Frozen - Tumblr Posts

Show Yourself!!
One of the worst things about living in Brazil for me is that animated movies always come in months later so I won’t be able to watch this movie on theaters until January, but ended up getting spoiled anyway :( PS: My internet sucks butt so I couldn’t post a less compressed version on tumblr. Please refer to my twitter for a slightly larger version, and I’ll also be uploading the full-sized, uncompressed version on my patreon as soon as my internet feels like working. Please look forward to that!
Growing up is realizing that Anna and Elsa‘s parents were bad parents and made everything worse
My Favorite PattyCake Productions song

Around two weeks arrived final part of second season of Villains Lair.I loved full series but this one is my personal favorite.So I just wanna say that I love this song,costumes and everything around that.They brought Disney villains back to live.Captain and Tremaine are besties in this series (it's my opinion) and Hook respects her.But Hands,pardon,Hans is the opposite.Lady Tremaine was right when she said,being prince is not everything and you need to gain respect.
I decided to make some fanart because I had motivation and I loved it.It's not done yet but I thing you would like this.
My baby sister is finally old enough to watch Disney movies, and her current obsession is Tangled. She calls it Punzel and Ogene. She also likes Frozen, which she calls Anna and Elsa, or The silly snowman 😂
I always congratulate "We don't talk about Bruno" for doing good on the charts, but what I really mean is, I hate "Let it Go", and i like watching it burn
Another voltron au
A frozen au were allura is elsa with lance as Anna and it's pretty much similar to frozen so allura had ice powers and lance like Anna has that weird strength to do things like toss a heavy marble statue bust and cut a thick rope made to hold people in one swing anyway her and lance used to be really close untill the accident that lance doesn't remember, Lotor as Hans of course the smooth talking hottie that turns out to be bad, maybe sendak as weasel town , Keith as Kristoff the loveable outcast whos not to good with people interaction who helps out the , Shiro as Sven the closest to Keith who helps him out, Hunk as olaf the cute warmhearted one who helps everyone, Coran and the Holts as servant family's that have been with the royal family for generations, The Holt children refer to him as Uncle an honorary title of course because everyone in the castle knows if you have something wrong or just need to talk go to Uncle Coran and even if he can't help you'll always feel better after talking to him and everyone also knows that little pouch he keeps on his belt is full of little wrapped chocolate for the really bad days the story follows the brother and sister for most parts but mostly lance but it's a slower story then frozen so theres more home to show how there lives are affected by everything and give more "screen time " to the other characters such as coran or maybe pidge and in the end it's still lance/Anna that throws themselves in front of the sword instead of kissing, and i love lance being girly as much as the next but i don't want it to be his man factor because I've seen a lot of fanfic using the fact Lance is bi to have him wear perfume and make up with crop tops and short shorts or skin tight clothing or even just leggings and a large sweater and like all the other characters as soon as they see the other side of lance like hes doing dance or a singer and its like how can this loud, obnoxious and annoying person that flirts with it as long as theres a pulse be the same person and im not completely against these things i just feel like if you make him all about that and acting like that you take away so much of who lance is and what kind of person he actually is but I've gotten off topic all because i wanted to say i think lance should havemore of a princely looking thing going on the a girly princess because i think it would fit with just making the two siblings even more different from each other but in the end it doesn' matter but ultimately i wouldn't care because like if i don't write it, its up too the writers personally taste for Lance but i know I'd like it no matter what
Why do people ship Race and Spot from Newsies? They never meet, why are you shipping them? I don’t see the appeal? I need a full on analysis for this.
Not just for this, I need a full on analysis for any ship that isn’t partially explored or at least aesthetically obvious. Like, Jack Frost and Elsa? They never meet but understandable, ice magic for the win. Mycroft and Lestrade? No! They don’t have any screen time together, how did this happen? Spot and Race? WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THIS FROM
I know it’s no longer ‘cool’ to talk about/critique Frozen, but my friend Cait and I were talking about twist villains and how Hans was a bad example, and how he didn’t even need to be a twist villain for it to still work and yeah no I’m still thinking on it.
Because no, really… why did we need Hans to be a twist villain? Why did he have to actually be playing a long con and be all ‘muahaha, actually I don’t love you.’ We already had the threat of the eternal winter, the fracturing relationship between Elsa and Anna, and if you needed another outside force to be the villain, Duke Weselton was right there.
You wouldn’t even need to change much, really.
Instead, have it so Hans and Anna do kiss… and nothing happens. They’re both shocked and upset - not by the implications, those don’t hit them yet, but because they had an idea on how to save her, and it failed. Meanwhile, Duke Weselton is shit-stirring and going after Elsa.
You bring Olaf in at some point, and while he and Hans are trying to keep Anna warm, it comes out that maybe it didn’t work because Anna doesn’t love Hans. And, similarly, Hans doesn’t really love Anna - their ‘true love’ was based on infatuation after knowing each other for less than one night, while they mostly just goofed off and had fun, and neither of them actually know much of anything about the other.
(It wouldn’t just be Anna not knowing anything about Hans, you make it so Hans doesn’t know much about Anna either. Neither of them know each other’s favorite foods or colors or best friends or bad habits.)
Scene keeps going til it comes out that the one Anna really loves now is Kristoff.
And yeah this still raises a problem in that Anna and Kristoff didn’t know each other that long either, but it’s a Disney movie, people get married after three days, whatever.
So now the plan is for both Olaf and Hans to get Anna to Kristoff and protect Elsa from Duke Weselton. Make Weselton the guy about to cut Elsa’s head off.
The movie then proceeds like canon, up to the point where Hans is punched out. Now instead Weselton is publicly exposed for his shit-stirring, it’s declared they will no longer be in a trade relationship with his duchy, and Elsa instead turns to Hans and he’s made Ambassador of Southern Isles. Hans and Anna part on good times, agreeing to be friends, Hans and Kristoff are also friendly with one another, and the takeaway is “Sometimes relationships don’t work out and that’s okay, it’s neither person’s fault.”
And instead of “Don’t marry a man you just met because what if he’s evil?” it’s actually “One great date does not guarantee a great relationship, relationships/love is based on mutual experiences and trust, not a sudden burst of attraction and infatuation.” Which honestly is a much better message for the kids.
…why did Hans need to be the villain?

