saritamanyalu - SaritaManyAlu

Hello! I'm Brazilian, I hope you like my arts! Also, take a look at my link to Deviantart! She/her

792 posts

A Lovely Meet

A lovely meet

One afternoon in the woods, a red minicon accompanied with his friend in which he looked like a samurai, they were both looking for something. When one of them says:  Slipstream: Jetstorm, go that way. While I go that way.  Jetstorm: Sure! You got it! The two went in different directions, Slipstream focused on his mission, suddenly hearing a sound of leaves flapping in a bush.  Turning and quickly drawing his spear, he points to the place where the sound came from, and as soon as a loud sound was made, the red minicon did not think twice about attacking.  Slipstream: AAH!  He brings down another minicon, which this time was a Decepticon, which had purple skin, a three-pointed helmet that growled.  Divebomb: Argh! What the! Ah!?  He spots the bot in front of him, who points his spear at him.  Slipstream: You..! What are you doing here?!  Divebomb: Grr! It’s none of your business! - He gets up angry, with his claws ready to attack. Slipstream: You better not dare! I didn’t come alone! Divebomb: Oh oh! I’m scared! Tell me another you! Little samurai of low class! Provoking the Autobot, he made him angry, made a push with his spear, which drops him to the ground once again, trapping him. Slipstream: Now you tell me at once, what are you doing here!? Is it by chance to spy and inform your boss about our mission?! Divebomb: I told you it’s not your Urgh!   Slipstream presses the lance handle against your neck. Divebomb: Okay! I talk! I didn’t come to spy on you! I was just walking around! I don’t care about your little lives! Slipstream: Oh yeah? And how do I know you’re NOT LYING? Divebomb: Maybe because I’m alone and my master don't know? And can you stop suffocating me!? I can’t breathe! Slipstream: Good.. I don’t have much confidence in you, Decepticon.. So.. I want you to promise that you won’t attack me and I’ll set you free.. Alright? Divebomb: Uugh.. Yeah, yeah! I promise.. And slowly, Slipstream pulled out of him, Divebomb pulled away and stood up, looking at his rival. Divebomb: What now? Am I free?  Slipstream: Let me see.. Hmm.. No. I guess I’ll have to keep you as my prisoner.  - He gives a singing smile, which leaves the Decepticon little concerned about that. And that’s when he had a brilliant idea and then he started talking:  Divebomb: Oh no! Did I become your prisoner now? Well.. Since you said that, how about I do something for you?  Slipstream: Is this serious?  Divebomb: Of course! You seem pretty stressed lately, could I help you with that?  He approaches, the red mini bot still suspicious, points his spear right at him. With his hand, Dive passively lowers the weapon while continuing to speak:  Divebomb: Relax.. I won’t do anything to you. Strumming Slip’s hand, which showed a bluish flushing, confused with the situation, in an unexpected motion, he entwined his arms behind his neck, bringing his face closer to that of Slipstream, who asked:  Slipstream: Uh.. W-what are you doing.?  Divebomb: Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.. And you’ll like it..  Finally, he joined his lips with his, in a light and satisfying kiss, Slip looked surprised for a second before yielding to that romantic moment.  After this surprise, the two separate, and on the face of the red minicon was a strong blue shade of blush, while the Decepticon had a slight laugh. Until a voice interrupts that moment:  Jetstorm: SLIPSTREAM!  Divebomb sees the other approach and then runs away, leaving Slip with the Jet.  Jetstorm: Slip! He did something to you!? Are you okay? Slipstream seems to get stuck in a mess of thoughts that tried to process what had happened, until he was awakened and responds to his companion:  Slipstream: N-no, I’m fine.. Come on.. Just go back.. The master must be worried..  Jetstorm: Uuh.. But what about him?  Sliptream: Let him go.. Let’s go.. - he was walking away, Jet at that time did not know what was happening and what just happened, but was accompanying his partner back to the junkyard. All the characters (c) Transformers Robots in Disguise

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More Posts from Saritamanyalu

2 years ago
" Don't Worry.. It Won't Hurt.. You Will Like It "

" Don't worry.. It won't hurt.. You will like it "

Divebomb, Slipstream (c) Transformers robots in disguise

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2 years ago
saritamanyalu - SaritaManyAlu


2 years ago

Biography of Monster Soldiers

Monster Soldiers are shape-shifting creatures that can transform into any living being, especially humans. They have three different names:

Malum (which in Latin means ''Evil'');

Deceivers, giving the characteristic that these creatures transform into people to deceive;

And its scientific name: ''Metamoryumen'' which looks like ''Metamorhuman'' in English; But the most used name among them is the Monster Soldier. For they have more of the appearance and characteristics of soldiers than of civilians in disguise.

Age range of Monster Soldiers:

These monsters have a longer life expectancy than humans. Can live up to 2000 years

1 - 12 - Baby

12 - 30  - Childhood

30 - 60 - Pre-teen

70 - 100 - Teenager

200- 400 - Young Adult

600-800 - Mature Adult

900 - 1040- Old age.

At 9, 12 years old. The cubs learn to use their metamorphosis for the first time, acquiring their human identity.

Language and culture The Monstrum, is the original Monster Soldier’s language. Having symbols with their meanings and pronunciations of the words.


Rules of the Pronunciation: - Don't use '' Gen '' two times when the word has two '' g '', just use one for the first time. Example: Elangenuages  - When the pronunciation of ''U'' in the monstrum language, so has a word where it has the letter ''U'' accompanied by another letter like ''Guar'' for example.. Leave the letter ''V'' silent and just use the ''U'' Example: Jaguar -And also the Soldier Monsters pronounce the ''Di'' like Dee-i, also used when the word is ''Day'' So this will end up sounding like: Dee-ivy - About saying their names, they say it in a normal way like the humans. No need to use the pronunciations of the alphabet to say a name like: ‘‘ Handstorm ‘‘ or ‘‘ Streektracker ‘‘  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One thing they have in common is the pack. Monster soldiers don’t stand alone, social activity is important to them. You will never see such a creature walking alone, there will always be another accompanying it. In addition to using their language, they use body language to communicate with their partners. And now we have the question: ‘'Why do Soldier Monsters not support loud sounds or high sound frequencies? '’ Well, despite being fast, agile and having superhuman strength and the gift of shapeshifting. They lived in caves during their evolution and development of their species. Being a place of not much noise, they had to develop their hearing ability in order to hear their prey in the dark. Like a ''second pair of eyes'', using echolocation. So having a keen hearing. And when they started to live with humans and their discoveries and creations. They had difficulties with the noise of the urban environment, their hearings were stunned by the loud noises. Having to move away from the noisy population and live in isolated areas, such as forests or abandoned places.

Body language and curiosities:

- Soldier monsters can sleep with their eyes open, because they have a thick protective layer. That protects something from getting in your eyes or drying out - When they show confidence in someone, they lay their head on their shoulders or hands. - Feeling threatened or scared, the creatures beat their feet or tails against the ground and arch their backs, showing their teeth.That’s all! - When the dogs were installed in the army, it made it very difficult for the monsters to hunt. Mainly because the animals had a good nose and had a higher bark. Hope you all like it!

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2 years ago
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[ Losing my mind ]