Hello! I'm Brazilian, I hope you like my arts! Also, take a look at my link to Deviantart! She/her https://www.deviantart.com/saritamanyalu
792 posts
Video Game Time!
Video game time!
Transformers RID2015 fanfic - ( Divebomb x Slipstream ) requested by @peppertammycats - Hey Divebomb! I’m here and brought you something new! - Shouted Slipstream while walking through an isolated area, waiting for the Decepticon minicon to appear until... - Boo! - A whisper made the red minicon jump and turn around quickly and see Divebomb laughing at the bot's fearful expression. - Can you stop doing that!? - His astonished face suddenly changes to embarrassed with a bluish tint almost covering his entire face. - Haha! I love to see you scared, it makes every face weird! - Answered the purple minicon, with a smile. - So... What do you have there? Said he had something to show. - Asked the same, leaning a little to see what Slipstream had in hand. The bot simply displays a portable video game that Russell borrowed in his spare time, piquing Divebomb's curiosity, who wags his tail from side to side when he sees such a thing. Already questioning: - What is it? - It's a video game, the human gave it to me. I wanted to show you, since the decepticons don't have anything to entertain you, I think it would be nice to have something to distract you. - Oh, that! - Replied Dive. - We spend time on missions to defeat the autobots, don't get me wrong. - Hmph, anyway... He taught me how to play, want to see? - Ok. - He sits next to Slipstream who does the same, the bot starts the game by pressing a button and soon the little samurai starts playing a simple obstacle course, which keeps two entertained for a while. - Wow.. That's too cool! - Said Divebomb. - Really, do you want to try? - Slipstream looks at the minicon who nods, he hands the video game to his partner, who looked at the device with a glow in the optics and his mouth formed in the sound of '' Ooh '' . - Look, the buttons on the right side of the device are the controls. You can jump or duck and walk sideways. - Okay, let's see! - Divebomb starts a phase, but in the first attempts he gets confused with the character's control command, making him walk from side to side and jump confused. Giving reason to Slipstream release an almost discreet laugh when seeing the situation. - Let me help you, Dive. - He moves his servo over Divebomb's hands and guides him to push the right buttons and teach him better while playing with him. - Wow! I think I'm learning! - Yeah, you got the hang of it! - Admits the autobot minicon, feeling proud seeing the con play well for the first time as a child. Going through a few minutes of portable game entertainment, Divebomb has passed its first stage. Already letting out a cry of joy: - YEAH! I DID IT! And first! Hey Slippy that was cool! Can I have this? - It could, but I don't know if the human will agree with the idea.. - Oh yeah, I remembered. Here, here. - He gives the device to Slipstream and gets up from the ground and dusting himself off with the beating of his servos. - By the way, thanks for the game. Maybe next time, you bring two so we can play together. - Leave it to me! - Slipstream agreed with a friendly smile, making Divebomb blush a little.
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More Posts from Saritamanyalu
; - ; That happens to me too! I JUST BLOCK THEM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Me when I wake up and see that more porn bots have followed me:

Can you do a story of Divestream but like maybe Russell and Sideswipe or something but I do love love LOVE this ship! And the stuff you make anyway bye!
I REMEMBER THE SHIP NOW! LOL! Sorry, i asked to show the characters but i remember now its’s about the ship Divebomb x Slipstram, sorry! XD

Combaticons (c) Hasbro
I asked my friend to try to help a bit with the story- she said she doesn't know if it will help but she finds it interesting if Fracture or another decepticon find out- if this helps at all
Oh! Ok! Then, let's try a little different story where Fractures discovers about Slipstream and try to do something with this.