samhelleborewrites - Sam with to much to do
Sam with to much to do

Hello, welcome to my blog! This is where I write draw and much more. I write and draw what I like and might open requests from time to time. I do hope you like what you see! thank you for checking this blog out! <3 | they/them 23/18+ content on this blog |

38 posts



"boop." your eyes opened to purple eyes of Sombra, slowly you blinked. "hello Sombra, what can i do for you?" she smirk dropping herself into your lap. a small noise came from your lips as she landed on your lap. "I was bored and came to drop by." rolling your eyes she hocked your arms around her shoulder and legs and stand up. once standing you dropped her in your chair walking over to the computer, looking through it for all the results that came through from Moira. "well i'm busy and tired so please leave." "aaaah, (name) come on~" grabbing her chin you looked her in the eyes. "sombra, i like you i really do, but not right now. i am to. busy!" you growled to her, but instead of beeing scared she smirked. "why are you smirking?" letting go of her face, you turned back to your work. feeling two arms wrab around your waist, a sigh left your lips. "sombra." feeling her not move, your head droped down to your chest, again a sight leaving your pink lips. turning around you looked at her. "i me-" feeling her lips connect with yours a surprised sound left your mouth. after like 3 seconds you quickly kissed back, your hands on her waist as hers were wrapped around your neck playing with your hair. pulling back, placing your forehead on to hers eyes closed. "sometimes I just don't know what i should do with you?" sombra smirked lifting your hand to her lips. "i know what we can bedoing." feeling her lips on your hand, you opened your eyes and staired at her. when a smirk came to your lips, pulling her close to you. "if you are sure." a small blush came to her dark cheeks, pulling her to your room. ----- i say short but sweet.

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More Posts from Samhelleborewrites

3 years ago

Moving some of my stuff over to this acount that's all

9 years ago

Omg so cute thank you so Much i really enjoying this!! Thank you so Muck again!! ❤️❤️

Can i have a ship? If It is possible for good and bad~ well the name is julia, i'm 160cm tall and have Brown hair that comes to my waist with black and blue highlights I have sky blue eyes I'm shy when you first meet me but if you get to know me i'm a bitt 'crazy' I love music, dancing, drawing and painting Sometimes i can be a bitt sadistic but that's only when i'm in a bad mood I'm a very loyal person! i love gaming and cosplaying Also i really really love you blog! Keep up the amazing work!

Hi there Julia! I would ship you with…Jerome, and Jim!


So what if you could be a little crazy and sadistic at times…Jerome wasn’t going to judge you for that! In fact, this darker persona within you was what drew him towards you in the first place. Jerome was keen to break through your initial shyness as he wanted nothing more than for you to trust him. It wasn’t long before you and Jerome were close, with you pledging your undying loyalty to him - which was all Jerome needed to feel content.


Jim had never met anyone like you before but he wouldn’t have changed a single thing about you. He accepted that you were initially very shy and didn’t mind that you had your quirks; unable to escape the fact that you were a truly kind and loyal person. Although Jim wasn’t big on dancing or dressing up, he welcomed your interests and admittedly did enjoy seeing you dancing around in cosplay. Frankly, seeing you in various different costumes was rather cute and he just wanted to hug you.

I hope you liked it, my lovely! ❤

3 years ago

Viktor x GN!Reader x Jayce A love so soft.



"Care to sleep with me tonight?"

Looking up from the notes he was reading and writing on, his bags under his eyes were bigger than ever, his cheekbones on full display. He sighs, but nods, pushing the notes away from himself. Smiling, I opened the door to one of the side rooms, after seeing them pull all-nighters I made the cleaning closet into a small sleeping room for the both of them to use. I had my own lab but usually, I was found in their lab, my own project pushed into a corner as they worked tirelessly on their hextech dream.

