I Love You
I Love You
A song inspired story. I imaged UFsans when I wrote it but any other one of the skeletons could fit in. Warning this is a dark piece read the tags before you keep reading. Enjoy and be safe.
The air is still in this moment. Your eyes wide open, breath still caught in your lungs as twinkling shards dance all around you. The bite of pain can’t reach you yet neither the chill of your damp cheeks. Still you can taste the subtle salty twang of copper. Thoughts that normally race around your mind are replaced with this meditative calm. It will only last this moment but that is all that you will need. Your lips quiver. Eyes shining back over once more as your breath is let out in an almost silent sigh. Your eyes flutter shut as if not seeing him will make it all stop.
A shaky breath in and you find your feet. They push up the stairs. Arms coming to guide you when your eyes can not. Your thoughts burst back screaming in your head to block out the poison his voice forms. It cries how it came to this. How you let every rule be broken. Your soul throbs back, a painful pull of heartstrings that tells you exactly how it came to this. Your lungs seize at the sound of his voice just as scared and broken as you. Your mind shrieks for you to RUN the same way your soul calls for you to Stay.
Your body crashes into the door, you fall into the roll scrambling across the floor on all fours for the bag in the closet. Your bug out bag; in case of civilian unrest. Now it will be used for another kind of unrest. You can feel the strings pulling you back as your finger tips bleed against the window lock. Your body is shaking uncontrollably, your own voice vibrating in your ears as he steps ever closer.
Your heart reminds you how futile it is to struggle. Your mind begs you to be free. The bone of his fingertips is almost gentle as he guides your hands away from the lock. His body even drops with yours cradling you to his chest. His voice is only there to guide your mind back with its sweet words tinged with sorrow & fear. His soul already has yours settled back in its embrace. You still weep as he so carefully removes your bag. Turning you so that you face his skull. His phalanges trace the bursts of blue, purple, & black along your face. His palm covers the damage & he whispers about your beauty. The strength you carry. The love he holds for you. But the worst is the love you hold for him. The feeling of your soul pulsing with his. It brings all new quite tears that he wipes away with the bright bites of pain. Fading tell the only evidence is the taste of copper & salt.
He uses your words against you as he picks you back up. Settling you on the bed as he climbs back on top. No matter how many times you try to run. You know, deep down, you will never truly leave. He is slow almost gentle in the way his teeth scrap against your sensitive skin. You love him too much. After all, he is your soulmate.
“The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.”
                       Cherry Wine-Hozier
More Posts from Sierraseas
I’m 5′9″ 185lb DD36 with green eyes, burgundy hair that comes just down the shoulders that is normal pulled back in a pony tale with long side bags that tuck behind my ears. Light skin tone with splatters of freckles all over my body. I like reading, writing, children, stars, water, magic. I dislike being told I can’t or I’m a woman (i know&I bet i can too), gardening, & folding the laundry. (just the folding) Interests in gaming art & design, star patters/space, spellcraft, & having a family to call my own one day. See the good when others can’t; everyone deserves to be loved. UF Sans
Reblog and Get a Love Letter!
Reblog this post with a brief description of yourself, your likes, dislikes, and interests along with your favorite character and get a custom written love letter from them in your ask box!
Choose only one from from-
Undertale- Sans, Papyrus, Grillby, Burgerpants
Underfell- Sans, Papuyrus, Grillby
NEW Underswap- Sans and Papyrus
NEW HorrotTale- Sans Papyrus
100% honest when I read your reply I had a full moment (laughing, squealing, tears; the works.) in my work brake room. Thank You So Much @tyranttortoise!! Also Sorry! I didn't mean for you to put in extra work, or make things unfair. I wasn't expecting such a response. I really just wanted to tell a bit of a story to make it fun to read. I've always felt that life events are so hard, both in a emotional & practical sense, to put into just a few sentences. Even for a match up. How do you describe that one little thing made such an impact that it echos in your thoughts, memories, soul? You can't list every event that shaped you but you can elude to what came after that change. How you harden, softened, healed, broke. I wanted everyone who saw this to really see my soul and feel like they were there. Listening in dark as each soul is viewed and given a match. Thank You again @tyranttortoise for the match-up. It's so wonderful what you do for all your followers. đź’ś
P.s. so sorry for all the spelling and grammer frick ups. I had 3 hours and did the whole write up on my phone due to keyboard issuies with my laptop.

@sierraseas submitted: The soul before you is definitely human. Purple Perseverance is the main trait, clearly. Though the edges of the soul look scuffed in dimmed Kindness Green.
