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Vows (Part 1)
aka 10 ways to win your husband's heart: an arranged marriage AU
You're five years into your arranged marriage with Min Yoongi, and he's never once retaliated for anything you've done to him. One day you realise you've lost your appetite for provoking him, and you set about trying to win his heart instead.
Pairing: Yoongi x F! reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Arranged marriage, e2l, smut, angst
Word count: 12k
Warnings: Sex, swearing

Ah shit.
You lift the arm curled around your waist off you and commando roll out of the luxurious california king you’ve woken up in.
The beautiful man you woke up with shifts and his face presses into the pillow.
You tear your admiring eyes away from him guiltily and grab his shirt from the floor, slipping it on, buttoning quickly.
You’re tiptoeing to the door when a grumpy deep voice makes you freeze.
‘That’s my favourite shirt,’ your husband says.
You reach for your patience and don’t find it.
Min Yoongi has exhausted all your reserves of goodwill towards him.
‘I was trying to be considerate and not wake you up,’ you say through gritted teeth.
He snorts.
Your blood pressure spikes.
You unbutton the shirt and seriously consider throwing it at his beautiful head.
You’re so annoyed it takes you longer than it should to register the way his gaze is roaming your naked body.
‘Min Yoongi,’ you say, injecting as much ice into your tone as you can, ‘you know we can only tolerate each other when we’re drunk.’
‘My morning wood’s not picky,’ he drawls, like it’s a compliment.
You roll your eyes. You know Yoongi’s always been attracted to you physically.
It’s your personality he can’t stand.
‘I’m sore,’ you tell him briskly, putting your dress back on.
You’re not lying. You think Yoongi sometimes takes his anger with you out on your cunt.
You love it, really, but he’s got a generous dick and impressive stamina and you really are sore.
Yoongi, unusually, looks concerned. ‘Was it too much?’
You ignore the flutter in your chest as he picks your panties off the floor and passes them to you, smoothing a soothing hand over your lower back.
You step away from his touch as though his hand is burning.
His sigh of irritation gives you life.
‘You’re deeply annoying,’ he tells you.
You smile, brilliantly, at him.
‘Oh Yoongi, are you this sweet to all the women you sleep with?’
‘Are you this annoying to all the men you fuck?’ he snaps.
Your smile falters for a second before you pull your mask firmly back in place.
You turn away from him and leave his bedroom without a goodbye.
Yoongi stares at the mark on his neck, just above the collar of his shirt, and thinks of you as he gets dressed for work.
Of course you’d had to mark him, even after he’d warned you not to.
Sometimes you’re so fucking exasperating he can’t stand you.
Now he has to meet his entire board, including his father and grandfather, looking like a horny teenager.
He has a flashback to your beautiful thighs wrapped around his hips, ankles crossed behind him, as you begged him not to stop.
Yoongi tries to shut that image out of his head before the erection he’s had all morning returns, but the image is burned into his retinas.
Shit, it’s in living technicolour with fucking surround sound.
Yoongi finishes getting dressed and stops by the kitchen for a coffee.
Mrs Gye, his housekeeper, smiles politely at him as she hands him his flask.
Yoongi thanks her, and is about to leave when he remembers.
‘Can you make some herbal tea for Mrs Min, please? She’s not feeling too well this morning.’
Mrs Gye nods, ‘of course, Mr Min.’
‘Don’t tell her I asked you to do it, just say you made some,’ Yoongi instructs.
Mrs Gye looks like she’s about to protest, but Yoongi’s already out the door into his waiting car.
You sigh with pleasure as you sip your herbal tea on your way into work.
Mrs Gye, your housekeeper, is truly a treasure.
She’d assured you that Yoongi hadn’t noticed anything different about his morning flask of coffee.
Yoongi’s a man of habit, so much so that he’s predictable in every way.
One of the cleaners had dropped his favourite flask and cracked it yesterday.
She’d been apologetic, but you’d been worried.
You know he’s got a big meeting with the board of his company today and you’d been determined not to let anything detract from his focus.
You’d driven to three places after work before you’d been able to find a replacement. You’d bought five, just to futureproof against any other flask mishaps.
Of course, all that driving around had made you late for dinner and Yoongi had been sure you’d been late on purpose.
You can’t blame him, it’s the sort of stunt you’d have pulled five years ago when you first got married.
You’ve changed but you’re pretty sure Yoongi sees you as still the same spoiled, immature heiress he’d been forced to marry, as the oldest son and heir to his family’s vast business empire.
Anyway, Yoongi’d been seething throughout dinner.
He’d spanked you until your ass was red raw.
You’d begged for more.
You stifle the delicious shiver that runs through you at the memory.
Your mood drops as you remember him accusing you of fucking other men.
Sure, you’d accused him of the same, but you’ve always been faithful to him.
You just don’t know if he’s been as faithful to you.
You’d heard the rumours about him and his breathtakingly beautiful and terrifyingly talented media director.
Park Gyuri was a model and actress before she went to grad school and earned an MBA. She waltzed into Yoongi’s family company, and she’s been doing a bang up job of everything since then.
She’s also the woman Yoongi was dating before he was forced to marry you.
You stopped seeking out the rumours because it became upsetting.
In your heart of hearts, you don’t think Yoongi’s any more in love with you than he was when you got married.
In truth, you wouldn’t blame him.
You’d spent years being the exact cold hearted bitch he’d eventually accused you of being.
You’re surprised it took him that long to finally snap.
Yoongi smiles at Gyuri as she walks into his office.
She’s beautifully put together as always, and she’s wearing green silk today, a shade that complements her colouring well.
‘Free for dinner tonight?’ she asks.
‘What’s the occasion?’ Yoongi asks.
‘Nothing, I just want to have dinner with my friend,’ Gyuri says, smiling affectionately at him.
There’s a pause before ‘friend’, so brief Yoongi knows anyone else probably wouldn’t have noticed it, but he did.
Yoongi would be lying if he said he’d never considered what his life would be like now if he hadn’t married you.
He’d probably be less annoyed on a day to day basis.
He’d probably still be a member of the country club you’d got him kicked out of.
He might be married to Gyuri instead.
He’s about to say yes when your face floats into his head. The look in your eyes when he’d accused you of being annoying, which is definitely true, and of fucking other men, which he doesn’t think is true.
Yoongi says, politely, ‘Rain check? I’d like to have dinner at home today.’
He’s been thinking about how you said you were sore, and he wants to check on you.
You’ll probably ignore him like you always do but he wants to see you’re all right for himself.
Also, he’s aware there’s an underlying frisson between him and Gyuri, and he doesn’t want to explore that just yet.
For once, Yoongi doesn’t linger in his office after everyone leaves. He picks up his bag and calls for his car and heads home.
When he reaches home, he walks into the kitchen. Mrs Gye is at the sink whilst something’s simmering on the stovetop. She startles when he sees him.
‘Ah, Mr Min, you’re back early.’
Yoongi murmurs something about working at home and hands her his flask. Then he stops, looking at another identical four flasks sitting to dry on the draining board by the sink.
Mrs Gye sees his line of vision.
‘Mrs Min bought them yesterday.’
Yoongi’s first thought is that you’re plotting something devious.
‘Where is Mrs Min?’ he asks.
‘She went up to her room.’
Yoongi doesn’t often go to your rooms, in fact he doesn’t think he’s visited you there this year at all.
He knocks on the door and there’s a muffled response.
‘I’m in bed, is it important, Mrs Gye?’
Yoongi says, ‘it’s me.’
He senses rather than hears your response. In moments you’re opening the door, pulling a robe tight around your waist.
Your hair is messy, your face devoid of makeup.
You look up at him self consciously.
Yoongi puts a hand on your arm. ‘Are you ok?’
You frown at him. ‘You didn’t kill me with your dick. I’m on my period.’
Yoongi bites back the laugh that threatens to erupt.
You ask, ‘would you like to come in?’
Yoongi follows you through your bedroom to your living area.
You pour both of you water and sit in your favourite chair, legs curling underneath you.
‘How are you doing, Yoongi?’ you ask, yawning.
‘Do you want to sleep with me?’ Yoongi asks, suddenly.
You choke on your water.
Yoongi waits until you’ve recovered enough to speak.
‘Right now? Jesus Yoongi I said I was on my period.’
Yoongi looks unperturbed. ‘I didn’t mean fuck, although if you’re down, I am. I meant sleep with me. Do you want to sleep in the same room?’
You stare at him.
‘Are we in danger?’
Yoongi stares at you.‘What? No, don’t be ridiculous.’
‘You can tell me, Yoongi, my family have security contacts everywhere.’
Yoongi massages his forehead. ‘No. Forget it. Just forget it.’
You get up hurriedly as he looks like he’s about to ditch you. ‘Yoongi!’
He stops.
‘You want to spend more time together?’ You ask, doubtful as to what he really meant.
‘We’re married,’ Yoongi points out, patient. ‘We’ll probably have kids eventually. Shouldn’t we try to get to know each other?’
You have a flashback, vivid, of Yoongi calling you a spoiled, stuck up bitch.
‘Yes. Let’s sleep together.’
Yoongi looks at you for a moment.
He holds out his hand.
With a sense of trepidation, you take it.
‘It’s weird not to be fucking,’ you say to Yoongi, pulling the covers up to your neck, looking around his room curiously.
‘It’s also 9pm. Why are you already in bed?’
You hop out and trip over a pair of Yoongi’s slippers, sprawling on the floor.
Yoongi looks at you, shirt half unbuttoned.
‘I’m tired,’ you say, crawling back into bed.
You pull the covers over your head.
A moment later you feel him sitting on the bed.
He pats over where your head is.
‘Come have dinner with me.’
‘Is that an euphemism for a blow job?’ you ask from under the covers.
You sit up suddenly and realise Yoongi’s sitting on the bed in his briefs.
You can feel heat rush to your face.
It’s not like you haven’t seen your husband naked before, hell, it’s not even been 24 hours since you last fucked.
But this is different.
This is intimacy when you’re more comfortable with fucking.
Yoongi’s watching the way your eyes rove over his thighs.
‘See something you like?’ he asks, coolly.
You scoff. ‘Of course I like the way you look, Min Yoongi.’
You get up. ‘Let’s eat.’
Yoongi eyes you over the soup you’re stirring.
‘Why did you buy so many flasks?’ he asks.
Your eyes snap to his. ‘How do you know that?’
‘I saw them.’
You shrug. ‘You like them. I want you to have replacements if one breaks.’
‘That’s thoughtful.’
‘Just being a dutiful wife,’ you chirrup cheerfully.
Yoongi stares at you like you’ve grown another head. ‘You are definitely not that.’
You nod in agreement. ‘You’re right.’
‘Are you feeling ok? You’ve barely touched your soup and you already tried to get into bed.’
‘I’m on my period,’ you tell him, again. You get up. ‘I’m going to go get some of my things and bring them to your room.’
‘It’s our room,’ Yoongi corrects, gently.
‘Our room,’ you repeat.
By the time you’ve finished gathering your things, Yoongi’s just got to his door.
‘After you,’ he says, strangely formal.
You shoot him a look and head to his huge dressing room.
‘You can use that side,’ he says, pointing.
The entire wall he’s pointing at is made up of bare clothes rails at varying heights.
You pull open a drawer, intending to deposit your toiletries and underwear in it, and stop when you see the packages inside it.
‘What’s this?’ you ask.
Yoongi walks over from his side of the dressing room.
Together you look at the boxes from a well-known underwear brand. It’s the same brand you tend to wear.
You look up at Yoongi, and to your surprise, the tips of his ears are red.
Your impatient, unsentimental husband actually looks… embarrassed.
You wait him out.
Finally, he mutters, ‘sometimes if I see something I like, I buy it for you.’
You can’t believe your ears.
‘Did you buy this for — someone else?’ you ask quietly.
Another thought occurs to you.
‘Did you buy this for yourself?’ you ask.
Yoongi groans, irritably.
‘I bought all this shit for you. My wife.’
He opens the top box and rifles through what looks like a beautiful red silk and lace teddy. You glimpse the tags. It’s your size.
‘I got this after that night when you wore that red dress to meet the Hans because you look fucking breathtaking in red.’
‘How do you know my size?’ you ask weakly, stalling to give your brain time to catch up.
‘Your size is the only fucking thing I do know about you,’ Yoongi says, still irritable. ‘How many times have I taken your lingerie off?’
You stare each other into an uneasy stalemate.
‘You really didn’t buy this for anyone else?’ you ask.
‘Believe me or don’t believe me,’ Yoongi says, at the end of his tether.
He stalks out of his dressing room, and you blink blindly at the stack of boxes in the drawer.
By the time you re-enter Yoongi’s bedroom, the lights are off and he’s a lump under the covers.
You climb in the other side and after a moment, scoot over to be closer to him.
He’s got his back to you, rigid, cold.
You put your hand on his shoulder to warn him, then kiss the back of his neck.
‘Thank you,’ you tell him.
You’re half- asleep by the time he turns onto his back. His hand brushes yours under the covers, not holding it but touching you.
‘You’re welcome,’ he says.
You curl your pinky finger around his, like a promise, and go to sleep.
When you wake up the next morning, Yoongi’s already gone.
His side of the bed is rumpled, and when you run your hand over the sheet it’s cold.
You need to think.
Even better, you need a third party to do your thinking for you.
You send your best friend Nara a text, then notice the time.
Shit. You need to get to work.
You hop out of bed, trip over Yoongi’s slippers again and scurry to your own room to get dressed.
Your morning is pretty dull, a bunch of meetings with clients, a team brief before your new product launch tonight.
Nara meets you for lunch.
Kim Nara has been your closest friend since junior tennis club. She has an impressively strong backhand, a competitive streak a mile wide and is the most loyal person you’ve ever met.
She pours you some wine from the bottle she started whilst waiting for you, then sits back in her seat.
‘What was so urgent you had to meet today?’ she asks.
Her eyes narrow. ‘Did Min Yoongi knock you up?’
‘What? No. I’m on my period right now,’ you protest.
You take a gulp of wine to fortify yourself.
‘But it does involve him.’
Nara takes a matching big sip. ‘Hit me.’
‘I think I should try to get him to forgive me.’
‘For what?’ Nara asks. There’s a mischievous light in her eyes now.
‘For buying Kim Seokjin instead of him at that bullshit charity auction? For sending that chain email to all his employees with his STI testing results? For getting him blacklisted from every golf course in the country?’
You cringe.
You’d been young when you married Yoongi, spoiled and impulsive and naive and terribly, terribly selfish.
Nara sucks in a breath to power what you know is going to be a litany of crimes. You’d write it all down if it wouldn’t kill you to read what an asshole you were to him.
You have no idea why he hasn’t divorced you.
You guess this is why he tries to break you every time you have sex.
Nara’s talking about the time you ran off to Switzerland for three months, but you tune her out.
You need to make all this up to Yoongi, a man who buys you gifts even when you’re barely talking, and who wants to be closer to you despite everything you’ve done to him.
You figure ten is a nice round number.
You’re going to do it.
You’re going to find the ten worst things you’ve done to Min Yoongi and make up for every single one of them.
‘I’m sorry, Mrs Min, Mr Kim says he can’t see you until his bodyguard gets here.’
You gape at the expressionless secretary who’s been dispatched to give you the news. He nods apologetically, then withdraws.
The nerve of Kim Seokjin.
Kim Seokjin is Yoongi’s best friend, and instrumental in your plan to make things right with Yoongi.
It looks like he’s going to make you work for it every step of the way. You’ve been waiting outside his office for ten minutes already, and there’s no end in sight.
The first attack you’d launched on Min Yoongi after you got married was at a charity fundraiser where there had been, to your devious delight, an auction.
Not just any auction. Seokjin and Yoongi had been part of it, and you’d very intentionally bid on Seokjin despite wearing the Min heirloom pendant around your neck.
You’d bid a ridiculous amount and won him, a record that was shattered not long after by the ‘purchase’ of a man with a rakish glint in his eye, Jungkook, you think his name was.
Even worse, you’d paid a horny elderly society lady, Mrs Kang, known for her constant innuendoes and wandering hands, to purchase your then new husband.
He’s never told you what happened on their date.
On your date with Seokjin you’d dressed so provocatively you were a quick move away from being arrested for public indecency.
To his credit, you hadn’t once caught Seokjin’s eyes wandering below your neck.
He’d spent the whole date scolding you on Yoongi’s behalf.
You’ve had other shenanigans with Seokjin, but the auction is the most scandalous one by far. You’re not surprised he doesn’t want to see you.
You glance at your watch and realise you’ve been waiting for over twenty minutes.
You get up to leave and you hear your name called in a deep voice that’s definitely not Seokjin’s.
It’s a man, around six feet tall, who looks the size of a refrigerator. He looks like he could break you in half and not break a sweat.
You’re escorted into Seokjin’s office.
‘Y/N,’ Seokjin says, formally, from behind his desk. ‘Have a seat.’
You aren’t sure if Seokjin realises that you practically grew up in boardrooms much more intimidating than this.
You sit behind his desk obediently.
‘I wanted to talk to you about Yoongi,’ you say, rushed, because you don’t know how much time you have.
Seokjin looks at you evenly. ‘I have no interest in discussing my best friend with you.’
‘We don’t have to discuss him. I just want to make up for all of the things I’ve done to him over the years.’
Seokjin raises an eyebrow. You’ve always found him intimidating, if you’re honest.
‘Anyway, can you convince him to put himself up for auction at the Rose Ball next month?’
‘Why?’ Seokjin snaps. ‘So you can humiliate him again?’
Your hackles rise at his tone, but you remind yourself of your end goal. You’re not sure you can make Yoongi cuddly but you think you might be able to make him like you.
‘I won’t humiliate him,’ you say, humbly.
Seokjin glares at you. ‘I need more assurance than your word, funnily enough.’
You like how loyal Seokjin is to Yoongi, but he’s sure being an ass right now.
‘I’ll pay you.’
Seokjin frowns. ‘Do I look like I need the money?’
‘I’ll cook dinner for Yoongi and you,’ you offer.
He snorts.
‘Can you even cook?’
‘Jesus what do you want Seokjin?’
You stand, and immediately his bodyguard takes a protective step forward.
You throw your hands up in exasperation.
‘Yoongi really wants to go to watch the Portland Trail Blazers when they’re in town next month. It’s right before the Rose Ball. Take him and I’ll get him to auction himself off at the Rose Ball.’
You put out a hand, forgetting about the bodyguard for a moment.
You pull it back quickly when he steps in front of Seokjin.
‘Deal,’ you call happily over the bodyguard’s shoulder.
Seokjin steps out from behind the human wall and holds out his hand.
You shake it.
‘Don’t fuck me or Yoongi over,’ Seokjin warns.
‘I won’t,’ you promise.
Yoongi’s already home when you get back after work.
He’s dressed in basketball shorts, a sweatband around his forehead.
‘You look hot,’ you say, absently, as you search through your drawer in his dressing room for a loose tee.
‘Here,’ Yoongi says. He tosses you a plain tee, one of his own.
You put it to your face and inhale.
‘It’s fresh,’ Yoongi says, dryly.
‘It smells like you,’ you say. ‘I like it.’
You step out of your work clothes and pull it over your head.
‘I’m going to bed.’
You pause before you leave the dressing room. ‘Hey, Yoongi. I got tickets to the Portland trail blazers game next month. Wanna go together?’
Yoongi gapes at you.
‘You didn’t seriously just ask me out to a basketball game with my favourite team whilst wearing my t-shirt and nothing else.’
You hadn’t been thinking about anything naughty but you snap to attention at his words.
‘Are you still on your period?’ Yoongi asks.
He’s already rounding the central island in the middle of his dressing room, where he keeps his watches and jewellery.
He’s heading straight for you.
You squeak and retreat to the bed.
He’s a second behind you, landing right on you before you can even yank up the covers.
‘Let’s make out,’ he says, voice husky.
‘Yeah,’ you agree.
His lips are almost on yours when you stop him.
‘Do you still want to make out even if we don’t—‘ you trail off, and Yoongi looks at you oddly.
‘Fuck?’ he supplies, helpfully.
You nod.
‘Are you serious? What do you think I am? Some sort of brute?’
‘We usually just skip to the fucking,’ you point out.
Yoongi stares at you for so long you think he’s had a stroke.
Then he leans over and kisses your forehead.
Your eyes closed automatically when his lips touched you, so it takes you a moment to realise he’s pulling away.
‘I’ll see you at dinner,’ he says.
He’s out the door before you get a chance to say goodbye.
You’re trying to pick something to wear to the game with Yoongi. You’re not really a fan of basketball, not like he is. Your only knowledge of basketball consists of what you’ve gleaned from pictures of celebrities courtside and what you’ve seen in movies.
Once you’re dressed, you run downstairs to where Yoongi’s waiting.
‘They’re not courtside,’ you say, apologetic, as Yoongi drives.
‘You’ve said that a few times,’ Yoongi says mildly, signalling to turn.
‘I just don’t want you to be disappointed,’ you say.
‘I won’t be,’ Yoongi says.
‘I don’t know anything about basketball,’ you tell him.
Yoongi looks at you with such disappointment it feels like you need to seek his forgiveness for yet another thing.
‘I’m calling the best divorce lawyer in town right after this,’ Yoongi says. ‘But first, let’s watch the game.’
‘What? You’re divorcing me over a —- sport?’
‘Not helping the cause,’ Yoongi retorts.
You want to pout but you’re pretty sure he’ll just get annoyed with you.
Yoongi drives into a multi-storey car park and backs into a space so sexily you get a little wet just watching him.
He even does that thing where he rests his arm against your seat, as though it’s a habit he can’t break even though his car has a rear camera.
You want to hold hands with him as you walk to the arena, but you rarely ever touch when you’re not fucking.
Yoongi says, without looking at you, ‘what is it now?’
‘This is kind of like a date,’ you observe.
Yoongi sighs.
He’s never really indulged your fondness for romantic gestures, you guess he’s always seen them as childish.
‘It’s a date,’ he confirms. He leads you to your seats as though he knows the arena well.
You look around curiously. The seats aren’t courtside, but you’re only a couple of rows back, and the view seems fine to you.
‘Is this ok?’ you ask.
‘They’re perfect seats. Stop asking me or I’ll kiss you and ruin your lip gloss.’
‘This is kiss proof, actually,’ you say, seriously.
Yoongi turns fully to look at you. ‘Is that an invitation for me to test it out?’
‘Let’s just see how the date goes,’ you say, leaning back in your seat.
You can feel his eyes on you. He scoffs, but he doesn’t sound annoyed.
The game is an exciting one, but you spend it mainly watching Yoongi. He’s pretty even-tempered most of the time, but watching basketball really seems to get his blood going.
He cheers so loudly and enthusiastically you’re almost deafened. Once the game gets going he barely even seems to notice you.
You’re glad he’s enjoying himself.
At half time, you get him to take a selfie with you to send to Seokjin as proof.
You’ve just sent it when he leans over and kisses you on the cheek, quickly.
You turn to him, but he’s already turned away.
You think about the feel of his lips on your cheek for the rest of the game, and somehow the second half flies by.
Yoongi’s so hyped by the time the game ends that you keep smiling at how endearing he is.
‘I feel like you need to talk about this to someone who knows about basketball,’ you remark as you walk back to your car.
He grins at you. ‘I might stop by Seokjin’s place.’
‘Ah sure,’ you say, a little crestfallen that he doesn’t want to go home with you.
You fiddle with your phone, realising you don’t even know where Seokjin lives. ‘Is home on your way?’
‘I’ll drop you off,’ he says.
You’re quiet on the drive home. Yoongi pulls into your driveway and shuts the engine off.
‘Hey,’ he says.
You turn to him.
‘Thanks for getting us tickets. And thanks for coming with me.’
You smile. ‘It was Seokjin’s idea,’ you demur. ‘See you later, Yoongi.’
You get out of the car and are walking to the front entrance of your home when you hear the car door close behind you.
There’s footsteps, and by the time you turn, Yoongi’s standing in front of you, barely two feet away.
‘Hey,’ he says again. ‘Can I get a kiss goodnight?’
You reach into your brain for a snappy remark but come up with nothing.
All you can do is look up at him as he leans over you and kisses you. His tongue flicks at the seam of your lips, once, and then he’s pulling away.
He smooths your hair back from your face, tucking it behind your ear.
The action makes your heart flutter helplessly in your chest. He rarely ever touches you like this.
Yoongi rubs his thumb over your bottom lip, gently.
‘I’ll see you later. I’ll try not to wake you up when I get in.’
He waits, engine idling, until you’re safely indoors before he drives off.
You’re nervous. It’s the night of the Rose Ball, and the charity auction where you’re going to orchestrate the first stage of making up with Yoongi.
You’ve picked a red dress because of what he said about you looking pretty in red.
Yoongi knocks on your bedroom door, because you’d wanted to get ready alone.
You open the door and take in the vision of your husband in a white dinner jacket, hair pushed back from his forehead and styled beautifully.
There are silver earrings glinting in his ears, and his hair is currently silver to match.
‘You look very handsome,’ you tell him, honest.
He holds out his arm. ‘I think you’re wearing red on purpose to fuck with me, aren’t you? Quick, say something annoying so the universe can tilt back to its normal axis.’
Gamely, you pout at him and whine, ‘why didn’t you get me any new jewellery to wear, Yoongi?’
‘I’ve got some pearls I can put around your neck,’ Yoongi suggests.
‘I’d rather you put them down my throat,’ you say, suggestively.
‘There’s my spoiled little horny heiress,’ Yoongi says, approvingly.
You roll your eyes. ‘I’m not spoiled.’
‘Try saying that in a less whiny tone,’ Yoongi tells you unsympathetically.
‘I’m not whiny.’
‘I hope you saved up some money to buy Kim Seokjin again tonight,’ Yoongi says.
You frown.
‘I’m gonna buy you, not Seokjin.’
He snorts. ‘I hope you’re not expecting me to buy you.’
You pause. This is an angle you hadn’t even considered.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow, but says nothing.
At the ball, you read through the list of names up for auction. To your annoyance, Seokjin, Yoongi and you are all one after another, clustered together.
You think it’s an attempt to capitalise on the scandal of the previous time Seokjin and Yoongi were up for auction.
You’re nervous all throughout dinner, and by the time the auction starts you’re vibrating with nerves.
Seokjin stands when his name is announced, nodding at the emcee. Across the table from you, you can feel Yoongi’s eyes burning into your head.
The bidding starts at a cool 5 million won, and rapidly escalates.
Seokjin, devastatingly handsome in a beautiful tux that emphasizes the broadness of his chest and shoulders, doesn’t even have the decency to pretend to be surprised.
You look at Yoongi and keep your hands perfectly still in your lap.
‘50 million won, do I hear 55?’
It’s a relief when the bidding closes at 75 million won. You don’t even see who the highest bidder is, concentrating on your husband sitting across from you.
When Yoongi’s name is announced, he stands and nods.
You think to yourself again how beautiful your husband looks.
You keep up with the bids easily. To your annoyance, the bidding is fast and furious, and it’s only moments before you’re holding at 90 million won.
‘Do I hear 95?’
‘100 million won.’
You turn, aghast, and look into the diabolical and devious eyes of Kim Seokjin.
Why the hell is Kim Seokjin driving up the bidding war on your husband?
Yoongi just looks amused when you stare at him, accusing.
‘110 million,’ you snap.
You try to stare the evil bastard down between bids.
By the time you get to 150 million won, you’re glaring daggers at Seokjin and Yoongi.
‘Sold to Mrs Min.’
There’s barely time to breathe a sigh of relief before you realise Yoongi and Seokjin are now patting each other on the back.
To your chagrin, they leave the room as your name is announced.
As the bids escalate on you, you pull your phone out and send Yoongi a rapid fire text.
Y/N: Buy me or I won’t fuck you tonight.
Yoongi, the bastard, makes you wait on read.
You’re dialling his number when you realise two things.
One, that the bidding’s somehow reached a hundred million won.
And two, that the main bidder is a very beautiful man whom you’ve never met.
‘Going once….’
You squirm in your seat as Yoongi and Seokjin walk back into the room.
If there’s any urgency in Yoongi at all that his wife is about to be sold to a random stranger, his face doesn’t show it.
You suppose this is exactly how he felt when you let Mrs Kang buy him.
‘Going twice to Mr Park Jimin.’
Yoongi lifts a brow, and his eyes snap to the beautiful man.
He nods to the auctioneer, and bidding resumes.
Park Jimin seems pretty determined, but he’s no match for your husband.
Yoongi buys you for a shade under two hundred million won.
You’re trying to unfasten your necklace whilst Yoongi gets changed after the ball.
‘Two hundred million won,’ you say, teasingly. ‘Guess I’ll need to put out.’
Yoongi grunts, and a moment later he says, ‘lift your hair.’
You pull your hair away from the back of your neck and he unfastens your necklace for you.
‘You don’t need to do anything you don’t want to,’ he says.
Later, in bed, you’re lying awake next to Yoongi, thinking about the night.
‘Yoongi,’ you whisper.
He sounds like he’s stifling a groan. ‘What?’
‘Thanks for buying me.’
It’s so dark you can’t see any of his features.
Eventually, he says, ‘there was never a possibility that I wouldn’t.’
‘What?’ you ask, surprised. ‘Say that again.’
‘Good night, Y/N.’
You think that one of the things that irritated Yoongi the most about you when you first got married was your total lack of interest in getting to know his friends.
And so part two of making up with Yoongi involves Kim Namjoon.
He’s an interesting man, from what you know of him.
Like Yoongi and Seokjin, he comes from a privileged background. Unlike Yoongi and Seokjin, though, he’s not in the family business. He runs an art gallery in the city with his partner, Nayeon.
You’re apprehensive about approaching Namjoon at the gallery but you can’t think of any other way to meet him.
Seokjin’s less icy to you since you took Yoongi to watch basketball and since the successful completion of step 1, but there’s no way he’d voluntarily help you.
You push open the glass door and decide to just walk around.
Unlike Seokjin, Namjoon doesn’t make you wait.
You’re barely in the cool comfort of the gallery before he’s standing next to you.
‘To what do I owe this pleasure?’ he asks, politely.
You search his expression for hints of sarcasm, but he seems perfectly sincere.
To be fair, you’ve never tried to provoke him like you did Seokjin.
You decide to be as direct as he is.
‘I was hoping to invite you and Nayeon for dinner at ours,’ you say.
He doesn’t answer straight away.
‘I haven’t really tried to get to know Yoongi’s friends, since we’ve been married,’ you say, pointing out the obvious. ‘I’m trying to remedy that.’
Namjoon gives you a long look.
You wonder what Yoongi’s been saying about you to his friends.
Judging by how wary all his friends are around you, you don’t think he’s been singing your praises.
You’re just about to speak again, when Namjoon says, ‘Yoongi often comes to ours on a Sunday night for dinner. I’m sure Nayeon would be really pleased if you could make it with him this Sunday.’
You smile, grateful. ‘I’d love that.’
Namjoon gives you another long look, then a dimple flashes in his cheek.
It transforms his face, which up until now had been rather stern and intimidating.
‘I’ll see you Sunday.’
Yoongi’s watching you polish off the last of the bread at dinner, bemused.
You figure now’s as good a time as any to tell him about how you’ve invited yourself to dinner on Sunday.
He takes it in his stride.
‘I’ll try not to embarrass you,’ you say, jokingly.
‘Like when you sent my sexual health test results to my entire company?’ asks Yoongi.
You look down at your plate.
Shit, another thing you need to atone for.
‘Sorry about that,’ you tell him, contrite.
‘It’s fine,’ Yoongi says, rolling his eyes. ‘I became a meme for a few months, I can cope with that.’
You put your hand on his arm. ‘I really am sorry. Want a blow job?’
Yoongi rolls his eyes again. ‘Are we so emotionally stunted we can only communicate through sex?’
His tone is cutting.
You’ve been so soft for him lately that there’s a pang of hurt in your chest.
‘You’re a lot more tolerable when you’re fucking me,’ you say, coldly.
‘Likewise, princess,’ Yoongi snaps.
You get up from the table and go to watch TV alone in your rooms.
By the time you go in to Yoongi’s bedroom, it’s dark.
You slide in next to him and turn away, back facing him.
You hear a sigh, then his hand pats the sheets, looking for yours.
You tuck your hands between your legs.
Yoongi’s hand travels down your arm, seeking your hand.
His thumb brushes over your clit, and you let out a surprised ‘oh’.
Yoongi shifts over, spooning you, chest pressing against your back.
‘Can I touch you, princess?’ he asks, voice low. ‘I’ve been thinking about how you pouted at dinner and I’m so fucking hard.’
‘I don’t want to cum for you,’ you tell him, petulant.
Yoongi nibbles at your neck, sharp teeth sending shocks of pain and pleasure through you.
‘I’ll make you cum anyway, princess. Get you grinding against my hand and crying my name. You always sound so pretty for me.’
‘Yoongi,’ you murmur, but your legs are already spreading to make room for him.
‘That’s my girl,’ he says, fingers slipping through your slick heat like he hadn’t expected anything less. ‘Let me fuck the spoilt brat out of you until only my baby’s left, hmm?’
Yoongi talks dirty to you until you’re creaming around his fingers, then his cock.
Yoongi looks up from his phone and gives you a quelling look.
‘Stop fidgeting.’
You hug the bottle of wine you’re bringing to Nayeon and Namjoon’s place to your chest.
‘Who else is going to be there?’ you ask.
‘Usually it’s Seokjin and me. Sometimes Gyuri comes.’
You think about that and wish, childishly, that you’d chosen a nicer outfit.
You realise Yoongi’s watching your face.
‘I appreciate you wanting to meet my friends,’ he says, carefully.
‘Oh it’s about time I made an effort, don’t you think?’
Yoongi gives you a long look and rings the doorbell.
You’re greeted by a relaxed-looking Nayeon.
You don’t know her well, but she’s always struck you as nice. You feel an odd pang as you see the affectionate way Yoongi greets her.
Here’s a whole other aspect of his life you’ve never been involved in.
You volunteer to help Namjoon cook the rice. To your bemusement, he’s frighteningly accident-prone.
Within five minutes, you’ve saved him from putting his hand on a hot pan twice. You shudder when you see him pick up a knife to chop vegetables.
Nayeon nudges you. ‘Don’t worry. He’s not too bad. Someone always keeps an eye on him.’
‘Like a toddler,’ you mutter, then you remember where you are.
Nayeon just laughs. ‘I think of it as he’s still getting used to his size.’
You laugh. ‘Let’s hope he doesn’t get any bigger then.’
You look up as Seokjin enters the kitchen with Yoongi.
Your eyes meet Seokjin’s. He nods coolly at you.
You smile back.
To your surprise, Yoongi claps a hand on Seokjin’s back.
‘Yah, Jin, greet my wife properly.’
Seokjin pulls Nayeon into a hug, then stops just in front of you.
You put out a hand for him to shake, and instead, he pulls you into a hug too.
You look up at him, a little wary.
‘Don’t you need your bodyguard?’ you ask, unable to resist.
Seokjin narrows his eyes at you. ‘I’m watching you, brat,’ he replies, so softly only you can hear.
‘And Yoongi’s watching you,’ you return, snarky.
Seokjin’s eyes darken. ‘Clearly Yoongi’s too soft on you, given your attitude.’
‘Break it up,’ Yoongi’s voice says from behind Seokjin.
You slide around Seokjin and stand next to Yoongi. When Yoongi turns to talk to Nayeon, you flip Seokjin the bird.
He glares daggers at you but has to quickly rearrange his expression when Yoongi and Nayeon ask him a question.
You’re so busy fielding all the interactions that it’s a relief to sit down to dinner.
Ah shit.
There are prawns in the broth, the one thing in the world you’re allergic to.
It’s your own fault. Early on in your marriage, for reasons known only to you, you’d decided to let Yoongi think you were a snob about seafood rather than just telling him you were allergic. Cue a very uncomfortable dinner when you’d refused to eat anything one of his chef friends had cooked.
Seokjin, next to you, looks at your untouched bowl pointedly. ‘Don’t you like it?’ he asks, voice so velvety it’s not immediately obvious he’s jeering at you.
You grit your teeth and pray the epi-pen in your bag is in date.
It’ll probably be fine, unless you have a whole prawn….
As if on cue, Yoongi hands you a prawn he’s just peeled.
You’d always thought Yoongi would be the death of you, but you’d thought the mechanism would be from hate fucking you into oblivion, or irritating you into apoplexy.
Not a fucking prawn that he’s peeled for you because he’s decided to be a solicitous husband for once in his life.
You can feel a few eyes on you.
‘Oh that looks delicious,’ you chirrup brightly. You accept the prawn, swallow it quickly, wait a beat, then excuse yourself.
You grab your bag on the way to the bathroom, fumbling for your epi-pen.
You jab it into your thigh just as the familiar tingling starts in your throat.
The door opens, and you’re faced with Yoongi, staring at you.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ he hisses.
He grabs the epi-pen you’ve just dropped on the floor.
‘Are you shooting up in my friends’ house?’ he snaps.
You shake your head, voice raspy.
‘I’m allergic to prawns.’
Yoongi stares at you like he can’t quite believe his ears.
You want to repeat yourself but your voice is getting hoarser.
Yoongi seems to click into action then. ‘Fuck. Do you need the hospital?’
You nod.
Moving faster than you’ve ever seen him, Yoongi grabs your arm and hustles you out of the bathroom.
He scolds you all the way to the hospital.
‘You’re an idiot, you know that? Why would you eat something you know you’re this allergic to?’
Two blocks away.
‘Why couldn’t you just tell me? Of all the stupid stunts you’ve pulled—‘
At the entrance of the emergency room.
‘If you die from this I’m going to follow you into the afterlife and kill you again.’
You’d snap back if he didn’t sound more worried than angry.
Yoongi sits beside your bed, filling in a form on a tablet with your details. You can see him typing in your name.
You grab his arm. ‘Not my name,’ you rasp.
Yoongi frowns at you. You fumble in your bag and pass him your driver’s license.
He looks at it for a long moment.
‘You changed your name? You said —-‘
He cuts himself off with visible effort. You can see a vein throbbing in his forehead.
He fills in the rest of the form, swearing softly under his breath.
You close your eyes and lose yourself to nightmares about prawns.
When you wake up, Yoongi’s sitting by your bed.
You say his name.
He runs a hand over his face. ‘How are you feeling, princess?’
‘I’m fine. Can we go home?’
‘They want to keep you in a little longer.’
You sigh.
‘Why didn’t you tell me you were allergic to prawns?’ Yoongi asks.
He sighs. ‘That time, with Mingyu, when he made us all that food. I thought you were being such a bitch.’
‘I am a bitch,’ you say. ‘I hated you back then. I hated our marriage and I hated that it felt like I didn’t have any choice in anything.’
‘And so you decide to die because I fucking peeled you a prawn?’
‘Why did you do that? You always say if you can’t peel a prawn you don’t deserve to eat it.’
‘Jesus fucking christ. I just wanted to.’
‘What a time to choose to be the doting husband,’ you say, regretfully.
Yoongi snorts with laughter. ‘Are you allergic to anything else I need to know about?’
‘Assholes,’ you mutter. ‘That’s why Seokjin and I don’t get along.’
Yoongi laughs again. ‘You’re such a rude brat. He won’t stop calling me. He wants to apologise for putting pressure on you to have the broth.’
‘Nayeon and Namjoon want to know if you’re ok, too.’
‘Tell them I’m fine.’
‘Here,’ Yoongi says. ‘I’ll add you to the group chat and you can tell them yourself.’
You send off a few texts and put your phone down.
‘I need to call my lawyer,’ Yoongi says, running a hand through his hair.
‘You’re divorcing me over a prawn allergy?’
‘No,’ says Yoongi, patient. ‘Now that I know your real name, I need to get it changed in my will and also on all the properties I’ve invested in for you.’
‘Ooh, I’m in your will?’ you ask, intrigued. ‘What do I get?’
‘None of your business,’ Yoongi says.
You wave a hand threateningly. ‘I could kill you right now and find out.’
Yoongi fends you off easily. ‘You should be resting.’
‘We could be arguing about this at home,’ you point out.
By the time you’re discharged from the hospital, it’s the early hours of the morning.
When you get home, you’re greeted by Mrs Gye.
‘I took care of it,’ she tells Yoongi.
Yoongi nods and thanks her.
‘Took care of what?’
‘Mr Min rang earlier and told us to get rid of all the prawns in the kitchen and pantry,’ Mrs Gye says. She’s apologetic. ‘We didn’t know you were allergic, Mrs Min.’
You glance at Yoongi, who’s slipping off his shoes.
‘You didn’t have to —‘
He cuts you off. ‘It’s a risk I’d prefer not to take again.’
He starts up the stairs, heading for his bedroom. ‘I’m going to try and get some sleep.’
You hurry after him, because he’s not waiting for you.
You’re coming out of your meeting with the manager of the third country club you got Yoongi blacklisted from when you spot a familiar face.
A familiar, beautiful but unwanted face.
‘Seokjin,’ you say, nodding politely.
He leans down, and automatically you present your cheek to him for a kiss.
‘How are you doing?’ he asks, courteously.
You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously. ‘I’m fine. And yourself?’
To your astonishment, he actually seems to be a little shamefaced as he says, ‘I’m sorry I urged you to have the broth at Namjoon and Nayeon’s the other day.’
‘It’s fine, you couldn’t have known,’ you say, neutrally.
‘What are you doing here?’
It’s your turn to look repentant.
‘I got Yoongi blacklisted from all the country clubs. I’m getting him re-invited to all of them.’
Seokjin’s gaze is penetrating.
‘You seem like you’re really trying to make amends,’ he observes.
‘Yeah well, I was, like you keep pointing out to me, a brat.’
He’s been walking with you to the lobby.
‘Can I offer you a lift anywhere?’ he asks.
‘Ah, I’ll just wait for a cab.’
He raises an eyebrow. ‘Doesn’t Yoongi have a driver?’
‘He does. I don’t.’
Seokjin nods to the car waiting for him. ‘Do you have other country clubs to go to?’
‘I have four left,’ you say.
Seokjin looks at you in firm way he does. ‘Come on. I’ll take you.’
You climb into the back seat with Seokjin.
‘You’re not taking me somewhere to murder me and dispose of my body, are you?’ you ask, only half-joking.
Seokjin settles back in his seat and loosens his tie.
‘I’ve got the afternoon off, and I’d prefer not to commit murder during it,’ he says, not reassuringly.
With Seokjin by your side, the next meeting is almost enjoyable. You even get offered champagne, which you gulp down.
Seokjin looks at you, amused. ‘Stressful day for you?’
‘You make me nervous,’ you admit.
‘I just don’t want Yoongi to be hurt anymore.’
You digest the idea that Yoongi wasn’t just inconvenienced and embarrassed, but actually hurt by your actions of the last few years.
That would imply he cared.
You’re staring out the window, thinking, when Seokjin says. ‘Of course, he didn’t want to marry you either, at the beginning.’
You chew on your lip.
‘But he was willing to make his best effort to be a good husband to you. He’s decent like that.’
You turn your head so Seokjin can’t see your face.
He’s not wrong. Yoongi’s never once retaliated for anything you’ve done to him.
Instead he’d grown progressively more cold and impatient and distant.
The wave of guilt surprises you with its depth.
‘I’ll make it up to him,’ you say, quietly.
Seokjin puts his hand on your arm so you’ll look at him.
‘He has a real soft spot for you,’ he tells you. ‘God knows why, I would have punished you long ago.’
You flick your eyes up at him. ‘Luckily I married a more forgiving man than you,’ you say, summoning your haughtiest tone.
Seokjin just laughs. ‘We both want the best for him,’ he says. ‘Maybe you’re not such a cold hearted bitch after all.’
‘Don’t get ahead of yourself. We aren’t friends,’ you sneer, out of habit.
Seokjin turns away and laughs quietly to himself.
At your next meeting, Seokjin gets whiskey served to you.
You’re a total lightweight, and with your empty stomach, you know you’re heading to a danger zone.
But damn, it’s also intoxicating having polished, suave Seokjin by your side at these meetings with older men.
It’s after your final meeting, three drinks later, that Seokjin says, ‘dinner?’
You hold on to his arm to steady yourself.
‘Maybe we can have dinner at mine,’ you suggest.
‘Great idea,’ Seokjin beams. ‘I love Mrs Gye’s cooking.’
You never actually make it inside the house.
Yoongi finds you and Seokjin sprawled on the front steps, arguing about which country club offered the best membership package.
You slap a brochure onto the steps between you.
‘This was clearly the best deal,’ you announce. You squint but it doesn’t make the words any clearer.
Seokjin sweeps the brochure away dramatically.
Yoongi says, dryly, ‘why do people who can’t handle their alcohol go drinking?’
Both you and Seokjin glare at each other, then at him.
Yoongi sighs. ‘I can’t carry both of you at once.’
‘Take the asshole first,’ you snap.
Seokjin leans towards you menacingly. ‘What did you call me?’
Yoongi hurriedly lifts you up under the arms, and you curl into his chest.
‘Take me to bed, Yoongi,’ you say, looking up at him.
‘You’re heavier than you look,’ Yoongi grunts.
‘It’s my brain,’ you say, trying be helpful.
Seokjin snorts rudely behind you.
Yoongi says, voice low, rumbling in his chest, ‘ignore him.’
You press a kiss to Yoongi’s chest. ‘Sorry I’m so heavy.’
He smiles at you with that looks like affection.
‘It’s fine. I’ll just drop you if it’s too much for me.’
Yoongi helps you into bed and unzips your dress.
‘Can you do the rest so I can get Seokjin?’ he asks.
You nod, convincingly. You’re still trying to tug your arm out of the sleeve when you give up and pass out.
Yoongi helps Seokjin into your bed and returns to his room to find you sprawled exactly where he left you, half undressed.
He slips your dress off you. You crack an eye open.
‘Yoongi,’ you say, whiny.
Yoongi replies, ‘yes?’
‘I just want you to like me,’ you say. For a moment you look completely lucid, and sad.
His heart gives a dangerous jolt then, like somehow, you’ve worked your way into it. Like a household pest.
Yoongi can’t bear the thought of exterminating you.
‘Stop being so annoying then,’ Yoongi says, trying to be stern but it comes out weak. He’s not even convincing himself at this point.
You put your hand over your heart. ‘I’ll try my best,’ you promise.
At breakfast, Yoongi frowns at his phone.
‘Why am I getting invited to become a member of every country club in the vicinity?’
Seokjin, dressed in Yoongi’s clothes, mumbles something unintelligible into his cereal.
You look up from your pancakes and through your sunglasses at your husband.
‘I got you blacklisted from every single country club in the area when we first got married, so I spent yesterday getting you reinvited.’
You point your fork at Seokjin and say, grudgingly, ‘Seokjin helped.’
Seokjin sips his juice.
‘Why did we drink so much?’ he asks.
‘You’re the one that kept asking for drinks,’ you point out.
Yoongi holds up a hand between you to break you up.
‘Why?’ he asks.
‘I’m making up for being awful to you,’ you tell him.
Yoongi frowns. ‘Is that why you’ve been so erratic lately?’
You’re offended. ‘I’m not erratic.’
‘Taking me to that basketball game? Buying me at the auction? Dinner at Namjoon and Nayeon’s?’ Yoongi asks.
‘Riding you in the shower yesterday,’ you add.
Seokjin covers his ears.
‘I’m being nice,’ you say.
Yoongi says, ‘I appreciate your efforts, but you don’t have to make anything up to me.’
‘She does,’ Seokjin interjects.
You toss a pancake at him.
Yoongi rolls his eyes.
‘We’ll talk later,’ he says to you.
‘I don’t know why he’s still here,’ you say to Yoongi, like Seokjin’s not in the room.
Yoongi pushes your coffee towards you. ‘Drink. Finish your breakfast. Seokjin and I have a meeting to get to. Let’s talk later.’
‘I have a surprise for you tonight,’ you say, remembering.
Yoongi leans down to kiss your cheek.
‘I don’t like surprises.’
‘You’ll like this one,’ you promise.
You once sent a troupe of strippers to put on a show at an important business meeting Yoongi had organised with a notoriously conservative client.
The deal had fallen through despite months of preparation and expense.
It was then that Yoongi had finally snapped and called you a cold hearted bitch for the first time.
You’d thought long and hard about how to make this up to him, and you don’t know enough about his company to source an equivalent deal.
You’re hoping dancing for him in the red teddy he got you will help.
You’re not a bad dancer, and you’ve been taking lessons for weeks, enough that you’re pretty confident you can pull it off.
You’ve hired a room in an underground sex club, hoping the gritty feel will add to the thrill of it.
Yoongi raises his eyebrows when you lead him through the private entrance off the street, down a flight of stairs, to a darkened corridor.
You lift the keycard out of your thigh-high stockings and unlock the door.
You’d shared a bottle of wine at dinner, and you’re feeling good.
There’s a chair in the middle of the room, like you’d specified. The lights are off apart from a blue glow. It’s dark enough to lend a sense of intimacy, but light enough that you can see Yoongi’s gorgeous face clearly.
God, your husband looks beautiful tonight, all in black, his lips stained from the wine.
He leans back on the chair, legs spread, watching you.
The one thing you’ve always liked about Yoongi that he knows when to keep his mouth shut.
His lips part as you turn in front of him and unzip your dress. It puddles on the floor in a shimmering heap.
You hit play on the music and start dancing.
Yoongi’s gaze focuses intensely on you as you dance for him. You put your legs on his thighs, pushing them apart to make space for yourself as you shimmy between them.
Your ass brushes his crotch, deliberately, lingering longer and longer with each pass until you’re grinding against him.
Yoongi, like a seasoned strip club connoisseur, keeps his hands to himself, braced on his thighs.
You turn so you’re facing him, leaning forward to encourage him to look down the top of your silky teddy. Your nipples are stiff, pushing against the silk, and you put two fingers in his mouth.
He needs no prompting, sucking on your fingers, tongue delving between them suggestively.
You put a hand on his shoulder and run your wet fingers over your nipples.
Yoongi grunts, eyes fixed on your tits.
You slide your hand down between your legs and lean over him to whisper in his ear.
‘I’m imagining your fingers here, Yoongi,’ you purr, gratified by how you can see his skin prickling with goosebumps.
Yoongi licks his lips. His voice, when it comes out, is so deep you’re wet just listening to him.
‘You know you really fuck me off sometimes,’ he says.
For the first time since you started dancing for him, you falter.
You look at him uncertainly.
His hand comes out, landing on your silk-covered hip, long fingers splaying over your ass.
‘I think it’s your face,’ he muses, almost like he’s talking to himself. ‘Your face is so fucking bratty I want to shove my dick in your mouth just to shut you up.’
He pulls you down so you’re sitting in his lap, straddling him.
He cups your jaw, pulling your face closer to his. His thumb traces over your bottom lip, teasing at the seam of your lips until your lips part enough for him to slip his thumb in.
Automatically, you suck.
‘There,’ Yoongi says. ‘You always look so pretty with me in your mouth.’
You can’t help yourself. You whimper around his thumb.
‘I like this even more though,’ he says.
Eyes on you, he moves his hand down your hip, cupping you between your legs, parted on his lap.
Like this, you’re spread out on top of him.
Yoongi hisses as he feels how slick you are. He teases at your clit, one finger slipping into you.
You say his name. God, he feels good.
He curls his finger, and you whimper again.
‘Your little pussy knows it belongs to me,’ he says, almost conversational, as he strokes your clit.
He presses an open-mouthed kiss to your breast as he fingers you, tongue laving the red silk.
You slip a strap down your shoulder so your breast is exposed, nipple taut for him.
‘Do it properly, Yoongi,’ you whine.
Yoongi laughs darkly. ‘Where’s your manners, baby?’
Your mouth snaps closed, lips thinning into a straight line. Your eyes flash at him.
Yoongi’s looking at you.
‘There you are,’ he says, but oddly, there’s affection in his voice.
He tilts his head to slant his mouth over yours in a slow kiss at the same time his fingers start scissoring inside you.
He smells so good. He pulls away and leans his forehead against yours.
‘I kiss you all the time, brat, how could you say we skip straight to the fucking?’
You’re hazy with pleasure, his fingers haven’t stopped moving inside you, and he always seems to go unerringly to the spot that makes you cry out his name and beg for more.
You’re begging now.
‘Yoongi,’ you moan.
‘Who fucks you like this, brat?’ he hisses.
‘You,’ you answer, ‘please, Yoongi.’
‘That’s right,’ he says. ‘That’s fucking right.’
You’re grinding against his hand now, each movement making you flutter around his fingers. You’re so close you can taste it, chasing your high.
Yoongi pulls his fingers out, and you cry out.
‘Cum on my cock, let me feel you.’
You fumble with the zipper on his pants, and he hisses as you draw him out.
He grabs your hips and sinks you down onto his cock.
Fuck, he’s so thick and hot you could cum even if he stayed perfectly still.
Yoongi shudders. ‘Fuck. Fuck. Feel me, baby? You get me so hard for you it hurts.’
Your eyes are squeezed shut, concentrating on the feel of him.
‘So fucking tight for me, shit.’
You’re already starting to tighten around his cock when he slaps your thigh. ‘Go on, this is what you wanted isn’t it? Fucking take it, baby.’
His voice is low, slurred, pupils blown all the way.
He’s rude as fuck, and you’re about to cum your brains out thinking about it.
Only Min Yoongi could do this to you.
He knows it. His breathing is ragged, but he somehow has the presence of mind to say, ‘fuck. Does my baby want tenderness too?’
His lips press against yours, he slides his tongue into your mouth, and he cradles the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair.
‘Fucking cum for me,’ he murmurs.
You slam your hips against his again, and finally, finally, you cum.
You curl into his chest, and he’s there, mouth on your hair.
‘You did so well,’ he tells you. ‘Waving that ass in the air for me, shit. Wearing this. You’re gonna need to do this again.’
‘I want to be good for you,’ you say.
Yoongi tilts your face so you’ll look at him.
‘Why? I’m a cold bastard most of the time.’
‘You have a nice cock,’ you offer.
Yoongi laughs. ‘You can have my cock anytime. It’s all yours.’
‘Oh are we exclusive now?’ you tease.
‘I’m wearing your ring around my finger,’ Yoongi reminds you, showing you his hand.
You tilt your head, pretending to think about it.
‘I’ll get you another ring to put around your cock.’
Yoongi grins and slaps your ass, gently. ‘Come on, get dressed. I want to get into bed with you. It’s my favourite part of the day.’
You want to ask if he really means that, but he’s already opening the door.
Yoongi looks pretty sexy when he’s concentrating, you decide.
You’ve graduated from sleeping together to also spending time together in his study sometimes in the evenings.
You’re trying to concentrate on reading a brief your social media manager prepared for you, but really your husband who isn’t doing anything other than frowning at his work, is distracting you.
Yoongi glances at you. ‘Need help with anything?’
You hum.
He walks around his desk to stand next to you.
‘What are you working on?’
You show him your brief. ‘Just prepping for a meeting tomorrow.’
Yoongi looks like he’s concentrating again, reading over your shoulder.
‘I’ve got it, Yoongi,’ you tell him.
He glances at you.
‘I didn’t say you didn’t.’
You try to ignore the flare of irritation as Yoongi walks back to his desk.
You know Yoongi has a sharp intellect and great business instincts. He’s earned every bit of his impressive reputation.
You’d be a fool to turn down his help.
Maybe you are a fool. But you don’t want him to see you as the impulsive devil-may-care hellion he married. You want to show him that you, too, have earned your right for respect in your role.
You chew on that for a bit, and finally, sighing, give up and go to bed.
You guess it’s going to take a bit longer to change Yoongi’s perception of you.
You got up to a lot of shenanigans on your honeymoon with Yoongi.
You were drunk for a lot of it, so you don’t remember much, but the bits you do remember are all bad.
You’d started drinking on the plane and spent the first night throwing up in the hotel bathroom.
And the second. Possibly the third.
You’d straight up disappeared after breakfast one day and had spent a day wandering the city on your own.
You’d also refused to sleep with him, claiming you were being treated for gonorrhoea. You’d accused him of giving it to you, which was how you’d ended up getting your hands on his test results to send to his company.
At least this is an easy thing to make up to Yoongi.
You couldn’t possibly make it a worse experience.
You’ve organised a weekend away with him, in a rustic little cabin by the lakes.
It works on many levels. The cabin’s a fair drive away, which means you get to watch your husband drive sexily. You think Yoongi likes nature, and you envisage doing a bit of paddling, maybe some fishing.
Also, the isolation of the cabin means you won’t get any noise complaints, important because you intend on fucking Yoongi constantly this weekend.
You’re still congratulating yourself on your genius when Yoongi wakes up the morning you’re due to leave.
You’ve been awake for hours.
The smile you turn on him is so bright he grimaces.
Ah. You keep forgetting he’s not a morning person. Also you have no idea what time he got in last night.
You scurry out of bed to grab him a coffee and promptly trip over his slippers.
Yoongi swears behind you. ‘Why do you keep falling over my slippers? They’re in the same place every time.’
‘Maybe you shouldn’t leave them there,’ you retort, hurt.
Then you remember you’re on your best behaviour.
You bite your tongue and go to grab him a coffee.
When you get back, he’s on his back, staring at the ceiling.
‘Got you coffee,’ you say, holding out his mug.
He accepts with a gravelly ‘thanks.’
You’re brushing your teeth when he says, ‘there’s been a supply problem with the new line we’re launching. I may need to spend time this weekend on the phone.’
‘That’s fine,’ you say, brightly. You’re determined not to let anything mar your new honeymoon weekend.
Yoongi says, gently, ‘is there any way we could reschedule?’
You stare at him. ‘Do you not want to go?’
The words are out before you get a chance to think them over. You could kick yourself at the neediness in your tone.
Yoongi says, ‘of course I want to go, I just don’t want you to be disappointed.’
You’re starting to wonder if he’s trying to tell you he doesn’t want to go.
‘I won’t be disappointed,’ you say, watching his face carefully.
Yoongi smiles at you. ‘Then let’s set off after breakfast.’
Yoongi’s quiet as he’s driving, and you notice how tired he looks. You’re just about to suggest he pulls over to let you drive when he says, ‘something on my face?’
‘You look tired,’ you say.
‘I am tired,’ he tells you. He smiles at you, faintly. ‘This upcoming collaboration with Novatech will be the biggest, most high-stakes project I’ve started since I took over from my father. I can’t afford for it to fail.’
‘Why would it fail?’ you ask.
‘There are a lot of moving parts,’ Yoongi says, vaguely.
‘I’m sure it’ll be a roaring success,’ you say, faith firmly in your capable, successful husband.
Yoongi says, ‘just don’t try to sabotage me.’
You say, earnestly, ‘those days are behind me.’
‘It’s a shame,’ Yoongi says, ‘I’m going to miss spanking you for misbehaving.’
That reminds you.
‘You can spank me anytime,’ you tell Yoongi. ‘Also, check out these new panties I bought.’
Yoongi glances at you and nearly swerves off the road.
‘Are you wearing crotchless panties?’ he asks, and he looks intrigued and flustered all at once.
‘It’s called an ouvert,’ you explain. ‘That’s French for open.’
Yoongi mutters something to himself you don’t quite catch.
‘What did you say?’ you ask, sweet as pie.
‘I said, your fucking pussy is going to kill me,’ Yoongi says.
He gives you a half smile, lazy, devastating.
‘I can’t think of a better way to go.’
Yoongi’s phone rings the moment you step into the cabin.
You wonder if you should have plumped for somewhere more rustic with no cell reception.
You unpack half-heartedly, watching from the window as he paces around outside the cabin.
He rubs a hand over his forehead, looking more stressed and tired than you’ve ever seen him.
Maybe he’s been stressed like this before but you haven’t been paying attention.
You come out to bring him a glass of water.
He smiles at you, still on his phone.
You flash him your ass and glance back to see if he’s watching.
He isn’t.
When Yoongi’s done on the phone you grab him.
‘Want to go for a walk? I’ll protect you from the wolves.’
‘I am the wolf,’ Yoongi says, but it’s half hearted.
‘Hey, why don’t you take a break. I’ll rub your back.’
Yoongi perks up at your suggestion, and it’s the most animated you’ve seen him all day.
You get him to lay on the bed just in his briefs.
You wonder if you’ll ever get used to how beautiful his body is.
You put your hands on his shoulders and knead, and his deep groan makes you feel good in so many ways.
You can feel Yoongi’s muscles relax as you massage over his shoulders and down his back. When you get to his legs he twitches a little like he’s falling asleep.
By the time you get to his feet he’s dead asleep.
You cover him with a blanket and a kiss and head out for a walk.
When you get back he’s still asleep, so you make a space for yourself next to him and join him.
You’re awakened by Yoongi’s hand on your shoulder.
‘Hey, I made dinner for us.’
You blink, disoriented. ‘What time is it?’
‘It’s late. Come on. We’ll sleep better when we’re full.’
Yoongi’s made ram-don. You sigh happily as you sit down in front of the steaming bowl. Instead of sitting across from you, Yoongi slides in next to you.
His thigh nudges yours. He puts his free hand on your thigh.
You look at him curiously.
Yoongi says, ‘eat.’
The noodles are delicious, but you find you’re enjoying Yoongi’s hand on your thigh just as much.
You put your hand on his, and smile at him as he knits your fingers together.
It’s sweet, and silly, and something you wouldn’t expect from your normally brisk, impatient husband.
Yoongi watches you finish your noodles, enjoying the warmth of your thigh and hand. He shifts a little, because he’s quite sure he shouldn’t have a raging hard-on from doing something as innocent as holding your hand.
You’re smiling at him so happily. If Yoongi’d known that holding your hand would be enough to make you smile like that he’d have tried to hold hands with you this whole time.
You’re finished with your late dinner. Yoongi stops you when you get up to start clearing up.
‘Let me do it. Why don’t we watch a movie? You set it up and I’ll clear up here.’
By the time Yoongi finishes clearing up, you’re ensconced on the couch, so covered in blankets he can barely see you. The lights are low, the TV on playing some movie Yoongi knows he’s not going to get into.
He’d rather watch you.
He slides in next to you and holds out his arm.
You look at him like you’ve never been invited to snuggle before.
To be fair, Yoongi doesn’t think you’ve ever done this together.
He lowers his arm like he’s changed his mind, and you’re next to him so quickly he has to bite back a smile.
You rest your head in the curve between his neck and shoulder, cheek on his chest.
Your hand flutters over his torso, finally landing on his stomach. You turn in, nose against his chest, breathing him in.
It’s adorable. You’re adorable.
Yoongi wants to fight dragons for you.
He leans down and sniffs your hair as quietly as he can.
Your breathing is easy, slow, and Yoongi realises you’ve fallen asleep when you go boneless in his arms.
He wonders if you know how much he’s prepared to do for you if you ever asked.
Part 2
©hamsterclaw 2022
Streams & Sheets 🔞 | JJK

