- ꒰‧⁺ ⌨︎ 愛 ˀ ☁️ *ೃ༄ 18+ ososan fanart Insta — @/curapiyaOsomatsu-san fanfic writerRequests are [Closed!]🔪BLMATSU DNI AT ALL FUCK OFF🔪
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Dark. Everything was so dark.
Your eyes felt heavy as you tried to pry them open. You blinked the bleariness away, but it did nothing to remove the pitch black surrounding you.
Shifting around, you tried to bring your arms up to your face, only to discover that you couldn't move them. Furrowing your brows, your tugged your arms upwards, and it was then that you felt a harsh burn around your wrists. You twisted them, the rough material binding you rubbing away at your skin.
Was that... rope?
Slowly, your senses came back to you, all fatigue now gone from your system as panic began to take over.
You shuffled your legs next, only to find them bound to the legs of whatever chair you were sat on, ankles crossed over each other and a pressure on your thighs telling you that there was no way you could move.
As your breathing began to pick up pace, you tried to remember how you got into this situation in the first place, but there was nothing that could have lead to such a situation. You drew up blank after blank.
Struggling against the rope bindings once more, you felt the sensation of some material against your neck and shoulders. A bag had been placed over your head, obscuring your view.
Without the use of your hands, there wasn't any way you'd be able to get that thing off of your head. You wiggled your fingers experimentally, wincing at their stiffness. They went numb for a moment, but as the blood circulated back into them, you stretched them upwards towards the knitted rope just above your palms. Unfortunately, the rope was too high up you for to reach.
You desperately willed your fingers to reach higher, feeling the rope brush just above your fingertips, the strain on them causing your hand to cramp up. Your throat tightened, tears of frustration and fear filling the corners of you eyes.
What was happening? Why were you here? Were you going to die here? You didn't want to die. Not yet, not here, not like this.
But as your life flashed before your eyes, you had a sudden thought.
'Maybe it won't be so bad.. to die now.'
It's not like you had anyone waiting for you. It's not like you were going to do anything worthwhile with your life. So what was the point? Maybe you should just accept this. You were going to die here. So what? Who would care?
A loud bang of a door hitting a wall made you jolt violently. You whipped your head around in a dumb attempt to see what had made that sound, then froze at the sound of heavy footsteps heading towards you.
You held your breath when the steps stopped, right in front of you.
"She's awake, boss."
A man's voice. Deep and raspy. You didn't know who he was.
"Let's take a look at her then."
Another man. Slightly higher pitched, and a lot less intense. He sounded very calm. You didn't know who he was, either.
You flinched at the feeling of a hand near your neck. It pulled the bag off of you in one swift movement. Your hair fell over your face in a mess, and you took deep breaths of fresh air. You flinched again as a hand cupped your chin, slowly raising your face and brushing the hair away from your eyes.
The man had blonde hair and steely grey eyes. He was smiling at you. The way it looked on his face whilst he gazed at your face and body, the single light in the room shining down on him from above, made you sick. There was something about him that made your blood run cold, and he hadn't even done anything to you yet.
"Good job," he chuckled to the other man, who had moved to the corner of the room by the door. He was very tall, with a strong chest and arms bulging with muscle. His eyes were narrow and stern, boring into you. It made you shiver unpleasantly.
"You cold?" The blonde asked, not waiting for an answer as he stood up. "Sorry, sweetheart, but you're gonna have to stay in here for a little longer. If you cooperate well with us, though, I might just let you up into my office instead."
His grin was sleazy and dangerous. You hated it. Your lips began to tremble the more you looked at him. You couldn't speak, your throat was too dry.
The two of you stared at one another for a silent minute, waiting. But you did nothing, and neither did he.
Finally, he sighed, rolling his eyes as he looked away from you.
"Suit yourself." He made his way over to the door, stopping to speak to the tall man. "Just make sure she doesn't try to escape. Those idiots will be here soon."
He glanced back at you one more time, chuckling to himself.
"Who knows, maybe you could make a new friend, Jack. What's your name, again?"
They were both looking at you expectantly. They wanted you to speak? How could you do that? You found yourself petrified, unable to move. Your entire body was shaking.
