
133 posts

Shioplet - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

Pov: Lilly needs dating advice + jealous Jake as bonus

Lilly: Do you think I should say yes to him?


Cleo: What? No! He didn't even ask you. He straight out told you to come at whatever restaurant. You deserve better.

MC: No but his exact words were and I quote, “Lilly, if there's any chance that you are going say no, then it's not a question. You are coming on a date with me.”

Jessy: I’m sorry MC, but I agree with Cleo on this one. He should give a choice you know.

MC: Well, she can still say no, right? So it's still a choice. Why are you guys totally missing out the point that he is SO desperate for her!

Dan: Uhm, is this a "girls talk" or are we guys allowed to say anything?

Cleo: No, you are not. Shutup.

Lilly: Guys, I'm dying here. I don't know what to doooo

MC: See, guys. I never wanted to rub it in your faces but I'm the only girl with a relationship in this gc so Lilly, you know who you must listen to.

Jessy: Really, MC? That's how Jake asked YOU out?

Jake: Jessica, I’d like if don't drag me into this.

Jessy: I didn't drag you, Jake. MC did.

MC: I'm just helping Lilly make the right decision. You guys are being too hard on this guy. My man is so desperate he might be dying rn

Jake: My man?

MC: Figure of speech, Jake, don't distract me. I'm trying to win an argument here.

Cleo: Guys, we are wasting the time. Lilly is supposed give him an answer.

Lilly: Okay, everyone. Shut up. We’ll put this up for a vote. Guys can vote too. Yes or no

Cleo: No

Jessy: No

MC: Yes

Lilly: Dan?

MC: Yes, Dan, what you say?

Dan: Uhm....yes?

MC: Yep. Right answer.

MC: Thomas? Is it a YES or a no?

Thomas: Yes, ig.

Cleo: MC is scaring the guys!

MC: Oh come on, they are grown ass men

Lilly: I don't have time for this. Jake? If you say yes, it's a clear majority. But if you say no, then we’d have to ask one more person

Jake: I think no matter how desperate he is, he should have still asked. Rather than tell you.


Cleo: hahahahhaha

Jessy: wjjwkjjw hahahah omg

MC: Alright, children. We need a deciding vote. And who could better than a man who owns a bar and have known more women than anybody here?

Dan: Please don't say Phil

MC: Phil MF Hawkins, who else.

MC added Phil to the groupchat

Phil: Hi?

MC: Hey, sweetheart. We have a situation and you need to vote either yes or no. The situation: In desperation, a guy told lilly to go out with him rather than asking her, which clearly isn't a big deal. Should she go or not?

Phil: I mean, if a girl did that to me, I’d say yes


Phil: That’s what you wanted me to say? :)

MC: You are so much more insightful than most people in this gc, Phil.

Jake kicked out Phil

Dan: Thank you!

Jake to MC

Jake: We need to talk.

MC: I’m sorry. Are you TELLING me that we need to talk rather than ASKING me if I want to talk?

MC: I’m afraid I’d have to say no

(oneshot in continuation to this particular conversation coming soon 😏😏)

1 year ago


I've also begun posting on AO3, find me at RoastedWretch

Between the Lines- WIP

Very Slight AU in that the timeline is extended from the game, and includes conversations between what we see in the games, without negating anything in canon.

When MC gets a message from a group of strangers, she gets pulled into the missing Hannah Donfort's life. Can she find her own place in the mystery and retain her own connections, or will she find that she's lost her own life in favor of Hannah's?

Warnings- Lots of swearing and innuendo, possible sexual content in later chapters, discussions of mental illness

Ep 1. Ep 2. Ep. 3 Ep. 4 Ep. 5 Ep. 6 Ep. 7

Across the Screen- WIP

Companion Piece to Between the Lines, specific scenes and short bits from Jake's perspective.

Warnings- Swearing, Innuendo, Bad Jokes, Discussions of Mental Illness

Part 1

1 year ago

Missing my nonexist boyfriend and his cute laugh and sense of humour.

Missing My Nonexist Boyfriend And His Cute Laugh And Sense Of Humour.
Missing My Nonexist Boyfriend And His Cute Laugh And Sense Of Humour.
Missing My Nonexist Boyfriend And His Cute Laugh And Sense Of Humour.
Missing My Nonexist Boyfriend And His Cute Laugh And Sense Of Humour.
Missing My Nonexist Boyfriend And His Cute Laugh And Sense Of Humour.
Missing My Nonexist Boyfriend And His Cute Laugh And Sense Of Humour.
1 year ago
I Mean
I Mean

I mean 👀

1 year ago
Love This Cover

Love this cover

3 years ago
 I Want To Be Here Forever
 I Want To Be Here Forever

‘ I want to be here forever…’

gray’s dream | chapter 84

3 years ago




3 years ago

I just read Chapter 84. That was so much love to all Gruvia fans!! I'm so happy for you guys.

I Just Read Chapter 84. That Was So Much Love To All Gruvia Fans!! I'm So Happy For You Guys.

Now, when will Nalu fans get some love..

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3 years ago

I just finished rewatching Fairy Tail for the nth time. Now,, what to do with life?

I can't wait for 100YQ to be animated

I Just Finished Rewatching Fairy Tail For The Nth Time. Now,, What To Do With Life?

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3 years ago

Natsu : We should get married Lucy.

Lucy : What the heck are you saying Natsu?!

Natsu : Then we can stay together and I won't have to barge in everytime.

Gray : Should I get a priest?

Erza : I'll order the cake!

Wendy : I'm in charge of wedding dresses then.

