Choice - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I play a game, and there you can get an award for advertising, I decided to watch it. I HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE ADVERTISING OF CHOICE. I see this for the first time.

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12 years ago

I made a poll

It regards what I'll be doing with this Tumblr. This was mainly to post muscular guys and whatnot, leaving casual stuff as possible posts for when a few days of inactivity had passed. My last post made some people unfollow me, probably because it was just a chub and they don't share that interest with me and that honestly hurt, specially since they were my first and most favorite followers. :\ So, to avoid hurting myself the poll I had made at my Y! account discusses the matter of either posting chubs to this tumblr or making a whole separate one for them. To those who do not have an account over there, I'll just paste that part of the journal:

Also, regarding my tumblr, I only post non-porn stuff when I think I won't be able to post something new and it's already been a while without anything, so I suggest ignoring those posts if they don't interest you. Which brings up the idea of making a separate one for chubs, so "stuff" doesn't happen again (I can understand the other sites, since I usually post anything and ones basically watered down, so I'm getting over it). I will try to only post those things on my "muscle" tumblr if the sketch shares both (ex. a chub and a muscular guy, like Tony and Vince since they're bf's), if it's a husky guy, or basically if he sort of has any notable muscle.

I know it's hard to ignore stuff on here due to not having a custom thumbnail option (like Y! or FA) and I would feel terrible (and pretty stupid :U) having to always write FAT or MUSCLE when I would upload something on DA (plus, I don't like the idea of having two galleries in sites like those, unless I had to distance myself for a while if I had some sort of art-related job opportunity lol). If you have an account, go to the poll over there:

If you do not have an account, reblog or reply with your choice of the following options:

Yeah, keep em separate.

It's fine, as long as they have muscles (and hair 83).

Nah, it's fine as it is.

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6 years ago

Don't get me wrong, I find that watching as my favorite idols and stars doing ageyo and being cute absolutely adorable and lovable, but we as fans need to remember that why we think its cute and funny or adorable and lovable these are most often young adults and teenagers who are the ones who are asked most often to do ageyo for an interview or show etc. I myself am a teenager and know just how embarrassing that would be if I acted like that and then imagining doing it in front of live television or something will be broadcasted and shown everywhere would be absolutely terrifying and embarrassing. I know some idols don't mind doing it and some actually enjoy it and that is perfectly fine and deserves to be supported but we also need to support the idols who don't want to act like that or get embarrassed by it. I know that its generally pretty excepted as normal in Korea and its part of their fame culture but its my personal belief that they should be able to choose and be supported on wether or not they have to do ageyo or not.

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3 years ago
The #1 Objection That People Have About God, The Bible, And Christianity Is How Can A So-called 'God

The #1 objection that people have about God, The Bible, and Christianity is “How can a so-called 'God of Love' send anyone to Hell?!?” Fair question, and the answer is found in this future prophecy found in Revelation.

According to the Bible, a time is coming called the 'Great Tribulation' when the world will be taken over by a world leader called the Anti-Christ. He will demand that people accept a mark (known in both the Bible and popular culture as '666') on their right hand or forehead, but if you re-read today’s verse, doing so is a decision made by the recipient. Those that CHOOSE to accept the mark will save their lives and be able to “buy and sell” (Revelation 13:17) but those that choose NOT to take the mark according to revelation account cannot and are persecuted and/or killed. Jesus put it this way:

“ Whosoever shall seek to save his life, shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose it, shall preserve it.” Luke 17:33

The Bible says that those that make the DECISION to 'save their life' and take the 666 mark seal their fate for eternity, and are cast into a place of eternal punishment (Matthew 25:41) But let’s forget about this so-called mark for a moment, and look at what you perhaps choose to NOT believe right now.

Jesus in NOT the Lord, he did NOT raise from the dead, and Jesus is NOT the only way to heaven (that is if there is one) and if there even is a heaven, being a 'good person' is good enough to get in. Either that or there is no god, so none of this religious nonsense matters anyway. Those may be your choices – and you have every right to believe them. But in one sense; like the people in Revelation, you’ve put down your own marker to live your life YOUR way.

This CHOICE is an intersection that you face that goes beyond life or death – this is a matter of your eternal life or eternal death. You can dismiss this as religious fanaticism if you choose - or it could just be true. Either way, the Bible says this well when it says:

“But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.” Joshua 24:15

What is your CHOICE?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
When It Comes To Religion, Like A Deck Of Cards, There Are Many Choices!

When it comes to religion, like a deck of cards, there are many choices!

Some choose the ATHEIST card, others the BUDDIST card or ISLAM or CONFUCIANISM card, or a variety of others. There are MANY choices of what to believe, but which one is correct?

