Trigger Warnings - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Crowdsourced trigger warnings spoilers for movies, tv, books and more.

This is your friendly reminder from a mentally ill person that this website exists. If you have any triggers, look up the media and it will tell you if your trigger is in it. I see way too many people complaining about shows not having adequate TW nowadays as if resources like this don't exist. A big part of being mentally ill is looking out for yourself so make sure to go and do that, folks!

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3 years ago

[ 2. ]

Ichimatsu shut the door behind him with a sigh, removing his gloves and tossing them into a trash can nearby. He rubbed at the back of his neck, half-lidded eyes glancing back to the door briefly before turning away.

"How'd it go?" Osomatsu had seated himself in his chair, watching his younger brother lean on the wall across from him. Karamatsu was sat to his right, and Choromatsu to his left, both equally curious as to how the treatment had gone.

"..She's all patched up."

"...That's it?" Choromatsu deadpanned. "That's all you're gonna tell us?"

"How is her condition?" Karamatsu rephrased. "What are her injuries?"

Ichimatsu shoved his hands into his pockets, gaze stuck to the ground. A familiar ginger cat slinked into the room, twisting itself around his legs before settling down beside him. The comfort of a close friend made Ichimatsu feel slightly more at ease.

"Her right wrist is sprained, and her left shoulder was dislocated," the brothers winced, "Luckily, she didn't get any broken ribs, but she was probably close to it. She's got bruises and swelling, mostly around her neck and upper body, and skin burns from the rope. Her lip's busted, too, so it's got some stitching. And..."

He cut himself off with another sigh, shuffling his feet around. Osomatsu raised a brow, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

"And' what? What else is there?"

The silence was tense, and much too long for the men to sit through. Choromatsu's leg began to bounce slightly as he waited for an answer, his patience wearing thinner by the second.

Ichimatsu fiddled with his earring, flicking the golden hoop a few times before running his hand through his curvy locks.

"She's.. also got loads of scars. They ain't fresh, either."

"Scars..? From what?" Karamatsu pushed. Ichimatsu only shrugged.

"Dunno. But there's a shit tonne on her back. Big ones."

The brothers looked at each other wearily, unsure of how to react. It was already bad enough that you had been taken hostage and beaten to near death, but now this?

Osomatsu stood up suddenly, eyes closed in thought.

"Well, it's not like any of us don't have scars. So it's not a big deal."

"Osomatsu.." Karamatsu sighed. Sometimes, his brothers didn't realise how insensitive they could be.

"Whenever she wakes up, let one of us know, it doesn't matter who," he continued, nodding to Ichimatsu. "We'll get the questions out of the way so that she can rest."

Grunting in affirmation, Ichimatsu headed towards his small tray of medical supplies, moving them towards a sink in order to clean off the blood. Your blood. Osomatsu left, and Karamatsu followed not soon after, wanting to take a breather out on the balcony.

"..You're still here."

The statement caught Choromatsu off guard for a second, but he quickly regained his composure. He raised a brow to his younger brother, leaning back into his chair and whipping out his phone to go through absentmindedly.

"Yeah." He replied shortly, leaving no room for argument as he focused back onto his phone, scrolling through random social media and notifications. Ichimatsu glared at him before going back to his task.

Choromatsu glanced at the door. You were behind it, laying on a bed, sleeping soundly through the pain. For now.

The same feeling as before came bubbling up to his throat, filling his senses with a sort of worrying feeling. He grit his teeth tightly. If he was being honest, he didn't like this feeling. Not one bit. Ever since he laid eyes on your broken form, the feeling wouldn't go away.

This was bad. Very bad.

And yet, he stayed in his seat. Waiting for you to wake up so that he could see you first.


[ —

You were remembering a time where the sun was bright, and the grass beneath your fingers was a vivid green. There were mumbled words echoing around you, and you looked towards the hazy sky, a plain azure stretching as far as the eye could see.

There was a ball in your small hands. Its canary yellowed stripes across the white background gleamed brighter the longer you stared in confusion, unsure of what you were supposed to do with it.

Your name was called, distorted and far away, carrying itself in the wind until it reached your ears. It was telling you to throw the ball towards them. Somewhere ahead of you. The sunlight reflected into your eyes, removing your ability to see who was there.

But you threw it anyway, putting all your strength into your arms, eyes screwed shut in determination. There was the sound of the hollow, plastic ball bouncing along the ground until it came to a stop. There was laughter, drifting further away from you. Your lower lip curled into a pout — why couldn't you see where it was coming from?

' You did so well! '

Where had you heard that voice before?

' Come here, throw it again, sweetheart! '

Okay, you thought to respond. You felt the buzz of words on the tip of your tongue, however your mouth failed to move. Regardless, your stubby legs stumbled forward, arms reaching out to grasp at whatever had hidden itself behind the veil of light, fingers curling and unfurling around nothing but air. The sky was fading into a pure white, obscuring your view, yet you pressed onwards.

You were becoming desperate now, calling out for whoever was there. Their name was on your lip, resting right on the edge, you knew it, but it didn't fall. Your throat was tightening as tears of frustration welled in the corners of your eyes. The luminosity was becoming blinding, and the grass no longer tickled at your skin. Your eyes fell closed as you felt the warmth of the sun dissipate, the air becoming colder and more frigid.

Where was the voice? Where was it? Where?

Silence greeted you as an old friend. You found yourself unable to move, arms stuck to your sides and legs tucked under you as they became numb. You had opened your eyes and you still found darkness. Your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach, thundering against your body as you held your breath.

You were sure you had called out for that voice. There was no response. There was never a response.

A deafening clang of metal sounded from behind you, and your heart had now leapt to your throat, mixed with a sickening concoction of bile that threatened to spill if it was pushed just enough.

Deep footsteps, weighted and unwavering. They rounded your left, stopping in front of you, too close for you to be comfortable with. The muddied boots that were now in your vision suddenly and unexplainably terrified you. What could be so frightening about a pair of boots?

And then, when an unforgiving hand grasped at your strands and lifted your face upward ever so slowly, you realised. For it wasn't the boots that terrified you, but the one who was wearing them.

You were sure that the bloodied smirk on the face in the shadows was the last thing you would see before death became permanently splintered across your cheek.

— ]

Your cheek throbbed painfully as you snapped your eyes open, pupils contracting dangerously thin as they darted around the unfamiliar room.

A cold sweat had made itself known as you shuddered, coating your skin in goose-bumps whilst your tried to find your bearings.

That same light bore down on your eyes painfully, the burn making you flinch to keep your eyes closed, but you knew you had to keep them open. You had to know where you were. You had to know what was going on.