A large hand grasped at your hair, tugging you upwards harshly. You screamed at the unexpected pain, whimpering as the tall man, Jack, held your face close to his.
"He asked you a question. Fucking answer it."
The blonde leaned against the door frame, almost bored. As if he had seen this a million times before. He showed you no remorse. For a moment you thought, if he were to watch you die, right here and right now, he probably wouldn't even bat an eyelid.
It was then that you realised.
You stuttered out your name, your voice watery as tears pricked your eyes. Jack released his hold on you, your head falling back down heavily. You let it hang low, your hair covering your face once again. He retreated away from you, standing outside the door with the blonde.
"My offer still stands. You either rot away in here, where you're probably going to get killed anyway, or you could come up with me." It was his turn now to take hold of your hair, albeit a lot gentler than before. He looked you in the eyes, stroking your cheek with his right hand.
"All you have to do is be obedient. Then your life will be easy. I'll give you all the money in the world in exchange for your body whenever I call. Sounds good, right?"
"Speak up, doll. Can't hear you."
You head was snapped to the right as a heavy blow connected with your cheek. You cried out in shock, eyes wide as the weight of the punch settled into your skin. The entire left side of your face throbbed uncomfortably, your teeth feeling weird and numb.
"Stupid bitch," he massaged his knuckles with his fingers. "You wanna die here, huh? Then go ahead. Be my guest," he spat, turning on his heel and leaving the room. Jack shut the door behind the man, turning to you. Shadows fell over his eyes as he closed in on you, cracking his knuckles loudly as he reeled his arm back.
You didn't move. Your whole body felt paralysed. The pain had swelled to your head now, your brain throbbing dully behind your eyes. The tears had fallen, but you didn't remember when. They streamed down your cheeks and onto the cold ground, pattering softly.
How had this happened? Why you?
You took it back. You took it all back.
'I don't want to die.'
"This is his top secret hideout?" Osomatsu raised a brow, staring up at the abandoned office tower.
"It's surprisingly gone under the radar for a while now," Todomatsu replied, brushing his hair out of his eyes as he followed his brother's gaze. "He's still stupid to think that we wouldn't find it, though."
"That's because he wants us to find it." Choromatsu stood to Osomatsu's left, busy loading his bullets into his pistol, pulling the metal with ease. "Reznov knows what he's doing. So we need to be careful."
"Ichimatsu," Osomatsu pressed two fingers against his small earpiece, glancing to his side as he addressed his younger brother. "Have you got any visuals on him yet?"
"His office is right in my sights, but the bastard has yet to show up."
"Then he's probably with the hostage. Damn it, how did we let him slip away with that?" the eldest hissed through his teeth.
"Something's off about the place," Ichimatsu added. "I'll keep an eye out."
Choromatsu sighed heavily, tugging at the collar of his uniform. The suit was always so stuffy, and always got in his way. He hoped it wouldn't slow him down any further.
The distant sound of metal clanging to the ground caught the brother's attention. Not soon after, Karamatsu spoke through the earpiece.
"We've located the entrance. Heading in now."
"How many goons are there?"
"A lot more than we had initially thought, but it's nothing we can't handle."
"Osomatsu-niisan!" Jyushimatsu called suddenly. He hummed, a knowing grin forming on his lips.
"Do I get to kill 'em?"
Osomatsu laughed loudly, his two brothers grinning at the question.
"Go for it."
A series of muffled yells and thwacks filtered through the earpiece before it fell silent, leaving the duo to get to work. Choromatsu loosened the tie around his neck slightly before taking the first step forward, his pistol clutched tightly in his hands.
"Let's get this over with," his eyes narrowed up towards the building, the gloom and dread of something awful washing over him, but not once did it deter him from his path.
A rough cough shook your body, blood dripping from your lip down to your ruined clothing. You heaved heavily as you hunched over in your seat, pain flooding your entire body with each pulse of your heart.
How long had it been? How many hits did you take? When will it end?
Someone's hand clasped itself around your neck, pushing your face upwards while you choked for air. Air left your lungs in meagre wheezes, shaky and uneven. You peered through your heavy eyes up at Jack, who only smirked at your obvious agony.
