ok so basically, i’m in luv with woozi
169 posts
Secretjunkyu - Tumblr Blog
seventeen as beautiful things.
seungcheol: the feeling of driving through empty city streets at night
jeonghan: the feeling of a cool feather pillow
jisoo: the feeling of warm hands embracing your cold ones
junhui: the rush you feel when your crush texts you
soonyoung: the feeling of walking out of school for the weekend
wonwoo: the smell and cool atmosphere of art museums
jihoon: the sound of a song you've been dying to hear all day
minghao: when your pet snuggles up beside you to nap
mingyu: the soft, clean feeling after you shower and crawl under your bedsheets
seokmin: the feeling of walking out in the sun and becoming immediately warm
seungkwan: the smell of fresh baked cookies
hansol: the sound of sleepy, sweet laughter with your friends late at night
chan: the taste of hot, spicy soup that warms you from the inside
hey bro uhh ive been thinking about it haha wanna maybe kiss sometime? like for practice i mean aha like on the lips? noo jkjk haha just messing with u.. but i will if u want to, jk tho unless u want to haha
i just remembered one time in kindergarten i punched this girl i knew because we were drawing birds and she drew her bird with a human nose and mouth and it pissed me off so badly i went into like berserker mode
it looked like this

masterlist other members: s.coups | jeonghan | joshua | jun | hoshi | wonwoo | dk | mingyu | the8 | seungkwan | vernon | dino
you’ve never been a clean person who has their shit under control
especially when it comes to keeping your own room clean
so how are you supposed to keep a whole apartment tidy
when you first moved into your new place that solely belonged to you,,, you thought everything was great because
you were a grown ass adult
to an extent at least
and you didn’t have your parents lecturing you and ordering you to tidy up your room,,,,, you are now an independent person who doesn’t need any help and can function on their own
or so you thought
two weeks in and your place has turned into the dumpster from hell
you did wash the dishes,,,, somewhat and did the laundry,,,,,, somehow
but because you are too lazy to take out the trash, you keep trying to stuff all of the garbage into the same trash bag even though there is no room to fit in anymore
okay you admit keeping a flat clean is a challenge
your tidiness may not be topnotch but your likability towards your neighbours makes up for it
except with one person,,,, namely the one who lives right next to you
alias lee jihoon
it’s not that you hate him or vice versa (you hope)
but more of,,,,,,,, he doesn’t talk a lot and you don’t see each other frequently
which surprises you as you even meet neighbour seungcheol more often and he lives like three levels below you
and it’s hard to build up a conversation with jihoon
there are two ways how a poor attempt to crack his shell will end up
either he shows his disinterest
or you can already tell by his body language that he feels uncomfortable and doesn’t want to talk
what am i saying it’s almost the same
but what you DID pick up was that lee jihoon is NOT an asshole
he may be quiet and hard to approach but he is not detestable!!!!!
whenever one asks him for favors he usually,,,,,,
you tried your luck several times
it always ended up with the same result but different words
“ask someone else”
“how about n o”
“i’m busy”
“that’s not my forte”
“oh look at the time i gotta go!!!!”
“jihoon,,,,, it’s eight in the evening and f r e e z i n g what do you want to do outside”
“i got a gig”
“but it’s a holiday,,,,,,”
“look that was me trying to reject you nicely now pLS STOP ASKING ME Y/N”
oKaY lee jihoon is an ass
you wonder,,, have you done anything wrong???
bc even when yOU offer yOUR help to HIM he shuts you down
“it’s fine!!!!!!”