Willing the fog of confusion to remove itself from your mind was no easy feat, and the heavy breaths that left your chest heaving made you all the more lightheaded. Your vision began to blur, your teeth gritting in shame. You hated crying. You didn't want to cry anymore. Tears, however, have minds of their own, and they made that clear as they traversed down your temple and clung to your hair, some even making it down to your lip, the twinge of salt making you grimace.

It hurt to breath. Every inch of your body felt as if it were on fire, prickling and feverish, in desperate need of relief. Your parched throat begged for a sip of water, but your arms were still restricted from movement. Your left arm in particular felt rigid, with only your fingers being just about moveable.

Sudden flashes of memory that supposedly lead you to your current position appeared before your eyes. The gruesome feeling of bones cracking and blood bursting from your torn skin made you squirm. You didn't want to go through that again. You would do anything to not go through that again.

The room around you was morphed and irregular, the double vision that swirled your eyes together faintly fading in and out. You could barely make out the shape of the rectangular door in the far right corner of the room, it's golden handle glinting ahead of you.

It was then that you heard the numerous garbled voices sounding from the other side of the door. With each pump of your heart, they got closer and closer, your panic increasing at the thought of whoever it was entering the room.

It was too late, though. The handle had already begun to turn, the small crack between the doorframe growing larger, enabling the voices to now be heard clearer in your ears.

There were three men, none of them looking your way as they seemed too preoccupied in the conversation they were having. A small whimper escaped your throat at the sight of unfamiliar people coming close to you, and you struggled harder to move away from them, knowing all too well that you wouldn't be moving anywhere.

You came to an immediate halt as their heads turned to you synchronously, watching you with slight surprise in their eyes.

They hadn't expected you to be awake so soon. Taking your dishevelled appearance — from the tangled mess of hair on your scalp to your torn clothing and bandaged limbs — one man stepped forward and away from his small group. He slowed his movements upon seeing your chest rapidly rising and falling, your swollen lower lip wobbling with worry.

Your mind vaguely registered the gentle smile he gave you, raising his hands in surrender. Your eyes trailed down the beginnings of a blue scale-like tattoo on his upper arms, disappearing under the black shirt he wore before reappearing on his exposed chest.

"We aren't here to hurt you, my dear."

His tone was low, gently reverberating through your nerves. The soothing baritone in his voice calmed you for a short second, and you watched as he crept closer to your bedside, not stopping until he hovered over you. His dark eyed swept over your injuries, thick brows furrowing as he looked back into your eyes.

"Do you remember your name, flower?" Lowering his voice to a murmur, he waited patiently for an answer. You cast your sight towards the other two men in the room, who were stood silently by the door, watching you. One of them appeared to be scowling at the man beside you, whilst the other crossed his arms over his chest, fingers tapping impatiently against his bicep. He caught your eye before turning away, the frown on his lips tightening further.

Speaking was a difficult task in itself. Your throat was parched, leaving your tongue dry and voice croaky. You stammered your name out as clearly as you could with a small nod of your head, shuddering pained gasps as your lips ached with each formation of words.

The man's smile returned, relief evident on his face as he moved away from you. He wasn't speaking to you now, but to the men at the door.

"I feel it would be best to sit her up," he gestured to the bed you lay in.

"...Don't put too much pressure onto her." The man with his curling locks tied back into a messy ponytail and tired eyes mumbled brief instructions, not making a move to leave his spot. The man beside him sighed with a tut, grumbling as he made his way to the left side of your bed.

You eyed him warily, looking back to the tattooed-man for reassurance.

"You're safe here, darling. No harm will come to you here," he spoke to you whilst manoeuvring his larger hands under your back from the left. "We only wish to help you."

The sincerity in his words rolled over like honey, oozing sweet kindness and glowing golden. Tears sprung to your eyes once more — you could trust this man.

Once they had you sat up (with only a small amount of struggle to not hurt your further), a glass of water was held close to your lips, the tattooed-man urging you to take a sip. You wrapped your lips around the rim of the glass hesitantly, but as soon as the first drop of cool water fell down your throat, you began gulping down the drink in one go, desperate for that cooling relief on your throat and mind.

The man settled the glass down on the bedside table before taking a seat in an empty chair behind him, crossing one leg over the other as he took a deep breath.

"[L/N] [Y/N]," he began. You looked over to him in worry, his serious tone making you expect the worst. "If it's alright with you, we would like to ask you a few questions."

...Questions? You tilted your head slightly, shuffling your back against the large fluffy pillows resting behind you.

"About what..?" Your voice was doing a lot better than before, still holding a slight rasp in your words. You cleared your throat as discreetly as you could, unable to cover your mouth as your arms felt so heavy.

"About the events you have just been through. You do remember what happened to you, yes?"

The very mention of recalling such memories made you visibly shudder. Nodding hesitantly, you concluded that you couldn't exactly get out of this. You were stuck there until they decided to let you go, and until then, you would just have to go along with what they asked.

'Who knows what will happen if I don't listen..' you thought, an undertone if bitterness lacing into your mind.

"Before we begin, I believe introductions are in order." He placed a hand over his chest, bowing his head politely. "My name is Laamcung. Pleasure to meet you, my sweet." The continuous use of pet names baffled you, unsure as to why he kept using them on you, but you brushed it aside for the sake of not pissing him off.

There was a moment silence before Laamcung sighed. He pointedly looked towards the other two men by the door, who rolled their eyes at him.

"Ceoicung." The man wearing a black V-neck t-shirt quickly spat his name out, not even bothering to look at you. The one beside him, with the curly hair and golden hoop in his ear, seemed to shrink into himself as all eyes turned to him. He appeared to want to be anywhere but in that room.

"...Zicung.." you were barley to catch his name with how low he had mumbled it. Laamcung sighed, smiling apologetically to you.

"My apologies, dearest. My brothers aren't exactly the best at formal introductions, but I assure you, they are nicer than they appear to be."

You didn't entirely believe him, but it was better to nod along and not question anything at all. You briefly acknowledged the fact that they were brothers, realising that it only made sense, seeing as they had very similar faces. Triplets weren't too uncommon.

Laamcung readjusted his legs, switching from his right leg resting over his left to his left over his right, pressing his hands over the curve of his knee.

"I understand that you may not feel comfortable recalling such events," Laamcung began, "But I must ask you to tell us what happened. From before you were kidnapped to when you know it ended, and anything that you think could have lead to you being a target. All of this information is vital, angel, so I must implore that you tell us everything that comes to mind."

The pressure placed back onto you mentally was heavy. He was right, it was going to be extremely uncomfortable for you to talk. You didn't know if you could do it.

"..Hey. We don't have all day."

Zicung's rough growl of annoyance made you shrivel up, forcing yourself to swallow your nerves so as not to tick him off.