Word Count: 10k+ words (im sry) Pairings: gamer!jungkook x reader Genre: gaming au, slice of life, established relationship
Summary: Nobody expected famous twitch streamer JJK to trend online when his mysterious girlfriend accidentally makes a cameo in one of his livestreams. The chaotic problem in question? You streamed a live sex tape. ( kofisips' masterlist )
Warnings: the holy trinity (smut, angst & fluff), dom!jungkook, long haired jungkook in a man bun and brow piercing, jungkook with his alphabet username, unprotected sex, creampie, degrading, oral (f & m receiving), face fucking, multiple orgasm, slut shaming, dacryphilia, ass play, online humiliation, mentions of unsure breakup that's not clear with the characters, over thinking, slight ddlg
Notes: » IM SCREAMING COS I WROTE THIS BACK WHEN JUNGKOOK WAS STILL USER ALPHABET & HAD A BROW PIERCING!!!! RIP LEGENDARY ERA. » Flashbacks are italicized. » Setting is also during the first year of the pandemic. » Taglist is at the comments.

If you told Jungkook from 5 years ago that he’d quit his office job, he’d for sure think you were crazy.
He used to be a creative director for a top advertising agency. The digital advertisements he handled always garnered large amounts of traction. He instantly became the boss' favorite employee for exceeding the client's expectations until the day the project manager had onboarded his team with the wrong client brief; they fired him on the spot.
His streaming career started out as a joke. Playing games with his friends was one of his de-stressors from work. He enjoyed all kinds of games but found RPG the most interesting to play. What kickstarted his streaming was Taehyung and Jimin – who practically begged him to join them on their stream. Everyone who tuned in during the Call of Duty Livestream thought he was a great sharpshooter. He only gave in when more and more people urged him to start his own streaming channel, and the rest is history.
The other de-stressor was you. Jungkook loved to take you out on dates and enjoy a simple life with you doing nothing at home. He wasn’t particularly ashamed of letting everyone know who his girlfriend was. However, he was an introvert who only enjoyed sharing a few snippets of his personal life with the public. You were his safe space, and he’d like to keep it that way.
Another day, another stream. Jungkook flexes his fingers and shoulders in circular motions, then arches his back to relieve the tension on his muscles, and finally cracks his neck with a satisfied groan.
“Okay motherfucker, time to meet your creator,” he snickered to the microphone, his competitiveness laced his voice.
You chuckled as you watched him focus on beating his opponents while trying to move his hair away from his face. All you did was take the initiative to come behind and put his fringe to a bun. The chat alerts started pinging non-stop when his viewers caught a glimpse of your hands.
“Thanks for that, love,” he gave you a boyish grin.
“You really need a haircut,” you teased before you exited out of the frame but his eyes still followed you.
“Jungkook, for fuck’s sake. Can you stop ogling at your girlfriend and focus on the goddamn game! We’re losing here, man!” Jimin yelled to the microphone, making you giggle.
Everyone knew Jungkook has a girlfriend, but there were no pictures of your face they could find on any of his social media accounts. The ongoing theory was you weren’t real, and he was only doing it for attention. To be fair though, that’s because he wouldn’t confirm or deny anything, so the speculations only grew. After all, he did a pretty good job with separating his work from his personal life and he’d like to leave it at that.
He squinted his eyes at one comment that caught his eye that wrote ‘JJK a king for bagging ‘em thick thighs.’ It was true, but in his manner of agreeing, he only chuckled at it, “King? Nah. Just a lucky bastard.”

It was one of the nights where Jungkook stayed up late to stream with his friends.
You were about to sleep in your shared room when you decided to watch their livestream. The chats had you laughing hysterically as you scrolled through all of it. The whole stream was 20% exchanging curses at each other, 30% of it was actually playing, while all 50% of it was back and forth banter mostly between Jimin and Taehyung.
“For those still tuning in, did you know sleep deprivation causes severe brain damage? Just look at Jungkook,” Jimin teased when his character died.
After a few hours of playing, the game’s card showed that their team had lost against none other than his older brother's team who got him into gaming, Yoongi.
Throughout the game, Taehyung carried his team only to end up disappointed. All of them howled in laughter when Namjoon and Yoongi still blamed each other when they had won.
“Now that’s what you call a nightmare,” Taehyung’s microphone spiked when he sighed too close to it, “Oops! Anyway, I think I should get myself a girlfriend.”
Jungkook snorted, “What’s with the announcement?”
“I was manifesting,” Taehyung retorted as he adjusted his headphones. “And you should click on the ‘play again’ button before I virtually throw my mouse at you,” Jungkook chuckled as he hovered his cursor over the button.
“Hold on! I need to feed my cat first,” Jimin yelled away from his camera, waving his hands from afar. “Don’t you dare start the fucking game without me!”
You’ve already lost your drowsiness from laughing at the three of them. You thought it would be a lot better than to watch it all happen live so quietly pad your shared apartment, walking along the hallway, until you reached Jungkook’s gaming room and peeked through the corner.
Leaning on the door frame as you watched him play, he took a double-take at your figure and lit up when he saw you standing there.
He was in-game with his friends again, seemingly too focused targeting for a clean headshot. His doe eyes glimmered with happiness.
“You good?" You nodded like a girl, but Jungkook only squinted his eyes, trying to decipher what was the weird thing that poked through your (well, technically his but you share half of his closet) oversized shirt. "What’s that thing sticking out?”
The things with your boyfriend is you need to give me a few seconds before things could sink in. Getting impatient, you took your shirt off, revealing that you had your nipple pierced which made his brows rise in surprise, “Since when did you–”
“I had them done 3 days ago where you got your brows pierced,” you cheekily replied.
Jungkook tried to recount all the times he was a good boyfriend this week to earn such a “reward” from you. There was a time it casually slipped out of him that it would be hot to fuck you with a nipple piercing. Of course, he loved you regardless of whatever choice you made to your body, so he never pushed it.
It was just a thought.
Sensing that his eyes were on you, you nervously laughed and gave him a small wave but he didn’t notice that when his gaze was already scanning how the matching lace underwear on your body hugged your figure in all the right places.
“What?” you whispered.
“Nothing, it’s just–” there was a loud gulp mid-sentence before turning back to the camera. “Hang on, guys. Be right back, just need to take care of something…really important,” he turned the camera off for the meantime and removed his headset.
Rushing to stand up from his gaming chair to walk towards you, he placed both hands on your waist with a playful grin, “Did your boobs grow bigger?”
With wide eyes and a blush that painted along your cheeks, you stuttered your words out, “I-I don’t think it did?”
He hums with approval at the piercing, lightly tracing the metal on your bud with his finger while smirking, "Why don't you be a good girl and cockwarm me while I stream, yeah?"
If that wasn’t enough to throw you off guard, Taehyung and Jimin’s hysterical laughter roared through the speakers of Jungkook’s headset. Apparently, your boyfriend liked to have his volume on max.
“Jungkook you, idiot! You left your fucking mic on!” Jimin yelled in the middle of his howling.
You giggled when Jungkook smacked a hand to his forehead, “Oh shit, I forgot about that.”
He returned to his station and scrolled through the live chat and read through it countless overwrought reactions like: ‘he said sexy time on air’, ‘guy ditched his stream for pussy’, and ‘show us your girlfriend!’
When a hashtag about revealing your relationship trended on social media, Jungkook simply ignored it and went on about his day like usual.
His viewers’ curiosity was amusing. There were times he wanted to show you off on his main accounts, but he knows better than to let everyone inside his business.