"This should be enough, don't you think?" he sneered, pushing your neck up higher. You gagged, flailing helplessly in his hold, your arms and legs writhing underneath the binds that had rubbed your skin raw. He held you there for a moment, the smirk stretching wider as he watched you struggle before suddenly releasing you, your head falling harshly as he left you to cough and hack for air.
Your ears were ringing, your mind distorted as you could no longer understand what was happening to you. Why was he hurting you? What did you do wrong? Your busted lips quivered as you pried them open, the dry skin sticking together slowly being pulled apart. You rasped weakly, the tight burn of your throat allowing fresh hot tears to run down your swollen cheek.
The man didn't listen to you. He couldn't hear your begs any longer.
A faint buzzing reverberated around the room. Jack paused, reaching for the back pocket of his jeans to pull out his phone, holding the sleek model up to his ear, not once moving his eyes off of you.
"What?" he grunted, not appreciating that his time was being wasted. However, he would quickly learn that it wasn't being wasted. Shouting could be heard through the speakers, frantic and desperate. Jack's brows furrowed, leaning into the phone.
"What the fuck are you talking about? What's—"
The line fell silent.
He stared at the phone's black screen. For the first time, Jack felt uneasy. Gritting his teeth, he was about to put his phone away before it began ringing again, a familiar name rolling across the top in large letters.
"Boss? What's going on?" He snapped his head towards the door, hearing a sudden series of pops going off just outside the room.
"I told you they were comin' didn't I?" the voice on the other end chuckled, sounding very at ease. "Everything is going according to plan, so relax."
"But, boss! Our men are dying out there—!"
"When has that ever been a problem to me before?"
A heavy tension fell onto the man's face as he became quiet. With a sigh, the voice spoke again.
"Listen. They finished rigging up the building. Just hurry up and get your ass outta there before it's blasted sky high. I won't be waiting any longer. Understand?"
"..Yes, boss."
"What about the hostage?"
"What about her?" The voice cackled. "That bitch can die with them. What use is she to us?"
"But what if—"
"Do you seriously think she's gonna make it out alive?" Jack stilled at the cold tone, menacing and threatening. "This place is going to blow up. I know you're an idiot, Jack, but think for a fucking second. And what's she gonna do, anyway? Report us to the police? The fuck's that gonna do?"
He pursed his lips, raging embarrassment swirling inside of him.
"Fuck's sake.." the voice sighed faintly, the line going dead once more. Jack growled under his breath, flickering his eyes towards the door as the cracks of gunfire became significantly louder before turning back to you. You flinched under his stare, eyes squeezing shut as you braced yourself for another hit with a whimper.
Yet, the hit never came. A breeze swept by your left as he walked past you, focusing instead on the large rucksack that was placed against the wall behind you. He picked it up and hastily secured it around his shoulders, clicking a small clip along his chest to keep it in place. Patting the pistol in his belt just to make sure it was there, he set his eyes on the covered window in the corner of the room.
All you could hear was his heavy footsteps against the solid ground behind you and more gunfire, mixed with the occasional scream and shallow thud of something hitting the floor. Your body began to tremor violently with every bullet sent off. They were getting louder and louder, closer and closer. Your heart thudded painfully in your chest. The taste of iron was still on your tongue. You briefly wondered how much more you would have to taste before this was all over.
The door was suddenly smashed open, scattering along the floor and bouncing off of the walls in shattered pieces, a few bits scraping the skin of your cheek. You screamed at the deafening sound, shoulders tensing up to your jaw.
A fistful of your hair was yanked backwards, a cold metal pushing against your temple. You choked out a sob, blinking through the tears as you were forced to look at the intruder.
"Take another step, and I'm blasting her fucking brains in!" Jack bellowed into your ear, your headache increasing tenfold. His breaths were heavy and hot against the side of your bloodied cheek, making you squirm uncomfortably.
The dust settled, and behind it stood five figures. They had very similar faces — you thought they were identical but with your thoroughly rattled brain, you weren't too sure. Each of them had guns seemingly aimed towards you, their dark eyes glaring holes into the man keeping you hostage.
"Where's Reznov?" The man in the middle spoke first, flexing his fingers tightly against his weapon.
"As if I'd tell you shit," Jack sneered.
"Then we'll find someone who will."