“Hardened in Kindness.” A voice drifts around you in the ask void.
“I had to re-learn how to be kind. I wouldn’t couldn’t let them take that away from me too.” Three gray fingertips brush, just barely, against a topmost curve of the soul. Then retreat back into the void.
“It shines the brightest in the dark.” The voice says next to you.
“Might just be a Perseverance thing?” The soul spins like a top. “Or maybe all souls do better with nothing else to outshine them.” The soul slows back to it’s idling state.
“I can’t say for sure. I’ve never seen another soul. Truth be told I’ve never even seen my own until now. You’d know better than me.” You clear your throat.
“Right,” The voice says. It sounds they had stepped closer to the soul.
“I’m here to tell you about it. Strange isn’t that? I’ve never seen it before and yet I know what each color means; how every crack happened.” The voice is further away. Gray fingers of one hand appear in the purple glow of the soul hovering over each mark tracing their patterns.
“ It wasn’t the trait I was born with.” The voice whispers.
“Perseverance I mean. I wasn’t born with it.”
There’s a child under the soul. Chubby cheeked with mousey brown hair sticking every which way, smiling show casing every tooth kind of smile, with hands pressed over their eyes. 2 or 3 years old if you had to guess by the height.
“I remember an overall dress and the last step on the porch. A gravel road and a sea of yellow. Stinging pain, red palms, the taste of salt.” The voice seems faint.
“Sierra, get up. Come on now; You’re a big girl.”
“I wanted help. It hurt. I just wanted to see where he was going. I tripped in the driveway.”
“Get up. You can do it. What happens when we fall down?”
“We get up.” The voice says back to the memory.
“Seas Never Give Up. We Keep Going.
Keep Going.
Keep Going!
Keep Going!!
Keep Going!!!
Keep Going!!!!”
You Can’t Give Up!“ The voice is screaming.
“Not Yet, Not Now, Not Ever!” The soul flashes bright brilliant purple.
“ Adapt and Over Come. Wait them out. You will outlast them. That’s what Perseverance is like. Looking at the obstacle and knowing come hell or high water you Will Make It.”
The child is gone. You can hear the voice panting. The soul is still shining so bright you can see the outline of its owner. Gray hands cupped around the bottom.
“ That day was the start of years of having to hold on. My Perseverance is a learned trait. I made it into a dangerous trait. I’d need it in the years to come. Otherwise, I’d never have survived the first crack.”
The soul comes back to it’s dim glow.
“She was an Okay Mom,” The voice continues.
“But a terrible person.” Their fingers trace a crack.
“ A cheater, manipulater…abuser.” They whisper.
“She was preferable to what came next.
On her 3rd marriage and 4 boyfriend she lost us for the drugs.
Grandpa was old fashioned; that’s putting it nicely. An alcoholic to boot.
We were nothing but a drain on their retirement fund. They never let us forget itÂ
The only good thing I can say is at least they don’t carry any physical scars.I made sure of that.” The voice sighs softly. Fingers tracing a different branch of dark cracks.
“In those 3 years I lost more pieces of myself then I’ll ever admit to. It should have breed hate. I should hate them for what they did. My siblings do.” The voice gets watery.
“But I couldn’t, I can’t.” The fingers brush back over the green edges of the soul.
“I promised someone a long time ago that I wouldn’t let them take away what made me reach out to lost souls.” The voice laughs.
“They told me Kindness was a choice. The ability to see pain, loss, loneliness even in those hiding it and reach out.” The fingers pull back and you can feel pressure against your shoulder as if someone was leaning into you.
“He died; trying to give me a life where I could make my own choices. He asked that I keep going. Never stop helping people. To find someone who will make me smile and dance again, who wants to see my dreams come true just as much as I do.” A hand wraps around yours.
“So who do you think?” The voice asks.
the tortoise’s two cents: I’ve been waiting to get to this one because the way it was written literally gave me chills and made me feel like I was standing in the Void, staring at the SOUL, listening to happened to bring it to this point. Â
So, I hope you won’t mind if I answer this one a little differently than the others.
“Who do I think?” the tortoise echos, staring mesmerized at the brilliant purple of the SOUL. Her chest clenched; there was so much pain there, so many cracks that were held together by a need to survive, that acquired trait that screamed to just keep going no matter what. Â
Her hand squeezes yours back, offering you reassurance, as a small smile curves her lips.  “I think… he’s the one.”