“Hey cutie, here’s your coffee,” you warmly greeted him as he waltzed in the kitchen for breakfast.
“Thanks,” kissing the top of your head before taking a seat beside you.
As he takes a sip from his coffee, he hears your huffs and struggles to open the strawberry jam you wanted on your toast. He doesn’t intervene just yet, he stays quiet and waits for you to finally give up.
Mentally, he counts from one to three, then you turned your head and faced him with a pout, whispering his name in a soft voice, “Koo?” Your eyes emulutated like that of a doe, “Can you help me out?”
“Alright, give it to me,” he chuckles, reaching for the jar and twisting it open with ease. Handing you the strawberry jam, he smiles as he watches you spread it on your toast merrily, “Anything else my baby wants?”
You hum as you thought, “Hmm, a cup of tea would be nice.”
Jungkook will never admit this, but he loves it when you ask for his help. No matter how big or small it is, he’s willing to do anything you ask of him. Just call him in those three simple letters and he will literally cross an ocean just to help you out. Running errands is also just a breeze for him all because he knows you’d be needing help in reaching the high shelves or simply carrying anything you bought. As selfish as it sounds, he adores the way he feels needed by you. He’s fine being called pussy whipped, the guy just loved taking good care of you.
During the first half of your relationship, he may or may not have gone overboard in looking after you. It came to a point where you felt somehow too dependent on him even when he says he doesn’t mind at all.
“Koo, I have hands,” you say sternly, pulling your heavy luggage away from his grip. Raising both of your hands in the air, you move it closer to his face, “See? I have two!”
“Baby, can’t you see this is too heavy for you to carry?” He retorts, not letting go of the handle.
For the rest of the ride to Busan, you stayed quiet. Too quiet for Jungkook’s liking. He would spare you a glance from time to time but not once did you ever meet his gaze. He didn’t understand why you had such a sour mood over a mere luggage, especially not when he’s always done things for you even when you don’t ask.
When the silence was too much for him to bear, he finally spoke to you first, “Baby.” You finally looked at him, alright, but with an annoyed glare. “It wasn’t a big deal. I was just trying to help.”
“Not a big deal?” Your tone is slightly raised, making his forehead crease. He knows you’re about to call him by his government name next, “Jungkook, you’re always doing things for me, which I appreciate, but I can’t…I can’t keep feeling like a burden all the time.”
His eyes widened at your sudden outburst, “I– Y/N, I never meant for you to feel that way.” He reached for your hand, but not grabbing it. All he does is graze his finger over your knuckles soothingly, “I’m sorry if me constantly helping you made you feel like a burden, but I swear I just love to do things for you.”
Looking at how apologetic he truly was, there was no way you could stay mad at him. Letting out a sigh, you scoot closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder, “I understand, Koo. Just…just let me do things on my own and step in when I call for you.”
Bringing the back of your hand to his lips, he leaves a soft kiss and smiles against your skin, “Okay, love. Sounds fair.”
His favorite part of the day ever since the both of you had decided to live together was waking up entangled in silk sheets and seeing your face first thing in the morning. If there's any scent he can attribute to you, it would be the smell of coffee and cinnamon.
That's the thing about you. You weren't a shot of espresso; you were a shot of tequila that burned a line to the throat. Aside from that, you were also good at playing video games and could smoke a whole team out if you decided to make gaming a career. Like a support in the game, you revive him to be the best he can be. The love you give is enough for him to forget all the lower back strain he suffered from sitting on his chair for too long.
When he was still working a full-time job, Jungkook was forthcoming and he sometimes intimidated people when he spoke during meetings or whenever they saw his tattoos.
Most of the time, he was timid and reluctant. You, on the other hand, were the complete opposite of him. You were more delicate and spoke softly, but you were also carefree and took things head-on. A plethora of complex ideas and that’s what he liked about you.
He will never forget that day he had first met you.
It was the coldest winter Korea has ever gotten and what better way to spend the cold holidays than by joining a feeding drive for the homeless. You’ve always participated in various donation drives whenever you can. It just so happened that Jungkook was passing by, freezing in the cold as he read the poster that was posted on the food truck.
“Coffee?” you cheerfully handed out the warm cup. Although it was a nice gesture, Jungkook somehow felt offended. ‘I should’ve worn something else,’ he thought.
“I uhm I’m not homeless,” he awkwardly froze when you giggled. That has got to be the most soothing giggle he has ever heard in his life – but in a good way.
“Huh? Everyone of all walks of life likes coffee.”
When you squint your eyes with a scrunched nose, Jungkook thought that has got to be the cutest habit he had ever seen. The next thing he knows, he came back the next day to volunteer and help you out with the drive.
It’s funny how it all started with a cup of coffee; now you live in one house and still, you never missed a day to make him a cup in the morning. For the years he had been with you, your happy disposition in life never changed. You were his constant and his confidant – with you, he can be himself.
Working as a digital content specialist is such a tedious job. Still, you managed to pull everything through even when deadlines were tight. Unlike Jungkook who worked for bigger corporations that can afford to pay him more than he expected, you worked for a smaller digital company. Sadly, The companies you wanted to shift to wanted to hire people who came from bigger agencies but you don’t complain. Instead, you still worked with precision with an unmatched work ethic regardless of where you worked.
Changes never scare you and you believe in having a happy medium and that’s what Jungkook liked about you. However, the only thing he doesn’t like about you is that sometimes you let people walk all over you. You were the most understanding person he has ever met but some people take advantage of that. In your previous job, one of your co-workers asked for your help with their pitch structure. Being the angel that you are, you sent her your file in hopes of helping her. Unfortunately, it turned out that she had ripped you off.
“Why didn’t you tell your boss about it?” He worriedly asked when you vented out.
“Just let it go, they needed the promotion more than I did anyways. Besides, I don't think I'll grow in that company if I stay longer.”
He wasn’t sure if this was a flaw. Regardless, Jungkook still supported you in everything that you did, especially when you filed your resignation.

You were an eager learner, but whenever you would ask him to teach you how to word things out better, he would happily oblige.
He enjoyed sitting beside you while he did all the proofreading on your captions as you watched. Over time, you learned to do it on your own. He thinks your biggest asset is having the longest patience on earth and he was proud of that – he was always proud of you for constantly learning and growing.
He thought he already knew everything about adulting until he dated you. Before he met you, he would burn half of his savings on random things he never needed in the first place. But ever since you lived together, he learned to save his money for necessities because of you.
As much as Jungkook hates cracking his joints every now and then, the copious hours of on-cam gameplay is his day job now. After all, he’s doing all of this for you and a life of comfort he knows you deserve. Thanks to streaming, gone are the days where you shared stories of how your days went over instant ramen. He can now afford to run to the grocery at any time of the day.
It was a surprise to have you on their stream. The idea just came when Taehyung visited your shared apartment. Sometimes when your busy schedule permits, you play Among Us with Jungkook and his friends and enjoy it. Whenever they need someone (which frankly was always) to play Overwatch with and you’d happily oblige to join in every time.
“I think you should join us on the next stream, Y/N. You make a pretty good Imposter,” Taehyung suggests.
“I’d love to but,” you nudge your head in your boyfriend’s direction, “I don’t know if he’s comfortable with me being on camera though.”
Taehyung lifts a brow at Jungkook, “She doesn’t have to be on cam. Her audio will do.”
Your boyfriend shrugs, seeing how that couldn’t be a problem, “I’m fine with it but only if you’re in”
“If someone yells at me, I’m leaving mid game,” You chided while playfully rolling your eyes at the two of them.

When the weekend rolled in, Jungkook volunteered to host the stream this time. Sitting beside your boyfriend, you made sure to sit away from the camera frame as you played Among Us with the rest of the boys. When the game had started, you stifled your laughter when you didn’t get to play as an imposter this time.
The character that you played walked into the electrical room just as Jungkook’s character killed Yoongi on the vent. You snickered as you quickly walked away and pretended that you saw nothing. Meanwhile, Jungkook sabotages O2 so no one would see you get out of the area.
The chat alerts suddenly pinged non-stop making him jolt in surprise only to realize that the microphone caught your soft giggles.
From time to time, Jungkook would steal glances at you particularly on your milky thighs whenever your dangerously short dress rode up every time you adjusted your posture. His eyes moved up to the roundness of your tits. He tried to mask the hard-on he’s been ailing throughout the game by constantly clearing his throat or by crossing his legs.
His computer might’ve sensed his need to get off when the internet seemed to have fluctuated causing the stream to freeze, “Damn, we need to upgrade our internet provider.”
He takes it as an opportunity to take off his headset, stand up, and snake his arms around you, “On the brighter side, I can fuck you on the couch”
“Mmm? Sounds like a plan,” your finger traced along with the outlines of his chiseled jaw then stopping to point at the mole beneath his lips. “I always found this cute,” he catches your finger with his teeth, teasingly circling his tongue against it.
Pulling the finger away from his mouth, you temptingly whispered, “How do you want me?”
He faked an innocent smile, imagination running wild with how vague your question sounded to him because if he were to be honest, he could go through a list of ways he’d like to have you so he starts by removing your dress’ straps until it pooled at your ankles. It must’ve been his lucky day that you aren’t wearing a bra today.
“Want you to kneel for me, sweetheart.”
You obeyed, resting your knees gently on the floor, as you watched him untie the strings of his black sweatpants. His already hard cock sprung out against his abdomen as soon as he pulled half of his bottoms down. Slowly, you wrapped your fingers around his member, pumping it a few times before you replaced your hands with your mouth.
A low grunt escaped his lips as he watched himself disappear and enjoyed how his cock felt with your mouth wrapped around it. His hips buckle at the sensation of your hot tongue making a long drag from his balls all the way to his shaft’s tip. You leisurely took your time blowing him as you gradually bobbed your head deeper and deeper until his cock reached the back of your throat.
You sucked down on him greedily with an approving hum with the way his body responded. Seeing how much you’re enjoying it, you gagged when he pushed your head further to fill your mouth with his cock but he was too big to fit it all. Tears brimmed at the sides of your eyes but you didn’t want him to stop just yet.
“You like getting your face fucked this way, don't you?” You agreed with a moan against his cock, “My baby is so cock hungry, huh?”
“Touch yourself,” he commanded.
Slowly, your middle finger ran through your slit, soaking your fingers with your slick before brushing it over your clit in circular motions. Your finger traced its way at your throbbing entrance, slowly inserting one finger at first then adding another one. Fucking yourself at the tempo you want while imagining it was Jungkook’s cock that was inside of you instead.
When your pleasure hits you, it drenched your fingers completely wet with your own arousal. You softly moaned against his cock while he continued to fuck your face relentlessly. When he started to feel his stomach twist in knots, he roughly pulled your head away from his cock and harshly pushed you to the couch.
He flipped you over, crouching down to your cunt’s level only to move your very soaked lace underwear to the side as he watched your drenched pussy closely, “You’re dripping”
“That’s cute,” he mocked the way you commented on his mole earlier. He hooks his fingers on the center of the material then slips it to the side.
“You should wear this often,” he hungrily inched closer to your pussy, nose tracing along your wet slit before he replaced it with his tongue.
“Oh my god,” you shut your eyes and gripped on the couch’s headrest tightly, “Jungkook”
You squirmed against his mouth but he grabbed your hips to hold you in place as he pulled you further into his face. His low groans were muffled against your pussy as he devoured you, slipping in a finger at first before adding another one.
“Need you to be nice and stretched out for me, princess,” he left chaste kisses against your ass as he patiently waited for you to adjust and when you seemed to have finally done, he plunges the third finger in, “Wanna make sure you can take all of me.”
A moaning mess is a perfect adjective to describe how you looked under his curling fingers. He pumps his fingers at the perfect pace while his tongue abuses your ass’ hole. Still not satisfied, his other hand reached for your clit and rubbed it in circles. The thing about Jungkook is that he pays attention – he never leaves anything unattended and utilizes it at his expense.
“Fuck! Gonna cum again,” his eyes glowered with lust as you buck your hips further.
“Gonna squirt for me?”
There were no intelligent words that came to mind, all you could let out were whimpers and sobs of pleasure as another orgasm took over your body. He lets out a dark chuckle when your arousal splatters all over him as he licks the corners of his mouth hungrily while wiping the bottom of his chin with the back of his veiny hand.
Your knees buckled forward to the couch as your legs shook violently. You thought he was done when he sat beside you only to gasp loudly when he suddenly carried your limp body on top of him. That’s when you started to contemplate that you should’ve known better than agreeing to fuck on the brand new couch.
Gently lifting your overstimulated body, he aligned his member at your entrance and sank your body further to his still hard cock. You gasped for air when his girth had filled you, “You’re still too big for me”
“And you’re still tight as fuck,” he grunted lowly, sweat trickling down his creased forehead.
You dip your head at the crook of his neck as you rotate your hips to match his rhythm. With the constant fanning of your hot breath on his neck, he pounded in and out of you in deeper and harder thrusts making you shriek against his skin.
He pulled your body back and smirked at your nipple piercing, “I haven’t played with this yet”
Attaching his lips around the nipple, he sucked on it feverishly while making sure he leaves his marks all over your skin. He nipped on the piercing in between his teeth and lightly pulled at it, making you whine at the sensation.
“Baby,” you whimpered but your words fell on his deaf ears as his swollen cock thumped even deeper with deliberate, hard strokes. Eyes rolling back in pleasure, your walls clenched hard at how much his cock brushed on your sensitive spot multiple times.
“Cum again for me”
“I can’t,” you choked your words out, “I don’t think I can–”
“Come on baby, you can do it,” his thumb pad over sensitive clit in circles, “I love fucking you like this. You look so beautiful from this angle.”
He left your clit for a moment to grip your ass with both hands. He pushed it down further at his length so he can fuck you even deeper than he already did. With an intent gaze all over your body, he licked his lips before parting them breathlessly.
“Do it again for me, please?”
“Jungkook, I can’t,” he slaps your ass, leaving a red mark across the skin.
“I said,” he slammed his hips harder at each word for emphasis, “Do. It.”
You hissed loudly against his neck as he quickened the pace. The overwhelming pleasure he does to your body makes your toes curl. With your eyes shut tightly, you let the shocking orgasm wash over your shaking body that slumped over him.
“Good job, baby,” he kissed your shoulders endearingly but all you could respond was a tired hum.
Unfortunately, while the both of you were preoccupied with catching your breaths and Jungkook completely forgetting about what he was doing prior to fucking you, the stream had reconnected without him knowing. The both of you jolted when a loud kick and knock banged through the door.
“Get dressed and open the goddamn door!” Hoseok yelled from outside.
An equally annoyed Jungkook yelled back with brows knitted as he protectively covered you with his body just in case Hoseok successfully opens the door with another kick, “How the fuck did you get in my house?”
“You moron, I used to be your roommate before Y/N– I mean your girlfriend moved in. Of course, I know where you hid the spare key!” he retorted. “And just so you know, you forgot to stop the fucking stream so I had to drive my freezing balls all the way here just to tell you that you did it all on live!”
You turned pale from shock at what you heard. You couldn’t believe that a nightmare had unfolded right before you, “I don’t know what kind of freaky shit you’re both into but this is not it.”
Out of sheer panic, Jungkook hurriedly wore his sweatpants and rushed to pull all the plugs out. You, the ever worrier, looked at your boyfriend with the same panic-stricken look across your face. A single tear rolled down to your cheek while you tried to recount everything.
300k viewers watched the whole thing happen and though his camera was pointed low, that wasn’t enough to make the situation any better if everyone probably saw your face. Worst case scenario is if they kept a screen recording to themselves or much worse, upload it somewhere online.
Jungkook frustratedly ran his finger through his dark locks. Your silent cries tore him to a million pieces. He hated seeing you in such a pitiful state like this. Kneeling in front of you, he grabbed the shirt he was wearing earlier and helped you put it on. His hands ran up and down your arms in a failing attempt to calm you down.
“Baby? Hey, hey, please look at me,” you peeked at his apologetic face through your lashes, “I’m sorry. I’ll figure this out, I promise. Okay?”
“Just...Just let Hoseok in,” you croaked.
Kissing your knees before walking to the door, he heaved the heaviest sigh he could ever muster in his life. His trembling hands held on the doorknob with a shaky and erratic breathing pattern when he opened the door to a frowning Hoseok.
“What were the two of you thinking!?”
Jungkook stuttered his words out. He was more than sure that the internet was cut off. He was also sure he could be comfortable within the walls of his own home. He was more than certain that he did everything right yet still, he finds himself in a new hell.
“It–the–I... I thought it wouldn’t reboot when the internet got cut”
“Well it didn’t and I had to quit my game to get here”
“I know,” he regretfully admitted.
Pulling down at the hem of Jungkook’s oversized shirt in an attempt to cover yourself even more, you weakly called for Hoseok’s attention, “Hoseok? D-did they see my face?”
“I just…I don’t want them invading Jungkook’s privacy,” Hoseok’s lips parted. He was surprised that even after everything that had happened today, your already heavy heart still worried for your boyfriend.
“I don’t know, Y/N…I think they did,” Jungkook’s tongue poked the inside of his cheek, feeling so disappointed with himself.
The second-hand embarrassment Hoseok endured was very evident but still, he felt sorry for the both of you, “Listen, man. I can’t say for sure what happens after this but if you need anything, I’ll try to help you out especially you, Y/N.”
For the rest of the week and the weeks after that, scrolling past the comments under his name’s topic felt like diving into the 7th circle of hell.
The internet is a giant dumpsite of unfiltered opinions you wished never existed. Admittedly, knowing that you shouldn’t go through all those comments, you couldn’t stray yourself away from reading all of it.
Everyone’s posts were a mix of extending their sympathies for you while the others shamed you for hiding behind the cameras only to clout yourself in such a humiliating way.
[j.kim96]: Grow the fuck up and leave JJK and his girlfriend alone, you musty ass creeps! [yunh0e]: @JJK Tell your girlfriend blessed be thy ass [seulbi_8]: JJK's gf giving us a free pass to her onlyfans? A legend.
It was ironic how the both of you were still lucky. All that was seen on live were weirdly angled and cropped out thighs and heels. The only consolation you thought out of the situation is even if some of Jungkook's viewers had recorded the stream, it wouldn’t be porn site material to upload. However, you were taking it hard on yourself that it still happened
Before all the internet fame, it was just you and nine-to-five employee Jungkook who, even though he barely had any time due to work, gave you his undivided attention. Though he may have more time in his hands now, his mind is preoccupied with what content to put out.
That doesn't make him less perfect in your eyes, though. Not when he still gives you everything a girlfriend could ever ask for – and maybe even more. But with every good (which in his case is gaining a huge viewership through streaming), the bad that always comes with it is that both of your mishaps stay on the internet forever – like a stain that never goes away.
Being Jungkook's girlfriend is great, but when the overnight fame suddenly broke in, you weren't too sure of yourself anymore. Taking constructive criticism is what you do best, but the unnecessary comments about you (even though none of his viewers had seen you) make it hard for you to take it all in.
As much as you try to tell yourself not to let it go through your head, everything is difficult to wrap your head around it. You know for a fact that you know yourself better, but why does it feel like you also don't?
Maybe they were right all along – that there wasn't anything special about you except for your body or how good you sounded while you were getting fucked. Maybe Jungkook thought the same, that's why he isn't speaking up.
Sure, you understood how reserved he was as a person, but sometimes, you also feel like he’s ashamed of you. Not that you needed validation from a single post from social media, but sometimes, just sometimes, it would have been nice if he was so proud to show you off instead of hiding you like a secret.
It’s thoughts like these that somehow eat you up but you never had the heart to tell him, not wanting to sound like a needy brat.
Or maybe his silence is another form of agreement?
You don't know anymore.

Sharing the same bed with Jungkook wasn’t the same anymore, especially when your backs faced each other.
He wanted to kiss your shoulders and tell you things will be alright even if he wasn’t sure. Instead, he falls silent as he listens to your sobs against your pillow.
“We shouldn’t have done that stream,” you croaked a heart-shattering whisper, “I…I should’ve just said no.”
Every word you mumbled under the sheets broke him in many ways, and all Jungkook could do is blame himself for everything.
At some point, he knew something like this was bound to happen so to counter all his worries, he made sure to be mindful at all times, which eventually turned to a ball of anxiety.
But the truth of the matter is, none of you wanted it to happen.
The eerie silence that spaced between you and Jungkook only grew bigger as the days went by.
Jungkook wasn’t particularly the confrontational type. He always chooses to stay silent and let things unfold in patience. After he had announced an indefinite hiatus from streaming, he only became even more aloof and apprehensive.
Until both of you just stopped talking to each other.
You wish you knew what went inside his head instead of guessing it all on your own. Jungkook had nailed every love language that existed except for one – communication.
He can surprise you with a dozen roses and breakfast in bed, praise you until you’ve blushed the deepest shade of red, or watch your favorite feel-good movie while cuddling but he will never tell you what’s wrong.
Even in the middle of silence, you are still worried about Jungkook’s well-being. He has always been hard on himself; a perfectionist that delivers all the time. What worries you is he rarely bursts in fits of anger but when he does, all hell breaks loose. Although sometimes, he doesn’t. He just doesn’t do anything and leaves it as it is – like now.
There were a few instances when he would distance himself for a while, so you give him his space for a while, then he just goes back to normal as if nothing had happened. Sadly, you don’t know where you stand in his life now that you haven’t been in speaking terms and this is the longest you’ve gone without talking.
Living under one roof is great but not when it seems like you’ve drifted apart further from each other.
You wanted to get out when the tension of sharing the same room as him choked you. Finding a new place to live meant going through all the hassle so instead, you chose to move to the guest room down the hallway.
Both of you had figured within yourselves that it would be best to just stay in the same house in case the problem fixed itself (which was impossible).
Aside from that, there was no verbal fights or agreement about what seemed to be your breakup. You simply treated each other like regular housemates for a year; only talking to each other to let the other one know if one of you would be coming home late.
It would be hard for you to move back to Busan. Moving all your things will be a hassle and most of the things you owned are shared with him so you digress the idea. You always had a hard time without Jungkook sleeping beside you.
Now, all you have are the happy memories you shared in the form of tears that soaked your memory foam.
If walls could only talk, both of you had sorted your problems by now.
“Hey, Jungkook?” His heart shatters at the call for his name. He used to go by ‘baby,’ ‘love,’ or whatever cute pet name you have for the day but now it’s just Jungkook.
“Yeah?” He craned his neck to the side.
“Uhm, here’s my share of the rent. I’ll just leave it at the console, okay?” you meekly told him.
“Keep it,” he says without even glancing at you.
With furrowed brows, you waited for him to look at you but he didn’t, “What?”
“I said keep it. It’s cool,” he cracked his neck from side to side, “I’ve got it covered.” In his defense, this was the only way he can take care of you but it only made you feel like a problem for some reason.
As a compromise to his generosity, you always made it a point that the whole house was clean and that you made as little to no noise as possible.
Whenever Jungkook falls asleep on the couch, you’d turn off the TV for him and pull his blanket higher just so he can sleep comfortably. Crouching down but at a safe distance, you take in his angelic features.
These were the few stolen moments you get to see his relaxed state. You wished you could do more but you didn’t want to come off as annoying and overbearing. Giving him the space he wanted was hard. It felt like breaking your bones willingly.
Jungkook missed having you beside him.
He missed peppering your face with a lot of soft kisses as you giggled in between pecks but out of the list of things he missed doing with you, he missed having you as his girlfriend and not as someone he just lived with.
He always looked forward to warm mornings with you but now that the both of you were only civil with each other, it had now turned to cold.
Whenever the rainy days rolled, his mind wandered off to the room beside his. You’ve always been afraid of the thunder and whenever the bad weather came by, he always made it a point to wrap his arms around your frame and put you back to sleep. However, that wasn’t the case anymore. He wonders if you wrap your arms around yourself for comfort.
On nights when Jungkook would stand by your door after he had grabbed himself a glass of water in the middle of the night, he frowns with slumped shoulders as he listens to the sound of your cries in the middle of a nightmare. He wished he could console you in his arms but he can only do so much now.
He finds that going out of the house as often as he could helped him to run away from the uneasy feeling at home.
The thought of going back to a 9 to 5 corporate job crossed his mind. However, credential-wise, his streaming wouldn’t suffice the long gap he left after his last office job. If anything, Jungkook thinks he had become rusty already.
On occasions when he would come home later than expected, he spent most of his days over at either Taehyung’s or Jimin’s place to hang out.
“Are you deranged?” Jimin sneered with a mouthful of food, “Why are you still living with your ex?”
“We haven’t officially broken up…yet,” Jungkook pressed his lips together into a thin line.
“So, roommates?” Resting his head on his palm, Taehyung watched Jungkook scratch his nose and then shrugged as he thought about the question.
“I guess? Call it what you want,” he sighed.
"The problem isn't going to fix itself, Jungkook. Have you talked about it with Y/N?" Jimin says with worry.
"Sure it will," Jungkook says with conviction, making both men blink at him. He just shrugged them even though part of him is wanting to believe the delusion he's been saying.
Taehyung scratched his head, "Crazy." He then looked at Jimin while pointing his pocky stick at Jungkook, "He's fucking crazy."

The middle ground you both found was ordering take-outs instead of sitting at one table together.
That way, you can enjoy eating your meals comfortably away from each other; it was usually you eating on the dining table while he ate in front of the TV just like today. It's also the rare times you casually talk, and if you were being honest, you'd settle for something like this.
“Breaking News: It has been confirmed that Sars-CoV-2, which causes the illness known as COVID-19, has entered South Korea.”
Your ears perked as soon as you heard the news. Listening intently, you took a glance over Jungkook whose brows knitted together as he took his time enjoying his food.
“WHO also declared the virus as a "pandemic" with over 4,500 recorded deaths recorded worldwide.”
“Holy shit,” you mumbled.
Two people came to your mind: First, your sister who worked as a nurse. You thought of how frontliners like here would have a hard time at the hospitals when the cases keep rising.
The second one was your history teacher who taught you that pandemics lasted up to 4 years more or less. You feared that it’ll take a while before they come up with a vaccine and for the world to go back to normal.
“Neighboring countries have closed their borders while the local government bans all kinds of social gatherings and urges everyone to remain on lockdown until further notice.”
When the news anchor emphasized the word lockdown, Jungkook whipped his head in shock. The words kept ringing in his head until they stopped making sense. His mouth hung low when the realization dawned on him – he’ll have to stay at home with you for an indefinite amount of time. At. Home.
Sneaking a glance at you through his peripheral vision, you watched the news intently with a very deep frown. He thinks you were thinking the same as him but he just turns his focus back on the TV instead. He tried to put all of his attention on the news but nothing registered to him even when the news anchor flashed the statistics on screen.
He thought about the worst-case scenarios that could happen during the lockdown:
It’s either you get on each other’s nerves
You have your long-awaited confrontation of the century (which was long overdue already)
Or worse, one of you moves out in the middle of the pandemic.
He figured that it would be best if he stayed in his room at all times to avoid all three possibilities that might happen.
“Looks like we’ll need to stock up on food and supplies now,” he fidgeted on his food after he had now lost his appetite.
“I’ll head out to buy a couple of things in a while, too. Do you need anything?” You ask with pursed lips.
“I can drive us there,” your brows shot up at his offer. After seeing your reaction and being too conscious if he sounded too happy, Jungkook cleared his throat, “I–uh I ran out of shampoo today.”
You nodded slowly, “Oh...alright.”

Jungkook made sure to turn on the radio as soon as he got inside the car to avoid the uncomfortable silence which worked.
This was the first time (after a year) that both of you were in the same car and went grocery shopping together. Running errands together used to be congenial but now it's different. There was an awkward feeling of nostalgia that came with that restricted the both of you.
Everyone was panic buying all the stocks on every shelf and the only way to go around it was to have a list of essentials he can just grab and shoot in the cart.
The cards aren't in Jungkook's favor because unfortunately, he was one of those panicking without a grocery list. Running point to point from aisles wasn’t a problem, it’s who gets the item first that worries him.
Annoyed with how he completely forgot about it, he scrunched his nose and furrowed his brows, “I forgot to make a list.”
Unable to hear his mumbles, you squinted your eyes and tilted your head to his direction, "I'm sorry? I didn't catch what you said."
"The list," Jungkook sighed as he hung is head. "I forgot to make one."
“It’s okay, I have one saved on my notes,” you tapped on the Notes app and scrolled through your saved notes until you finally found it. You always made one for him to memorize because he says carrying a list is uncool for some reason.
When you flashed the screen in front of him, his eyes scanned through the list of things the both of you usually bought whenever it was time to restock.
Squinting his eyes and inching a little bit closer, He tried to remember everything that was listed down but froze as soon as he read the note’s title that wrote in huge, bold letters: Things my lovely boyfriend should buy.
You were sure he saw the title but you pretended to know nothing of it, “Done remembering?”
He slowly nodded, “Yeah, I think I got it.”
Like a true introvert, he recited his things to buy in soft whispers while he pushed the cart around making you stifle your giggles as you trailed right behind him. Taking one final look at all the items he had put, he decided to grab an extra just in case so that none of you would have to take frequent agonizing trips to the grocery.
The lines were very long and people had already started to lose their temper as they yelled at those who sneakily cut the lines. You estimated it would take at least 30 minutes before you could get to the counter and having to stand beside each other for the entirety of it didn't make it any better.
While waiting, he looked at the cart again and skimmed through the products.
‘Okay, so shampoo, body wash, cleaning supplies, food good for a month…what else am I missing?’ He pondered thoroughly, mentally reciting the list again, until his brows shot up when he finally realized what he had missed. Just when you were finally the next in line to the counter, Jungkook excused himself and sprinted to god knows which aisle he went to.
You, the ever worrier, internally panicked when the staff had started to bag the items of the person before you. Wiping your clammy hands at the back of your pants, you frantically looked around the store looking for him but to no avail.
When you were about to put all your items for checkout, right on cue, he jogged his way back carrying boxes in between his forearms.
“Where were you?” You asked, trying to hide the annoyance in your voice.
“You forgot to get tampons,” he placed eight boxes of tampons on the belt and waited for the cashier to punch them in.
You were so stunned at the gesture that you forgot to pull your card out to pay for the items. On the other hand, Jungkook was just as awkward as you were about it that he quickly gave his card and watched the cashier swipe it on the register, not even daring to look at you.
'Don't overthink it too much. He just knows how forgetful you can get,' you try to remind yourself, though there was a small ember of hope you wish you put out.