Lucy : *trying to hold back* Shut up guys. It's not funny.

3 years ago

I could watch this page all day and never get tired of it

I Could Watch This Page All Day And Never Get Tired Of It

Every single panel is pure perfection


3 years ago

Nalu Content in Ch. 78


So there’s a picnic with Lucy, Loke, and Natsu. But Lucy either summoned Loke or he showed up on his own accord, and Happy isn’t even pictured… so I’m just gonna assume that Natsu and Lucy went on a picnic together alone (I’m desperate for NaLu content if you couldn’t tell).


And this scene actually means a lot to me. Natsu’s eyes go white so you know he was stressed when Lucy was hit. His first instinct is always to protect Lucy and make sure she’s okay (he also did this when she screamed after losing her clothes when being transported to Edolas). 

Even though he’s super strong and has an enormous amount of battle experience, Natsu will still get distracted if Lucy is in danger and even get hit himself. When push comes to shove, Natsu will prioritize Lucy’s safety over fighting and staying focused in battle. While it’s probable he would do the same for other members of the guild, the fact that his reactions are consistently emphasized only when Lucy is in danger says enough for me.

Side note: I love how you see those streaks around Natsu’s face with anything involving Lucy. They were also there when he was praising Lucy for summoning all her spirits in this chapter, and it shows how Natsu is always the first one to pay attention to what happens to Lucy or what she does. Speaking of which, Lucy doing stardress mix and summoning all her spirits was really cool to see. I hope she gets more moments to shine in 100YQ!

3 years ago

Lucy: That... shouldn’t be possible.

Happy: I would have thought that you’d be quite used to Natsu doing the impossible by now.

3 years ago
Can We Officially Keep Lucy In Natsu's Coat, Please? Because This Is

Can we officially keep Lucy in Natsu's coat, please? Because this is 🔥🔥

DO NOT REPOST MY ART. A reblog though is always appreciated.

3 years ago

wow i miss nalu

4 years ago

You know, if there is NaLu in HYQ, at least by the end of it, maybe we could get a Lucy, Happy, and Natsu solo manga spin-off where they go on a Decades Quest and it eventually leads to NaLu before we go into the fourth FT series, Next Generation.

Reason why it's just the trio is because by that point, it's likely the issues of Wendy, Erza, and Gray would've been resolved while the other three still have a lot of stuff to figure out, plus it'd be nice to see how they play off each other, because they've known each other the longest via being in a team.

4 years ago

okay, so a lot of people recognize the love-hate friendship between Natsu and Gray, but let’s talk about the girls’ side too. Is it just me who think the love-hate relationship between Lucy and Juvia is also funny? And the fact it’s nalu AND gruvia brotp interaction is just 👌👌👌

Okay, So A Lot Of People Recognize The Love-hate Friendship Between Natsu And Gray, But Lets Talk About
Okay, So A Lot Of People Recognize The Love-hate Friendship Between Natsu And Gray, But Lets Talk About
Okay, So A Lot Of People Recognize The Love-hate Friendship Between Natsu And Gray, But Lets Talk About
Okay, So A Lot Of People Recognize The Love-hate Friendship Between Natsu And Gray, But Lets Talk About
4 years ago
4 years ago

the endorphin rush when you find a new hyperfixation

4 years ago

This little panel for us Nalu fans. Rough trans cause my Japanese is bad...

Wendy: It feels like I did something really embarrassing... (ref to while she was transformed)

Aquarius: Don't mind it. This one was proudly baring her chest.

Lucy: E? It can't be true.. (lit. Lie)

Natsu: My face was being pushed to it

Lucy: Kyaa...

This Little Panel For Us Nalu Fans. Rough Trans Cause My Japanese Is Bad...

I don't know what to think about Natsu's expression 😂😂😂😂

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4 years ago
4 years ago
Even Though I Always Hope For Something More, The Platonic Love These Two Have For One Another, I Feel,

Even though I always hope for something more, the platonic love these two have for one another, I feel, is sometimes even greater than any possible romantic love.

If and when they ever do take that next step, what’s really going to change in their relationship?

If you take all the sexual stuff away, a romantic relationship is just two people who have grown an almost impenetrable bond, who have become best friends and that’s essentially Nalu in a nut shell.

I think their relationship is wonderful, whichever type of love they choose.

However, contrary to this belief, if Mashima doesn’t do something about it soon, I’m gonna go out of my head! 🤯😖

I want more Nalu!

4 years ago

Lucy: So what exactly happened? Why are you all bruised, Natsu? And why are you here Aquarius?

Aquarius: *snickers* should I use my water memory on some... 😏

Natsu: It's better if you don't... 😰

Lucy: *blushes and has flashbacks* I just remembered... I really can't be a wife anymore. 😭

Natsu: I told you why does it matter, you can still go on jobs with Happy and me. 😑

Lucy: But..

Natsu: If you're that concerned, then we'll go on jobs together and I'll make you my wife. 🙄

Lucy: What... 😳

Aquarius: How dare you get a proposal before me?! Huh? *proceeds to wash them away*

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4 years ago

I've learned to live with D. There are some days it gets horrible but I believe I've managed it over the years. Recently, A came knocking as well. Well, more like it crashed thru the walls.

It's funny how one event can suddenly dispel all the hard work you did to keep D and A at bay and at peace. It feels like I'm back to 0.

The feeling of sleeping and waking up with tears and shaking and walking on egg shells is back. In between the ugly thoughts, I just remind myself that I've been through this before and I can do it again... right?

Sending virtual hugs and my love to others who are feeling ... as well. 🤗

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