Whether we realize it or not, everyone picks a religion (or no religion) card, but what card should YOU chose and why?

Some believe all religions are the same and all lead to the same end, but just like in a card deck, all cards do not have the same value. While all may have their merits, there are some cards that are higher, and there is ONE card that trumps all other cards.

Which card is the right card? I don’t think a simple message like this can help you decide, but do this — there is ONE card that is the highest card that is above all others. As today’s Bible verse concludes, what you choose is what you will wind up serving — and that doesn’t mean just in this life, but also in the next.

It's your choice. Choose thoughtfully and wisely.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
Life Is Full Of Choices. At Some Point We All Have To Make A Decision To Do Something Or Not Do Something.

Life is full of choices. At some point we all have to make a decision to do something or not do something. In some cases it doesn’t matter, but in others it can be literally life changing.

Going grocery shopping today or tomorrow is minor, but major decisions like deciding to accept a marriage proposal or to agree to a job on the other side of the country are literally life changing. In both those cases if you don’t give an answer to the interested party,the decision will be made for you.

Likewise, if you have a plane ticket for a flight leaving today and you cannot decide if you want to go or not, come departure time the plane will leave without you - andthat decision will automatically be made for you.

Our ticket and final destination to eternity is the same way. You can choose to serve and obey the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - the Holy Almighty God of the Bible - or not. If you make a decision to accept a ticket to be on that flight, when the time comes for your departure, you will be on your way to an eternal destination in heaven, but if you do NOT decide to board on God’s rescue flight of salvation, then that decision will be made for you. At that point, there are no later flights and once you miss it - you miss it - and there is no other way.A non-decision has just become your decision.

Making a non-decision to believe in salvation in Christ is exactly this way. Jesus said that that he was the only way to heaven (John 14:6) - there are no alternate flights, roads, trains, taxis or buses. Choose today whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15) Decide to follow Christ.If you have not made that decision, make it TODAYorthat decision will be made for you.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
Everyone And Everything Has An End Date.

Everyone —and everything — has an end date.

For students it’s the end of the semester, for workers the end of the week, in business the end of the quarter, and for all of us the end of each year — until the clock starts again.

However at a certain point the clock stops for everyone, and each minute we all move one step closer to eternity.

Eternity is a place beyond time, without end and of infinite duration, and as today’s scripture reminds us, our time on this side of a rapidly diminishing clock is running out, and it is time to wake up to the reality about God’s salvation that will take you beyond time into HIS ETERNITY.

Friend, this is indeed URGENT. You are being invited to God’s freely offered salvation — and No Pun Intended — this truly is the ultimate 'Limited Time Offer' and once it passes, it passes.

Will you make a decision in this hour about salvation, or will you let your time expire without making a choice?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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1 year ago

Be with someone who chooses you everyday.

Not just when they are in the mood for you.

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12 years ago

I think what gets me about this post and the Snow/Regina relationship is how very human they are.  Both are driven by their own selfish goals, desires, and emotions.  One finds it easier to lie, to pretend that these selfish wants are in fact selfless.  I get this.  I, too, experience discomfort at the idea of admitting to someone else that I truly do not care about them except as a vehicle for my wants.  A puppet for my pleasure.  I also understand Regina's motivations.  I have been hurt enough to want someone else to feel my pain.  This is a trap as even when they do feel pain it is never my pain they feel.  You cannot make another care.  They either chose to or not.  

There are however two things that I do not understand about these scenes.  Firstly, why did Regina even give Snow a choice?  Could she not have let Charming die and lie to Snow about her having a choice?  If she wanted to cause Snow pain she did not need to give her an out.  I do not think Regina is so dumb that she did not realize that a) Charming was Snow's True Love and b) the sleeping curse could be broken by True Love's Kiss.  She's a badass Witch, she knows more about magic than a man raised to herd sheep.  She picked Charming because he was Snow's True Love.  Regina also knows how it feels to know your love is dead.  It's been her driving emotion for a number of years by then.  There's also this idea that Regina was a heartless murderer.  Yet instead of ripping out Snow and Charming's hearts, letting one or both of them die, or killing them she sets this choice up.  And it truly was a choice.  