In summary, the pandemic has been a mix of boring and a massive decline in everyone’s mental, social, and physical health.
Most, if not all, businesses have decided to close down for good due to the lack of customers. Meanwhile, offices – yours included– have found ways of adjusting to the new normal by working from the comfort of your own homes.
The long lockdown and lack of social interaction burnt out the two of you far worse than expected. In hopes of getting by, the both of you had started to venture on new hobbies respectively.
You and Jungkook have stayed in your respective rooms most of the time. You were busy working as a social media manager for brands. Everyone thinks working on social media is easy but tediously making sure that you don’t miss a single thing on your reports is just as stressful as everyone else’s work.
You could probably call it easy if you only handled one brand but you were handling four and your anxiety only rises when all the boosted posts from each brand hiccup all at once.
Meanwhile, Jungkook did playtests for gaming companies he used to collaborate with on his streams. He spends countless hours playing and taking down notes of the loopholes he had found in the game.
Sometimes, he adds his own take on how the developers can improve it further before sending his reviews in. It reminded him of how it was so similar to being a creative director but he only chuckles at the memory.
You tried to learn how to bake cookies and left some for Jungkook to snack on, while he bought a new guitar online and started learning how to play it. The days were stagnant and very mundane. Surprisingly enough, the both of you managed to fare it well.
As a stress reliever, you played online games and even joined a gaming server on Discord until you found a small community where they exchanged invites and played with each other. You figured this is how socializing has come to now – interacting with strangers and referring to them by their pseudo names.
On the other hand, it never crossed Jungkook’s mind to return to streaming no matter how bored he was. He still played games but under a different username now and enjoyed the anonymity that came with it. He scrolled through the #game-on channel in hopes he’d find players who started a server and were looking for people to join in but he couldn’t find any.
abcdefghi__: Anyone here playing? Can I join? 😩
1kwords: I’ll send you mine
abcdefghi__: Got it! Thanks!
abcdefghi__: Wanna get on call so we can strategize, bro?
1kwords: Sorry I can’t. Living with a housemate 😅
abcdefghi__: That’s fine I guess
"This alphabet guy's pretty good," you whispered as you watched him exchange fires with your opponent.
Your mouth pulled at the corners to a smirk when you’ve successfully hit the cleanest headshot you’ve ever made through the railings. When the game finally ended and the screen flashed a congratulatory card on your victory, you silently put your fist up in the air and rejoiced at your win.
Jungkook confidently puts his feet up as he pats himself on the shoulder for still having the sharpest shooting techniques in the game. Proud would be an understatement to describe how he felt given that he wasn’t as active in playing games like this ever since he had stopped his streaming.
1kwords: OMG WE WON!!!
abcdefghi__: Easy 😎
1kwords: Why do you always play so aggressively?
abcdefghi__: Needed to let off some steam
1kwords: Sounds bad
abcdefghi__: Kinda. I'm stuck at home that’s why
1kwords: Aren’t we all? lol
1kwords: You can tell me anything but only if you’re comfortable
abcdefghi__: Wait, for real!?
1kwords: Try me 😉
abcdefghi__ is typing…
You waited for the user to finish his typing but it was taking a while for him to reply.
You thought that maybe things weren’t going well in his life lately and you were more than willing to virtually lend a shoulder when you understand exactly how the whole pandemic has been rough to everyone.
abcdefghi__: [this user is taking a deep breath]
1kwords: [and this user is patiently waiting whenever you’re ready]
abcdefghi__: I know how everyone’s currently in a weird position during these crazy times but so am I. Like, hella weird.
1kwords: Alright, go on. I’m listening.
abcdefghi__: I don’t know…I just…I made great memories with someone but I didn’t expect them to turn into one
abcdefghi__: I’d be lying if I didn’t say I miss her but...
abcdefghi__: I really miss my baby :(
Jungkook chewed on his bottom lip as he typed every single reply. He was never really one to come face to face with his inner demons but the opportunity comes in the form of venting out to a complete stranger in Discord.
"Oh fuck, there. I said it," he scratched his head.
1kwords: Damn, same. I know how hard that is.
1kwords: Have you tried talking to her about it?
abcdefghi__: …Not really. I can’t confront for shit.
1kwords: Oh
1kwords: That’s pretty tough. You’re like my (idk if he still is) boyfriend
abcdefghi__: I don’t really know the right words to tell her and I also feel like it was my fault.
abcdefghi__: How are you guys doing by the way?
1kwords: We’re civil with each other, but I don’t have a choice because I still live with him
1kwords: I come home really excited to see him, but now, we just order take outs and eat separately lol
abcdefghi__: NO SHIT? SAME DUDE
abcdefghi__: Must be pretty hard for you
1kwords: It still is. Kinda miss hearing him laugh too :(
You were surprised yet comforted to know that someone finally understood exactly how you felt about your relationship with Jungkook.
The probability of finding someone who went through the same things as you did is slim but you guessed you were lucky that you and this stranger had talked and consoled each other.
abcdefghi__: What’s he like?
1kwords: Honestly? He’s the best relationship I’ve ever had. Not once did he make me feel so unloved. It’s just that, I mean, he’s pretty vocal with telling me how much he loves me, but he’s not good with words if that makes sense?
abcdefghi__: ...Is he expecting the problem to fix itself?
1kwords: Kinda like that but we’ve never really fought about anything big tbh
abcdefghi__: lol I don't believe you. Never?
1kwords: Yeah
1kwords: Oh no wait
1kwords: Except that one time our stream had gone wrong in front of a lot of viewers. He just stopped talking to me.
1kwords: I don’t even know if I can consider that as a fight but that’s how we kinda ended.
1kwords is typing…
Jungkook sat frozen in his seat with hands clamming around his mouse. The similarities he shared with this user were so uncanny for him to think about it deeply.
Assuming that maybe it was you, he stood up and leaned his ear against the wall to check if you were still awake but all that he heard was silence. ‘Idiot, she’s already asleep’ he mentally argued with himself with a frown.
When the chat pinged, he hurriedly rushed back to his computer. His doe eyes widened even more after reading 1kwords’ messages.
1kwords: Anyways, thanks for listening to me!
1kwords: Your username’s funny too. You’re missing the 'JK'.
1kwords: I’m also missing my JK
“Well that was a relief,” you exhaled while arching your back to relieve the tension of sitting for long hours today.
This was the first time you had aired out your feelings about how things with Jungkook were. You didn’t have a lot of friends and the only person you were comfortable with sharing things with was your currently very busy sister.
You wished the lockdown would be lifted sooner, you couldn’t wait to gush everything that had happened to her.
On the other side of the wall, Jungkook held on his forehead with both hands for being stupid at how his silence hurt you even more. He tried to put things into perspective, carefully re-thinking his actions until he finally figured it out that is working on his communication skills better. But first, he needed to apologize.
He stood outside your room, debating whether or not he should knock on the door. Since he’s already there, he thought that he might as well just do it. Taking a long, deep breath he knocked on your door thrice and waited for you to open up.
His heartbeat pounded erratically against his chest but it halts abruptly as soon as you were standing right in front of him, “Do you need anything?” But he remained frozen and at a loss for words, “Jungkook?”
“You’re 1kwords,” your lips part in shock.
Jungkook is user abcdefghi__!
“You don’t have to say anything but just hear me out, okay?” You nodded slowly, "I don't fucking know what to tell you. Fuck, please give me a moment. I'm trying, alright? I'm really trying to remember what say. I'm trying. I'm–"
"Jungkook," you held on both of his shoulders, trying to calm him down. "It's okay, take deep breaths. I'll listen whenever you're ready."
He follows your command as you inhaled big and exhaled deeply. Mentally counting down to three while taking deep breathes a few more times, he finally returned to his senses.
“I just…I just wanted to say how sorry I am for trying to keep everything in. I should’ve known better than staying silent when I’m not the only person in this relationship,” He looks at you with big, apologetic eyes. The bags under his eyes screamed that he hadn't had proper sleep in so long.
“I know I never told you this, but I tend to overthink a lot and you were my safe space,” he admitted with a sigh. “You’ve always been a happy person, and I didn’t want to ruin that just because I was thinking of the worst things that could happen.”
“But I’m not happy if you’re not happy, Jungkook,” you croaked almost in a whisper. “I’d be happier if you slept soundly with peace of mind.”
“I’m sorry for putting you through so much humiliation and sadness, Y/N. It wasn’t my intention to humiliate you in front of thousands of people in any way. I know how stupid it was for me not to double-check. You have every right to get mad at me,” his weight shifted from side to side.
“You were the only one who supported me after I got fired from the agency, and when my parents thought that streaming was just a waste of time,” he frowned as he watched your lower lip pucker in a pout. "You believed that I can do it and I wouldn’t have done it without you."
“What happened was neither of our faults, Jungkook. That was an honest mistake,” he tilted his head back and shut his eyes tightly.
“Yeah, but I still beat myself up every single day about it. I don’t want sexist creeps commenting about my girl," he admits with closed eyes. "I guess I just felt so useless that I can only do so much in wanting to keep you safe.”
You frowned, still looking at the floor, “Jungkook…”
“We had it so good but I...I was stupid for ruining it,” his shoulders slumped as he looked at you with pitiful eyes. “You don’t have to take me back or accept my apology right away. I just wanted you to know how truly sorry I am for everything.”
When you finally looked at him, he inched closer to wipe away the tears that were streaming down your cheeks. Sniffling under his touch, your body seemed to have a mind of its own when you wrapped your arms around his torso as you sobbed against his hoodie.
Wrapping his arms around you tightly, he hushed you while kissing the top of your head, “You idiot, you had a year to speak up and you only did it now?”
Jungkook sighed, “I know, I’m sorry.”
“But I still love you,” you looked up to him with glassy eyes.
He tried to hide his smile from forming, “You do?”
You nodded, “Always have and always will.”
“I love you, too,” He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “It’s disappointing how I couldn’t get you flowers at 3 AM”
You laughed and playfully hit his arm, “I don’t need flowers, just having you back is already enough.”
“Besides, there’s nothing we can do with what already happened. We’ll just have to move on with our lives,” the both of you looked deeply into each other's eyes – yours were puffy while his eyes were glimmering with held-back tears except this time, they were out of happiness.
He cupped your face with both hands and kissed you deeply for the first time again. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders because finally, the both of you took the first step in making your relationship better – communicating like level-headed adults.
“If I knew how liberating opening up is, I would’ve done it sooner,” he chuckled, “Thank you for giving me peace of mind even if I’m such a piece of shit. I promise to be more honest with you this time.”
Your stomach grumbling made the both of you laugh hysterically. You pulled away and avoided eye contact but he pulled you back in with a grin on his face, “Let’s go get you something to eat other than cookies”
You lifted a brow, “What’s wrong with my cookies?”
Jungkook’s eyes widened as he shook his head, “I– uh nothing? …just a bit salty”
“Fine, I’ll work on the recipe again,” you playfully rolled your eyes.
You giggled at his effort for trying to be honest. It must’ve been a struggle for him to avoid hurting your feelings though you appreciated it nonetheless. His brows lifted ever so slightly. It had been so long since he last heard it. The way it sounded was refreshing, comforting even. It fluttered inside his chest. As he clasps your hands together, he holds them gently yet firmly.
He can’t say how the following days will turn out for the both of you. It would probably consist of talking things through to have it out of the way so you can understand each other better. As you exchange soft, adoring gazes at one another, the only thing that matters is right now – Jungkook knows he’s finally home.
Love Again | PJM (Fourteen)
Summary: A friend of yours is eager to introduce you to her new man but what happens when Park Jimin, the man who broke your heart 5 years ago walks in through the door?
Pairing: Jimin x Female reader
Genre: exes au, exes to ???, fluff, angst, smut
Word Count: 16k
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, feelings of rejection, confrontation, mentions of sex, feelings everywhere, temporary miscommunication, jealous jimin, jk has emotionally abusive parents, sloppy kisses, groping, dirty talk, they’re switches, protected sex, oral (fem rec.) edging, orgasm denial, slight hair pulling, inappropriate secret (public) touching, reoccurring guilt and heartache.
Notes: ONE CHAPTER LEFT! Thanks for reading, I love you. I hope you continue to enjoy this story. Love hearing from you guys<3 Send an ask if you want to be added to a tag list or just want to chat:)
Previously on…in chapter 13 of Love again, you’re dumped by both Jimin and Namjoon and feeling quite down. With no one to hang out with you, you go out for a pity party—and meet an old friend! Jungkook. Who also happens to be your new boss. And Jimin is not a fan of ‘girlfriend stealer Jungkook’ being so close to you. Naomi and Jeremy continue to be difficult but Hoseok and Dae are the new couple in town. Jimin knows about Namjoon and wants nothing more than to talk to you.
© Taestefully-in-luv
Previous --- Next
Jimin doesn’t mean to bore holes into the back of Jungkook’s head but well, he is. He is and he can’t bring himself to stop…eyes on him because Jungkook’s eyes are on you and suddenly Jimin is wishing there was a world that existed where only he could see you.
You’re laughing at something Jungkook said—probably something goofy—your bright smile giving away how you’re eating his jokes right up. Jimin’s glare is strong enough for Jungkook to shiver dramatically but he continues to crack his jokes with you and Jimin just grows more annoyed.
Is this immature? Yes. Jimin knows this. He’s well aware that a little monster called ‘jealousy’ is right by his side, pointing at you and Jungkook and whispering mean, little things in Jimin’s ear, encouraging his discomfort. Jimin rarely shows his jealousy so outwardly but Jungkook has always been able to make him feel…god forbid he say threatened…but well, here he is.
Suddenly Jimin’s eyes go from you to Jeremy who’s dramatically huffing and puffing as he comes back into the living room from Hoseok’s kitchen. “Who took the last slice of pizza that I specifically said ‘no one eat this last slice, I’m saving it.’ Because it’s clearly not in the box anymore since the time I went to the bathroom and now.” And then Jimin’s eyes go back to you…you who is pausing the action of stuffing pizza in your face with wide eyes towards Jeremy.
“You.” Jeremy now raises his finger to point at you, “It’s always you!”
“Sorry.” You mumble lamely, an exaggerated sheepish expression growing on your face. “Want some?” You raise the pizza in some half-ass offer but Jeremy only stares at you unimpressed. Then you’re blinking at Jungkook in shock when he reaches for the half eaten slice of pizza and takes an obnoxious bite.
“What?” He tries swallowing, “Since you were offering.” He shows you a smug smile and now Jimin is rolling his eyes. This is the same Jungkook from college. Girlfriend stealer Jungkook. But Jimin internally frowns because…you aren’t his girlfriend this time.
“Okay,” Hoseok clears his throat to get everyone’s attention, “Our options are a very cute romcom that will get everyone feeling nice and lovey or some…” He rolls his eyes now and his voice gets quieter, “Some stupid horror flick.”
“Horror.” Everyone says in unison and Hoseok groans loudly in dissatisfaction.
“You guys all suck dick, I hope you know that.” He shakes his head.
“Well, you know I do.” Dae wiggles her brows at her boyfriend whose panicked eyes find Taehyung.
“For fucks sake, Dae!” Her older brother whines and she shrugs as nonchalant as always. “I just wish…like truly wish you wouldn’t try to hurt me like this. I didn’t raise you like this.”
“You didn’t raise me at all?”
“Then that explains your gross behavior.” Taehyung nods, “Or else you’d be a refined young la—”
“—Anyway,” Dae cuts off, “I’m going to grab another glass of wine!”
“One for me too, please!” Naomi calls out as she takes a seat on one of Hoseok’s sofas. “Or a bottle of Vodka if there is one!”
Hoseok narrows his eyes at Naomi, “There is one but you aren’t allowed to have it.”
“And you say we suck.” She scoffs before pulling her phone out, “I just need—” Naomi shoots her head up and to the side when she feels a familiar body come next to her on the sofa, “What are you doing?”
“Sitting.” Jeremy responds simply, face blank. “What else does it look like?”
“Looks like you left a total of 4 centimeters of space. Scoot over, dude.”
“Can’t.” He shrugs, “How else are we all supposed to fit? There’s eight of us. Four on each couch. Time to get cozy, Naomi.”
“Get cozy with someone else, Jeremy.” Naomi leans away from him, her body doing its best to move away from him.
“You realize you’re about to just be sitting on the arm of the couch, right?”
Hoseok’s ears perk up at this and he’s already scolding his guests. “No sitting on the arms of the couch! Are you trying to damage my—”
“Jeez,” You start chuckling, “You sound like my mom back in the day.”
“I’m going to use the bathroom before the movie…” Jungkook lifts himself from the wall the two of you have been leaning against, “Where is it?”
“Down that hall,” You nod ahead of you, “It’s the first door on the left.”
“Cool. Be back!” And then Jungkook is walking in the direction of the hallway, small nod and smirk as he passes Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin tries his best to give a small smile but the only reason he’s able to manage that is because you’re finally alone. Jimin glances at Taehyung who is busy on his phone before he makes his way over to you.
“Hey.” Jimin takes Jungkook’s spot on the wall, “Mind if we talk for a bit?” He gets straight to it. He does not want to waste any more time…knowing he has too many important things to say. He watches as you look around for a moment, lip caught between your teeth and he can sense your nerves. “We can go outside?”
“I think Hoseok is going to start the movie any minute now though.” You tell him, eyes landing on his and he thinks for a moment.
“Yeah…this will probably need a little more time.” He says quietly. “Okay…after that movie?”
“Sure.” You smile. “How are rehearsals going, by the way?”
“Really fun.” Jimin laughs, “This kind of role is refreshing. Ah, but the guy playing Zeus is kind of an asshole and I’m not sure how long Mr. Smith is going to deal with it.”
“Is there an understudy just in case?”
“Yeah.” He nods. “It sucks because even though he’s a bit of a dick…he’s the better option. Hopefully he’ll stop being a diva.”
“A diva?” You can’t help but giggle, “That bad?”
“Probably worse.” He laughs with you before he’s relaxing and his gaze falls on you, eyes raking over your features. Jungkook was right…you are extra pretty today. “Anyway, opening night is on June 3rd—a Friday—you’ll be there, right?”
An undeniable softness washes over you, your body shifting a bit closer to Jimin as you sigh out, a smile lifting your lips. “Of course, I will be.”
“Yeah?” Jimin feels his chest grow warm, his eyes still dancing across your face when they land on your lips. He notices your lip stick is a different shade than he’s familiar with but it looks nice—really nice—and he’s feeling the urge to—
“Well, I mean, we all will be I’m sure.” You chuckle, eyes glancing around. “You’ll have all of us supporting you.”
Jimin’s focus lifts back up to where it’s supposed to be…you know, not your lips. He nods in understanding, “Yeah, I think you guys will enjoy—”
“Alright!” Hoseok takes a seat on the empty sofa, “I’m going to press play in like t-minus one minute!”
“I’m going to grab a drink but um,” Jimin’s cheeks grow warm as he steps a bit closer to you, “We will talk after the movie?” He waits for you to nod before he’s smiling to himself as he walks into the kitchen.
Jimin busies himself with opening another bottle of wine, a gentle smile on his lips as he thinks about the talk he’s going to have with you later—not all parts of the conversation are overwhelming positive but he’s glad he’s going to finally be able to say the things he wanted to since that one Thursday night.
After refilling his glass, he starts making his way back into the living room. He sees how you’re getting comfortable on the couch, right next to Jeremy and his eyes go to the open spot next to you—he’s glad because he’s craving nothing more than to just be next to you. He walks closer, excited to occupy the tight space next to you but of fucking course, Jungkook beats him to it. Jungkook plops down, wiggling around as you giggle and Naomi complains about how someone needs to take one for the team and sit on the floor.
“Jimin!” Taehyung calls out for Jimin, his hand patting down the spot next to him on the other sofa with a boxy grin. “Hurry and come sit.”
“Oh yeah.” Dae brings her wine glass to her lips before continuing, “I forgot to mention but my company decided not to transfer me…they went with someone else.”
“Wait, really?” Hoseok turns his head towards her, their faces mere inches apart. “You’re not moving here then?”
“Not yet at least. They mentioned I could try again next year though.”
“Oh.” Hoseok visibly slumps his shoulders, an obvious pout forming. “That sucks.”
“Don’t worry.” Dae leans into her boyfriend, her hand that carries the wine getting closer to Hoseok, her offer going noticed. He takes it from her and starts sipping. “Long distance won’t be that bad for a little while. We will visit each other plus imagine all the sexting?”
Hoseok immediately chokes on the wine.
“Dae.” Hoseok and Taehyung complain at the same time.
Jimin starts chuckling to himself as he finally takes a seat next to Taehyung, his hand going to rub his best friend’s shoulder. He’s known Dae as long as Taehyung and she’s always been like this—always grinning and smirking after making everyone in a room visibly uncomfortable. She’s a troll, he thinks.
“Anyway,” Hoseok shakes his head, handing Dae her wine glass again. “You’re right, though. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.” His voice is soft and hopeful.
“Oh the irony of you being the one in a long distance relationship now.” Naomi chuckles, “I thought they didn’t count?”
“They count when they’re real!” Hoseok defends immediately.
Naomi tries not to laugh as she narrows her eyes at him, “Mine wasn’t real?”
“You know the answer to that.” Jeremy mumbles to himself.
“Well,” Naomi looks ahead now, “I don’t know when anything is real then.”
“We’re real.” Dae pecks Hoseok on the cheek.
“Ugh.” Taehyung leans back into the couch cushion, his head tilting towards the ceiling. “When will it be my turn?! Where is the love of my life?!?!”
“She’s out there, bro.” Jeremy raises his wine towards Taehyung. “What about that girl from last weekend? One from the bar? The one you knew in college?”
“Oh…” Taehyung leans forward again, teeth chewing on his bottom lip. “You mean Aeri?”
“Aeri?” Jungkook speaks up, voice unsure. “Sounds so familiar.”
“Yeah, you hooked up with her in my bathroom in college. I walked in on you guys…remember?”
“OH!” Jungkook starts laughing, cheeks turning a soft pink. “Good times, good times.”
“Well?” Jimin asks Taehyung, “You guys kept hanging out that night, right? And?”
“For sure.” Taehyung nods. “I tried hooking up with her!” He smiles towards everyone, everybody’s faces lighting up.
“Hell yeah.” Jeremy sends a wink, “And?”
“And,” Taehyung’s expression suddenly goes blank. “Turns out she’s a lesbian now.”
Smiles dropping and the sound of multiple sighs leaving mouths can be heard. “Damn, sorry dude.” Hoseok winces as he imagines how that went.
“She wasn’t one when I was with her.” Jungkook mumbles and you swat his arm and he starts cracking up. “Things change, things change.”
“She’s super cool! We agreed to meet up soon to go hunting.” Taehyung grins now, “Also, I am a feminist and would never call looking for girls that but she’s the one who said it and I can’t say I hate it.”
“Typical.” Dae rolls her eyes as everyone laughs. “Anyway, play the scary movie, Hoseok!”
“Are we serious guys?” Hoseok groans, “Like, is that really what we want to watch?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand when you get scared.” Dae playfully nudges his shoulder and he looks at her clearly unenthused. “It’s perfect actually! Everyone has a partner for when someone gets scared.” She starts glancing around the living room, “You have me. Taehyung and Jimin have one another—and we know how happy that makes Taehyung.” Everyone murmurs quietly in agreement with that. “And….” Dae looks over at the other couch…awkwardly. “Over there…”
“You have me, y/n.” Jungkook cockily winks at you, “Jump into my arms if you need to.”
“Please.” You roll your eyes, “Only one who gets jumpy here is Hoseok. And those two?” You glance at Naomi and Jeremy, “They talk the entire time, making fun of these kind of movies.”
“More talkers?!” Dae whines, “Just my luck.”
“Don’t worry, no talking will happen.” Naomi crosses her arms over her chest, eyes on the TV screen. “Not on my end anyway.”
“Oh come on, Naomi.” Jeremy crosses his arms over his chest as well, eyes also looking straight ahead. “I’d love to see you actually not make even one comment about who is going to be the first to die.”
“She’s also going to call out which couple is going to get murdered right after hooking up.” Hoseok comments.
“Dying right after sex…damn, that how I want to go.” Taehyung says.
“Death after a hook up.” Naomi continues to stare at the screen, “Lucky them.”
Jeremy snaps his head in her direction, “Oh, come on. Really?”
“Really.” She nods nonchalantly.
“Okay!” You smile awkwardly, eyes going to Hoseok. “Just play the movie.”
“Roger that.” Hoseok grabs the remote and presses play.
Not even in an hour into the movie and Hoseok has jumped in his seat 16 times. Yes, Jimin has been counting. Taehyung has fallen asleep on Jimin’s shoulder. Jungkook is whispering what Jimin guesses are stupid little jokes making you laugh. And Naomi and Jeremy have been mostly silent. Jimin guesses every single person in this room is silently suffering from the tension between Naomi and Jeremy…the way she purposely leans away from him and the way Jeremy’s eyes go to Naomi every 5 seconds.
“Oh.” Naomi suddenly blurts out loud, gathering the attention from everyone in the living room. She has her phone pulled out as she frowns, “My neighbor just texted me…says Bacon got out from the back gate…”
“He got out? Like he’s lost in your neighborhood?” Jeremy asks her, a clear look of concern on his face.
“Yeah.” She mumbles. “I guess I’m going to leave then…to find my dog.” She begins to stand.
“Okay,” Jeremy starts standing as well. “I’ll go with you to help.”
“No, nope, that’s okay.” Naomi rushes to say, “Seriously, no.”
“Oh come on—”
“—y/n can help me. Right? You’ll go with me?” Naomi is looking down at you and Jimin sees how your eyes widen before you’re nodding your head quickly.
“Yeah, of course.” You tell her, “We can go, no worries.”
“Oh.” Jeremy sighs out, “Okay, cool.” He sits back down, “Just text me when you find him, okay?”
“Okay.” Naomi tells him, “Sorry guys.”
“I wish I had a dog that got out so I had an excuse to leave too.” Hoseok grumbles. “This movie is stupid.”
“Really?” Jungkook giggles, “I think it’s cool. The way the main guy punched the bad guy? Solid right hook.”
“Taehyung is literally asleep.” Hoseok deadpans.
“To be fair,” Jimin glances down at his best friend, “He does this a lot if he’s not talking the entire time.”
“It’s true.” Dae agrees.
“But y/n…” Jimin looks at you as you rise from the sofa, your eyes finding him after he called out for you. “You’re really leaving?” He’s doing little to hide his disappointment. He sees how your expression shifts a little…he’s realizing you’re feeling bad about it too…you know he wants to talk to you.
“I’ll text you.” Is all you say with a smile on your face.
And then you and Naomi are leaving. Jimin feels his body feel heavier as more disappointment settles. He guesses the talk isn’t happening tonight.
You feel a little guilty as you and Naomi walk out of Hoseok’s house and towards your cars…it’s clear Jimin really wants to talk to you but you’re a bit relieved you don’t have to have whatever conversation that is yet.
“Separate cars or do you want to ride together?” You ask Naomi as you two get to the street.
“Uh,” Naomi looks a little awkward as she thinks about it. “Separate is fine. So you can leave whenever you want…but you could sleep over too if you wanted.”
“Sounds good,” You nod, “Plus we don’t know how long it’ll take to find Bacon.”
“Right.” She sighs out, “See you there.”
The ride to Naomi’s house isn’t very long, maybe ten minutes at most. She moved into this house pretty recently. Once parked in front of her house, you get out and meet her by her front door as she begins unlocking it. You two go inside and you follow her to her back door…she’s quiet as she steps into her backyard and you’re both greeted by an excited Bacon.
“Oh?” You look down at the dog who is waiting for his pets, “Maybe your neighbor saw wrong?”
Naomi looks at you, an awkward smile on her face before she sits down in one of the patio chairs. “Or maybe I’m a liar.” She tells you with a small chuckle, “I’m a liar and pathetic. Fantastic combo.”
Oh. You scratch behind Bacon’s ears before taking a seat next to her, Bacon finding a spot between the two chairs and he lays down. “Bacon was an excuse to leave.” You say, putting her awkward behavior together.
“Didn’t want to be by Jeremy anymore.” Naomi frowns, “Which makes me feel like a bitch—rightfully so—but it felt hard.”
“Naomi.” You say her name and she’s looking at you expectantly. “Just talk—”
“—What am I supposed to say? There’s people out there who are great at pretending things are fine and moving on but I am not one of those people. I could talk to him, yeah. But now that I’m annoyingly aware of my feelings…I just can’t.”
You blink at her before an ironic smile makes its way to your face. “Annoyingly aware, huh?” You ask, body leaning back into the chair. “I guess we’re in the same boat. But I’m one of those people who pretend things are fine and move on, aren’t I?”
Naomi smiles at this, eyes on the side of your face. “Our differences is what makes us work so well.”
“What a pair.” You laugh.
“We learn from one another.” She tells you, her voice is soft and endeared. “I learn how to pretend a little better and you can learn to pretend a little less. It’s how we can face reality.”
“Maybe I don’t want to live in reality.”
“Amen, sister.” Naomi chuckles, “But even in the movies or TV shows…characters have to go through this…but a good ending is always waiting, isn’t it?”
“Depends on the movie or show, I guess.” You laugh, “What happens when our endings aren’t the kind from a fairy tale but are instead something more bittersweet?”
“It’s the journey that matters, isn’t it?” Naomi ponders, “Or is that what we have to tell ourselves?”
You look at her now, eyes focused as you think about it. “No, you’re right.”
“Anyway, sorry for stealing you away…I panicked.”
“Honestly, it’s fine. Maybe I’m not as great at pretending as you think.” You wink at her. “But moving on is something I’ll have to do eventually. But are we really prepared to hear about my disaster dates again?”
“They’re usually pretty funny so yes.” Naomi starts cracking up when she sees how you glare at her. “I—” Naomi stops speaking when both of you are jumping in your spots, eyes darting towards the side of the backyard where the gate entrance is. She stands in panic when she hears it opening. “What the—”
“Oh.” Jeremy says as he turns the corner and spots you and Naomi on the porch, “You guys already found Bacon?” He asks, eyes going down to the dog who is already running towards him in excitement.
“Uh, we, uh…” Naomi looks around the backyard before her eyes go to her dog who is being pet by Jeremy. “What are you doing here?”
“I was worried you wouldn’t find him.” Jeremy shrugs, smiling as he babies the dog. “Let’s be honest, this menace loves me way more than you so I thought he wouldn’t listen to you if you called out for him…me on the other hand.” He looks back up at Naomi, smirk on his face.
“Well, we—”
“I came to check if the gate was open or broken or something and that’s how he got out but then I was sure I heard talking so I came back here and here you two are.” He gestures towards you and Naomi. “Where was he? Nearby?” You smile to yourself because Jeremy always pretends to hate this dog but he’s clearly as obsessed with Bacon as Bacon is with him.
Naomi’s plump bottom lip gets sucked between her teeth, an obvious look of shame gracing her features. She blinks at Jeremy and Bacon trying to come up with a decent and believable story.
Jeremy waits patiently but you can see how the gears are turning in his head and he’s scoffing to himself and sighing out, “Let me guess,” He looks into Naomi’s dark eyes, “Bacon never got out, right?”
“No, no.” Jeremy raises his hands, “No worries. It’s okay. But Naomi,” He pauses, eyes locking with hers for seconds too long and you feel invasive as you watch. “It can’t be like this forever.” He tells her and you can see how she gulps. “We’re friends. And I want to be…for the rest of our lives…so because you care about me, because I know you do, you’re going to stop hating me because we did something like…” He pauses, eyes darting towards you as you can see how he clearly forgot you were here.
“I don’t hate you.” Naomi murmurs quietly, a hint of sass as she looks away. “It’s just…awkward.”
Well, awkward is one way to put it. Not sure the tension between them would be described as awkward though. You feel for her…you do. But you also feel for Jeremy.
“You know what?” Jeremy smiles to himself, a look of determination on his face. He quickly pulls his phone out and starts typing something. You and Naomi share a confused look before you feel your phone vibrate. You pull it out the same time Naomi looks at her phone as well and you both see a text in the group chat.
Jeremy 8:44pm
Been a while since our fancy brunches right guys? Lets do it tomorrow
“Jeremy…” Naomi looks up from her phone, her expression looks unsure.
“You’ll be there.” He says before leaning down and giving Bacon a few more pats on the head. “See you guys tomorrow.” And then he’s leaving the way he came in.
Naomi stands here, look of defeat before she sits back down in the chair and glances at you.
“Brunch…yay?” You tilt your head.
Naomi laughs at this, some tension being released as she relaxes her body. “I’m so difficult, aren’t I?”
“Pretending more?” You point at her and then point at yourself. “And pretending less?”
“Wish we didn’t have to pretend at all.”
“To move on—”
“Wish we didn’t have to move on.” Naomi’s voice is quieter, eyes down and lip jutted out.
Yeah, you wish that too. You aren’t sure but you think if Naomi and Jeremy actually talked, things wouldn’t be as bad as Naomi thinks but you can understand they’re both taking a route that saves the most important thing—their friendship. And talking about things neither are sure of could definitely damage that.
Naomi doesn’t have answers but you do. And that’s the main difference between the two of you—she thinksJeremy doesn’t feel the same while you know Jimin doesn’t.
It’s nearing 2 am when you finally get into bed. You and Naomi ended up hanging out until recently but you decided you wanted to sleep in your own bed, your own pillows, your own sheets. You told Jimin you would text him and you wonder if it’s too late…you slide your phone closer to you and pick it up. Finding Jimin’s text thread you decide to see if he’s still up.
y/n 1:47am
you up?
Jimin 1:47am
Did you just ‘you up?’ me????👀
y/n 1:48am
you coulda just said yes
Jimin 1:48am
Youre the one who is trying to booty call me!!!🫵
y/n 1:48am
ha-ha 🙄
y/n 1:48am
anyway I told you I was gonna text you but I was with naomi until now
Jimin 1:50am
Its ok…I figured
Jimin 1:50am
Did you guys find her dog???
Jimin 1:50am
Jeremy was pretty worried
y/n 1:50am
ummmm yes
y/n 1:50am
sorry we didn’t get to talk earlier…we can talk now?
Jimin 1:51am
Like you want me to come over?? This late?
Jimin 1:51am
So this IS a booty call!!!!🤔
y/n 1:52am
Jimin 1:52am
Hehe just kiddddddding
y/n 1:52am
but no I meant over text dummy
Jimin 1:53am
Ohhh. No, it’s too important for that tbh…it can wait
y/n 1:53am
oh? Youre making me anxious lol at least give me a hint
Jimin 1:56am
A hint…..us?
You stare at the screen for a moment…your anxiety feeling a little worse actually. He wants to talk about the two of you? Is it about how he rejected you? About how he still doesn’t have feelings for you? Does he think you have feelings for him? And wants to address it?
Jimin 1:57am
Are things with Naomi and Jeremy still bad?
y/n 1:57am
something like that lol I just wish theyd talk but idk how to make that happen
Jimin 1:58am
Well were all gonna feel their crazy weird (or is it sexual?🤔) tension tmrw. But it will be fun to be with everyone
y/n 1:58am
omg their tension IS sexual isn’t it????? Im so dumb for not noticing before lmao
Jimin 1:59am
y/n 2:00am
hey be nice to me
Jimin 2:00am
Only if you sit next to me at brunch
y/n 2:02am
I can do that
y/n 2:02am
we should sleep
Jimin 2:02am
Or we could keep texting since I like talking to you so much
y/n 2:02am
lol do you now
Jimin 2:02am
Why are you asking questions you already know the answer to y/n?
y/n 2:03am
maybe bc I enjoy hearing answers that I like
Jimin 2:03am
Wow its crazy how much sense that makes
y/n 2:04am
tell me the answer before I fall asleep
Jimin 2:05am
Yes y/n I like talking to you
Jimin 2:05am
Always have and always will
Jimin 2:05am
Sleep well, good night 🥰
You read over his last few texts a couple times, your heart racing until it crashes. He’s always been sweet and he’s always going to be sweet. You know he cares about you and it’s your own fault for mistaking his kind nature for something more…plus you know even if the feeling was mutual…you aren’t sure either of you are ready for the other.
You’re the last to make it to the usual brunch place, you can see several mimosas spread out around the table, even one where there’s an empty seat—obviously your seat. And it’s right next to Jimin. You rush to get closer to the table, eyes going around the table as you greet your friends and mutter apologies and excuses for being 40 minutes late.
“We already know you aren’t the best at setting an alarm, it’s cool.” Hoseok waves you off, “At least you showed up.”
“Remember that time y/n actually didn’t show up? She didn’t text the group until like 4pm.” Naomi laughs to herself as she recalls a memory from like three years ago.
“If anyone remembers, it’s me!” You say in a pout as you take a seat. “No one even texted me more than once to see if I was even alive!”
“We knew when you didn’t respond to the first text that you were a lost cause.” Jeremy says as he peruses his menu. “Naomi are we going halfsies?”
“Kind of just want pancakes.” She grabs her own menu, awkwardly leaning away from Jeremy when he shows her his menu, finger pointing at something. “So I’ll skip out on the sharing thing.”
“Come on, you’re telling me you don’t want a little of this? And little of that?” He points at more things.
“A lost cause?” You wonder more to yourself but your best friend hears you.
“Yeah.” Hoseok chuckles, “We knew you were still sleeping. Classic.”
“So this is like a regular thing for you guys?” Jungkook asks, “You guys are crazy for waking up so early all the time.” He says more towards Taehyung.
“Nah, it’s more of a them thing.” Taehyung points at you, Hoseok, Naomi and Jeremy.
“Kind of glad I’m only a part of the friend group temporarily.” Jungkook shivers in his spot. “Imagine having to come up with a new excuse all the time just because I don’t feel like getting up early.”
“We’re the same Jungkook.” You say with a grin, “Jeremy too.”
“But we still show up.” Jeremy sets his menu down, “Because we’re best friends who care about each other and want to hang out.”
Hoseok quirks a brow at Jeremy before giving you a look. “What the fuck?” He mouths silently at you and you quickly shake your head.
“Right, totally.” Naomi sets her menu down as well. “Best of friends. All of us. Just wow, the greatest of pals.”
“Exactly.” Jeremy nods, “We wouldn’t just not hang out with one another.”
“Totally, totally.” Naomi agrees with her own stiff nod.
“Right…” You look between Naomi and Jeremy before you glance at Jimin who has been looking at his own menu. “It’s your fault I’m late, Jimin.”
“My fault?” Jimin lifts his head to get a look at you and you can see a sly smile grow as he lowers his menu, “Did I keep you up?”
“Yes.” You tell him, “I told you we should sleep but instead you wanted to talk about how much you—”
“If this is another one of those weird ass ‘he got me so wet’ situations I swear I am going to physically fight the both of you.” Hoseok interrupts.
“Jimin got y/n wet?” Dae points at you and Jimin before a wide smile shows on her face, “I need more details. Please don’t leave anything out and—”
“You know I’m a private person.” Jimin smirks to himself before raising the menu closer again. “And—”
“Me and y/n have our own situations as well.” Jungkook chimes in with a grin, “Don’t we? Like when I was inside you and—”
“Wow.” You deadpan. “You’re never going to let go of that, are you?”
“It’s impossible to let go when we’re so connected.” Jungkook winks at you, a deep chuckle starting to stir in his chest. It only gets louder when he sees how annoyed Jimin looks as he glares down at his menu.
“Only ones who are truly connected here are me, Jimin and y/n.” Taehyung says, “Soulmates and what not.” You laugh at him as you reach for the mimosa in front of you and begin taking a sip.
“You and the whole weird ass soulmate thing.” Jungkook shakes his head with a chuckle. “Were you this sprung before or after you all had a threesome?”
You accidentally spit out your drink, hand covering your mouth as you cough. “A what now?” You say with wide eyes, “We never—”
“You fucked Jimin and Taehyung?!” Hoseok shouts across the table.
“Respect.” Dae nods.
“So she’s always had a thing for hooking up with a pair of besties…” Jeremy says towards Naomi and she slaps his arm.
“Taehyung.” Jimin scolds lightly, “What the hell is he talking about?”
“Taehyung, didn’t you tell me some time in college that you three had a threesome, right?” Jungkook asks.
Taehyung looks up as if really thinking about it before realization dawns on him. “Ah! No, no, no. I told you about a dream I had where we all—”
“It was just about a dream?!” Jungkook looks a little disappointed. “But it was so vivid, even I could see what you described so clearly.”
You feel yourself grow warm at this, “Oh my god.” You try not to laugh, “You cannot be serious.”
“Unfortunately I think he is.” Jimin sighs out.
“Yeah, yeah.” Taehyung waves everyone off, “It was just a dream.” Then he is suddenly saluting the sky, “And what a dream it was.”
“Who should slap him?” You ask Jimin, “Me or you?”
“You guys are debating who should spank me?” Taehyung raises his brows, “Both, please.”
Jimin locks eyes with you, “If we just start ignoring him—”
“Unfortunately my brother only becomes stronger when he’s ignored.” Dae warns with a playful eye roll. “Anyway, now that y/ns here we can finally order!”
“Sorry.” You mumble. “You guys didn’t have to wait for me.”
“We’re all best friends, we would do anything for one another.” Jeremy picks up his menu again, “Right, Naomi?”
“Totally. Friends of the century. That’s who we are.”
“Weird.” Hoseok looks over at Naomi and Jeremy. “Anyway, Jungkook don’t forget I’m taking Friday off.”
“I remember.” Jungkook nods, “I wish I could also take a day off.”
“You’re the boss, you can do whatever you want.” You tell him. “But I just can’t see Mr. Jeon even wanting a day off.”
“Ew, don’t talk about him.” Jungkook grimaces, “It’s not working hours therefore I hate that guy.”
“Your mom probably loves that guy, huh?” You joke with him, remembering the things he told you about his parents.
“Pretty sure my mother is clinically insane.” Jungkook says with a straight face before he cracks a small smile, “But no, even though I thought I perfected ‘Mr. Jeon’ I still don’t think she approves.”
“I remember meeting your mom years ago.” Taehyung shudders, “That is the scariest person I have ever met….and the hottest old lady I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh gross, dude.” Jungkook glares at Taehyung with disapproval.
“I call it like I see it.” Taehyung shrugs. “I think how mean she was is what made me—”
“Anyway,” You cut in just in time. “Everyone’s ready to order?”
“Yeah.” Naomi responds, “I’m trying this breakfast burrito.”
“What happened to pancakes?” Jeremy asks, “What if I get pancakes and you get the burrito and we split?”
“I’m good.” She says.
The server comes to your table and you each give your order. You decide on French toast today but you aren’t even really hungry and that becomes apparent to Jimin when he sees you picking at your food, barely a proper bite taken.
“You don’t like it?” Jimin leans into you, “Want some of my food instead?” He now gestures towards his omelet.
“Oh no….” You smile at him, “I’m just really not that hungry.”
“Is it good at least?” Jimin eyes your food and you start cutting into it and raise your fork towards him.
“Want to try it?”
“No, no.” He laughs, “I was just curious.”
“I’ll try it!” Jungkook shouts over the other chatter, “I want a bite!”
At this, Jimin wraps his fingers around your hand and brings the fork to his mouth before he’s eating the French toast.
“Hey!” Jungkook whines, “I wanted that.”
“Well, it’s mine.” Jimin chews the food and swallows dramatically before whipping his head in Jungkook’s direction. “And I’m not sharing.”
“It’s not your food though.” Jungkook tilts his head but a devious smirk starts forming, “But okay, okay.” He raises his hands in surrender. “No sharing, I guess.”
“But you’d share with me, right?” Taehyung asks Jimin with big innocent eyes but Jimin only rolls his.
“In your dreams, Taehyung.”
“Literally.” Taehyung shrugs.
“So y/n,” Jeremy swallows his own food, “Where’s Namjoon? Is he on his book tour yet?”
The action of you picking at your food with a fork comes to an abrupt stop. “Oh, um.” You lift your eyes to Jeremy’s face. “Yeah, I think he leaves this week or something, I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“Well, we aren’t, uh…”
“I’m curious too.” Jimin says from beside you. “You never explained.”
You feel your heart in your ears. “It just didn’t work out.”
“What???” Jeremy slumps his shoulders with a pout. “But he was so cool! I thought he wanted to be with you? But you rejected him?”
“The opposite actually.” You mumble, action of playing with your food resuming.
“He didn’t like you anymore?” Jeremy asks.
“Jeremy stop asking questions.” Naomi scolds him.
“No he still liked me…” You glance around the table awkwardly, “But he didn’t want to be with me.”
“Why?” Jimin is the one asking this.
“Eh, I don’t really feel like getting into it now.” You chuckle to ease some of the tension you feel running through your body. “Was bad enough that I got rejected twice in a 24 hour time span.”
“Twice?” Jimin asks quietly, his brows furrowing in confusion. “Who…” But his words die on early as he cuts himself off from finishing that question.
“Anyway, no more Namjoon, sorry Jeremy. I know he was your man crush.”
“It’s okay.” Jeremy waves you off, “Only man I have on a crush now…is myself.”