It all happened in the blink of an eye. There was a deafening crack, a high pitched scream cancelling out every other noise around you. You didn't know who screamed.
Then there was the blood, splattering across your face and hair, warm and sticky, and most definitely not yours.
Your mouth was open, but you didn't know what you were saying, or if you were even talking at all. Everything you could see was doubled, the same item phasing over the other again and again, fuzzy and disorientating.
"Nice shot, Ichimatsu," Karamatsu hummed, only to receive multiple curses.
"Holy shit, what did they do to her?" Todomatsu mumbled to himself as he began cutting at the ropes binding you down. He sounded like he was underwater, far away and echoed. You wanted to reach out and find that voice. But you couldn't move despite your bonds being removed. Your eyes felt so heavy, a dark veil slowly inching its way over your vision.
As soon as they were loosened, your body slumped forward, close to hitting the ground if not for the pair of strong arms catching you. Choromatsu grunted at the sudden weight, although he proceeded to easily scoop your battered form into his chest, hooking an arm under your knees and providing support for your lolling head.
"We'll have Ichimatsu treat her once we get back," Karamatsu winced slightly at the welts covering your arms.
"That bastard got away again..!" Osomatsu groaned, running a hand through his dishevelled hair, the strands falling out of their gelled style. "Now we have to look for him all over again!"
"Don't worry, it'll probably be easy, knowing that guy. We just have to do it fast," Todomatsu assured, already tapping away at his phone.
"Let's just get out of here first," Choromatsu gestured to your weak self with a nod of his head, turning to head out when Jyushimatsu stopped them.
"I can smell something weird.." they looked a him with raised brows. That was never usually a good sign. His eyes were cat-like, wide and blank as he sniffed at the air again.
"What... What is it?" Karamatsu asked cautiously. A few seconds of silence more before Jyushimatu's mouth widened into a large, strained smile, sweat now running down his skin.
"Fucking shit! Seriously?!" Osomatsu yelled as they all began sprinting down the corridors, jumping over the dead carcasses they had left in their rampage.
"Now it makes sense why he chose the highest floor to put her in — he's gonna blast us to bits!"
"How long do we have?" Choromatsu looked to his younger brother, hope faltering as he saw Jyushimatsu's smile widen, pinching his cheeks.
"Not long! Maybe.. just under two minutes!"
"We're not gonna make it down all these stairs!" Todomatsu screamed frantically.
"Yes, we will!" Osomatsu pressed his earpiece. "Ichimatsu! Get the car ready — we need to leave now!"
".. M'kay."
The brothers reached the fire exit stairwell, jumping down large chunks of steps with practised ease, pushing each other to go faster. Choromatsu held you tightly against him as he went, making sure his grip on you wouldn't allow you to slip and fall.
Bursting through the front entrance of the building, they began speeding across the empty lot as fast as they're numbing legs would carry them, cursing as Jyushimatsu got down to the sixty-second mark.
A black car had just rolled up to the gates, doors opening automatically as Ichimatsu leaned out the driver's window, watching as his brothers clambered into the car. Choromatsu got in last, laying your body across his and Karamatsu's lap as he slammed the door shut.
"Go, go! Quick!" Osomatsu wheezed, attempting to catch his breath. Ichimatsu immediately slammed his foot on the gas, the car wheels squealing before it ran down the empty streets, curving round the corners at dangerous angles.
Ichimatsu didn't slow down, barely flinching as the building exploded, shaking the ground as clouds of fire and debris filled the skies. The others peered through the back window, no longer able to see the tall building as it had crumbled to the earth.
"Holy fuck.." Osomatsu breathed, finally relaxing in his seat as best he could with his minor injuries and Ichimatsu's reckless driving. His brothers did the same, wiping the sweat from their brows. Karamatsu carefully readjusted your legs that were placed across his lap, grimacing once more at the sight of the large patches of purple and crimson blood across your skin.
Choromatsu brought out his handkerchief from his breast pocket, gingerly dabbing it over the cuts on your face, frowning deeply as the cuts wouldn't stop running. Catching sight of your right wrist, he saw how it was raw and inflamed, your hand twisted in an unnatural way, as well as your shoulder that seemed to sag in its place.
