Hi! I’m Myth! ~ 19 yo ~ she/her~ I love writing Frozen analyses, especially about themes and about the history of Arendelle and theoretical histories of Ahtohallan.
95 posts
Ahhh Thanks For Tagging Me @koretoqueen!
Ahhh thanks for tagging me @koretoqueen!
I also don’t have a folder (or any organization here at all) but I’ll list what I’ve got!
* The Legends of Wisteria: an original story I’ve been developing for… almost 4 years now? I hope it will be finished some day, but I’ve still got A LOT to go!
* Frozen10 Fanzine Water has Memory submission @frozen10fanzine
* A whole bunch of short fics that I’ll probably never post even if I do finish, cause I’m not really involved in the fandom they’re about (some titles include Back to the Start, Five Times There was Only One Bed and the One Time There Was Two, and the very creatively named, Idk what to call it 😂)
* Several Frozen Analyses (that I may finish/post when I have the time and energy lol)
* A original story I’m writing with my sister titled The Terror of the Forest
@gayusernamegoeshere @bigfrozenfan @agduna-central @hafanforever @snowflaketale12
WIP Game
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks to @annaofthenorthernlights for tagging me!
Note: I'm going to list my 10 most recent files that are actual WIPs (as opposed to drabbles I've already posted)... some of these belong to the same WIP...
week 4
Mad Men Dartmouth Idea
ptr ch. 18 (1865)
1875 Inga 1870 Frederick
later chapter scene
ptr ch19 (1865)
Rapunzel and Eugene 1875 timeline
chapter 25?
scenes for chapter 19
week 3
0 pressure tags: @loonysama @bethanydelleman @basingstokemercury @paigebstorey @snowfall-in-summer @the-red-butterfly @drsteggy @pterawaters
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More Posts from Secretsofthestorymakers
Arendelle wants YOU

edit by the lovely @bigfrozenfan
Do you want to celebrate Frozen10? Do you want to share your love for Elsa & Anna’s story?
Elsa & Anna have discovered new memories in Ahtohallan. They can only access it together, as sisters. As the Fifth Spirit.
Little do they know, those memories are YOURS. Your memories over a decade of Frozen. For fans, by fans!
If you wish to share your memories, dive deep into her sound…
Water Has Memory
Email: frozen10fans@gmail.com
TikTok: @water.has.memory
Tumblr: frozen10fanzine.tumblr.com

Just in time for the 10th anniversary, here is an updated list of the current and future animated entries in the Frozen franchise! 🌻❄️
Yes, I excluded the LEGO Frozen Northern Lights shorts because they are not associated with the animated canon and a case can be made to exclude "At home with Olaf" and "Olaf presents" as well, but at least they all have the same style of animation (except the episode "Ice").
I wonder what the next two movies will be called 🤔 I hope they don't go with something as generic as "Frozen III" and "Frozen IV" but instead give the movies individual subtitles, or perhaps one common subtitle + "Part 1" and "Part 2".
Translating the Runes in Secrets of the Magic Makers
Ok, so I already said in my previous post (X) that I love Secrets of the Magic Makers and the runic writing in Frozen in general, but now I’m going to actually talk about the translations of the runes.
Most* of the runes shown in Frozen movies and shorts are historically accurate and translatable. They are Younger Futhark runes, used in Nordic regions beginning around the 9th century. The Younger Futhark alphabet has 16 runes and is a simplification of the Elder Futhark, which had 24 originally. The Younger Futhark alphabet was used throughout Scandinavia in the Viking Age and declined after Catholicism was introduced. (Source: Runes Illustrated by Rachel Newcombe)
* I say most because the runes in Olaf’s Frozen Adventure on the bell are not historically accurate. They are simply a direct English transliteration of the words “Ring in the Season”
Disney worked with Old Norse language expert Jackson Crawford (you can find his YT channel here (X)) to ensure that the runes in F1 are historically accurate.
Ok, history lesson over, let’s actually talk about how these runes are relevant to the Frozen story.