"Zicung." Laamcung sent him a stern glare, silencing his brother with a word of warning. You saw Ceoicung dig an elbow into the man's rib, keeping him quiet. "Take your time, [L/N]. Ignore him, there's no rush."

Nevertheless, you wanted to get this over and done with. Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, you kept your eyes glued to your left arm, apparently finding the sling and bandage around the limb to be very interesting as you spoke.

"I don't know how I got there... Nothing out of the ordinary has happened before I was t-taken, so I don't know what could have led to this happening.." you furrowed your brows. It was the truth, and the more you thought back on the day before your kidnapping, the more you became confused. Why were you a target? Was it because you were an easy catch? Was it because you were a nobody, so it wouldn't cause a big fuss? Why, out of the thousands of people in Cekcung, were you taken away from your normal life and thrown into this hell?

"All I know is that I went to bed like I always do, and the next time I woke up, I wasn't at home anymore."

The three brothers glanced at one another. It all sounded like a simple coincidence, then, that you had been a victim to their enemy, Reznov. But if they knew the sly man, then they knew that it was anything but a coincidence. He always had a motive, whether it was complex or downright stupid, it didn't matter to him — a motive was a motive.

"Has anything happened to you throughout this week, then? Or even before that?"

"..I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you mean."

"Have you done anything to piss anyone off." Ceoicung was now the one to cut in bluntly. You chanced a glance up to him, and upon finding his narrowed eyes boring down onto your face, you decided to stick with looking at your bandages. Hmm, yes, this bandage was so interesting to you.

Your mind reeled back to yesterday, then the day before, and then jumping to the week before that, your brain filling with images of merging memories of anything you could think of, before you stilled.

There was something.

"...I think so."

The brothers raised a brow to you, leaning in slightly to catch onto every word you were going to say.

"I run a small bakery, and that day about a week ago, I hadn't gotten much sleep, so I was out of it for most of the day.." the more you spoke, the more that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach seemed to grow. How had you not noticed it before?

"I kept making a few slip ups here and there while I was working; I just couldn't seem to concentrate very well. But luckily, a lot of the customers that came in were regulars, so they didn't really say anything. Until, this one customer.." You struggled to remember his face for a moment, the first thing you remembered about him though was that he was tall, almost tall enough to brush his head against the short ceiling in your shop.

"He ordered something, and I must've messed up the order, since he suddenly started yelling at me once he opened the box. I was so tired, though, so I wasn't really paying attention.. I don't remember much of what he was saying, and he just got angrier.."

You remembered him slamming his fist down hard onto the counter top, the way the change in the cash register clattered loudly in its metal box ringing in your ears.

"All I remember him saying is... I-Is.." your throat closed up again, and the urge to bury your face into your hands was strong. Squeezing your eyes shut, you recalled what he looked like, now. His features were all to familiar. Especially that same, dark, twisted smile he had sent your way before he made his way out of the shop, muttering the words that had allowed you to get caught up in this mad, crazed world.

'Looks like I found myself the perfect ragdoll to play with.'

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3 years ago

✧ Matsuno - 'Ragdoll'

𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘝𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯!𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘴 𝘟 𝘔𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳

The Matsu's villain names (from eldest to youngest): Mr Simply Mr Shocking Mr Day Mr Deep Mr Mo Mr Floyd

TW: NON-CON ELEMENTS, MENTIONS OF DRUG USE. feel free to skip this chapter if it makes you uncomfortable.

It was a long and rough battle. You were covered in cuts and light bruises, dusted over with a layer of dirt and rubble. Your clothing was torn roughly, barely hanging onto your body.

You stood up slowly with shaking knees as you glared furiously up at the villains laughing down at you.

"Give up, doll," the pink haired man, Mr Simply, stepped forward, resting a hand confidently on his hip. "It would really be a shame if you forced us to kill you."

You straightened your back at his words, teeth gritting tightly into a snarl, desperately ignoring the stab of pain in your chest and the heaving breaths you took.

"No." You seethed, taking a step forward, wobbling dangerously. "I won't stop... until you're all defeated..."

Another laughed mockingly.

"You can say that all you want, girl, but you look like you're about to faint right here and now." The blonde Mr Floyd sneered, his earrings glinting in the sunlight.

"She's super weak!" Mr Mo boomed loudly, bouncing on the spot as if the previous battle hadn't exhausted him at all, his purple hair swaying with each move.

The grip you had on your wand tightened as you lifted it up towards them, face scrunching up as you concentrated on letting out a powerful attack to take them down. Only for the burst of magic to fizzle and pop like an old lightbulb, fading away in an instant. The laughter only grew louder, the deep pit in your stomach growing bigger.

"I must say," Mr Shocking began, sliding his dark sunglasses down to the bridge of his nose, "I find your determination quite endearing, Miss Sugar Sweet." He practically purred your heroine name, rolling each syllable off of his tongue in a deliberately deep baritone.

"I do agree. When she's all ruffled up like this... It suits her, don't you think?" Mr Day chuckled lowly, staring you down over the rim of his own swirled glasses. Your voice was hoarse by now, leaving you unable to speak a single word back to them.

Mr Simply took a few steps forward suddenly, stopping just a few feet away from your swaying form.

"Let's have some more fun, shall we?"

You shuddered as you watched his eyes rake your body up and down with a smirk, lingering on all the exposed skin on your chest and legs. You grimaced, wrapping your battered arms around yourself and taking a step away, only to crash into something solid behind you.

A hand came over your mouth, clasping a cloth tightly over your mouth and nose, barely budging as you began to struggle violently in the person's hold. You glanced upward through bleary eyes to see the turquoise locks of Mr Deep's hair cascading over your face as he grinned wildly, his eyes dark and full of a dangerous glint.

"We'll definitely be having our far share of fun tonight..." he murmured into your ear, however the words were barely registered as your body became limp, your eyes closing and your breathing steadying into slow, shallow breaths.

The six men stood around your sleeping form, each bearing the same toothy smiles as Mr Mo picked you up and swung you onto his shoulder, following his fellow villains away to their secretive base.

»»----- ♔ -----««

Heavy. You felt really heavy.

Groaning, you moved your head from side to side, struggling to open your eyes. Your limbs were numb weights for you, unable to move them apart from a few twitches of your fingers and toes.

Slowly, you began registering something warm pressed up against you. Soft murmurs echoed around you, gently waking you up from your slumber. A pleasant shiver ran up your spine as something else massaged you from somewhere lower down. You whined softly, hands beginning to grip at whatever was beside you.

"So innocent..." a voice purred into your ears, it's warm breath tickling the skin on your neck. Warm tingles were peppered against your other shoulder. It made your stomach coil up pleasantly. Something hummed against you from below, making you whimper again.

