealous?” he nodded his head, waiting for you to say something, waiting for you to say ‘yes’. 

“what’s in it for me?” “works both ways.” “yes, but i don’t think robby likes me like that, that’s why i haven’t said anything to him about it-”

“y/n,” he cuts you off, wanting to slow down the oncoming rambling that was about to spill out of your mouth in one big mess, “guy best friends usually like their girl best friends. robby just needs a push as well.” 

it made you bit your lip in thought, eyes racing back on the table top before you. the idea he presented before you was either a really good one... or a really, really bad one. 

“i’ll think about it,” you got up quickly, grabbing all your books before rushing out of the library. 


monday came rather fast, making you think you didn’t have nearly enough time to think about miguel’s proposition. you knew he would probably would want an answer, especially due to the fact that you had ignored all his phone calls and texts. 

hanging out with robby all weekend hadn’t necessarily gave you any clarity either. it was the only thing on your mind as you the two of you went to the skate park and his dad's apartment, and mr. larusso’s home, and the food court, and anywhere and everywhere. the only thing. 

you begun to feel bad because twenty minutes into hanging out he had noticed, giving you hard time about it as time continued on it seemed to have been a repetitive thing. 

“what’s on your mind, kid?” “uh, nothing.”

all you could say was you felt bad. 

you hustled down the hallway, trying your best to maneuver yourself around the teen bodies that filled the hallway like a small box. it was hot and stuffy and you felt your heart all high in your chest as you tried to spot for something familiar, spot robby. 

you continued down the hallway before hitting a clearing a relief hitting you and lightening up on your chest, analyzing your environment before planning out how you’d get to your next class. 

you rounded a corner, five feet away from your physics class before you felt the weight of your body being pulled back in your past tracks. 

and you almost smacked whoever did so before realizing it was miguel, a relief coming over you as you sighed, sinking your shoulders back into a more relaxed position. 

he slightly laughed, letting go of your arm, “relax, it’s just me.”

you rolled your eyes, nodding him off, “what do you want?”

“i want an answer.”

“what?” you almost resisted the urge to play dumb but the words just fell out of your mouth, think it would give you more time to make up your mind. 

“you know what.”

“yeah, i don't know,” you turned around but he grabbed onto your shoulder quickly before flipping you back around. 

“y/n,” he gave you a pointed look that made you even more anxious than you already were.

you bit the inside of your cheek, hoping the answer would just come to you right in that moment, but it didn't. there was just some part of you that just didn't understand, maybe that was what was holding you back due to the lack of clarity on the situation. what did “fake dating” even entail? what would you have to do? and why you? what was so special about you other then the fact that you were just as helpless as he was to getting the person he liked to like him back. 

but so what? there were hundreds of girls like that at your school. 

you exhaled, almost rolling your head down in shame, “you know what, fine, i’ll ‘fake date’ you... but you have to tell me why.”

“what do you mean, why?”

“why me, miguel?” 

he rolled his eyes as if it should have been the most obvious thing in the world, “i already told you, we both have people we like-”

“yeah but there’s other people in this school in that exact situation,” you extended out your arm, getting worked up for basically nothing. 

miguel rolled his eyes again before taking a step forward, “we can talk about this later, meet me in the library later.”

and he walked off. 


“hey, can i give you a ride?” 

three o’clock arrived like clock work and after seven classes of hell you walked out of your last one, completely exhausted and ready to go home, but remembered you still had to meet miguel in the library. 

it had been bearing on your mind all day, that you just wished you could forget about it and go home with robby like he offered. 

“no, i can’t,” you mumbled, diverting your body to face robby as the two of you neared the exit of the school.

“why not? got a hot date or something?”

“something like that,” you smiled just as he did. 

“alright, i’ll see you later,” he gave your arm a tight squeeze before walking out the doors, waving as he continued out onto the parking lot. 

“lord, help me.”


“no strings attached, you don’t have to call me at twelve in the morning when your crying nor do i have to call you when i get hurt or some shit,” miguel was straightforward, he pulled out his phone and began reading from a list off of it, like he had had this planned way before even deciding to talk to you about it. “we’re here to make people jealous, not get attached.”

you nodded, trying to process all the things he had said in the past ten minutes about what was to go down with the two of for however how long it would take before either sam or robby broke from underneath the pressure of you two “dating”. 

miguel already had the week planned and you were slightly grateful that he knew what he was doing because you sure as hell didn't. 

“i’ll take you out to the mini golf place so then it’s public, you know? it’ll seem more official and that way people will see us together...” he continued on by saying, “we hold hands, kiss in the hall, and do all the cheesy couple shit.” “thought you were a sucker for that stuff,” you hummed, raising your eyebrows, slightly shocked by him bad mouthing all the “cheesy shit” that couples do, the type of shit you would see him doing in the halls with sam when they were still a thing. 

he rolled his eyes, “whatever, we got a deal?” 

you watched him raise his hand, reaching across the table for your own... and you took it, nodding your head still lost, but content now. 