“Are you joining the journey?” Taehyung speaks up with an excited glint in his eye. “The journey of a real man.”
“I am.” Jeremy states firmly, “I’m going to love myself.”
“I’m also…going to love myself.” Hoseok chimes in with a determined expression, “Because real men understand self-love.”
“That’s right, my brothers.” Taehyung nods, his eyes closing as he soaks in the moment. “Don’t make me schedule another men’s day, because you know I will.”
“Oh for the love of god.” Dae groans, “This again?”
“What exactly is this?” Jungkook looks around the table, “And why do I love it so much?”
“Of course.” You shake your head as you start laughing. “You would.”
“I also want to love myself.” Jungkook stands up dramatically. “Because I am also a man.”
“Oh my god, please sit down.” You throw your hands to your face and then the person you least expect to join in speaks up next.
“Men.” Jimin says loudly, eyes on his friends. “Who do we love?”
“Ourselves!” The other guys start chanting.
“Women want us and men—”
“I am literally dying of embarrassment.” You groan as you glance around, thankful that no other tables are paying too much attention to you guys.
“I needed this guys.” Jungkook says, finally sitting down again. “Please include me on the next men’s day. Whatever that is.”
“It’s where they go out during the day and do manly things, apparently. Like…what was it again?” Naomi asks you, “Fist fights and catching their own food?”
“That sounds so fucking badass.” Jungkook nods along to Naomi’s words.
Jeremy, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin all share a look before clearing their throats, “Yes, yes. That’s what we do.” Taehyung says.
“And at night they go to hook up with girls.”
“It’s awesome.” Hoseok adds.
“I’m literally right here?” Dae deadpans.
“No offense but on men’s day none of you girls exist.” Taehyung says as he stuffs his mouth with his food.
“I’m your sister, asshole.”
“And on men’s day I’m an only child.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll exist to me.” Hoseok nudges Dae’s shoulder. “But like only in my heart.”
“Whatever.” She rolls her eyes playfully, “I’m sure your dick will remember my existence when you want to fuck later.”
“Dae!!!!!!” Taehyung cries out, “I’m right here! Your brother!”
“Thought you were an only child, my bad.”
Taehyung: 0. Dae: 1.
The week has been going surprisingly fast. It’s already Thursday and you’re feeling the excitement that tomorrow is Friday and you can just relax. Work has been busy, Jungkook—Mr. Jeon—has been tasking so many extra projects but the busy work makes days zoom by. They also make you tired as hell. You aren’t the only one though, Jimin has sent you multiple texts throughout the week about how exhausting rehearsals have been but he does want to talk to you sooner rather than later.
You lay in your bed, sleep feeling so inviting as you scroll through your phone. Hoseok texts you reminding you that he has tomorrow off since he will be visiting Dae for the weekend. You were going to ask Naomi to hang out tomorrow but she lets you know that Jeremy is ‘forcing’ her to hang out like they always have since they’re such great pals. You don’t invite yourself since you’re hoping this hang out will help things between them.
You’re going to ask Jimin if he wants to do something…but he wants to talk. Something that you realize you’re avoiding even though you know it’s best to just get it over with—rip the band-aid off. Right before you are able to text Jimin you get texts from someone else. Jungkook. He asks to hang out tomorrow night and you decide that’s the route you’re going to go. Kick back with a friend avoiding your problems. Sounds good to you.
You’re grateful that Jungkook believes in ‘Freedom Fridays’ as he puts it. It’s where everyone has a more relaxing work day and like usual, everyone leaves a little earlier. You got home around 3pm today, cleaning around your apartment and making something for dinner. Jungkook sends you a text around 7, letting you know he was about to head over.
After 30 or so minutes, there’s loud knocking on your front door and you know it’s Jungkook. You open it, greeting him with a smile as he removes his shoes and glances around your apartment.
“So this is what the inside looks like.” He says, “Very you.”
“Very me?” You lift a brow at him, “How so?”
Jungkook gestures around the place, “Eh, you know.” And you laugh at this, making him chuckle as well.
“Does your place look like you?” You ask, leading him towards your living room.
“I’m rich, y/n. My place was decorated by professionals. Might be a good thing though because if it was up to me I probably wouldn’t even have real pillows.” He shrugs, taking a seat on your sofa. “Nice couch.”
“Thanks,” You sit on the other side, “But…is it comfortable living in a place that has none of you know, you, spread throughout?”
“Eh,” He shrugs again. “Maybe one day I’ll meet someone and they’ll know me so well that they can help me decorate properly and home can actually feel like home.”
“Jungkook,” You frown a little, “Sometimes you say really sad stuff in the most nonchalant way.”
“Are we playing therapists again?” He asks with a smirk, “Doctor y/n? Oh my, please wear a sexy—”
“Anyway, do you want water or something? I have wine and beer too.”
“I’ll take a beer.”
“Oh,” You sing out as you stand up, “I’ll have one as well.” You head towards your kitchen fridge and pull out two beers from inside. After popping off the caps, you go back into your living room, passing Jungkook one.
“Cheers.” You say, tipping your beer in his direction as you sit again. “So, when does Mr. Lincoln come back anyway?”
“He said some time in September.”
“Where did he even go? Like, what is he doing?”
“He and my aunt are on a long vacation.” He chuckles before he sips his beer. “She was always nagging him for never spending time with her properly. Don’t think they’ve vacationed together since their honeymoon a million years ago.”
“Damn.” You sip your beer as well, “Well, you’ve been a nice replacement.” You tell him honestly. “I can tell you really care about everyone and what we do. No offense, since he’s your uncle, but Mr. Lincoln doesn’t necessarily share your vision for things.” You laugh a little, Jungkook joining you.
“He’s just tired,” Jungkook shows you a small smile. “He wants to retire but he knows that’s some years away.”
“Oh.” You nod.
“I wonder if that’ll be me one day.” Jungkook’s lips fall, “Stuck in a job I don’t care about.”
“You’re good at this though—”
“Doesn’t mean I actually enjoy it.” He tells you, voice a little more serious. “I’m just…I don’t want others to suffer because of my own perspective. I want people to…I don’t know, not hate their job even if I do.”
“So you try to make it more enjoyable for everyone?”
“I just try to make it the best situation I can. Plus,” He finally lightens up, cracking his usual grin. “With all my mommy and daddy issues, I’m sure we can conclude that some part of me is doing my very best for their approval.”
You can’t help but laugh at this, despite there probably being some sad truth to that. “Well,” You eye him sincerely, “You’re doing a good job. And I think everyone is wishing you were replacing Mr. Lincoln permanently.”
“I wish.” He takes another sip of his beer, “Anything to get away from my parent’s company.”
“If you could do anything else…what would you do?” You ask him, voice soft. “Any dreams?”
“I don’t even know.” He laughs, “I was never given any kind of opportunity to dream.”
“Jungkook…” You say quietly as you nibble on your lips, “Isn’t there anything you like?”
“Hmm.” He brings his beer to his lips again, taking a few gulps before answering. “Pictures?”
“Pictures?” You ask him, “Like…taking pictures?”
“Yeah.” He nods. “It’s fun. But of course…I’d never do anything with that.”
“Why not?”
“How could I?”
“You don’t have to try to make a career out of it or anything but Jungkook…if you enjoy it why don’t you do it on the side? Could be your stress relief.”
Jungkook thinks about what you said for a few moments before lifting his eyes to meet yours and he smiles, his two front teeth poking out between his lips. “Yeah, maybe.”
“I think—” You stop when you hear knocking on your front door and your face falls into genuine confusion. Is it a neighbor? Or? You stand from the sofa and go to the front door and look through the peephole and much to your surprise, you see Jimin standing on the other side.
“Jimin?” You open the door to reveal the man standing in front of you now, his dark hair falling over his forehead. He’s wearing black dress pants and a soft looking white sweater tucked in and he looks so cozy yet expensive—you guess when you’re this good looking…
“Hey.” He says, lips curving into a smile. “Sorry for showing up unannounced. I was nearby and thought I could—” His eyes go from you to behind you and you notice his face fall immediately. “Oh.” Jimin’s gaze is back on you, “I didn’t know you had company.” He says, clearly referring to Jungkook sitting on the couch behind you.
“Oh?” You glance over at Jungkook. “Yeah, we’re just chilling.”
“I see.” Jimin swallows, “Okay, sorry.”
“Sorry?” You tilt your head, clearly confused why he’s acting like it’s a big deal. “Are you going to come inside?”
“No, it’s okay.” He looks stiff as he talks to you. “Don’t want to intru—”
“Jimin, don’t be ridiculous. Come inside.” You reach for his hand and pull him inside, “Hang out.”
“Yeah, dude!” Jungkook calls out, “Hang out!”
“O…kay.” Jimin steps further into your apartment, slipping his shoes off before going into your living room. “Hey man.” He greets Jungkook properly, taking a seat on the couch.
“Hey dude.” Jungkook tips his beer and winks. “Want one?”
“Are you just offering away my alcohol?” You chuckle as you go into your kitchen to grab a beer for Jimin. “You’re going to buy me more then.”
“I’m rich, love. I’ll buy you whatever you want.” Jungkook winks at Jimin again and Jimin can feel his insides twist.
“Call me that again and I am never offering drinks to you again.” You joke as you come into the living room, handing Jimin a beer. “Here.” You say as you sit right next to him.
“Thanks.” Jimin murmurs, “So what are you guys doing?”
“Eh, I just got here not too long ago. Just been talking about life.” Jungkook fills Jimin in. “I was just telling y/n how pretty she looked at work today. Don’t get me wrong,” Jungkook motions towards you, “Casual outfits are totally my thing but today she wore a skirt!”
“First, you were not telling me that.” You roll your eyes, “And second, it was just a more comfortable option…I didn’t feel like wearing pants!”
“y/n is pretty all the time.” Jimin can’t help but clench his jaw, “With or without pants on.” And then his eyes are widening. “Wait, that sounds—”
“How about we don’t get into how that sounds.” You can’t help but laugh. “How was rehearsals today, Jimin?”
“Good. Lucy is finishing up the costumes and I have to say, she might be a little crazy but that girl knows how to make some badass designs.” Jimin tells you, “She seems to be doing pretty okay by the way.” He says before you can even ask, the question on your tongue but he relaxes you with his assurance.
“Oh.” You blink at him. “Good.”
“Who is Lucy?” Jungkook asks.
“A girl we know. Someone I’m grateful to…for a couple of reasons.” Jimin answers before sipping his beer.
“Yeah, she’s an old friend.” You look down at your lap, “She’s kind of the whole reason I met Jimin again.”
“Oh?” Jungkook’s eyes widen, “That’s cool so she’s friends with Jimin too…well, they obviously work together so that makes sense—”
“They used to have sex.” You blurt out making Jimin choke on air and Jungkook looking surprised before nodding along. “Anyway…” Your cheeks are heating up, “Yeah.”
“Interesting.” Is all Jungkook says.
“It’s really not.” Jimin chews his lips, “It was before I met y/n again or else I…”
“Or else you…?” You repeat his words slowly, eyes boring into his before he looks ahead instead of you.
“I don’t know.” He chuckles softly, “If I saw you before that…you would have been enough for me to feel happy again, maybe. Then I wouldn’t have needed Lucy…I don’t know. It doesn’t matter though,” He starts to smile to himself, eyes going to the ceiling fan. “Since that’s not how it all happened.”
“Happy…again?” Jungkook tilts his head. “Did something happen? Damn, do we all need therapy?”
Jimin actually laughs at this, loudly too. He looks over at Jungkook and offers him a gentle smile. “Yeah, maybe therapy isn’t such a bad idea.”
This statement makes you heart hurt a bit, a frown decorating your face because you know Jimin means it. He’s still healing, still hurting.
“Oh hell yeah. I love this. We’re all fucked up. Not just me, makes me feel a bit better.” Jungkook laughs too, his drink rising in the air as he cheers to all of life’s woes before chugging the remainder of his drink.
You sit here, quietly drinking your own beer as you feel the discomfort grow more and more in your heart. You’ll never get used to Jimin’s heartache because it always feels like your own…and now that you’re ‘annoyingly aware’ of your feelings—you feel it tenfold.
The three of you chat for a while, talking about this and that.
“I’m so lucky.” Jungkook grins at you, “I get to see y/n every day at work and I even get to see her on weekends!” He sings out, his bragging starting to annoy Jimin even more. “Jimin, how could you handle having dated her? Seeing a face that pretty all the time.”
“Oh my god, shut up.” You laugh, cheeks heating up. “You’re too much sometimes.”
“It’s too much to be told the truth?” Jungkook waves you off, “I’m just stating facts. Someone as pretty as you should be told. Right, Jimin?”
“Yeah.” Jimin pulls his phone out to check the time, his obvious dismissal making Jungkook more motivated.
“I would tell her at work but that would be inappropriate.”
“You’re the boss you—” You start to say but Jungkook shakes his head.
“Exactly. Imagine what everyone would think?! The rumors would spread that you’re sleeping with me to get a raise.”
You burst out into laughter, “Would that help me get a raise?” You ask with a raised brow, “If so—”
“Well, I’m not saying it wouldn’t help.” Jungkook cracks up too. Jimin sits between you both with a stoic expression.
“Should I leave so you guys can hook up or whatever?” Jimin finally mumbles, “Don’t want to be in the way of your work fantasy or whatever.”
“We’re obviously joking.” You say, giggles still leaving your mouth. “I—”
“Right.” Jimin stands from the couch, “Can I grab another drink?”
“Sure.” You tell him, your smile fading when you sense how tense Jimin is. “Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Jimin offers a sarcastic smile before heading to the kitchen.
“What’s with him?” You lean to the left to whisper to Jungkook, he just smiles deviously before dismissing your concern.
“He’s fine, he’s fine.”
“Anyway,” You lay back on the sofa, “Can you believe it’s already 10?”
“Time flies when you’re having fun.” Jungkook winks at you, “I do got to pee though. Bathroom?”
“There.” You point.
“Cool.” He gets up to use the restroom. You decide to stand and go to the kitchen where Jimin is, he’s still browsing your fridge when he pulls out his beer plus a bottle of water.
“Hi.” You come behind him, slightly startling him but he relaxes with your close proximity. “You seemed a bit mad earlier so I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m fine.” He tells you but you aren’t super convinced. “Just tired.”
“Oh, why don’t you go get some rest then?” You lean against your kitchen island, Jimin’s eyes on yours before he leans against it as well.
“Would rather be here.” He says softly, a torturous expression drawn on his face. “With you.”
“So you like talking to me and being with me.” You tease him. “Good.”
“y/n…” Jimin pauses to take a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours…his gaze feels intense with something vulnerable but also something thrilling. “You mentioned at brunch…getting rejected twice…”
Any semblance of a smile immediately disappears from your face as you realize what he’s referring to. “Oh…” You bite down onto your bottom lip. “Okay?”
“Did you think I—”
“Oh? Party in the kitchen?” Jungkook interrupts and Jimin slowly closes his eyes in annoyance again. “Sweet.”
Jimin lifts himself from the island and turns towards Jungkook, “Not really.”
“Oh you don’t want to party here?” Jungkook smirks before his eyes go to you, “Okay, y/n. Just a party for two then.”
“Yeah, you’d like that, right?” Jimin snaps a little, eyes going from Jungkook to you and you pull your brows together at Jimin’s sudden outburst. “Want y/n all for yourself?”
“Well, I wouldn’t hate that.” Jungkook challenges, cocky as ever.
Jimin closes his eyes again, his frustration building more intensely now. “Yeah, I’m sure she would love it too.”
You watch as Jimin is reaching what looks like a breaking point. He’s jealous. You see it so clearly now. He. Is. Jealous. And you aren’t sure how fair that is considering…
“Jimin.” You say his name in warning. “Relax, would you?”
“Yeah, Jimin, relax.” Jungkook repeats. “It’s not like she’s your girlfriend, right?”
“Shut up.” Jimin spits out, more annoyed than before.
“Hey.” You warn again, “Why are—”
“Should I leave?” Jimin asks you, his eyes find you and you almost want to cower under this kind of gaze. You hesitate in answering mostly because you can’t form words with his eyes on you like this. But Jimin is running out of patience. “Fuck it, I’ll leave then.”
You blink a few times before you’re about to speak up but Jungkook beats you to it. “No, no.” He says, confidence oozing from his voice. You watch as an evil and satisfied grin forms on his lips, “I got to go actually. But you should stay Jimin.”
“You’re leaving?” You ask Jungkook, who is already heading towards the door and slipping his shoes back on.
“Yeah, got stuff to do. But you can thank me later. Toodles.” He winks at both of you.
“Thank…?” You have never been more confused. Jungkook waves bye to both of you before seeing himself out. Once the door is shut behind you, you turn to Jimin who looks as confused as you. “Jimin.” You say his name, snapping him out of his thoughts. “What was that?”
Jimin releases a long breath, look of annoyance back on his face. “What was what?” He grumbles.
“Don’t play dumb.” You start to scold, “You were being mean. And I don’t get why.”
“You don’t get why?” Jimin stares at you incredulously. “He’s a girlfriend stealer.” He says more under his breath but you hear him perfectly. You scoff at his words, your own annoyance building.
“You’re acting jealous.” You tell it to him straight. “And frankly I don’t find it fair.”
“You don’t find it fair?”
“You literally rejected me not that long ago so yeah, no, I don’t find it fair.” You continue with your straight forward honesty. “You don’t get to say you feel nothing for me then act jealous when you feel threatened by another dude.”
“Feel noth….hold on, just hold on.” Jimin sighs out, his frustration building again as he licks his lips repeatedly, trying to figure out what to say. “This is…this is why I said I wanted to talk to you.”
“Fine.” You huff out, “Let’s talk then.”
Jimin takes a few breaths, his brows pinching in concentration, his mind buzzing with a million words. “y/n…” He looks up, eyes on you and you find it hard to swallow. His annoyance, his anger, his jealousy…it’s all disappeared. He only looks soft now. Maybe even vulnerable.
“Yeah?” You speak quietly.
“I wanted to talk to you…since the night you told me you were going to try things out with Namjoon…I didn’t—I couldn’t—I just…I kept quiet because I didn’t think it was fair to you or Namjoon to express what I was feeling. Am feeling.”
Your heart is doing a million things right now but the most annoying thing it’s doing is beating so loudly in your ears that Jimin’s voice isn’t the only thing you’re focused on.
“I didn’t agree with your reasons…about Namjoon…you already knew that. But I have no right to tell you what to do. If that’s what you really wanted because I care so much about you…then I support you. But it sucked fucking ass for me.” He chuckles quietly. “Because how could I watch you fall in love with someone else?” He tries to swallow, his eyes looking glossy as he gazes at you.
“But you were right. It’s not fair that I got to experience love more than once, right? You wanted that too, right?” His voice is strained. “But why did you and Namjoon end things?”
You feel like things are frozen. You’re frozen. You can’t tear your eyes off Jimin and you can’t manage parting your lips to speak.
“I felt like I couldn’t tell you so much because of him being in the picture but if he’s not—”
“—He’s not.” You cut in, suddenly capable of speaking. “He’s smart. He saw right through me.”
“Saw through you?”
You nod.
“Okay…” Jimin releases a long breath, he looks at you, feet moving on their own as he steps closer. “Then I can say what I didn’t say the night you asked me about my feelings.”
“You said you didn’t have feelings for me.” You tell him bluntly, but you shake your head and try to smile. “Which is okay—”
“—No,” Jimin’s expression is almost pained. “You asked me if I still have feelings for you.”
“And you said no.”
“Yeah.” He agrees so easily, making your heart thump dangerously hard. “I don’t still have feelings for you, y/n.” He tells you and it hurts even more the second time. “Still…that implies that my feelings are just a continuation from the past. And that is not the case…you know that’s not the case. I was away from you for five years. I fell in love with someone else at the time.”
You know this. And it’s stinging.
“So, no, I don’t still have feelings for you.” Jimin steps closer, hands reaching towards you and your body feels like it’s on fire when his fingers make contact with yours. “I’m not still in love with you, y/n.” He swallows hard, eyes still glazed over. “I fell in love with you…” He pauses once more, fingers grasping yours and you can see an overwhelmed expression in his eyes alone. “…Again.”
“A-Again?” You trip on the one word you’re able to say. He looks at you with sincerity and you know you believe him.
“Yeah.” He nods, stepping closer again. “It’s obvious, right?” He asks you, voice tender. “That’s why you asked me…”
“Oh.” You feel your breath caught in your throat, chest feeling tight because breathing feels hard. Not because of doubt, not because of anxiety but because it’s…
“I just really…” He slowly closes his eyes, steadying his own breaths, trying to remain calm but his emotions are spilling out. “I feel so strongly for you, y/n.” He opens his eyes again, searching yours for answers. “It’d be nice if you could tell me how you feel too.” He laughs a little, despite feeling nervous so suddenly.
And now you’re the one trying to give him every ounce of reassurance he’s so clearly looking for…you feel your body relax, you feel the previous nerves dissipate, you feel something so calm and serene fill you instead. “Jimin.” You say his name, the way you always have that he’s so familiar with and he’s on edge, hanging on to the word like his life depends on it. He waits for you to continue.
“I’m obvious too, right?” You breathe out, an airy chuckle escapes you. Jimin gazes at you before he releases a long sigh and he’s laughing alongside you.
“Yeah.” He nods, eyes getting watery as his smile remains wide on his face. “You are.” He admits between laughs, “We both are.”
You smile at him but your brows pull together, “Why are you about to cry?” You question softly, “This is good, right?”
He only continues to smile and laugh lightly at himself, but his eyes wet with actual tears and you see how they threaten to fall. “Sorry that I’m emotional.” He tries to stay without his voice shaking. “It’s just a lot for me right now.” He admits.
“Jimin,” You do what you know. You hug him. Arms wrapping around him tightly.
He laughs into your neck, feeling a little embarrassed but he hugs you back, “I think I love you even more than I did the first time.” He says into your skin, “And…” He loosens his grip and pulls away from you just slightly. He knows this is a part of the conversation he planned with you—the part that isn’t overwhelmingly positive.
“I’m conflicted.” He admits, eyes watering all over again. “It feels a little messy right now and I’m not sure I’m even ready for something like this…something as serious as I take you.”
“Then just take me.” You aren’t even ashamed from how quickly you said that. You lean into him, breaths heavier as they mingle with his. He eyes you over, slight confusion on his face.
“What?” He breathes out softly.
“Just take me, Jimin.” You repeat. You raise your hand to his cheek, barely stroking it with your fingers. Jimin gazes at you and his eyes fill with so many different emotions. Until there is no emotion—just fire.
His hand reaches for yours, fingers wrapping around it and he’s tugging you closer to him. “Then I will.” He rasps out before he’s got his lips on yours. He’s got you moaning into his mouth before he’s even properly kissing you. The need for this, the desire…it’s too strong to act like you aren’t already delirious for this man.
Everything is happening so fast, nothing like the last time—everything is pure fire. A large, wild fire that spreads across your bodies and it is out of your control. Last time, things were slow, things were tame, things were just a flame that grew bigger and bigger. But today, right now, you are caught in something no one can put out and save either of you.
Jimin’s hands grip your waist, pulling you so close to him as his lips move over yours, kisses so heated and sloppy and both of you never too ashamed to vocalize how good it feels. He pulls away from you, lips still brushing against yours as he takes your hand and rubs it over his bulge.
“Feel me?” He pants into your mouth. “Or is this not enough?”
“Not enough.” You feel drugged.
“When will it feel like enough?” Jimin’s other hand goes to his pants button, fingers quickly undoing it and unzipping. “Hm?” He takes your hand and slips it underneath his pants and briefs, the sudden contact with his unbelievably warm skin has you squeezing your thighs together. “When will it be enough?” He asks again, your fingers finding his hard length and he groans into your mouth and then whines when you squeeze him.
“When you’re inside me.” You say.
“And I want nothing more than to be enough for you.” Jimin leans forward and kisses you, lips slotted between yours for a long kiss that leaves you breathless. And before you can register anything, you’re suddenly inside your bedroom, body against the mattress with Jimin’s cock sliding between your folds, teasing you for all you’re worth.
“I’m going to taste you, stretch you, fill you.” Jimin’s fingers dig into your hips as he slides his tongue up your throat, “And you’re going to fall apart, aren’t you?”
“Jimin.” You mewl, your fingers wrapped around his length and he hisses when you tease your hole with his tip. “I need you to make me feel your absence. Fuck me like I’m yours.”
“I’m going to fuck you because you are mine.” He knows what you’re doing. You want to be fucked now. You don’t care about preparation. You want the burn. You want the stretch of his cock being the thing that splits you apart. “You sure?” His face falls into the crook of your neck, trying his hardest to hold back, his hardest not to push his member into you with heated desperation.
“It won’t be enough unless it’s like this.” You tease him. “Won’t be enough unless I feel you ruin me.”
“Fuck, baby.” Jimin places kisses on your neck, “Condom in the nightstand?”
“Yes.” You continue to slide his cock around, your wetness enough for it to get soaked as the head of his cock plays with your clit. “Hurry.”
Jimin lifts himself from you to grab a condom, he quickly opens the package and slides the condom over his dick…nice and slow as he gazes at you with that same fire. “Can you get on your hands and knees for me?”
“Depends,” You lick your lips before biting down on your bottom one, “Going to make me come like that?”
“I can make you come in any position.” Jimin’s sly grin only turns you on more, “And you know I’m more than willing to test that theory. Now put your sweet ass in the air so I can fuck you the way you’ve been dreaming of.”
Your skin is on fire. Jimin’s hands are scorching hot as he grabs onto your hips when you’re giving him the view he’s fantasized over and over. “Your pussy looks delicious like this.” He tells you, his fingers spreading your folds apart as you arch your back more for him.
“Jimin…” You whine, “Don’t make me wa—”
You’re immediately melting, face falling into the pillow when Jimin’s cock is at your hole, slowly invading every little sensation your body is allowing. He whispers words to you as he eases his member slowly, your walls sucking him right in and he’s groaning out loud at how tight you are, pussy swallowing him inch by inch.
“Ah,” Jimin slams his eyes shut, “My baby feels so fucking good.” And he knows he’s a goner, this view of you is so dreamy. He opens his eyes again, watching how he slides his cock as deep as it goes, your back arched and ass jiggling when his hips meet it with a hard thrust.
Pulling out just enough to slide back in, feeling how you’ve quickly adjusted—he starts fucking you. God, he could listen to the way you cry out in pleasure because of his cock every second of the day. You’re tight, almost suffocating but it feels too heavenly to even comment on. He pushes himself inside you over and over, soft grunts leaving his lips as he gets lost in this absolute bliss.
“Jimin…” You moan, “I—” But you’re cut off with your own whimper when he guides you up, your back meeting his chest as he fucks into you harder. His hands are everywhere but they get really comfortable in his two favorite spots—one on your breast and the other on your clit. “Fuck.” You feel the way he’s angling his cock just right. “Like that, yes.” You moan again, “Fuck, Jimin. Don’t make me come this soon.”
“I have to.” He plants sloppy kisses on your shoulder, “Baby.”
He’s thrusting harder, groaning in your ear as his fingers soak themselves rubbing your clit so quickly. “Tell me you can come…” He pants, “Tell me you’ll squeeze me as I come for you, getting every last drop.”
“Y-Yes.” You cry out. “Fuck, yes.”
“Yeah?” Jimin slams into you with less precision, “Going to come all over my cock? Going to fall apart for me babe? Going to,” He pushes in, your walls clench so hard. “Fuck, y/n. Going to create such a mess for me?”
“Fuck, Jimin. I’m coming.” You warn him, body tensing as you feel the rise of euphoria. “Come too, come for me. Fill that condom with your cum and imagine you’re filling my cunt up with it.”
“y/n….” Jimin’s hips grind into you before he’s going still, his lips parted with disoriented moans escaping him. “Fuck yes, I’m coming.” He cries out, your walls tight around him as you feel your own high break you apart.
You both pant, the room loud with heavy breaths as you ride it out together and come down from sex you’ve been needing. Jimin wraps his arms around you, hugging you tight as he kisses below your ear. “You feel amazing, babe.” He whispers, “You’ll always be my favorite feeling.”
Your body feels weak as you and Jimin slowly fall to the mattress, his length slipping out of you before he’s placing another kiss to your neck. You wince at the wet feeling between your legs but you ignore it because right now, you’re in Jimin’s arms and no feeling can outshine this one.
“You’re pretty.” Jimin stares into your eyes as the both of you snuggle in your sheets, “Prettiest in the world.”
You smile, cheeks feeling warm. “Thanks.”
“What?” Jimin narrows his eyes playfully, “You hear it from Jungkook so often you’ve become immune to compliments?”
“Stop.” You roll your eyes, “He’s harmless.”
“Maybe.” Jimin shakes his head, “But tell me my words mean—”
“My hearts going crazy when it comes from you.” You tell him. “It’s almost annoying, actually.” Jimin listens to your words before he breaks out into a proud grin.
“Yeah?” He snuggles closer, “I make you—”
“You make me feel what I’ve been yearning for…for so long.” You admit with a chuckle, cheeks still heating up.
“And what’s that?”
“Loving someone like this.” You say it simply. “I finally have it again.”
Jimin’s expression softens so much that you’re sure he’s going to melt. “I love you.” He whispers, “But my feelings for you are way ahead of my brain, I think…wait, wait.” He smiles when he sees the concern in your eyes. “I just mean I’m not perfect. But if we can just go slowly and stay lowkey for a little while I think it would be better for us…”
“Ah.” You nod in understanding, “We shouldn’t jump into anything crazy without making sure we’re fully ready, huh?”
“It’s not that I’m not ready to be so in love with you—I already am—it’s just life has thrown some crazy things my way and I’m not sure I’m—”
“I know.” You tell him, voice reassuring. “Lowkey it is.” Jimin’s lips lift before he leans in to peck your lips.
“Pretty girl.” He says as you blink at him sleepily, “Mine.”
It’s no surprise when Jimin finds himself in your apartment, in your bed, in your arms every night for the next week. He comes to your place after rehearsal, greeting you with a million kisses to your lips, to your jaw, to your throat, to your collarbone, to your breasts—well, everywhere.
It’s another Friday night and you’re distressing from the work week…sitting atop your kitchen island counter, legs spread as Jimin groans into you, head between your legs. His tongue knows you so well, it’s familiar with you but you realize the more you two get intimate the more you notice how he’s gotten even more talented in making you come for him—he’s dangerous, after all.
His tongue and teeth play with you, fooling you and teasing you into what you think will be your next orgasm but he always pulls back. His mouth shining with your arousal, his tongue swiping his lips to continue tasting you despite the fact he’s watching you cry out in frustration as he tortures you.
“Jimin.” You whine, “You’re being so unfair.”
“The only thing that’s unfair,” Jimin’s voice is low, eyes staying on you as two of his fingers suddenly push inside your entrance. “Is how only I get to see you like this.” He curls his fingers inside you making you tense in pleasure. “Am I selfish? I have the most gorgeous person on the planet, on top of a kitchen counter with her legs spread for me, moaning for me and giving me such a show.”
“What?” You open your eyes to smirk at him, heavy breaths leaving you. “Should I give others—”
“—Careful, baby.” Jimin starts moving his fingers more, “Finish that sentence and I might ruin you.”
“So you admit you’re selfish then?” You tease, eyes heavy as you try to stay composed but his fingers are fucking you into a mess.
“Very.” He admits, sly smile on his glistening lips. He leans to the side to peck your inner thigh, “I pity others because they don’t have you. But y/n, only one who ever gets you like this is me. And the only one who gets me like this is you. You’d ruin me just as much, wouldn’t you?”
“Look at you, Jimin.” You struggle to speak as moans and curses leave your mouth. “Look at what I have you doing for me.” You bite down onto your bottom lip before your hand goes to the back of his head, fingers brushing through his hair before you tug at it.
You guide Jimin’s face back to your core and his tongue starts toying you expertly again, seductive eyes on you as his tongue slides between your folds.
“I already have you ruined.” You moan, “Don’t I?”
He doesn’t have to answer because you know the truth and the truth comes to light in mere seconds when you come on his tongue, thighs squeezing around his head as you ride it out. This is beyond pleasure…this is ecstasy. This is Jimin.
Another week passes, weekday evenings spent with Jimin massaging your shoulders after a long day at work, kisses between bites of shared dinners, music videos on YouTube, venting about your days, cuddling on the couch and an impressive amount of sex.
It’s been nice, if you’re honest. It’s been feeling like home lately. It feels like nothing’s changed and everything’s changed. You agreed to keep it lowkey so telling your friends hasn’t been on high on your list of things to do.
Plus, you don’t feel great rubbing it in Naomi and Jeremy’s face when they’re…well, in the situation they’re in. You know they wouldn’t be bitter but it still feels kind of bad. Not to mention if Taehyung knew…well, then there would be nothing lowkey about that.
“Hoseok said to bring chips,” You call out to Jimin, “You know he gets moody if he doesn’t have his chips with his wine.” You continue to look into the bathroom mirror, applying just a last minute layer of lipstick before you decide you look decent enough to see your friends.
“Got it!” Jimin shouts from the kitchen, “Now hurry up!”
“Coming, coming.” You stick the tube of lipstick into your bag before turning away from the mirror and turning the light off and heading into the kitchen. “Okay so—” You stop when you see a frown on Jimin’s face as he looks at his phone. “Everything okay?” You ask and he whips his head to face you before showing an awkward smile and placing his phone in his pocket.
“Yeah, yeah.” He waves you off, “You ready?”
You eye him for a moment but decide to drop it, whatever it was, he will bring it up later if he wants. “Yeah.” You smile.
When you and Jimin get to Hoseok’s house, you let yourself in. “Hi!” You call out but you only hear the laughter of Hoseok and Taehyung. “Me and Jimin are here!”
“Oh thank god.” You hear Taehyung scream out dramatically from the kitchen, “My soulmates are here to save me.”
You and Jimin walk in to see Naomi and Jeremy sitting at the dining room table and Hoseok and Dae demonstrating what looks like dance moves to Taehyung who is easily distracted as he sees you both. “Save you?” You ask.
“They’re making me learn some choreo from their dance camp thing.” Taehyung complains, “It’s hard.”
“No, no.” Naomi looks at you impressed, “He’s actually pretty good.”
“Of course he’s pretty good. My boy can do it all.” Jeremy chimes in, giving a thumbs up to Taehyung.
“Oh, I have to see this.” You motion towards Taehyung, “Go on.”
“Yes mam.” He salutes towards you before showing off whatever moves he just learned and you and Jimin blink at him slowly before looking at Hoseok and Dae.
“You taught him that?”
“Don’t let my brother fool you.” Dae rolls her eyes, “He made fun of the dance camp things but I saw him practicing some of the stuff I showed him in the mirror.”
“That…that checks out.” You agree immediately. “Jungkook isn’t here?” You ask as you glance around, “Oh wait, he said he had to meet his parents this weekend, huh?”
“Yeah.” Naomi nods. “But don’t worry, Jimin! He will be here for opening night!”
“Joy.” Jimin says as ‘excited’ as he can while maintaining a straight face and you swat his stomach.
“It’s next Friday, right?” Hoseok asks, “The tickets for us….are free…right?”
“That’s really important information to us.” Jeremy joins in, “Information we need to know.”
“It’s true….this information is vital.” Naomi nods along, “I mean it’s not like it would change anything if it wasn’t…obviously we would…but I mean, it would be nice…”
“Yeah, nice…nice is a good word.” Hoseok tells you all, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Of course, we would come support—but I mean, is it free?”
“You guys are the cheapest people I know.” You deadpan.
“Are you any different?” Hoseok gives you a pointed look, “You paying money?”
You start laughing at this, “Of course I—but I mean,” your smile suddenly drops as you think about it before you lean into Jimin, “It is free, right?”
“You guys are all truly sad.” Jimin shakes his head, “But yes, I reserved tickets for everyone.”
You, Hoseok, Naomi and Jeremy cheer at this, “Oh hell yeah.” Jeremy pumps his fist, “Free show, baby.”
“But I mean, obviously we were going even if it wasn’t.” Hoseok suddenly says, face serious.
“Yeah, we were.” You agree right away.
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Naomi concludes as Jimin looks at the four of you with dead eyes.
“Jimin, I would pay $500 to come see you perform.” Taehyung butts in. “Anything for my best friend.”
“Somehow I actually believe that.” Hoseok shakes his head, “He seems serious.”
“Oh, he is.” Dae laughs, “If me and Jimin were drowning at the same time and Taehyung could only save one…I legit fear for my life.”
“Oh, come on!” Taehyung drags out his words, “I would save---wait, hold on. Okay maybe this is harder than I thought.”
“See?” Dae looks at you all like she’s made her point.
“I’d save you, Dae.” You tell her but she looks at you and gives you a sassy eye roll.
“Everyone knows how close you and Jimin are, you’d leave me for dead.” She whines before nudging Hoseok’s shoulder. “Who would you save?”
“RIP Jimin. I’ll say something nice at your funeral.” Hoseok says proudly, playful eyes on Dae.
“I don’t know why I find it so hot you’d let someone die for me.”
“Lowkey a weird thing to say but I’m so into you anyway.”
“Alright, can we separate them for the rest of the night?” Taehyung complains.
“I thought we were going to watch that romcom Hoseok wanted to watch last time?” Naomi asks, “I’m in the mood for a movie.”
“Finally, someone with taste.” Hoseok nods in approval, “I’ll get it set up.”
It takes like 20 minutes for you and your friends to finally get settled into the living room, the movie ready to get played on the TV. You and Jimin occupy one end of the sofa while Naomi is on the other end. Hoseok, Dae and Taehyung are on the other couch.
“Alright, I’m ready.” Jeremy comes into to the living room from the bathroom and squeezes his way into the empty spot between you and Naomi.
“Just sit on the floor, dude.” Naomi mumbles, “There’s no space.”
“Fine.” Naomi stands from the couch before plopping her bottom to the floor.
“Fine.” Jeremy mimics, his own body rising from the couch to sit on the floor.
“What are you doing?”
“Friends sit together.”
“Annoying.” Naomi tsks.
But they…stay like this. You aren’t complaining, you and Jimin have the sofa for yourselves. You grab the throw blanket that rests over the top of the couch and place it over yours and Jimin’s laps. No one will bat an eye that you and Jimin are still sitting so close and the thought makes you feel warm.
It’s dark in the living room save the light from the TV screen and everyone seems pretty invested in the movie despite it only being 30ish minutes in. It is pretty good you’ll admit but it’s a little hard to concentrate…especially with Jimin’s fingers caressing your inner thigh under the blanket.
It’s not a huge deal, no one paying attention and you can’t tell because of the blanket but it might get a little more obvious on your end…Jimin’s unbothered expression as he stares at the TV screen as if he didn’t just unbutton your shorts and his fingers weren’t circling your clit over our underwear.
You keep glancing at Jimin, panicked eyes going from him to your friends but everyone’s oblivious as he shamelessly touches you in the living room. His expressions remains straight faced while you’re struggling to keep your hips still and your brows from furrowing. You’re well acquainted with his fingers and he knows exactly how to make you squirm.
“Jimin.” You whisper his name, trying to sound stern but it might have come out more breathy than intended.
He just turns his head to face you, pointer finger going to his lips with a mischievous smile. “Shh.” He shushes you before lowering his hand and going back to paying attention to the movie.
This fucking tease.
You don’t see Jimin as much this week because rehearsals are way more hectic since opening night for the show is tomorrow night. You’re excited for it. But he’s been a little off. You don’t think it’s nerves but maybe he’s just taking this show really seriously.
And serious is exactly what he is as he wows everyone while on that stage. He’s an incredibly fun villain and he has done an incredible job. Your friends are cheering for him so loudly as Jimin and his costars take a bow on the stage but you see something detached in Jimin’s eyes as he stares out in the crowd. Something is wrong and you don’t know what it is.
“Jimin is seriously an unreal performer.” Naomi tells you as you guys get into Hoseok’s house for the little celebratory party for Jimin. “Like, no wonder you fell in love with him back in college.”
“Naomi.” You snort.
“What?” She laughs too, “I’m just appreciating art!”
You head into the kitchen where Taehyung and Jimin are takings shots as Hoseok and Dae do some dance to cheer them on and Jungkook is taking a video. “Wow, shots?” You grin at your friends.
“y/n!!!” Hoseok shouts your name, “My ride or die. I waited for you, you know I wouldn’t take shots without you.”
“Best friend of the year.” You smirk at him.
“Century.” He corrects you. “Dae can you hype us up?”
“You’ve come to the right person.” She says while pouring you and Hoseok some shots. “And a third one because it’s Jimin’s night so he gets two!”
“It’s not my night.” He smiles towards Dae, “It’s really nothing.”
“It is!” You reach over and rub Jimin’s shoulder, “We’re celebrating you.” But you see how his face falls at this and he shrugs you off.
“I’m not anything to celebrate.” He tells you and you feel your heart pinch. What is going on? Jimin feels his phone buzz and he takes it out to look at it and that same frown he’s been carrying grows more distinct on his lips. “Jimin?” You step closer to him but he just slips the phone back into his pocket.
“Naomi should we take a shot too? Hoseok and y/n are doing a best friend shot we should do one too!” Jeremy comes to Naomi but she smiles awkwardly.
“That’s okay.” She says.
Jeremy is quiet for a moment before he sighs out, “Why not?”
“I just don’t feel—”
“I’m trying my hardest here, Naomi.” He’s finally running out of patience, you can all tell. The room get a little quieter as you guys watch the interaction. “I’m trying to be your friend like always but it doesn’t seem to be working.”
Naomi lightly scoffs at this, “Well, Jeremy—”
“Fine, you don’t want to do things the friend route?”
“What other route is there, Jeremy?” She mumbles, “Just take a shot with everyone else.”
“What other…” Jeremy rubs his temples, “You tell me, Naomi. Should I remind you that you’re the one who started this whole friends thing after we hooked up?”
Well, now the room is silent.
“But you don’t want this friend route so I’ll go another one. My way.” He tells her. Jeremy takes a deep breath before locking eyes with a very confused Naomi. “Let’s start with a basic shall we?” He takes another deep breath. “Roses are red, violets are blue. Naomi is the definition of beauty and nothing is more true.”
The room stays silent. “Okay, another one.” Jeremy thinks for a moment, “Acrostic poem style. N is for Natural beauty. A is for Ass. I’m sorry if that’s vulgar…it’s just,” Jeremy makes a motion with his hands, “Damn, it’s just really nice. O is for Odd but I like it. M is for Magical being and I is for Indescribable because what words could I really say that explains how fucking amazing you are?”
You stare wide eyed at Jeremy because what the hell is—
“Yo, what the fuck is happening?” Jungkook asks everyone. “Is this guy reciting poetry right now?”
“Oh my god,” Hoseok’s expression is almost blank. “How is this even more cringe than I expected?”
“I think it’s sweet.” Taehyung clutches his chest.
“I think it’s—”
“It’s totally disgusting.” Naomi cuts in, huge smile on her face. “Keep going.”
Jeremy looks taken aback for a moment before he’s got a smile forming on his lips so big and wide that you feel the world regain some balance again. “Okay,” He clears his throat. “Your eyes and lips make me feel like a sinner…but if you let me stare and kiss, I’ll feel like a winner.”
“Ew,” Naomi steps closer to Jeremy, “That’s so…I fucking love it.”
“I can keep going if you want.”
“I do and don’t at the same time.” She says. “Jeremy where do you come up with such cringey material?”
“My heart.”
“That’s romantic.”
“I’ve been trying to tell you.”
You finally tear your eyes away from the pair, all of your friends going back to their lives, doing their best to give Naomi and Jeremy some privacy now. But your heart is leaping in your chest. Seems you were right and things really are going to be okay.
You’re at the counter, pouring yourself a glass of water when two arms wrap around your stomach and a pair of lips you’re all too familiar with are pecking the side of your neck.
“Jimin?” You turn in his grasp, “You’re making it quite obvious, you know?” You chuckle but stop when you see how down he looks. “Hey,” You brush some hair out of his eyes, “Everything okay?”
“Not really.” He tells you and it’s not like you didn’t know.
You’ve known. You should have known that this night wasn’t going to be as perfect as you thought. Not when words like, ‘Going to New York ruined everyone’s lives, huh?’ and ‘I love you but I’m not the man I want or need to be for you’ get thrown around. But in this moment, as you gaze into Jimin’s tired eyes, you aren’t aware at all that those words will be said tonight. And words that are so much worse. Words that make you feel heartache…again.
extra a/n: one chapter left, trust me on this okay<3
hard liquor | myg. (m)

