scarletmaster143 - A collection of eclectic passions
A collection of eclectic passions

she/her, "bi as a pie", mentally I'm either 12 or 84, no in between, too many fandoms not enough me, moonlitwaltz on ao3 , scarletmaster143 on wattpad, if you want a cute nickname hmu

199 posts

Theu Gave Him A Bread In Mouth Running Late To School Opening

Theu gave him a bread in mouth running late to school opening

I cannot

The opening theme of the new season of Black butler is too shonen for this goth, dark comedy fever dream

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More Posts from Scarletmaster143

9 months ago

My love language is people coming home early just to spend more time with me/carving a bit of time during the day to come hang out with me

(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)

8 months ago

They went OFF with the visuals this season

Still don't like this attack on Titan opening, just because you have piano doesn't make it appropriate for bb

Wait are we going to have zombies??

Sebastian is THRIVING

Or not

Literally is an heir to a full earldom and corporation

What in the gay maid cafe bs is this

Okay so not Ayato

Midford!! Why you being gay

Lol please make him serve your tea

Repressed gay Victorian boy paradise


The voice switch!!!!!!

*uses his contract demon to make deserts*

The way I NEED Elizabeth to show up at some point

Missed their banter so damn much


Not them name-dropping Hegel


why is there a literal confession box in this library

Stop being a priest you literal demon from hell

Not him calling Cole out on the cooking time

Oooohhh I know who's comingggg

Is it my favourite duo? IT ISSSSSS

Ofc they have to be here

The "agony" he is facing


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8 months ago

FAKEEEEE ASS BITCH (affectionate)

Ughhhhhh ewwwwwwwww guys stop, this is much too lovey dovey

Bratty ciel is back~~

Lol Sebastian firing shots left and right


Ciel prioritising dessert as usual

Aww nooo guys go away let him have his summer pudding

This is wildly entertaining

Aw no tiny baby is swimming in his fake military outfit

Lol sebby being always prepared for his young master's sake

Hey he should be a butler

Smug ass bitch boi

Do they HAVE to wear the gay hats?

Victorians were strange

Things are gonna go to hell in this ep aren't they?

Earl grey is hereeeeeee (I love his name)

Lol the queen is deffo laughing at ciel in her head

Hahahahahahahaha losers

Mandatory ciel and Lizzie dance

Lol not them having dramatic ass music being played


Is it

Are they zombies

Is it the grim reaper squad?


Ughhhhhhhhhh cliffhanger

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10 months ago

Better yet they try to convince themselves that there is nothing there and it's just friendship/business partnership but deep down they have fallen so irrevocably in love with each other it's sickening

All that exploration in my teenage years and experimenting with different dynamics just to find out that my type is story is powerful man reduced to tears (and knees) because of his love for wife who is just a little calculating and evil

9 months ago


I live in the Mirror World

A world of reflections and reverberations

My smile is an echo of a love long past

My face a distortion of dreams

I live as a mirror

Of those I surround

An inflection, an affiliation

I frown the frown I am scared of

I walk the gait I anticipate

Other around me are also mirrors

The curl of a strand, the shape of the face

Each reflected across time and space

I see in them my own manner

And wonder about the egg and the chicken

The world of mirrors is cruel

It pushes forward memories

Habits that were thought to be buried

Resurfaced just to unsettle the mind

An osmosis without consent, a contagion without cure

I live in a World of Mirrors

A fun house of persons and souls

The primary is lost somewhere in the depths of the warehouse

And reflections fill up my world

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