He wrapped his handkerchief around your wrist, hoping it would provide some kind of support. You looked so frail, your features barely visible under the drying iron caking your face. An anger swelled inside of him that he never felt before, and he was left to clench his fists tightly whilst the car sped onward, unable to do anything.
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More Posts from Shimmeringclouds
♚ | 𝐗𝐕
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Ozo was unbearably hard. But could you blame him?
It wasn't like he did it on purpose, either! It just... happened. On accident. But it was a happy accident. In his eyes.
Leaning against the bathroom door heavily, he slapped a hand harshly against his forehead. Why did he suddenly decide to excuse himself and leave you there like that? Was he an idiot?
'The biggest idiot to ever exist, apparently,' he thought bitterly.
He recalled how the both of you sat there in a tense silence, with your form still beneath him and his knee still wedged between your thighs. Your dress had ridden up during your little scuffle, so close to hitching over your hips. Your arms were still above your head as you heaved, your chest rising up and down. He remembered how they moved very clearly. The tightness of your dress didn't leave much to the imagination...
The sound of a belt buckle hitting the floor echoed through the tiled walls. He sunk down to his knees, his pants shoved downwards haphazardly. Somewhere in the back of his filthy mind, Ozo was aware of how dirty he was. Jacking off to the thought of you when you were so close nearby not once, but twice now. The other three times didn't count — you weren't anywhere near him at the time.
He sighed a breath of relief as his member was finally released from his boxers. It stood to attention, stiff and throbbing desperately with need. His hand closed around his shaft, first rubbing his thumb over the top, smearing precum over the head. Ozo bit his lip, the sensation already becoming too much.
Closing his eyes, he began to wonder what would have happened if it had continued...
He grinned deviously at the thought of you making the first move. You would grind down against his knee, whimpering at the feeling of him against you. You'd keep going, shivering and moaning for him, for more.
His hand slipped slowly down from the tip to his base, pausing for a moment before delicately tracing back upwards, repeating the motion a few times before steadily picking up the pace.
You would grasp at his shirt, pulling him down for a kiss, on his lips this time. He could practically feel your mouth against his, moving so enticingly against his own. But it would be a distraction. Your hands were always wandering, travelling lower down his body, hovering over the tent in his slacks...
Ozo threw his head back with a gasp as his hips stuttered in his palm. He tightened his grip over his cock, pumping faster at the thought.
You would handle him so nicely. He imagined that you would take control the first time, forcefully rolling on top of him and straddling his hips. You'd roll your hips against him teasingly, smiling down at him as you began to unbutton the upper half of his shirt, your soft hands rubbing against his chest. His own hands would come up to feel your breasts, weighing them in each palm and squeezing them between his fingers, loving the way you would bite your lip and moan so cutely...
"[Y-Y/N]..." he breathed. He was so close. His cock felt so heavy in his palm, twitching with each move of his hand, precum now leaking in thick streams down his length and over his fingers.
At some point, you had removed his slacks for him, your own panties thrown off to the side somewhere while he was busy fondling your tits. It was all moving so fast. You would pull up the lower half of your dress, showing off your hips and stomach before lowering onto him, inch by inch. You would have to stop half way, your walls stretching to accommodate his size. When you finally took all of him in, you would steady yourself on his chest, leaning down to nip and nibble at his neck as you began sliding up and down over his rod.
Ozo groaned, his vivid imagination conjuring up the feeling of your hot, tight walls constricting around him.
"Please..." He panted, eyes screwed shut as his tongue lolled out of his mouth.
You would enjoy his begging, murmuring sweet, naughty words into his ears in that beautiful voice of yours, knowing just how much he liked it. You would ask if he was close, and you would tell him how close you were, too.
By now, Ozo was murmuring nonsense pleas under his breath as he stroked himself fervently, his climax just within his reach.
His mind went back to when he had you beneath him, your arms pinned under his strong hands and your flushed, reddened cheeks. He loved the way you spoke his name then.
With that final thought, he tipped over the edge. His hips bucked rapidly into his hand as he came, using his other to quickly catch the spurts of cum he was releasing, the sticky substance coated his hands in a thin sheen. He whined and moaned breathily, gritting his teeth as he fought against calling out your name over and over again as he came down from his high.