➵ summary: your dull evening at a bar becomes hopeful when your mysterious, handsome boss min yoongi shows you the ropes on everything alcohol, but shows you much more when he ends up buried deep inside you.
➵ pairing: executive boss!yoongi x employee!reader
➵ genre: business!au, age gap!au (5 years), smut, pwp
➵ rating: 18+
➵ word count: 8k
➵ warnings: alcohol consumption, teasing, explicit sexual content, pussy fondling, semi-public fingering, exhibitionism, humiliation, dry-humping, begging, titty sucking, marking, manhandling, dirty talk, elevator sex, tipsy sex (consensual), cum-eating, impregnation kink, creampie <3
➵ a/n: HELLOO THIS FIC IS FINALLY HERE!! thank you endlessly to everyone who’s patiently waited and shown support for this before it was even written, i hope it reads well!! 🥺 a million thank you’s to my wife @amourtae for beta-ing!! your feedback is always appreciated <3

“One more sangria, please.”
“Haven’t you had enough of those?”
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stars behind waves | jjk (m)

Summary: With a decade’s distance between Jungkook and you, your paths cross on the same island you deemed your second home years ago. And you realise once again – the ocean can never compare to the twinkle in his starry eyes.
➳ pairing: Jungkook x reader ➳ rating: 18+ ➳ genre: estranged best friends to lovers, vacation/beach!au; angst, fluff, smut ➳ warnings: so so much yearning and pining, gentle fuckboy jk cos i’ve no control over myself, a bit of jealousy, the first kiss, arguments/fighting, unresolved issues, heartbreak, angry confessions; explicit sexual content: making out, asking for permission, dom & big dick jk, handjob in the shower, oral (m. & f. receiving), some clit slapping, some biting, squirting, jk loves her tits… and her ass even more, fingering, protected sex, soft and rough sex, body worship !!, jk is SUCHHH a goner, he comes on her ass, aftercare, praises; so many emotions; lmk if i forgot smth! ➳ wc: 22.7k ➳ a/n: here we gooo !! @missgeniality & @voiceswithoutlips my angel betas, as usual, i’d be lost without you 😔 i’m really happy with how this one came out, so i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i did writing it !! as always, don’t forget to drop a message in my inbox – it makes my day <33

➳ listen to the SBW playlist for the full experience 💙

There is a long lost beach somewhere at the end of the world.
It belongs to a blooming, floating island, pleasant and hot. Wildlife chirps hidden behind trees, calm and welcoming. There are waterfalls that must be somewhere in the middle of the island – you’re not quite certain anymore, since your memory of the place has weakened over time.
You do remember the sun that descended there, though – you always used to say it wasn’t the same as the one you admired at home, watching from your garden.
Jungkook would always reprimand you, tut at you, throw tiny little shells at your bare thighs until you, furied and irritated, abandoned him at the beach. He would stay there until the moon rose from the east, and you would watch him from afar.
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Pirouette (M)
Ballet Teacher!Jimin x Wife!Reader
Request: Can i request a ballet teacher jimin, who is strict in his classes and when his wife decides to join the classes, he tries his best to be sweet but it’s hard because she’s not really taking the lead and he shouts on her which causes her to cry and then he makes up to her in a sweet way, and some smut.😀
Warnings: Semi-Public Sex, Fingering, Unprotected Sex (Wrap and Tap Y’know The Deal), Choking, Impreg Kink (Very Slight), Cream Pie
A/N: i don’t know very much about ballet, I’m sorry. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!

“Cheonsa, baby. Second position.” Jimin tells his daughter as she grips the bar. You were impressed with how far she’s come since just two months ago. It was probably because Jimin is such a great teacher. He lifts her chin with his index finger before kissing her nose.
“Good job, baby girl.” He whispers before standing up straighter.
“Fourth position.” Jimin says loudly in the quiet dance studio, one ankle in front of the other facing opposite directions. His thigh muscles jutting out as he places one arm out in a curve and one curved over his head. Cheonsa copies him before smiling at you, her left front tooth missing making you smirk.
“Good job, babe.” You call to her before looking back at your shirtless husband. His eight pack contorting and pressing against his skin as he looks over at his daughter.
“She can contort so well because her joints are like putty at such a young age.” Jimin informs you before smiling at his little girl. You wish you were this flexible. This is so impressive to look at.
“Let’s take a break.” Jimin claps loudly as you throw him a bottle of water. He hums in agreement before sitting on the floor and pulling his daughter into his lap. He sips the water before handing it to Cheonsa, his fingers fixing her hair into a neater bun before kissing her cheek loudly.
“My little angel girl. You’re doing so well!” He says before tickling her, her sharp laugh echoing through the dance studio making you chuckle.
“Mommy, will you do dance too?” Jimin snorts at Cheonsa’s question, earning a glare from you.
“Maybe! I can try!” Jimin leans back on his hands as Cheonsa gets up.
“What’re you saying? You’re going to join my ballet classes?” You tilt your head, you don’t see any reason not to, it could very well be fun and even help you become more limber.
“Yeah! Sure! I’ll join!” You say confidently which has Jimin pressing his lips together. You’ve seen him teaching kids but never adults. It’s different in the adult realm of ballet. It’s harsher and more demanding of folks.
“I’m not sure you’re going to like it.” Jimin mumbles watching as his daughter pirouettes in front of the mirror.
“If you’re there anything is fun!” You tell your husband, he cringes at your words before tilting his head unsurely. “Just don’t divorce me."
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Author: @kpopfanfictrash , as part of the Bound series with @underthejoon
Creative Content Contributor: @m00nk1ld FOR THIS FREAKING AMAZING MOODBOARD. I actually yelled out loud, the first time I laid eyes.
Rating: 18 + (explicit sex, road head, denied orgasm, dirty talk, hate sex)
Word Count: 14,566
Summary: You hate him. He hates you. It’s a fine line though, isn’t it – between love and hate? (Arranged Marriage!AU)
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About me
An introvert
Army and Reveluv
Here to read fanfics and reblog favourite fics.
yoonjinkook biased
I should have faith in my choice and never let others influence my choice.Choosing the path just because others chose it can never make me happy.

ex boyfriend!jjk x reader
genre: angst ft. Fluff
word count: 3.3k
warning: tattoos, drunk! jk, y/n cries a lot, Conan Gray songs (I like him don’t come at me), mentions of sexual themes, language (as always), I was sad when I wrote this so buckle up for some HEAVY angst
synopsis: a mutual breakup from your long term boyfriend leaves you inevitably devastated, but a unexpected collaboration may just be the breakthrough the two of you needed.
“Fuck you.”
“You already have.”
“If anyone tells you to “let’s stay friends” after you become emotionally involved with them that is the most bullshit lie anyone can say.”
“Why?” You sipped your drink as you watched your boyfriend down his once again.
“Because.” Jeongguk shrugged, “It’s gonna be uncomfortable. You shared everything and now you have to find the middle ground between that everything and nothing. It’s gonna be hard.” He started to slur his words as he leaned on the bar counter.
You flicked his nose, making him grimace, “I didn’t think you’d be this sentimental on my birthday.”
Jeongguk wrapped his arms around you before pecking your head, “Don’t worry love, that’ll never happen to us.”
You rolled your eyes as you took the next drink away from him, “Come on, Jeongguk, you’ve had too much to drink.”
“Nuh-uh! I’m fine” Jeongguk protested, reaching for the glass that you took out of his hand. He pouted once he realized that you weren’t going to give in, “You’re mean.”
“And you’re drunk.”
“And you love me.” Jeongguk smiled absent-mindedly before leaning in… only to be met with your palm that cupped his face.
“You’re drunk.”
“I still want a kiss.” He whined with pursed lips.
You rolled your eyes, “Why do I even love you?”
“Cause I’m one handsome motherfricker.”
“That you are.” You smiled before pressing a kiss against his lips. ——
3-year anniversary! Your phone notified you, immediately dampening your mood.
8 months.
It’s been 8 months since you ended your relationship with Jeon Jeongguk. And 8 months since you had talked to him. It was a mutual break-up, a good one if such had even existed. A difference of opinions and stress from your relationship. The continuous fights and lack of compromise, it couldn’t have been fixed… or so you liked to tell yourself.
Funny thing is that a part of you didn’t hate him, a part that still loved him existed. Though you had agreed to maintain your friendship after the breakup, that never happened. You had waited for him to text you after, to ask you how you were, if you were free to hang out. And by the time you realized that he wasn’t going to, it was too late… too awkward for you to ask as well. So, the two of you had resorted to ignorance and hostility. You ignored each other in public and private, he was a stranger… just another face in the crowd.
And in those brief moments that you had made eye contact with him, you couldn’t help the daggers that bore from your eyes for he was shooting them as well. Your glares started to act as a shield, a mask for the longing and mourning of not only your lover but also your friend. He had been your friend for the 3 years you had known him, 2 years of dating. And now all of it was down the drain.
But life went on, and your friend groups (thankfully) weren’t intertwined, so you could resume your social life without the worry of seeing him. You went drinking, partying, doing things that you hadn’t done since you were single. Things that would’ve counted as cheating, things that felt like cheating. They felt oh so wrong. Flirting with other guys, them flirting with you, them touching you.
But you still soldiered on, you got out of bed and did your assignments. Dutifully attended your college classes and went to the café that you had worked at. You studied, you ate, you slept, you exercised, and you lived. Life went on and it seemed that it wouldn’t stop like the movies did even though you had cut one of the most important people out of your life. Sometimes you forgot, most of the time you did. Your life had never been orbited around Jeongguk and it seemed even less so now.
Sometimes you felt even okay like it never had happened. Like he had never existed.
But then one day… one day you’d be walking by and get a whiff of his perfume in the crowd. One day you'd be walking by and hear someone hum the song that he had made you listen to until you rolled your eyes. And on those days, you’d just walk by and want to crouch and break down into a fit of unending tears. You always think that you’re over it, that you’re over him. You’d done so well, made so much progress, nitpicked until you found a fatal flaw that will finally turn you away from him.
But then you remember. All those little smiles and exchanges. You remember the way he had touched you so delicately, the way he had smiled against your kisses and traced circles on the small of your back as he held onto your waist. You remember the way he would try to cook for you and end up ordering takeout with a pout and the flowers and the gifts and the small “I love you”’s he would whisper as you lay asleep in his arms in your apartment. And you’d see yourself. All these faces in this crowded city called Seoul, and for some reason you’d see yourself still trying to find his. And the cycle starts again.
So today was one of those days that you had begun to miss him.
And it sucked.
Because the one person to make you feel better was no longer yours.
“Y/N and Jeongguk,” Your professor had sat the pair of you down in her office.
It had been 4 weeks since the last time you had seen Jeongguk (after a run-in at the grocery store where you had ignored each other) and you had to mentally slap yourself to stop staring at him. Your boyfriend… your ex-boyfriend was hot. He was always attractive, but even more so now.
Maybe it was the fact that you hadn’t seen him in a month or the fact that he decided to suddenly grow out his chin-length hair into a bun, but what you did know… was that you no longer could look at him like you were looking at him right now. You tugged at the strings of your sweatshirt, wanting it to swallow you whole before he could see the blush rising in your cheeks.
“Is there a problem?” Jeongguk asked politely, he didn’t even acknowledge your presence…
“Your collaborations these past 3 years have been amazing! Especially your cover of “People Watching” received a lot of applause at the Music Festival last year.” Your professor leaned back into her hair, “It seems like the two of you understand how to compliment your voices and remix the song. Since the two of you are seniors and this is your last Music Festival… the faculty was wondering if the pair of you,” She nodded at the two of you respectively, “Would be willing to put on an honorary performance at the Music Festival this year.”
Your eyes widened at the question, not only was this a huge honor but it was a great way for the two of you to get exposure to potential producers for scouting. For the first time since you had walked in, Jeongguk looked at you. He looked equally surprised.
You cleared your throat, “I think, we need to talk about-“
“We’ll do it.” Jeongguk cut you off.
You gawked at him.
Your professor stared at your exchange, “If you need to discuss beforehand, that’s alright. We can talk in a few days, just show us a demo in about 2 weeks and you’d be set for the Music Festival in 3 months.” ——
“What the fuck was that?” You implored at a safe distance away from Professor Lee’s office.
Jeongguk raised his brow from behind you, hands shoved into his sweatpants with only one earbud in, you had to fight the urge to take the other, “What?”
“That!” You pointed behind him in the direction of the office, “In there!”
Jeongguk shrugged, “What? The Music Festival?”
“Yes.” You hissed.
Jeongguk walked toward you were at arm’s length, your eyes widened as you gawked at the taller man in front of you. He leaned down until your face was only inches away from his, eyes hooded with a look of clear annoyance, “What? You don’t want to do it?”
“Of course I want to-“
“Then what’s the problem?” He smirked at the last syllable that escaped his lips, his eyes flickered down and back up to your eyes, “Are you uncomfortable around me?”
Jeongguk cocked his head to the side before standing up straight again, “Then there’s no reason for us not to do it.” He shrugged before pulling out his earbud and shoving it into his pocket, “After all.” His eyes bore into you, “We’re friends.”
You glared at him, oh how much you wanted to just punch this handsome motherfucker, “Yeah, friends.”
“So, we’ll do it?” Jeongguk asked through hooded eyes.
“There’s no reason we shouldn’t.” You muttered.
“Yeah…” Jeongguk trailed off, “No reason…”
“Do you want to pick the song or should I?” You didn’t even bother to hide the venom in your voice.
“We’ll pick it together.” He put up his hood before walking away, “Text me.”
“I don’t have your number.”
He stopped, then proceeded to walk again, “I’ll just text you then.” ——
Ex: Hey. Ex: It’s Jeongguk.
You lied, you still had Jeongguk’s number. You didn’t delete his contact, just the conversation. The first few weeks you had been so tempted to text him. Wasting your hours rereading all the messages you exchanged when you dated; it was painful. So, you deleted them and now you regretted it because now you don’t remember. You had forgotten how he had spoken to you when he looked at you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
You: Hey.
Ex: So
Ex: What song are we doing?
You: Conan Gray?
Ex: Sure
Ex: Heather
You: Too basic
Ex: True
Ex: Telepath
You: Too high
Ex: You can handle it
You: I’d rather not damage my vocal cords trying to sound like a pigeon on crack
Ex: That is oddly specific
Ex: … are you calling me a pigeon on crack?
You: You said it not me
Ex: -_-
You: lmao
You: Checkmate?
Ex: Too graphic
Ex: The Cut That Always Bleeds
You: And I’m the graphic one?
Ex: Maniac
You stared at the suggestion.
You: Okay
“Okay if we lower this part then we need to lower the rest of the chorus.” Jeongguk highlighted his sheet music.
You were surprised, to say the least, when Jeongguk asked to meet you at his shared apartment with Jimin. You hadn’t been there in over 8 months so the moment that you walked in… nostalgia overwhelmed you.
It smelled like Jeongguk, the comforting scent of fresh oranges and sea salt that you had grown to love. Every single corner of the apartment was filled with memories of a time where you had looked at each other with affection. Each part of the carpet had a story, whether it was wrestling or making out, they burned in your brain.
“I think I can go slightly higher, so we don’t have to do that.” You circled it before taking another sip of your tea, empty.
“I made more.” Jeongguk muttered without looking up from his music, “It’s in the kettle.”
“Oh.” You stood up awkwardly, making your way to the kitchen. You looked at the 3 kettles that sat on the stove, “Jeongguk, which one!?”
“The one with flowers on them!” You heard him yell from his living room.
“They all have flowers on them!”
“The… The white one!”
“Jeongguk, they’re all white.”
“Aish, the one you bought me as an apology!”
You froze, it had been your first fight. Thinking about it right now, it was stupid. You broke his kettle; he didn’t really like the kettle in the first place, but he was pissed because you had tried to clean it up before he noticed and left pieces of glass on the floor. A safety hazard that left you with a cut on your right foot. You didn’t understand why he was so mad with the cut on your foot, and he didn’t understand why you didn’t just ask for help to clean up.
You didn’t talk for days, a new record considering that the two of you had always sent at least one meme a day.
You bought him a new kettle to apologize, you told him that you tried to buy a new foot, but they didn’t sell those at Target. He laughed and apologized, and you promised never to try to clean up glass alone and he promised to not get mad at minor injuries. That kettle was nowhere to be found; it wasn’t on the stove.
“You’re gonna be the end of me.” Jeongguk muttered from behind you, his perfume filled your nose. You had always loved the fact that Jeongguk used perfume instead of cologne, your picky nose couldn’t handle musky scents so your boyfriend wearing perfume made you want to kiss him even more when you first started dating. You jumped slightly as he reached from behind you to the selves above the stove, citrus and the sea. Jeongguk. “It’s right here.”
You couldn’t breathe when Jeongguk handed you the kettle, “Thanks.”
“Whatever.” And just like that, he left you with butterflies that pounded against the walls of your stomach. ——
“No! If you take that line, then it disrupts the flow!”
“Who cares about the flow, it makes the repertoire better!”
“I care about the flow!”
“Damnit Jeongguk why are you making this so difficult!” You threw your hands up in the air like an exasperated cartoon character
“Why do you always do that?”
“Do what?!”
“Act like you’re in the newest Disney Channel cartoon.”
You glowered, “Shuddup.”
“You do though.”
“Fuck you.”
“You already have.”
Your eyes widened at his words, and he just turned away, leaving your apartment. He slipped on his shoes and opened the door before hesitating, “Do you even know what day it was a 3 weeks ago?”
“No.” You lied.
It was your anniversary.
Jeongguk’s eyes softened with disappointment, but his frustrated expression remained the same, “It doesn’t matter anyway. I sent the ticket to your email. I guess you didn’t get it.”
And he left.
Your hands shook slightly as you opened your email, scrolling through your spam until you made it to Jeongguk’s from weeks ago. It was a ticket. To Conan Gray’s concert.
You don’t have to come. He wrote. But I’ll wait in front of entrance before it starts, we promised to come together once, and we promised to stay friends. I don’t want to pressure you… but I really hope you come.
You cried like you did on your anniversary. —-
“You were with your friends partying…” Jeongguk sang. “When the alcohol kicked in, said you wanted me dead.” You followed.
“So, you show up at my home, all alone. With a shovel.”
“And a rose.”
Jeongguk turned toward you, “Do you think I'm a joke?”
Your eyes widened as you looked at him with a questioning expression, “Cause People like you always want back what they can't have. But I'm past that and-“
“I know that, so you should turn back-“
“To my rat pack, tell 'em you’re trash.”
He scoffed before his line, making you raise a brow, “Tell all of your friends that I'm crazy.” “And you drive me mad, that you’re such a stalker.”
His gaze didn’t waver, “A watcher.” He narrowed in on you, “A psychopath.”
You didn’t dare to look away, “And I’ll them you hate me and dated me just for laughs,”
He took long strides toward you from his mic stand, “So, why do you call me and tell me you want me back?”
You stood at your mic stand, shocked for a moment before bellowing, “You maniac.”
Jeongguk didn’t go onto the chorus he just kept his gaze before turning back, shutting off the music, “You hesitated.”
Of course, you fucking hesitated, what does one do when they feel torn between guilt and longing for their ex? What kind of person sits there and sings a love song about their ex with their ex without hesitating? Apparently, Jeon FUCKING Gguk.
“Sorry.” You mumbled, “Let’s just move onto the second part.”
Jeongguk frowned, “Fine.” He said after he drew a slow breath, putting the music back on.
He held up his mic to his pink lips, once again turning towards you, “So, why do you call me and tell me-“
“I want you back.”
Shit did you just say that aloud?
Seeing how Jeongguk froze, apparently you had.
“W-what?” He stuttered for the first time since he started talking to you again, “Y/N, what did you just say-“
“You manic.” You voiced into the mic, following Conan Gray’s voice in the background, “You maniac.”
His expression went blank as Conan Gray called you psychopathic and dramatic in the background. You lowered your mic and steeled yourself for anger, for tears, for him to yell and scream. You didn’t expect to be thrown back with such force. You didn’t expect him to tackle you onto the couch l. Face centimeters from your own. He froze as if just realized how close the two of you were. Fuck if he doesn’t kiss me right now I will-
He tasted like he always did.
You instinctively kissed him back, the past 9 months completely forgotten. Almost as if you had only kissed him yesterday, almost as if this was all normal yet so passionately unmundane.
His perfume filled your nose as you could taste the familiar spearmint gum on his lips.
He kissed you angrily, barrowing his body into yours. It was as if all the glares from the past 9 months had translated themselves into this kiss. A type that you were unused to; it was dissimilar to the times his lips met yours in your heated arguments. Those kisses were filled with smoke and quickly dosed into a sea of forgiveness and understanding. This was fire and lava lapping your exposed skin everywhere his body met yours.
You burned with his fury, and you loved every second of it.
He finally pulled away from you, his breath heavily ridden with his own pants as he pressed his forehead against yours. His breath hit your own lips, “You maniac.”
end of part 1/2

a/n: so basically I got a request for this when I first opened my requests. Tbh I didn’t know how to write this? I was just starting papercuts and ex!jk was still a foreign and abstract concept to me. I didn’t know what to write even in papercuts at that point. I’ve been working on this twoshot for a few weeks on the side and I’m actually really happy with it! Hopefully you enjoyed! Next part will be up by next week!
My Unsuspecting Flaw
Request : Hi, not sure if you’re still taking requests, but if you are, is there any chance you could please do one of reader and Taehyung where she is anxious and trying to push him away because she doesn’t think she is good enough, but he won’t let her? Thank you in advance if you can. xox
Kim Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, A bit angsty

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blueberry haze | jjk

⟶title: blueberry haze
⟶ au: strangers to lovers
⟶ trope: one night stand
⟶ pairing: drummer!jungkook x f. reader
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ genre: smut
⟶wc: 6.6k
⟶warnings: little bit of dom!jk, mentions of drug use (marijuana), smut in the forms of: some breath play, choking, oral ( m & f receiving), lots of praise, some bondage type things, touch denial, unprotected sex (don’t do this, be smart)
⟶ summary: he had been eye fucking you from the stage all night. but you never expected anything to come of it. but when you run into the beautiful blue haired drummer after the show, you decide to let him show you some of his other talents.
⟶ authors note: this was supposed to be a quick little thing but you see where that’s ended up lol. This is some very self indulgent smut yall, not much plot for real. But it’s blueberry koo, and he’s my fav. Hope you enjoy, and as always send the feedback my way!