A small grin was on my face as I had light up some candles, together with some sweet milk in the corner for him to drink. Hearing his cane hit the ground a few times I knew he was standing beside me. With a grin on my face, I turned around, seeing his eyes slightly widen. Kissing his cheek, I pulled him inside, helping him sit down as the beds were right onto the ground. Softly asking him if he needed help. The only answer I got from him is him leaning into my side, with a soft smile, I undid his tie. Whispering sweet nothing to him, telling him how proud of him I am, and to be lucky to have him in my life. Only for him to push a hand against my face, telling me to stop, covering his face, as he had turned red. Offering him an apology, undoing the buttons of his blouse, kissing his shoulder, folding it so he could wear it again later.

Telling him to sit up, I slide off the bed onto the floor, undoing his brace, softly massaging at the joints, a groan leaving his lips. Eyes staring down at me, and the only thing I could see in his breathtaking eyes was love and a certain kind of softness. Carefully laying away the brace, I helped him out of his pants, a small hiss leaving his mouth as he moved his leg wrong. Kissing his knee, his hand cupping my face, leaning into his soft touch, he slightly pulled on it telling me he wanted me to join him on the bed again. Climbing in, I crawled to the back, patting the spot next to me as I pulled out the sweet milk and my own favorite drink.

"Thank you, Darling."

Kissing his jawline, I hummed shimming into the covers, a laugh leaving Viktor, pressing against my side. Staring up a conversation about how far they are into their current project, but him also asking about my own project. As our drinks were emptied, Viktor was slowly falling asleep as I quickly undressed, I pulled the covers up to our chin his hands already reaching for me I chuckled, kissing his nose I blew out the candles. As soon as light left the room, Viktor pulled me into his chest, running my fingers through his hair, feeling him lean into my hands. When light broke our peaceful moment only for a soft and familiar voice to reach our ears.

"Seems we are finally getting some sleep, Viktor."

A groan was all he got, Jayce himself laughing, taking off his clothing crawling into bed. Pulling Viktor close to him, kissing the side of his head a pleasant hum left Viktors mouth, softly smiling at them. Pushing myself closer to Viktor, laying on my side pushing my legs under Viktors so his leg was resting, Viktors hand found mine.

"Hello to you too, my dear."

Leaning over Viktor, Jayce lips softly pushed against me, not leaving me behind in affection. As he pulled back I leaned up to him quickly giving him an extra peck on the lips. With a grin on his face, he plopped back next to Viktor, taking hold of my other hand, trying to pull me closer to the two of them. The conversation started up again, Jayce talking about the council and how they were super boring, Viktor chuckled his head laying on Jayces' shoulder, my chin resting on his shoulder. A soft smile present on my lips, I stared at the two, just so lucky to have them in my life. Jayce golden eyes were filled with love as he listened to Viktor talk, Viktor himself had his close, sleep was slowly pulling at his mind, words coming out softly. A hand on my cheek was what snapped me out of my mind, looking up at Jayce, a grin on his face, his thumb rubbing my cheek as it burned red.

"What is your beautiful mind thinking about, Love?"

"You and Viktor."

Viktors amber eyes opened looking at me, soft smile playing on his lips, hand moving to my neck.

"Sorry, I just... I love you guys so much."

Hands slid down my body as I leaned over them, bringing them into a hug, digging my face between their shoulders. Feeling them hug me back, soft whispers of how much they loved me too, never wanting to lose me and they would always be here for me. Sliding back, I kissed them, whispering against their lips again how much I love them. Fully laying back onto my place, their hands found my own, sleep finally settling in with Jayce and me. Pulling us closer, Jayce hummed, Viktor asleep, as I brushed his hair out of the brilliant scientist face, Jayce and I made eye contact, so much love in those golden eyes, as they slide close. I hoped this moment could last forever, save tucked away in the arms of my lovers.

what a life that would be.