I did not translate these myself, although I have kind of taught myself how to now. These translations come from Panya on this website. If you are interested in the detailed translations, I would highly recommend checking it out, as it is truly fascinating!

Here is the cover of the book. It translates roughly to Runes of Knowledge, but I believe this book to also be Secrets of the Magic Makers (see my previous post for full explanation).

The inside of the book is 9 lines of text, repeated twice. It appears to say something like
Someone (subject is unclear) was turned to stone (ice?) by the power of the moon. The trolls from the dark mountain realm have healing hands. A soul wounded from cold will heal if brought very quickly to the field of them (the trolls). Trolls have such a nature that they can get sorcery out of the body to save it. Such action done in true love is the only one which can thaw a heart stoned (frozen?) very quickly.
It isn't exactly clear or easy to read, but I think that it tells the story of an ancient Arendellian (possibly Aren, but that’s mostly just a headcanon) whose heart was frozen by some power of the moon. It goes on to say that trolls have the power to remove magic, but that the only way to thaw a frozen heart is an act of true love.
This is VERY interesting as it implies that someone in the ancient past had a frozen heart. It could just be an old story, something that never actually happened. I personally don’t believe there was ever a single person who was the fifth spirit before Elsa and by extension no human who ever wielded ice powers like hers before. Another option is perhaps whoever it was that angered the spirits in some way or ventured too far into Ahtohallan and began to freeze? Or it could be a figurative frozen heart in the sense of a lack of love and compassion. I suppose only Ahtohallan knows this answer.
The other thing that makes this interesting is that it directly says that an act of true love will thaw a frozen heart. Which means that the answer was right there all along. The entire message of love will thaw was summed up here in runes at the very beginning of the movie. This also means that this was part of an Arendellian myth or story at some point and has been forgotten by the time Elsa is born.
So yeah, not really a big revelation or anything, but it is certainly interesting. I would love to know more details about this story and its origin, but again, only Ahtohallan knows. Overall I do think it's fascinating, as it gives us more information about Ancient Arendellian beliefs and traditions that still hold relevance in the time Frozen is actually set. As someone who is OBSESSED with the ancient myths and stories of Arendelle and the surrounding areas, this is so so intriguing to me and I absolutely love it!
Dive down deep into her sound...
Water Has Memory
Email: frozen10fans@gmail.com TikTok: @water.has.memory Tumblr: frozen10fanzine.tumblr.com
"Water Has Memory: A Frozen Decade" is a completely fan-made project with no affiliation with Disney. All imagery and video from Frozen and Frozen 2 within this video belongs to Walt Disney Studios.
Elsa was born on the longest night...
As a child, she was ashamed of that. Like everything else about her life. She held the power of the deadliest season and she was born on the deadliest day. Everything about her reeked of danger and it would be no surprise that when she grew up, she would become the evilest woman who would ever live.
At least then, Anna would write her off. At least then, she wouldn't have to worry about breaking her sister's heart like she broke everything else.
And Anna would knock her door like she did everyday, every Christmas, every birthday. She would knock, pleading for Elsa to join her for the Festival of Lights. The same one Arendelle would do every year. Lighting up the whole square with their candles.
"C'mon Elsa... it's your birthday!"
I know. I know. I KNOW.
In her fierce frustration, she would shake in the silence. Her power would leach out of her, claiming the ground and climbing the walls. Her sister would always leave before her magic would reach the door. Elsa could at least calculate that.
But after everything that had happened, how Anna had thawed her heart, and the year they had had together... oh that first year was magical...
Anna was not taking no for an answer.
"Do you remember the festival of lights?"
"Of course I do. They were beautiful."
"They are. I think they are the most beautiful festival we have. And it's on your birthday! I wish it was on my birthday!"
Elsa hugged herself, averting her gaze. Around her feet, her magic froze the ground. She was not afraid... and Anna gently wrapped her hands around her arms, "What is it, Elsa?"
Elsa wanted to hide it. But... she exhaled and willed herself to share: "I have this narrative in my head. Do you know the number of people that die in the winter, Anna?"