The tingling turned into a pleasurable pain as the thing bit down onto your skin.

"That's gonna leave a nice mark on you," you heard it chuckle, the vibration running through your body.

You could feel something slick between your legs now. You tried to rub your thighs together, but they were held apart by what felt like multiple hands.

Through your hazy mind you began to question:

'What's.... happening..?'

Slowly, your eyes fluttered open, blinking against a light coming from somewhere before adjusting.

"Ah, she's waking up!" Another voice, louder than the other two, spoke from somewhere around you.

Calloused fingers took hold of your chin, facing you towards the one you were holding on to. His red hair was slightly tousled, and his upper torso was bare, revealing his toned body. Your mind began to recognise who it was, but your body was too slow to pull away from his grasp.

He leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss on your lips, eyes half lidded.

"I'm sure you will be as glad as we are that you're finally awake, darling." He dove back in for another kiss, tilting his head before nipping  at your lips, slipping his tongue into your mouth. Pleasant sensations were continuously being felt all over your body, making you moan into the kiss.

"We can hear you a lot louder now, kitten," the other voice of Mr Deep came from the other side. You felt his hands roam around your chest before settling onto your bare breasts, fondling and squeezing at the mounds as he grazed his teeth across your shoulder and sensitive neck.

"Guess I can tell you how fucking good you taste, babe." You recognised that voice to be Mr Simply. You took the spare moment to catch your breath to look downwards, seeing the man's face between your parted legs, grinning cockily up at you. His lips had a light sheen to them, although you couldn't identify right away what it was.

Another face was beside him, pressing kisses and bites to the inside of your right thigh. His v-shaped grin made you heat up. It was then that you realised something poking at your entrance, parting your folds to run up and down your wet pussy.

"You're so tight... Looks like we get to be the first ones to ruin her." He suddenly pushed two of his fingers into you. You cried out a lewd moan, panting as he curled his fingers inside of you. A hand curled around your neck tightly, just loose enough for you to still breath. The lack of air made you dizzy, the sensations of Mr Day's fingers multiplying tenfold.

"Make that noise again, pretty kitty," Mr Deep growled, and you obeyed. Your tongue lolled out of your mouth as you panted harshly. Mr Shocking took a chance to take your tongue into his mouth, continuing his assault of long kisses.

Without warning, the knot in your stomach was released as you began to cum hard, your body spasming as your attempted to ride out your orgasm. Someone's warm tongue latched itself to your clit, suckling on the sensitive bundle of nerves rapidly. You cried out as the pleasure turned to pain from overstimulation, but they didn't stop until your came a second time, your juices spilling into their mouths as they lapped up every droplet.

You weren't given a second to rest as you were suddenly lifted off of the sheets beneath you and held against something firm. You were pushed down onto all fours, your arms and legs shaking dangerously. Hands settled onto your hips from behind, another hand tugging at your hair and lifting your face upwards.

"I know that pretty mouth of yours can do more than screaming," Mr Floyd grinned before pressing the tip of his cock against your mouth. Without thinking, you opened up and closed your lips over the head before slowly moving down to take as much as you could, your tongue running against the underside of his shaft.

"Such a good girl..." Mr Mo groaned from behind as he lined himself up against your dripping core, pushing into with a quick snap of his hips. Your walls tightened further around him as his tip was pushed right up against your g-spot. "You're taking me so well..!"

The heavy cloud over your mind refused to lift as you were lifted into the arms of these sweet villains, their hands caressing you and giving you sweet release as you begged for more, more, more.

A small bottle stood on a table nearby, the cap loose. It would go unnoticed by you for a very long time. And even then, you wouldn't care about what it was. Not when you could have everything you wanted when you were with them.

The six men grinned at your sleepy form, bite marks and slight bruises littering your neck, hips and thighs. You were truly as sweet as sugar. They weren't planing on giving up their ragdoll any time soon.

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9 years ago

A Gender Neutral and Orientation Blind Guide to Harmful Behaviors in Relationships

I recently had to deal with rehash from a past relationship that I wish I knew going into it. So I’m going to impart wisdom on the people who are looking for a partner or are already with a partner. I was sick of trying to look for relationship advice and only finding advice for women in my time of need.

This is also me venting so there will be a lot of past relationship examples.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Sexual assault, rape, suicide, self-harm, mind games, kink talk. 

Please reblog from the source. If I missed anything or my information is slightly off, tell me politely via ask and I will add it and correct it.

Under the read more.


The level of Clingyness. 

No I’m serious. It sounds cute, and for a small bit it is. However if the relationship has been going on for a while and they are not showing signs of independence (approximately 3 months going on), that is not a good sign. For example, one of my exes would not play the MMO we both played until I was able to go online. He would text me numerous times asking if I was home yet or if I could call. Sure that sounds ok, but we’re talking about multiple times per day. If I wanted to play alone for a while, I would have to sneak around. Even then, as soon as I would pop online there, I would get a notification as soon as I sign on of him wanting to add me to party, or he was there in the same spot I was. It is an indicator of stalker like behavior. On the flipside, a partner not wanting to spend time with you or always busy isn’t good either. If the person won’t respond or just flat out would rather spend time with other people, it’s a sign you should look elsewhere. However, if they do not end the relationship they are stringing you along and you should end it.


Your relationship will have bumps along the way, and you may get into arguments. A healthy argument is essential for the survival of a relationship. There may be words thrown around, and your ego may be bruised. However, if the person hits you or you hit them, that is abusive. Abuse doesn’t have to be physical however. It could be emotional or verbal. For example, in my past relationship, we would have daily fights. If I chose not to deal with him, as I’ve told him numerous times that if I fly off the handle I seek solitude so I can cool off (none of the times he listened), he’d whine and pout because I wasn’t paying attention to him. This turns a small problem into a four hour argument over practically nothing. The arguments would range from me being on a character he had yet to level, not calling as soon as I got home, wanting to level by myself, wanting to call other people rather than him, etc. Even after the relationship ended he would start arguments. He’d insist that I should apologize for the stuff he started. He’d guilt trip and cry fake tears if he didn’t get his way, which is immature at best. If your partner does any of these things, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. However if there is physical abuse involved, or you think you or the people around you are in danger, the situation is delicate and you need to take precautions.


Oh boy, where do I begin with this one….