He took in a shaky breath, his body finally slumping over as the tension left his body. Sitting still for a few moments to catch his breath, he carefully stood up, leaning against the cool wall to support himself on wobbling legs. He washed his hands, using a tissue to clean up the rest of himself. Buckling his pants up again, he caught his own reflection in the mirror.
His hair was the only thing slightly out of place. He could sort that our easy. Straightening out his collar, he shot a wide grin to himself before leaving the bathroom, hands tucked into his pockets as if nothing had ever happened.
»»----- ♚ -----««
Quick question for my tumblr followers!
Would you guys like me to post my Osomatsu-san oneshots to tumblr? I only have them posted to my wattpad and ao3, but for anyone who doesn’t use these sites, would you like to see them here too?
Please let me know! Thank you all for the support! ♥️♥️♥️
✧ Osomatsu - Cherry Boy
Aggressive knocking on your front door.
You knew instantly who it was. Many would find them a nuisance. You, however, couldn't help the grin that stretched across your lips, feeling a little more than glad at the unexpected company.
He stood in your doorway, cheeks a cute cherry red, matching his hoodie, his signature cat-like smile on his face as he rubbed his index finger under his nose shyly.
"Mind if I crash here for a couple'a hours?" Was all he asked, and you instantly opened the door wider for him.
"Even if I said no, you would've started begging for me to let you in, anyway," you teased, taking great pleasure in the way his brows furrowed in embarrassment.
"O-Oi! That's not-"
"But I'll always say yes. Just for you, Osomatsu."
You left him in the entrance hall of your home, snickering over your shoulder at his wide-eyed, slack jawed response. He spluttered, a hand reaching out for you, but you had already disappeared around the corner and into your living room.
You were always out of arms reach for him. He hated it. He wanted to be closer. Closer than he was never enough to admit. He didn't want you to push him aside, deeming his advances as purely "sexual-desires," and as his way of "desperately trying to get laid."
He still wanted those things, for sure. With you. He just wanted more than that.
Fuck, was he terrible at getting his thoughts together.
"Osomatsu? Are you planning to lounge in the hallway, or what?" Your voice called, which he followed like a moth to a lightbulb. He stumbled slightly, his hands flailing, trying to find your figure. Yet you were just too far away.
"C'mon! That show's on again!" You patted the seat beside you on the couch excitedly, legs bouncing against the side of the furniture. Osomatsu couldn't help but chuckle, wasting no time with flopping lazily into the seat, wrapping an arm around the seat behind you.
His fingers grazed your exposed shoulder, and it was only then that he realised how loose your clothing was. It was baggy. So baggy that the neck sagged off of your shoulders. Revealing clear, smooth skin. Skin that he wanted to feel, and caress, and hug, and kiss-
"Are you okay?" Once again, you snapped him out of his daze, large and curious eyes peering into his own. He jolted, not noticing how close he had leaned into you.
"Uh, y-yeah! How could I not be, when I'm sat here with you?" He winked, a sleazy grin wobbling it's way across his cheeks. You huffed out a laugh, shaking your head.
"Honestly..." you muttered, although you didn't appear to be annoyed. On the inside, you were overjoyed. You wanted to smother this NEET so bad with hugs and butterfly kisses, wanted to bury your face into his neck and peck away at his slightly chubby skin. Your fingers twitched in your lap. You were desperate.
But, you remained calm. You remained to appear unaffected. You didn't want to overwhelm him. You wanted to take it slow, despite knowing how desperate he was for wanting to at least have sex before dying. He was a hopeless virgin, after all- they all were.
Glancing over to him again, you chanced a look at his lips. The bottom lip was slightly plump, pink and soft-looking, just like the rest of him. It was adorable. Looking a little more closely, you saw that his lips had lines of red, chapped and chipped.
"Your lips dry," you mumbled absentmindedly. Osomatsu almost snapped his neck looking over to you, humming confusedly.
"Your lips. They're a little dry," you pointed to your own, running a finger across the bottom for emphasis. His face lit up in understanding, and he laughed.
"Yeah, Todomatsu yelled at me for that already."
"He yelled at you?" Amused and intrigued, you knew a good story was bound to come out of it. Osomatsu chuckled, eyes closing as he recalled.