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10 years ago

a late night smile

"Laura, i know your in here, i can hear you breathing."  a young male voice was heared. the source of the sound, is an another apparition of young Ruvik, however this time he was accompanied by an older apparition. She was a woman with long black flowing hair, and she had the palest skin ever seen. Her red dress was beautiful, she was beautiful. The older girl walked  behind Ruvik and muttered a soft 'boo', making the younger Ruvik jump. than the sceen they both disappeared, the sight of a younger Ruvik playing was surprisingly adorable wondering what could have happened to make him change out of that sunny disposition. 

than there was rustling heard, a young ruvik playing in hay with the laura not to far away. it was sweet, but there was a sound of crackling behind. blasted with heat and ash, the barn was lit on fire. 

Ruvik and laura were on fire, multiple parts of their flesh being burned to the bone. laura lift ruvik to the window, and began to push him to the top. Soon enough ruvik made it to the top, only to fall with a blood curdling scream and land hard. afther that the fire eat her and she screamed in pain holding on to her head. 

ruvik shot up with sweat covering his body, tears in the corner of his eyes. he leaned his arms on his knees he rest his head in his hands. unknow to him that the big door to his room opened, showing a girl with (hair colour) (hair length) in shorts, sport bra and a zip up hoodie. she closed the door walking to the side of the bed. "(name)?" ruvik looked op and the girl, who was standing there looking at him with a worry look on her face. 

"ruvik what is... are you alright?" she clim on top the bed, softly placing a hand on his face. he sigh as he placed his hand on top of her nuzzeling it, but still sees the pictures of the day infrond of his eyes. "ruvik, did you have a nightmare?" he didn't react as (name) sigh sitting behind him pulling him down on to her lap.

"(name)? d-don't... don't leave." (name) leaned down kissing his forehead, i soft smile laying on her pink lips. "i will be at your side." she softly wispered to him, as she sit straight humming softly. afther some time ruvik reachts out to her hand entwining there fingers, giving the back of her hand a soft kiss. "can you sing (name)?" she softly nob as she smiled down at him, she softly begin to sing. 

"Words are born into air And quick fade out in the wind But they find their way inside you Where they live on forevermore When the skies are dark and full of rain Look inside your heart The light, so warm will come and glow Shining just like the sun You can see, just how much you've grown How strong you are my love will open up to you And it starts from the day that you, first heard those words"

he smiled at the singing girl as she end, she lift up ruviks head and pulled of her hoodie, layinf down next to him. ruvik pulled her closer buring his head in her (colour hair) hair. "ruvik?" "uhm?" he pulled back looking down at the younger girl.

"uhm... i.. i-i." she was cut of by the lips of ruvik as he kissed her with emotion. she react a few seconds later but wrab her arms around his neck as he did by her waist. "love you too, (name)." she blushed but smiled, a quick kiss was placed on ruviks lips as she said back. "i love you too, ruvik." thay smiled as ruvik pulled her close agian, as thay both slowly fall asleep, and never there was a nightmare again. 

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9 years ago

This is the best thing ever thank you very Much!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Uhm if this is still open can i get a ship from star wars? Well i'm 160 cm long and have Brown hair till my waist, with blue and red highlights in It, but i have It up in to a messy bun. I have blue eyes and my friends say that they sometimes can see little stars in them. I love drawing/painting but I won't back down on a fight, i'm not afraid to hurt someone to protect the poeple i love. I like to wear shorts and a to big shirt that can hang of my shoulders. Also i love music and dancing.

Star Wars ship: Anakin

Uhm If This Is Still Open Can I Get A Ship From Star Wars? Well I'm 160 Cm Long And Have Brown Hair Till

(ok, seriously that eyebrow thing is precious)

You and Anakin share a protective nature that sometimes makes you both do stupid things.  Like trying to jump to the others’ defense without first thinking the situation through.  Its more help than a hindrance and if one of you gets hurt protecting the other you will always patch each other up.  He likes to watch you paint or draw and even poses for you if you ask.  Or maybe you’ll be dancing and he will just stare at you with those loving eyes and suddenly join you in your dance, unable to stop himself.