Manipulation could be any of the following:

* Attempts of Negative Change:

First of all, you are you. No person you date should want to change that. No one is worth changing for. Any person who wants to change you IS NOT worth your time. I’ve been in 3 different relationships where the person changed for me or they requested I change myself for them. I dated a person in the marines when I was 15 and not out publicly as a transman. He called me his “queen” and turned down my identity for his convenience. I stated several times I identified as male. Eventually I ended it because it was dead and I was sick of his shit. The second one was a guy that I knew for 2 years before I started dating him. A week into it I came out to him and he seemed okay with it. However he would talk often about how pretty I would look in a bridal gown and how he wanted me to be his perfect wife. Each time I would gently remind him that I was a man and should be treated as such. A month and a half later I pushed a bit more and he stated outright that he was not okay with it and planned to sabotage my transition. I dumped him through Facebook because I did not want to wait until we met face to face again, the only time I violated my own personal beliefs.

* Suicide /Self Harm Threats:

This topic is a bit difficult to explain, since it’s very delicate if brought up. It’s also hard to discern if they’re trying to guilt trip you or they’re speaking the truth. I will use two instances to explain the difference.

Talking about the suicide and or self-harm of yourself or others is a heavy topic. It’s delicate to deal with since in a way it is violence. After someone I liked rejected my advances because “they were gay and were not interested in people who were at one point a woman” I fell quickly into a denial of myself. I felt disgusted of my existence for the second time in my life. I kept plunging deeper into depression at an alarming rate, to the point that I first thought about, then told my friends that my existence was a mistake I was going to correct. I thank my friends for staying by me until I felt better, even though it ranged until late at night. They kept refuting me calling myself “Frankenstein’s bitch”, “Disgusting”, “Not truly a man”, Etc. and showered me with compliments and told me how much life would suck to the people around me if I did such. I thank them profusely for not letting me go through with it, and I wouldn’t be here today if they didn’t talk me out of it.

This is not to be confused with using the threat of self harm and or suicide to have people do what you say. Recently, my ex and I got into a fight and I did not want to talk to him. He claimed that I owed him a call for all the things I did to him, such as abandoning him for my partner, even though I told him if my partner gets online and wants to call I would leave him. I didn’t want to talk to him after it. The next day he wanted to call and I did not. He said that I owed him, and when I tried to terminate the friendship due to how he was speaking with me he started telling me he was cutting himself. He even texted me an unwanted picture of his cut up wrist, which I did not want a picture of nor did I request it. After that I blocked him, since that was enough to know he was being manipulative. He then took it to the group chat in my guild and said he deserved an apology and that I did nothing to try and stop him from killing himself. My partner intervened at this point and told him he didn’t have to bring it to that chat. That no one was going to force him to do so but no one was going to stop him either. It was that point that I left every group he and I were ever in together and contacted his friend to call his mother about all this, since I didn’t have her number. The thing is, this comes from a guy that if I even wanted to spend time away from him he thought I didn’t care and cried.

The main difference is that the person persists to have an “Over here I’m teetering on the edge look at me save me omg please I’m going to fall look” or “If you do (x) I won’t end my life or hurt myself“ type attitude about it. In something like that there is nothing you can do but remove them from your life. If someone threatens self-harm and or suicide it is a serious matter. Even if you suspect them to be using it to toy with your emotions, you need to contact someone that can physically talk with them and keep an eye on them.


This is a big one. Harassment is usually when the person won’t leave you alone when you’ve asked, or keep trying to pry when you don’t want to talk about it. This is an indicator of stalker-like behavior, and sometimes leads to or is sexual assault. The person usually goes very far in order to get what they want, be it you, the information you possess, or other things. They might not listen to you if you ask them to stop. After I blocked my ex he went to extreme measures to win me back. He combed our past group chats for one I did not leave and begged for me to call him after he did. And when I said it was too late to make amends he failed to leave me alone. I had to get people to intervene and even then he didn’t listen to those people. He talked through a common friend of ours. He even messaged me on the MMO. I had to dissolve my guild and make a new one, telling him he was not to be involved with the new one in any way nor talk to me in game. He violated that by repeatedly asking for admittance into the guild. He claimed he lost a good friend, one that he trusted with his life, one that he deeply respected. However, whenever I told him to leave me alone he would just keep trying to persuade me to reinstate the friendship. Eventually my partner put his foot down and intervened again, helping me to finally remove him from my life for good. So as a reminder, it’s okay to ask people to handle it if you cannot.

Sex and Kinks:

Sex comes with trust and respect, and is a healthy part of any relationship. Sex pertains to any activity ranging from oral, anal, vaginal, grinding, etc. It’s recommended that you talk with your partner about it before it happens, as it is a huge step.

* Persuasion:

Your partner shouldn’t need to persuade you to have sex. It’s all up to you whether or not to take that step or not, and how far to go. If you want to stop, your partner should stop. If they do not stop, since you have taken back your consent it falls under rape. If your partner takes back their consent, you must stop. If they force you and you said no (visa versa as well), legal action can be taken.

* Safe Sex:

Sex should be done carefully using lubricant, condoms, dental dams, and other contraceptives. The person could have STDs or STIs. If you aren’t careful you or your partner could get hurt. If there is a possibility of pregnancy and either one of you aren’t wanting kids for a while, it would be safe if condoms and birth control were used.

* Kinks and Safety with Kinks:

Kinks are a normal thing to have. Since you and your partner are individuals, you may both have kinks that the other does not have. It is perfectly okay if you don’t share every kink. You also aren’t obligated to fulfill your partner’s kinks that you both do not share, or any kinks for that matter. If your partner wants to, you have the option to say no. If your partner tries to force you to participate in a kink you don’t want to, you should cease the encounter immediately. My ex used to pester me about giving him a foot job (I do not have a foot kink. Rather I am repulsed by feet). So it is a serious matter if the person does not respect that you don’t like something. In a relationship with BSDM involved, Safety and aftercare is essential. Trust and communication are also very important to kinks with risk of injury. If something is hurting you, your partner must know. Safety words can help with retracting out of the mood to assess the situation, or if the situation is getting out of your comfort zone. This is because words like “help” and “stop” may not work. You should not get hurt over something that is supposed to bring pleasure to you and your partner. Aftercare is important to the sub so that they feel loved. Sometimes if an s-type does not receive aftercare, they may experience subdrop. Subdrop can manifest itself almost immediately after the scene and last for hours, even days. The s-type may experience some mental and physical stress, such as anxiety, self-hatred, headaches, the desire to leave the scene and or partner, rage, and dizziness to name a few. Remember in kinks such as BSDM you’re playing a role.


Listening is a major part of any relationship. If your partner does not listen to your thoughts or opinions, this could cause problems. My ex never seemed to listen to me. That was our biggest flaw in our former relationship, and was ultimately what made me terminate it. I kept telling him I needed space to breathe, which I said since day one. However the relationship forced me to push my schoolwork aside, which caused my grades to drop to failing. Even as I ended it he failed to listen about how his lack of listening was making me feel. He ignored my own feelings, believing that we could make it work even when I fell out of love. As things kept going and fights kept happening, I realized I couldn’t even be friends with him. After I blocked him for his behavior he kept trying to win me back, evading the blocking by addressing me in group chats, begging me to forgive him. He didn’t listen and kept pressing when I said no, and didn’t listen to the people that intervened. He was dead set on winning me back as a friend. If a person doesn’t listen to you, it indicates that they have no respect for you.

