133 posts
You Know, If There Is NaLu In HYQ, At Least By The End Of It, Maybe We Could Get A Lucy, Happy, And Natsu
You know, if there is NaLu in HYQ, at least by the end of it, maybe we could get a Lucy, Happy, and Natsu solo manga spin-off where they go on a Decades Quest and it eventually leads to NaLu before we go into the fourth FT series, Next Generation.
Reason why it's just the trio is because by that point, it's likely the issues of Wendy, Erza, and Gray would've been resolved while the other three still have a lot of stuff to figure out, plus it'd be nice to see how they play off each other, because they've known each other the longest via being in a team.
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More Posts from Shioplet
wow i miss nalu
Lucy: That... shouldn’t be possible.
Happy: I would have thought that you’d be quite used to Natsu doing the impossible by now.
Lucy: So what exactly happened? Why are you all bruised, Natsu? And why are you here Aquarius?
Aquarius: *snickers* should I use my water memory on some... 😏
Natsu: It's better if you don't... 😰
Lucy: *blushes and has flashbacks* I just remembered... I really can't be a wife anymore. 😭
Natsu: I told you why does it matter, you can still go on jobs with Happy and me. 😑
Lucy: But..
Natsu: If you're that concerned, then we'll go on jobs together and I'll make you my wife. 🙄
Lucy: What... 😳
Aquarius: How dare you get a proposal before me?! Huh? *proceeds to wash them away*
Natsu : We should get married Lucy.
Lucy : What the heck are you saying Natsu?!
Natsu : Then we can stay together and I won't have to barge in everytime.
Gray : Should I get a priest?
Erza : I'll order the cake!
Wendy : I'm in charge of wedding dresses then.
Lucy : *trying to hold back* Shut up guys. It's not funny.
Pov: Lilly needs dating advice + jealous Jake as bonus
Lilly: Do you think I should say yes to him?
Cleo: What? No! He didn't even ask you. He straight out told you to come at whatever restaurant. You deserve better.
MC: No but his exact words were and I quote, “Lilly, if there's any chance that you are going say no, then it's not a question. You are coming on a date with me.”
Jessy: I’m sorry MC, but I agree with Cleo on this one. He should give a choice you know.
MC: Well, she can still say no, right? So it's still a choice. Why are you guys totally missing out the point that he is SO desperate for her!
Dan: Uhm, is this a "girls talk" or are we guys allowed to say anything?
Cleo: No, you are not. Shutup.
Lilly: Guys, I'm dying here. I don't know what to doooo
MC: See, guys. I never wanted to rub it in your faces but I'm the only girl with a relationship in this gc so Lilly, you know who you must listen to.
Jessy: Really, MC? That's how Jake asked YOU out?
Jake: Jessica, I’d like if don't drag me into this.
Jessy: I didn't drag you, Jake. MC did.
MC: I'm just helping Lilly make the right decision. You guys are being too hard on this guy. My man is so desperate he might be dying rn
Jake: My man?
MC: Figure of speech, Jake, don't distract me. I'm trying to win an argument here.
Cleo: Guys, we are wasting the time. Lilly is supposed give him an answer.
Lilly: Okay, everyone. Shut up. We’ll put this up for a vote. Guys can vote too. Yes or no
Cleo: No
Jessy: No
MC: Yes
Lilly: Dan?
MC: Yes, Dan, what you say?
Dan: Uhm....yes?
MC: Yep. Right answer.
MC: Thomas? Is it a YES or a no?
Thomas: Yes, ig.
Cleo: MC is scaring the guys!
MC: Oh come on, they are grown ass men
Lilly: I don't have time for this. Jake? If you say yes, it's a clear majority. But if you say no, then we’d have to ask one more person
Jake: I think no matter how desperate he is, he should have still asked. Rather than tell you.
Cleo: hahahahhaha
Jessy: wjjwkjjw hahahah omg
MC: Alright, children. We need a deciding vote. And who could better than a man who owns a bar and have known more women than anybody here?
Dan: Please don't say Phil
MC: Phil MF Hawkins, who else.
MC added Phil to the groupchat
Phil: Hi?
MC: Hey, sweetheart. We have a situation and you need to vote either yes or no. The situation: In desperation, a guy told lilly to go out with him rather than asking her, which clearly isn't a big deal. Should she go or not?
Phil: I mean, if a girl did that to me, I’d say yes
Phil: That’s what you wanted me to say? :)
MC: You are so much more insightful than most people in this gc, Phil.
Jake kicked out Phil
Dan: Thank you!
Jake to MC
Jake: We need to talk.
MC: I’m sorry. Are you TELLING me that we need to talk rather than ASKING me if I want to talk?
MC: I’m afraid I’d have to say no
(oneshot in continuation to this particular conversation coming soon 😏😏)