"It's the highest for any season. And my birthday starts it."
Anna rolled her eyes.
"I'm sorry! It's just... Elsa, love is the way to control your magic. That means ALL. OVER. You can't pick and choose what parts of yourself to love!"
Elsa pursed her lips, "Fair point."
"Happy Birthday! You are coming to the Festival of Lights."
"Of course. I am Queen."
"Of course you are," Anna smirked. She linked arms with her sister and together they walked out of the palace into the courtyard. It was beautiful, of course, decorated with bows of holly, garlands of red and gold, and lit with candles. Elsa expected Anna to talk to her quickly and eagerly like she always did, but this time she was silent. Curious, Elsa stopped with her sister at the end of the courtyard and Anna turned to her. She took Elsa's hands with her own.
"We are going to be silent until we reach the square."
"We are?"
"Don't be sassy," Anna smiled. "We are going to be silent and we are just going to watch the lights."
"Because this is the first time I am doing this with you in a really long time. I could talk to you through all of it, but this is special to me. I am experiencing your birthday with you for the first time since you were eight, Elsa."
A lump filled Elsa's throat, "Anna, I'm so--"
"You didn't do anything wrong."
Elsa bit back on her words.
"Repeat it back to me."
"I... I didn't do anything wrong." It still felt so strange coming from her lips. She nodded, starting to walk -
"And--" Anna stopped her mid-stride. "I want you to drink it all in too."
Elsa tipped her head to the side, curiously. "What is your goal here?"
"You were born on the first day of winter. You were also born on the longest night," Anna replied. "Drink it all in."
Anna linked her arms with Elsa. They smiled at each other. And so... they started their walk. The town had already made their way to the town square, so the entire street was deserted.
For Anna, she was impressed with how it all came out. Elsa had been more anxious the last few days, so Anna had taken on some of the duties of prepping Arendelle for this festival. The candles were warm, she could see trees in all the windows. The scent of warm bread and sweet treats billowed through the air. She breathed it in; it all had come together beautifully. The best part of all? Her sister was walking beside her.
For Elsa... was this really the longest night? She, of course, knew how the cycle of the seasons and day and night worked. But candles lined the street, firelight burned within the houses, and laughter could be heard from the town square at the end of the road. The candles reflected in the frost-covered street, creating a dazzling glitter on the ice. Up above, the stars spread infinitely in every direction and Elsa could swear hovering in the air, translucent, was a tinge of frost.
They reached the festival and a silence came over the crowd. They were facing away from the sisters, towards the eastern sky. A couple of the townsfolk came up to them, holding out already-lit candles. The sisters took them and and the attendants good-naturedly put their fingers over their lips.
"Good," Anna whispered. "We didn't miss it."
"Miss what? I remember it being much louder than this."
"It happens once every twenty years or so."
Anna pointed to the eastern sky. The whispy clouds parted to reveal the high moon, full and splendorous. She shined bright and white and all the townsfolk raised their candles to her, as if greeting her.
Elsa saw it.
The frosted town, the moon shone down, the ocean of flickering candlelight. The faded frost in the air, just out of sight, glittering. And the stars... crystal clear, climbing across the sky, glittering like thousands of jewels. All of it together as a frosty, sacred promise.
A promise of light.
Anna whispered, "The longest night."
Tears came to Elsa's eyes. She covered her heart with her hand as her people started to sing their song for the return of the light. On this darkest night, they raised light up high. They welcomed the moon, all her beauty, and asked her to put in a good word with the sun.
Elsa's bottom lip trembled and as her tears fell, she sobbed. Anna pulled her into a hug as Elsa whispered to her, "Maybe if I had seen this as a child, I wouldn't have been so afraid for so long."
"I love you, Elsa." Anna wept into her sister's shirt.
"I love you too, Anna." They parted and Elsa took her little sister's head in her hands, gently wiping away her tears with her thumb, "Thank you for never giving up on me."
Happy Birthday, Elsa!