What was his deal?
The ridiculously good looking, blue haired drummer on stage was looking right at you. And he had been most of the night. You couldn’t help but stare back at him, it was impossible not to.
“He’s eye fucking you.” Your friend said into your ear as the band came back on stage for their finale.
“Is not.” But you knew he was. He was looking at you again already as he sat down on the stool behind his drum kit.
Big, veiny biceps gripped the drumsticks in his hands, slinging them around between his fingers effortlessly. You watched as he pushed the blue hair off of his forehead once more before the song started and he became immersed in the music. He was a sight to see.
“Whatever you say.” Your friend teased and you elbowed her side in hopes of making her shut up while you enjoyed the last song of the night.
Any small ounce of hope you had that the sexy drummer was going to pull you backstage after the show was quickly doused when the lights came on and the venue staff was ushering everyone outside. You wanted to punch yourself for even thinking it was a possibility. He was somewhat famous. He could have whoever he wanted, why on earth would he want you?
“I’m far too tired for any parties.” You tell your friend who has been tirelessly trying to convince you to go to the bars downtown. “You should call Mina or Cher, I’m sure they’re already there.” She pouts but finally agrees to let you head home to sulk.
You pull your jacket a little tighter around your body as you walk past some shops and restaurants. They’re all mostly closed at this point in the night, but some of the displays in the windows are comforting to see.
Dexters Diner comes into view just up ahead, the yellow lights on top flicker in and out as you get closer to the small building. You could suddenly smell coffee drifting into your nostrils, and without a second thought, your hand is on the door handle of the diner, pulling it open.
There’s hardly anyone inside. A few tables of rowdy drunks from the bars and a few night shift workers having their first meal of the day. You smile at the older woman behind the front counter who’s wearing a pikachu tshirt and her hair in braids.
“What’ll it be, sweetheart?” She says as you sit down on one of the stools.
“Coffee. And maybe one of those cinnamon rolls from the case, please?” You take off your coat when she nods and heads off to gather your order.
This is just what you needed to wind down. And in most cases coffee would do the opposite, but you know the warmth of it will make you sleepy in no time.
You smile again when she sets down the chipped coffee cup and oversized cinnamon roll in front of you. The two things together smell like absolute heaven. You breathe it all in once more before picking up the cinnamon roll and bringing it to your mouth for the biggest bite you can manage.
“What are the odds?” A voice says behind you, making you freeze mid-bite. You turn around, cinnamon roll still in your mouth to face the voice.
Oh no. Please no.
Blue haired drummer boy is standing right in front of you in all his beautiful glory.
“H-hi.” You mumble, realizing you have the huge cinnamon roll in your mouth, your eyes shoot open wide and you quickly scramble to turn back and sit the pastry on its plate and wipe your mouth.
“You’re adorable.” He says, his hand gently touching your shoulder and turning you back around to face him. “Didn’t think I was going to see you again.”
“Here I am.” You say stupidly, internally facepalming.
“Here you are.” He smiles and tilts his head curiously. “I’m Jungkook. What’s your name, cinnamon roll?”
“It’s _____. Nice to meet you, Jungkook.” You can’t believe this is actually happening.
“How’s the coffee?” He asks, sitting down on the stool next to you.
“Good I think. I haven’t actually drank it yet.” You turn back to face the counter, taking the coffee cup in your hands.
“Don’t let me stop you.” Jungkook slides his leather jacket off his shoulders, revealing a clean white shirt underneath, the sleeve of tattoos looking so stark against the white of the shirt.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting when you started talking to rockstar Jungkook, but it wasn’t this. The conversation was flowing so nicely. He was surprisingly funny and full of all kinds of useless facts. The kind that were so ridiculous that they were interesting. He seemed sweet surprisingly…sweet.
“Did you know it takes 700 grapes to make just one bottle of wine?” Jungkook says, popping a grape into his mouth from the fruit bowl he had ordered.
“You don’t say?” You start to laugh, but then feel one of Jungkook's feet rub against yours. Was he playing footsie with you?
You take the hint, crossing your legs and letting your foot glide up the side of his calf. You can tell he’s pretending not to notice, but the tattooed hand that was resting on the countertop is now ghosting over your own calf.
“Did you know a group of bunnies is called a fluffle?” Jungkook lets just his finger tips softly run over your knee.
“That doesn’t seem true.” It barely comes out a whisper. Your thighs squeeze together as he continues his touches.
“Do you want to get out of here?” He asks after he notices the change in your voice. You look at him blankly for a moment before responding.
“Y-yeah. I mean sure, what do you have in mind?” You sit down your coffee cup with a shaky hand. Jungkook stands up from his seat, then leans down to cage you against the counter, his mouth coming to your ear.
“Each and every thought I’ve had about you since the moment I saw you in the crowd tonight, have been completely improper. And I would very much like to take you to my hotel room so I can show you what I’ve been thinking.” His words melt into your skin and find their way directly between your legs where they start a burning need.
“Okay.” Is all you can manage to say, eyes fluttering closed when you feel his tongue brush the shell of your ear.
“Good girl.” Jungkook whispers in your ear, thousands of goosebumps blanketing your skin in an instant. “Let me grab my stuff and we can head out.”
The jeans he’s wearing must have been painted on and he could not possibly be wearing any underwear with them, which was breath stealing all on its own.
“Jesus Christ.” You don’t mean to say it out loud, but of course he heard you.
“Like what you see?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and you can’t help the ridiculous giggle that escapes you.
“I’ve had worse views.” You try to play it cool, taking another drink of the coffee that was lukewarm at this point. Jungkook laughs, then pulls his sweaty blue hair up into a messy bun on the back of his head. It should not be legal to be this hot.
“Come on then pretty girl, I’ve got other views to show you.” He quickly puts on his jacket and offers you his hand. You let him help you up and into your jacket as well.
There’s a sleek black car waiting around the backside of the diner and the two of you slide into the back seat. You aren’t sure what to do, so you reach for your seatbelt.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook reaches across you to stop your hand, suddenly in your space.
“Buckling my seatbelt? You know…safety.” You let him take your hand off of the seatbelt while he laughs.
“You’re adorable.” His eyes hold yours while his hand slips onto your thigh, gripping it tightly so that he can then slide you across the leather seat and closer to him. “But I have other ideas for the ride home.” You hope he doesn’t see how harshly you have to swallow, your throat feeling so tight.
“What ideas?” You let one of your hands rest on his thigh, touching the frayed strings of the tears in his jeans.
“First things first.” Jungkook places his pointer finger beneath your chin and lifts your face up to look at him. “Can I kiss you?”
Your cheeks heat up immediately. He’s so unexpected. He radiates that cocky rockstar vibe, but he’s also sweet enough to ask permission before he kisses you. The whiplash might be your undoing.
“Yes.” You instinctively lean forward and he meets you halfway with that angelic smile of his on his face.
His lips are too soft. Too perfect. But they mold to yours and steal the breath from your lungs. His presence engulfs you and takes over all of your senses. Right now, there’s nothing else but Jungkook.
Coffee flavored tongue swipes against your lips and you want to taste it again so badly, dipping your tongue into his mouth until he hums in satisfaction. His tattooed hand slides up your arm and onto your shoulder until it reaches your neck, his thumb sliding up and down the column of your throat.
“Tell me something, pretty girl.” His mouth stays close to yours, lips still brushing as he speaks. “How do you feel about my hand around your throat?” His words take you aback for a moment until you realize what it is he wants to do.
“I’m okay with it.” You wrap a hand around his wrist and move his fingers into place at your throat.
“You’re not so innocent, are you baby?” Jungkook smiles wickedly and swallows your reply with his mouth. Kissing you roughly, noses and lips smashing against the others, tongues licking sloppily.
Jungkook applies a bit of pressure with his hand on your throat, testing to see how much you like. It doesn’t hurt, it feels amazing. You take his wrist again pushing harder and with more pressure, his fingers tightening and gripping the skin.
“More.” You whine into his kisses until he pulls back to look into your eyes.
“You’re getting me so hard right now.” You chance a look down at his denim covered crotch, eyeing the plentiful bulge forming there.
Of course his dick was huge, there couldn’t be any flaws with this man.
Jungkook begins tightening his hand again but doesn’t kiss you again. He wants to watch your face while he controls whether you take a breath or not. You swallow, barely able to get the saliva down your throat before your eyes start to roll to the back of your head. Jungkook moans and removes his hand, his mouth immediately devouring yours as you take in a long breath.
“You’re going to be so much fun.” Jungkook kisses down your neck, paying attention to the spots where his fingers just were. “Did I hurt you?”
“No.” You answered too quickly, but he seems to find it amusing, smiling and pressing a kiss to your lips once more.
Your pussy is absolutely dripping. You can feel the stickiness between your legs and it’s almost embarrassing how wet you are after just a little breath play. What was going to happen once he was inside you? You shiver at the thought.
The car comes to a stop around the back of one of the nicest hotels in town. You’ve never stayed here, but you know this is where important people stay all the time. You start to feel the nerves creep back in at how famous Jungkook might actually be.
Jungkook opens the car door and starts to get out but notices that you haven’t moved to do the same.
“You know, I can have the driver take you home. We can stop right now.” He slides back into the car and brings your face around to look at him. “Because if you come upstairs I’m going to ruin you. I won’t stop until I’m convinced you’ve been so thoroughly fucked that you think of me every time you even think about being with another man.”
You take a deep breath, eyes fluttering shut when he presses a feather light kiss to your jaw.
“I don’t want to stop.” You’re barely able to muster out the words.
“Good girl.” He laces his tattooed fingers through yours and helps you out of the car. You expect him to let go of your hand as you walk inside, but he doesn’t. He holds your hand until you reach the elevator.
Once inside and the doors have sealed shut, Jungkook pushes you against the mirrored wall. You gasp out loud when his hips roll against yours, the hard outline of his cock more prominent than before.
“So fucking hard.” Another harsh roll of his hips, almost lifting your feet off the ground. Your breathing is rapid and uneven, the anticipation absolutely killing you. “Tell me how wet you are, baby. Please.” The words pour into your ear, all warm and inviting.
“Soaked.” You manage to croak out. Jungkook groans and slowly rolls his hips so that his cock rubs against your clit that was begging to be touched.
Just as you’re about to beg him to touch you, the elevator dings and the doors slide open to the floor jungkook had selected. You suddenly realize that anyone could see the two of you and you start to move out of his hold. But he has other ideas.
Jungkook grabs beneath your thighs and hoists them around his waist, making you squeal in the process. He walks out of the elevator with you in his arms towards his hotel room at the end of the hall.
“Jungkook…put me down.” Your eyes shoot open wide when you notice an older couple walking towards you. “Jungkook!” You gently push against his chest but he doesn’t let go.
“You think they care if I’m holding you? They were probably crazy back in their day.” Jungkook squeezes the globes of your ass in each hand as you pass the older couple, they don’t seem to care but you still feel blush rush to your cheeks. “Should we ask them if they want to watch?” He wiggles his eye brows and you smack his chest.
“No way! Are you crazy?” You half laugh.
“Not into sharing? That’s cool pretty girl, you don’t have to share me with anyone.” Jungkook props you up against the hotel room door while he digs for the key card in his pocket.
“You can put me down.” You say again.
“Hmm. No.” He finds the card and opens the door, lifting you higher in his arms before he carries you into the room. You roll your eyes, but let him continue to do it.
You look around at the room when he finally sets you down in front of the unmade bed. There were two open suitcases in front of the window, clothes scattered about. Some empty beer bottles and ash trays sat untouched on the night stand on one side of the bed. Typical hotel room of a traveling rockstar.
What wasn’t so typical though, were the comic books laying around in the rumpled blankets on the bed. You tilt your head with curiosity and pick one up, gently flipping through some of the pages.
“You like to read comics?” You ask Jungkook, who has started trying to shove things into his suitcases.
“From time to time. Something to keep my mind busy on tour.” He shrugs a little as he roughly moves the suitcases around. You smile to yourself and sit the comic back down before turning to sit down on the edge of the bed.
“You don’t need to do that.” Referring to him trying to clean up the mess in the room. Jungkook seems to listen, stretching his arms above his head before coming to stand in front of you where you sit on the bed.
“I need a shower. How about you, pretty girl?” His tattooed hand gently wraps around the back of your neck as he bends at the waist to be face to face with you.
“You want me to shower with you?” You realize how stupid it was to ask, but it was too late to take it back now. Jungkook laughs quietly.
“Amongst other things.” He smiles, lips the perfect color of pink, silver hoop pierced through the corner. “For example…” His hand slides up and around to your face, cupping your cheek and ghosting his thumb over your jaw. “I’d like to see your lips wrapped around my cock…fuck, that would be a sight to see.” He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and groans under his breath.
Jungkook stands up straight, but keeps his hand cupping your jaw, watching you as you think about what to do next. You keep your eyes on his for a moment, but then almost on their own, your hands find his denim clad thighs. You rub up the front of them a few times, but not touching his crotch that was getting harder by the moment.
“Be good, baby. Don’t tease me.” Jungkook sighs, thumbing at your bottom lip.
You take the opportunity to wrap your lips around his thumb instead, keeping your hands on his thighs. You suck his digit softly at first, tongue licking the length of it. You’re practically drooling around his thumb in anticipation of having his much bigger cock in your mouth.
Your hands move up his thighs to the button and zipper of his jeans, undoing them both. When you bring your eyes down to his waist, you can see that your earlier assumption of Jungkook not wearing any underwear was indeed correct. Fuck, he was too hot.
Just as you’re about to pull his jeans off of his hips, he stops you, and instead leans back over to kiss you roughly.
“What’s wrong?” You ask when your lips part from his with a wet smacking noise.
“Shower first. I’ve been sweaty, baby.” He kisses you again, almost making you fall back against the mattress with its force. He makes you absolutely dizzy with lust. “Come with me?”
“You want to shower before sex?” You ask.
“We can take one afterwards too, if you want.” He smiles and helps you up off of the bed.
You follow Jungkook to the bathroom, stupidly nervous. He was going to see you naked one way or another, why did this feel so strangely intimate? Too intimate for a one night stand.
There’s an ashtray with some half smoked joints sitting on the bathroom counter, along with some hair products and skin care type things. You’re almost too distracted to notice Jungkook pulling his shirt over his head.
“Do you smoke?” He asks.
“I have…it’s been awhile.” You watch as Jungkook picks up one of the joints and puts it between his lips.
“Nothing better than a shower joint. Except maybe a shower beer.” He laughs and digs for a lighter in his pocket. Once he’s retrieved it, he lights the joint and takes a very long drag.
“Can you smoke in here?” You ask, knowing you must sound so cringey for asking. Jungkook merely shrugs his shoulders and holds the joint up to your lips.
“It’s blueberry haze. One of the best strands I’ve had.” Jungkook lets you take the joint, then casually shoves his jeans down to his ankles, stepping out of the denim and kicking them to the corner.
“Blueberry haze, you say?” Your words are distracted by his naked form. Broad chest and big arms. Tiny waist and…really big dick confirmed.
“Give it a try, pretty girl.” Jungkook watches as your eyes make their way back to his face, blinking so adorably.
You refocus your thoughts long enough to bring the joint to your lips and take a drag. The smoke fills your lungs and makes you cough, immediately handing it back to Jungkook, who rubs your back soothingly while you catch your breath.
“That’s…kind of strong.” You struggle to get the words out.
“You’re not naked enough.” Jungkook touches the hem of your shirt at your hip.
“Being naked helps with smoking weed?” You raise a questioning eyebrow, already beginning to feel it’s effects.
“I like to think so.” Jungkook slowly drags your shirt up and over your head, being delightfully met with the sight of your bare chest. “I’d love to have my mouth all over these.” Your shirt is long forgotten and so is your shyness.
“Why don’t you?” You take a step up closer to him, barely hearing the groaning noise he makes.
“Get these off.” He sticks his pointer finger just inside the waistband of your jeans, pulling at the material until it softly snaps back against your skin. You obey far too willingly, the blueberry haze in your mind making you feel extremely pliant.
You remove your jeans and underwear in a quick motion, kicking away the clothing and immediately reaching for Jungkooks skin, touching his shoulders and meeting his eyes with yours.
“You kind of look like a blueberry…a beautiful blueberry.” You giggle, fingers toying with the strands of his blue hair. Jungkook giggles too, big arms wrapping around your waist.
“You’re so fucking cute.” He kisses you a few times, then moves your body back towards the shower door. “Let’s get you wet.” He whispers into your mouth. You want to tell him that you’re already dripping wet between your thighs, but instead you step into the steamy shower with him right behind you, closing the smoky glass door.
The hot water immediately hits your skin and makes your muscles relax. You almost forget for a moment that a beautiful man is also in here with you, until his hands are on your hips and turning you around to face him.
“Don’t you need to get cleaned up?” You ask, Jungkook's hands sliding up your wet skin to cup your breasts in his hands. You whimper, not realizing how desperate you were to be touched.
“Mmm, I do.” His thumbs flick over your nipples, and then his touch is gone, making your eyes shoot open.
Jungkook is taking another drag from the joint, breathing it in deeply and holding it in his lungs. He grabs the back of your head, fingers gripping your wet hair and pressing his mouth onto yours. You feel the smoke slowly creep from his mouth into yours. You breathe it in like he wants you to, then let it out through your nose so that you can keep kissing him.
“I think…I think you should get cleaned up…quickly.” You say between kisses and strokes of his tongue.
“Tell me what you need, baby.” Jungkooks mouth travels from your lips to your jaw, nipping with his teeth as he goes.
“Can I show you?” The high you’re on is making you feel so bold.
“Please.” He pecks your lips and pulls away from you, he knows what you want.
You put a hand to his chest between his very defined pecks, sliding it between the muscles and down over the hard planes of his stomach until you reach his cock, hot and hard in your hand. You watch his face for any dislike, but he only put his hand over yours and makes you tighten your grip.
You don’t want to waste time, you want to hear him fall apart with his cock down your throat. You lean forward and lick one of his nipples, sucking it gently. Jungkook lets his head fall back against the shower wall, pulling his pierced lip between his teeth.
You lick up some water drops on your way down his body. His perfectly sculpted body that you most certainly take note of, gently getting to your knees in front of him, looking up to meet his eyes one more time before opening your mouth to take his cock inside.
Jungkook hisses through his teeth when you start to suck. Gently at first, short, shallow motions as you bob your head. You look up to see the muscles of his stomach tighten over and over the deeper you take him. It’s when you add your tongue that he really starts to make noise above you.
“That’s so good, baby. Keep going, just like that.” Jungkook touches your jaw and your cheek his fingers, wiping a stray tear away with his thumb.
You let him start to move his hips and thrust into your mouth and throat. You gag a couple of times, but you don’t want him to stop. The pretty moans and whimpers he’s making are too perfect to stop, so you dig your nails into the backs of his thighs and hold on for dear life when he starts move faster.
“Oh fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” Jungkook smoothed back your hair and brought your face up so he could see your eyes. The eye contact seems to do him in. “Shit, shit, baby. Gonna cum…” He throws his head back in a long drawn out groan just as hot spurts of cum start to fill your throat.
You close your eyes and take everything that he gives you, slowing the motions of your head bobbing until he’s done, lazily licking the tip of his cock until he stops you.
“Was that okay?” You look up at him innocently, knowing that he’s wrecked at the moment.
“You’re fucking perfect.” His head is back against the shower wall as he laughs quietly.
You start to feel the ache in your knees, quickly wiping your mouth with your hand before you feel Jungkook wrap an arm around your waist to help you up. He smiles, then grabs some soap from the shelf behind you and scrubs himself clean with it, all you can seem to do is stand there in awe.
The desperation to be touched was becoming almost unbearable, but you try to keep your composure, letting Jungkook turn off the water and hand you a white fully hotel towel to dry off with. You both quickly take another drag from the slow burning joint on the counter, then move back into the bedroom area.
Jungkook has his white towel ties low on his slender hips. He’s walking around the room as if he’s looking for something and you aren’t sure what it could possibly be.
“Did you lose something?” You ask, taking a few steps closer to him.
“I had a necktie that I wore to dinner last night…” He tosses some things around in his suitcases.
“What do you need a necktie for?” The words left your mouth before your brain could catch up. But it suddenly dawns on you what he might be wanting to do with the necktie. “Oh…”
“Are you comfortable with that?” Jungkook gets down on his knees in front of the bed, flipping up the blankets and bed skirt to look beneath it.
“It would be…new, for me.” You tighten your hold on the towel wrapped around your body.
“All you have to do is tell me to stop, and I will. No questions asked, if you don’t like it.” Jungkook reaches under the bed and pulls out a red necktie. “Found it.”
“Yeah…I can try it.” You nibble on your bottom lip and nervously cross the rest of the space to the bed.
“So good for me.” Jungkook closes any remaining space between the two of you and kisses your waiting lips. His kiss draws out all the nerves and turns them into lust. “Lay down with your hands above your head, wrists crossed.” The smallest bit of authority in his voice makes your pussy ache in such a delicious way. “And get rid of this.” He undoes the loose knot of your towel and lets it fall to the ground around your ankles.
You let him gently touch your bare hip before he’s moving to the other side of the bed. He watches intently as you climb onto the oversized bed, laying your head on the fluffed pillows with your arms above your head and wrists crossed, just as he asked.
“I’m ready.” You release a long breath, eyes coming back to Jungkook, whose eyes are shamelessly roaming your naked body.
“I can’t stop thinking about your mouth.” Jungkook says, wrapping and unwrapping the silky red material around his knuckles. “But I’m ready to have a taste of you.”
You shiver, watching as Jungkook kneels up onto the bed, raising his hand above your body and letting the silk tie just barely ghost over your skin. He starts at your ankle, moving it up your calf, over both thighs and purposely avoiding the ache between your legs.
“Please hurry up, Jungkook.” Your body arches away from the mattress when the silky material brushes over one of your nipples.
“You’re a needy little thing, aren’t you?” Jungkook coos, having mercy and wrapping your wrists up into the tie, attaching it to the headboard. “If you want me to fuck you, you’re going to have to be patient.”
You can barely take your eyes away from the sight of his naked body, until his mouth is suddenly on you. His mouth and tongue are having absolutely no mercy on your breasts and nipples. He groans each time he pulls a bud between his lips. The tie around your wrists is a torture you didn’t know that you needed.
“Jungkook…” You moan his name and he absolutely adores the sound of it. So much so, that he takes mercy and moves his body down the bed and settles between your thighs, his mouth quickly buried between them. “Oh fuck…” You pull at the binding, wishing your hands could lace into the blue strands of hair bobbing between your legs.
The mercy you thought you were receiving before is long gone. Jungkook is relentless with his tongue and lips. Long strokes of his tongue offset by quick sucks to your clit. It’s absolutely maddening.
You’re pulling at the tie so hard that you know you’ll have bruises on your skin in the morning. But the thought of it quickly passes when you feel Jungkook bury his mouth in your pussy, his nose brushing your clit as he moves his head back and forth in quick succession. You manage to look down between your legs just in time to meet his lust filled eyes, seeing him devouring you sends you over the edge hard and fast.
White flashes pop in and out of your vision as your body tries to recover from the insane orgasm you just experienced. Jungkook hums low in his chest as he licks up everything you’ve given him, kissing the insides of both your thighs as he stands up from the bed to look down at you.
“Do you think that you deserve my cock?” Jungkook stands at the end of the bed, tattooed hand wrapped around his cock, stroking it lazily.
“I’ve been good, haven’t I?” You pant and squirm against the satin sheets, hands and arms still above your head. He watches your face carefully.
“The things I want to do to you…” He bites into his bottom lip as he continues to touch himself in front of you. “But I have to get my cock inside that pretty pussy of yours before I explode.”
Your chest heaved up and down at the thought of him finally fucking you. You were so desperate that you knew you would do anything he asked of you.
“Can you please untie me now?” You needed to touch his body…his skin…his muscles….feel his hair. All of it.
“Look what you do to me, pretty girl.” He ignores your request, making you whine at the lack of attention to what you wanted, but also at the way he’s spreading pre-cum up and down the length of his cock.
“I want you so badly, Jungkook. Please.” You move your hips up as he climbs back onto the bed and kneels between your open legs. His eyes saunter down your body until they get to your pussy, big hands pushing your thighs further apart so he can get a better look.
“You’re so wet. Thinking about my cock made you drip like this?” He scoots closer, the head of his cock so close to where you want it. You pull at the tie on your wrists again.
“Untie me…please.” You beg again.
“Here’s what I’m going to do.” Jungkook ignores you again, making you want to cry. “I’m going to give you what you want. I’m going fuck you hard and fast. And I want you to tell me how good it makes you feel. Make sure the people in the room next door know how badly you wanted my cock.” Jungkook kisses your stomach and then your hip. It’s so gentle compared to the way he then reaches down and roughly grabs the globes of your ass, lining you up with his cock just the way he wants you.
“Please…” You can’t bear it anymore, the build up has been so intense you can feel tears start to leak from the corners of your eyes.
“Be loud for me.” Jungkook doesn’t wait anymore, he impales you on his cock, easily sliding inside with how wet you’ve become. But you still feel the ache of the stretch as you try to accommodate all of him at once.
You moan loudly, just the way he wanted. Pulling at your binds and cursing yourself over and over for agreeing to be tied up. Jungkook keeps his hands on your hips as he starts his ruthless pace.
You can feel sweat forming on your forehead already as your stomach begins to tighten with another orgasm. His perfect cock finds that spot inside you with ease and abuses it over and over again.
“Untie me…god Jungkook please…please.” Your face is wet with tears from pleasure as well as frustration.
“You’ve been so good, haven’t you? I think I can do that.” He bends down to kiss your mouth, something he hadn’t done for what seemed like hours. While he kisses you, he moves one hand from your hip to the red silky tie on your wrists and pulls the knot free.
As soon as you feel it loosen, you rip your hands away from the head board and dig them into his blueberry colored hair, pulling him closer and kissing him deeper. Jungkook smiles at the desperation. He loves it in fact.
You move your hands down and let your nails dig slightly into his skin as he continues to piston his hips against yours. Jungkook groans at the feeling.
“Come here.” He practically growls, sitting up on his knees and bringing you with him. Your arms wrap around his neck and your legs wrap around his waist, putting you in a somewhat riding position. Jungkook is able to fuck up into while on his knees, but keep you close. “You’re so fucking perfect.” His mouth is sloppy as it moves along your neck and collarbones.
“I’m going to cum again…you’re so deep.” Your mouth finds his, kissing him and breathing him in.
“You don’t need my permission, I want you to cream my cock. I want all of it.” Jungkook leans back on his hands, making the angle of his hips hit you even deeper than before. Your hands grip at his shoulders and hold on for dear life as he fucks you through another mind shattering orgasm. “You’re squeezing me so tight baby.” Jungkook's voice breaks off in a moan as you clench around him over and over.
“Please cum, Jungkook. I need it.” Your body feels boneless, but you can feel how close Jungkook is starting to get to his own end. “You’re fucking me so well…but I need you to come.”
“Your pussy feels too good…gonna cum.” Jungkook buries his face in your neck and buries his cock as deep as he can get as he finishes inside you. You feel warmth full you up and drip down your thighs as his thrusts come to a halt.
You both stay still for a moment, sweaty skin against sweaty skin. Your fingers mindlessly playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“You’re okay?” He finally asks, bringing his face out of your neck to look at you.
“I’m great.” You laugh quietly. Jungkook smiles, then reaches behind his neck for your hands, bringing them around so he can look at your wrists.
“Does it hurt? They look like they might bruise…” His thumbs gently brush over your skin.
“I think I’ll be okay. It doesn’t hurt now.” You watch him bring your wrists to his lips, pressing kisses up down each one.
“Do you want to sleep here?” He asks, softly lifting you from his lap and letting his softening cock fall from inside you, he looks at you concerned when you whimper.
“I can just…I can go home.” You scoot back on the mattress when Jungkook stands up from the bed. You didn’t want to overstay. You wouldn’t ever see him again, there wasn’t much point in staying.
“Are you sure? I can have my car take you home in the morning…or now. Whatever you prefer.” He then disappears into the bathroom and brings back a washcloth for you to clean up with.
“I’ll just get dressed.” You awkwardly clean up with the washcloth before heading to the bathroom to put it in the hamper and find your clothes.
You dress in a daze, but once you’re ready you back out into the room to find Jungkook in a pair of underwear sitting on the corner of the bed with his phone to his ear. You rub your hands on your thighs while you wait for him to finish.
“My driver is ready to take you home.” He pushes his blue hair back and tosses his phone onto the night stand.
“Thanks.” You continue to stand there without a clue what to do or say. “I’ll just…go.” You point at the door and start walking towards it.
“Wait!” Jungkook says just as you turn the handle. “At least leave me your number? If you’d be interested in seeing me next time I’m in town?” He grabs his phone again and crosses the room to stand with you. You wish you could stop the smile on your face.
“Sure.” You tap your number into his phone and hand it back. “See you around, Jungkook.” You kiss his cheek, but that is apparently not what he had in mind.
Jungkook grabs your chin in his tattooed hand and kisses you on the lips. It’s a kiss that tries to trick you into thinking that maybe he’s actually serious about seeing you again one day. It feels too complex.
“Goodnight, Y/N. I’d like it if you texted me when you made it home.” He pecks your lips once more, then releases your chin and takes a step back.
“Yeah, I can do that. Goodnight, Jungkook.” You open the door and step into the hallway, looking back just once more to see him smile down at the floor before the door closes.

-> pairing roommate!jk x female reader
-> genre roommates to lovers, roommates au
-> summary you’ve been roommates with jeon jungkook for quite some time now, not having a single thought of him other than a roommate. but things take an unexpected turn when you accidentally catch him in the act.
-> word count 5.8k
-> warnings voyeurism (it's an accident but still), fingering, oral (m. receiving), multiple orgasms, a lot of fucking teasing, switch!jk, switch!reader.
-> author's note if this fic seems familiar that is because i have decided to re-edit roommates to a version i am more pleased with. <3 hope you still enjoy it!

“And cut! See you guys on Monday! 12:00 am! Don’t be late.” your boss Stacey shouts through a megaphone. Stacey is your current director as you’re helping her work on a coming of age movie. You say your quick goodbyes to your colleagues and staff, before going to your trailer. Hair and makeup was not on the crazy side today, so you just quickly change your outfit, pack your bags and leave towards home.
Living in L.A for almost 3 years had its ups and downs, although in the end you never regretted your solution. It was hard at first – quitting your job as a sales associate back home, but after being true to yourself, you realized that this was not your dream but that your dream was being an actress. You have always had this dream. That dream was yours. Right when you watched the Mary Poppins Broadway Show at the age of 12. God, you had smiled your whole way through. You had pictured yourself on the stage, engulfed by the dimmed light, performing for thousands of people. That’s when you knew.
Min Yoongi – who started as a cyber friend but with time you guys grew closer and met often; had always been by your side. You had accidentally drunk dm'ed him on Instagram, thinking it was your good ol' fuck buddy back then. The conversation had taken a humoristic turn, when Yoongi decided to play along, a kermit sipping tea meme being sent from you the next day, and that's when your friendship blossomed. Yoongi was already living in L.A and was supportive of your rash ‘fuck it’ decision of moving to L.A. Yoongi had a colleague from work in need of a roommate, and that's when your plan stepped into action. You quit your job, packed your suitcase and hopped on the soonest flight to L.A.
The only thing Yoongi hadn't mentioned was that this colleague of his was a dude. He really waited up until the last minute to tell youㅡand there you were.. totally oblivious of what you were putting yourself into.
You weren’t upset about your roomie situation, no. You were more upset over the fact that it never crossed Yoongi's mind to tell you. - Causing Yoongi and you to end up bickering about ’you not being remotely excited to share an apartment with a male’, in which you remember saying to him, “who for all I know could be a secret serial killer.” outside of his friend’s apartment.
There were two problems unfolding after that conversation. The first one being your future roommate hearing everything as in; every single word. And the second one? well.. He was hot. So fucking hot.
You recall the first meeting being extremely awkward since he was making you nervous. - Reasons being; he was shirtless when he opened the door. Adding to that matter, playing with his lip ring. - Yes, the reason you know was because you were staring at his pink plump lips. Knowing how strong your attraction was towards a futuristic roommate was dangerous. You felt as if you had two choices; living on the street or with the one and only.. Jeon Jungkook.
If it weren’t for Yoongi reassuring you that nothing ‘bad’ would happen, you would've never thought of living with Jungkook for the next three years by now. But as time passed, the attraction slowly vanished and you didn’t feel as smitten as when you first laid your eyes on him. Because you guys were simply.. roommates!
Arriving at the apartment, you slump on the couch as the first thing. Working on set definitely kills your legs, you notice Jungkook isn’t home and think back to your morning conversation of him mentioning helping Namjoon at his bar ‘Dynamite’ tonight. Therefore, you make dinner for yourself and watch whatever is playing on TV at the moment. Somehow you end up falling asleep on the couch, or more likely the carpet under the couch. You’d been exhausted after working for a full day and it surely showed.
‘’Shh… we have to be really quiet. My roommate is right next door and I don’t want to wake her up.’’ That was false, you were sleeping beneath the couch, invisible to Jungkook’s eyes. The blonde which Jungkook brought home had hit on him until Namjoon had enough and just told him to ‘go for it.’ Jungkook took upon Namjoon’s angry encouragement and now they were here, sneaking in, trying their best not to make a noise to wake you. It was a success – Jungkook’s words not yours.
As Jungkook is about to open his bedroom door, the blonde whispers, ‘’I want you to fuck me on the kitchen counter like there’s no tomorrow.’’ Jungkook was a freak. Risky sex being one of his kinks, he could not deny the offer. Although it was very wrong, you were sleeping not even five meters away from them. ‘’Are you sure you can keep those screams shut?’’ Her knees weakened at his comment and slowly nodded, pulling him towards the kitchen counter.
The carpet which you were currently laying on starts to itch your right cheek. That somehow wakes you up and you take notice that you had been sleeping on the fucking carpet, not even the couch, no the fucking carpet. You’re about to move up when you hear a muffled moan. You stop in your tracks, scared to turn your head. But your curiosity was killing you, making you turn slowly, seeing Jungkook thrusting his hips in a slow pace, his tattooed hand covering the mouth of a pretty blonde.
You widen your eyes, turning towards the TV, screaming internally over this. You are fucked. You can’t get out of this Y/N. If you made the slightest noise, Jungkook would never be able to look at you again and that could end up with him kicking you out. You did not want that, so you cover your ears – trying to cancel all noise around you. This was to date, your worst nightmare. It was so far quiet, only muffled moans escaping what you had guessed was the girl. You begin to feel lightheaded over the whole situation, wondering if you’ll ever recover being in the same room as Jungkook is knees deep in a stranger.
‘’Fuck you’re so wet.’’ Your lips part from Jungkook’s dirty talk – you never pegged him as the type to dirty talk and you’re not mad about it. Wait, no, Y/N. You’re not supposed to think that, he’s your roommate. Your extremely hot roommate. This is bad, this is so fucking bad.
It was as if all your prayers were heard, because the blonde started begging to suck him off in the bedroom, which saved you from more misery. After waiting it out for a bit more, you finally got up from the carpet, returning to your room in a hurry.
The sleep you wished to seek was long gone and you were awake until dawn. Seeing it was time for work, you got ready, now standing by the coffee machine in desperate need of caffeine. As the machine creates magic, you space out, maybe it was the lack of sleep – that’s what you keep telling yourself. Jungkook arrives in sight, hugging you from behind and whispering good morning in your ear. His lips drag further down, peppering you with small kisses onto your collarbone earning a satisfied moan from you. He proceeds to place his hand to the hem of your panties, teasing you over the fabric. You buck your hips, signaling him that you're indeed enjoying this and he should keep going.
He gets the signal, moving his hand under your underwear, his cold fingers making direct contact onto your slit, your pussy already being as wet as it could be.
‘’Fuck you’re so wet.’’ He murmurs under his breath, before pushing a finger into your walls, clenching nicely around his finger. As he bites your earlobe, another finger slips in and your breath hitches from the stretch caused only by his fingers.
‘’You take me so nicely.’’ He compliments, his pace quickening causing you to lean your head back on his shoulder – due to all the pleasure.
Everything is interrupted when Jungkook steps out with the blonde trailing behind him. He takes notice of you right away, pouring milk in your mug. ‘’Morning.’’ He greets casually and you return it with an undertone of bitterness. You fixate your eyes on Jungkook’s hookup and give a sympathetic smile before you take a sip from your coffee. He walks her to the front door, her hair looking like a bird nest from behind. They must’ve gone at it for a while.
‘’Wow, that was maybe the best fuck I’ve had.’’ You hear her comment and a grin received from Jungkook. Was he really that good? Jungkook joins you in the kitchen before your thoughts can evolve.
“Seems like you had a lot of fun yesterday...” you start off with an innocent tone – putting on a facade, to not show that you heard or more likely saw.
A small grin appears onto his face, “You didn’t hear any of it did you?”
You choke with half a sip of coffee in your mouth, you hadn't expected that. Not wanting to get caught red handed over this awful and embarrassing experience you decide to shrug off the whole thing. Just act like nothing happened Y/N, it might help with your sudden daydreams of Jungkook fingering you in the middle of the kitchen.
“Oh– no no, I was sleeping like a rock yesterday.” You wave him off, trying your best to play cool.
“Okay.” he answers with a tone that makes you doubt. A part of you immediately starts regretting lying to him but it was for the best. Who in their right mind tells someone that they’ve not only heard them have sexual intercourse with someone but caught a glance at it. Lying is definitely the only way out of this.

