Dsmp Spoilers? - Tumblr Posts

i dont want to be hurt again. YOU dont want to be hurt again.

your little meow meow is back and he's gaslighting teensÂ
random thing i noticed
philzas wings cant take a break man ??
so far in qsmp ive seen several mentions of his wings being screwed up.
Apparently pre-purgatory he hurt his wings. Then apparently he healed them during purgatory. And then at the end of purgatory he hurt them or something (he was using his wings to carry like the peeps over to the boat to escape and they.. broke??? or well durability on the elytra went poof. i dont know what you'd call a flightless bird, like how you'd refer to their wings.? i guess just broken?)
so thats two
Then spoilers for bIRTHDAY STREAM (ive paused so far so if it happens again oops) which was today/yesterday? im writing this while its still his birthday but yknow
ender king or whatever his name is was like 'ill take one thing from you' and then his wings are like purple-y.
bruuh sob
and thats probably not a big number. but you know the 'if i had a quarter for every time [something] happened, i'd have two quarters, which isn't a lot but its weird it happened twice'
and then go to dsmp where he hurt his wings during the. explosion. with l'manberg. y'know, i dont need to elaborate. probably.
poor wings.

come n get it đź—Ł

dsmp spoilers
a ghost from the past
Ranboo: keeps saying he blew up the community house after the season 2 Finale when he was very clearly there when Dream admit to doing it.
Me: Just bad continuity...
Ranboo: introduces Enderwalk soon after this.
Ranboo, literal months later: Doesn’t remember the finale, not because of his bad memory, but because he was in his Enderwalk state at the time. His behavior at the time suddenly makes sense, and nobody actually noticed his Enderwalk before he started using his silk touch while in that state, so it makes perfect sense that he was doing it before anyone knew it was a thing. And of course people wouldn’t bring up why Dream was in prison; he’s horrible. Who on the smp would actually bat an eye at waking up one day and realizing Dream’s done something to wind up in there. And who was going to correct him about the Community house when the only one’s he actually told were Phil and Techno, who were some of the only people that weren’t there during the Finale.

The stream was eight hours ago... How
(Bless the animators)
Are you telling me that this man
This revolutionary

Wake up dude, new lore bingo dropped
Rating dsmp characters based on how good I think their hugs would be bc I'm bored
alivebur: 4/10 will go on a crazy ramble, and he's very cold. the evil laugh is on point tho, and pretty good squeeze
Ghostbur: 9/10 he would just act like i'm the best. i like those hugs. he's cold though, and the blue would be hard to clean up :/
Philza: 10/10 dad hugs. and wings. great mix. and he's fucking Philza Minecraft
Techno: 5/10 he wouldn't hug back at first, but once he does it's warm. but the hugs are always too short and he barely even sqeezes.
Tommy: 6/10 this child will stab you. other than that, pretty solid hug.
Tubbo: 7/10 this child won't stab you. but he will make a vague threat. he seems warm though, and he would do the lil squeeze
Ranboo: 9/10 he tall. and he is a dad and a lesbian. dads and lesbians give the best hugs. he has a tail too, and it'll probably wrap around hug receiver. good hug :) he might have an existential crisis mid-hug tho :(
Karl: 10/10 have you seen this man? he would give the best hugs. like, hug tight with one hand and the other in hair. aaaaaaaaaaaa cold hands, tho
Sappitus Nappitus: 8/10 so fjucking warm. prolly head on top of head too. sometimes he might get exited and light on fire though
Quack man: 6/10 just... long hug. long hugs are good. he might propose a weird gamble thingy though
Dream: 1/10 will blackmail you/steal your prized possessions/speedrun your funeral. pretty warm though
Niki: 10/10 she's warm, she smells like bread, and she will mess with the hair
Puffy: 10/10 mom hugs. she smells like the ocean, and rocks back and forth like she's rocking a baby. wait i want c!Puffy as a mom-
Foolish: 9/10 this 24 foot motherfucker could carry me like a baby. the initial lift would be terrifying, but i would feel like baby, so it would be worth it
Eret: 9/10 she would do the thing where she wraps his arms around you. and does the squeezy. but will step on the feet every time without fail
BBH: 2/10 will try to bring you into his weird egg cult. but dad vibes
Antfrost: 5/10 kitty but egg. but tall and could carry me like baby. but i would need to join egg cult... time to be mind controlled ig
Ponk: 9/10 he gives off the vibes
Sam: ?/10 he's a bit of a wild card, he would give good hugs, but at the same time, look at what happened to Ponk
Skeppy: 1/10 he's 2'2. and made out of diamond. so it would feel like hugging a sharp, cold, hard stuffed animal.
Hannah: 10/10 scary flower lady gives off the vibes. idk why
ok cool i'm done
I told y'all.
I feel validated, my theory is shaping up to be correct! Oh my gosh!
I'm desperate pls
The masculine urge to wish so hard for other streamers to canonize Wilbur's lore even somewhat cause it's so good.
Wilbur said it is a Canon Divergent AU now cause of... you know lol
But just bullshit saying he survived or only lost his 2nd life and we're golden! It fits so perfectly with current Prison lore and I just don't want to sacrifice Techno and Tubbo reconciliation over closure for Revivedbur, please don't make me choose lol :,)
Wa I think it could fit in canon, it would be set during the quiet period before the prison escape wouldn’t it?
So uhhhh wait just a minute.
I get that C!Awesam is having an amazing time rn with his new roommate C!Dream, but now I gotta wonder how exactly is this gonna work with C!Sam still having multiple bodies.
Are they not different hosts lead by C!Sam using his own consciousness? Why can't just C!Sam escape through moving to them? Doesn't he have a main body he should worry about? Confusion.

d e n i a l
Wait does that mean Tommy is gonna be in the void with Schlatt and Wilbur?
Or is he gonna become a ghost like Ghostbur?
Also how come Wilbur got a ghost but Schlatt didn’t?
Semi correct with the ghostboo / boo one!
how i imagine each of the bench trio's version of ghostbur would be!
tommy's ghost would be mute, unable to speak his mind, and because of this he tries to learn sign. he's a trouble maker, using his limited power to prank all of his friends and scare them shitless. he would be a lot harder to perceive than ghostbur was, and has an affinity for bonding with cows (he's obsessed w fluffy cows! but since he phases through them he's quite sad he cant feel how fluffy they are)
tubbo's ghost would live in the mansion, unable to leave. His soul is tied to it, by request of foolish one day in an offhand comment. (mumza hears, and she and foolish are friendly- plus it's not torture to be soulbound somewhere.) michael finds ghostbo first, and while tubbo doesnt remember every single thing, he quickly realizes that this is his son- this is their life that they left behind. he spends a lot of his time protecting and watching over michael, and michael appreciates the attention he's been lacking for so long. (and when the time comes that ranboo comes home to the mansion after grieving and having the support of the syndicate, theyre in for a surprise.)
ranboo's ghost would be on the thoughtless side, simply wandering and making friendly conversation with people. they remember everything, as a ghost, from the moment they took their first breath to those excruciating lives being taken, to tubbos smile and tommys allium, to michaels first laugh. whether its good or not. they spend a lot of time alone because of this, but as previously mentioned, at night they wander and make conversation with people.
feel free to add with your own faves, im just a bench trio enthusiast!
I can’t believe Charlie slimecicle is actually 12 years old in canon /j
I JUST SAW SOMEONE SAY LIKE “c!dream abused a minor so c!quackity is better” AND LIKE…. C!QUACKITY HAS,.. ALSO? ABUSED A MINOR? HELLO
Ranboo chat this stream really be like a bunch of children forced on a roadtrip with the neighbors