"He sure did! Said somethin' about it making me look even worse than I already do, which is a complete lie!" He whined, throwing his head back. You laughed, a hand covering your mouth out of habit.
"He gave me this chapstick thing though- which I thought was for girls, but he apparently uses one all the time. Tastes like cherries, though! So I can't complain," he ended with a shrug.
"Cherries, huh? Perfect for you!" You drawled, still giggling as his face flared up.
"H-Huh?! What're you tryin' to say?!" He demanded, pouting. You carefully began to move a little bit closer to him, hand resting casually on his thigh.
"What do you think I mean, dumby?" Your voice dropped a little lower, and you peered up at him through thick lashes, appearing innocent. Though, you both knew you were far from innocent.
"You and your brothers are well-known cherry boys. I suspected for a long time that you'd probably taste like cherries, too. Am I wrong?" Tilting your head, you were pressed right up against him now. Plump thigh flush against his. Shoulder pressed against his chest. Hand resting just above his heart, feeling it think rapidly.
It was too much. You were too much. He didn't stop you. He would be insane to stop you.
Sweating and red faced, he tried his best to frown down at you. Key word being: 'tried.'
"How am I supposed to know? And h-how would you know that I taste like... like ch-cherries?" Osomatsu stammered. His fingers were clenched very tightly against his trousers, hoping- praying- that you wouldn't look downwards. Or maybe he wanted you to. He wouldn't complain.
"I can prove it to you. Right now, if you'd like."
"...Show me."
That was all it took. A small push of your body upwards, and your lips connected with his. You felt him tense instantly, and you couldn't help but smirk against him. He was trembling. He was just too cute for you.
You continued for a little longer, tilting your head to the side, caressing his cheek with your thumb, moving sensually against his lips. Chapped as they were, the way the cuts grazed against your lips felt good.
Tongue darting out quickly to swipe at his lips, you leaned away with a small breath. Looking him in the eyes, you licked your lips once more before smiling devilishly up at him.
"Mmm... yup. Definitely tastes like cherries." You manoeuvred your body, swinging your leg gently over his lap to straddle him. His hands instantly flew to your hips, gripping them tightly, yet rubbing soft circles with his thumbs. He was calming his own nerves.
"Did I ever tell you I love cherries?" You leaned in again, voice soft and low, music to his ears.
"N-No..." he replied quietly, eyes blown wide in shock. You laughed again, fingers tugging at the baby hairs at his neck.
"You're too cute, Osomatsu..."
You delved in for another taste. You wasted no time in nibbling against his lip gently, happily slipping your tongue inside and exploring his hot cavern. A blank slate for you to mark. An opportunity you've been waiting so long for.
He tasted like old beer and smokey cigars, a tinge of cherries left behind. You didn't mind it though. What else did you expect? It was who he was. And, if you were being honest, you were too into to care much.
Osomatsu were fidgeting beneath you, not entirely sure what to do. He wanted to make you feel good too. But how? He didn't know anything about this kind of stuff. He was a virgin, for crying out loud.
Suddenly, he felt your hands wrap around his, softly prying his hands away from your hips and onto your bare thighs, all thanks to a pair of shorts. You rubbed them up and down slowly, then let go to resume their place in his hair, tangling and griping onto it.
He continued to move his hands, barely registering what he was doing through his clouded daze. His calloused hands pressed into your soft flesh, causing your hips to grind down against his, moaning into the kiss.
You moaned.
You moaned.
Osomatsu felt his soul slip out of his body, and as much as he begged for it to come back, it was just too far gone. You felt the man go limp underneath you, causing you to reluctantly break away from him, breathing a little heavy.
"Osomatsu?" You called, hands cupping his cheeks. You shook him a few times, figuring out that he had passed out. Probably from excitement. You couldn't help but smile.
And then, as you moved to get off of his lap, something brushed against your inner thigh.
Something hard.
You stifled a laugh, spluttering giggles into your palm. He really was excited.
You struggled to calm down even as you laid him properly on the couch, covering him with a blanket. He would probably have an aneurism if he found himself in bed next to you the following morning.
Glancing over your shoulder one last time, your fingers traced your lips, curving into a small grin. Cheeks warm, as well as your lower regions, you practically skipped over to your bedroom.
"My sweet cherry boy~'"