“we have a deal.”


taglist 🗞:

join the taglist dawg 

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @torynicholsgf @Skiala45 @write-from-the-heart @mrfeenyisswag

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3 years ago
Like Clockwork. Eli Moskowitz X Reader

like clockwork. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which reader and eli always have the same routine

warnings 🚫: swearing, talk of abuse but it’s not actually abuse, toxic relationship like REALLY TOXIC

slater’s note 🗯: i am literally so mad, i was going to post a robby fic tonight but it didn’t save so hope this holds you guys down. also it’s short :,)


“suck my dick!”

“you were always so dramatic.”

“just the way you like it though, huh eli?”

you had the nastiest look on your face that made him wince so hard, but he recovered, quirking an eyebrow, “you were always a brat.”

“awh,” you popped your bottom lip out, shinning the big puppy dog eyes he always fell victim to, “but what does that make you, the biggest fucking asshole to walk this earth?”

“say whatever you need to say, whatever makes you sleep at night, princess.”

clock work, just the clock work.

the only thing that kept you from ripping your hair out was the thought of this only being clock work. something that had to happen in order for you to get to the next step, to be able to be closer to the goal.

and the goal was always the same, being together.

it was rather ridiculous, but it was just how it worked, it was how your relationship with eli functioned and how you got through the days without tearing each others eyes out.

“why don’t you just... end things, y/n? for good?”

“because i love him.”

“that’s not how it should work though. y/n, if you really love him you need to just let him go... for good.”

it was a nightmare to think about life without eli though, you cared for him so much that you couldn’t imagine going a day without calling him yours, without his gaze on you, the gaze that made you feel like you were in the stars.

“fuck you.”

“that’s right, fuck me, because everything i do is my fault.”

miguel couldn’t even comprehend how the two of you even functioned with each other, it never made sense. one minute you’re all lovey dovey, on top of each other, can’t get enough of one another, but the next he has to hold back eli from choking the shit out of you.

the boy dipped his head into his hands as he continued to listen to the two of you argue back and forth in the other room. everything was going perfectly fine till the next moment he found you hovered over eli, yelling at him about whatever it was that you yelled at him about.

and it was all the same, always the same. girls, boys, girls who talked to eli, boys who talked to you, girls who flirted shamelessly with eli, boys who flirted shamelessly with you. all the same.

“why don’t you just... why don’t you care? why can’t you just fucking show emotion when i talk to you?”

“are you fucking kidding me, y/n?” he inhaled sharply, his shoulders ducking forward as did his arms, reaching out in expression, “i can barely get anything from you! show emotion? how about you take your own goddamn advice?”

“shut up!”

miguel glanced over to sam who chewed on her nail, pacing the floor as she also listened, hoping to god it’d be over soon.

“maybe if you supported-“

“maybe if i supported you? that’s all i do, what do you think i’m doing? you think i’m here just for a good time? ‘cause-“

“it sure seems like it!”


it always ended with someone crying. that someone being you. and it always ended fast, falling from the sky and out of no where. so fast it made your stomach hit your throat, guilting you into tears as he’d leave.

he’d leave, but he’d be back.

he’d always be back and it didn’t matter when or where or how, it just happened and you’d be there with open arms, welcoming him whole heartedly.

yeah, he’d be back.


taglist 🗞:

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows

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3 years ago

the older boy, part two. eli moskowitz x reader

summary 📣: in which reader’s friends warn her about the older boy with the red mohawk but she doesn’t listen

warning/s 🚫: swearing

slater’s note 🗯: omg slater finally uploaded 😮


part one, part two

hawk: miss me princess?

you squinted your eyes from the bright glare surfacing from the screen of your phone. it had to be about close to midnight and it was almost something you expected, this text.

he always texted late, always catching you minutes before you decided to clock out for bed, and always drawing out your sleep schedule. so instead of going to bed at 11:30 like normal, you ended up wide awake well around two hours later.

y/n: you flatter yourself too much

hawk: is that so? thought you always looked forward to our nightly convos

y/n: other than them being nightly, sure

hawk: i’m a busy man

you rolled your eyes, “sure you are.”

y/n: that’s probably why i never see you outside of school then huh

you couldn’t careless on why you never saw hawk outside of school. it seemed to be rather a blessing from all the things you had been hearing about him lately. it was just fun to tease.

he liked being teased as weird as it sounded, it fired him up as he stared at the screen of his phone, smirking. hawk knew you knew why you never saw him and why he never saw you. you guys weren’t friends, barely acquaintances, only two oblivious lonely people who wanted someone to fill their hormonal needs. 

