my excuse to infodump about history from 1850-1970, he/faun/prince/they/it πŸ’™ 18

51 posts

In Regards To The Wanna Be Nosy Post, 25, 31 And 44! (:

In regards to the β€œwanna be nosy post”, 25, 31 and 44! (:

25. museum date, drive-in movie, or a nice dinner out <:

31. "hey honey, i don't think ill be able to make it, im sorry /:"- sent to my friend about a graduation party

44. up to 98% of civil war surgeries used anesthetic, most commonly chloroform or ether (chloroform was preferred though, because ether is very volatile and flammable).

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More Posts from Secretly-your-history-professor

*Takes a seat*

Hello stranger, as a fellow history fan. May you share your point of view of history.

hello <:

wondering if maybe you could be a tad more specific with what you mean by "my point of view of history", please! do you mean my understanding of the general human condition, why im interested, do you mean to ask about a specific historical era/topic ?

i anxiously await your response dearest student <:

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yall im such a goshdarn sap

i just helped my gf search the gender wiki for the perfect one and he really likes luneboy, and because im an old fashioned gentleman of a husband and i want to support him in everything, im trying to find luneboy resources to support my husband and show him theres other people like him he doesnt have tumblr so this is our little secret <; if anyone knows of any luneboy stuff around the interwebs pls let me know <3

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happy v-e day everyone (between today and tuesday really, depending on where you live) <:

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hey yall, im sorry i know it's been a bit since i talked about history but i have a pressing question:

are trans people allowed to present opposite of their gender and still be upset when they get misgendered ?

(im asking as a feminine/gnc trans guy that gets very hurt and upset when strangers misgender me)

if yall would, please reblog for a larger sample size (but you don't have to if you don't want, you can still answer without reblogging)

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OP I LOVE YOU πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™/p

!!! it's the middle of pride month already, so here's some queer dead poets headcanons!

!!! It's The Middle Of Pride Month Already, So Here's Some Queer Dead Poets Headcanons!
!!! It's The Middle Of Pride Month Already, So Here's Some Queer Dead Poets Headcanons!
!!! It's The Middle Of Pride Month Already, So Here's Some Queer Dead Poets Headcanons!
!!! It's The Middle Of Pride Month Already, So Here's Some Queer Dead Poets Headcanons!
!!! It's The Middle Of Pride Month Already, So Here's Some Queer Dead Poets Headcanons!
!!! It's The Middle Of Pride Month Already, So Here's Some Queer Dead Poets Headcanons!
!!! It's The Middle Of Pride Month Already, So Here's Some Queer Dead Poets Headcanons!

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