Name is Scav! Pronouns are He/Him! Please be respectful
224 posts
Why Dont You Have Parents
why don’t you have parents
Died didn’t they. Tehe funny
xjayrobinsonx liked this · 2 years ago
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Throw back to this masterpiece

Dildo Generator
Online 3D experiment by Ikaros Kappler which is described as a “Extrusion/Revolution Generator” ….
Created with three.js, you can alter the bezier curves and angle of the form, and is designed with 3D printing in mind (models can be exported and saved, as well as calculated weight in silicone).
Try it out for yourself (if you wish) here

The Dream SMP fandom has taken over my life lmao. I decided to give Technoblade a go and half way through I noticed that I’ve never seen anyone give him a beard so instead of giving him long locks I gave him a lil beard. I’ll probably be improving some details later if I don’t move onto a different character. Thinking of doing Tommy or Wilbur next.
What if Ranboo kills Dream.
I know that sounds weird considering the guy has the backbone of a chocolate eclair but what if him hearing voices because far too much. And with Dream being the focus of his hallucinations, he just snaps and attacks him out of no where.
So like let me set a scene for y’all.
Dream basically goes a little insane inside his cell, not in a murderous way but a kinda broken way. Barely speaking during visits, starring at the clock and walking into the lava more and more. So Sam or Tommy suggest taking him out for a day on good behaviour.
Dream gets to come out of his cell and walk around the smp for a day but only if he’s accompanied by guards and volunteers. So Tommy, Tubbo, Sam, Quackity and others (Bad and Antfrost depending on the whole egg stuff) are there following Dream around telling him about everything that’s going on with the smp. But near the end of the day Dream asks if they can go to a place that’s quite and stuff so he can just appreciate the small things he doesn’t have in prison.
When they get there Dream sits a fair few paces ahead of everyone just looking at the land while the others chat amongst themselves. After a couple minutes Ranboo walks over to everyone without noticing Dream (he had no idea he was outside) and asks what’s going on.
Half way through Sam’s explanation, Ranboo notices Dream and can’t look away from him. From Ranboo’s point of view everything goes black but Dream and he starts to hear the voice yelling at him, getting louder and louder with each sentence. But in reality Dream is still vibing in his own little world.
Anyways Ranboo starts to get really really stressed and overwhelmed, making wonder man noises and shaking. The voice screams one last thing at him (somthing among the lines of traitor or psycho?) which causes Ranboo to snap and push past everyone towards Dream.
He starts shouting at him to get out of his head while the voice starts to whisper insults getting harsher the closer he gets. Dream meanwhile is like wtf is going on and stands up, putting his hands in the air trying to show that he’s peaceful. But because Dream wears a mask and you can’t see his mouth Ranboo thinks that Dream is actually saying it all to him.
This leads to Ranboo breaking to a new level and straight up slashing down with his sword, striking Dream in the face and torso. This of course kills him in one swing because he’s got no armour what’s so ever. So it’s already too late by the time the others run over to try and save him.
Everyone starts shouting, trying to understand wtf just happened while Dream leaves the game... then enters DreamXD.
Boom bam everyone is even more confused to see him (He’s confirmed to be a separate entity to Dream). Everyone shuts up when he teleports to the exact spot Dream died and begins to build a grave/momoral for him, placing his now broken mask into a item frame next to the grave stone. Once he’s done he turns around and faces Ranboo, who is currently distraught that he’s murdered someone, and just says:
DreamXD: It’s okay... it was about time he paid for his wrong doings...
Ranboo: I- I don’t know why I did that. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t want to-
DreamXD: I know.
DreamXD: This was unavoidable...
DreamXD: I suggest you check spawn...
Dream joined the game
DreamXD left the game.
End scene
Should I write this into a proper fanfic? Maybe? Idk, if anyone wants this turned into a proper fic I’ll write it up, or if anyone wants to write it themselves you are more than welcome but please credit me. I will more than likely be posting a comic of this (I already have it sketched out lol).
Edit: For anyone who whats to a fic of this I’m in the process of writing the first chapter. Part of it’s already posted over on AO3. It’s called Drowning in regret.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29110698/chapters/71460018

Spellbound Felines Series by Sam Hogg