Secondly, why did Snow pretend to give Regina a choice?  Could she not have just crushed Cora's heart and let Rumple live or not based on actions Hook (and not Snow) took?  Was the thought of facing a disappointed ten year old boy too much for her?  Or did she want Regina to know what it was like to have mother who loves her only to see her mother die and the man who owned her live?  This, more than any of her actions, shows me that Snow fundamentally does not respect Regina.  She dangles a pretty lie in front of her knowing that either Regina makes the 'right' choice and loses her mother or makes the 'wrong' choice and loses her mother.  Even the 'right' choice was a lie.  Consider the infamous about them not needing to tell Regina about Henry.  Yet she expects Regina to believe that making the 'right' will suddenly make Henry part of her family again.  Snow doesn't just lie about Regina's mother, she lies about the only two people Regina loves.  And it's neatly packaged as Regina's responsibility, after all it is her 'choice'.

1.21 If You Refuse The Apple, Your Prince, Your Charming, Will Be Killed. As I Said, The Choice Is Yours2.16
1.21 If You Refuse The Apple, Your Prince, Your Charming, Will Be Killed. As I Said, The Choice Is Yours2.16
1.21 If You Refuse The Apple, Your Prince, Your Charming, Will Be Killed. As I Said, The Choice Is Yours2.16
1.21 If You Refuse The Apple, Your Prince, Your Charming, Will Be Killed. As I Said, The Choice Is Yours2.16

1.21 “if you refuse the apple, your Prince, your Charming, will be killed. As I said, the choice is yours” 2.16 “Imagine real love. You’d have a mother and a start on making a family Henry could be part of. Or you could have her be the dark one. The choice is yours.” suggested by rickmantic

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4 years ago

Today is such a memorable day because it's

#1000dayswithUNB and #HAPPY_CHAN_DAY


Any UNMe who is free and doesn't have any urgent matter at hand, please do help to spread love, words of support and positive energy to our beloved UNB boys.

Today Is Such A Memorable Day Because It's

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8 years ago

Here I am and there is my body dancing on glass In accident time where there are no accidents You have no choice the choice comes after

Sarah Kane, 4.48 Psychosis.

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10 years ago

Ryeowook said on sukira on 07/18 (regarding gay relationships) that even if you can’t get the approval of the world… don’t need anyone else’s approval to love someone

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3 years ago

Cactus Tag

So, I couldn't help myself. This is too enticing to not do it, even if I haven't been tagged, and my fingers itch, so here I go. Thank you for this wonderful idea @slowlydiving!

What got you into A.C.E?

How did A.C.E catch your attention? What made you stan? What made you fall for them? Or any other questions if you have different things to share! Link the videos, describe them, post a screenshot, anything’s fine!

1. What caught my attention? This behind the scenes from their first underwater photoshoot for Favourite Boys. Because I'm completely weak for everything water related (you can imagine how very much I flipped my sh*t when Siren: Dawn came out) and even though there were no subs for this video, I watched the whole thing just to admire the beauty that is these two boys floating in water.

2. What made me stan? Higher. Without doubt, that MV came out and even though I didn't really know anything about A.C.E yet, I watched the MV and I was hooked.

3. What made me fall for them? This vlive after their Sirens Call concert. I didn't see the concert, but I found the vlive and just how comfortable and cuddly and soft and exhausted but happy they were sealed the deal for me. After that, there was no going back.

(And also the whole Siren: Dawn album. This album pushed all the right buttons for me, it is literally perfection in every aspect and I love it so much.)

4. What made me feel like I'm a Choice now? Their cover of Empty Space (and, like, every other song they ever did, honestly, but that's another story). Because it's one thing to be gone for a group because they look incredibly good and lured me in with very interesting and fascinating concepts. It's another thing to appreciate them simply for their incredible talent. (Of course, this is just my opinion and my perception, my way to kinda estimate where I stand with a group.) And they really, really are so talented and Empty Space was the first of their covers I listened to and made me feel like "Yes, this is great, I like this, this makes me feel good, I wanna stay here".

In general, A.C.E is such a comfortable, wonderful group to stan in my opinion, I really love them and hope they'll be around for a very long time, after they all come back, and get all the admiration and appreciation they deserve! ^-^

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7 months ago

If you get armour and a spear, kangaroo is honestly not that bad. Pouncing at a spear is generally a bad idea if you're not a bear (that is known to tank bullets) and was at points in history considered an near unkillable man-slayer.

You're allowed armor and a sword or perhaps even a spear. No guns.

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1 year ago

Beginnings or Endings, Which

New Life by Ian Paterson is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0 “Often when you think you are at the end of something, you are at the beginning of something else.”  Fred Rogers “The splendid thing about falling apart silently…is that you can start over as many times as you like.” Sanober Khan (A Thousand Flamingo’s) Are beginnings one and the same as endings? I think it depends on what you are talking…

Beginnings Or Endings, Which

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4 years ago

i think it's an soulful song, very talented artists and a very amazing dance

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