In conclusion, you are a wonderful person that deserves a partner that will love and tolerate the shit out of you. You deserve a partner who understands you and listens to you and a partner who you communicate well with.

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9 years ago

A Gender Neutral and Orientation Blind Guide to Harmful Behaviors in Relationships

I recently had to deal with rehash from a past relationship that I wish I knew going into it. So I’m going to impart wisdom on the people who are looking for a partner or are already with a partner. I was sick of trying to look for relationship advice and only finding advice for women in my time of need.

This is also me venting so there will be a lot of past relationship examples.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Sexual assault, rape, suicide, self-harm, mind games, kink talk. 

Please reblog from the source. If I missed anything or my information is slightly off, tell me politely via ask and I will add it and correct it.

Under the read more.

Keep reading

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rock Lee/Reader, Rock Lee/Original Character(s), Hatake Kakashi & Reader, Hatake Kakashi & Original Character(s), Hatake Kakashi & Kakashi’s Ninken Characters: Reader, Original Non-Binary Character, Rock Lee, Hatake Kakashi, Hatake Kakashi’s Ninken, Maito Gai | Might Guy Additional Tags: Autistic Reader, Reader with OSDD, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Slice of Life, touch starvation, Reader is a past sex slave, Reader is a Child, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Yeah the topics are kinda heavy, Mostly mentions and innuendos, Nothing explicit, No Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Suggested sequestration Series: Part 1 of Cameleon / Color wheel Summary:


Oh boy. When it started like that, Kakashi was ready for everything. From ‘My tentacles tickled me!’ to ‘My ankles are going bald!’, he didn’t look up from his book or even move from his comfortable spot on the couch. “Hm?”

“I need cuddles!” the excited kid almost yelled, their eyes flowing between different colors.

He opened his arms and let the kid cuddle up on him, a dog or two also coming in the embrace.

He was safe. They were safe. And they both were happy.

-Slice of life about an ex sex slave getting better and growing up. -Trigger warnings at begining of every chapter with tldr at the end.

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1 year ago

Do you guys remember how kidnap fantasies were popular on wattpad because young girls and queer teens were both made to feel shame at the thought of their own sexualities, so the fantasy of being kidnapped totally against their will was a way for them to engage with a romantic or sexual fantasy without feeling morally in the wrong for doing so? Added bonus that the fantasy involved being whisked away from repressive environments like home or school, right?

Finding out that Bram Stoker was in a sexless marriage and that scholars believe that he very likely was closeted gay puts the entire book into perspective as to WHY it reads EXACTLY like a self insert wattpad Dracula kidnap fic:

“I TOTALLY love my wife and would never do anything that an upstanding Good Straight Working Man wouldn’t do but oh nooo, big strong man with broad back and strong enough arms to carry me back to bed like a princess trapped me and claimed me as his, completely against my will 👉👈 But he protects me against the bad evil sexual women (who I assure you, I am TOTALLY sexually attracted to, as any straight man with a choice would be) but trust me, I do NOT want ANY of this. What’s that? The Count is not capable of feeling love? Would be a shame if I had the special ability to change tha-”

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1 year ago

A little bit of a rant on Horikoshi and threats of violence against him so if you don’t want to read feel free to keep scrolling. Just as a heads up, it will contain mentions of murder, suicide, violence, and terrorism.

So I don’t know if this behaviour is present in every anime/manga fandom or if it is specifically the MHA fandom, but seriously what is up with some you saying that you’re going to kill or beat up Horikoshi. Like you do realize that’s a whole ass person right? There isn’t some robot writing the manga, it’s a guy, a literal human, you know with thoughts and feelings. Of course no author or piece of literature is free from criticism, but I feel like constructive criticism and saying an author should go and kill himself cause you don’t agree with some of the writing choices he makes, is not only cruel but just overall shitty behaviour.

One example of this behavior of is of some anime dude bro taking a photo of Horikoshi, placing it next to Osama bin Laden and writing in the captions something along the lines of “Spot the difference”. I can’t find the image now (because of course I can’t) but I think it’s pretty disturbing and outright weird to compare some mangaka whose writing choices you don’t like, to a literal terrorist who, y’know, killed people. Another perpetrator of this is that vocalpineapple guy (who has a huge following by the way) who also said that Horikoshi should go die because of what happened in the Bakugou death/revival arc.

This stuff isn’t even limited to the dudebros either, so called « progressives » « and leftists » do it as well (which is a whole other can of worms, also kinda funny how these people are mostly USA Americans and are from Western countries). They make violent threats such as the author should drop dead because he hid a transmisogynist?? And that they hate him and would like to kill him (or beat him up) if given the chance. And I don’t think people realize just how fucking extreme that is????? Like seriously you don’t like his manga? Criticize it, or better yet, hit da bricks! Go find something you enjoy, instead of going online and spouting hate against some guy.

And people might say, « Well why do you care so much ». It’s because I wonder, will this be the state of modern fandom? Sending death threats and spouting extreme violence against authors because you don’t like certain choices they’ve made? Where is the understanding? Or the nuance as to why certain choices were made? Where’s the analysis of the cultural context that a piece of literature is made in? Most of all, where’s the kindness? The understanding that another person can make mistakes, especially in their writing, and for the audience to not act mercilessly towards them. Is it so hard, to just critique the writing, and if the mistakes are a dealbreaker to you, to then just stoping engaging with the compositions and just go find something more enjoyable to you?

Overall, I think that the fandom hates Horikoshi way too much, and their comfort and overall acceptance of violence towards him is strange and also quite concerning. If you don’t like his writing, the just don’t read it! Or criticize it but like don’t start spewing violence against him.

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2 years ago

Hey there! I don’t know how new you are to tumblr but just a heads up, when writing trigger tags please don’t censor the word!

Like instead of #tw g0r3 it would just be #tw gore

It’s so people can filter things easier and it won’t get you banned or punished or anything like that

Happy blogging!

Alright then! Thanks for this information, I'm still trying to get used to tumblr and this will help me alot

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2 years ago

To Breathe Again - Masterlist

To Breathe Again - Masterlist

Premise: It was never supposed to be him. You'd never let it be him, you'd be damned if you lost him. So you'll do anything to get him back...anything.

Warnings: Swearing, death discussed, suicide mentioned, some really dark past stuff, depression, ptsd, angst, hurt with comfort but it's a long road.

