Rid2015slipstream - Tumblr Posts

" Don't worry.. It won't hurt.. You will like it "
Divebomb, Slipstream (c) Transformers robots in disguise

Gender: Femme
Type: Minicon
Home: Earth Faction: None Clawstream is a minicon, the adopted daughter of Slipstream and Divebomb. She has the same average height as a human. Having features similar to Divebomb, such as having sharp claws and thick arms. She has a samurai characteristic too. Personality: She is very playful and adventurous, being curious to every human or cybertronian engineering or species of living being. The first time she saw Russell, she kept asking Bee if he could turn into a car like him and also why he’s so small. And there was this one time, she drew on a metal plate, her parents and her. And when she showed them, Slipstream was crying for an hour of cuteness while Dive laughed at him.
Clawstream is a minicon that was created on planet Earth and adopted by Slipstream and Divebomb as her parents, she grew up learning life on the planet and with her parents about their groups, she became indecisive about which group she belonged to. So she was left without a mark, it didn’t stop her from being cheerful and playful with Bee’s team members
Clawstream likes to hear the stories of Drift in Cybertron and his work, as a hobby, she trains with her father Slipstream or spends time trying to bite Divebomb’s tail and play with it.
She met Bumble Bee’s team, but she never met the Decepticon team. Maybe because the Autobots were afraid that they would influence her to be on their team.
In this case, the Decepticons do not know about the existence of Clawstream, kept secret by Divebomb.
Clawstream (c) me
Divebomb, Slipstream (c) Transformers Robots in Disguise