sebrem77 - sebrem's photo stream
sebrem's photo stream

Random pictures I took during everyday life and other stuff from the internet

1499 posts

Rombergpark, May 2, 2015

Rombergpark, May 2, 2015

Today I went with friends to Rombergpark to see the effect of May (“Alles neu, macht der Mai” we say in German “May brings new things” or however it is to translate). There were goslings, ducklings, lots of butterflies and bumblebees



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Click on the photos to zoom, visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget.

Google+ made another story, again including some of the pictures I’d have considered more or less as “outtakes” 😉

Some of the pictures are also on Instagram:

Nile #ducks with #ducklings in #Rombergpark #Dortmund


– see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:23 Uhr

The colourful #trees in #Rombergpark #Dortmund


– see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:27 Uhr

A canada #goose with #goslings in #Rombergpark #Dortmund


– see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:31 Uhr

A nice place with #trees in #Rombergpark #Dortmund – see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:33 Uhr

Felt like a princesses #garden in #Rombergpark #Dortmund – see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:36 Uhr

Light and shadow in #Rombergpark #Dortmund – see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:37 Uhr

Nice #pink #flower in #Rombergpark #Dortmund – see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:39 Uhr

This will be a giant #fern in a couple of weeks I think – taken in #Rombergpark #Dortmund – see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:43 Uhr

A Canada #geese couple swimming with their #goslings in #Rombergpark #Dortmund


– see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:45 Uhr

The small lake with the sunken #trees in #Rombergpark #Dortmund – see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am 2. Mai 2015 um 13:47 Uhr

Rombergpark, May 2, 2015 was originally published on sebrem's musings

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