“this is fragile i don’t trust anyone holding this”
“jihoon i’m not a klutz i swear you’ll trip and break it yourself”
“that’s what mingyu told me too and when i accepted his help that one time, he was the one who tripped and broke it so N O”
this dude can get grumpy
but when he is super extra grumpy and lets it all out on you he’ll realize his mistake and apologize
point proven that jihoon is not e n t i r e l y an asshole
remember you are a messy person?
well your parents decided to visit you on saturday
and they announced their surprise visit the day before
and that equals to you being DOOMED
your place is still a whole dumpster and all you have in the kitchen are frozen pizza, ramen noodles, eggs, condiments and candy
which means you are DOOMED X2
you know that you’re not able to clean the mess and go shopping in one day,,,,, it’s too much
hell you’re probably busy cleaning all night long into the morning because yes THATS HOW MESSY IT IS
you need help and p r o n t o
since mingyu has the reputation of being the cleanest one in the entire apartment block you try to ring him up,,,,,, but he’s currently not in town dsakjhdkj
and you don’t even try to ask seungcheol bc he’ll pull a dad on you and lecture you
knowing that all the others have their own schedules and you’re not all too close to them it seemed inappropriate to ask them
which only leaves jihoon as your last hope
so you rush over to his door and bang so long until he opens the door with an exasperated sigh like he already knows what you’re about to ask
he’s about to slam the door shut but you manage to keep it open with your foot
“you asked and this is my answer y/n”
“my parents are coming over and i need to seem like a functioning adult who is able to take care of themselves and their apartment but i don’t have any food left and i can’t go out shopping anymore so pls help me!!!!”
he blinks as he processes your words and then asks
“aha,,,,,, and you want me to,,,,,?”
“can i pls have some of your food???”
“are you c r a z y OF COURSE NOT!!!!”
of that took the last straw
and the door falls in its lock in front of your face
you bang on his door and whine around being the extra and desperate person you are
but as you realize he’s not going to fall for it you give up
this is a challenge you have to get through your own
even if it is going to cause you a lot of pain
aka your mom’s i tOLd yOU sO
when it comes to food you just have to improvise and say you had a huge gathering a few days ago and used up all of your food
yeah that seems like a good excuse
they’re definitely going to buy it,,,,,,, you hope
you were right with your prediction that you’d need the entire day and morning to clean up your place
and you have enough time left to go take a shower
tbh you’re still very anxious about the food problem
but well now it’s too late to think about it it’s time for improvisation
cue someone rings the bell and ofc it’s your parents
they’re quite impressed that you managed to have a clean place wow
and everything seems to run smoothly
until your dad decides to be t h a t guy and ask when it’s lunch time
“yeah about that,,,,,, i was thinking about something simple like pizza!”
and your mom sends you a suspicious look
“y/n you love to cook tho,,,,”
“i’m feeling a bit tired that’s why”
“well then we can all cook together!!”
oh s h o o t
your dad has the AuDACitY to head to your kitchen
when the doorbell suddenly makes a sound
you quickly run over and your jaw almost drops when you see the person in front of you
bc your parents are nosey and curious they stand behind you to see them
“hey,,,, i’m not too late am i??”
it’s jihoon with like 3 grocery bags in his hands
but what’s more
jihoon is fucking s m i l i n g
like a shy type of smile and you are sO perplexed because??? what went over him ????
your mom was first to react
“y/n i didn’t know you were in a relationship??? whatta surprise hELLO I AM Y/N’S MOM AND YOU ARE?? WAIT A SEC,, COME IN FIRST”
“mom we’re not-”
“it’s alright,,,, hello i’m jihoon,,,,,,”
did he just indirectly confirm that you were d a t i n g
in front of you parents
but they don’t seem to mind actually they are dELiGHTed
while your mom pushes him into the kitchen and asks him all kinds of things your dad stays behind with you and gives you the pat of approval
“looks like a nice guy,,,, how did you two meet??”