Сегодня восхитительный день для прогулок! Холодно, но воздух стоит :) и поэтому не так ощущается. Но природа сегодня просто восхитительна! Я давно не брал зеркало на выгул, но сегодня как раз этот день когда она в тему :) Всех с зимой! :) Жаль только это не на долго :( через три дня уже хороший плюс обещает погодник. #samara #winter #frozen #snow #samara_live

Taken at face value people would just assume they were girlfriends. Also, are there secret arm holes in Anna’s cloak? Her hand is coming out of a weird spot otherwise.
Characters I headcannon as ace
Sherlock Holmes


Spencer Reid

Bruce Banner


Newt Scamander

All of the crystal gems

Natasha Romanoff

Luna Lovegood

Raven Reyes

cold as ice
my name is Eden, the last elf left in galleria. i was left to die just like all the others. only difference is i made it. i was trapped in the ice queens castle to serve her and only her. she gave me one offer that i simply couldn't refuse, and that was that of protecting my family to join along side her. meaning stay and join me or your family dies. i didn't want to do it but to save my family i had no choice. chained to the wall in her dungeon i sit thinking of all those innocent elvens that had to protect there village and couldn't. how am i going to escape? i don't know if i even can. but tonight i must service the ice queen yet again. i'm not sure if being without a mate has caused me to fall for the queen or if it's just my conscience telling me do as she says for me to be able to calculate my fate. ill report back in a few days if im not back soon...tell everyone i fought with everything i had.