killer queen
Slytherin INTJ Engineer Artist (who can't turn their brain off)
46 posts
I Saw A Christmas Tree At The Mall Today
I saw a Christmas tree at the mall today

More Posts from Secretly-the-mothman
5 years ago

5 years ago
Ummmm Me?

INTJ, Virgo, female, Slytherin, Engeneering major
5 years ago

*walks into Super Weenie Hut Jr's*
Here's the animatic:
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5 years ago
It's Happened.......
The Supernatural Fandom has risen (along with all of the souls of hell)
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5 years ago
Spn Thanksgiving
I like to think that the Winchesters host a dinner/party every Thanksgiving (because the bunker is HUGE) for all their hunter and angel friends
And it's really nice and fun but it's also a little sad because the number of people attending gets smaller every year
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