“dad we’re neighbours”
“i see,,,,,, love comes in all different kinds of situations huh”
not him too sdkjhdskj
somehow it ended up in the four of you cooking lunch together,,,,, what
“play along” jihoon mumbles quietly before he returns to chopping the vegetables and then asks in a normal conversational tone
“babe can you boil this already?”
did he just call you b a b e
in front of your parents
nonetheless you roll with it
and after a while you get used to it as well as with jihoon’s sudden touches like squeezing your hand reassuringly
and by the time you’re all at the table you nearly forget that the couple thing was just a front
and jihoon’s actually laughing at your dad’s lame jokes once in a while and you swear your mom is just w h i p p e d
by the time your parents are about to leave
your dad has some friendly talk going on with jihoon and your mom quietly remarks
“y/n tell me asap when you’re thinking of sealing the deal with him i can’t wait to play wedding planner!!!!!!”
and you’re like mOM PLS
if they only knew
and then they FINALLY leave
but ofc mother couldn’t leave without hugging you and jihoon first
when you turn around jihoon expression went from happy back to the indifferent and grumpy asshole jihoon
you start to go slow and test the waters
“uh, thanks for that you were my lifesaver!!!! but uh,,,, you didn’t have to say that we were a couple”
“i just went with what i thought would be most believable,” he deadpans and wants to leave to but you hold him back
“what is it???”
“was it then really necessary to call me babe????”
and boom he stays silent but instead he turns red
a small smile makes its way to your face
“can it be that you like me hmmm?????”
“you owe me 20 bucks y/n i sacrificed that much money for your food”
“what if i say i like you too hm ???”
he scrunches his nose in disgust but sadly for him it just looks so adorable because by then he is flaming red and you can’t take him seriously anymore
“don’t get ahead of yourself,,”
he turns to leave but in the last moment he faces you
and tugs on your collar
and pull you closer to him
and plants a peck on your cheek
“you know what? forget the 20 bucks”
THEN he quickly leaves your place and your smile turns into a grin followed by a victory dance
point proven that jihoon is NOT AN ASSHOLE AT ALL
although he says not to pay him back the 20 bucks
you still don’t tbh oops
instead you ask him out
and for the first time
he says yes
[7:32 PM] Renjun watches from the corner of the practice room as you laughed with your boyfriend Jaemin. Part of him regretted that he introduced the two of you, but a part of him was also glad to see you happy. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to smile.
The events of last night flashed in his mind, his drunken self devoid of all self-control. He couldn’t help the words coming out of his mouth until he finally let it slip that he’s been in love with you. Longer than Jaemin ever was.
“Please,” he begged, “don’t let this change anything between us. I know you love him. He deserves it.”
“Renjun…” you started, voice nearly cracking. But you had no idea what to say.
He let out an empty laugh at the mention of his name before planting a soft kiss on your forehead. “Forget about tonight. Forget about it. For me, ‘mkay?” he mumbled against your skin.
He realized he’d been staring for too long when he caught your eye. You held his gaze for a few moments, unable to look away.
Suddenly, you weren’t laughing. Whatever the joke Jaemin told wasn’t funny anymore. You couldn’t hear anything. Your eyes remained focus on Renjun on the other side of the room, a blunt pain blooming in your chest. Suddenly, you were the girl who has been deprived of the chance to fall in love with her best friend.
You’ve been seeing Renjun differently before Jaemin came. He’s always the one who’s there. He’s always been the one person who knew you the best. But you pushed all of those thoughts aside, thinking it could never happen, especially when he introduced you to his friend. It started out as a joke, but no one seems to be laughing now. It’s cruel how neither of you realized that you felt the same way about each other. Now that you knew about it, it’s too late.
Renjun sensed the change in your mood. After all, he could read you even from a mile away. He knew he didn’t want to be the guy to ruin other people’s relationships, especially one that is shared by his two best friends. So he stood up to leave. Besides, he couldn’t bear to watch Jaemin kissing you all over anymore.
“I’m going,” he announced.
“Bye,” the others murmured lazily, still tired from the extensive routines of the day. He tried his best not to meet your eyes, looking past you at Jaemin who was too immersed in you to care.
Once Renjun was out the door and alone in the elevator, he let out a shaky breath. A single tear slipped from his eye. Quickly, he wiped it away. He was never one to cry, but he has never felt pain this way either. As corny as it may sound, you have been the source of happiness in his life. And though you are still best friends, he couldn’t help but feel like he’s losing you. Slowly. Completely.