hawk: you never see me sweetheart because you never want to

y/n: that’s a lie

hawk: is it?

y/n: i’d love to see you

hawk: i’m sure you would, but face it princess, you’d chicken out halfway through before you’d even see my face

y/n: lies, you sure you’re not talking about yourself?

but was it really a lie? you wondered, thinking whether or not your wits and nervousness would overcome you before you actually saw the face of eli if you were to ever hang out with him.

you bit your lip thinking about earlier today when moon said to stay away from eli for rather obvious reasons. one being he was violent and angry a lot of the time and two... he was a teenage asshole who’d fuck you over the minute you showed vulnerability.

hawk: let me come over if you’re not a pussy

you bit your tongue at the sight of the message. great, you thought. now you had to come up with some excuse only to prove hawk right; that you were a pussy. the thing was, you didn’t actually think he’d want to see you.

it was like a silent agreement that your relationship was flirting only, nothing else. he was like a side hustle along with all the other boys who hit you up through your snapchat.

y/n: sorry babe, i only let boys who actually talk to me in real life come over

hawk: alright, fuck you lmfao

eli mindlessly smiled at his phone screen while shaking his head. he knew you’d be a challenge, and he knew you’d turn him down any minute or mention of hanging out.

he found taunting and teasing you amusing and sometimes the highlights of his days but sometimes it also got boring with how you didn’t put out as easily as the other girls.

y/n: sorry bud

hawk: alright, goodnight princess ;)


it was uneventfully windy as you stood outside waiting for moon’s red car to pull up and drop you home. you almost swore as you came into realization that she probably forgot about you, again.

you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear as you checked your phone once again, absent of any notifications that would relate to moon.

you were beginning to feel sick, the kind of sick that resonated in your stomach from a sprout of loneliness. you shook your head, pushing yourself off the brick high school wall deciding you better start walking now if you wanted to get home before five.

your feet begun to burn five minutes into walking the shortest route you could think of as a way home, “fucking, moon.” you shook your head, taking out your phone again. she always had the strangest memory problems and seemed to always goes m.i.a. the moments you need her the most, such as.. when you were desperately in need a ride home. 

“need a ride?”

you almost jumped in surprised, not realizing a car had pulled up next to you as you were focused on your phone. you dipped your head down to the low window of the old red cadillac pulled up next to you, their windows rolled down, old rap music turned down low in order to speak to you. 


“nice car,” you quirked your brow with a slight impressed smile. he was one of the last people on earth you would expect to give you a ride despite your conversation the last night. 

“you want a ride or not, princess?” “oh, i wouldn’t want to ruin your special me time, hawk.”

“get in the fucking car, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, quickly done with your bullshit as he put the car in drive. you reluctantly got in the nice car, swinging your bag to the floor as you couldn’t help smile to yourself. 

“you know i’ve never been in a karate kid’s car before,” you mumbled lightly, examining the interior of the car better, your fingers running against the smooth dashboard, impressed by how well restored the old car was. 

“is that so?” he glanced at you, a slight smirk on his face. 

“who restored the car?” you mumbled, your eyes still looking around almost like a kid in a candy store, only more subtle, trying to hide the fact how impressed you were with the car. 

he glanced at you again, almost taken back by the question. it was never a question he had heard before, especially by a girl. he smirked, trying to hide his own surprisal, “you know larusso? guy helped me out with it.”

“nice,” you mumbled, leaning back into the seat, done with your examination. 

it was silent now, and you almost sat comfortably if it weren't for the voice in the back of your head yelling at you that the whole thing was a bad idea. you wanted to ignore it so badly, because you had never actually ever saw a red flag from eli other than the fact that it’s basic knowledge he’d a fuck boy. 

he seemed like a generally good guy. no not a good guy, a guy that was your type. eli wasn’t at all the good guy type but more or so the douche that was only nice to certain group of people, you being on of them. 

because he wanted to fuck you. 

“got something on your mind?” he glanced at you, almost nervously like you'd hop out the window with any wrong move he made. 

“no,” you said it fast making him smirk, almost as if he knew what you were thinking, almost as if he were familiar with the typical female anxiousness. familiar with the fast talking, redden cheeks, lip bites, fingers fiddling, all of it, it seemed as if he just knew. 

and eli was, it hadn't taken him long when going through girls to pick up on the similar body language they all seemed to have. because really, down to the bottle, they all did the same thing; always rubbed their lips together prompting for kisses, using a different fragrance than usual when finally alone, fingers tapping, lessening the clothing on their body than the usual outfit. all similar, and he could almost see it in you despite this being an unintentional meet up... and you weren't trying to pounce on. 