Pairing: Unistudent!Namjoon x Unistudent!Reader, implied!Unistudent!Jimin x Reader(but not)

Authors notes: Body switching au!


To Breathe Again - Masterlist








To Breathe Again - Masterlist


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7 months ago

; woah friendly reminder to spoiler and tw gore !! Drawings included !! That is still really disturbing and requires warnings !! Panic attacks are not appreciated thanks. :D /srs /nbh

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4 years ago

acceptable ways to trigger tag your posts


#trigger ///

#trigger —-

#trigger 13434256245 (or any string of numbers)

#trigger cw

#trigger tw

#trigger for ts

NOT acceptable ways to trigger tag your posts

#tw trigger

#cw trigger


not tagging it at all


blacklist scripts like blacklist on xkit and tumblr savior look for the word only in the first word when its a tag !!! please tag your triggers the right way and help your friends !!!!!!

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5 months ago

🔹 Someone else's fiction cannot cause you physical harm.

🔹If someone else's fiction is causing you emotional or psychological harm, or distress, you can put it down and not read/watch it.

🔹Your emotional well-being is not the responsibility of fiction writers.

🔹Someone else's fiction is not about your personal trauma.

🔹When reading or watching fiction, you always have the power. You can always stop. You are never reading fiction without your own consent.

🔹Fiction writers are not responsible for other people's mental health.

🔹The content of a piece of fiction does not reflect on the morality of its author.

🔹Just because someone writes about bad things happening, doesn't mean they want those things to happen.

🔹Don't like? Don't read.

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1 year ago
What The Fuck Is This??????????

What the fuck is this??????????

Folks: you CANNOT censor trigger tags. When you block a tag, it doesn't block other "spellings" of it. Writing it as "r@pe" or "r4p3" means that someone who has "tw rape" as a blocked tag will still see that post because you didn't wanna say the word rape. You are hurting people. Do not censor words, because people do not have those filtered out.

And honestly if you can't even write the word rape to protect other people then you probably aren't old/mature enough to be on this website.

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11 months ago

“dead dove” is not a warning. it has never been a warning. if you use “dead dove” as a trigger warning you are missing the entire point. the origin of it is that if you see a bag labeled “dead dove” and open it, you should expect to see a dead dove. that’s not how so many of you assholes use it. you expect me to know whatever secret code you came up with and then have the audacity to get upset with me for stumbling across something i didn’t want to see?

putting “dead dove” and nothing else on something is like putting “trigger warning” and not elaborating. you stupid dumb fucks.

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3 years ago

For the Greater Good!

For the Greater Good!

So this one is based on the idea of “For the Greater Good.” It’s dark, and somewhat violent. See end notes and tags for more warnings. I am running a little light on saved content. Starting in the new year I am switching the short stories to biweekly posting for my own sanity. I may end of doing the same for microfiction, but the six sentence stories will remain weekly How did it come to this?…

View On WordPress

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1 year ago
That Is Just Fucked Up

That is just fucked up

hey hey its ya boy juni

alrighty so uhhh this isnt really meant to alarm people at all, but more to warn others in the near future ig (plus i kinda suck at explaining so bare with me alr?? thisll all be explained from my experience, so please feel free to add on!! dwjjhwjwq)

Hey Hey Its Ya Boy Juni

okok so recently, there was this one miiblogger by the name of "IsaactheMii", who'd mostly post abt stuff like miitomo, miitopia, TL, etc etc.

so like. you may be thinking, "whar?? didn't isaac get deactivated??" thats exactly what im gonna cover dude!! this is to get some confusion out of the way :-D

recently, i made a post abt like, if you give a hc to my mii, i'll hc yours, and isaac decided to participate,, in a way that wasn't so uhhh sfw in a way?? heres one example lmao

Hey Hey Its Ya Boy Juni

i really don't think he was tryna be like, creepy in a way, or at least thats what i think?? idk idk but it kinda made me and the other dudes of miiblr uncomfortable, and just really, he'd always portray my mii as a bully and say sum transphobic stuff about him,, and this snapshot is just A PEBBLE compared to these nexts chats,, so come suffer with me!! :*]

cringe up ahead watch out

alright so uhh lets move to the discord chats shall we!!! im gonna say like, about 2 months ago?? damn not even a month actually,, isaac joined the miicord server, and like. he did small stuff like, bashing others opinions and spamming stuff, to starting fights with other members,, (sadly i dont have proof cuz hes banned but majority of miiiblr should know know what i mean yeah??)

eventually, the drama got so bad, to where isaac deactivated his acc as a whole, about a day ago. making a shitty apology post saying that he "messed up" with me and another user, just kind of guilt tripping all of us, only to piss off the majority of miiblr more lmao

Hey Hey Its Ya Boy Juni

eventually later, isaac got banned from miicord for whatever reason me thinks?? but i was told that he told everyone in there to oof themselves, which just led him to ban evading and making another account

Hey Hey Its Ya Boy Juni

eventually he didnt even last a day,, not even an hour,, and he just said some pretty nasty uhhh

Hey Hey Its Ya Boy Juni

stuff to miicord,,

Hey Hey Its Ya Boy Juni

unfortunately, this is all the snapshots i could get from my brilliant pal in crime, @wii-no-ma on discord. but i think yall get my point,, isaac has done some pretty nasty stuff in the past, from saying the most toe curling, eye widening, jaw dropping shit, (ohhh man cut that out,, that aints funny) to just straight up sending death threats to people bruh

Hey Hey Its Ya Boy Juni

anyway, thats all i really needed to post lol. obviously its nothing alarming to the point where miiblr is in danger and whatnot, but i decided to make this for future purposes in case isaac does decided to come back yk?? anyway this next bit is for isaac

Hey Hey Its Ya Boy Juni

ay isaac, if youre uhh reading this,, youre like. always allowed to rejoin miiblr, just please dont expect us to like, welcome you back in open arms or anything yk?? what you did and said was like. really arrogant and immature, but we cant stop you from rejoining miiblr. may things go the way you want in the future and that you'll get the help that you need soon. cheers.

big thanks to @wii-no-ma and @evanorasworld for the snapshots :]

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11 months ago

This is a fucking serious eye-opener, guys. I have been hearing about all of this lately, and I am getting tired of it being unknown until now. They’re friggin’ older than I AM too, which makes it all the more pathetic.

My experience with Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii after dark/KiramekiCookie

I have to get this out of my system because I'm deadass tired of watching this person wander around as if they're innocent when they aren't, and I'm also annoyed of people not noticing what this person does behind the scenes because it now takes one quick Google Search using the prompt "Luca Wii Sports" to go down the rabbit hole. This is about HoneyStarlightz/Lumii.