And suddenly, the tortoise is gone, leaving you with the fading warmth in your palm. Footsteps approach in the darkness, the sounds of someone with a casual, meandering stride, and when the person reaches the edge of the light radiating from your SOUL –
– Swapfell Papyrus’s features come into view.
Rus is smoking a dog treat, vermilion eyelights scanning your SOUL with nonchalance, as if this isn’t one of the most intimate moments you’ll ever have – bearing your very SOUL to another. Wisps of smoke curl around his face, framing it with the very color that shines so bright from you. Â
“welp, it’s damaged.” His gaze shifts toward you, and you feel as if he can make out your features in the darkness; he seems to be looking you directly in the eye.  “anyone weaker, an’ their very soul would’ve shattered, but yours’s still in one piece. they healed?” A skeletal digit reaches out and barely skims the surface of your SOUL, causing it to flinch and pull back, closer to you. He shrugs ever-so-slightly.  “guess not. an’ yet it’s still glowin’ that bright? darlin’, you’re a hell of a fighter.”
His expression shifts, a smirk curving his fangs, and he takes one final drag of the dog treat. He can relate to that – to having his own SOUL cracked and nearly broken, to almost falling down, to clinging to that need to keep going. Monsters couldn’t have Determination, but they could have plenty of Perseverance. Â
He’s not looking at you or your SOUL anymore; no, it feels like he’s looking through you, like he’s seeing something or hearing something within your SOUL. He shakes his head once, to clear it, and then offers his hand.
“c’mon, darlin’. let’s go somewhere that isn’t here.” He waits, patiently, keeping his hand out as you regard it. After another beat, a boney brow raises. “are you waitin’ for me to crack a joke, buddy?”
There’s so much hidden beneath the smirk he puts on; you can see the pain, the loss, the role he’s been forced into to Persevere and endure. Beneath all of that, you can see a faint green glow, that Kindness and sacrifice that he reserves for those closest to him.Â
You reach out.Â
As soon as you take his hand, the color returns to your skin. Your SOUL merges back with your body, the bright light dissipating at the same time that the darkness recedes. You can see him clearly now, his laid-back smirk surprisingly gentle, and as he guides you away, you hear a new voice speak from somewhere – one with a low, baritone murmur. Â
“you’re safe now, darlin’.”
While you’re with Rus, the cracks in your SOUL are likely to begin to fill with Integrity and possibly Justice if you spend a significant amount of time with his brother. The shell of Kindness is only going to become even brighter; it’s an aspect Rus needs – and something you deserve.
*I’m no longer accepting SOUL submissions.
Do you ever really leave a fandom???
Okay, so- I have seen people getting bored/uninterested of/in the Undertale Fandom and dropping out- so- I’d like to know something...
Please reblog if you’re still into Undertale or it’s AUs or ship children!
Ignore if you’re not…
Hasbro: so yeah transformers are robots, they dont have sex, they dont have any realtionships except of the suspiciously het sexless variety, their reproduction is very construction-y th
Rescue Bots: eggs. They lay eggs. They have tiny adorable babyformers. Babies.
Hasbro: uhhhhh
Bayverse: babies and eggs and egg sacs
Jro:… Babies and Gay Canoodling and Mpreg
Hasbro: oKAY
Cross my fingers & my toes.

(*Loooook at the super adorable tortoise-skele icon the wonderful @nighttimepixels made for me~.  Yep, that’s my tortoise self wearing Stretch’s hoodie.  Ahhh, I had to address that first!)
I decided for the milestone event, I’d do a fic raffle because they seem fun! Â
How to Enter:Â Just be following me and reblog this post! Â Easy-peasy! Â
The Prize: An Undertale one-shot!  Your choice of characters and AU’s.  I don’t have many limits; it can be SFW or NSFW, and I’m down with most pairings (canon/canon or canon/reader).  I do request that you not ask me to put your specific OC in the fic, however, just because I’d hate to portray them incorrectly.  Also, I’m good with most AU’s, and even if I’m unfamiliar, if there’s enough information for me to be able to get a feel for the characters’ personalities, we’re golden.  You can be as vague or detailed as you like; even if it’s something as simple as “Stretch sin.”  Or, hell, if you have something you want to see as an SSLL chapter, I’m game for that too. Â
The Deadline: It’ll end at 2PM CST on 6/24.
I’ll enter everyone’s names into a random gen and pick the winners that way.  Right now, I’m hoping to draw three names.  That’s subject to change depending on how many people enter. Â
Thanks again for reading my silly stuff, guys!  You’re all amazing!