Love Letter - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

"It is the oddities of life that fail to detain me. Of all the poets I've met so very few have even begun to grasp it; the meaning of anything, and how to string words together in heartaching ways. I met one once, and he fell in love with me, but like poets we could not stop writing about eachother. I think that's what never let us be in love."

-Isabella Lamberty

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5 months ago

Untitled writing, Isabella Lamberty

“I hope you give me a warning when you get married.”

My whole brain and body shot up in the car seat. His mother peered at us through the rearview mirror as she drove.

He grinned. “How much time do you need?”

“At least two years,” Her voice was half serious, half joking. Through her accent and broken english, I noticed a sincerity there– as if she was pleading, get married one day Son, por favor.

His grin was wide and genuine unlike his picture smiles, he told his mom, “Alright, I’ll let you know.”

I laughed, and we all laughed. His mom laughed because she wanted him to marry, and me because I knew he might never marry, and never to me. But he smiled a bright smile that killed me inside. I wanted to say this, to say, “I can’t picture you getting married.” Truth be told it’s locked in my dreams: flashes of our church– which was not very church shaped– all decked out in floral arrangements, and us at the altar, his father– the pastor– officiating. I think, how delusional of me? I wish I had said it then, in the car, but maybe it would've spoiled the moment of laughter, or the little bit of hope in my heart that he wouldn't mind being married to me.

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5 months ago

"All I ever did was hate your laugh And burned all the things we had When he took me in phases  And it drove my heart so crazy The things we killed midday,  Or how we never stayed,  Or how most of my poems are just listing things  In a pushy, psychotic form."

-Isabella Lamberty, Make-believe Funerals

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4 months ago

"My Vows" by Isabella Lamberty

My soul embarks, and stains,

the soul stamped with his name

The numbness of life surroundings

Birds pecking out my shortcomings

I'm left in a pile of black feathers

Shaking in the shadows of a father's

Lackluster lingering marriage

Somethings a miss

Praying over spilled beads, throwing out ripped jeans

Eyes spinning in bad dreams, us loving prophetic things,

Elbow pains and elbow sores, my crooked dresser drawers,

Lying lovers harboring bedsores, the bit: “I’m sick of being yours!”

Fiddling with the fibers just to cross the road

Latching on to piping hot love but the tea’s cold-

Falling over in lamplit streets, eventually going home.

Because every little fiber just didn’t wanna know

I’m left in a pile of love letter similes baked in snow

Blank little white boards for personal love scores

Loose rhymes, stern words, lost myself in microscopic blurbs-

That settles the score!

Love is like winning a long dead war, where I never get to touch him,

Never get to be rewired, sifting through the fibers- of this married bore.

He never wrote a letter so I have the heroin nod,

I fought off birds against all odds,

So I present the tared feathers in awe,

For all those lingering in marriage,

I rip stickers off plastic sheets, harboring the early birds starry deep!

My soul- like his- a husband in hiding, me some wife to reside in-

Was a miss.

I stained boards and beams, never leaving a single seam

To any nuptial sheet, never turning a cheek, this would seem-

to settle my score!

Love is like winning a long dead war,

So much praying and pecking,

Just to end in divorce.

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4 years ago

💖Today, Aphrodite urges you to write a love letter to yourself!💖

I swear, I’ve felt restless all day, and feel like I should share what she’s asked of me! So, here we go: Let’s all do something nice, and wholesome!

Today, Aphrodite Urges You To Write A Love Letter To Yourself!

💋Decorate it! Whether you’re writing on paper, or in your computer, add cute margins, or sketches around the paper. Make it look good for you! Use your favorite color!

💋 Say hi! Imagine you’re sending this letter to your beloved, greet yourself with nice words!

💋What is something you love/want to love about yourself? Your amazing eyes? The hair that falls like a waterfall? Be as cheesy as you want, have fun!

💋Talk about a time you enjoyed spending time by yourself, and thank yourself for your company. You made dinner last night, and it was delicious? Talk about it, tell yourself how much you enjoyed it!

💋What are some things you absolutely love? Cats, running, procrastinating, lighting eggs on fire, whatever it is, put it there! Talk about why you love it, maybe even add pictures if you’re using a note app!

💋 If you feel specially creative, and are having fun, write a small poem to yourself! It doesn’t have to be good, it can even be funny, just write anything that will make you smile!

💋Ask yourself on a date! “Hey, me, do you maybe want to go take a shower now? Yeah? 😘”

💋Focus on having fun while writing, and just write about anything that makes you happy.

Above all, remember that even if all you can manage is “Hey, self, I wish I loved you. Take care.”, Aphrodite will be absolutely proud of you. And I’ll be too! If you feel good sharing the work you made, be sure to tag me! I’m excited about reading y’all! And I for sure will be posting mine later because it sounds really fun and wholesome.

