Ducklings - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Saved some ducklings from the pool and returned them to mama today :D

Saved Some Ducklings From The Pool And Returned Them To Mama Today :D

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3 years ago

I just want some fluff guys. is a "AU" where everything is the same...but Quackity and Schlatt actually have a good relationship and...Quackity randomly adopts ducklings. Yes. That's the AU. Quackity will just take more and more ducklings in the white house...and Schlatt will have to just deal with it. Is this some Bs? Maybe. But it seems cute.


Schlatt: ...Quackity, what do ya have there?

Quackity, while standing with his back turned to his husband and holding a bunch of little duck : ...Nothing?

Schlatt, already done with this all: Ya know that we can't take in even more ducks, sugar.

Quackity: But they were all alone! And...why not? There is enough space...

Schlatt: Because...everywhere I go, there are ducks...and we have Fundy here...he is a fox-hybrid...ya are really teasing him with that...

Quackity, already knowing that he can't argue with that, so he chooses the guilty voice: I know....but please? Common guapito.....those are the last ones...I swear!

Schlatt, already knowing that this is not true, questioning why he agreed to marry this man: Last ones. That or they will be grill-material.

Quackity already nodded wildly, knowing for sure that this was just a shallow threat without the intention to really do such horrible thing.


Schlatt: ALEX!

This cry was probably heard not only in the White House, but in whole Manburg. As soon as Quackity reached his husband, already holding a sword, thinking that he is in danger, he had to stop himself from almost falling. The scene in front of him was...something...

His husbands hair was messy, probably after his work out routine, tie already untied and he had a...not very pleasant look on his face. In front of his love was the giant bathtub, definitely big enough for two persons....if not three or four...and it was full with water and more importantly...full with duck baby's that were just swimming around. That explains why Schlatt called him.

-...They have to swim from time to time...- the first justification didn't have to wait.

-...Alex. I am sweating after work out, I still have work to do in the office, Wilbur burned our farms, which means that we have to get a new location for it, so we won't starve and the only thing that I want is to take a fucking bath.- The ram wasn't even shouting, which meant that...he really was stressed. He took a breath and then exhaled.

-Take them out and then let me know, when I can come back.-

He left, going to the office and Quackity just started to feel guilty...well...a little bit...he knew that Schlatt wasn't angry at him and that it was just the stress, but he wanted to make the situation better.

Some minutes passed and the duck hybrid opened the door that lead to his husbands office, which surely wasn't small. At the sound of the door opening and closing, the ram-hybrids ears twitched a little bit and he looked up, looking...more tired then anything else. Nobody said anything. Quackity just walked to the desk, stept to his husbands side, letting his own hands on the broad shoulders. He left a gentle kiss on the cheek of his man, smiling weakly. Schlatt exhaled loudly.

-I shouldn't have shout.- This was enough of an apology, that wasn't even needed.

-It's about that...we take a relaxing bath together and take the rest of the day as free of work?...-

-Sugar...I already told you, there is a lot to handle right now---

-I know...I know...but Fundy and Tubbo are there...-

-We can't shove this work on two kids. This will be a disaster.-

-They will handle it just fine...and if not, then we will stop everything before the nation burns to ashes...common Schlatt...mi amor...pumpkin of my life...-

-Okay...okay...a bath and two hours free....not more...-

-I can work with that...- The duck hybrid said with a gentle smile, scratching his husband behind the long ears, quietly chuckling when they twitch from the action. Just a little bit of patience and everything will be fine.

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1 year ago
Hey Guys. I Was At Universal Studios With My Friends And You Guys Cannot Believe The Cutest Thing That
Hey Guys. I Was At Universal Studios With My Friends And You Guys Cannot Believe The Cutest Thing That
Hey Guys. I Was At Universal Studios With My Friends And You Guys Cannot Believe The Cutest Thing That

Hey guys. I was at Universal Studios with my friends and you guys cannot believe the cutest thing that I saw. I got to see mama duck with her baby ducklings. It was just cute and just aww. My hart just can't take it when I see cute things.☺😍🐤

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10 years ago
Some #ducklings In #Rombergpark #Dortmund - A Little Early In #February. See Http://

Some #ducklings in #Rombergpark #Dortmund - a little early in #February. See for the full set (40 pics) - Canon PowerShot A620 (en Botanischer Garten Rombergpark)

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9 years ago
Nile #ducks With #ducklings In #Rombergpark #Dortmund :) - See Http:// For The

Nile #ducks with #ducklings in #Rombergpark #Dortmund :) - see for the full set (24 pics) and uncropped versions. Canon PowerShot A620 (en Botanischer Garten Rombergpark)

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1 year ago

big fan of when animals creche. Love to see so many fucking babies in one place

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10 months ago
So Some Friends Of Mine Found A Lone Hatchling Next To It's Mum, (She Wasn't Moving And Was Stiff And
So Some Friends Of Mine Found A Lone Hatchling Next To It's Mum, (She Wasn't Moving And Was Stiff And
So Some Friends Of Mine Found A Lone Hatchling Next To It's Mum, (She Wasn't Moving And Was Stiff And
So Some Friends Of Mine Found A Lone Hatchling Next To It's Mum, (She Wasn't Moving And Was Stiff And
So Some Friends Of Mine Found A Lone Hatchling Next To It's Mum, (She Wasn't Moving And Was Stiff And

So some friends of mine found a lone hatchling next to it's mum, (She wasn't moving and was stiff and cold), so they brought it to me and it's name is Tansy.

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10 months ago

Day 2 of having Tansy the orphan duckling.

Day 2 Of Having Tansy The Orphan Duckling.
Day 2 Of Having Tansy The Orphan Duckling.
Day 2 Of Having Tansy The Orphan Duckling.
Day 2 Of Having Tansy The Orphan Duckling.

Lil guy is adorable and so goofy, but they don't understand what food is so I'm really hoping they actually eat soon.

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10 months ago
Day 3 Of Owning Tansy.
Day 3 Of Owning Tansy.
Day 3 Of Owning Tansy.

Day 3 of owning Tansy.

So she's likely a mallard and we're going to the country store to buy food and we're going to steal a heat lamp from a friend.

Day 3 Of Owning Tansy.
Day 3 Of Owning Tansy.

More ducklings will be bought when we have a better setup, also they're much more lively and they're standing!!!!!!!!!

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4 years ago
Found A Single Lonely Duckling In My Garden A Few Days Ago. No Nest Or Mama Duck In Sight. Ive Decided

Found a single lonely duckling in my garden a few days ago. No nest or mama duck in sight. I’ve decided to adopt her/him (still too early to tell). Under the warming lamp cuddling with bearly. It’s 50/50 whether imprinting happens and the duck decides to bond or go back to the wild. Going back to the wild would be the BEST. We’ll see in about 6 months. I can’t believe I’m a mama duck 🦆...

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4 years ago
Chilln ....

Chilln’ 🦆....

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3 years ago

A couple of new members to the farm.

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6 months ago

Welcome to our two new ducks Laverne and Shirley.

Welcome To Our Two New Ducks Laverne And Shirley.

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6 months ago

Bath time for Laverne and Shirley

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6 months ago

Laverne and Shirley getting a bath

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5 months ago

Laverne and Shirley are getting so big. Almost time for them to move out to the farm.

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9 months ago

The way I literally said ‘duck’ when she walked under the fence

Last one did a back flip

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