Lemme begin with the minor stuff. So you know how Lumii has a massive grudge against me because of most of, if not all the stuff I drew in my DeviantArt account? Almost everything there was drawn when I was a FUCKING MINOR. I am 20 years old as we speak, and most of the drawings Lumii mentions happened BEFORE MY 18TH BIRTHDAY on the 1st of December, 2021, and I'll admit, during most of that time, I was a dumbass, immature, and an edgelord. I then stopped posting anything bloody and/or revealing but continued to post harmless drawings before my 18th birthday happened. October 11th of last year was when I stopped posting on that account all together because I found out that DeviantArt was blaming Hamas and Hamas only for the Palestinian deaths and making it as if the Israel military didn't do a thing to innocent lives in Palestine after Hamas attacked.

Next, we have them making me look like an asshole for shipping Luca with Abby (The one shipart I made of the two apparently traumatized them). Back when I was 17, I decided to draw Abby and Luca, two Miis I'm not a fan of, nor close to, as a couple because I thought shipping the two was a good idea. I then posted the finished product on the 23rd of January, 2021. The drawing was not meant to traumatize anyone. It was JUST. SHIP. ART. OF. ABBY. &. LUCA. The only bad thing about that drawing was that I shoved my opinion of the two Miis down people's throats in the description by asking how the hell do people like them because to me, they're just not fun to play against at all, and even then, it was drawn three to four years ago, and I don't even ship the two anymore. I ship Abby with Wii U Barbara now. Mate, I didn't even know Lumii EXISTED back then, let alone know they had a massive love for Luca.

My Experience With Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii After Dark/KiramekiCookie
My Experience With Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii After Dark/KiramekiCookie

Next, there's the clear as day hipocrisy that people have yet to notice somehow. So you know how Lumii has "Opinion Bashers" on their DNI list, right? On that same list, they also have people that hate, despise, even dislike Luca, instantly making them a hypocrite because they said they don't want to interact with people who just cannot tolerate others having a different opinion while also saying that if you think Luca is not a good Mii, you're instantly on their shit list. Also, they said no exceptions, meaning you can be the nicest person in the world, but if you dislike Luca, go fuck yourself.

I have several friends that like Luca a lot, some of which are here on Tumblr. I do not like Luca. We get along perfectly fine. I don't understand why they feel like Luca haters and Luca lovers can't co-exist when they clearly can. Just don't be an ass to others when it comes to what you think of the character, mate.

Lastly, we have the fact that they cannot take criticism. They said criticism is prohibited on their DeviantArt profile, which means that you can say anything positive about their art, but if you say anything negative, then nope. Get out. Oh, I'm so sorry I gave you a harmless critique that was just saying what I didn't like and how you can improve. I apologize.

My Experience With Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii After Dark/KiramekiCookie

Seriously tho, how sensitive can you be to the point where you prohibit people from critiquing your work? Or is it that they can't criticize you? Or is it both?

Now we go to the bigger stuff, starting with the TRANSPHOBIA ACCUSATIONS and obvious delusion. They said, and I quote "please shut the fuck up for calling him "Lucapoopa", "Boring", "Annoying", "Scum" and "Tedious" for the love of fucking god, he's fucking overhated and y'all are too harsh and transphobic at him, fucking hell".

BTW, this image also proves the first hypocrisy part, the Abby X Luca part, and the grudge part true.

Luca is not canonically trans. Don't even say he is because of unused data because I did my research, and the only unused data he has is facial hair related. Don't get me wrong, Luca being trans is a HC that I'm completely fine with. If you want to headcanon him as trans, fine by me. Trans rights all the way, mate. Don't fucking call people transphobic just for disliking Luca tho! Luca is not canonically trans, and even if he was, bold of Lumii to assume that someone that hates Luca hates him because he's trans. He appears as an opponent in three games and there's a chance that he might piss you off in all three.

How delusional do you have to be to see someone hate a character that isn't trans outside of your HC and go "Oh, they're transphobic"?

Next, there's fullblown insensitivity. I decided to check on DeviantArt for something, and I get a DM from someone. We had a chat about Lumii, and in that chat, they showed this...

My Experience With Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii After Dark/KiramekiCookie

Can you spot the insensitive part? Here, I'll make it easier for ya.

My Experience With Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii After Dark/KiramekiCookie

I'm completely fine with people giving dark backstories to Miis in their HC, but there's a line, and you crossed it. Can we not do rape related headcanons, please? I feel like that should go without saying because, oh, I dunno, that shit is OBVIOUSLY IN BAD TASTE!

Lastly, there's something I cannot show here because if I do, I'm going to get in trouble... It has to do with porn...

Lumii has a total of three accounts that I bumped into while looking at Luca images on Google that have porn of Miis on them. They have a Newgrounds account (KiramekiCookie), which has two drawings of Luca porn, a Bluesky account (Lumii after dark), which has twelve, and a Twitter/X account with the same name, which not only has porn of Luca, but of other Miis too... AND THERE'S AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF IT, MOST OF IT BEING LUCA PORN! TELL ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED WITH OUT TELLING ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED!

I make YOU uncomfortable, Lumii? I make YOU uncomfortable?! You drew Luca laying eggs, you drew a worrying amount of Luca porn, and yet you have the AUDACITY to say I make YOU uncomfortable when you're obviously worse, you fucking hypocrite?! You drew art that is bound to make several people uncomfortable the moment they see it on the THREE ACCOUNTS you have, you falsely accuse people of transphobia, you obssess over Luca an unhealthy and uncomfortable amount, and yet I'M the one in the wrong because I drew ship art of Luca and Abby and art that has blood on it years ago?! I don't get your logic!

BTW, for those who say that this could've been resolved privately, it couldn't because Lumii has blocked me on DeviantArt, and they also blocked me on an old Tumblr account of theirs too, meaning that talking to them was out of the fucking question. They CLEARLY did not want to talk it out. They just wanted to avoid me entirely while also antagonize me for shit I did years ago that wasn't even that bad compared to the crap they did.

Lumii, if you manage to see this, which I know you will because I know you have a Discord and I know someone's gonna send a screenshot to you on there... All of this could've been avoided had you just been a better person.

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8 years ago

Mycroft nodded. “I know, love.” He said quietly, squeezing his hand tighter.

Mystrade RP

“Fucking hell.”  Greg Lestrade sighed dragging a hand down his face.  “So, what you’re telling me is that my kid tried to kill herself and now we have to put her in a hospital against her will?”

Greg turned to stare at his husband, Mycroft Holmes.  “What do you think?  You haven’t said a bloody word.”

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5 months ago

i like it when there are trigger or content warnings before anything because a lot of things are severely triggering to me

i don't get why people who find very specific warnings helpful get made fun of

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