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4 years ago

One immortals love letter to another

1917, Western Front.

Dearest Maxwell,

It is in this letter, that I write to you with great indignation.

I know you don’t care for learning new languages, but I have been searching for the one that could adequately express the entirety of my fondness for you. So far, my quest is incomplete and I with it.

It hurts, dear Maxwell, that we always find each other, no matter what. It always hurts that I’ll walk into a club and find you still drinking that disgusting Dutch drink that I think is closer related to tar than water. It always makes me ache when I encounter you in the dank, damp trenches; or even worse, the other side of the battlefield.

When I first came to know of our situation, I feared the burden of infinity. But Forever doesn’t seem so daunting with you at my side, Maxwell.  

You have been a part of me, Maxwell, since that moment you barged into my house, way before the revelation of our longevity occurred, and made us two cups of tea and you got mine completely backwards. That is why I send this letter with malice intended.

Life was all I wanted it to be before you. Now I lie awake at night in a bed that should occupy your body next to mine. All of your gangly limps, and horribly ugly smiles that are all teeth and no face and disgusts me as warmth pools into my stomach.  

I will never send this letter to you, and I will never tell you. I will not tell you even when our ephemeral friends die. I will not tell you when we are overcome with joy of watching this new-born species take their first steps past infancy. And finally, I will not tell you when the sun meets the Earth and I must endure ever after with you alone and no one to distract me.

I have poured half my heart on this page in hopes that you will return some of yours back to me. But for now, I must go around and live life half-heartedly as I despair because of my cowardice.

Forgive me if I leave this adventure out of our next meeting, it is not a tale I think I could tell you face to face.



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6 months ago



He is a weirdo, wait not exactly a weirdo but still he's or should I say my one and only. He's like a magician in this not so magical disneyland, he thinks that he's a boring person then why do I wait so much just to know what his day was like? Why does everything about him seem interesting to me. I never thought that a random sentence which I would've cringed on would end up making me blush, racing my heart and got me smiling like a fool cause the one who said those words was him. We're miles away yet so close, we are the complete opposites, probably not so suitable for each other,our music taste doesn't matches,I hate how he ends up bringing maths,logic,sports, general knowledge and many more things in our conversations yet I want to know about everything cause the one who's telling me is him, I never thought that I would end up wanting to solve things with someone after a fight, never imagined that I'll say all those cringe stuff, do silly things, pray for your well being,I want to cook for you,feed you, walk hands in hands with you, click lots of pictures with you,stargaze with you,travel with you, build a home together, sometimes get angry at you only sometimes okay? There are so many things I want to do with you so,I guess you'll have to be with me for a long time. I never thought that loving someone would've been this beautiful until I found you. I don't even know how and why I fell in love with you it just happened well I'm glad it did!


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4 years ago

hi what do you use to smooth and sharpen your gifs??

hi! i don’t particularly use any settings other than the preset settings on vapoursynth from the resizer (knlm and finesharp) i select those as they are.

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1 year ago

☆- Put this star in the inbox of your favorite blogs. Its time to spread positivity! 🌻

omg maddie! thank you 🥹 and right back at you 💗

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2 years ago

"It's late but I need you here

The canvas will keep all those sins soaked in its thread

I'll paint, I'll paint you a perfect portrait and cover all those flaws I never saw

So you can't leave yet 'cause if the dirt can't keep your secrets..."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫, 𝙸𝙸: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚛𝚝 𝚆𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜

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7 years ago

We can never number the paintings in the world,nor the poems nor the symphonies. We can never number the types of love nor the ways we express it. And this fact never troubled me,yet it amazed me. Cause we are all a puzzle solved by a missing piece,and it fits perfectly and matches insanely with the rest of who we are. And sometimes it differs and it doesn't matches at first,then two souls have to flip their pieces or soften their edges to have a meaningful picture,and this effort might not be what life is about ,yet it's definitely is what love is all about.

Reema Tabra

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8 years ago

colours. Prologue- A letter to Lori.

Dear Lori,

The only thing I leave you is a letter, but I thought it would be better than a call or a text. Yes, I’m leaving. There’s nothing more for me here, all I love is either gone or taken and I need fresh scenery.

I’m sorry I left while you still needed me. To be honest I think you’ll always need me, just like I’ll always need you. Lori you make me suffer, you make me cry and you don’t even see it. I want you, I wanted you, but now it’s a little too late, a little too blue.

Your eyes are blue, I’ll always remember, and if I’m lucky and end up having grandchildren that’s what they’ll know about you. They won’t know your name or your job, your personality, your quotes and your colours. They’ll know about your eyes, your true eyes, and how blue they became.