‘’Shit–’’ You gasp as Jungkook quickens his pace, gripping the sheets above you with both arms. He earns another moan from you when his tongue swirls over your erected nipple. The cold from his lip ring makes you shiver. You pull him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck, his forehead rubbing against your own. The both of you panting as your bodies move in rhythm. Jungkook’s eyes roam all over your body, squeezing one of your breasts and the familiar urge to come pokes at the pit of your stomach. ‘’You feel–’’ Jungkook interrupts you, shoving his warm tongue in your mouth as his hand holds your jaw. ‘’Mmm– you feel so fucking good.’’ Jungkook flashes his white pearly teeth from your compliment, ‘’yeah?’’ You moan in agreement and your orgasm reaches every part of your body –
‘’Piece of shit!’’ You yell out of shock. You make sure you were dreaming, turning around noticing you’re in your bedroom; alone. You lay back down, a sigh escaping your lips in disbelief over how hot that dream was. You had to get out, away from Jungkook and mostly your dirty thoughts haunting you about your roommate.
The following weeks you kept yourself busy, on set almost everyday and not seeing Jungkook as often. He took some late night shifts and you primarily in the morning. Your dirty thoughts were starting to calm the more you kept yourself busy. Jungkook on the other hand walked around feeling guilty – he noticed quickly how you kept yourself busy not wanting to be near him. Therefore he took extra shifts to help out Namjoon.
''I just feel like, I did something wrong?'' Jungkook admits to Namjoon, as they were polishing the glasses, behind the bar.
''What if she's genuinely busy?'' Namjoon tells Jungkook, mostly for him to not feel guilty because of all this. ''There is always gonna be some period of time, where the both of you are really busy. It happens Jeon.'' Namjoon was right, mostly.
You have been busy, but it was to the point where you kept yourself longer on set, not wanting to see Jungkook when you came home.
But this was your fault. You grew a huge sexual attraction to Jungkook, not wanting to ruin your friendship, you decided on keeping your mouth shut.
''Joon, she's usually off Friday, and instead of her being home she was with Yoongi all day.'' Jungkook expresses, not because he didn't believe Namjoon. Sure you were busy, but to the point where you suddenly started hanging more often at Yoongi's place without him? That didn't sit well with him.
''Okay, maybe you did something.'' Namjoon answers, earning a confused frown from Jungkook.
''Look, maybe just give her a call?'' Namjoon suggests. ''Jungkook, if she answers, nothing is wrong. If she declines? Then you for sure did something.'' Namjoon explains as Jungkook stays silent, not knowing how to fix this.
Not thinking any further, Jungkook decides to give you a call outside.
You’re currently sitting in Yoongi's apartment, munching on a bag of Doritos, while watching New Girl for the seventh time. It has always been your comfort series, when you felt either down or confused, and right now you're a good mix of both.
Yoongi, sat next to you working on a current record that was to be released in under a week. You wondered if you should tell Yoongi, maybe he could help you out of it. Or, maybe he would just laugh in your face and tell you to fix it yourself. Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by your ringtone.
You grabbed the phone, seeing Jungkook's name. Shit.
Yoongi noticed your freezing state, just staring at your phone.
''Y/N, are you gonna answer that?'' Yoongi asks you out of curiosity. Your head snaps towards him, nodding your head before pushing the answer button, bringing it to your ear.
''Hello?'' you ask, making sure this wasn't a pocket dial.
''H-hey Y/N, I was just wondering...'' Jungkook starts off, small whispers appear in the background – Namjoon scolding Jungkook for a small second before Jungkook continues.
''I mean, no, we need to talk.'' He says flatly. Shit. Exactly what you didn't want to do.
Without thinking much, you act like you couldn't hear him blurting out nonsense about there being bad reception and just hanging up.
You throw your phone to the side, letting out a big sigh of frustration.
Yoongi clears his throat, earning your attention. ''Y/N, care to explain what just happened?'' You open your mouth, trying to come up with a lie, Yoongi interrupting you before you could continue. ''And don't lie.'' He warns sternly.
''Well, around 2 weeks ago, Jungkook had a girl over.'' Yoongi hums a yes, making you continue. ''I accidentally fell asleep on the couch and might’ve been a witness to seeing Jungkook knees deep in someone.'' Yoongi scrunches his nose, uncomfort drawn on his face but he motivates you to continue. ''After the incident, I started daydreaming about Jungkook and I... in a not so friendly matter.''
''Ah, so this is why you've been crashing at my place?'' You nod yes, receiving a light chuckle from Yoongi, you slap his shoulder not wanting him to laugh at your awful dilemma.
''Y/N, at one point you're gonna have to face Jungkook. You can't keep hiding at my place and you can't ignore him forever.'' Yoongi expresses, you adding a soft you're right.

“We’re gonna have to cancel tomorrow’s shooting. Stacey got sick over the weekend so we’re gonna have to postpone till next week. Sorry guys.” Jia, Stacey's assistant, announces to the crew and cast. Shit, now you are gonna have to stay home the whole day tomorrow. You are hoping deep down that Jungkook would be busy with a shift at Dynamite or even worse a random hookup.
The thought of him being with a random hookup, brought a bitter feeling to the pit of your tongue.
When you arrive home, Jungkook is nowhere to be seen, probably again at Dynamite helping out Namjoon. You sigh in relief, retrieving yourself in your room, getting ready to binge a few episodes of New Girl, before calling it a night.
You start shuffling in your sleep, not finding a good sleeping position. Giving up on your sleep, you decide to make yourself a warm cup of tea, thinking it might help your sudden lack of sleep.
As you rummage through the tea cabinet, you don't hear the front door close.
“What are you doing up?” you yelp in shock as Jungkook is standing by the counter, wearing his work attire. Fuck.
“God Jungkook! Don't do that. My heart almost fell out of my chest.'' you scold still in shock.
You realize you haven’t answered his question. ''I couldn't sleep, thought some tea might help.'' And with that your eyes were back to the tea cabinet, in desperate need of finding the strawberry tea flavor.
“Listen Y/N.” he starts.
“Oh no… you forgot to buy my strawberry tea. How could you!” you interrupt him as you have a feeling where the conversation might be heading.
“Can we not talk about that right now? I really need to tell you something. Just please listen.” he says sternly. You turn your head towards him, taking Yoongi's words to you.You can't ignore him forever. So you give in, nodding your head making him continue.
“Okay so I've noticed you’ve been distant for the past week and I don’t know if I’ve done something wrong or if you’re just busy... ”
You take a deep sigh before replying, “Look Jeon, I- I’m busy you know?'' Avoiding his gaze, you try to come up with another lie.
He nods his head showing that he understands that you were busy. His brows suddenly grow closer, as if he is wondering something.
“For a minute there I thought you might have been jealous or something.” he confesses, obtaining a shocked expression from you. How did he–
“Wha- why?” You ask, not being able to comprehend what is happening.
“I don't know... you just distanced yourself after the whole encounter with my hookup.” He admits, his eyes now looking straight at yours, waiting for a response from you.
Do not give in Y/N.
You scoff lightly before crossing your arms. “Jeon, you've got the wrong idea. I'm not jealous. You're being weird. You're being very weird.'' You exclaim, trying to hide your sudden nervousness peeking out of you a little. Shit, shit, shit.
He chuckles a bit, ''You’re literally repeating yourself Y/N. So no, I’m not being weird, if anyone is being weird right now it's you.’‘ he says jokingly. You don’t answer him. Simply ignoring his remark.
“Okay you know what? Fuck this.” Jungkook says, giving up on your little act. Knowing that no matter how much he tried, you wouldn’t give in, cause that’s not you right?
He turns his back to you, beginning to walk towards his room. Not thinking any further you suddenly blurt out, ''Okay fine! You really wanna know what’s been going on? Okay I’ll tell you.” you say in an angrily tone, not thinking of any of the consequences this confession might bring. For once you need to be honest with both yourself and him. He turns around, his eyes now looking at yours.
“What Y/N?”
“For fucks sake Jungkook! I heard it, every single thing.'' You confess, a sudden silence growing inside the kitchen, as Jungkook just keeps looking at you. You take this as a sign to continue, as you've already fucked the whole thing up.
“Ever since then my mind has been going places. Daydreaming you fucking my brains out. That's why I distanced myself. I couldn't look at you. Not after all this.'' You sigh, feeling a bit lighter. Jungkook is being silent, way too silent for your liking.
That's when immediate regret came upon you. “Fuck, I knew I should've just shut up, forget this ever happened–'' You couldn't finish your regretful comment as Jungkook made his way towards you, crashing his lips onto yours. Your eyes grew wide, being in absolute shock. Before the kiss could deepen, Jungkook retrieves. A tingling sensation was now growing onto your lips, already missing the feeling of his lips.
“Fuck– Y/N. I’m so sorry. I don't know what came over me.” he excuses, adding a small grin to lighten the whole situation and to make it less awkward about what had just happened.
You don’t say anything – still being in absolute shock over the fact that Jungkook willingly kissed you.
Jungkook clears his throat before adding, “well... Goodnight.” He turns walking slowly back to his bedroom, not looking back at you. His door was now shut.
What the actual fuck.
You stand still for a few moments, your mind in a desperate need of progressing what the fuck just happened. Without thinking any further your legs start walking towards Jeon's room. You lift your hand, about to knock but before you could, the door suddenly opens. Jungkook in front of you again.
“Y/N I–“
You don’t let him finish, returning your lips back on his in a desperate need to feel them again. Jungkook tenses under your touch, but it’s quickly exchanged as he wraps his arm around your form, hugging you tighter towards him. As your lips move in sync, you feel his broad chest against your own, his tattooed arm holding you tight. It’s weird how your body grows hot over Jungkook’s touch. You’ve known each other for so long, the thought of sex surpassed the both of you very fast – mostly him not you.
‘’Mmm– are you sure?’’ Jungkook looks at you in the dimly lit room, his brown eyes fixated on your answer. You know you want this. Your body and mind craves the touch of Jungkook.
‘’I do.’’ You bring your fingers, tugging his slightly parted hair and he toys once with his lip ring, his tongue making an exit and gently rolling over the metal until he nods pulling you back in. Now his tongue runs over yours, delicately all while his arms are still holding firmly onto you.
A part of you can’t help but grow impatient. You’ve lived with Jungkook for about four years and in all honesty? A big part of you has wanted this for a very long time. It takes you back to when he accidentally popped in your head while your vibrator was in between your legs, your body in a desperate need for a release. You were so fucking needy tonight and you didn’t care.
‘’Touch me Jungkook. Please.’’ You mumble against his lips, your hips grinding more against him to feel him as close as you possibly can. You expect for Jungkook to do just that, instead he starts shaking under your neediness. You grow concerned, retrieving slowly to get a good look at him.
‘’Did I say something wrong?’’ Jungkook bites his lip, shaking his head to indicate a no. He pulls you closer again, his lips brushing against yours, ‘’You have no fucking clue how many times I’ve imagined you begging for my touch.’’ He whispers, grabbing a hold of your hair making you gasp. ‘’So I’m going to give you just that.’’ His arm unleashes from your form instead grabbing a hold of your exposed shoulders in your loose t-shirt. His hands feel cold against your burning hot skin, causing your nipples to erect.
Jungkook takes notice of how perky your breasts now are, his hand trailing further down giving one of them a firm squeeze. You feel like you’re dreaming, Jungkook’s words are slurring in the back of your brain. He’s thought of you as you have of him. You grab a hold of his black t-shirt, tugging at it as his fingers trace over your nipples, pinching it in between his fingers and your hold only tightens as you pant against his mouth. ‘’Is this enough?’’ He asks soothingly and you almost lose all your patience, wanting for him to throw you on the bed and take you as if this is the only night he’ll be able to touch you.
‘’Then tell me where you want me to touch you.’’ You lock your eyes with his, grabbing hold of his wrist belonging to his hand attached to your breast. You drag it longer down and under your t-shirt. He doesn’t move his fingers once they touch your heat, already being soaked enough for him to just slide in with ease.
‘’Here–’’ You hold his thumb, pressing it onto your clit. Jungkook’s mouth parts as you continue using his fingers on yourself. The sight of you being so desperate for him, and mostly his fingers almost makes him finish right in his pants. The way your lips are perfectly parted, your brows furrowed as his fingers slide in with ease inside of you. You grind yourself on his fingers, still frozen, not daring to move and Jungkook gulps trying his best to remain as he’s loving every bit of you using his fingers to make yourself come right in front of his eyes.
‘’Right here.’’ You sigh, closing your eyes as the pleasure increases within you. Jungkook loses it, curling his fingers inside of you making you snap under his move. You smile in victory knowing you made him lose all patience with you toying around.
It isn’t until Jungkook picks up a pace that your smile turns to an ‘o’, an awaited moan finally escaping your lips. Jungkook’s cock was begging to be touched, becoming so hard he felt as if he’d turn dizzy. Your moans were soothing under his skin, reminding him of the wave of pleasure he’s giving you.
‘’Mmm~’’ You’re still tugging at his t-shirt, focusing just on the pleasure and reaching your orgasm. Jungkook doesn’t stop, his thumb circling around your clit all while two fingers are shoved deep inside of your walls, hitting your g-spot nicely. You’re surprised over how good Jungkook is at fingering you. He’s so dedicated to making you finish all over his fingers and the thought is definitely pushing you closer to your orgasm appearing in the pit of your stomach.
Jungkook pulls you closer, faces mere inches apart. ‘’I want you to look at me.’’ You do as he says, maintaining eye contact. The room fills up with the sounds from Jungkook’s fingers re-entering you. As your high reaches, you let out a strained moan, eyes still locked to Jungkook’s which have turned darker than earlier. His lip ring is dangling free, his lip going once or twice back to playing with it. You get more aroused by the minute, Jungkook’s fingers have stopped moving inside of you.
‘’Fuck, you look so hot when you finish all over my fingers.’’ The praise sends a warm fuzzy feeling, heating your cheeks more than before. You’re anticipated for what’s next, although you really wanna fill your mouth up with his cock.
Seeing Jungkook is staying silent, not knowing what’s next you surprise him by taking his fingers out of you. He doesn’t hesitate to lick off your glistening arousal that coated his fingers.
‘’I’ve been dying to do this.’’ You drop down to your knees, roaming your hands on his thighs, squeezing his skin under your palms. Jungkook hisses from the contact, his eyes never leaving yours and patiently awaiting for your next move.
You remove his gray sweatpants, keeping the boxers on for the upcoming teasing you will accomplish. You palm him through the fabric, moving your head towards it, peppering it with small kisses.
‘’This is so fucking mean– ah!’’ You cup him, grabbing his erection firmly. At least he’ll stop complaining for now. Your hands are done exploring, Jungkook’s cheeks have turned pink from the impatience of wanting you to suck him off. You know he wants it, despite the fact that you’re taking your time – not knowing if this is a one time thing or not. You want to enjoy him fully.
It’s as if all Jungkook’s prayers are answered when you finally pull his boxers down, tongue flicking over his tip, glistening with pre-cum. ‘’Shit.’’ He murmurs, head throwing back in disbelief over how your tongue is running on his tip at this very moment.
You open wider, welcoming him a bit more in, hand pumping for what you don’t cover with your mouth just yet. It takes almost a split five seconds of sucking his tip off and Jungkook lets out a moan for you to hear. He sounds almost desperate, the moan being mildly hoarse.
Your cheeks hollow as you take him further in your mouth, tongue flatly running along his veins. He’s a lot to handle, but your mouth does the job.
‘’Don’t stop.’’ He lowly mutters, his hand holding your cheek, rubbing smoothly in patterns. You obey, continuing in a pace that has Jungkook grunting and breathing heavily only caused by your mouth. You feel overly confident knowing you have a certain effect on Jungkook. You moan against his dick, the thought overflowing you and Jungkook bucks his hips towards you in a thrust. He continues to fuck your mouth, his cock now coated in your spit.
‘’I think now’s the time that I finally fuck you.’’ Jungkook expresses.
You remove your mouth, some spit landing on your chin; your hand still holding onto the base of his cock. ‘’Oh yeah? Who said you’d be the one to dom?’’ Jungkook is in shock over your words, shivering at the thought of you completely taking control over his body. Jungkook’s silence is enough for you to know he’s toying with the idea of you taking over.
‘’Okay. Take control of me.’’ He throws his shirt over his head, exposing his abs and fully tattooed sleeve to you, laying down comfortably, inviting you in between his legs. You follow his movements, taking off your shirt and dropping your panties to the ground. Now moving towards him, wanting to ride him out like there’s no tomorrow.
Your hips now straddling him, grinding against his cock and coating him in your arousal from earlier. Jungkook’s hesitant to touch you, his hand moving and holding tight in a pillow instead.
Your fingers examine his face – mostly his lip because of his piercing – you’re in doubt if you can play with it, so you let your fingers rest on his cheek. It’s as if Jungkook knew your doubt, guiding your finger and letting it rest on the metal of the ring. You bite your lip, gently moving the piercing back and forth.
‘’Do you have any idea how turned on I get by this?’’ Jungkook interrupts your session of toying with his lip ring. You freeze, mouth agape all while shaking your head no.
Jungkook presses you down, your folds making direct contact to his cock and it’s so fucking hard. He wasn’t lying.
‘’Please, just fucking ride me already.’’ He sucks in a breath noticing how needy that actually sounded from his part. He loved how you took your time with him but he wasn’t going to last very long if he didn’t experience the feeling of how you convulse around his cock while he’s inside of you.
‘’Because you asked so nicely.’’ You prop yourself, taking a hold of the base of his cock and guiding it to your entrance. The tip barely reaches all the way in and Jungkook’s eyes are closed, panting lowly. The sight is definitely something you could get used to, seeing him getting all worked up for your touch and now mostly your cunt wrapped around him.
You drop further down, Jungkook’s dick now fully nestled inside of you. You whimper out of sensation of how well he’s stretching you out. You start bucking your hips, a hiss leaving your mouth as you ride him tenderly.
Jungkook’s eyes are still screwed shut, his eyebrows grown close and his mouth slightly parted, showcasing just how pleased he is by you. You rake your fingernails in his chest as you pick up your pace, sensing the familiar knot re-appearing.
‘’Fucking hell,’’ Jungkook curses, his eyes now roaming your body and how smoothly you move above him. He takes his chances, grabbing your ass tightly making you jerk your hips out of the sudden control Jungkook is having again.
You like that he’s testing out how much he’s allowed to do. Almost as if he’s being careful with you as you’re a delicate flower petal.
You’re determined to make yourself and him finish in the short amount of time and seeing Jungkook’s fucked out face, you’re close to reaching your goal.
‘’You feel so good–’’ You praise, receiving a small smile from Jungkook. Your hips are close to giving up, riding as if you have the whole time in the world.
‘’Come on, you’re so close.’’ Jungkook encourages you, moving his grip on you along with your movements.
Your legs begin to lightly shake, dissolving into pleasure and finally reaching your second high. Jungkook grunts, feeling your arousal on his cock as you keep riding it. It doesn’t take long for Jungkook to lose himself completely, coming undone inside of you and filling you up with every drop he has to give.
''Holy shit.'' You say a bit out of breath, trying to regain a bit of consciousness.
''I can't believe we just fucked.'' ''Makes two of us.''
He turns his head towards you, looking into your eyes, causing small butterflies to appear in the pit of your stomach.
You smile. ''What?'' you ask, still giggling a bit.
''I- did you know you look really pretty after getting fucked?'' He asks, running his fingers along your arm.
Shit, that was hot.
''Stop it Jeon.'' You respond by giving him a small smack on his chest once again.
''What? I'm serious.'' There they were, once again the butterflies in the pit of your stomach, not wanting to disappear.
''So, what now?''

perma taglist;
@gimmethatagustd @sugarwithtea @vkookx @mwitsmejk @pjiminbloom @armys-dna @yoongukie-ff @sxtaep @haliiimede @shimisushi

© jjkeverlast 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
you got me
Pairings: Jimin x fem!reader ft. Namjoon and Yoongi (ot7 does make a brief appearance but it’s myg and knj mostly)
Genre: 18+, fwb, f2l, idiot 2 lovers, semi-slow burn, some fluff and angst too, minors dni pls
Warnings: manipulation, explicit sexual content, body worship, praise kink, jimin has big dick energy and an even bigger dick, cunnilingus, choking/breath play, oc is flexible af, wall sex, rough sex, oral sex, soft sex, just a lot of sex, nipple play, fingering, dirty talk, swearing, a decent amount of biting tbh, oc rides jimin’s face, orgasm denial, creampie, slight bdsm themes at one point, cock warming, multiple orgasms, sub/dom themes, jimin really likes puthy…I think that’s everything
Summary: keeping your new relationship a secret from the rest of the gang is harder than you first anticipated. keeping your newly developing feelings a secret is even harder.
Wc: 20.6K
a/u: idk how many of my fics I’ll repost here, but I will be reposting some bc I want to :)

Secrets. Everyone’s got ‘em. Some aren’t so serious but some can change your entire world. Or at least the entire dynamic of a friendship you’ve been sustaining since third grade.
“You want to have sex with me?”
“You think I’m joking.”
“Aren’t you?”
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Raise the Barre (Master List)

Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Dance Academy!AU
Status: Complete
Description: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.
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golden -> jjk

summary: you’re left to clean up your brother’s mess after a boys night in, only to find an even bigger mess sitting so pretty - and naked - in the tub.
pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: brothers best friend au, smut: pornwithoutplot™
warning tags: drunk!jk, bathing, nipple play/stim, handjob, unprotected sex (oc on the pill)
word count: 4k
a/n: ahhh wahh, i’m on my period and this is the result of that. i apologise. just look at those golden thighs guy (pukes and passes out) and yes, this is the cursed idea I had while fully snorting this nsfw fanart like devil powder.
just wanted to post something while i work on some series works - i’ve got a new hybrid series on the way, and will be updating vixen soon followed by maniac. thank you so much :3
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
An old school R&B track sounded quietly throughout the apartment after a full night of them blasting the noise, loud enough to get your grumpy old neighbour downstairs to bang against his ceiling with a broomstick. Of course, they couldn’t hear it though, and neither had you, but you definitely would have if you hadn’t fallen asleep with your headphones on while watching YouTube videos.
You’d slept through the entire time they had been here, which was only a couple of hours; Taehyung had planned a small get together with his close buddies a week prior in celebration for the completion of exam season. They got drunk, competitive in gameplay and, did you mention they got drunk? They were also very loud when they were all together, even when sober, so you can’t even imagine how rowdy they got during your slumber. The evidence was clear as day when you were shuffling out of your room, eyes hardly opened as you yawned, stretching your arms above your head.
The mess was expected, but it didn’t make it any less painful to look at. You look around at the damage and sigh, knowing you’d be spending the next two hours cleaning the place. Taehyung would insist he’d do it tomorrow since the two of you shared the apartment and he was thoughtful like that, but he was currently knocked out cold on the couch, so you were left alone. You wander back down the hall and peak your head into his bedroom which was empty, so you’d assumed his friends had gone home before you could wake up and greet them.
You grabbed a garbage bag and started throwing empty beer cans into it, and there was a lot of them.
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'Silent Treatment' Masterlist

🤎 Kim Namjoon
When Namjoon gives you the silent treatment because you take a prank too far.
🤎 Kim Seokjin
The one where Jin is mad at you because you doubt his love for you.
🤎 Min Yoongi
Yoongi is upset with you because you don't give him time. That's until you come back home and don't walk straight into his arms like you usually do.
🤎 Jung Hoseok
When Hoseok gives you the silent treatment because you took an argument too far.
Park Jimin
(Coming Soon)
🤎 Kim Taehyung
When Taehyung is mad at you for almost losing Yeontan.
🤎 Jeon Jungkook
You ruin the surprise he has planned for you and it's entirely his fault. Alternatively, Jungkook's silent treatment backfires terribly.
Taglist: @geekytango
Let me know if anyone else would like to be added to the taglist. I'm going to begin working on the reverse of this series, where y/n gives the members the silent treatment instead :)
Silent Treatment- Kim Taehyung

You sighed in frustration, throwing your phone away from you, onto the carpet. Your boyfriend, Taehyung, had managed to ignore every single text that you sent him, letting his phone ring whenever you called him, not even acknowledging your presence when you went to meet him at company building.
Despite the countless number of times you tried to apologize to Taehyung, he paid no attention to you. A few days ago, you had taken Yeontan for a walk around the neighborhood, releasing him from the leash for just a few minutes to hold onto him, but he made a run for it, dashing out of your arms before you could react. You had spent two hours running around the area trying to find the little dog, before you cried in frustration and called Taehyung to explain the situation to him. He reached your location within twenty minutes, not saying a single word to you as he began the hunt for his little angel.
You could see the panic in his eyes, the shake in his voice when he called out for his puppy. The two of you nearly collapsed in relief when you found him 3 hours later under the plastic slide of the garden, along with another dog, jumping around happily, completely oblivious to the fear that was radiating from his father as he ran to embrace the little animal in his arms. You cried slightly, your heart thumping against your chest and smiling at the sight of the two in front of you.
Yet the love that you felt towards them didn’t lessen the pain when Taehyung brushed past you, muttering under his breath,
“I should have never trusted you.”
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tsundere (m)

⇢ resident advisor! yoongi x reader, college au
⇢ word count: 11.2k
⇢ summary: according to the rumours, min yoongi is a bad apple- doesn’t take grades seriously, drinks as if he has two livers, a certified bad boy™. when you get paired up with him for a project, you’d never expect that someone like him would have a thing or two to teach you about life itself- and how it should be lived.
⇢ warnings: angst, smut
🎵 song recommendation: something just like this by coldplay x the chainsmokers
a/n: finally something that isn’t pwp????? :”)
Panic races through your veins and fills up your airway, causing your breathing to double itself, chest heaving in an attempt to calm yourself down. No, this can’t be happening, you chant to yourself over and over. The clock on your laptop is glaringly bright in the near darkness of your room, and the numbers burn themselves into the back of your eyelids. When you close your eyes, the uncomfortable stinging of your contact lenses makes your eyes water and at this point they might as well be tears of desperation.
It’s not like you’ve never had writer’s block before, you reason with yourself. You just have to start writing and edit along the way. Your own voice of reason is drowned out by the anxiety that echoes all the possible consequences of not acing this paper. It’s nearly 4 am and the essay you have so far in front of you is not enough to get an A, you know it in your bones but you can’t come up with anything better either. You could just submit this as it is, but anything less than an A on this paper would pull you down from the cusp of that ever elusive first class honours. And you can’t afford to graduate with anything less than that. The very thought of it sends a fresh chill of panic that creeps down your spine and jolts your fingers into a typing frenzy, spilling thoughts and ideas onto your screen till you reach the end of the page.
But when you read over what you’ve written, it doesn’t make sense at all, just incoherent rambling sentences strung together into a never ending paragraph. In frustration you shove your laptop away from you and push back your chair, reaching for your keys and phone. Sneaking a peek at your roommate’s still form across the room, you let yourself out of the room silently, feeling your tensed shoulders relax immediately as the cool night air embraces you with open arms.
It’s a little chilly to be out in just a long shirt and sleep shorts, but since there’s no one awake to catch you dressed like this, it’s the least of your concerns for now. The balcony that is attached to your room affords a little privacy, and it’s one of the perks of occupying the corner room on this floor. The tranquillity of the cold, autumn night directly contrasts with the millions of theories and concepts running through your mind, and any attempts at clearing your mind are failing pathetically. The residential halls are eerily silent at this time of the night, and as you glance down over the protective railings, you consider how easy it would be to just climb over, just one leg over and then-
“Late night?” You whirl around at the interruption of a raspy, gruff voice sounding from behind you. Your eyes are met with a figure clothed in an oversized sweatshirt and jeans, but it’s only when you squint in the darkness to survey his face that you realise who he is.
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after the honeymoon fades | min yoongi (m)

Growing distant after being together for a long time seemed inevitable, until you realize the truth you and Min Yoongi are too stubborn to come to terms with: you needed each other more than ever.

— pairing: min yoongi | female reader — genre: one-shot, established relationship au, producer!yoongi, college professor!reader — length: ~13k — rating: 18+ — contains: angst, explicit smut (oral f. receiving, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex, overstimulation, cock-warming, semi-public sex, tender but feral *wink wink*), pining, mentions of burn out, mentions of speculated infidelity, strong language, a cameo of big brain namjoon and student jungkook with a noona kink. — soundtrack: “honeymoon fades” by sabrina carpenter | “truth is” by sabrina claudio | “trivia: seesaw” by suga | … and more!
author’s note: hi hi! it’s been a while since I last posted something. I’ve been in a writing slump lately, but with my lovely friend’s birthday being today, I decided I would push past it and write yet another installment of a big chunky fic! this fic is loosely based on the song, “honeymoon fades” by sabrina carpenter. there is also a mention of “trivia: seesaw” by suga as it plays a role in the plot.
with that said, I’m dedicating this to the most wonderful twinnie in the world @sketchguk! I hope you had the loveliest of birthdays today and thank you for being you. I love you the most and thanks for looking the other way when I told you the fic concept right before I decided it would be your gift hehe.

Life after college seemed to be a quintessence of ironies for you. To the eyes of outsiders, you were strong-willed. You were steadfast, even when going through almost a decade of university and countless teacher’s assistant internships should have burnt you out at some point. You were so assured of yourself and what you wanted to pursue; it was almost like you could get through anything that came your way since you had complete, unwavering control of your life.
Then again, not everyone sees what happens behind closed doors.
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First Love, Last Love (M)

title: first love, last love posted: january 19th, 2021, 7pm est pairing: bad boy pianist!yoongi x university!reader(f) genre: angst, smut; opposites to lovers, high school/university au summary: after the most pivotal moment in your life, you never thought you would ever see him again. years later, you cross paths in the last place you ever imagined him to be. was this the universe giving you a second chance? or were you destined to repeat the same mistakes you fought hard to forget? warnings: alcohol, house parties, rough sex, dom/sub undertones, choking, hair-pulling, oral (m/f rec), fingering, penetration, unprotected sex (pls be responsible!), dirty talk, gagging with a tie, creampie, nipple play, public sex (kinda?), edging, denied orgasms, doggy-style, cowgirl, overstimulation, min yoongi in mf general notes: thank you to @sketchguk, @softyoongiionly, and @yoonjinkooked (and honestly the rest of the @bangtansorciere network) for being incredible hype ppl! and @bangtantaegi this is filthy yoongi smut, what can i say?? mobile users: alt link if this doesn’t open in tumblr ➛ ao3 word count: 33.5k !! (omg i am so sorry, you can yell at me)
What does it look like when an artist’s passion dies?
You imagined an unfinished painting, the canvas collecting dust in a corner amongst rusting paint pots and hardened brushes. Or an abandoned instrument case shoved into the back of a closet, sheet music stuffed in binders stuffed in boxes stuffed in the attic. The arts no longer spoke, danced, comforted. What was once a technicolor ocean of imagination now resembled an ugly, dried sludge of doubts and fears and excuses to find another path. Society’s standard path. One with a more stable lifestyle and greater number of career choices.
No matter what you pictured, it was nothing compared to what you were witnessing. The world before you swam in your vision: the imposing, dark monster of a grand piano swallowing its prey whole. And the victim didn’t fight back - not even for a moment. They let it consume them under the blinding spotlight, a feasting on full display. They knew this was the close, proverbial wings folding around their slumped form in surrender.
The entire room held its breath, but inside you a storm raged so harshly that you wouldn’t be surprised if people could hear your thundering pleas.
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in a crazy turn of events, you end up agreeing to marry jeon jungkook because you don't want to let your parents and your family business down. but after a while, after getting to know jungkook and after spending time with him, the thought of it really doesn't seem too bad; and what starts out as a guarantee to seal a business deal gradually turns into so much more.
This is an absolute gem of a fic that needs all the attention.
It was my first and still my favorite arranged marriage au for so many reasons, from the flow of the story, the characterization of JK and OC (I love the background of their stories, that even as wealthy CEO kids, what makes them, them isn’t tied to their wealth), how the developing of feelings was so well narrated, and that key components of their relationship (and even with the other supporting characters) are relevant and not trivial or shallow. I think all those contribute to a really good story. Such a lovely read.
Falling Skies: Prologue | JJK

☼ Summary ☽
↳ Jeon Jiyeon was your childhood best friend; her twin, Jungkook, was something else entirely.
✫ Pairings: Jungkook x Reader
✫ Series: 01; 02; 03; 04; 05; 06
✫ Genre: Enemies to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Angst, Fluff, BadBoy!Jungkook, Roommates AU, Childhood Friends AU
✫ Rating: 18+; explicit smut in some chapters
✫ A/N: So the inspiration for this fic was a mix between a specific dialogue line I thought of for Jungkook and the song “Make It Right.” No smut in the prologue, but if you’ve read my other series then you know what to expect when it does happen later on. I’m telling you that angst tag is also a hard tag.
Banner by @stutterfly masterlist

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i’d love you to stay but that’s simply insane // JJK (1)

jungkook is an uncontrollable lead vocalist of the campus band, and you’re a goal-oriented top student that’s known his rich and complicated family since childhood. you don’t want anything to do with each other, until each other is exactly what you want to do.
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: college au
warnings: strong language, accidents caused by drunk driving (DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, DRIVE WHILE DRUNK OR AGREE TO RIDE WITH SOMEONE WHO’S DRUNK!!!)
words: 4.4k
chapter one.

The music coming from the stage was deafening and headache-inducing but the ambience of the club itself was absolutely energizing, and you kept switching between regretting the decision to come here, and thanking your roommate for convincing you to. Glancing at the girl next to you – she’d already finished her fourth drink and you weren’t sure if she realized it because she seemed to be hypnotized by what she was seeing on stage – you smiled even despite knowing that you’d be stuck helping her battle a killer hangover tomorrow.
“It’s crazy,” Inna said suddenly as if having read your thoughts, “isn’t it? I mean, they’re driving the whole club insane, look at them!”
You did look but not at the band on stage. The second floor of the club provided you with a great view of the first floor and the sight of your heavily intoxicated and barely legal peers dancing so close to the stage, they were nearly on top of it already, distracted you – it always amused you to see the duality of the top students in your class.
“Yeah,” you said. “But Parental Advisory brings the insanity with them wherever they go. I saw some people who brought actual posters to the club.”
“Shit, I should have thought of that,” Inna said, hitting herself on the temple with her palm in disappointment.
“I don’t even get it,” you started and your roommate was already groaning. Even drunk, she could recognize the tone of your voice when you were about to complain. “I mean—”
“Come on, you said you wouldn’t complain!” she whined.
“I said no such thing,” you disagreed, “and I’m not complaining, anyway. I’m just saying how they’re nothing special. Everyone’s only listening to them because they’re the only band on campus.”
Inna looked like she wanted to argue – like she’s done a million times before – but then she decided to let it slide and finish her drink instead.
“You’re only saying that,” she pointed out then, the straw of her cocktail still in her mouth, “because you have a weird prejudice against their lead vocalist.”
You raised your eyebrows with a skeptical scoff. “Jungkook? I don’t have anything against him. I just think he’s an overrated, arrogant asshole.”
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