133 posts

Lucy's Newbie Novelist Award Party Upon Seeing Lucy And Anna..

Lucy's newbie novelist award party upon seeing Lucy and Anna..

Natsu: *sniffs* I see. Anna-sensei and Lucy smells a like. That's why I feel so nice and relaxed around you.

Lucy: Smell.? Stop it!

Gajeel: You always did have a crush on Anna-sensei. Gehee

Natsu: Yeah. So what?

Gajeel: What do you mean so what?!

Lucy: *blushes*

Happy: So you liiiiiike Lucy too~

Lucy: *blushing intensifies* Shut your mouth, baka neko!!

Natsu: *matter-of-factly* Of course. Isn't it obvious?

Lucy: ....? *fuse breaks*

Me and Wendy: *dies from fangirling*

Lucy's Newbie Novelist Award Party Upon Seeing Lucy And Anna..

Lucy's Newbie Novelist Award Party Upon Seeing Lucy And Anna..
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More Posts from Shioplet

4 years ago

i 100% believe that natsu actually thinks that him and lucy are together already hence the lack of reaction we got from him with the news that alternate universe versions of them are married in the latest chapter because there is just no way that he's that oblivious.

because Lucy acknowledges her feelings in this chapter but believes that natsu just isn't the romantic type of even the type to ever be interested in romance, which to her credit, makes sense

I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction

But listen, this is the same guy who uprooted a tree just to cheer this girl up when she was too sick to come to the festivities

I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction

Same guy who trusted her words without a second thought no matter how absurd it sounds

I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction
I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction

Same guy who's willing to help her no matter how difficult the situation is

I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction
I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction

no one will steal Lucy's future. just lucy. that's all that matters to him, to hell with the world, he knew the world had gone to shit, knew that the rest of them were probably dead but she was the emphasis on his anger. rouge stole Lucy's life right in front of him and that's what set him off

I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction
I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction

And he's the same person she relies on to keep said promise

I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction
I 100% Believe That Natsu Actually Thinks That Him And Lucy Are Together Already Hence The Lack Of Reaction

and this last gif, the attentiveness in his voice when he asked her if something was wrong, almost bordering on fear, i think, hence the slightly tense stance he's holding clenched fists and all. I always thought he was afraid lucy would disappear too.

And there's so much more but tumblr isn't allowing me to post more media.

Lucy's the only one who's been able to calm him down repeatedly on several occasions wether it was Lucy holding him, even just the thought of her and he comes back to his senses,

him finally collapsing when he realizes that lucy is alive after his fight against gray

him snapping back into reality and calming down when lucy held him back from from killing the water dragon saying she was with him in the 100 year quest

him taking another breath when he remembered lucy during dragon cry

i could go on and on and on

BUT the point is he KNOWS he feels something besides friendship for Lucy, he knows how important lucy is to him so i think he's very aware if how he feels but thinks that Lucy isn't ready to change anything about them yet which is why he didn't say what he was going to say in chapter 545

nothing has to change, they're good as they are, healthier than most relationship even.

and for natsu? they have time, all the time in the world, they could talk about it later if they have to but right now, they both need to stay as they are, they've both lost a lot of people and time, they could wait, but ultimately they needed this sense of normality

and at the same time i think Lucy won't allow herself to be properly happy until she finds aquarius and Natsu won't be satisfied until he's surpassed his heroes, maybe he's even trying ti prove something to himself

and yeah it still fucking sucks, i wish there's st least this formal acknowledgement between them, I don't need anything to change for them, i just really want them to have that talk you know?

4 years ago

My boy is growing!! 😍😍😍

I love the low-key changes to his treatment of Lucy since the last parts of the final series and the start of the 100Y Quest. I don't really want a full blown "I love you" confession. But I do hope it he gets to clearly acknowledge that he has romantic feelings for her. And in a way, let her know too. ❤

My Boy Is Growing!!

Natsu getting protective

Another example of Natsu getting jealous when people (other than him) perv on Lucy

Natsu Getting Protective

You can tell what his priorities are. Gets mad when they steal her swimsuit. Makes sure to fetch her first when forced to retreat. Our boy is growing. 

Natsu Getting Protective

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4 years ago

Fanfiction (snippet): Falling into Home by @selenityshiroi​

One of my favorite fanfics!! It feels so natural and sweet. 😍😍😍


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4 years ago

Nalu and Feminism:

Why Lucy Heartfilia being Natsu’s love interest isn’t as “irrelevant” to the story as the haters think.

Companion piece to Feminism in Fairy Tail with Lucy Heartfilia

Also, I will briefly discuss Gruvia. And in particular, how Juvia’s character is impacted by her relationship with Gray in comparison to Lucy with Nalu. 

Okay while I was writing that long meta about how Lucy not being a fighter and serving a more emotional role in the story doesn’t make her character any less important than the fighters, I also thought about the other reason that people claim Lucy isn’t a strong female character. Because she’s Natsu’s love interest. 

Now we’ve all been trained to think that when a female character in an action/sci-fi/shounen type story falls in love with and wants to be with a male character, that that somehow diminishes her character. And that adding romance to the story is unnecessary and is just pandering to shippers who they claim are only interested in the story for the romance. Which is a pretty sexist accusation considering that most (but not all) shippers tend to be women, so they’re basically saying that as women all we care about is romance and not the actual story. 

But if all we cared about was romance, then why would we be so invested in a relationship between two characters that haven’t even gotten together yet in a story that isn’t centered around romance. 

And if we were somehow able to force Hiro Mashima into making Nalu canon, then trust me, they would have been canon years ago! We have no power over what happens in this story in any way shape or form. Looking at you on that one Chris. 

We’re invested in Fairy Tail because of the story. And the story isn’t just about fighting. It’s about personal journeys, and overcoming obstacles, and being stronger together as a team. And when you have a story that is heavily focused on teamwork, then the relationships between the characters play a huge role in that story! Those relationships are what drive the characters to become stronger, and what give them something to fight for! Their love for each other doesn’t make them weak, it’s what makes them stronger. 

So yes, Lucy is Natsu’s love interest in the story. But that doesn’t mean she’s a weak character or doesn’t serve any real purpose to the story. In fact, it actually means the opposite. Her feelings for Natsu are what strengthens her character, and here’s why. 

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