This letter is too blue, isn’t it Lori? I just wanted to confess, keep it a lovely shade of pink, but there is no pink with you. You’re blue, blue and brown and green and red. I don’t even have a colour anymore I just stare at you. How pure you’ve become.

You got your wings, you little red wings, only when I thought you were going to fly to me, you flew away.

Now it’s my turn to leave the nest.

I love you,

-###re Ma##u# En#a######

P.S.: I’m sorry I couldn’t write my name, but your blue got to my eyes.

Colours. Prologue- A Letter To Lori.

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2 years ago
 A Letter To My First Love, Inspired By NCT Dreams (To My First)

— a letter to my first love, inspired by NCT Dream’s 마지막 인사 (To My First) 𓇬 ˖ ࣪

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12 years ago

DJ Okawari - Flower Dance and Love Letter vs. RainyMood

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2 years ago

Words Left Unsaid

Okay, this this one is a little weird, and I will admit I got a little overly involved in a post that has been going around social media, as seen below. This is the story of Jeanne, and how she finds Claude’s letter, over 150 years later. It also draw inspiration from this week’s Friday Picture Prompt on The Writer’s Mess, with the picture of the Love Locks. It is questionable as where this…

Words Left Unsaid

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2 years ago

I made a actual love letter for one of my partners and i’ve recently really liked making origami envelopes for whatever reason <3

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5 months ago

The Last Summer Dairies

The Last Summer Dairies
The Last Summer Dairies
The Last Summer Dairies

To my someone :


What have you done to me?!

For, you're not all the perfection of the universe, nor the most beautiful of all 8 billion!

When I first saw you..

Thought you are good and kinda 'reserved'

I don't quite remember it but I must've judged you, you too!

After all I'm a just a human and definitely not the best of my kind, who got both good and the bad nestled inside them..

You're not perfect either..

Nobody is..

But it's your imperfections that shined bright, flawed but real is what you are.. to me..

The love that's gradually filling up my heart - for you - has crushed all yours flaws, my eyes can only see you if it is to adore you and love you.. i thought the love made your flaws invisible but no, it made them look even more beautiful, every flaw, every scar, every tear, they're beautiful and pure.. for, judging you has far left my dictionary..

Idk how you do it, still, the same magic tricks. Every. Freaking. Day.. I'm spellbound.. it's that little smile of yours that does all the tricks i guess.. that smile, that gets all the butterflies in my tummy to flutter wildly.. you're a witch..

Your presence feels like a whole firework display during my darkest of nights..

Whenever I look at you, I feel like those hero's in movies or soap operas, gawking at the female lead, her sight alone played a 100 drums in his hearts along with a background song and suddenly everybody in the street is a undercover dancer. The heavy breeze that surprisingly never makes her hair frizzy but let is flow beautifully making her look the prettiest. And the 'full teeth display' smile is suddenly so beautiful?? How?? Love?? All of this.. which I once considered cringe is now my reality. The irony! The audacity! Love again? Goddamn you!!

Whenever I see you, I felt like the time's tricking me. As if it halted for a moment, a brief moment to admire you.. woah now I'm officially mad?! In love..?! Cheesy! But real :( the time stopped for a moment, for my eyes to capture your every detail, every flaw, and still adore you. The time, it feels painfully slow but awfully fast wherever I'm with you..

The voices inside me always taunted me, but when I'm with you they sing classic romantics?! The worse singers became the enchantress, the sirens, the muses, the nine circes. See, look at what your presence made me. What is so special about you?? To love you so deep and mad.

But then, I realised, you're not special, you're just YOU. A normal, joyous, chaotic yet adorable you! A human, like me. Cause what are you to be so special and flawless??? A doll? That I can choose beforehand, for how you should look and behave? A doll I can pick out of several others, pick the flawless one, the best of all from the carefully displayed showcase?? But you're not a doll.. you're a human, like me, in flesh and blood, with a heart that pumps and a mind that wanders around, with scars that glimmer gold and flaws that flaunts in silver. I have not chosen you because you're best of all, I haven't even chosen you to begin with, I just love you.

You're not stood out of the crowd but among the crowd caring everyone.. You're not ace of everything but jack of all trades enough to survive.. You're not a popular celebrity nor a high profile officer.. for now.. under every thing, beneath every layer, You're just YOU.. a normal human, fighting her own battles, loving her people while living her best life as she possibly can.

As selfishly as it might sound to you but I'm glad you're not special, for, I'm just as average and normal as you are, a typical human, so if you are special then I wouldn't have met you ever! You stayed as YOU, nothing special but also just specially you.. and so it was easy for me to have met you and be with you and find the lost lights of my life within your warmth.

You were never mine to begin with..

You were never unrecognizably special..

You're just YOU and now..

You're just mine..

Tags : #the last summer dairies

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