“actually.. yeah,” you lightly bit your bottom lip as you looked at your lap, trying to think of the best way to ask him the question that had been on your mind for awhile; “what do you expect from me, eli?” wow, what kind of question was that?

it was an honest and upfront one, something he wasn't used to, practically sending him into shock as he had to look at you fully to see if you were actually serious and not pulling his leg, seeming like something you'd do. 

but you really wondered. 

“uh- i, what?”

you awkwardly laughed, looking to him, “no, i mean i really don't give a shit, i’m just not about to lead you into something you think you’re going to get nudes in, because your really not.” 

wow, really? 

he almost swore aloud, biting his lip hard, now realizing you really weren't going to be easy, not as easy as the girls who put out the moment you called them pretty, or even the ones who you had to take on a date before they even sent. 


he laughed it off, shaking his head as if you were a fool for thinking that, “you really think that low of me?”

no worries, there’s always plan b; make you feel bad. 

you laughed in return, “yeah, i really do.”

but he forgot you weren’t that stupid to fall for feeling bad just for something you weren’t about. 


“you wouldn't be the first.”

“so, I've heard,” he gripped his neck, eyes now glued to the road before turning into a neighborhood off from the main road, his mind following the map basically glued in his mind from driving past your house to dmitri’s. 

he parked, now seeming to ignore you as his whole plan begun to fall apart right before him. 

“thanks, eli,” you nodded to him, jumping out of the car with your bookbag in hand before beginning to trek up your front yard. 

“anytime, princess.” 



join the taglist lil doggy

@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows @mya-bleu @disgustedchild @ktz-bb @venussecrets

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3 years ago
Friendsgiving, Part One. Eli Moskowitz X Reader And Robby Keene X Reader

friendsgiving, part one. eli moskowitz x reader and robby keene x reader 

summary: in which the all valley karate kids get together to celebrate thanksgiving, but there seems a lot of drama bubbling under the surface. 

warning/s: swearing, short chapter 

slater's note: i made this so long ago and it makes me nostalgic uh?? also i know i’ve left y’all in the dust with cobra kai content and i’m really sorry lolz


“i’m telling you, y/n, it’s not a great idea,” tory shook her head while perusing through the different cans of cranberries, “inviting your current boyfriend and your ex boyfriend to the same dinner... it’s just bound to not end well.”

you kissed your teeth while looking at the ground thinking, “yeah, well it was sam’s idea for the whole friendsgiving thing, it’s not like i want a cat fight.”

it had came down to the final days of november, the season turning crisp and cold with seasonal drinks from coffee shops and people doing their very early christmas shopping, pre planning.

but in the valley of LA, the weather stayed the exact same, rain coming occasionally but the hot scorching sun didn’t let up, leaving you and your friends in tank tops and shorts, forever stuck in the sun no matter what time of season it was. 

it was a few days away from thanksgiving when tory gave you a call, asking you to come shopping with her for the dinner party. you of course agreed, scrounging up enough money to cover your part of payment for the feast. 

“that larusso,” tory tsked, shaking her head, while tossing around the two different cans of cranberries in her hands, “has to include everyone.”

“well... we all are friends.”

“but we never hang out, at least not all together,” she shook her head again, humming in a “duh” tone, as if expecting you to understand. “i mean when have you ever seen eli and keene hang out together aside from when we’re at the silo?”

the silo was the equivalent of an old small water tower left in the abandoned side of the old valley. it was your groups go to hangout on late nights where life was just about dull as it got and you would all sneak out with alcohol and weed and anything else that would bring your group joy. 

you bit your lip, beginning to skim over the times you had all hung out together, carefully thumbing through the non tangible files in your mind like an old librarian, wanting to prove tory wrong, but like always, she was correct; eli and robby had never been around each other unless the silo and large amounts of alcohol was involved. 

“well,” you tipped your head slightly, gripping the handle to the shopping cart tighter, thinking deeply. “i mean it's not their fault... they just have been given the right opportunity nor chance to hang out together.”

tory looked up to you, absolutely dumbfounded that you would think that, “y/n,” she shook her head disapprovingly, “use your brain. exes don’t hang out with current boyfriends unless they absolutely hate the significant other or are trying to pull something.” 

you shrugged almost uneasily, not having anything else to say as the two of you continued to move down the isles full of canned food. the store played christmas music, leaving you rather confused but not upset as found yourself tapping to the beat of jiggle bells. turkey and fall decorations filled the air everywhere, setting the mood rather well. 

“we can just use miguel as a buffer,” you mumbled, thinking about how the boy so easily got along with anyone he was put into path with, even robby. “if all else fails we just break into my parents liquor cabinet.”

“now you’re talking.”        

the atmosphere slowly fell away from robby and eli talk, settling into rather normal high school drama. you couldn't let the thoughts and worries of how robby and eli would get along on thanksgiving get the better of you, that wasn’t your problem, but rather theirs. 

and possibly, you were really only overreacting. what’s the worst that could happen?                                           

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