His phone vibrated, a text from you reflected on the screen: smile, injunnie. :) have a safe trip home.
He couldn’t reply. He didn’t want to. He removed the notification from his lockscreen, revealing the photo of you sleeping on his shoulder that he took some months ago. A warm feeling flowed up his stomach to his chest, suddenly followed by… pain.
There’s one version of this reality, he thought, where you’ll send me an i love you, and i’ll guiltlessly send you one back. Sadly, that reality is not ours.

Summer Heather Garden, California by Christopher Burkett
you’ve gotta stat romanticizing your life. you gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun, that every cup of coffee is the best you’ve ever had, that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new. you have to, because that’s when you start truly living. that’s when you look forward to every day.

It’s crazy how much he looks like my boyfriend

Japan, 1980s
now that i have more content to watch u can Bet i’m gonna be procrastinating for even longer now xd
For getting into Seventeen, One Fine Day is where a lot of ppl start and both seasons are good! You don't need to watch the first one to get the second. SVT Club series on Vlive might be helpful to get to know their names too
tyty 🥺🥺 i’m so excited to finally know them now :’)
i wanna stan seventeen but idk how to get into them. like if they have any shows, long interviews, or just stuff like that that i can watch
i’ve watched a few of those (un)helpful guides on youtube and i’m familar and all that but it’s still kinda overwhelming hhhhh 😔
i’ve known about them for a While but i’m finally deciding that i’m going to stan 😌🤜

... i just .. woke up from an 18 hour nap eye-
but i’m gonna need someone to tell me about their day Right Now .. or just about anything mans Be Goofy 😆🙈✨
SJDKNDKSK sorry i dipped after saying i had half the drabble done like 2?? months ago uHhm ,, i’m just gonna be honest and say i’ve been HardCore procrastinating everything in my life rn hehehe 👁👄👁
you should post your hyunsuk drabble i would love to read it!!
wait ohmygod your That acc 😳 ,, everything u post is so good and i see ur name on my timeline sm or in the recent feed and ngl i’ve been too intimated to interact in any way with u i- ,,, i’m sweatingsjksnksdnks . but ok abt the drabble ,, i should have it finished and proof read by this saturday !!
a little update / pointer ? lmao
i’ve already gotten a few requests uwuwu but i’m still trying to get my account set up/ figure out how to make it so it’s easier to navigate and such
but if u want to send in any requests feel free to !!! they won’t get deleted even though my requests are “technically closed”, but just a little heads up that i might not get around to them quickly ://
ok so i’ve had this hyunsuk drabble / imagine (sis ion know the fckin difference nsjdskk) in my drafts since literally december and i’m debating whether i should post it or not because it’s my Very first writing thingy of i’ve ever done and i feel like its really cheesy but that might just be because i wrote it lmfao. but it still hasn’t been edited and the ending is kind of not finished yet 👉👈
*adjusts my titties* anyways…
So my dad took away my laptop because I wouldn’t give him the password. I wasn’t even allowed to type it in, he demanded to know the password to my personal computer because he thinks I’m “ doing things I’m not supposed to do. ” My sister is not, and never has been, held to the same standard when it came to passwords on her own phone etc. But my parents always suspect me of being “up to something” and will randomly ask to use my computer/ know the password, and when I say no, they get mad at me. In the past, they have taken away my devices and looked through them, which cased me a lot of anxiety and is part of the reason I don’t like it when people use my computer or go through the camera roll on my phone. Even as I type this, I’m being asked what I’m doing. If you think parents demanding to know the passwords to their child’s personal devices is a breach of privacy please reblog
i hate how reward systems never work for me like i can’t just say “if i finish this assignment i can have a cookie” bc my brain is like “…..or u could just have one right now” and i can’t argue with that logic
me: tries to sign into my google account
google: this UGLY bitch just tried to HACK into your account. destroy all your electronic devices to prevent this